HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Community Group Proposals Arco Grant C ftj Du13(7,N AGENDA STATEMENT 148(0--- 3 ' Meeting Date: November 22, 1982 SUBJECT ARCO GRANT EXHIBITS ATTACHED : Proposals from Community Groups RECOMMENDATION Send letter of endorsement to Eugene Fox, Atlantic _� Richfield Company • FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No cost to City DESCRIPTION During September of this year, Staff was notified by Dr. Eugene Fox of the Atlantic Richfield Company, that ARCO was interested in contributing funds for purposes which would enhance the fine arts in the community. Dr. Fox indicated that up to $15,000 could be made available by ARCO. Since that time, the following groups have submitted proposals for consideration. GROUP PURPOSE AMOUNT Shamrock Valley Chorus Risers $ 1 ,900.00 . Children's Theatre Workshop Theatre Lighting Equipment 3,050.00 Pleasanton Community Band Restoration/Amador High School Theatre up to 35,000.00 Valley Choral Society Director's salary, rental of facilities, No amount printing of programs and publicity literature Specified Hope Hospice Inc. • Assistance for terminally ill No amount Specified _ Staff has briefly discussed the nature of the proposals with Mr. Fox, who indicated that all proposals could possibly be funded to a certain extent. Mr. Fox did indicate that he would like a letter from the City Council endorsing those proposals which it felt were deserving. COPIES TO: Community Groups ITEM NO. /3'Vg • .: C; EiVED ET T 19 1982 u.�.� OF DUBLIN AN ARCO GRANT PROPOSAL FOR $1 ,900.00 TO BENEFIT THE SHAMROCK VALLEY CHORUS RISER FUND SUBMITTED BY SHAMROCK VALLEY CHORUS, DUBLIN, CA OCTOBER 19, 1982 • • Susan Maghsoudi Publicity Chairperson 11389 Cresta Lane Dublin, CA Phone: 829-2642 Dublin City Council 6500 Dublin Blvd. , Suite 100 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Councilmembers: Shamrock Valley Chorus would like to request a grant of $1 ,900.00 from the Atlantic Richfield Company funds to assist us in buying Wenger risers for our growing barbershop singing group. We are a non-profit, totally self- funded organization of 47 women dedicated to the teaching and performance of four-part harmony, barbershop style. We meet in Dublin every Monday night at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection on Amador Valley Blvd. Although we are affiliated with Sweet Adelines, Inc. , all money to operate comes from our member's dues, fund raisers and occasional donations from the groups we sing for. Our rehearsals are open to everyone and guests may audition to join us after attending three times. We are essentially a community chorus and the only group of this kind in the area. We sing for many civic events including Dublin's Cityhood Celebration, the City Council for "Share A Song Week 1982" and for Dublin's Founder's Day picnic and barbeque. We also sing for convalescent hospitals, senior citizen's groups, veteran's hospital and various clubs and organizations in Dublin and throughout the Tri-Valley area. Our director is Mr. Jim Brockman, former choral director at Granada High School . Proper vocal production and music education, along with perfor- mance technique, is stressed in our chorus. Our chorus was chartered in • 1978 and we have grown from 20 to our present 47 members. Our chorus needs risers to accommodate our growing membership so that we may see our director more clearly and for the audience to see us and enjoy our performance to the fullest. • Last May our chorus contracted to buy five sections of risers from the Wenger Company for the sum of $1 ,300.00. We still owe $971 .05 which is due next month. In the meantime, our chorus has grown too large (happily) i 2 \ • I purchase two more sections I We need to p total , modiate our entire membership• purchase, of $1 ,900.00 �. . to accom The riser p We have rice of $300.00 each. I is the current P outlays of funds our chorus has undertaken.e having fund largest o mon Y , is one of the with the necessary oneY by a Tupperware been working very hard to come up garage sales which netted ale of our old risers We have had two 9 1 raisers. received $250.00 for the $170.00 of $50.00° and we roues we have earned $ party By singing for various g more fund raisers had outgrown. We are planning which we far this year. donations so Carlo Night in October, a fashion show in _ in th performance a Monte "' for the future including candy sale is slated for December. ,( : and a expenses: --F November, other exp �-_ :�-; along with the risers we have many 500.00/Year However, a $ �°�°:_�. $10.00/night) 1 ,000.00/Year �- D1r (Lutheran Church, 100.00/year Fees ($20.00/Rehearsal or Performance) Director's Fe 130.00/year Director's Costume I 600.00/Year � Insurance onal Expenses (Music School Seminars) 75.00/year I Director' s Educational . 100.00/year Music and Educational Materials 2,350.00/1982-83 Publicity Chorus Costumes to Impound Account � 2,350.00/year International Dues (Paid Monthly ember) ____50A0/year $50.00 per Expense $7 ,255.00/Yearly Newsletter 1 ,9 Riser Cost $9,155.00/Total 82-83 Expenses -4,512.00/Dues -700.00/Fund Raisers • -1=Donations $3,773.00/Needed in 1982-83 so that we can meet our budget to go to our membership to make up the e hope we can have successful f have raisers W probably in 1982/83 but we will p h our music, a difference. ° ment we bring to others throug „Dublin to see the enJ Y Chorus from It is so rewarding roud of being the Shamrock Valley and we are especially p -3- We feel our chorus and the community would benefit greatly from a grant from the ARCO fund. We would be able to perform in a more professional manner in many different locations around the community and essentially fulfill the purpose of the ARCO donation to aid cultural arts in Dublin. ' • J r i3fx4,•1,7,-,s-vt•,-si e •''''',A"'''. " 1.• '''..k."'21.,4..g-'2...:4,•'•37.t1;3:::14,:igi'f,:"•6,1•Qq-X3e4,3e.4-.'''Sr';',5•,••;%,T,-,43,-4;k?,s;-,:--11e;47.3• 3;S•rst,'.1,‘";.3f,', (.1„i't,l'■0. •,--rs--•"";•••ssoral;s1s• ---•----• ',3!,>-"i•ls--:,,wil,-.,,15-,•,-....",s..,,4.• 1-....."''''1".::-.■''',1Z-14%.Y.,•;,',1.-11;;e: .- . . ....ii.4",,, ''':'''''''' -',"-'4104t!''..,,..?..?,‘,:'iiri:Y.%7..-0,,i.7-!"\:t.K.,iiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIiiiiiIiilangieri.";',:.Z.,,C),..,f, ..-4",..4?4',-4,:j.- . -,...,..t, .7.1%‘..•?...1,..,.:i"''''',',.....''41.--le..."P.',Z,';'.ACY47'.;e4:4. . '-,,'"?.. ....t'..An-.'".44".:-A,+."....,..f.).'1..,,',-4.4j,,,'...kj''...' 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Row 1 .-1.', -'rk ROW 2 ROW 3 4 . San Jose 4..,N`KiLk41.*,,.-4`.•C,:-_,...421.,Ut - , . ' '-'''"1:--c•dwe".44,7•0 1. Jim Brockman (Dir ) 1. Nancy Hawke 1. Bun Schofield , 1. Sue Cramer •-•'..i''''..'‘,...,... ;:,-;.,,zst..4.,11.;111)2,r4 2. Pat Keiser Sabbagh ' ,. 2 Sally Hansen 2 Kay Barger • . . 5. Santa Rosa .......-4.e.;„:-;t:,,,.\-rp.,,.. 3*, 3. LOSS Hammond ' 3. Bobbie Mankins 3. Bobby Wilcox „,,gh,„.;1..,,,,,,,,:-...,wr. CY" -- 1 4 Carol Vickerman 4. Rose Hill • • 4. Pat Sheley , 43.' CV ai rrgolinSuia raW°ciY SMALL Norther R edd 1 n'g-- y - :41,-,..r-,...,•,..zre•-•e r.,7„„.,1.,44,. t,.iti•I 5 Susan Holley 5. Debbie Rogers 5. Jill Barber•• f,p-..etp .....4.c..,..,,,t..- A 5. Liz FGorudnn , t',-...e?1::.1.-,,,,it. 6 Bernice Eggen 6. Bonnie Houck 6. • Clara Falkenrath 6. • Mary • • • ;1.1.2,--;!..-*;;;;;.,, ,-4.,..*:?...t. • 8 Sharon Jiminez Verna Smith 7. Ludy Mathews 7. Nancy Clark '''4.•sili'4:•••••%4\s`5;`-'7 -.?' 8 Jeanne Zeigler . , ' ''8. ,,,,,,,t,-.P..^..,I,1,,.k..11,-.4.re's',1,1! • Ann Schweizer 8. Peggy Holcombe 9. Elaine Salangsang 9. Olga ' 9. Juno Irwin Garner . 9. Jan Cushman MOST IMPROVED CHORUS ,•,9.,..„144,„..,.+,,,,:ig.,4„., • , • • ,l45:3?44:-.1t4k,Y;i. 10. Margaret Moyer 1110.. Beverly Barron 11 . Judy Hampton SiercritaySage - Carson • • • If/46,141oe.,Gv • . . . . . • . .ritri . . • . lD isers wn .._ . . .F e - . . . . , „ . . . . .. ._ . . e . . .0 -: 1 . : Ready. x_ r 'it.0 '` h . — ' ; � ".1 ` Wenger risers easily moved in a _ 7 4 - �'r i ;."�4 , ,,; ,,! tip„ :standard -station ',wagon gon .to . w , fr z� ' P t ,,, nt z 3 ` „�� ,,, ee;,� :wherever your singing out k 4. x r p; , pia,.✓ f2„� ¢ vy ,,TSB y�'.. o .Y frer ry},.(, 3 Y C i , 4 . -�' a QC�...l'Se��...v .._ •:.. _ r m, % y. . i.glA, .4 4i,? 45<� .j .+fie t ».�e..a::.rF `,�- .asat e41..L .3,^. ss3:u .a,rm 6.� ,ila... • = • • • : ;,' £ tJ.� i Takes just minutes. to set u ' a s } 7 ,4" • t, ' • full set of risers for your group. ;,,;x _° ''j. ! ' 3. : Sing! - Your group will look better,' perform better on Wenger. • Tourmaster .Risers:They're extra sturdy, have carpeted • • steps, and no-snag,step edges. • 2,.� El 14 , 'p.'k1 X ..4y tq 3 1 _. �T}•�t�.iQ {qa��yy YEJF r d�►' �� r l.: 1f 'Z� •j rr�'��It +.r Ire`„$ lly 'd► ,9'y :3./'-'1.'�� ..��v a�i ,1 �4 T' a . "' W, f �,tf. �� ., ii M it 'i.1 t I,;A ..,"i. 1. J i _,1 _1 _' `.iVr; . ,-.A l,, _ ' - _ _ _ _ . -, } � *i � Vii„ s. ' ' .:,= c e rr '. , tx. ka'"^" ;Y S u ,-t •r x 1, { ` "^ ' N - '"t- ft ut 3 i;� -+,.4. :- ' The Island Hills,Huntington,New York Chapter Sweet Adelines,1978Interna- x F 'S t ,. t� -•��r�1 tional Chorus Champions Estelle Grau, Director. a .. }� i.c. ' a - {a .,f_.s.. Ji 4x.,b - --- a e;i 4 . -- `Ask about our liberal creclitrrterms► - F �.! , .. t } 3`.x``:v. ^^' t s f a 1 1 .- 4v- f . _ _ . .1•,17- ;: r ''. - f _ --, SC firA S ''J'c.'•: _ - _,-: v Y r : r ',♦lz, " '.F. f.. Send the o EGY Wenger Building • • •_ , •Owatonna,MN 55060 _ '. or call us - coRaoranTioN . - TOLL FREE o Please send me full information ' about your ❑ Please send your full-line catalog • specific needs. Name •• • TOLL FREE Organization phone: 800-533-0393 Address (Minnesota,Alaska, Hawaii, Canada call City State Zip COLLECT: 507-451- ' 3010.) Telephone (a/c) / I 21 • ,G_ ..,, �; VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Ag rof HOSPITAL 5yy," '6 O LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550 • 41k41930'41:'. IN REPLY June 11, 1979 REFER TO: 599/135 Mrs. Lynn Uriarte • Shamrock Valley Sweet Adelines 2866 Winthrop Avenue San Ramon, CA 94583 • • • Dear Mrs. Uriarte: • Thank you and the members of your group for entertaining -our hospitalized veteran patients on May 7. The patients thoroughly enjoyed the delightful . singing. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. • • • Sincerely, • • t/4!./ if;:y/IC • WAYNE`C. SNYDER • • Chief, Voluntary -Service • • • • • • "To care for him who shall have borne the battle,and for his widow,and his orphan."—ABRAHAM LINCOLN 101 • Nanteha flIIpipf rr cNo_ 7II `{agal assns • • ALAMEDA. CALIFORNIA 111re:. cCynn VrLarte, Pre4Ldent .Shamrock Chapter-Sweet Ade e-i_ne4. • 2866 (I/Lrl.th.o r Ave. , • San Ramon, CA 94583 • �1ear rQr�s. • Z/ra..arte, • My. d.i.ncere ".7hanlz You" for the, beautL f ut (Performance on 30 7lovember 1979 at our Chapter for 0-ed 5.i.mer<s. ?7L.te! Many n-i.ce comp.-e-i.ment4 were related to me on your very • attract:--ve out Lt; , the p.ro-eis/oLona-e manner .Ln the way • the group p.re6.ented th.em9.e-Lved and the duperb .Sty.-e.e and • • techna.que of di..ngtin.g. • rleedeeois. to say, you made our evenLng! • 'Sho ut d you have ca.tUn.g card bs. that cowed be made ava41.eab-ee,- .9 am certaLn. that .9 co u-ed place them Ln the rLght hands. - for your b en eg-a.t. • • enc-eo ded .r.-6. a check of $25. 00 for your tabor o - -eo v e. Agatin., many th.anhd. • • S-i.nc((ereey. your-.s, P. g. (Rochey) (Vann, J tigh Prtie4 t • ± _ ,Cut/reran Church of the Resurrection ,v_ov , , 4.,,,.., 7557 AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94566 Every Member Church (415) 828-1580 a Minister Pre-School (415) 829-5487 Staff ' Pastor James Shimota - May -18, 1982 Secretary Mabel Gac .