HomeMy WebLinkAbout*01-10-2008 HCAC Agenda AGENDA CITY OF DUBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2008 7:00 P.M. DUI3LIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. 012AL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Public Comments At t/zis time, the public is perntitled to nddress the Heritage and Cu[turn! Arts Comnrission on non-ngendized items. The Comnaission must however. comply wit/t al/ Stnte Laws in regnrd to items not nppearing on the posted agenda. The Comnussron may respond to stntements made or questions asket/, or niay reguest Stnff to repori back nt n ulure meeting concerning.l/te mntter. Any member o( the pufilrc nury contact the O (frce of t/:e Pnrks ond Communety Services Departntent reCn/ed to tlte proper procedure to pCnce an item on n j_uttrre Herita~e nnd Ctdturnl Arts Comniission ag enda. 7'he excep tions under whrcl: the Iieritage otztCulturnl Arts Commission MAY discuss and/or tnke actiota on itenzs not appearing on Jlte ngenda nre contaiized in GC 54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3). 4. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING - December 6, 2007 S1'AFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Minutes. 5. WRITTF.N COMMUNICATIONS - NONE 6. PUBLIC HEARWG - NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE 8. NEW 13USINESS 8.1 Electioir of Oflicers Ver the Bylaws and Rules of Yrocedure for the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, the Commission shall annually elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. STAFF RECOMMENllATION: Conduct Elections. SZ Conrmittee Appointmeirts There are a number of committees that require representation of the Commission. The Commiss'an will review the current committee appointments and make changes as deemed necessary. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Make Appointments. 8.3 Heritnfle and Cidturn/ Arts Goals nnd Obiectives 'fhe lleritage and Cultural Arts Commission will review the 2007-2008 Goals and Objectives and provide input and prioritize the 2008-2009 Objectives. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deliberate and rate the Yreliminary Goals and Objectives for 2008-2009. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Brief Informntrotra! On/v Reports /'ronz Cominissioners nnrl/or Stnj( nnd Reports by Commission related to Meetinjvs Attended at Citv Expense (AB 1234). 10. ADJOURNMENT l'his AGENDA is posted in accordance wrth Government Code Secton 549542(a) /f reyuesied, pursuunt to Covenamenl Code Seclion 54953.1, Jhis agenda sha/( be made avuilub(e in appropria/e ahernanre forniats to persons ir7lh a disubility. as required by Seclion 202 of the Americuns milh Disubililies Acl oj 1990 (42 U.S.C. Seciion 12132). und !he jederal rtrles and regidulions adopled in unplementalion lhereof. %'o make u reyuesl jor disability-related inod jicution or uccanmoduGon, pleuse contacr the C'ity Clerk's OJfice 1925J 833-6650 at leus! 72 haurs 117 advuncz of the meeting.