HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.7 Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project (PLPA-2020-00044)STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item 4.7 DATE:June 7, 2022 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project (PLPA-2020-00044) Prepared by:Amy Million,Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:On May 17, 2022, the City Council held a Public Hearing to consider the Inspiration Drive Memory Care project consisting of a 55-bed memory care facility on Parcel 2 of the Valley Christian Center property. Requested approvals included a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center, a Site Development Review Permit, a Street Vacation, and a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the unused street right-of-way. The City Council waived the first reading and introduced the Planned Development Ordinances and adopted Resolutions approving the Site Development Review Permit, a Street Vacation, and a Purchase and Sale Agreement. The City Council will hold a second reading of Ordinances approving the Planned Development Rezone for the project and amending Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Waive the reading and:1) adopt the Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District With a Related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project;and 2) adopt the Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center. FINANCIAL IMPACT:The costs associated with processing the proposed projects are borne by the Applicant. 191 Page 2 of 3 DESCRIPTION:The project site is part of the Valley Christian Center property. The Valley Christian Center is located on approximately 51 acres at 7500 Inspiration Drive in the westerly portion of Dublin. The Valley Christian Center property includes four separate parcels as shown in Figure 1. The property has a General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public. The property is subject to Planned Development (PD)Zoning (Ordinance No. 07-03),which was approved as part of the original Valley Christian expansion program in 2003. The PD has been amended over time to reflect the changing needs for church facilities. Figure 1. Project Location The Applicant proposes to construct the Inspiration Drive Memory Care project, consisting of a 55-bed memory care facility, on Parcel 2 of the Valley Christian Center property. Requested approval include a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center, a Site Development Review Permit, a Street Vacation, and a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the unused street right-of-way. On May 17, 2022, the City Council waived the first reading and introduced the Ordinances amending the zoning map and approving the Planned Development Zoning District with the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the project and amending Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center. The City Council also adopted Resolutions approving the Site Development Review Permit, a Street Vacation, and a Purchase and Sale Agreement. A copy of the staff report for the May 17, 2022 meeting, without attachments,is included as Attachment 3. The City Council is being asked to hold a second reading and adopt the Ordinances. The Ordinance for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care project is included as Attachment 1 and the Ordinance 192 Page 3 of 3 amending Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center is included as Attachment 2. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:Development on the project site was previously addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program (State Clearinghouse No. 200212070). On May 20, 2003, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 92-03, certifying an EIR for the Valley Christian Center.In 2018, the City adopted a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration supported by an Initial Study (2018 Supplemental IS/MND) to evaluate proposed changes to the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program, including conversion of the softball field to a football athletic field, expansion of an existing athletic field to accommodate the relocated softball field, construction of a central plaza, and associated parking and landscape improvements. Consistent with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), includingSection 21166 and related CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163, the City prepared an Initial Study to determine whether additional environmental review was required for the proposed Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living projects, which determined that there were new potentially significant impacts associated with the project related to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and noise; therefore, a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse No. 2021110251)was prepared to analyze the impacts and identify mitigation measures for those impacts.The project is subject to mitigation measures identified in the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and the previously adopted EIR, as applicable. The City will monitor the Applicant’s compliance with mitigation measures as the project is constructed and operated under the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted in conjunction with the project approvals. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE:None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH:The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS:1) Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District With a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project2) Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center3) City Council May 17, 2022 Staff Report, without attachments 193 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 1 of 8 ORDINANCE NO. XX – 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT WITH A STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE INSPIRATION DRIVE MEMORY CARE PROJECT (PLPA-2020-00044) (APN 941-0022-005-00) The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS A.The Applicant, Steve Ring of Fulcrum Development, is proposing to develop a 55-bed memory care facility on Parcel 2 of the Valley Christian Center Property located at 7500 Inspiration Drive. Requested approvals include a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review Permit, and Street Vacation. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the “Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project” or the “Project.” B.The Project site is approximately 1.6 acres located on the northwest corner of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard (APN 941-0022-005-00). C.The existing General Plan land use designation for the project site is Public/Semi-Public. D.The Project site is located within the A (Agricultural) zoning district as stated in Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03. E.The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the CEQA Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared. F.In 2003, the City Council adopted a Resolution certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adopted findings and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Valley Christian Center Expansion/Master Plan project (Resolution No. 92-03, incorporated herein by reference). G.In 2018, the City adopted a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration supported by an Initial Study (2018 Supplemental IS/MND) to evaluate proposed changes to the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program, including conversion of the softball field to a football athletic field, expansion of an existing athletic field to accommodate the relocated softball field, construction of a central plaza, and associated parking and landscape improvements. H.The City prepared an Initial Study to determine whether supplemental environmental review was required for the proposed Project under CEQA standards. The