- Intern-Seminarians Jan So)lom Sweet Adelines Inc. , Region #12 Mark Luepke 416 S. Bernardo Avenue, Apt. #3 . ,. . Sunnyvale, CA -.94086 Pre-School Lou Ann Dahl Joanne Yonenaka Dear Sweet Adelines: The people of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection thank you for sharing your talents and Good News with us at our worship services on May 16, 1982. May God grant you continued joy as you celebrate "song", one of the finest gifts God created and gave to us to use and to create for others. • Sincerely, Jim Shimota - - hb • • • • • January 8, 1980 Jeane Zigler 8338 Vomac Road Dublin, Ca. 94566 Dear Mrs. Zigler: _ . � On behalf of Kinderkirk Nursery School, I would like to extend our sincere appreciation to you as a member of the Luckey Charms for entertaining our children at the Pleasanton Guest I Home. = The children were just delighted with your wonderful singing. Again, many thanks for your generous gift of time and talent: Si, - '=ly, Ro "-lle Flotten • • Co esponding Secretary . . . . . ._,., ' . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . ,. . . . . . . ' - . • - . . • . . . . . • . ., . . • . . . , . . . • . : . . . • . ..„,„ . . .. . : .. . . - • . . . ,. . . . . . . . .. . - - • - -. - . . . . .,.„... -•- • • ,.. .. . . ...., . , . . . . .. . ...., .. _. : ._......., . . .. . ... , - -: - - . - • , . _,..._,,. .. . . . ._:. . ....._ . .. . . . • . •• ",......---.--' . - . . . ._ . --- ........ . ,•:. : . • . . , ! . . . • - ' . . . . . - .. . . . . . .. : . . . . , 1i-c-1-6 -1-- ?lei- 1 !• a-t • ac4 1/4--atafa_t, . • . • ....._. . • lie,,,a: tkz..-0.,,e„,2, .--117-1,- . --c-t--7.7...--S-0-tir-.i.- . - . --,..., ,.•...._,_. .., .• ... -.. , .: ..,- . .- .. -1 1 - f,az././ - ,ilf_iia6._,Wki. ---- _. .... .. . . . ...: : fit/. 1_ jwcA,t--- a.cz€,..,,,,,,,,1_,, )110,(-kb-t,.. - `t,c_,- i•- W • . -__:- - .- : '---.. . . . _ . . ol ,, • .. ,5:6 dr,,,,„ ,1,2-c .-i-- . . . • 1 Vo. ■ • Ult-E- --4f-4- . • . . - . . I ' t'f• / 62 -1-c(-e- -CX47;1;44",;,,4_ So rnaA4-4-j- ‘gu)-L- 1 ...Y;iczzAk c<iat-4-- •-i--&--- r cri-s-t_• • • . . 1 , . . ... . . . . • - . ' , .. ,''. •. ', . . • • • ., ,.,' . , ,, ., . ...• , ,. . • • .. • • • ' , . . . • .... , . . . , . . . • • •• • • - • • .. ., ' . ' . . . . • • . , . . , , . • • • • . , . - Page 7 , .. . . , • . •, . ' - I', . .„ . . s , • • „.. . .., . ,,ti■ '• .,e4,...,=,-; .,..., .,. • , . • „ ; . , • . •..:C. ,..'•0": . • . „,t, .., „*.., - , :....,...t.; ....., .;:•,,, ,....., :.••■••.:: •'•.1”, ?.k 3..1...•''', -•• • • ', '. -• '.*.'I •i,'•-',-','••.,:'' .•.•......'. ;••,,•..', .• ...- ••. . ' The Herald,Friday.October 15,1982 ,. .. .. . •.' '' ''' '' ''''• ' • ' '' '-• • '' .. .: -•!. , •• ,•••, ... Barbershop. .. q u... r t ets ut,!i)..Iaf•,,,.';..,':Fl,h'.':,...; a!,.•,..•-•.;,,,.cr,.:•i.•;,-.1',.',.^or a o' u'.. s-y' s. ound ;: ... .. .... . . ,.,..1... 1 .,,, _ _ 4,,..eili- ' • ",. ". • s:4.•,irvi.41,,,''-.4,:':=,"7-4.7..f."'' . 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'• ••=:`,,t „k..''„"t.:;;,..i."71;,'•r.,,-;.'•”. .• ''I';' t t• .tt•t ' '''',.:14;_;"•,,,.r• '''''''.'••'•-•'' "a....-,•.;. •"...'` . .. . '`"I"';. •. '• .':' ' Three Wheels and a Hubt:DIck.AlberL left,-,Sany Meyer,:seated ,,, ,.,, mui,14,fl' -..,:,;:g. . . i$, ,,,,,..... 1) :4/1 Windy McGuire;Hub.SpIdle., " ••. '-'''. !X.;.,..-.-:•, ,,,,,,•. -„, •,, ' .. ,; ., . .f.7.,i.,..,:0,4,-• %sErl-•".,',.S '' ... . v .,,,.,t,,, .'•: f;' Itikt:i - .• - • ,, . . ,,i„.„.,,, ;‘,,,, 1.1 t.. •-•;•;p. . -•.4.„,;,. ,,,,„.\„1„.•.;...•.( '....„ ■ ,• ,, il'',;-_ ., ; q ,.. . ,. . • •' , •• - • .••'• ••!--. •"•••••.5= .,.,,i;.■;!e-,6 et:1 '`.' c'il;.V..;:4'1' 1..'414,491A1 ' .1. , .'..4 .e ''• ..... -,,;.:1"•=1.'0.' .''....• '14'7.,1,;:"? ' • . ..lernational barbershopping,almost-. 1....,*".- • . . if f •-=•-t. • !..... •. .vA, .. ,a•- • .?• ,••••• • s ,.:•• .--1 . •,,. - , By Vicki Haddock,.11--,-;,; •: Staff writer . 1 half are women, known to the ' ..`tr•,;''.4 I-. • . v.. . '.'t.1 * '•-,`,..-;v..* . . .t' • • • .,,. . •• • • .• '•• • ■• .. ...- , ....... • •., •,barbershop set as Sweet Adelines.. t;I,-;q",' .:::,:.,: .,. ....-.::: • - t. ' -- le.. ..,.. - , . "A"...--;n,-:.4 4n. ::-,i'. .'"--r--,2 s.--7,-T-t--:-... n n,--0. barbershoP quartet - a „; "We go by the same music terms- 6,--"2-01:•,.1.,-,n ': ---.,;..,--.N,-.4- •' •, -4 .‘"t-'0•3`'''' -• -.:..- - 4•*'.,".' ' *-„.•• '-- ' ,q,-,.;.7.";•"`.,..41`' -..,,,,,' •' " 'pl'4,1.,".• .„••••• ".,..1,•;;;;/ . • , human'harmonica'with 1:as men,".says Bernice Egglizi of t',411.1 $',C,-,".„.5"* "="ej.. 1,,.."!,,,,,',..*ily,s.,'" ,e,.''.%!';':,,",,,,IL.,,,;', :lg ' - ," .,'.- .''fl*„..,',0, :,:tt, .-',,'tj.,..-t'k. -•,,. ,:..,1_,,,'..,.., i:i-',.-‘,—.P.,', - .. A eight legs'-today creates :Danville;a bass. "Bass is at the''' $.1„:44,-,,Te..1.,..,-:-4.;f.•-•.-•:•4111470441-,,P,,,,,•4 ••7•,' 'r..."=;i41.`..,••41•ir ,. . ..„-.. :-.r..._:. ,,-., ,..,,,,.,1....tz ..,.,. -„,, ,.,,t.-...4..„,.,..4„...A.:;, . " the same.smooth sound . .bottom, then baritone,t'then the • ?,,,1“..r.t.', ..,„ ,•.4.,..., ,,,:.,lit,t-Or9e9:4..41-4q.:.•',,,4.:•;r"".4...Ntt,-).40,-,t,',....4,,,..• - '...4,'..V.,,...;'.:"".....-r tiliv,-.."%c ,',A....1...k';'.e..N'...:.. that charmed America,through the •"melody line with a'tenor harmo-i.... .e.,.....,7., • ;"-:-p-1.4,-..-_.k..:.4.041.-.to'4;:,..,.'•s:',',31.;"t.;...•••.•IL--•-..;•---.....•2 1„. 4 '• •■••,v...44,-..N.V44,..'•-•4 r --'.!r,•".itil``.11•414:44:C . turn of the century.".'••- ' • •;nizing above.But they sing in three'" ,-.1"..e-. •''.-•`...":'1""jr. "4".• ,-";,t,.t."4""*"••`•••••••CA.•:.=- ,--"`--4-4' - - ' 72'-'4 l•-•••"'''-'''''' '41411 ."-71"4"'''''.4''''''...; ''''' When the guys sing barbershop-•.,.;..octaves'and we Sing in just twq:g4f..--,:_.,,..',44 ,,i.:-.."7:-;7,,::p;"::-:-1.;;;;;1,4i,1-,7',F, '",":..;2-,-',- 7.1r..:1,71-.;i7,l'-',::::::',HI.F.. ...-4,*-,5:,:',--•.7-,:.7..I;:.'VA,.:,-.1, ,'.'•,l• 1 %.;- ...' .' i:4 Jr4Sdmonson-MO OM I • ;. we sing of Mom and apple;ple,andill- '":The!themi'a:Sweee"Adelinestle,..".;:,' :tk..-W,.••4-1,,,,`";,',. ---...• ," ," sweetheartS'named Mary •ex:''-'''ha oilizi the world,"'"and-tliat—'"e'"gburst"quartet"of oweetAdolaces'W.i.. ea'Mitift,:hattage_Quiii16.. Barbara'Marchilli..:They;w111.'•perform Saturday.....,;-.-..- plains John Schafgans of Danville. idea attracted Nancy Hawke-of- at 8 p.m. at the Flint Center,Cei:Anza College,Cupertino:_'•,__,..,,•r_,._ . :-,,,,..„,,.;.. .,..r., ... . , .. The music carries you back in Livermore,who says she believes''' , .';' i..'-j,;-'.,.l''•'''''',$1."-..,".:':k .'-l-." '' p,.iil- •..- i -:-,1-;--,...-....•...,--f.... . - .. , time and makes.you feel.1well; music has the power to work such:' ' wonders. "' ' - z•l!",':. ''''''''''i .."-';''' ' ' +''',I.:,'. ",..),,A.;.:P••• r., AI 1.-11 ,1 :41re.-4`01-.1:4-M44'r'14.,1-75'4•",',Ai.,.. 44'.... .... ."':••,,,,4••...i.•-,',i.',P"i• ii13',.s e Schafgans is one of hundreds of It's also good for the individual;.' :,-Ated.icnorutes.-1-: :. 14,..„,_.:t.,,h,..;i.,.14--., .,.., wi,43,1fitotiv,k,.- • .„.. . it.t ,.4.....1 . ,,, ,,-E.,. ,, ,,r ,,.,--- East Bay residents who sing in according to Graff, who says ' ;•,I, •:".•I'K'."-I-';?;;•":"..."'•QA.:<'";::-:;:4':".-.e.;• . ;''''''''Y' ''''' ;.".•;. *"'"'t''''''.4'4'IV• ' - ........• r Ai i,*.)1Ac•--..• 00. .14,14.1.,?„.•.. ... P'*,t, -• .• barbershop quartets or choruses..'; -4{,/,',, • , . , .. , 'Iti,:e' ,.....- ..statistics show barbershoppers.-,i..t,...40yoti,would try •V; V-ali',8,-...itt. . "t•:•,...jk..;;;Ic.rt.i.=..kjz s.• ....i / ,.•1-;:•,... • _,, i7";04, ••••••_ ,, g r .' ,-•, Barbershoppers'tend;,to be morei••'•have fewer ulcers heart problerna';;, g,bar,ber,shatiptAg,,cuiese8 t=:, 0,,,c-)4A.z....,,', kv.;-W-ii,..ei sillediiii...J #1-4''''l' ••• ''''i'. 144,,#.24,. . . bubbly than the froth atop a root .I-and other stress-related illnesses..!.: ,i".. hortises":Invittit';youitniiit;;; i vi,j1c.,,-..t---..„ -,-*.,.,•:fr-7,;;;-..., el—, . -,: . ...;‘,. Irv,- 7:...,,,;.,:.. , .., .,! beer mug Shucks;:they-thrive i on-,L••Legend•has it'that'barbershop41 :Ahetri:Vpre:;,,, t'Z'')_•:"•-•"-IVa"i•,,.';" ,.,,,.II4N! .,;,•',.•?,,r_.:\„;,,,,-`1,_,,..s „,1.:•;-„,%,V', ''''''Nrz;`,„, !..7, "•;;.1„Fire,-q.%ta,...-,;.-_,- .4,,,... 1 ..: .. ...'ping began'in Middletown USg. '.' •...4f,The.iShamrock3aralley ' ,,l', yleei-•,,,,4cisaV"•.•/r.-A:474,,,,„'A'1,', , , 1. 3" `'' t7 ,,KA;At6V^.. ...7‘,..q:.‘ ' "You don't have to be a harn," ../-1... 4, .•••.`jaa•.... •' .• . - ....:one summer afternoon -,a•;;;II tichapter of'.Sweek."-Adelliieslf ,,"! ' "'•;" -V4... ' ''6;.2.41R-4,1,-,.:V -`.11.-..- m',....row.-":...1''',M,I • says tenor Ed Graff of San Harnon,;''.I.barber cutting a'customer's hair,' 1.,:meets:Mondays'at:7:30;13.m:t.tf I'', c,P-IVin.:,, ,e ;'..7.1.?,,v, 4,-,?,.,./...,,,..,-. ,,,,, - ,,,,,,,...,....i, 1'; .,.,.,.'w.....,,.v but it sure helps." piped up with a sentimental croon.,• •:!,iat,Lutheran;;Churcb I:bit the...z b! rt,41 , ...4,4.i ,....,./7,,,tte.„a,,;y.,,,„,z „,......tr...v"4t.:, ,.4 t. :,,,,...etti,,..,-4,..0. A ,,;,,.... ..x.,1\r, • r- Things have changed a bit since'l. The customer joined in as did the.• ":;.Restirrectien,'.7557•Amador'-''' ' ,z.,:i,V.,9"::-}•,ist... --.. 1.'■141',..,,..•p47,-w••1:10.',=.44`Lil ar 41.05,7;V_, ,,i1143.'-,......; „."1: A - the old days, when harmonizing s.. merchant next door,and the boy ' .1.yalley.Blvii.,,Dublin.1-1,•,?•,4-•S',. '', ';'.1;ii..4•.,',..:07 F' ' 9'(-41..ie.,,:*.t.„4:....;5.<1.,,-..$1.,r,14.....N..,. ••••,„,,,..,.:4-.n, ...4,,.....,.,„ ...S. came with a haircut and shave., sweeping.up chimed'in with,the„ t4;The V Mission•"-V ii-I I eyi!1 •.:1;., y-6.c,,ii.-,1 -„•;'*•,-;*,2,,L07‘4•,P.XP, •L'r Vcir.Cf•:. ...eStc''...1-;•;" -.....„..t;,-4 .■Tit .i..„ 1,:f„ s 07,,,Back then then,barbershoppers donned tenor..,.• "'''.'-''....'''.•••"4:-.. •••';•' :.- .,„'-:Chaplet Sweet:Adelinesire-,,, •-•;• ?.„ri,.:.,;,..AR.4.....C..rf,.",' "...,• 'ip`tt.•..., ••••,d,/' . .,, ,a0•,,, -••,,,;1..",,,.. ,',:,„.1t-. ..r .1,...),.;t -,%. peppermint-striped suits to blend' By the early 1900s,barbershop'' , hearse,Thtirsd,ays at 8 p.m:itir,I I l. t;,,,,...,l„v.W,..",...;, ,,r- ,,t,. - , ,..,,, ,i ..„,-,,,.• -7„...,0,--,■:„. _ , -,,...,,,'1:,, ,,.,. ..z.3... .„ with the barber poles,white buck harmony;was-a'-staple..of the ''.• Presbyterian Church of;,Sun-I!' -1, t,.ti."t„..::•7'.•-'1,•er, ..,, .,;--1„ ,"1 ;,..,.i.;;:i —'...'.., Ain.144,/-',4..-..,i,;!,,.. .•-,•-,,:.,/..,,,,r.,54.:V ,c="4.,•ij,,A shoes,straw hats and canes.Occa- vaudeville-stage.'.One quartet.?.:. f.:nyvale;t,728":;West.j.Freont;A: '.1, %,7;'...tiV;,•1•4.•''';; °-„, .. ;.,..,.., ,, ,5,v. --. -- ....,_„,•;•-•;",•y•. -.4..,,,,:.,,.,-,.,A,••,,4„,,..r.,,,-,..,,Ii.j,,-„,- sionally they'still deck out in the t searching for the right song came:.-...• ,::',ISwInyvale:Ik ."...-"'-'.":?1'.-"rrl'il 'II' %.-,-- -Fico,....i!,-, ..,,..-.-s'-';,... ,,,. ,.. ,- ,-,-,,,,,-Nii....-e.-.2_,N,,,-;.1--...,-.•''..-....1'.''W.::"`'-'1'j nostaligic'getup',and.some relish.'Ct •.-acroSs•;',a"..eemPosition'Penned'.liC. s-,,.;;;I:;;Dev11,•Mountaii,`ChoruS,.of',., ...: "IZI,..•-,,;;;;..t,.v. ., rt."..•"..".""tt A( - ; .,g'-, 41.4"."7-,` •,44.-.•••- 4,„ ,,,,,,,,,,,r,..,-,• r.•'' ; r'•-: ''• -."•"!.. twirling thelz;mustaches_inip',t.balti:A ; .'1," l'414:-..7,..;-''''':•;,-./ ' T' ••'„?-4;*.1140 f4N, 189G...then':calledqfnrou!re'.;the '.4Baibershopperc,meets,e, .0 4h- 1.,,,,,..,.., •„. ,, , , .i. ...*1 .‘1•;.. F14:0werr;r,of•i:.My i,'•Heart .:Sweee,4'1, Tuesdays at"8.p.zn.'.at Trinity:,. .': :•';.:.,,,,,&,,. ,,,f'.':;',\',.. ..'',•-•).„-1:71; .„1 4 :lot ' , ,,.•4`,., . , :.- tki ‘.4...... ' 7 7.'''.',•Ldiebars:r?.,'.1:•••,,..;_':,11"'/'.'-,'yil.*1',., ,••;-Butbarbershoppersnejengezare--." ,Reselle.VDeeldinetheir'needed".ar,i,-Lutheran Church;2317 Buena... •' ,rztr•a *)....5".-r". •.`„," ,. ' r4 Ij - -' middle-aged.:salesmeeserenadintifr clichtrewithl,a",snapPler:4itle,nhei?..r!..t' -`0,1atn'Ave-;;Walnut Creek.V-;.-- ••-- .''t..Y.F.',,..;.--;'"'";;;"••',L.'.4 ' ,.,.. z.... ..- . from small-town street corners - ..: replaced Sweet i Rosalie with : •;1;:Eden-Hayward Chapter of ' '14,1r4r,;`,..1,-!. ',... ,,..)..' •,•• ; ,-•••■ -,.,, , •1,...,. -.--.&.„. .., - ,, •...,‘„,.*. • ,r f• . . . They range in age from great- .•Adeline.• ,..-'V-1' :'" ' '" '- '.'fBarbershoppers-meets';'• - ;:;-4,:t.t•NW,.,:g - ..4..;-4,. P.:••,1•&.%•4",,- 4. .-, ..- , 2•''..'!,r4,:••'..1. ...•••,....'. ,.`,&;:' ',.., ,' L. great grandfathers to adolescents. '' •The new number,' "Sweet .. '.';Wednesdays at p.m.',at;Pd..;-,. . ,,,,jfc9.1,1 j"".2.."trt.-' , ... , ' ,,,. ,.,:.,. .., ,:„.A, ,* i',•1,...-4,..V• •'1•'''..:' .,. - ...1."1.4'i,-...7 Kerry Graff;16 and fresh from the 'Adeline,"was to become the banner-' .',elf le,High.'scheol'a!,'"trutalc:`',' .,..14.