HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 - 3422 Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements - Prefe Page 1 of 2 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: October 20, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements - Conceptual Design Prepared by: Rosemary Alex, Parks and Facilities Development Coordinator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a presentation on the Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements Project, CIP No. PK0215, and consider approval of the Conceptual Design. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the presentation and approve the Conceptual Design. FINANCIAL IMPACT: As approved in the 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program, the total budget for the Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements project is $1,500,000, funded by the General Fund. DESCRIPTION: The 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements Project, CIP No. PK0215 (Attachment 2), which provides for the design and construction of improved pathways, renovated landscaping at the cemetery entrance and along Hawthorne Lane, a renovated plaza near St. Raymond’s Church, and a low wall along Donlon Way. The project will also facilitate a memorial program which includes cremation monuments and memorials, such as benches, boulders, trees, and engraved pavers. In May 2020, Staff received 15 proposals from landscape architecture firms throughout the Bay Area to provide design services for the project. After interviewing four firms, PGA Design, Inc. (PGA) was selected as having exceptional experience with historical designation sites as well as experience in cemetery design. PGA initiated conceptual designs to incorporate the following primary improvements for the project: Page 2 of 2 1. Addition of shade and improvements of program space adjacent to St. Raymond's Church. 2. Restoration of the tree allée along Hawthorne Lane. 3. Renovation of pathways. 4. Provision of a space for memorial program elements (pavers, monuments, benches, and boulders). 5. Restoration of the parking lot and provision of additional parking on Donlon Way. 6. General lighting improvements and site furnishings. After completing a site visit, meeting with Staff, and conducting a review of environmental, planning, and historical records, PGA developed two conceptual designs for review. On September 10, 2020, PGA presented the two conceptual designs to the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. Upon review of the design options, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission made a recommendation on a preferred conceptual design for further consideration by the Parks and Community Services Commission. On September 21, 2020, the Conceptual Design (Attachment #1) was presented to the Parks and Community Services Commission. After receiving public input, the Parks and Community Services Commission unanimously recommended the Conceptual Design, which had been recommended by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. Next Steps Should the City Council approve the Conceptual Design, Staff and PGA will proceed with the development of construction documents in anticipation of submitting them to the resource agencies for review and permitting in early 2021. Construction of this concept is estimated to take approximately five months to complete. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH ATTACHMENTS: 1. Conceptual Design 2. 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Renovation improvements may include: improved pathways; renovated landscaping at cemetery entry and along Hawthorne Lane; a renovated plaza area near St. Raymond's Church including seating and shade; and a low stone wall along Donlon Way. The project will incorporate a memorial program, allowing for benches, boulders, pavers and additional trees that could be purchased in memoriam. In October 2019, the City Council approved a Memorial Program, which will be accommodated with the design of the project. The Memorial Program will include cremation monuments and memorials, such as benches, boulders, trees, and engraved pavers. Design began in Summer 2020. Construction anticipated to commence in 2021. Funding for the project comes from a Developer contribution from the Schaefer Ranch project. ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT: $6,000 MANAGING DEPARTMENT: Public Works 2020-2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED COSTS PRIOR YEARS 2019-2020 BUDGET 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 9100 - Salaries & Benefits $8,263 $66,885 $75,148 9200 - Contract Services $563,000 $563,000 9400 - Improvements $724,470 $724,470 9500- Miscellaneous $137,382 $137,382 TOTAL $8,263 $1,491,737 $1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE PRIOR YEARS 2019-2020 BUDGET 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 - General Fund $8,263 $1,491,737 $1,500,000 TOTAL $8,263 $1,491,737 $1,500,000 ANNUAL OPERATING IMPACT $6,000 $6,000