HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 11-12-19853.1 Proclamation for Veterans Unity Month3.2 Valley Memorial Expansion5.1 Approve 10-28-1985 Minutes5.2 Investment Report5.3 Fair Responsibility Act of 19865.4 Planning Consult Downtown Improve Plan5.5 Amador Lakes Mini Park5.6 1984-85 Budget Modifications5.7 Accept Tract 45695.8 Warrant Register 11-12-19856.1 MTC Proposed Legislation Transport Tax7.1 Cable TV Franchise Ord and Agree7.2 Deny PA 85-060 Great Western Savings7.3 BusLdngZone@NielsonSch8.1 Solid Waste Request for Proposals9.1 BART Express Bus Route D9.2 Amend Alameda Solid Waste Mgmt Plan