•.•.•• .1 .1 k'4:••'''':4-4'..1.":•■ • • • •" ‘:"`j'%"1"6-'421q4tit•;•4','•••••. • r". 4.",-'....'.42;44% barber's where he got a haircut for ,, P(barberOPpc.„''i"...q..ti,' •..'''i-,....' 4rnilm'TAMA popi9vAr4•Atia '.1,,, '''''''; '‘h.' 4'' di' 4•-• Ap piwnipipg bArtiPcshopp,er,4 pon. ' niPrslinp Mal(W04 10 10100010 -'1•Wqyup;AvPinig,i§on I encjr1V, '''''',....•,), ' ' . • Ny-lilloti tuivs1■0-':i W41110i1 III PO 11 ‘i2i,tii,•110 1,,11,al I,; ii,(,1,ily III 111:111'.4 /1! illilill WINN', , , l' rffilii 1'1,,111111011 ililflikr 0,10.11,101.,1:...11 IA 11101.11 1.I ii.,i'r-7.111111,,,!!.1■1..4.1,: I I I, porno(tun. kW,140,0, 7 . , . - ..u....S./.°"'IS"`"''''""F octaves and we sing in just two." ' i• . . .,- ..,• . •••• • ,. ' - • . Jay Sohnonson—staff photo we sing of Mom and apple pie and , The theme of Sweet Adelines Is.. • '' $ ellnes•'Jean•Haft left Yvonne Gundry'Jane Samford,,Barbara !Orchid'.They:,w111 perform Saturday - ' sweetheartS named'Mary," —The Songburst quartet of Sweet.Ad . , ,_; . ,, ; ,... ,..,_... _ , .. . ex' "harmonize the World," and that . - plains John Schafgans of Danville. Flint Center.De:Anza College,Cupertino. -•i •, . -.. ,•,..,• , Idea attracted.Nancy Hawke;of.1.at 13 p.m. at the „. , , . ■ .., 4...„..,..,,•.,,,,;.:.,..1,.,;•--,,,,,,0.,,•..t ,„ The music carries you back In , • " • Livermore,who says she believes 1.' •■ lit ..;i i ! ',.$"!‘.•,..,:li,,) •••:',',A.;•"c•i.•,•'• .•.!•,.,:; ., ; ..1 1,•, . -,•••,..• ;•.• , „.,:... time and makes;you feel,:well; .• music has the power,to work such: • _ •.''-' ,„, ..., ,..„,, s„ ,..,,,,,,:„:,„.„ ;,,,,,, .;,,. •.-,... ••, .0. ..,•,$-..,.,',..-i.,;.-±",,,i,',ii‘A•:-,,,..=2,-* ',:•: happy." ...wonders. •• .! ' -•' ,:!..,-.7. V:-.i-"t.' '•!. •"''''.•!'''-1 '-' '',="4',..,-,t1==. •:.,7.... •-)'d',i.:',1*,',.11;::.t.:1';'. -=',;.1!):,,i ',.t1t-.,,-,;-1.!'.....-,.;,,,p. '4,,•4„,'1, , :• "4altk..&,), .• Schafgans is one of hundreds of It's also good for the individual, :,z,Area..,chorusesk, ,-• 47,1k..* ,,•• 1,:fiK*,(\.qt-ini ','.,=..,.....: - ,-,•.--.,..,-...:, -,f,..,moi• -,..r.'im;, • .. • . . East Bay residents who sing in • according to Graff, who says,. ,,-41..-tifjt,:f,,i: ::.-',9!:".ij/kr''7.: i-,-,,,, ,••s.d.,.':iiti,..4,..„,,,, '.i..,..4W.i.:•••.0 -%Fri'f,Y,-,' ',z,, '., T:LIJ ','"•-i30.:•,7• *•-•-•'..6/.,'.',-..1....i • barbershop quartets'or choruses.T-...statistics show barbershoppers.-; 14';If'lcitt.;wOuld':Intt"to ltrr,t,, •$(.," .t.lik.-Weet.•,i„,...,-'..,:i.l..:,. i;•,•15,;47.1,',I.,„„t• ,, ..,.,.....}'.,./4,o,.•,•4•• i .i ,,oz,,, , L. .,... . Barbershoppers tend to be more,;:.,•-•have fewer ulcers,heart problems';,.• ,t,,,;,fbaxitiershopping,„Ahesec.•; 1" ii.k,"e ,...0 1‘....,-,-,41,• 'e 4,4,0s,,,,'A...;',A., 7 -- i•-‘ . 1 ',,...i!,•'''' .,A. .4., •:,,m4c4..‘,94„ii:•••.'4, : i i'lli bubbly than the froth atop a root`,•., vdsti. ,`' 1'4 • • and other stress-related illnesses..-:-,. 7.,:charusen`:1nv,Italyou%t.ovIaltV; .fWr.p•:":.'"4, c,,,V,ire'r.':: ;•,;;r . : ..;:.; „...„, .rig.t.l.„„,_...,,,.. 4 a.,,,•nii, v;..L.,1 beer mug.Shucks they thrive on:;•..: Legend•has it'that barbershop. e;.ithent:qii'lf.,•ki,'40:',.:-.1141"; -.1 ,o-kr i.,..,-•j-,..,',4,,,,:!,-;ofix -,. - ,•••• ,.,,‘ ''1..,,s---A,Iw•A,:lpi...z.,-. ,,,,,--eL •,,,,,L.v. •: unabashed schmaltz 7,..r.....-.".' '.i *7.71,;:ping began in Middletown II.S.A'...i: .Y.i.a,,pke7,1„shanireck,-;:t yalleY!":1: -'1: it! -• `X. .ifi'll'VI),;:i :Wili .. • 'iti,,,!‘..-'.', ' 'fl•V 4 za-$7:74e/1/4 t igf-'"' . . You don't have to be a ham,"•.'.','one summer,afternoon when''..a•'-,.; ,'‘iChipter,Or SWeetYAdel.!nes" •'' 't-., u$,•/‘::!..4.■••..„, -. 111)1;51i."‘„Ktr'',$.t,' ig.1V1•,.: . ',.,' SI,F,H7,14.•ti...%.7,VAr 4',:17,4'.*. 'e,-,,•_,.;•. says tenor Ed Graff of San Ramon,;:, barber cutting a customer's hair(.. ,•;,meetn-Mondaysat.1:_gr.ri.riLr: ',,e.„ „gg,. :,: :...! rz...;:v.: ,,,,,.....,4,-7.,t4w4,4:. ,,, rit,-,yrAq..-;:-... .,;,,w "but it sure he elps.". ' • ' I.' piped up with a sentimental croon.., -","I'af,',.LutheraikiChurch'ef,ithe;r3 :-.,,.. tAl '......7-..t.7.k.':1.4z.".7 114,:::4--A*,:pleryiE-4;. ,.......r.,Z.'..„—4,74•...c.,.1-."-.4. -:-.-5e..*16t r--- Things hav changed a bit since......The customer joined in as did the "iiiResiirrectIon07557NAMador leatii..„,-g.7, ,,,,,,, ,, 7,,,,,,,, ,.7 01%.„.f•,,4,.. :t.• e,ir4,4...,t ..„„,„...„:„.1.„. .4,4 the old days, when'harmonizing r merchant next door:and the.boy'f..• :4Valley,/ilid:,Dublin,-,=WI';'‘,1J-"," :•=:' .11,!,,.•••'02,ce.x.V.t.7.;77:14,. p A."-. :••)!;:..,4,„:„.,.., • rf ,,,,,..,,,:,,,,,. -0,1..4.,..„,. ,,,.2,4,,,z•ieop iitv • . came with a haircut and shave.. .,sweeping,up chimed:in with the.,,., .03.7Tha,Missliin.ili:Vall„&y„i,g, '''V.. :•;‘,.--,,..i..k",..,;',,•;1.gili.,*(m, o? •:,,,I cep": ot,.., ,.t.,-,.... 1■..._::_,,,, ..c....., •,, flu...., • Back then,barbershoppers donned.$•tenor...,,... .'':'-ifY..,'"•.:ti.;;C,.,,,,',:,•..,.,?P-' e 7,:•Chaptei;',SweeVAdliiieicrelf: ,1.-..,,," ,...,"'r).4 t'x's-i,rk,„<ite '$' : .,,, ,,....) . „• • peppermint-striped suits to blend:- , By the early 1900s barbershop.:- :;:hearsiThiirsdaYnat 6 p.rii..atX k1. ,•7'e :„; ,r.,,2.;a,r, ::,,,y., ..,:,....i.o.' '- ,,,-7- . , • ,,-.. ,,..,,_ ..i,i.,..,,,..ts with the barber poles,white buck..' harmony was'a'staple;.of•the.T .....:presbyterian'Church of Sun 4, •,,'; ,...... ...^''' . , , • i $,.•!„-, • Viigiiii 4.•••" ',`-- .: ''''•-N,.."4 4i.v.- 'n _. , , e,„4,,,, ,, „ ...!:-,...,„„ . ,o,„,....,. . shoes,straw bats and canes.Occa- • vaudeville stage.'!One quartet... .i,i..nyvale;1736$,'.WestcFrem,704., .,( XII, ,,Wil „ •• ,, $:-.,)•,. ••. „ib ., - ,' si i • .• sionally they still deck out in the $• - , , . . '.,"'""', '''' •,-,•'. 44.4 'ta: searching for the right song cam&;., Sunnyvale .';,i,; e;4,„:144,..'1'.:- - -:' ....“, ..,.. . .. ••4.. ,•,•",. ;r .. .4.,',•• • nostaligic getup,and some relish,%- ';across•a composition'penned',in i'i.Ji.1-P,Devil,i•Motuitalik;Cherasiof.,:'' ,.4. ,,?,, 6.1-„,..m,.. • .. - .i7 n;,-- . rg ' . -, ' ':'," '.r•-,,rh7. . . - twirling,their mustaches into liam".1,:1896; then!yelled,P.!You're,..theN • 1341)etiltePPers:-.`,meetq;iivi i'.... ,.::..,., lk., „ dlebars .- / i '- - -.11;,,‘I."P\ '.-..-.., I::'''.`,.,':-0"....Flower,of:•My.lHeart;',';'Sweet Cii. kiiTiiesclaksatlip.m,"atIrinitri. ,; f#,,t," -..',..,',.,••.• ' — . ButbarbershopperSeolanger are,.....,Romw. ' . - middle-aged salesmen.serenading,ziti,?;. Deniding,:they:'fieeded"mk,": !i.,;)Ltit*raticliure10317Buenal,,, ..;,, ,1?., .4.- .,:.141,„.--, 2 .. ,. ,. . t , ..,. ' 41.U. ,..,„... ,,,.., diddy$with.i a..snappier..title,'they!4 '4.,:ylita';Aye:,%1Talnut'Cree1W-':4:-, ,',. '' '',,•',...4,, •:,...*:. , ":r,•:: ,-,,. , ,..•,. . • -.7,,,, -,....,. .4.'1,,ti,.. . ,,ty4 • - from small-town street corners. R.: replaced Sweet.:Rosalie with,, ";•,`,"Eden-7Hayward!Chapterfof,:a •'; ' 174,:l;,,. :'il-...' - ,•'1.,`:"$ ..,- -," '-;•,'-,,"- 4.,,-7 1.'`.."„"" 1.74,.,.,r.:,.,,,..1,.4)•.....i..!px% • They range in age from great- ; : Adeline... -!•;-,1,.. ..1,-.r. .7.;, ... :!:Bar bers hoppe'rs..-.meetu",.: .,• ',....4-_,..'t TN' ' „. •''- '',4 ,. , .. . -- •'"'-.-.••••*41'; ..",.-"or • ,- :••i•,'.!.; 44\14 . great grandfathers to adolescents .... • Kerry Graff,16 and fresh from the • ,The new number,•"Sweet . :.":Wednesdays at 8.pMtat PMZ!! ;. .,„-e , . • ,. , ,, , ..,,„,.: ,.,. ,,,,,,,.,,;„.,,... „ . ,,,,,a. ..,......,,:,.4,,,,„ Adeline,"was to become the banner' '$,elfic,;High,School's'music r ,,, .,i,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 'A.,...L.,-. - -.• - .n..- • ..2....javg,11...4,4 .., • ,.„.. . ..,,. N1,1ae..,:,... : barber's where he got a haircut for:.:i...,of barbershop • ..','?;i,..- ' , ?' room Marina Boulevard and':'. ..•' • • o ar an upcoming barbershoppers con-- .••Barbershop itself was to become' ';',.;Wayne averitie,`•San:Leandro • .:• ••! .....„..:!, . . , ., . . , ,,.. , .. , 'vention,says he's"wanted to be a''' an American folk art second only to ',..';:•Bellesiiof.,,:Eden1"..Chapter',,!,;$ .!•';:Falre Exchange quartet Donna Henderson,left Linda Clzek,Bernice Egglin and Sandy Sabbagh. . barbershopper ever since I was a ,f- .... ,. jazz in Worldwide popularity.purr,- l'Swee1';'-Adelinesit:;:itneets 7., ..•'-:1-'•'•--',,,,....,,,,,. ,,,,.:;..-,1,',..:' :••:-'-''..:1,;,".,'.-- :' '''': ''''' ' '€';:,- , - _ little kid and we used to go to watch'f.',...ing k Oklahoma'iM!,-1947:!.,Today'`•both;-..,t easy,"says San Leandro's Hub Spi-•.:,eral of the'others' carry spare • my dad perform.I loved it • the!Great Depression ;,$ThursdaYs-.:it.,,746.7,,..13.u0aq, : ''''':.''''' barbershoppers'.hit home with,': $,,First:TFChrintini.chunk t•;tel ',"•/groups are international although:!.!:.;(11e,,'tenor'''of,•,.'the'.quartet Three pitchpipes in their purses or ,-• Today they may be marine-- T.:songs like!Muddy,Can You Spare& ;")Meahlphall;:'156611'..Washing- $ •:,;,;politics,have muzzled:the'Sweet-;.?7,,Wheels and a'Hub. The name of.,,pockets in case their piper flubs. .- biologists or computer program-:,...!...D• .itt....$: . ;•,.,..,:. ..,,,,,.,,;„.,.7,.,,, y,tenPAce, san,10.0nzol....Call."/ .`itt,•Adellnes in Ira&N■,-;;;',.;'•5,,..$- • . r.;•.the'game is that."or barbershop• :-.•.:. - ' '• ' ' users although Ed Graff says of his i.!-: ,Dime' ton two Men from Oklahoma;':-,... , 276.4517 lot ••.!';,,,"Each•year,the'Organization,,,zseventh'chord:In'contests every •:.,,.When barbershoppers get togeth- in the"-: chapter"there isn't a barber , Y.,formed the Society for the Preser-' - . . •"":';stages regional and district corn-A.'third or fourth note must be some er to compete or perform they say bunch." " vation and Encouragement of . . ..' '•4•:...•;.:, ... ••• ',i-,,petitions. The Mission Valley',..,type of seventh chord." 4 they're forever "woodshedding," Barbershop singing is becoming Barbershop Quartet.Singing in.. '' ' "".i-'....-. '-'.' ... , , -.....1:.chapter.of'SweetrAdelines,t with-,-', -The object of the harmonizing is-,7:!'•getting four singers together to har- ; Singers use. America Inc. .,•-• , .• ,..„ quite sophisticated. S , . -'. . ' "In those days my friends and I.:,'„ , members throughout the Bay Area to create a phenomena called ring ' monize."Bathrooms are great for . sheet music now and the reigning - "I can remember growing up in wont sit d i on the' th banks of the river'''. named top chorus in int '''i the chord" When quartet.11 that," says Barbara Marchitti of . was op c orus n ema-,•tug e ,.. en a international champion quartet,- the , 1930S"explains Leo Fobart,an5,:',..and$sing just.to..pass the time 1:',,',Uonal competition in 19761,'..4'4 blends well the audience will ,,Alamo,"because the acoustics are black tuxedos Local",..officer at the Society head-... away,!'Fobart adds."Radio threat-i• "Barbershop singing las Mt.dif-;)?'hear"a fifth note above the rest,..st:marvelous and-you get a..great performs in ac u . r-'echo ha ters have given the barbershop quarters. 1'We had FDR and the- .ened barbershop,'but the Society ferent than singing solo,"'say Sandy even though no one sings it.'' . chapters twist to "Aquarius," "Country WPA and all that.Alphabet soup:,,,.h -...• elped preserve it ,...••-. .- •,--••;r: Sabbagh of'Dublin:?!.%losrsingers;:sc...•$Barbershoppers sing$a„capella Roads"and even the Bee Gee disco . was the g&so our tongue-in-cheek$'..,••$,..'The society boasted the member." .1';‘.have a lot of vibrato in their voices ,,..i(without an instrument). " - "When you sing barbershop, i,••• tune "How Deep is Your Love,""7,name ,was'•and s t i l l I s?'-,„tshlp of,.William Hanna and Bing but you have to get rid of that to . I quartet '''But someone in the uartet or. you're more or less married to it it . E B S Q S A'There isn't a short•.•Crosby and soon chapters sprouted.,,,.sing barbershop becauseyou need a"-i'.chorus.is the piper, the one who takes so much devotion,"explains according to barbershop tenor Jean • S.F. . . . . . . .' • , ti.;',. .,,,,,,,,,,t,,•!- .. , „ Haft of Fremont:- The women s group steady d tone to blend." is .. • way to say it,and in fact we highly. :.in Canada:,T g stea y •,.