HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 05-27-1986 AGE N D A DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - May 27, 1986 Tuesday - 7:30 p.m. DUBLIN LIBRARY Meeting Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this time, members of the audience are permitted to address the City Council on any item which is not on the City Council Agenda. Comments should not exceed 5 minutes. If any person feels that this is not sufficient time to address their concern, that person should arrange with the City Manager to have their particular concern placed on the agenda for a future meeting. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typically of a non-controversial nature and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience who would like an item removed from the consent calendar for purpose of public input may request the City Council to remove the item from the consent calendar. The request may be made at the time that the Mayor asks the audience members if there is anyone interested in removing an item from the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Financial Report for Period Ending April 30, 1986 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.2 Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 12, 1986 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.3 Award of Bid - Contract No. 86-4 Dublin Blvd. at Sierra Court Street Reconstruction, Traffic Signal, Street Lighting, and Landscaping. The low bidder on this contract is Steiny and Co., with a bid of $197,529.66. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award bid to low bidder. 4.4 Contract No. 86-7 Amador Valley Blvd., Village Parkway to Dougherty Road This project includes median reconstruction and landscaping, street lights, and pavement repair and overlay. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids once State and Federal authorization is received. 4.5 Continuation of Peppertree Road Traffic Study Additional time is needed to conduct a study regarding potential installation of stop signs at the intersection of Shannon Ave. and Peppertree Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Continue to meeting of June 9, 1986. 4.6 Award of Bid - Contract No. 86-5 Street Slurry Seal Program The low bid received from Valley Slurry Seal, Inc. is 14% below the bid received last fall. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award bid to low bidder and authorize budget transfer from Contingent Reserve in the amount of $5,000. 4.7 Insurance Account Budget Change The loss of liability insurance effective March 1, 1986, resulted in a surcharge for insurance on Alameda County contract services. The surcharge covers the period from March 1, 1986, through June 30, 1986. The funds for this surcharge were not included in the adopted budget. Therefore, an additional appropriation from the contingent reserve is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize transfer from the Contingent Reserve in the amount of $7,400. 4.8 Claim on Behalf of Wayne Robinson An attorney representing Mr. Wayne Robinson has placed the City on notice of a potential claim, related to Building Inspection activities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim and direct Staff to notify the claimant and insurance carrier. 4.9 Designation of Alameda County as an Agent for City of Dublin in Actions Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code 5096. Alameda County Counsel has offered to represent the City in actions involving tax refunds. The County must be formally designated as the City's agent in these matters if the City does not want to provide its own legal counsel. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. 4.10 Warrant Register dated May 27, 1986 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 4.11 Report from Recreation Director - Winter Quarter Recreation Program. Staff has prepared a report which summarizes the activity of the City's Recreation Department during the Winter Quarter of 1986. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report 4.12 East Dougherty Hills Park Five (5) proposals were received for the design of the eight (8) acre East Dougherty Hills Park site. Singer & Hodges, Inc., indicates that the final design and construction documents can be done for $21,000 in 8-10 weeks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve hiring of Singer & Hodges, Inc.; direct Staff to prepare the documents necessary to execute the agreement. 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 Ordinance Related to Smoking Pollution Control. The Smoking Action Coalition has requested that the City Council consider adoption of an ordinance regulating smoking. The model ordinance would require the establishment of nonsmoking areas in buildings open to the public. The ordinance also requires employers to enact policies to establish nonsmoking areas in the workplace. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive Staff report; obtain public testimony; close public hearing; deliberate and consider introduction of the Ordinance. 5.2 Ordinance Prohibiting Truck Parking on Bellina Street. The City traffic engineer has prepared a report reviewing traffic safety problems created by the parking of trucks and other vehicles on Bellina Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing; receive report from traffic engineer; hear public testimony; close public hearing; waive reading; adopt urgency Ordinance. 5.3 Closure of Dougherty Road for Reconstruction. The developers of the Villages at Alamo Creek have requested the temporary closure of Dougherty Road for reconstruction. Their engineer has indicated that the road could remain open for the first nine weeks of construction and then be closed for six weeks, subject to emergency access always being available. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Open public hearing and receive TJKM presentation; receive public input; question Staff and the public; close public hearing; adopt resolution. 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 PA86-044 Dublin Town and Country Associates - Request for San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment Study. Dublin Town and Country Associates is requesting a San Ramon Road Specific Plan Amendment Study to consider unlimited personal service, office, or financial uses in the Dublin Town and Country Shopping Center. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Hear Staff presentations; take comments from applicant and public; deliberate; by minute order, deny requested Specific Plan Amendment Study OR authorize the requested Specific Plan Amendment Study. 6.2 Tri-Valley Citizens' Committee The Alameda County Tri-Valley Citizens' Committee was formed to provide input to the Alameda County General Plan for the Tri-Valley area. The purpose of the Committee has apparently changed to forming policy recommendations to the Tri-Valley cities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether or not to continue to participate, whether or not the Committee should form policy recommendations, and whether or not to invite Alameda County Planning Staff to make a presentation to clarify the Committee's intent and scope. 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. CLOSED SESSION - Personnel - Government Code Section 54957 & Potential Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(c). 9. ADJOURNMENT - Adjourn to next Regular Council Meeting on Mondav, June 9, 1986, 7:30 p.m., Dublin Library Meeting Room. ~~-.