HomeMy WebLinkAbout*CC Agenda 04-05-2005 REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, AprilS, 2005, 7:00 p.m. DUBUN CIVIC CFNI'ER, 100 Civic P1az/l DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL .AGENDA. . Agendas are posted on the City's Internet Website (www.ci.dublin.ca.us) NOTE: Agendas posted on the Website are provided as a public service. and are not intended to serve as a part oj. or a replacement for ony part oflhe legolly required posting of agenda-' or the public noticing of project. appearing before /he City Council . Agendas may be picked up at the City Clerk's Office for no charge, or to request information on being placed on the annual ~ubscriphon list, please call 833-6650. . A complete packet of iriformation containing Staff Reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review prior to a Council meeting in the City Clerk's Office and also attire Dublin Library. CLOSED SESSION (6:30 D.m.) - NONE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO TBE FLAG 3. ORAL COMMUNICA nONS 3.1 Acceptance of Gifts to City from St. Patrick's Day Sponsors (File # 150.70 The City received $25,280 in sponsorships for the 2005 S1. Patrick's Day Festival and Fun Run. In addition, the City received overwhelming support in the form of in-kind donations of goods and services. The Council will recognize the businesses and organizations that supported the events. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recognize the sponsors and formally accept the contributions. 3.2 Public Comments At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on non-agendiled items. Please step to the podium and cleariy state your neme for the record. COMMENTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THREE (3) MINUTES. In accordance w~h State Law, no aclion or discussion may lake place on any ~em not appaaring on the posted agenda. The Council may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may request Staff to report back at a future meating ooncerning the malter. Any member of the public may contact the C~ Clerk's Office related to the proper prooedure to plaoe an item on a future C~y Council agenda. The exoeptions under which the C~ Counoil MAY dlsouss andlor take action on ~ems nol appearing on the agenda are contained In Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(1 )(2)(3). 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are typIC.Uy not/o(;ontrovwsi.lln n.lure and are considered for approval by the City Council with one single action. Members of the audience, Staff or the City Council who would like an Item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor to remove the item. 4.1 Minutes of Regular Meetings of March I" and March 15, 200S STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: Approve 4.2 Acceptance of Work, Contract 04-10, Civic Center Vertical Blind Replacement (File # 60()-J~ This project replaced the vertical blinds that were installed when the Civic Center was first opened in 1989. The cost of the work is budgeted in the City's Internal Service Fund. This project was completed within funds budgeted. ST AFF RECOMMEND A nON: Accept improvements and authorize final payment to contractor, less retention to be paid in 3S days if no subcontractor or supplier claims are received. 4.3 Amendment to Agreement with Zahn Group for 2004-05 Projects (File # 600-30) This amendment provides for additional compensation related to changes in the scope of work for two projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving amendment to agreement. 4.4 Disposal of Property - Unclaimed and Surplus Property (File # 350.40) Stains requesting the City Council declare certain items as unclaimed and surplus property and authorize Staff to send the items to Nationwide Auction Companies for auction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution and authorize Staff to proceed with transfer of property pursuant to current agreement. 4.5 Revisious to Personnel System (File # 700-30) The City Council will consider adoption of a revised City Clerk job description. The job description was last adopted/updated in 1990. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.6 Emerald Glen Park, Phase ill Consultant Services Change Order (File # 600.30) In December 2003, the City Council approved an Agreement with Carducci & Associates to complete design services for Emerald Glen Park, Phase III. The scope of work included design related services through the project's bidding process. With the award of contract for construction approved at the March 15, 2005 Council meeting, Staffis seeking additional services through the construction phase of the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Change Order #2 for additional services. 4.7 Consultant Services for Geotechnical Testing, Fallon Sports Park (File # 600.30) The Fallon Sports Park mass grading project will require geotechnical review for drainage and compaction to place excess soil in a proper manner. Kleinfelder Associates, Geotechnical Engineers can provide engineering services and oversight on the Developer prepared site work STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving Agreement. 4.8 Approval of Pllrcel Map 7892 and Improvement Agreement (Dubliu Transit Center, Sites D & E) (File # 600-60) Parcel Map 7892 subdivides property owned by the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, referred to as Sites D & E in the Dublin Transit Center. This Parcel Map subdivides the 35.8 acres of Sites D & E into 5 parcels and otTers for dedication the right-of- way for Martinelli Way, Campus Drive, Altamirano Avenue and Arnold Road. Parcel A will be conveyed to BART for a new parking structure. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.9 Approval of Fiual Tract Mllp 7525 and Tract Improvement Agreement (Dublin Transit Center, Site B) (File # 600-60) Tract 7525 subdivides property owned by the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority, referred to as Site B in the Dublin Transit Center. The Final Map subdivides the 9.1 acres of Site B into 4 lots. The developers, AvalonBay Communities and Western Pacific Housing, Inc. (DRHorton), are requesting the City Council's approval of the Final Map and an Improvement Agreement in order to go forward with housing construction on Site B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.10 Acceptllnce of Work, Contract 04-01, Trllftic Signal at Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive (File # 600.35) This project constructed a traffic signal at the intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Inspiration Drive. The work is complete, and it is now appropriate for the City to accept the improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept improvements and authorize release of retention after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims. 4.11 Approval ofPareel Map 8021 (Microdental), Acceptance of Non-Buildable Easement and Consent to Abandon Portion of Unused Emergency Vehicle Easement (File # 410-401670-40) Parcel Map 8021 subdivides the existing Microdental property, located on the northeast corner of Arnold Road and Central Parkway. The site is currently occupied by one office building and a second building is proposed for the site. With approval of this Parcel Map, a non-buildable easement will be dedicated to the City, and an unneeded portion of an existing emergency vehicle access easement will be abandoned. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution. 4.12 Warrant Register ($2,557,714.81) dated AprilS, 2005 (File # 300.40) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 Request from Dublin and Bray Sister City Associations to Install Peace Pole at Bray Commons (File # 920-20) The City Council will consider a request ftom the Dublin and Bray Sister City Associations to install a Peace Pole and identifying plaque at Bray Commons. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve request and direct Staff to work with DSCA to identiry an appropriate location. 6. PUBLIC HEARING 6.1 Dublin Ranch West - Ordinance approving a Planned Development Prezoning and Stage 1 Development Plan submitted by James Tong on behalf of Chang Su-O (aka Jennifer) Lin, et aI, PA 02-028 (File # 600-60) This project consists of approximately 189 acres of land proposed for annexation to both the City and DSRSD. The site is located in unincorporated Alameda County. The project includes a General Plan and EDSP Amendment Annexation application, Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program and Pre.-annexation Agreement for the Lin Property to replace a 9.7 acre elementary school site with Medium High Density residential to replace neighborhood commercial land use with Open Space Land Use and approval of a Stage I prezoning for the entire property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; waive reading and adopt Ordinance. 6.2 Weeds and Combustible Refuse Ahatement Order (File # 540-50) In accordance with Dublin Resolution No. 26-05, the City Council declared that there is a public nuisance created by weeds and combustible debris growing, accumulating upon the streets, sidewalks and property within the City of Dublin. Notice oftbis declaration was posted as well as abatement Courtesy Notices were sent to all known existing property owners to abate the hazard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing; deliberate; direct Staff to continue the weed abatement process. 6.3 Amendment to the Loukianoff Site Development Review (SDR) for a New Singl~Family Custom Residence on an Existing Lot (Hali," Residence) PA 04-056 (File # 410-30) The proposed SDR Amendment requested by the Applicant would amend the architectural colors and materials of the home, the design of the roof, and add 606 square feet of additional habitable floor area. The subject lot is at 11299 Rolling Hills Drive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public bearing; deliberate; adopt Resolution approving amendment with Project Plans attached as Exhibit A 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.1 Financial Assistance for South Asia Tsunami Victims (File # 150-10) On January 18,2005, Staff presented Council with a detailed report outlining a fundraising and outreach program to aid South Asia Tsunami victims. With direction from the Council, this effort was set up as a matching program, with a maximum donation by the City of Dublin of up to $10,000. The matching program was established and ran for a full 30 days. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Close out the 30 day fundraising endeavor for tsunami relief 7.2 Award of Bid, Contract 04-08A, Village Parkway Sidewalk Widening and Lighting Improvements, Amador Valley Boulevard to Dublin Boulevard (File # 600-35) This project will widen sidewalks, install decorative street lighting and plant new street trees on Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. The City Council will consider awarding the bid for this project to Ransome Company ($919,435.50). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Budget Change in the amount of $294,009 and adopt Resolution awarding bid. 7.3 Final Review of Alternative Land Use Plans for future private developmeut at Camp Parks (File # 420.20) The City Council will review and consider Staff's analysis of the top 3 land use plans for the southerly 182 acres of Camp Parks as they relate to housing, traffic/cîrculation and land use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Consider top 3 land use alternatîves and provide direction on the preferred land use mix and residential density for the site. 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Day on the Glen Festival Dates (File # 950-40) The Sib Annual Day on the Glen Festival has been tentatively scheduled for September 24-25, 2005. However, there are 3 other local events planned for the same weekend. Staff is recommending that the City Council consider alternate dates for the festivaL STAFF RECOMMENDATION; Direct Staff to change the dates to the weekend of September 17 -18, ~ OR - provide alternate direction. 8.2 Resolution authoriziug application to the State of California Departmeut of Rousing and Commuuity Developmeut for a Workforce Housing Reward Program Graut (File # 430-20) The City Council will consider whether to continue with the submittal of an application to the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development for a Workforce Housing Reward Program Grant. This grant may provide up to $977,000 to the City of Dublin to be used for construction or acquisition of capital assets that benefit the community. STAFf" RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution authoriling submission of AppJication Packet and authorizing the City Manager to execute application and related documents on behalf ofthe City. 8.3 Approve Local Match of $25.,000 for the Measure B Graut Application for the Alamo Canal Trail Project under 1-580 (File # 1060.90/930-30) The City of Dublin, East Bay Regional Park District and the City of Pleasanton have applied for Measure B funds for the engineering feasibility study of the Alamo Canal Trail project under 1-580. A local match of$25,000 is required ftom Dublin for the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the local match of $25,000 and direct StatTto establish a new Capital Improvement Program project in FY 2005.06 for the study. 9. OTHER BUS~ESS 9.1 Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports 10. ADJOURNMENT If requesled, Ihis agenda shall be mode available in appropriate alternative fOrmats to persom wilh a disabilily, 01>' requiriid by &ctian 202 of Ihe Amiiricans wilh Dlsabiltliii.' Act of 1990 (42 us.e. &clion 12132), and the ftdiiml rules and regulations adopted in implemmtalion thereof To make a request for disabilily-relaled modification or accommodation, please contact Ihe City Clerk's Office (925) 833-6650 at least 72 hour.. in advance of the meeting. ... City Council Meeting # 681 Agenda Printed 313012005 9:31:08 AM