- ,s'-$:ry blows',a-pitchpipe• to start the Graff. But gee,we have a heck of 'es Inc'or anized in'''- "S' in barbershop sure not.1.sin eri out on the right ht notes.Sev- - a good time Of the 73,000 members of in i discourage that •,.• $ '.,..,0$••:,::Sweet Adelin ., g Singing g p ,,. g g ., . • .. .. . . . . • , • I 1 . 1 . / • . . . • 1 I . • i ... . 1 • 1 . ..' . I . ,rt•••,‘-•.*••.:4 , . I . i • • • 1 . • i , .. t . r Clubs i 1ft THE HERD J 7C•7 µ • yFrlday J n�Il.1911 Sweet Adelines spreadj` l! -leasurelthrou•gh:��.:song By Pat Lane I + r -1, Every several years the chapter puts on a show in the • Correspondent • •. • , " '--,,,,j\ r p ' �., ti ')',,14 .lu.A valley.The next is planned for 1983.It will feature the : 4.. `F , tr5 t entire ensemble plus Shamrock Valley's 455 quartets.'; Nancy Hawke of Livermore and Carol Vickerman of..' - - '�1, 4:41,-,;-i..;r,.l,,,,_,s 4,,,•, +,��. f„t� Yes,455 quartets.The missing two are from San Jose • Pleasanton are high on music,high on life and especially.: '�,i, `,4 FT,-"• —r -,. K ' high on the singing of women's four-part barbershop F: a,y. asc u �A.Js u_ Ja r t p - +,a .r ah �� l Membershi chairperson 'g harmony. '"'-'' ` ° `'� ? ' s4.:,, h'• .� K m+-•. P person Carol said•that nests are Both are members of Shamrock Valley echo ter of t ' ... '▪ i•t E, l i,...,;•,,,,94.-,,,,-.,� ^s1'always welcome at the 7:30 p.m.Monday sessions-at c ' Y P A rr• w +tl,r,•'rtr ,.yr 1, I;tlk• ;�alst?u eta Lutheran Church of the'Resurrectlon, 7557'Amador Sweet Joined s,one of four such groups in the Bay Area. z 'i • c, ):fD ti �i '" y� Valley Boulevard,Dublin.A singes should be able to Nancy anon "Sweet Ads,”as members refer to.the ' y iTJ w n F ,t v t f� r . i carry a art but need not necessarily have to be able to orA lifelong n September. • ' g.4 V-.**-,.,t r-,.r ut , T Y P Y t�, ty a▪ ,,t : ,1 z?t l read,music.For details,phone-462-7504.•A lifelong music devotee,she had not sung in a group , 'ii) ,c f .•since high school and college days n the Pittsburg,Pa., t •, �.p�. ,, ( ," "• area.•That is,with the exception of a recent holiday �,�t+ ?" ,.;°,',..:,...4.,„,•';'•v5� 4 d • • season when she was in a production of the Messiah at �t s �'�',S ,ti" ., c<we s •F,+`.-- I 1•. r • • • the Oakland Mormon Temple. ..• ";;•*" t ` -','�g.,•^��,,u', ,Ft:+ t F wr-+ c ( :;. {,, y• She was drawn to the vocal group for two major a -•o,t t il'T`.r P 1 )^t i s,n. 1,, , ty reasons:the Sweet Adeline•motto and Shamrock Val- 1 -« r^ N A'� r L ■P ll n . ley's new(since September)director Jim Brockman,a 3 "rx J #+" 4'1 t` .. �r i- ; os •tt` `, .0 , ', r fry..Y ' ' • former choral director at Granada High School.-• • w o.,. ty fkt-i4 tr ,r t t „;,9,,V,'&•'',,,9-1.`'.'44-... ', "I was attracted'by the motto "harmonizing the > rti + }•} .+ 14 at ' ` + "•+ ' -Y t,•R'4- 11l�2 IIiC �J+1' '4 A i• 4 Ji,0 w `, F - :i. world”because I believe music has the power to do that r x q u /' t , C�(? �t w�tt�c 1 .s�; t i In the wider sense of the word harmony,"Nancy.said._,t >, .,..s.' . ..� w4;,.`r,�, :y�j ,.' ,' ' it ,1; ins z o y ` I4 'en; '1 "..44 •i "I would like to use musical harmony as a technique': v t- ) `•s�•.gr#9 'J0 14, - '1, "j a i , 1 i....V s WO,., 1t) "* 5 r a..: •.-r E ,, to help'people experience and express their harmony,. ? ) r e -aiAid't.,,i 4 r, ,1+ cr ( .-t,,-s s�yt ` 6Itq' and unity with each other and the universe;'she added.t_ J n 7 g / Apt + /1 I 1 i.t•`,1 Je iii1 r e r..Nl t , • 4(4 i ei,,k,ti ^*`e ,z 0 t . I can improve y skilltande while doing othat I cane 1 �'a ",.t' •T„A.;...,-.1:P, i i 7oii 11i1� (�h .s,.,,-, rr ,,;1' t rj y 'r P. - ,.'-....is:' , ' ;';T. • 'i . ` •4'411 ti .H i1 iq, +' 1)1 {i ''°C+ 1',• possibly Nan others with the same kind 2 goal a am.r,fP vr;,+a= ;0,140, �h !. :i is +a ,• f ! i • When Nancy's daughter Laura,now 22,was in the: e°" ^°'"' r '.z ' i :1•,1 '1"r '}I . ) + '0 I "t II Y B • r arc, ;, ,, " r .f'f i'r -•+ , f •t>ar'- c ' • chorus at Granada High School,Jim Brockman was . +. i ',+lt r , ( + wi. l director."I liked the way he handled the chorus and r,_,--4.,,,i••,.,,,, 10141, S dale .f `,i i } !0. r , i'',...1210 + ' i *ra k.3q 4 o })y,' what the students accomplished,"Nancy said "I guess s bdellne'' a ,n 1 i �J,)51 , 1 ?i n; , i vii s '� w R' • one of the reasons I am involved now is my respect for 4• r n a s..,.: t ti l't11r t ' ywt t t 11! i 7 . '" 4t 4;- 'u ,•him." • • - ' o- ' •''- "l,. i' , !' 'l.x 1 +1, ?+ka 1•Neu Hanahar-itaNPhoto. t' -4" s Brockman took over as director of Shamrock Valley Nancy Hawke, left, Jim Brockman and Carol Vickerman promote,the Sweet Adelines a P'jr.,4 a 1, , fit*+y v E^ ". • .. - . Chapter last fall and since that time the membership"-" '_ ...-. . , . : •,• •,,,.•�;.., ,.. ,, ;, • i- ._.,.•.,t,.:.-,,; , ,, { r :., fy •2 i has increased from 28 to 41.The ladies agree that his;".with Chabot College classes in folk guitar,community music:`Her•three-year-old-.often joins,n c snging F r'q?,jp 7 j, r t,. expertise and enthusiasm have made al the difference. .chorus and exercise conditioning.She has played the barbershop hen"mom'•is practicing.;••'•• n f p � 4 r, t Sweet Adelnes takes a lot of time but,both say;it's.:guitar since age 18 and recently became interested l In keeping with the:national organization theme,• 9s Y` 'r , i'",4" worth all the hard work and challenge that a cappella learning country and western music ,,-•"%? , •.o ',Shamrock-Valley Chapter,has adopted.a motto of <z music provides. "We have a musical family.Some nights we start "harmonizing the world,Shamrock style."'One way of y fi F .4 ' •"I get this wonderful feeling of love and togetherness:-singing,and pretty soon out comes the flute,a violin and ,sharing their music is at a"guest night"such as the one , .0.4...•.:1,., " ,,, ta''E,a,,:2; E� Everybody in the group has become a,real'friend,",': daughter Veronica's guitar;',Nancy laughed.'.And do ;held on a recent Monday with visitors from Concord, :,';!....,;:t4`."'' ?r, ,•.••1 ',I-4'24:47..4'.y� • Nancy said We sing out our joy.", •-• ..we have musical fun on camping tripsl" t�: -•''+°;Diablo•Vista,and San Jose chapters. . ' . , Carol said With involvement so intense I have. Before joining Shamrock;Valley<,Chorus,'Carol.! The local group performs upon request for'area"- . �,.. `: ...' • Merle Cohen—staff Photo' developed a close friendship with fellow chorus mem-';belonged to a chapter in North Carolina.She finds the '.shopping center functions and for civic organizations Shamrock in'stalis ' . hers and especially with Nancy and several others.with"local group social,as well as educational,and enjoys'the 'and church groups. 'whom I work closely."''.' ''' , singing after a.day around home with son David,3 and I 'Much work is also done on the annual spring competi- I % Nancy,who sings lead;Carol,a baritone;Rose Hill, daughter Amy,10 months... • ,:' ..'. -' ,' :, '+;,tion.This year's event was in Reno with 23 chapters: Lois Hammond of Danville Is the new president 'tenon and Pat Sheley,bass,have formed the newest and.:`' Carol'was active in high school chorus in Madera,'•"participating.Shamrock-Valley'placed in the.top half.' .of the Shamrock'.Valley.Chapter of Sweet .• as yet unnamed quartet within the group.They rehearse.Calif.,and minored in music'-at Cal Poly,San Luis 'They have'been in this competition for the past four Adelines, Inc. Joining her on the board of ' on their own each Monday morning, in addition to.Obispo.She taught in Morgan Hill before moving to.'years. -. , . . . ..- directors are Kay Barger,vice president;Rose ' -regular full group Monday evening rehearsals. The North Carolina with husband David,who.workscurrent. ; Currently,the full chorus is'at work,onsongs from Hill,corresponding secretary;Debbie Rogers; women also"usually"rehearse alone at least an hour a-dy for General Electric,San Jose -:•` t, V.:• ••. "Mame'.'and"Showboat,"plus"Come to Town"'.and recording secretary; Lynn Uriarte,treasurer; day. , '`- • Although Carol loves singing barbershop harmony.;"Struttin'Down the Main Street of Dublin City."'."'.' Carol'Vickerman, membership; and Susan Along with Sweet Adelnes, Nancy is a wife and-and finds her quartet work the most challenging(and, • "That's Dublin,-Ireland,but.appropriate you Maghsoudi,publicity. , ," mother of five daughters(ages 12-22).-She keeps busy incidentally,.the most fun),she likes listening to folk ;think?"Carol quipped. ,.. "' r '"'F^' 'c. li.il. •i• 11 • • ■ . • ' :! • 'gem/ "%ESP' '4111111111r s \�(! ildrere' ?ieatre 'Wor1cShop lansurremnitediatellitatitidialtittita .. .. • November 10, 1982 • Mr. Richard Ambrose `> .`_�_: �� • City Manager City of Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mr. Ambrose: Children's Theatre Workshop, a highly successful and award- winning theatre company serving the Livermore-Amador-San Ramon Valley and its 25,000 children, operates three programs designed to meet the needs of young people, their families and schools for live drama and training in theatre arts skills. Our Major Production Program provides high quality family drama and \ entertainment for the Tri-Valley community. A Young Performers Program provides theatre skills, puppetry, mime and pre-school training for young people who wish to explore their own creative potential. Tremendous demeand from teachers, students and school administrators has prompted CTW to commit a large percentage of its resources to its Theatre-in-the-Schools Program which provides live touring shows, theatre education and teacher in-service training at the school site. To meet the increasing demand for its Theatre-in-the Schools Program, CTW is requesting $3,000 from Arco Inc. to help finance • I the acquisition of tourable lighting equipment for our school productions. Over $5,000 in grants from East Bay Foundation, 1 Alameda County Arts Commission , Pacific Telephone and Chevron Inc. have already been received to help fund two school touring productions and teacher in-service programs for the 1982-83 season. Arco's grant will ensure that these productions and all future ones will be properly and professionally illuminated. Please let us know if you require any further information. We would be most pleased to meet with you to discuss Children's Theatre Workshop's goals and aspirations for the future. Sincerely, //Q James Krause Chairman, Board of Directors Post Office Box 1922 Pleasanton,California 94566-0192 415/846-5400 4. 4... .„.., ,.:, ., _ ........ WAVY 'fliAll■ W-Vkli,i7 l',7 ?--- - .. AV! arldreri' ?ieatre 'WorkShop . -J 7_..i.. .-_ ,. LIGHTING EQUIPMENT During its first season, Children's Theatre Workshop transported three major theatrical productions to various non-theatre locations in the Tri-Valley Area. Thus CTW was required to provide all of its own lighting equipment--dimmers, instruments, stands, cabling, follow spots, special effects, etc. Various sources were used for this equipment. All items were borrowed or rented at great expense in funds and energy. Equipment was limited due to the needs of its owners. Inspite ( of these limitations, CTW created plays with exciting lighting effects due to the creativity and resourcefulness of its lighting designers and producers. With the advent of its 1982-83 season and an expanded major production program and school touring program to Dublin,San Ramon, Pleasanton and Livermore, CTW will increase its production and performance rate by one hundred percent. Children's Theatre Workshop can no longer depend upon the borrowing and renting of lighting equipment. Time conflicts and prohibitive rental fees ..: require the acquisition of a theatrical lighting system. A touring system, as delineated in the following budget will allow CTW tolrovide quality lighting effects for its Theatre-in- the-Schools Program. Post Office Box 1922 Pleasanton,California 94566-0192 415/846-5400 • wet.jp-gliclf, a� iildre�� Weatre cWorkeShop Lighting/School Tours Item Quantity Price Extended Light Trees 4 $250 donated Teatronics Scenemaster Dimmer 1 $900 $900 Berkey Mini Ellipse light instrument w/lamp 10 $185 $1,850 20 Amp cabling w/connects $300 $3,050 f } g `3 Post Office Box 1922 Pleasanton,California 94566-0192 415/846-5400 • I BOARD OF TRUSTEES •_' DONALD C.BIDDLE .