Initial Study examined whether there were substantial changes to the proposed development, substantial changes in circumstances, or new information, any of which would result in new or more severe significant impacts than analyzed in the prior Valley Christian Center EIR Attachment 1 194 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 2 of 8 and 2018 Supplemental IS/MND or whether any other standards for supplemental environmental review were met. I.Upon completion of the Initial Study it was determined that there were new potentially significant impacts associated with the project related to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and noise and, therefore, a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared to analyze those impacts and identify mitigation measures to reduce the impacts to less than significant. J.The Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study was circulated for public review from November 18, 2021 - December 17, 2021. K.The City of Dublin received no comment letters during the public review period. L.The Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, on April 26, 2022, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. M.On April 26, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-04 recommending that the City Council adopt the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve amendments to the Zoning Map, a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, a Site Development Review Permit, and a Street Vacation for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. N.On May 17, 2022, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the project and the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. O.A Staff Report dated May 17, 2022, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the project, including the amendment to the Planned Development Zoning District, Site Development Review Permit, and Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City Council. P.The City Council considered the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration, as well as the prior Valley Christian Center EIR, the 2018 Supplemental IS/MND to the Valley Christian Center EIR and all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony before taking any action on the Project. Q. The City Council did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: FINDINGS A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The Memory Care Project (“the Project”) Planned Development zoning meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive development plan that is consistent with the General Plan and protects the integrity and character of the area by creating a desirable use of land that is sensitive to surrounding land uses 195 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 3 of 8 by virtue of the layout and design of the site plan. The Project is planned comprehensively and will follow development standards tailored to the specific needs of the site. These standards will address issues such as building setbacks, architecture, landscaping and grading. The proposed development will blend with the natural features unique to the site through the use of design and planning. 2. Development of the Project under the Planned Development zoning will be harmonious and compatible with existing residential and semi-public development in the surrounding area in that the site will provide a residential care facility for the senior population from Dublin and surrounding areas. B. Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The Planned Development zoning for the Project will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that the proposed site plan has taken into account adjacent land uses and will provide a wide range of amenities to and for the community within the development and the surrounding neighborhoods. The Project is consistent with the surrounding land uses and has been approved for development in the Stage I Planned Development. 2. The Project site conditions were documented in the VCC EIR and Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration that have been prepared, and the environmental impacts that have been identified will be mitigated to the greatest degree possible. The area of the site proposed for development was previously graded and there are no site challenges that were identified in the EIR, which could not be mitigated, that will present an impediment to utilization of the site for the intended purposes. 3. The Planned Development zoning is consistent with the General Plan policies and the City’s Zoning Ordinances enacted for the public health, safety and welfare. The Project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity or will it be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. The Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. Additionally, no noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noises will be produced. 4. The Planned Development zoning is consistent with and in conformance with the Dublin General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public, which allows for quasi-public uses such as senior centers, special needs program facilities and other similar services and benefit to the community. SECTION 3: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Pursuant to Chapter 8.32, Title 8 of the City of Dublin Municipal Code the City of Dublin Zoning Map is amended to Rezone the property described below to a Planned Development zoning district and supersedes and replaces the previously adopted A (Agricultural) zoning district as stated in Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03: 1.6 acres at Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard; APN 941-0022-005 (“the Property”). A map of the rezoned area is shown below: 196 Ord.No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 4 of 8 SECTION 4. APPROVAL OF STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The regulations for the use, development, improvement, and maintenance of the Property are set forth in the following Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the 1.6-acre property,which is hereby approved. Any amendments to the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan shall be in accordance with Section 8.32.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) or its successors. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan This is a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan pursuant to DMC Chapter 8.32. This Development Plan meets all the requirements for both a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan and is adopted as part of the Planned Development Rezone for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project (PLPA-2020-00044). The Planned Development zoning district and this Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan provides flexibility to encourage innovative development while ensuring that the goals, policies, and action programs of the General Plan and provisions of DMC Chapter 8.32 are satisfied. 1.Statement of Uses. Permitted Uses (as defined by the Zoning Ordinance): Community Care Facility/Large Similar and related uses as determined by the Director of Community Development Conditional Uses: None 197 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 5 of 8 Accessory Uses: Uses which are necessarily and customarily associated with, and are appropriate, incidental, and subordinate to the principal uses as determined by the Director of Community Development 2. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Site Plan. The site plan is shown below. 3. Site area, proposed densities, and development regulations. Maximum Beds 55 Maximum Faculty and Staff 18 (on-site at one time) Maximum Floor Area Ratio .50 Maximum Building Height:35 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 50 % Parking Spaces 1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds Parking Stall Dimensions Standards Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Minimum Setbacks 20’ front yard 10’ street side yard 10’ Interior side yard 15’ rear yard (building) 5’ rear yard (fence) Signage Pursuant to an approved Master Sign Program 4. Phasing Plan. The project site will be graded, improved, and constructed as a whole in one phase. 