HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 DubBlWidCityEntrances :;;'-"""",,".. CITY CLERK File # DGJ[3][Q]-[gJ[Q) ~ t, AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 2,1999 SUBJECT: Review of City Entrances/Landscaping for the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project Between Dougherty Road and Scarlett Drive, Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road. Report Prepared. by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Location Map 2) Schematic Landscape Plans 3) Colored renderings will be presented at the meeting, as well as a presentation by the Landscape Architect RECOMMENDATION: Receive Staff presentation and provide direction to Staff: ~:: c) Should the pilasterllattice enhancement be included in the three projects? Should Staff pursue a landscape/hardscape enhancement at the Dublin Boulevard trailhead to the Iron Horse Trail? Defer consideration of landscaping of the remnant parcel at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Scarlett Court, until the City's redevelopment feasibility study is completed. (' , FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Cost oflandscaping for the Dublin Boulevard Widening project is included within the Capital Improvement Project budget and is being paid for by Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees. The. entry landscaping for Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road is part of the road construction to be performed by the developers, as a condition of their development. DESCRIPTION: Dublin Boulevard Widenin~ Proiect Between Dougherty Road and Scarlett Drive: On April 21 , 1999, the City Council approved the agreement with Brian Kangas Foulk (BKF) to provide design services for the Dublin B oulevard widening project between DoughertyRoad and Scarlett Drive. City Council requested that Staff bring back schematic landscape plans for Council's input and direction. The Council has emphasized the need to enhance the project landscaping as it serves as a gateway to the Eastern Dublin area. ....-..-. , ( -----------------_.------------------------------------------------------ g: \agenmisc\DBWlandscaperept. doc Approximately two-thirds of the roadway segment median landscaping was installed a number of years ago with the extension of Dublin Boulevard. For the new project, Staff has worked with BKF and its sub- consultant, Gates and Associates, inthe preparation of the schematic landscape plans. The landscaping proposal consists pf colorful plantings in the median, pavers at the median curb edges' when wider than six feet, and cut-outs in the pavers for trees and color when the widthis four feet or less. Sycamore trees have been added along the street edges to continue the. street tree scheme previously established. The trees chosen for the medians are also consistent with previously established species and placements along Dublin Boulevard. This landscaping proposal is estimated to cost $46,600. . ~ I , Hacienda Drive and Tassaiara Road: The plans for both Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road are primarily the same basic design as the Dublin Boulevard entrance, consisting of colorful plantings in the median, pavers at the median curb edges, and cut-outs in ,the pavers for trees and color when the width is four. feet or less. Trees will be planted 20 feet apart along the center of the median. At TassajaraRoad,a City of Dublin granite entry sign will be constructed in the median approximately 1,000 feet north of I -580, with pilasters at both ends of the signage. Not shown is the median on Hacienda Drive between 1-580 and the entrance to, Hacienda Crossings. This was originally proposed as a location for a City entrance sign, but because of the need for additional turn lanes into the PeopleSoft parcel, the final median design was postponed. The PeopleSoft land use has since been downsized. Whenthe landus,e is established, the final lane 0 configuration and design of this median will be completed. The cost of landscaping in9luded in the . Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road street improvements will be paid by the developers as a condition of approval' of their projects. ) ProJ)osed GatewavFeature: BKF proposes to incorporate pilaster and lattice elements to all three project sites. The pilasters will have a stuccofmishand measurements of 16"x 16" x 30" high. Attached to the pilasters is a three-foot high arched metal lattice with bronze finish. Flowering vines will be planted next to the lattices to provide more colors in the median. The pilaster and lattice feature is proposed to be placed between the trees alongthe median of Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road and continuously connected along the center of the Dublin Boulevard median for