•{ f ROBERT W.FOSTER ANN R.HENDERSON • • • URRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT LINDA J.JEFFERY •1 DAVID C.MELANDER 7416 BRIGHTON DRIVE • DUBLIN,CALIFORNIA 94566 SUPERINTENDENT ADMINISTRATION OFFICES(41 5)828.2551 RICHARD F.COCHRAN April 29, 1982 - • Mr. Andrew L. Jorgensen, • - Executive Producer ".. ° Children's Theatre Workshop • �._:L'�__� �.r. •. - ..._ �- P. 0. Box 1922 • Pleasanton, CA 94566 Dear Mr. Jorgensen: • I was originally introduced to the work of Children's Theatre Workshop at a Rotary meeting in Dublin. Jim Krause, one of your Board members, discussed the various theatre and drama education programs you were implementing in the , • valley. I was particularly intrigued by the touring programs to valley schools and indicated to Jim that the Murray School District would be most supportive of such a program. . It is my understanding that Children's Theatre now anticipates beginning this touring theatre program to schools in the fall of 1982; that it will provide an historical-understanding of puppet theatre from its origins to the present, and will entertain the children while instructing our teachers in various Uses of puppetry in the classroom. It sounds like an exciting program and one in which the Murray School District would very much like to participate. Please call when you are ready to schedule the performances so that we might . . meet with the appropriate principals and the curriculum director. I will look forward to hearing from you Unfortunately, the district is unable to pay for services, but parent clubs sometimes generate fundlifor such purposes. •• Sincerely, • Richard F. ochran • Superintendent RFC:jd cc: Jim Krause EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . 1, . : 4 . i,. • i • ' Children's Theotr--� Workshop Unique Asset in,the V Hey By JANET ARMANTROUT To help pay for all this,CTW has received several native to taking kids to San Francisco to see •There is nothing Andy Jorgensen says he'd rather grants including $3500 from East Bay Community something like Peter Pan, and also to watching be doing than creating magical moments on a stage. Foundation;'$500 from Pacific Telephone; and television,"says Jorgensen 01:the goals of CTW. As creator,director and main cheerleader of the $1000 front the Alameda County Arts Council. Children's Theatre Workshop, Jorgensen has been The puppet show,to be written by CTW,will be a oht Meanwhile,the that twill putting the finishing touches producing plays for children of all ages the past year. mixture of"multi-media magic,as puppets fighting P open Oct.22--"the Alas- The group is a valleywide effort, drawing on the for their lives entice a puppeteer to travel back queIt's Beauty enchant©east talents of all communities in the area. through time searching for the elixir that will rekindle very b show,"states Jorgensen. Next to staging plays, Jorgensen likes to discuss the spirit of their puppetry world."It is expected to "The beast is scary, and the audience learns very be ready for staging in April, 1983. quickly things are not as they seem. It's something staging them and his plans for the future.And he has Y kids will be able to get in to visually,and there are some very ambitious ones. lots of things for adults to be thinking about and The croup staged its first play last October and • share with their children in the script." since has turned out three different productions,all "Children's Theatre tries to create a situation using different theatre techniques.The idea is not on- where people can share feelings. On the one hand, ly to entertain.Jorgensen believes strongly in theatre New Show Opens ens kids can feel the love and fear of Beauty;while on the • ' as a tool to educate,and not just about theatre.To other hand,adults can get back into childlike feel- help bolster that belief in theatre as a teaching. This Weekend logs." method,members of CTW will be working with the . And as usual,the play will also introduce the au- , schools. dience to a different theatrical technique.The style is "I'm really excited about things happening right, . That of a French Masque.The words are all in verse now out here,"he says."There's the RAH(Reading "but'understandable. It's very different, yet very ' at Home) project in Livermore. We'd like to help . theatrical and very western." promote it. One problem the group has had is the word The play will be presented Oct.22,23 and 24 at "We're also planning to offer teacher-in-service children m the name.People expect to see a show put 'The Barn. in Livermore; Oct. 29, 30 and 31 in ' training to show teachers how they can use drama as- on by children, for children. That is not the case. Pleasanton at the Masonic Hall;and Nov.5,6 and 7 a teaching medium." Adults play adults,and the shows are,as one viewer .at Dublin High School.There will be two matinees • CTW is also willing to come into classrooms prior stated"very professional." and two evening performances at each location. ' to one of its productions,read the story,and tell how "It will take time for us to bust out of the connota- Tickets at $3.50 'adults, and $2.50 under 16 are a written story is translated into a play.There are Lion,"says'Jorgensen."One woman told me'I came available at Hibernia Bank in Dublin' Community plans to take the actual productions on tour to the expecting something less than professional, kids' First National Bank; Livermore; and City Hall in schools, including an ambitious puppet show next stuff,but it was fun. I'll be coming back. I'm glad Pleasanton.Group rates are available.For informa- spring. . there's something in the valley like this'." . tiot call 846-5400. •• "We want to tour,to • begin being involved with "We want to provide high quality'theatre for• AISO,I;lanned for this ear's CTW season arc''The ! schools,and to help fill gaps created by budget gaps Families.To do that we hire pro fdstiprtihii�7a a ,{j�(J �,e� el' hj'Cti. i lWinriia the, ootiit:.and.ilie,,.,i. P help with such things as staging, s o u n d: ctle in education."'' times.And finally we aim to provide a low cost alter- are available.'ble.' Cou{idrl bbbks for the'entire szastin' p are available.''' • PAGE'265 a.Thd'INDEPENDENT)Mont(20;11982I • I 11tev._tI! y!tines I uttu bA— I IWuY,rubluely I U.10U Y{ ext weekend the play moves to $r . Stoneridge matt in Pleasanton , t 1 rat with performances Friday, Feb r r<v 1:• t t •! ' • ti�':`�.. 26 at 7:30 p.m.,Saturday,Feb 27 7.0,r, a 1. 1 tit, i'y,Y' at 2 p m.and 7:30 p,m.,and Sun t 1" ', l' 1' \ hat s happenin Y. p. :;4•11.•7'.1:,:•:.:4,'.r: y kl 'a l,; ,day,Feb,28,at 2 m.. f y •• n, The third and last set of per aisj, ( r ` `ur3 'fi^' formances are scheduled for the ' //yyaa.. it i ' a first weekend in March at the x,,+)'' " 1 ' '.the V alle `t7 ••• " ; Masonic Temple,.3370 Hopyard ?,?k �ff i a/ i.1 Rd., Pleasanton. The times are '� t Z r. ,•jilji l:;j Friday,March 5 at 7:30 p.m.,Sat yid " A urda March 6 at 2 m.and 7:30. l.` {'� s' {1, The Children's Theatre Work- will be played from 8 to 11 p.m.; , p.m., and Sunday,March 7 at 2 •`i`y qf!'i'r' shop's "The Emperor's•New refreshments will be'available. �io p.m. .•..• ' ;ty1a` ? 1 Clothes,"in Kabuki style,will be 'Admission to the dance is free {'t •Tickets are$3,50 for.adults and 'k°{ '°rr1�i ;i • presented over three consecutive For more in c . " $2.50 for children 16 years and alkl,6r(L,sN l i P '.';:,••.;7' $ Y r:� 4 weekends,•beginning-tonight at 443-1150 der.They can be purchased at the ' d�Y4`i; d• 7:30 at the Barn,Pacific Avenue %- „ following locations in Pleasanton si-�'�; i 4 a t• ( ''-'4,1' in Livermore.;•. I f . .1,s • ?a Stoneridge Mall Information trr"*fie.,,�,1;} ''•,i `,The other performances this ,- e '' { k. , Booth;.Pleasanton Recreation Pt,? •w•t ._, weekend will be at 2 , and 7:30' 'i ",d�" k it Ft#.Department,200 Bernal Ave.; a:#tp}f �,a tr ? �t p.m.:Saturday and at 2 p.m. �i r. x+ l S" )7..;' Jewelers Gallery;614 Main St.In "'{4� I 1 Sunday. Y P ° y 5 $ y ke a�a3ra 1 q e,3;.4w s,, Livermore,tickets are available ,);,!§.il a,l 7 , •�y'�r..� i v 5 4,....,:,.` i i, p44V at Community..First National 6Ui3 jo is V r 1Y.�+ .~ • •a ' ce.)a ' Bank,1800 Fourth St.For further �� ly .1 1, t�'f zn P ti. r n v mya; 4 information call fire Children s 1; .. z t5. ,;i r - : • Theatre Workshop at 846-5400 ; y -i � ntert •Y, .) ,f d ., 1:e 1 to �'y,�'' YsK;k"'fy,Tt '}t,lw"'E 4�,gK[ „� r�rl� ` .aR,.,IC',V' - ,,,,,4..�.:mr�a'xaei,,..kw..w'SK+ •`i9'sfe.` ,r 5,;-...:,....,-,-:,,,..4...-.; =.s%- 4 i'�' tyl 3 „7 _fit-T' A „ni ,s::F'„,,,.:4,g, 1 e' 1eyr es Page 5A Friday- . The Emerir's ew .Clothes' . t i. quitenicely-,on ::::_.:.. . _:.41.1,..py.:..a..14 By ALAN GOLDFARB ; ',Smiling Sun himself,played wistfully by Andy ble that an emperor may not be fit for his job n Times Lifestyle Editor i -..Jorgensen,.the children in the audience have •.,—or even stupid?”our Emperor asks no one Lest you think that the Children's Theatre -their breath nearly taken away. "'.in particular.And in another indication of his lorkshop,a burgeoning Valley theatrical 'Jorgensen,who is the executive director of 'lack,of esteem,the Emperor says,quite coup of increasing import,merely"puts on" . CTW,uses the hanamichi for all it's worth as' pleased with himself,"I have an idea—the f` lays by a bunch of kids,that image would be,:he swaggers and postures his way on to the second one today!" - !'. •.Imost entirely incorrect. .::; 3. •'.:'•stage in a true aragoto manner in typical ex- :.._CTW's production is a dichotomy in that its . .. `;; . ,CTW,a non-profit corporation based in aggerated Kabuki style, , ' `: costumes are startlingly lavish and colorful 1 leasanton,is currently in the middle of a But it is Haiton(pronounced high tone),the while its stage settings are barely existent.It t - - - _ tree-weekend run of an unusual Kabuki-style Lord High Supervisor of the Imperial Ward- .is yet another indication of the workshop's at ;:' daptation of Hans Christian Andersen's"The robe,with his ever-present Barbara Walters- tempt to conform and adapt to the Kabuki ) - I ;mperor's New Clothes,"And the most im- .'like speech impediment and his always-con- treatment. „ 1. _ S ortant thing which could be said is that while 'stant falling hat,.who sets the tone for this '. The costumes,satiny and flimsy of varying- i•. s cast comprises several youngsters,the ad-''.sometimes funny,tongue-in-cheek play. :ly brilliant colors—purples and burgundies j.. It roles are being performed by adults.How- Hatton,played wonderfully by Scott Ardley; and oranges and-saffron(and even the Em- i ver,while the dialogue and overall character runs all over the stage as if chased by demons, peror's new"just plain" purple robes with f the play will be lovingly appreciated by'.screaming and prancing in a sweetly foppish poignant peacocks")-designed by Jesse c rows-ups,"The Emperor's New Clothes"is...manner. or my money,he steals the show Scott,are worth the price of admission. • ! (most completely geared to children. from some capable actors,including Robert "''•. That is the thrust of CTW's eight-month, Armerding,who plays the the huge pseudo- The settings and authentic Japanese instru- i. es-play effort to date—a workshop for ad- macho Lord Gengo,the High General of the,. menu played unobtrusively but capably by.l, Its as well as children to learn the skills of the' Imperial Guard, ,young Laura Tandeske are constantly carried water—aimed at a multi-faceted Valley Gengo is the Emperor's bodyguard and con- on and off the stage by the unique presence of Y:. udience. • '• . : • r fidante and indeed his outward veneer sug- two"Protectors of Stage Properties." At tF ,pening of the current offering,the Bests a man of extraordinary strength and te-• "The Emperor's New Clothes"moves to the �. ectal it stage at The Barn in Livermore nacity. And of course,when Gengo bounds .Stoneridge shopping center in Pleasanton 1,7,..