5. General Plan Consistency. 198 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 6 of 8 The project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public, which includes senior centers, special needs program facilities and other similar services that provide benefits to the community. The Public/Semi-Public land use designation also permits a floor area ratio of .50. 6. Inclusionary Zoning Regulations. The project is not subject to the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations (Chapter 8.68) for the provision of affordable housing because the regulations apply only to residential development projects of 20 units or more. 7. Preliminary Landscape Plan. The landscape design of the project shall reflect the following standards: Utilizing the Dublin Streetscape Master Plan Plant Selections, utilize plants recommended and that are suitable to the Dublin climate for drought resistance and fire safety. The plant selection should be considered low and moderate use of water based upon the WUCOLS IV list for this region. Sufficient landscape screening should be utilized to create natural space between building structures when possible. Streets trees should be selected from the Streetscape Master Plan plant palette and considered moderate or low water use. Trees should match existing street trees whenever possible. 8. Architectural Standards. The design of future buildings on the project site shall be compatible with the development patterns of the area and complement surrounding uses. Scale and massing shall be compatible to the surrounding area and human-scale elements shall be implemented where appropriate. Long, monotonous wall planes shall be avoided, and massing breaks shall be implemented to provide depth and visual interest. Horizontal changes in plane are encouraged. Building roof forms shall provide undulation and implement gable roof forms or similar. The form of the roof should relate to the form of the building and mechanical equipment screened from the public, when feasible. Architectural style shall draw inspiration from nearby examples in the area. Building designs shall implement a transitional style between residential and commercial development. In general, high-quality commercial-grade materials shall be used and the use of stucco, stone, brock, fiber cement siding, composition shingles or tile is encouraged. Colors chosen shall be neutral in nature and avoid bright, harsh primary colors. 199 Ord.No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 7 of 8 9.Aerial Photo. 10.Applicable Requirements of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except as specifically provided in this Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, the use, development, improvement and maintenance of the property shall be governed by the R- M (Multi-Family Residential) zoning district provisions pursuant to DMC Section 8.32.060.C. No development shall occur on this property until a Site Development Review Permit has been approved. SECTION 5: SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. SECTION 6. POSTING OF ORDINANCE The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public spaces in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days following its adoption. 200 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 8 of 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk 201 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 1 of 5 ORDINANCE NO. XX – 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE NO. 07-03 FOR THE VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER PLPA 2020-00044 and PLPA-2020-00045 (APNs 941-0022-005-000, 941-0022-006-00 and 941-0022-004-00) The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS A.The Applicant, Steve Ring of Fulcrum Development, is proposing to develop a 55-bed memory care facility on Parcel 2 and an 81-bed assisted living facility on Parcel 3 of the Valley Christian Center Property located at 7500 Inspiration Drive. Requested approvals include a Planned Development Rezone with Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, Site Development Review Permits, a Street Vacation, and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241. These planning and implementing actions are collectively known as the “Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project and Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project” or the “Projects.” B.The Project sites are approximately 1.6 acres located on the northwest corner of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard (Parcel 2; APN 941-0022-005-00) and approximately 4.68 acres located on the northwest corner of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard (Parcel 3; APN 941-0022-006-00). C.The existing General Plan land use designation for the project site is Public/Semi-Public. D.Parcels 1 and 3 of the Valley Christian Center are located within Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance No. 07-03 and Parcel 2 is located within the A (Agricultural) zoning district as stated in Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance No. 07-03. E.The Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Inspiration Drive Assisted Living projects on Parcel 2 and Parcel 3, respectively, include Planned Development Rezones that will supersede their respective existing zoning designations. F.Minor amendments to Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance No. 07-03 to remove reference to Parcel 2 and modify the reference to Parcel 3, is necessary for consistency and ease of implementation. G.The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the CEQA Guidelines and City of Dublin CEQA Guidelines and Procedures require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared. H.In 2003, the City Council adopted a Resolution certifying an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and adopted findings and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Valley Christian Center Expansion/Master Plan project (Resolution No. 92-03, incorporated herein by reference). Attachment 2 202 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 2 of 5 I.In 2018, the City adopted a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration supported by an Initial Study (2018 Supplemental IS/MND) to evaluate proposed changes to the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program, including conversion of the softball field to a football athletic field, expansion of an existing athletic field to accommodate the relocated softball field, construction of a central plaza, and associated parking and landscape improvements. J.The City prepared a Initial Study to determine whether supplemental environmental review was required for the proposed Project under CEQA standards. The Initial Study examined whether there were substantial changes to the proposed development, substantial changes in circumstances, or new information, any of which would result in new or more severe significant impacts than analyzed in the prior Valley Christian Center EIR and 2018 Supplemental MND or whether any other standards for supplemental environmental review were met. K.Upon completion of the Initial Study, it was determined that there were new potentially significant impacts associated with the project related to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and noise and, therefore, a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared to analyze those impacts and identify mitigation measures to reduce the impacts to less than significant. L.The Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study was circulated for public review from November 18, 2021 - December 17, 2021. M.The City of Dublin received no comment letters during the public review period. N.The Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, on April 26, 2022, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. O.On April 26, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-04 recommending that the City Council adopt the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve amendments to the Zoning Map, a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, a Site Development Review Permit, and a Street Vacation for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. P.On April 26, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-05 recommending that the City Council adopt the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve amendments to the Zoning Map, an amendment to Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 07-03, a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, a Site Development Review Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 for the Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. 