approximately 50 feet. Thispilaster/lattice element provides a pleasing entry feature atthe City's gateways and thus gives a nice impression of the City. The cost of adding the pilasterllattice element to the Dublin Boulevard landscaping project is $26,220. For Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road, th~ cost will be botl1e by the developers required to enhance the gateways at these two locations. ~\ Page 2 Other Potential Features: r ~.. Two additional features for possible future corridor enhancement are also proposed. Just east of the Dublin Boulevard/Scarlett Drive intersection is the future Iron Horse Trail crossing. At the northern side of Dublin Boulevard at its junction with the Iron Horse Trail, a trail-head/seating area is a natural spot to relax and would be a nice focal point along this busy street. A circular bench or series of benches would be protected from behind by large flowering Robinia treeS. An art object or sculpture could be located in the center of the circle. Colorful plantings and toned concrete or pavers would complete this special area. This focal point feature would be outside the street right-of-way and would thus require the acquisition of property from Union Pacific and/or Alameda County to build the streetscape. Excluding right-of-way cost, this feature is estimated at an additional $37,200 and is not part of the Dublin Boulevard project, but has been identified as a potential future corridor enhancement. An additional feature is the landscaping of a remainder parcel left over from the original extension of Dublin Boulevard at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Scarlett Court. The enhancement includes the planting of flowering perennials and annuals groundcover and shrubs with tall flowering shade trees oehind. A semi-circular pilaster/lattice fence, similar to the one described above, could be placed behind the annuals and perennials to provide a pleasing gateway feature. The cost to landscape this area is estimated at $28,900. This enhancementis also not part of the Dublin Boulevard project but could be made part of the development of the area south of Dublin Boulevard in the future. This parcel has the potential of being sold to the adjacent property owner to become part of the landscaping for that parcel when it redevelops. r \ Staff recommends that the City Council receive Staffs presentation and provide direction on the various alternates outlined in this report. r , Page 3 ) CENTRAL PAR<.WAY Cl ~ a: < a: < ..., < (f) (f) ~ ') > '" r (!) SPECIAL ENTRY AREAS / CITY OF DUBLIN ~ ):> o :J: s: m z -I :--....... ~. or- ;j;f DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING SCARLET TO DOUGHERTY ~ -- - -~ . -~.. ~_....__... --.,. II -.-.-- ......~ --~"",,,-,,,,,,,,-""-."."~'" - ---... - _a.. ~ .. -.---..---- ........-.--.. ----....... - ....,....... . ---- .... -- ... -- .6. ---- ....- - :=..:..-- ---- _...... 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F'avere to atch EXlet In EXletll'le Mi!lclial1, Typ - ~ == == Tulbaela vlolacea - eOciety 6arllc L.avandula aneuetlrolia 16allol1 El1elleh l-avel1cli!lr F!:irue calleryal1a 'Chanticleer' 16allol1 Chal1tlcli!li!lr F'i!lar 24" 60x, Typ. ~ @ DUBLIN BLVD.' WIDENING 1 2 ) Robinia ambigua 'Purple Robe' Purple Robe I.OCU&t 2>b" 60x Circular 6ench Oecompoe.ed C:lranite CLASS I BIKE PATH flowering accent perennla 1& opecial Artplece To be Cho&en and l.ocated here. I 27+00 DUBLIN BLvD ) 'Q. ......G planting& -n c -J C JU m \ . ecia . . ' Gluercu& virg!nldna oouthern I.lve Oak J6" Box ,. ''\I., 26+00 (p o J> JU r m -J -J o JU '< m . ) ~ I I I I ) ~ f . <-. DUBLIN BLVD. WIDENING @ e.t1"g LiC{uidambar& to b 11'atanue. acerifolia 'Yaru. Tree G:ra tee.. ~- " I I A I t-':>" I L-_J I I--y I; }L.- / I; I; [',-I I; /I ........./ I; h / / J!ilow#,ng ~.er;.ennia Ie., nnua Ie. G:rc4fndco~sf and &~rube., with tall Flowering ohade Treee, behind. Addition of ;, fenCing connected and Ra a e.ter p ~ "" ,......... ~ "" .'"' '- " ~ DUBLIN BLVD. AT SCARLET COURT (j\) \...J ) '^- Stucco Pilaster and Lattice wI Flowering Vine, typo HACiENDA DR'vt:: WCONC hEADER-. .:-..: .:;-,.-. ~ '" '.",;, j-__.__n..____.__..---: . _.;;:;;." ... m-----.. --.. -..------. -.. 1/: --. ---~:~~=~ JL --.__. on _ _"..-:-._.__ . ____.. _~____.,_ :"Y'~ . . -- '"3 REe, .". u/~~."'c ;" Cc.N'::;;RE;"i'E'f:o.i.v~~ z,";>;$'~~ 'TO ALv...N \iJff-'AM'ERe. p()t.l.t~ PAViNG j." ~,'!'C C~ CCi.~. C.il)~.t.c...r:.i..i..,t.. ~"'C l"'F....., l.'-1, ac;.;~IE:'~ CC ;:::$) <;.;-!1-'e::. Y~;fi~> S~E F';..i:.X /':'R~E:S t ..A.~ (l__.,_~ "'.-.'>Qfi"". @ ----- TIC- . - ,t' i lit' ":-.:-:- -.' ~- q' "I(I ~' ~I 1 I ~?; Q \ .~~ ~ ,,~~__ll ;"~';;'::_::-:::;:-~;;P'~ T' ~ 1J . ""'0-. !; il ~ S ; "~. J) ~ I "~~ ~-=~~ ~~ ,~ "-'~KIi'MAP N.T.S. 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