‘1. ,as placed in the center of the room not only • onto the stage one young boy,sitting off in a three performances tonight, Saturday a, , )accommodate the simulated Japanese han- dark corner at the foot of his mother,was ab- Sunday(7:30 p.m.and 2 p.m.daily)and tiler i'. unichi—elongated entranceways—but to solutely taken in by the frightening hulk.The plays the Masonic Temple in Pleasanton the };' rovide a space for young children to sit on the child asked his mother to take him away.If he-: _weekend of March 5-7.Tickets,at$3.50 for ad- loor(on small carpet squares) where they' had stayed just a.few moments longer, he ults and$2.50 for children,are a vailable at the an practically touch the players.' .would have realized Gengo is a fraud,a pussy- Stoneridge mall,the.Community First Nation- 1 The proximity of actor and audience ena-. cat and merely a marshmallow. , .al Bank in Livermore,the Pleasanton Recrea= ' les all to nearly touch each other's hearts. .And if Gengo Is a fraud,The Emperor is an lion Department and the Jewelers Gallery, - or it is when the Emperor of the Land of the. out and out shadow of his station."Is it nnsci. 814 Main,ct Ptsn onInn • r T `Beast' . Chabot s a .vi feast sual tea 'classic• ._ . • It's another great production,to say the least,And}•Jorgensen'g latest:"Beauty and the Beast. ' U r Set in verse,masque and allegory, It makes natural Andy's h � pBan iteTockey r . . showwhatthey can dow th costumes props writer • and but a touch of scenery.It's top's• for the horrid looking Beast,so ugly,so sca The quiet strikes first.•^ • - several little children didn't tarry rY And a sense of wonder, questions. � '.-Footsteps Ainterrupt.Then a spotlight signal Review of 'UnderAfifk Wood," Dylan Thomas. long in the front row but ran to their mothers' '• is one of the last he ..rote;in 1953,"s laps, I Ball,first reader for the Chabot Collet the better to enjoy the presentation-that unwraps Campus production e first voice."•---....-.. • read the first a one's imagination for near an hour. _ Ball says Thomas penned the 90-minute, It's hard to single any one character for They all flower, "Under Milk Wood" as a prose radio play, credit. •= t ^•�- from the Grotesques,who introduce each scene, mythological Welsh coastal tvillage. We're deal father,who me q emotions...in a tan - I. to Be sisters— ant their Beauty's sad f µv Y a • must irsat,the Beast and pay the price real emoti people • Y __r__ _�u_�_ -_ �._•_ dreams hold c;n the early day becom s not for single rose.It's a tale so nice-ly' tod by a Narrator dressed in history and dreams hold court. When day becomes noi, audience.rn di the towntolk, who docment ulipal,who walks softly on the stage land_ : Peaceful and direct lives.Dusk heralds au bawd • :_i to tell us where the drama plays.-••" � for the actors. Andy calls this production,educational.'' ."Milk'Wood"contains an expected cyst of char And well it is,but a professional' from old sea captains to a "town whore who one that entertains,as do all from his around and is always the subject of gossip," Children's Theatre Workshop crew. to Ball. .: g P."acs To miss a play is to limit one's introduction. to the unusual,to an adventure.Each production Although Thomas' work of art r ma touch, agery and'fantasy;some of his drama touch carries a special message,a special look at comical _ what can special His henpecked husband,for example,offers' when dedicated volunteers get•together be theatrically. lines full of innuendos about relationships gone s eThe hfasglie of Beauty and the Beast"plays two Under Mill Wood'is really about love,"says who studied the Welsh poet and short-story author. more weekends in the valley. - cast is divided into love avoiders and love ideati; • • • Sal!• Tack According to the Chabot College mathematic I: .. - y Y structor,Thomas was an enormously talented;m _ �, ual who never got formal credentials. .`Tie -arts - ; : • - • r • At4usic and younger,and all tickets are general sealing.7 • • -•; r are available at Hibernia Bank in Dublin,Commu•_ y ;j Pro Musics is offering its 16th season of workshops in 'First National Bank in Livermore and Pleasar ) •:•organ,harp and intermediate and advanced piano. RForainformation Department about group rates and Ch;iarl jl{` f i _ There are three'openings.in the advanced workshop Theatre Workshop { under Roy Bo Y gas. The class meets monthly P subscription coupon books,p' ii •second Monday for-three hours.Fee is$15 per session. : 89Chabot College-Valley ., i "•Boas,a winner of the Tchaikovsk award in Moscow, to not atprout Campus will i!F g y ..._.. . 'i has been the accompanist for Yehudi Menhuin since he Dylan Thomas, pningc8ito, "Under the Little The' Dylan Thomas,opening 8 tonight in the Little Theai For further information, phone Renee Smith, on campus.:-- ='443-4289 or Joanne Ottessen,447—7580.Pianists wish- Saturday nand')al erformances are scheduled Friday a •ing to enroll in another workshop,under the direction of •admix a Pulitzer.Prize winning composer Ernst Bacon should Y Nov. 4-6. Tickets are . Fo genet admission and phone students and seniors. For forth • :,phone 493.4289. _ .. information phone 955-5300. _ - stage - Art Children's Theatre Workshop continues its resents-- Black-and-white and color photographs by Stepbc • •'Lion of "The Masque of Be uty and the Beast" in lh ough Nov.13.d�play at the Gan Gallery in Dubli -Johnson, is a •'Pleasanton and Dublin this weekened and next. n instructor at San FranciscoSta4 The play,presented in French mime style,retells the University and is the main curator of the Mona Lak, :.•classic fairy .tale in verse by Michael Brill.. exhibit at St.Marys College. •Performances 1 7:30 p.m.Friday,1 and 7:30 p.m, `. The gallery is at 7057 Villaee Paro-ws.;--'.. • Saturday p.m.Sunday,all at thn nn5.•....:_.._. • ' r , . , . : --:;:terintlis0 Itimw AVIV' \USW 17i-1 -4{P (-- 66 .4i -........•- gal.- ' '----1.01 a'ildfe.t-65 Weatie cWoriceyhop 11 frf„... ,,,,,„ , , :n.... :77, „„,. .,. .s, , .,,pr 7,7 -11., rip',6-717■, ill 1,in 11111) -.''':: 'il, ',:-..:':i i.) ; '''•--,.' Volume 2,Number 1 kn.' / Moonlight and a gentle,misty veil. , -., • , . The perfect setting for a fairytale. - - .•. ••-•- - ! • Here,for an hour you and I will climb - The silken threads of"Once upon a time. .. !•.....' ,, . . .• .. ' • . . -:.■-';'--.:*" • :: --' : : • . .. Beat drums and let the trumpets bray, , _. . . • ... ../ . . . . . . - To herald the commencement of our play. '_ : -••.. ... • . . - • A Beast hideous to look upon,must find •: !.z-',' ;-:!_ . . _ .. A gentle heart whose love is pure and kind :, .. -,)':•':1!'"."_!• ' '''',:.; ' -,_ •- : A rose is all that Beauty asks. Not the sorrow of the Masque. :. • • G 1. The Beasts repulsive form offends her eye. • •-_:' . Yet she's drawn to him and knows not why... The Masque presentation of"Beauty and the Beast"may be new to some of us,but both the theme and form of this play have impressive histories. The beast-marriage story is common to many cultures.It dates back as far as the second century AD.with similarities found in Cupid and Psyche by Apuleius.Apuleius,in turn,almost certainly was ( retelling an older Greek story. The masque dramatic form became popular among the aristocracy in England during the 16th and 17th centuries.It was usually based on myth or allegory with dialogue taking second place to lavish costumes,scenery,music and dancing.Extended dialogue, usually in verse,was added later. In Italy,the masque reached even more spectacular heights.At Parma in 1628 a masque was given for a royal wedding.The production combined opera,tournament,ballet,and regatta.Its climax was the flooding of the theater floor(Could we try this,Andy?)and the entry of several pageantry cars representing sea monsters and islands.Each was propelled by men who guided them from beneath. After the display the waters were drained away as miraculously as they had appeared. The masque was usually given for the pleasure of a monarch,so we will be in classy historical company when we attend this upcoming CTW production. Dede Ranahan $3,500 FOUNDATION GRANT APPROVED The East Bay Community Foundation recently announced a$3,500,grant to Children's Theatre i • , • Workshop to fund,in part,an ambitious,original puppet show and teacher in-service program which . • will tour to valley schools in the spring of 1983.The puppet show will introduce its audiences to the - - 500 year history of puppetry, its myriad forms and its development in cultures around the world. PACIFIC TELEPHONE DONATION RECEIVED Ken Mercer, Public Relations Manager for Pacific Telephone Company in Alameda County presented a check for$500.00 to CTW to be used in underwriting the upcoming production of"Beauty and the Beast." P T&T has also invited CTW Directors to participate in an eight part fundraising seminar in San Francisco.The Sessions concentrate on Vantmanship in all of its forms and provide information on current policies of foundations and corporations. ARTS COUNCIL RECOMMENDS FUNDING The Alameda County Arts Council recommended CTW for a S1,000.00 gift to be used for the puppet show being written by CTVV.The Alameda County Board of Supervisors has approved the donation and the ( $1,000.00 gift has been received. FIRE PROTECTOR SETS STAGE ABLAZE . Ted Vinther's company,Allied Fire Protection,designs and installs sprinkler systems for major office buildings to keep them from burning down.Ted's recent gift to CTW will do almost the opposite for our productions. From now on stage and scenery will glow brightly and more dramatically thanks to the four custom-built light trees Allied has made for the production company.This$1,000.00 gift will serve us for the next decade.Thank you Mr.Vintherl • CTW BRIDGE MARATHON Frank and Judy Damerval, Pleasanton,were the big winners of the 1981-1982 Children's Theatre Workshop Bridge Marathon.Not only did they place first in the field of eight couples,but also picked up the lucrative Grand Slam"Bid and Made"Sweepstakes prize.Paul and Jean Spellman came in second,closely followed by Donald and Valeria Scott. The CTW Bridge Marathon Chairman, Jean Spellman,will be setting up the 1982-1983 CTW Bridge Marathon Schedule during September.The first rounds will be played in October and continue through May 1983. Each marathon group of eight pairs meets once a month and plays 20 hands of Rubber Bridge.The meeting places rotate among the members. Playing schedules showing time, date, place and opponents are distributed at the group's first meeting in October. Daytime as well as evening groups will be formed. Registration fee is$2.50 per person per session or $17.50 per year. Of that amount,$12.50 is a tax deductible contribution to CTW and$5.00 goes toward prizes. An additional 50C per player is collected at each session for the end-of-the-year sweepstakes prize. If you wish to support and advance the work of Children's Theatre Workshop,and,if you like to play Bridge, call Jean Spellman at 846-6315 or Val Scott at 462-5855 to register or have your questions answered and to • insure a place for yourself or for yourself and a partner. SAVE ON TICKETS! SAVE ON TICKETS! SAVE ON TICKETS! • _ • Subscription Coupon Books will be offered throughout the 1982-1983 season for a savings of 14%for adults and 20% for children on individual performance ticket purchases. Each book consists of five(5) • ... __ _..• .�_.