203 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 3 of 5 Q.On May 17, 2022, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, including the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. R.A Staff Report dated May 17, 2022, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the amendment to Planned Development Zoning District Ordinance No. 07-03, Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review Permit, Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 and Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration, for the City Council. S.On May 17, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 50-22 adopting the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the project, and the City Council considered the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration as well as the prior Valley Christian Center EIR, 2018 Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration to the Valley Christian Center EIR and all above-referenced reports, recommendations, and testimony to evaluate the Project. T.The City Council did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Amendments to the PD Stage 1 Development Plan are provided in redline below with text to be removed in strikeout and text to be added underlined. Sections and subsections of the Stage 1 Development Plan with no amendments are excluded from this Ordinance and remained unchanged. There are no changes to the Stage 2 Development Plan. The Development Plan consists of: 1. A Stage 1 Development Plan for a portion of Parcel 3. 2. A Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan for Parcel 1. 3. Parcel 2, as shown on the Project plans, is not subject to this Planned Development Rezoning and Development Plan, and will remain zoned as A Agricultural District. STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. Zoning A.Parcel 1 shall be zoned PD - Community Facility. B.Parcel 2 shall remain zoned A Agricultural District, and not subject to the Stage 1 Rezoning and Development Plan. C. Parcel 3 shall be zoned PD - Future Development Area Conservation Easement. D.Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this PD District/Development Plan, the use, development, improvement and maintenance of property within this PD District/Development Plan shall be subject to the provisions of the A- Agricultural Zoning District for Parcels 1 and 3 and all applicable general requirements and procedures of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance shall be applied to the land uses designated in this PD District Rezone. 2.Statement of proposed uses: 204 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 4 of 5 Parcel 2. A- Agricultural District is deleted in its entirety Parcel 3. PD – Future Study Area is amended as follows: Parcel 3. PD – Conversation Easement Permitted Uses: No uses shall be permitted until established by a future Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning approved by the City Council. Conservation Easement: A portion of The property shall be maintained as open space under a Conservation Easement, or other deed restriction acceptable to the Community Development Director, City Engineer and City Attorney that precludes development on the northern and eastern portion of Parcel 3 adjacent to the homes on Las Palmas Way. The deed restriction shall not preclude landscaping. Conditional Uses: No conditional uses shall be permitted until established by a future Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning approved by the City Council. Accessory Uses: No accessory uses shall be permitted until established by a future Stage 2 Planned Development Rezoning approved by the City Council. 3. Stage 1 Site Plan The Stage 1 Site Plan consists of Sheet 1 and S-1 of the project plans dated February 5, 2003, and "received April 16, 2003" (hereafter, project plans) and amended to exclude the residential units and excluding all references to residential type uses on Parcel 2 and the Future Study Area on Parcel 3. 4. Site area, proposed densities, size and new area, Phase Plan Parcel 2 (1.4 acres) is deleted in its entirety Parcel 3 (12.71 acres) is amended as follows: Parcel 3 (8.03 acres) Phase Number Use Number of Dwelling Units Acres Maximum Density 3 Conservation Easement N/A 8.03 N/A Conservation Easement: A portion of the property shall be maintained as open space under a Conservation Easement, or other deed restriction acceptable to the Community Development Director, City Engineer and City Attorney, that precludes development on the northern and eastern portion of Parcel 3 adjacent to the homes on Las Palmas Way (see project plans). The deed restriction shall not preclude landscaping. 205 Ord. No. XX-22, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/22 Page 5 of 5 6. General Plan consistency Parcel 1. The proposed PD- Community Facility development of Parcel 1 is consistent with the Public/Semi-Public designation of the Dublin General Plan. Parcel 2. The existing zoning of A Agricultural District for Parcel 2 is consistent with the Public/Semi-Public designation of the Dublin General Plan. No development plans are proposed. Parcel 3. Future Development Area. No development plans are proposed; therefore, General Plan consistency is not an issue. A Conservation or Open Space Easement will cover a portion of the parcel as shown on the project plans. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. SECTION 4. POSTING OF ORDINANCE The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three public spaces in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days following its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 7th day of June 2022, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _____________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk 206 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 15 Agenda Item 6.1 DATE: May 17, 2022 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living Projects (PLPA-2020- 00044 and PLPA-2020-00045) Prepared by: Amy Million, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant, Steve Ring of Fulcrum Development, is proposing to develop two projects, a 55- bed memory care facility and an 84-bed assisted living facility, on Parcels 2 and 3, respectively, of the Valley Christian Center property. Requested approvals include Planned Development Rezoning with related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, Site Development Review Permits, a Street Vacation and Tentative Parcel Map. The City Council will consider the Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living projects, including a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration to the Valley Christian Center Environmental Impact Report. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate and: 1) adopt the Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living Projects; 2) waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project; 3) adopt the Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project; 4) adopt the Resolution Summarily Vacating Unused Right-of-Way on Dublin Boulevard and Reservation of a Public Service Easement; 5) adopt the Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Valley Christian Center for Exempt Surplus Former Right-of-Way on Dublin Boulevard; 6) waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project; 7) waive the reading and INTRODUCE the Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center; Attachment 3 207 Page 2 of 15 and 8) adopt the Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 for the Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The costs associated with processing the proposed projects are borne by the Applicant. As part of the Inspiration Drive Memory Care project, a summary vacation of unused right-of-way on Dublin Boulevard is requested. Staff is recommending a sale price of $14.83/square foot for a total of $120,390. The recommended sale price was based on a comparable sale of a vacant property zoned for commercial use with similar improvements, and the proposed Memory Care Facility at 5751 Arnold Road property’s 2021-22 assessed value. DESCRIPTION: The two project sites are part of the Valley Christian Center property. The Valley Christian Center is located on approximately 51 acres at 7500 Inspiration Drive in the westerly portion of Dublin. The Valley Christian Center property includes four separate parcels as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. The property has a General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi- Public. The property is subject to Planned Development (PD) Zoning (Ordinance No. 07-03), which was approved as part of the original Valley Christian expansion program in 2003. The PD has been amended over time to reflect the changing needs for church facilities. The project sites are surrounded by the Valley Christian Center, open space, and residential land uses as shown in Table 2 and Table 3. Figure 1. Project Location 208 Page 3 of 15 Table 1: Valley Christian Center Parcel Sizes and Land Uses Parcel No. Current Use of the Property Proposed Use of the Property Parcel Size Existing General Plan Land Use 1 Valley Christian Center Campus No change – Church/School 33.3 Public/Semi-Public 1A Valley Christian Center Campus No change – Church/School 3.7 Public/Semi-Public 2 Vacant Memory Care Facility 1.6 Public/Semi-Public 3 Vacant / Conservation Easement (northern 8 acres) Assisted Living Facility /Conservation Easement 12.7 Public Semi-Public Table 2: Memory Care Facility Surrounding Land Uses Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of the Property North PD (Planned Development) Public/Semi-Public Valley Christian Center Campus South N/A N/A Dublin Boulevard / I-580 East PD (Planned Development) Public/Semi-Public Vacant West PD (Planned Development) Medium/High Density Residential Condominiums Table 3: Assisted Living Facility Surrounding Land Uses Location Zoning General Plan Land Use Current Use of the Property North PD (Planned Development) Public/Semi-Pubic & Low-Density Single Family Valley Christian Center Campus and Single- Family Homes South N/A N/A Dublin Boulevard / I-580 East R-1 (Single Family Residential) Single Family Residential Single Family Homes West PD (Planned Development) Public/Semi-Public Vacant Proposed Projects The Applicant, Fulcrum Development, has submitted applications for two separate projects that are being processed concurrently. Collectively, the proposed projects would result in development of a 55-bed memory care facility on Parcel 2 (PLPA-2020-00044) and an 84-bed assisted living facility on Parcel 3 (PLPA-2020-00045). Both projects include associated landscaping, parking, utility improvements and frontage improvements. The two proposed projects are described separately below. The City Council is requested to approve the two proposed projects. 209 Page 4 of 15 Analysis Memory Care Facility (PLPA-2020-00044) The requested entitlements associated with the proposed memory care facility include a: 1) a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan; 2) Site Development Review Permit; and 3) Street Vacation. The proposed memory care facility is a two-story, approximately 35,000-square-foot building. A total of 51 private units and two shared units (a total of 55 beds) would be provided. In addition to the memory care units, the first and second floor of the facility would provide a range of amenities and support facilities for residents and staff, including a courtyard, kitchen, lobby area, offices, medical facilities, living area, TV room, activity area, dining room and reception. The proposed memory care facility is anticipated to require 36 staff, who would be present throughout the day spread over six employee shifts. The proposed use is consistent with the existing General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi-Public. The request also includes an adjustment to the northern and southern property lines. The northern property line between Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 would be adjusted to create a parcel boundary between the memory care facility and a small area of riparian woodland associated with an ephemeral stream near the northwestern corner of the property. The adjustment to the southern property line is for the incorporation of an unused portion of the Dublin Boulevard right-of-way. Figure 2 shows the proposed site plan, with the property line adjustments incorporated. Lot Line Adjustment and Parcel Merger applications for Staff approval will be submitted subsequent to project approval. Figure 2. Memory Care Facility Site Plan 210 Page 5 of 15 Planned Development Rezone The site has existing Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 07-03), which allows agricultural uses. To accommodate the proposed project, the application includes a Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan. The proposed PD will establish a detailed Development Plan, which specifies the overall development density and intensity (e.g., FAR, building heights, setbacks) for the site, and design guidelines. A “Community Care Facility, Large” as defined by the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, would be the only use allowed by the PD. The proposed memory care facility is consistent with this use type. Table 4 provides an overview of the development standards for the memory care facility. Table 4. Development Standards – Memory Care Facility Maximum Beds 55 Maximum Faculty and Staff 18 at one time Maximum Floor Area Ratio .50 Maximum Building Height: 35 feet Maximum Lot Coverage 50% Parking Spaces 1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds Parking Stall Dimensions Standards Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Minimum Setbacks 20’ front yard 10’ street side yard 10’ Interior side yard 15’ rear yard (building) 5’ rear yard (fence) Signage Pursuant to an approved Master Sign Program The draft Ordinance providing the details of the proposed zoning is included as Attachment 3. Site Development Review Permit In 2016, Valley Christian Center and California Highlands entered into a private settlement agreement, which set terms for development of Parcel 2, including setbacks and design considerations. The following is a summary of the key components of the project associated with the Site Development Review Permit, including those aspects which are driven by the settlement agreement. Site Design and Access: The project site is accessed from a new driveway and sidewalk off Inspiration Drive. The driveway leads to the parking area, which is situated along the north side of the building terminating in the northwest area of the property at the location of the trash enclosure. The proposed building is located on the southern portion of the property along Dublin Boulevard in line with the adjacent residential buildings of California Highlands. Adjacent to the building’s front entry near Inspiration Drive is a large, covered canopy. This 211 Page 6 of 15 canopy allows for resident and guest pickup and drop-off without the need to navigate the length of the parking area. At the