�.._. ._., coupons.Each coupon is redeemable for one performance ticket.Coupon holders may use any number of their coupons to buy tickets for any CTW performance.Coupons may be exchanged for tickets at any of the CTW ticket agencies prior to the performance date of their choice,or by calling the CTW ticket representative at 846-5400 and having the tickets held at the box office for exchange at least one half hour before curtain time on the date of the performance. • 1982-1983 Season Coupon Book Prices (Each book contains 5 tickets) Subscription Price Door Price SAVINGS Adult Book $15.00 $17.50 SAVE$2.50 or 14% Child Book $10.00 S12.50 SAVE$2.50 or 20% TICKET EXCHANGE POLICY All ticket holders may exchange their tickets for different performance dates if tickets are available for the date preferred.If ticket holders are unable to use their tickets or subscription coupons,they may give them to Children's Theatre Workshop as a tax deductible contribution.Sorry,refunds on tickets or coupons are not possible. Call 846-5400 for CTW ticket exchange or coupon information.When you call,ask specifically for TICKET INFORMATION. SUBSCRIPTION COUPON BOOK ORDER FORM Name Telephone Address City Zip Number of ADULTTICKET COUPON BOOKS at$15.00 each= S • Number of CHILD TICKET COUPON BOOKS at$10.00 each= $ Total NUMBER of BOOKS TOTAL COST $ l I would like to make a tax-deductible contribution of $ - Enclosed is my check to Children's Theatre Workshop for $ Mail to:Children's Theatre Workshop,P.O.Box 1922,Pleasanton,CA 94566. P • Y., F . . . • 1 THE CHILDREN'S THEATRE WORKSHOP PRODUCTION SCHEDULE FOR 1982-1983 ASK L L L L ABOUT DISCOUNT Beauty and 0 Ransom 0 Winnie 0 History of 0 ALL STUDENT *COUPON BOOKS! the Beast C of Red Chief C the Pooh C Punch and Judy C PRODUCTION Friday-7:30 PM October 22 B January 14 D February 25 B April 8 B July 29 October 29 M January 21 B March 4 D April 15 V November 5 D January 28 V March 11 V April 22 D One Performance Saturday-1:00 PM October 23 B January 15 D February 26 B April 9 B Only! October 30 M January 22 B March 5 D April 16 V . November 6 D January 29 V March 12 V April 23 D Veteran's Memorial Saturday-7:30 PM October 23 B January 15 D February 26 B April 9 B Hall October 30 M January 22 B March 5 D April 16 V November 6 D January 29 V March 12 V April 23 D Pleasanton - CA Sunday- 1:00 PM October 24 B January 16 D February 27 B April 10 B October 31 M January 23 • B March 6 D April 17 V November 7 D January 30 V March 13 V April 24 D Locations are: "B"-The Barn,North Livermore and Pacific,Livermore,CA. "M"-Alisal Masonic Temple,3370 Hopyard Road,Pleasanton,CA. "V"-The Veteran's Memorial Hall,Main Street and Bernal Avenue,Pleasanton,CA. "0"-Dublin High School Little Theatre,Village Parkway,Dublin,CA. Performances start on time.ALL shows and performance times are subject to change.For more information call 846-5400. THE 1982-1983 THEATRE SEASON THE 1982 - 1983 THEATRE SEASON October 22-November 7,1982 THE MASQUE OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST by Michael Elliot Brill Performed in the manner of a sixteenth century French Masque,this verse play tells the classic tale of a repulsive Beast who inhabits a strange and magical castle,and of a beautiful young girl who becomes caught in the castle and whose innocence and sympathetic affection for the Beast breaks the wicked spell an( releases a handsome prince."A fanciful tapestry of theatrical enchantment retelling the ageless fairytale fo• the audience of ageless children." January 14-January 30,1983 THE RANSOM OF RED CHIEF i by Brian Kral • A new adaptation of the hilarious O.Henry story of two bungling kidnappers who watch their dreams of instant wealth and easy living reach nightmare proportions when their"pot of gold",the little boy they are • holding for ransom, insists he is an Indian chief and decides they are his captives."Truly a side-splitting combination of historical fact and entertaining fancy as only pure O.Henry could be." February 25 -March 13,1983 WINNIE THE POOH by Kristen Serge! The ever-delightful characters created by A.A.Milne come to life on stage in this story wonderfully told by Kristen Serge!about Christopher Robin and his friend,Winnie-the-Pooh,who lived in a forest by himself except for Piglet,Rabbit,Owl,Kanga,and Little Roo,and Eeyore.These good companions have a wonderfi time getting in and out of trouble."All very exciting and really quite thrilling,no matter how young or how old you may be." April 8-April 24, 1983 PUPPETS Original Script by The Children's Theatre Workshop Through multi-media magic,puppets fighting for their lives entice a puppeteer to travel back through time searching for the elixir that will rekindle the spirit of their puppetry world.His travels take him on a marvelous tour of the world's continents exploring the origins of puppetry. j - - Nnn Pru61 Cl,n e:c �f ,� •.y; �r.� U.S.POSTAGE l; C'ildrerj,s`Jieatie`WorlOhop PAID Plcasanton•C.'145(,6 • Permit No 91 . /Posl omrr 110x 1922 I , Pleasanton,California 94566-11192 415/846-5400 IllEt.1 irk a P` �ow k tv- 'MAW ,, ( ii ?eatre 'WorkeShop fr I filtx. ViainatIFIERNMEMINVIMMITIORIETIliriCi'■-1.ritl_ 33 9 Mr. Richard Ambrose City Manager City of Dublin ti P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca. 94568 October 4, 1982 Ik •__—°_. Dear Mr. Ambrose: Thank you for the information regarding the Atlantic Richfield offer to • • provide funds for local cultural and arts groups. Since there is, as yet, no specific policy regarding the distribution of these funds I will confine this letter to introducing Children's Theatre Workshop and describing our programs. I- will be happy to submit a complete proposal at your request. The workshop is fifteen months old and has in that time produced a • series of major plays which have travelled to Pleasanton, Dublin and • Livermore. The plays offer high quality family theatre to the residents of the valley. We seek corporate grants to underwrite the production costs of these plays. • A program of classes in creative dramatics and theatre skills parallels the plays and provides a vehicle for those young people interested in pursuing theatre training. This program works in conjunction with the city recreation departments and/or after school programs, Over 200 students have completed classes in creative dramatics. This program seeks funding to sustain and enhance its offerings. • Additionally, Children's Theatre Workshop conducts a Theatre in the Schools program in local elementary and middle schools. We bring - productions directly to the educational campus. The 1982-83 schedule 1 - • - includes O. Henry's marvelous short story The Ransom of Red Chief and Puppets, an original production of CTW which traces the history of i - 1 puppetry from the middle ages to modern times through the use of multi-media, hand puppets and live actors. We are currently pursuing funding for this program which will visit 20. to 30.valley schools. Our participant base is composed of children and their families from the three valley cities and San Ramon. In our first year of operation over 6,000 people attended our productions. Anticipated attendance in 1982-83 is 12,000. Our funding is derived from a variety of sources. The greatest • . percentage of revenue comes directly from ticket sales and tuition followed by foundation grants, individual donations, corporate grants and fund raising events. Post Office Box 1922 Pleasanton,California 94566-0192 415/846-5400 Mr. Richard Ambrose October 4, 1982 Page 2 I have enclosed a copy of our most recent newsletter and a flyer for • the upcoming production of Beauty and the Beast. Please keep me - ? informed as the criteria for grants are developed. If you and your _ g+ family would like a first hand look at quality theatre being developed for Dublin families please consider joining the Children's Theatre . . - Workshop volunteers in late October for Beauty and the Beast. 1 - With Warm ards, / James R. Krause • President Board of Directors • • • 1 _4 _ - . JRK:sej cc; Mayor Peter Snyder ' .. ., , j.,,- ,. . . ,, ..- . _ . . . ,• .• . . _ iflas .The, . .. _ .. , _ . , . .. . . .....:__ .: . .. a iJeaUtI1anbthe töUiit 4 - ail .. e..-,:.. ,,.r: to jR, • , 0 0 : . x r t t iq _ _ h + •{ i _ F A'f f P � 4 � �h ~t 1 ti � c } s � x � � a � $ lry:' S.g q:::.,„,.., ,,_,:t4i,,,,.,.,, ,„ ...,.::::;...-Rd,;,:xf7..,.:,:,:i?1,_.::,7,.K-3,it::::-..iN.:7.- !7:34,..,,::.:Ariy--,-.::„:4:::1...::::,,,-;:,, N.,:-...:,!_-.":,:t,:::.: . -:;,......-.N.4.,..,1..i..k ,,t, ,..,.::'';'-''''4,'.'•-•'','.-Y.: ''''..'Z-; -..'.4‘; '''S'i,'4)''-!):1,-''''1!•'-..‘';;.';'.2---•'•..=i'';;.'!"%'''''..eg'?!.."..54, ...-,...',.;:.........•..1.:•!.•:.•:.•.-.......1.'..r.SI':.......A. ?'"--:'-. - i'.',',.k.:,..i.if.i3.,t..:Ag.•,..'1'' :-Y':4"..:".'1:''''e-1 -.e.i:...-.N.!:;,..,Js.:E...:::.„-...:,!,...:....,?....,.;,-.., .:::::::.::-/::::„....7.:21:::...,-.:::::-:.:;1,:::;...::.:1::::-.::...N.;:y....N . v...,$,:,.:.,.:-),,,,:kti.71,,z, „„.;:z:,:.:; ,,,,,...,.. .-:::.,::::-i--4;.:;,-:..: :-.....-,:-. :::..........:.::..;:.::.-....:_::-,.-:....... .1,:y.:,-.,:,-.::::::.:71.:::.;:-...-.....::-...;fi.F.::,.:%.*:.::::.:?.1,.,:., ::: ::..1:::32.1.ii,-;:-.-.... ,_3„...1$,,,,A.,;:,;-. ,.:,.,, ...af,..: ;::::.f.:;::TI...-y5-::.:1:-:."-,;‘,..;,.....::'.i.;!: :::4.;_..---;;:";::.,:-.1:::,..;-,_ .::,,-._:::.1.:::1:: ::::,.. . -A:ii: ,-.:-:„..-...i.-,:,;.:..7,12::-.;:....,:,i.k...v#,y,..i.t,1-,:=::..-el..1_..,-.;...;,...,... ..ty,;=,iii,.;?..-.A,:,_-i:44.;4....!:.::;:: :,iA.:......,.i::::=,.;.i....,-..:.::.4..::.::::::,,.:.:!...::::::,..-!........ 7.::?;:i.:.,......!:1:..,E. ..;‘.:k...-:-:.:. np ti.µ\.�y/,,1"1-`r 1 l{ ',•a 3' tt a - t S y�r r�'�f i %., • '•02tg. i• ° — 1r as a j r+ x ' f t I 1•t t 1. .yKr4? r :P, .•.S = y ,, = 7,71:+.. . ` : El - _ iC � ` Moonlight and a gentle misty veil =:7 i -. The perfect setting fora fairytale. C-,i Here, foran hour,-.%`ou and l will climb k "Once a time.....'y ', The silken threads of"O upon - Beat drums and let the trumpets bray, , To herald the commencement of our play.• • A Beast, hideous to look upon, must find . - A gentle heart whose love is pure andkind. - ,: A rose is all that Beauty asks. . - - Not the sorrow of the Masque. -The Beast's repulsive form offends her eye, • ` .• Yet she's drawn to-him and knows not why. . • • , • November 4, 1982 Richard Ambrose, City Manager P.O. Box 2340 RECEIVED Dublin, California '14566 NOV 81982 CITY OF DUBLIN Dear Mr. Ambrose: Recently in the Valley Times, I read an article titled, "ARCO will donate funds to community." The article mentioned the possible donations to start and bolster community projects. The article states that Lab Director Gene Fox observed no community chorus or orchestra. However I am pleased to mention that the ---- - -- -� - Tri-Valley Area does have its own orchestra (The Livermore-Amador Symphony Association, P.O. Box 1049, Livermore, CA 94550), its own chorus (valley Choral Society, c/o Mary Patton, 1583 Wagoner St., Livermore, CA 94550) , as well as a community band (Pleasanton Community Band, P.O. Box 135, • Pleasanton, CA 94566). All three organizations have been • • • performing throughout the Tri-Valley area for many, many years and recruit members throughout this region. All three groups, especially the second, are faced with rising costs that threaten their very existance. As President of the Pleasanton Community Band, I can hest describe our own situation. Our hand performs approximately 12 one-hour concerts a year_ Our hand provides a variety of programming; from Christmas sing-alongs to picnic concerts in the park; from J. S. Bach to J. P. Sousa. Concerts are always free to the public. The major expense of our organization is conductor fees for rehearsals and concerts. Our director is paid very modestly compared to other musical groups in the area--our conductor fees for 1983 are budgeted at approximately $1500. Other expenses include sheet music, instrument and . accessory costs for a total 1983 budget of $1800. By agreement with the Amador High School District the school facilities are - provided without charge--an arrangement that has allowed us to • exist so far. However, the use of these facilities requires that - we have no membership fees. Our revenue is entirely from • fund-raising events and donations by members and the community. It is very fortunate that we pay our director half of the fee which he could ordinarily command, otherwise the Band would not exist today. • It is uLfortunate the the ARCO article mentioned that r-r. Fox was not interested in public works capital projects, since a major stumbling blocks to local music groups and to the formation of new musical groups in the Tri-valley area is the lack of a suitable performing center. There is an effort by the Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council (P.O. Box 1293, Pleasanton, CA 94566) to create a Tri-Valley Community Center. The first stage of this long-term project is to renovate the Amador High School Theater. The price tag for this restoration is at least $35000, not including continuing costs. Thank you for your time, and I hope the above information will help you in some way. s ly, Isej • Donald R. Faul President, • Pleasanton Community Rand P.O. Box 135 Pleasanton, California 94565 • • - 3 1 • Pleasanton Community Band _:-•-_,..,..._._:..----...17.:`,.-‘,-,--,:_-.__.-s�._...-,..'-';2:...:-.-7,..