western end of the parking area, just north of the building near the rear entrance, is a loading area for deliveries separating commercial vehicle loading from guest and employee parking areas. An existing sidewalk extends along the property frontage on both Dublin Boulevard and Inspirative Drive. As part of the project, the existing curb ramps at the corner of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard will be reconstructed to meet current standards. Architecture: The architecture of the building is guided by the architecture of the adjacent California Highlands residential development. Per the 2016 settlement agreement between the Valley Christian Center and California Highlands, development of the subject property should “be of a quality and a standard that is consistent with the California Highlands development.” The two-story building is accented with changes in exterior cladding and colors, multi-pane windows, and a series of front gables with decorative brackets. The main entry is highlighted through a large canopy providing cover for vehicle pickup and drop-off. The building is finished with a variety of materials including stone veneer, fiber cement Hardie board, stucco and a tile roof. The proposed paint colors are a range of grey with blue and white trim to provide a neutral backdrop for the finish materials. The color and materials are shown in the Project Plans on Sheet A5.3 and A5.4. Landscaping: The memory care facility would provide approximately 35,911 square feet of private open space on Parcel 2, including preservation of the riparian area associated with the ephemeral stream area in the northwestern portion of the project site. A landscape buffer would be provided around the perimeter of the project site (minimum of five feet wide at the rear and 10 feet wide on all other sides). Per the 2016 settlement agreement between the Valley Christian Center and California Highlands, the purpose of the landscape buffer at the rear (western property line) is to provide landscape screening between the development on Parcel 2 and the California Highlands property. The proposed landscaping includes various evergreen and ornamental trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials, ground cover, and vines. Existing street trees and perennials along Inspiration Drive would be retained. In addition, the proposed project would include two landscaped detention basins located on the north side of the building adjacent to the parking/loading area. A total of approximately 34 trees would be planted as part of the proposed project. The proposed landscape plan is shown in the Project Plans on Sheet L-1. A three-foot tall retaining wall with a six-foot-high wood screening fence would be installed along the western boundary of the project site. Additionally, a three-foot-tall retaining wall would be installed along the northern boundary of the proposed parking area. A rail fence 212 Page 7 of 15 would be provided to prevent intrusion into the riparian area associated with the ephemeral stream in the northwestern portion of the project site. Public Art Compliance: The applicant intends to satisfy the requirements of the City’s Public Art Ordinance through the payment of in lieu fees. Condition of Approval No. 17 in the Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit captures this requirement (Attachment 4). The draft Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit is included as Attachment 4. The Project Plans are included as Attachment 5. Street Vacation of Dublin Boulevard As part of the proposed project, the property owner, Valley Christian Center, in concert with the Applicant, has requested a summary vacation of approximately 8,118 square feet of unused Dublin Boulevard right-of-way as generally shown by the blue area in Figure 3 below. A plat and legal description of the subject right-of-way is included as Exhibits A and B to Attachment 6. Once vacated as right-of-way, the City will continue to own the underlying fee parcel. Figure 3. Dublin Boulevard Right-of-Way Vacation Area Section 8331 of the California Streets and Highways Code et seq. provides the procedures for vacating street right-of-way and allows for a summary vacation if: a. Right-of-way is in excess of a street not required for street purposes. b. For a period of five consecutive years, the street or highway has been impassable for vehicular traffic. 213 Page 8 of 15 c. No public money was expended for maintenance on the street during such period. The subject right-of-way is part of the I-580 freeway frontage road that was relinquished from the State of California to Alameda County in 1981 prior to the City’s incorporation. The frontage road was annexed into the City of Dublin in 1990 and later improved as an extension of Dublin Boulevard. The final roadway alignment of the Dublin Boulevard extension left remnants of the annexed frontage road undeveloped. The subject right-of-way is currently undeveloped, has been impassable to vehicular traffic, and no public money was expended for its maintenance. Through the years as development adjacent to Dublin Boulevard has occurred, portions of the unimproved area of the right-of-way beyond the limits of the improved Dublin Boulevard have been vacated to accommodate development. On April 26, 2022, in accordance with Government Code Section 65402, the Planning Commission made a finding of conformance with an adopted General Plan for a street vacation and disposition of real property. The General Plan designation for the subject right- of-way is Public/Semi-Public. The vacation of the property conforms with the Land Use and Circulation Element (Chapter 5) of the General Plan in that the proposed use of the property is community serving by providing supportive housing for the senior community with special needs. The finding of conformance with the Land Use and Circulation Element of the General Plan is included in the Planning Commission’s Resolution, Attachment 9. Subsection (a) of Section 8355 of the California Streets Highways Code allows the City to sell the subject right-of-way in conjunction with its vacation. The City has prepared a Purchase and Sale Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of the remnant parcel to Valley Christian Center. Upon the City Council’s approval of the street vacation and Purchase and Sale Agreement, Valley Christian Center will merge the remnant parcel with Parcel 2 to accommodate the development of the memory care facility. The Resolution approving the vacation of unused right-of-way on Dublin Boulevard is included as Attachment 6. The Resolution approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the property owner, Valley Christian Center, with the draft Purchase and Sale Agreement are included as Attachments 7 and 8, respectively. Assisted Living Facility (PLPA-2020-00045) The requested entitlements associated with the proposed assisted living facility include a: 1) Planned Development Rezone with a related Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan; 2) Planned Development Zoning Amendment; 3) Site Development Review Permit; and 4) Tentative Parcel Map. The proposed assisted living facility is three-stories, approximately 40 feet tall and approximately 75,112 square feet in size. The facility includes 84 beds consisting of studios, 214 Page 9 of 15 and one-bedroom units. Like the memory care facility, the assisted living facility would also provide communal spaces for the use of residents and staff, including a courtyard, kitchen, lobby area, offices, medical facilities, living area, dining room, activity area, café, theater and wellness spa/salon. Figure 4 shows the proposed site plan. In addition to the 84 residents, the proposed assisted living facility is anticipated to require up to 43 staff, who would be present at the site throughout the day spread over six employee shifts. Figure 4. Assisted Living Facility Site Plan Planned Development Rezone Pursuant to the Valley Christian Planned Development Zoning (Ordinance No. 07-03), Parcel 3 was designated as a “Future Study Area.” The PD states that “no uses shall be permitted until established by a future Stage 2 Planned Development Rezone approved by the City Council.” Similar to the proposed Planned Development Rezoning for the memory care facility, the assisted living facility proposes a Stage 1 and 2 Development Plan, which would supersede existing Planned Development Zoning Ordinance No. 07-03 for 4.68-acres of Parcel 3. The applicant is proposing the PD zoning district allow for a “Community Care Facility, Large” land use and similar uses as determined by the Community Development Director. Table 5 provides an overview of the development standards for the assisted living facility. Table 5. Development Standards – Assisted Living Project Maximum Beds 84 Maximum Faculty and Staff 26 at one time Maximum Floor Area Ratio .50 Maximum Building Height: 40 feet Maximum lot coverage 35% Parking Spaces 1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds 215 Page 10 of 15 Parking Stall Dimensions Standards Per Chapter 8.76 Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Minimum Setbacks 10’ front yard 10’ side yard 15’ rear yard Signage Pursuant to an approved Master Sign Program The draft Ordinance providing the details of the proposed zoning is included as Attachment 10. Planned Development Zoning Amendment Amendments to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center are necessary for consistency and ease of implementation. An amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center is included with the proposed project to remove Parcel 2 and the southern portion of Parcel 3 as they would no longer be a part of the Valley Christian Center Planned Development. No other changes to this Planned Development are proposed. The amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 is included as Attachment 11. Site Development Review The following is a summary of the key components of the project associated with the Site Development Review Permit. Site Design and Access: The project site is accessed from a new single driveway and sidewalk off Inspiration Drive. Inspiration Drive is a steep two-lane road that wraps the west and north sides of the subject site. The driveway, which slopes down from Inspiration Drive into the property, leads directly to the building’s front entrance and the parking area located to the west of the building. The site has a significant grade change from Inspiration Drive, which is addressed through a series of 12‐foot-tall, terraced retaining walls along the north side of the building to retain the existing slope. As Inspiration Drive ascends the hill, the proposed building nestles into the hillside and becomes less visible from Inspiration Drive. Adjacent to the building’s front entry is a large, covered canopy, which allows for resident and guest pickup and drop-off without the need to navigate the length of the parking area. At the eastern end of the parking area, near the building’s rear entrance, is a loading area for deliveries, the trash enclosure, generator enclosure and four additional parking spaces. There is currently no sidewalk along the east side of Inspiration Drive. As part of the project, a new sidewalk will be installed from the project driveway to Dublin Boulevard. In addition, the existing curb ramps at the corner of Inspiration Drive and Dublin Boulevard will be reconstructed to meet current standards and match up with the improvements made as part of the memory care project. 216 Page 11 of 15 Architecture: The architecture of the building is residential in nature and uses varying planes, materials and colors to break up the mass. The three-story building is accented with changes in exterior cladding and colors, multi-pane windows, awnings and a multiple level flat roof. The third story is set back to reduce the building mass as viewed from I-580 and to provide a large open patio with unobstructed views to the south of the Tri-Valley. The main entry is highlighted through a large canopy providing cover for vehicle pickup and drop-off. The building is finished with a variety of materials including stone veneer, fiber cement Hardie board, stucco and a tile roof. The proposed paint colors are a range of grey with blue and white trim to provide a neutral backdrop for the finish materials. The color and materials are shown in the Project Plans on Sheet A3.1, A5.3 and A5.5. Landscaping: The assisted living facility would provide approximately 118,087 square feet of private open space on Parcel 3. A bioretention landscape buffer is located along the south side of the parking area and driveway/fire lane. The proposed landscaping includes various evergreen and ornamental trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials, ground cover, and vines. A new sidewalk and street trees are proposed along Inspiration Drive down to Dublin Boulevard. A series of retaining walls is located along the north side of the building. The walls are bordered with landscape along the bottom edge and along the top between the wall and Inspiration Drive. The project site is surrounding by the natural hillside on the south, east and north. The proposed landscape plan is shown in the Project Plans on Sheets L-1.1 and L1.2 The draft Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit is included as Attachment 12. The Project Plans are included as Attachment 13. Tentative Parcel Map The proposed assisted living facility includes a request for Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 to create two parcels: 1) the northern parcel (8.02 acres) consistent with the boundaries of the existing conservation easement; and 2) the southern parcel (4.68 acres) for the proposed project site. It is anticipated that the northern parcel will continue to be owned by the Valley Christian Center and the southern parcel will be sold to and owned by the Applicant. The Dublin Municipal Code (DMC) requires that all existing and proposed utility distribution facilities within a subdivision and along project streets be placed underground. DMC Section 9.32.040 provides for relief through a request for exception. The request for the exception is reviewed and considered by the City Engineer and based on balancing the requirements of the public health, safety, and general welfare with the feasibility of meeting by reason of economic feasibility, soil, topography, compatibility of surrounding area, and future potential number of building sites affected. The Applicant submitted an exception request to not underground the existing utilities along Dublin Boulevard, which was reviewed by and is 217 Page 12 of 15 supported by the City Engineer. The draft Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 is included as Attachment 12. The Project Plans are included as Attachment 13 and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 is included as Attachment 14. Public Art Compliance The applicant intends to satisfy the requirements of the City’s Public Art Ordinance for both projects through the payment of in lieu fees. Condition of Approval No. 18 in the Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit captures this requirement (Attachment 12). CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The proposed memory care facility and assisted living facility and their respective site improvements are consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Public/Semi- Public, which allows quasi-public uses such as senior centers, special needs program facilities and other similar services and benefit to the community. These uses and improvements are consistent with the proposed Planned Development Zoning. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building and Safety Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance with all local ordinances and regulations. Conditions of approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached Resolution pertaining to the Site Development Review Permit for the Memory Care Facility (Attachment 4) and the attached Resolution pertaining to the Site Development Review Permit and Tentative Parcel Map for the Assisted Living Facility (Attachment 12). ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Development on the project site was previously addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program (State Clearinghouse No. 200212070). On May 20, 2003, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. 92-03, certifying an EIR for the Valley Christian Center. In 2018, the City adopted a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration supported by an Initial Study1 (2018 Supplemental IS/MND) to evaluate proposed changes to the Valley Christian Center Expansion Program, including conversion of the softball field to a football 1 City of Dublin. 2018. Valley Christian Center Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration / Initial Study, Planning Application Number: PLPA-2014-00052. 218 Page 13 of 15 athletic field, expansion of an existing athletic field to accommodate the relocated softball field, construction of a central plaza, and associated parking and landscape improvements. Consistent with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), including Section 21166 and related CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15163, the City prepared an Initial Study to determine whether additional environmental review was required for the proposed Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living projects, which determined that there were new potentially significant impacts associated with the project related to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, and noise; therefore, a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse No. 2021110251) was prepared to analyze the impacts and identify mitigation measures for those impacts. The environmental effects of the project are discussed in detail in the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. The project is subject to mitigation measures identified in the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and the previously adopted EIR, as applicable. The City will monitor the Applicant’s compliance with mitigation measures as the project is constructed and operated under the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted in conjunction with the project approvals. The Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study was circulated for a public review period from November 18, 2021, to December 17, 2021. No comments were provided. At the time the environmental review was completed, it was assumed that a General Plan Amendment was necessary for the Assisted Living project and was, therefore, included in the analysis. The change to the project description to not include a General Plan Amendment does not impact this analysis. No impacts associated with the General Plan Amendment were identified and, therefore, no new analysis is required. The Resolution adopting the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program is included as Attachment 1. The Initial Study/Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program are included as Attachment 2. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: On April 12, 2022, the Planning Commission held a study session on the proposed projects. Staff and the Applicant provided presentations. The Planning Commission asked various questions and made comments regarding emergency vehicle access, parking lot design and grading, retaining walls, architectural features and articulation of the building facades, landscaping and the potential for additional oak trees, and the layout of the interior spaces. One member of the public addressed the Planning Commission and spoke in opposition to the project. 219 Page 14 of 15 On April 26, 2022, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed projects. As part of the public hearing, 19 members of the public provided comments regarding the project. The public expressed concerns regarding short-term health impacts related to construction, increase in traffic, impacts to views, and biological resources on the property. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 22-04 and Resolution No. 22-05 recommending approval of the Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living Projects, respectively (refer to Attachments 9 and 15). STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Two City-led Community Meetings were held on December 8 and 9, 2021, to provide Dublin residents with information about the proposed Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living projects. In addition to Staff and the Applicant, four community members attended the first meeting, and eight members attended the second meeting. Questions were asked about accessing project information, project timing and the City’s role in the infrastructure improvements. In addition, the Applicant team held their own community outreach meetings. A total of six meetings were held with various parties including the Las Palmas Homeowner’s Association, Hansen Hills Neighborhood, California Highlands, Valley Christian Church members, and other adjacent residents. A copy of a community engagement summary provided by the Applicant is attached as Attachment 16. In response to the City Council’s request during the General Plan Amendment Study Initiation, the Applicant installed story poles showing the mass and scale of the proposed projects. Story poles were erected in early December 2021. In addition, the City Council held a Study Session on April 5, 2022, and the Planning Commission held a Study Session on April 12, 2022. On April 26, 2022, a comment letter on behalf of East Bay Residents for Responsible Development was submitted challenging the Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration. Though not required by CEQA, the City prepared a response to the comment. A copy of this letter along with all other written public comments received on the proposed project until the publication of this report is included as Attachment 17. A copy of the City’s response is included as Attachment 18. 220 Page 15 of 15 In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the proposed project to advertise the project and the upcoming public hearing. A public notice also was published in the East Bay Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A Planning Application sign was posted on the project site and the project was also included on the City’s development projects webpage. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care and Assisted Living Projects (PLPA-2020-00044 and PLPA-2020-00045) 2) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Initial Study / Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration 3) Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project 4) Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit for the Inspiration Drive Memory Care Project 5) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Memory Care Project Plans 6) Resolution Summarily Vacating Unused Right-of-Way on Dublin Boulevard and Reservation of a Public Service Easement 7) Resolution Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Valley Christian Center for Exempt Surplus Former Right-of-Way on Dublin Boulevard 8) Exhibit A to the Resolution – Draft Purchase and Sale Agreement 9) Planning Commission Resolution No. 22-04 10) Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan for the Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project 11) Ordinance Approving an Amendment to Planned Development Ordinance No. 07-03 for the Valley Christian Center 12) Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit and Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 for the Inspiration Drive Assisted Living Project 13) Exhibit A to the Resolution - Assisted Living Project Plans 14) Exhibit B to the Resolution - Tentative Parcel Map No. 11241 15) Planning Commission Resolution No. 22-05 16) Community Engagement Summary by Fulcrum Development 17) Public Comments 18) Response to Environmental Review Comments – May 2022 221