=.1.,..... P.Q. Box 135 Pleasanton, Calif. 94566 1.-----..- USA[m Richard Ambrose, City Manager P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94566 i i V . RECEIVED OCT 51982 4;Valley P.O. Box 286 CITY OF DURUM CChoLivermore, California 94550 horal October 1, 1982 Richard Ambrose City Manager P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, California 94568 Dear Mr. Ambrose: I spoke with you on the telephone on September 29 regarding the Atlantic Richfield Company's interest in contributing funds to community projects. : As you requested, I am now submitting information to acquaint you with our organization. The Valley Choral Society, a four-part mixed voice chorus currently composed of 25 singers, has been in existence since 1963. The name of the group reflects the interest of the chorus in actively pursuing growth throughout the Tri-Valley area. We currently have, or have had in the recent past, members from Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon, and Castro Valley. The choral season runs from September through June, and three major concerts a season are given, in addition to selected special performances. Concerts have been held in several locations in Livermore and Pleasanton, and our most recent performance, on June 6 of this year, took place at John Knox United Presbyterian Church in Dublin. The chorus performs a wide variety of fine choral music, including many works of the great composers--Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, Brahms, to name a few, as well as music of more contemporary com- posers. Membership in the chorus is open to any interested singer, subject to the discretion of the director based on auditions. i _ Edwin Flath, beginning his second season as music director of the Valley Choral Society, is a well-known and highly regarded Bay Area f conductor, pianist and organist. For the past eleven years he has been director of the California Bach Society, a choral group which he founded, with chapters in San Francisco and Palo Alto. With the appointment of Mr. Flath as director, the scope of the chorus' per- formances has widened to include orchestral accompaniment, rather than piano alone, and professional musicians as guest soloists and accompanists. Under Mr. Flath's direction the shorus is achieving a level of musical competence well beyond that usually found in amateur community choral groups. Expenses incurred by the chorus include those for Mr. Flath's salary, rental of facilities for rehearsals and concerts, printing of programs and publicity literature, and fees for guest performers. The chorus is a non-profit organization, and singers pay annual registration fees, Page 2 currently $100.00 per year per member, and purchase their-own music. Registration fees, with current membership enrollment, cover only about 30% of our expenditures. Remaining expenses must be met through contributions from individual community members and businesses and from fund-raisers and ticket sales. Given the present economic situa- tion, it has become increasingly difficult to procure funds in this manner. In addition, the financial obligations of the chorus have increased significantly in the past year as a result of the expanded program we are pursuing and the salary requirements of a director of the caliber of Mr. Flath. • As we would very much like to maintain the present level of musical quality, which benefits not only chorus members but the entire com- munity as well, we are earnestly searching for additional sources • of funding. We will be pleased to supply you with any additional i information to assist you in the selection process and hope that we . will be given serious consideration as a beneficiary of the Atlantic Richfield Company's generous funding offer. - Sincerely, ' • Kathleen Walker, President Valley Choral Society 443-9889 • • a community dedicated to the ideal C p of a quality Ill and 1/th their the • terminally(il and their lamlNes October 8, 1982 125.0 W.Neal Street P.O.Box 1134 Pleasanton,CA 94566 f= L E 1 (415)462.9353 Mr. Richard Ambrose V E D City Mananger OCT 12198 P. 0. Box 2340 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dublin, Ca. 94568 CITY RICHARD M.HOVIS OF DU UN v Air Traffic Controller Dear Mr. Ambrose: i JO BETTY ALLEN,C.P.A. Allendalackmore, Pleasanton,c I am writin g on behalf of Hope Hos ice r Inc. to MARGERET CONCANNON request consideration for a contribution from ARCO to- ' d ward our program. Hope is a hospice program for the WARREN R.HARDING terminally ill and serves clients in the Tri-Valle area President.Community y • First National Bank, of Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, and Sunol. Services Pleasanton.CA provided include: JO KIJENZI,R.N. • Valley Memorial Hospital. Livermore.CA 1) Effective pain management THOMAS F.LONG,M.D. 2) Homecare for the paitent F.A.A.P. 3) Training for patient's family members in homecare RICHARD L.MARTIN techniques Vice-Presidenl,Bank of 4) Emotional support for patient and family members America,Oakland,CA • during and after the illness 5) Coordination of services with hospitals and PROFESSIONAL STAFF primary physicians RICHARD J.ANGEL 6) Legal aid, resource location, and financial assistance Executive Director 7) Bereavement counseling for family members. GARY ZELLES,M.D. Medical Director The need for effective, professional in-home care for JOAN ALFORD,R.N. • the dying has increased tremendously over the past few years Patient Care Coordinator as more and more individuals have become aware that it is PATRICIA A.GILCHREST possible to go through a terminal illness at home, among Adminireorive Assistant loved ones, in comfortable surroundings, and with effective - PATRICIA BELECKY pain control. Approximately one half of our clients are over • Secretary/Lay Volunteer • coordinator sixty years of age. Many are financially unable to cope with resultant medical expenses associated with their illness. 4 :1 I would be happy to make a more detailed presentation • to you or your committee. Please let me know when a convenient time is available. Sincerely, HOPE HOSPICE . g An Dick Angel Community Liaison DA:pag Questions and answers about Hospice r• iim:t', X44: ,1{'1.•; Q: Who is jcligihle for the program? Who pays for the services? -Q' � � all:— ir`* °5 A: Those referred by a physician A: There are no charges to the family 5' ti 1„,,::. t P,r r S' ► Y' or family member.The patient and for services provided directly from Ff' J``' . :s family will be interviewed by the Flope Hospice. If other agencies f,� ` I 6 .r 4-ems'�; - Hospice team,in order to determine referred to the family by !lope f x r + yob ,;, ' their needs. Hospice have charges,this fact will q' � '�Z. ' fry, •■tA, Who arc the people who will help? be thoroughly explained by the :�� ',� ,� f� > ' Q: : The team consists of a Patient Care I lospicc Team prior to ff r r �� j i recommending engagement of these tr`` ' Coordinator,a Medical Director, g ` � E x !1' ''�x t-^` outside services. 7.,t%� 4 fi w; v �' > �'+°-�,{. a9 Nurses,Social Workers, t"L !y ` z.A r + 1 Volunteers,Clergy.The home care Funding for Hope Hospice to cover x , ,- ,. „ 3- j} is provided by lay volunteers. operating and training expenses 4, v q k• '1 �, e'. Y " What about the possibility of comes from tax free donations and � `, Q. remission?It does happen gifts from a variety of sources.As y ;' ; Ay�oy� t - y+ t u .tt sometimes. the program expands,the expensesj"�C1"t` ,? , A: Yes,it does,and no matter how are also going to grow,showing the r K f.. ,l,*�", need for additional sources of { , 4 7 rare such occurrences might be,all -, r ►� v ,).Ta ' Hospice team members are trained funding.Grants,State and Federal -.1. �,* ,_; .,sea j,,, F to keep that possibility funding and personal pledges will e P P yin mind. In r t k- �� l'' ?1 ,�g be sought so that the community 3 4 such instances treatment designed g y r�I. > +v.for comfort is immediately switched will continue to be served by Hope �:°, �,tf,, A4.k y 5'• y .5•1 to curative. Hospice. , A, � r *,:i How may I help the Hospice " tV Q: Is there any preference as to our a ., , + religious beliefs? program? i'K�4 '' v ,n A: Volunteers provide a variety of w ✓ �'L A: None.The Hospice team is geared p y ,. �3"v(' -' t''` services as art of the Hospice �`. . �� S to adapt to your religious,ethnic p' .. �,,T-.':.7.—•.i $cam e program. We are always in need of 4 .� s y�+ � .?'--• and personal preferences and ®® P �� {� beliefs. new volunteers. 1(�pIY ar F r a�' �`a . Q: How do I take the first step? I� ��{S,r h + )1 �' " A: Call Hope Hospice at 462-9353. P.O.sox 1194 ?r , ,,.,,3' p.1.1",4.1i� _ , � Pleasanton,CA.94566 I y,A^ 1„ t� toc '' nj�M "0.4.—q. ,i y 1 Olt 4n r i ■ I 1 I fr'i-..s.-.ten+-,• e. ..�.""r .-tt,: 7 • j Shelter from the storm Hope Hospice as an alternative In the middle ages,it was considered, ARIf `� kt111 4 \t" Hope Hospice is a voluntary specialized understood,by the patient and their worthwhile by many to make a o-: #r�' I l+r.• ! '•'r y' family-centered health care program family. It may involve a friend,a nurse, spiritual journey,or pilgrimage to the Ct ;.g' r :90-!;W:!(47,--'""* '- that emphasizes home care.Patients a spiritual counselor or a close family , ' 7.=Apt Holy Land. l ` -.:' �* eg`": �' and their families constitute the unit of member. It ntay take one or all,of the tu. '� G'_ +7; ' care. members of the I lospicc team to Thus it was that religious orders �, ;�.� established refuges along the most �-' "i }� w "r provide the needed help and g g S i Q, g. A family member must be available as �r a t �. ;` understanding. traveled routes where the weary could Z ` a 4,, rx:, -. t,,1r the primary care giver. Hospice team find rest,replenishment and good '1 .7 1 'y members will assist to the extent Hope Hospice continues to aid the companionship.These shelters were / •r u., tre '.: o - necessary. fancily during the period of grief and known as hospices. It r { ' (.; Existing community resources and bereavement,offering counsel and y, I support. Today,the term Hospice has come to ��� , , services are drawn on and utilized to represent not so much a specific place, `4 ,,, ,��s� j the fullest extent possible. Home care is All of this the medical and emotional as it does a principle and a philosophy. 1Wst'rtT i3;t' ` �.f coordinated by the patient care cure for the patient,and the family,is ht, "- coordinator. Plans for home care begin coordinated under the supervision of Starting in England and quickly ';�* lit -,>~ %a , g p spreading to America, Hospice '=""•'`*,4:.).�`.?t.. when you are admitted to the Hospice the.attending physician,usually the r-.. :::,;. r -- program. fancily doctor. programs have been implemented to l f provide special assistance to those with 1 :, -,.' , ..,'i.` Thus, Hope Hospice makes it possible But whether this care is administered limited life expectancy,and to their ter..,,,:rte"° . for patients to stay at home during in a special family oriented facility,or �� �•Ham' families. !s<•.: L much or all of their illness,with special at home, lope Hospice offers 'r t i ! 1. : ,. t attention given to relieving pain. thoughtful,professional,personal care r c "' ' for the patient and their family. yi hat Is Hope Hospice, %, C r` With pain relief and comfort provided '...414.1... /.._. for,the emotional aspects of what is Hope Hospice,serving the communities ,.'r ..1 T••6=_: r,'" :, taking place need to be shared and of Pleasanton, Livermore,Dublin and — -`' t,�; �? ;� `• � . � .;- , Sunol,is a non-profit group organized �T !}:+' . -- and dedicated to improving the quality 4/7'a`rt`s' \ip _ .t \' .# of life of the terminally ill and their r--. (' It --'A A,V,'j families.Comprised of skilled . �,r '\ ,.. t_ .4 ,�''' ,,„i?,-,--v:;..,.:. professional and lay persons, Hope -. , 'ti e ,� ,.-•_,: % ,;;t. Hospice works toward creating a warm, t 1�a4'y •rdr�Sr compassionate environment in which - it``- f' } ,,,.,zy !. oS the dying can,with comfort and ill j± dignity,die in peace at home in .,�4: :,,,,< ;f•, T.A•• '--.4.:':(9-,.,,.:y -- ( ., `A familiar surroundings,free from pain, '� ,p* w" r' attended by family and friends,being ` fully alive until death. i I 1 r 1 a I .— -... 1 1 7 i `