HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 DB GPA ROW LineStudyAGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Dublin Boulevard Extension General Plan Amendment (PA 88-010)/Initiation of right-of-way line study for the two lane access road parallel to Interstate 580 and connecting to Hacienda Interchange REPORT PREPARED BY: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Lee Thompson, Public Works Di~or John Donahoe, Project Planner~ Exhibit A: Resolution initiating right-of-way line study Exhibit B: Proposed Plan Line RECOMMENDATI ON~~ ¥ 1) Incorporate the General Plan Amendment for the realignment of the Dublin Boulevard extension into the East Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Study; 2) Adopt a resolution initiating the right-of-way line study for the two-lane access road parallel to Interstate 580 and connecting to Hacienda Interchange. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The traffic study for the two lane facility by TJKM would cost $4,700 and is within the Engineering operating budget. The remainder of the work is City Staff time, also budgeted under the operating budget. DESCRIPTION: Existing General Plan Designation of Dublin Boulevard Extension In order to provide direction in the City of Dublin's orderly growth to the east, the Dublin General Plan depicts the future location of Dublin Boulevard from Dougherty Road east to Tassajara Road. The plan line of Dublin Boulevard is shown conceptually as a major circulation arterial through the Camp Parks/County property, uniting the eastern area with the City's existing circulation system. The General Plan depicts the future extension of Dublin Boulevard (ultimately a six lane arterial road) from Dougherty Road east to Tassajara Road approximately 1,250 feet north of and parallel to Interstate 580 (Exhibit B). Need to Realign the Dublin Boulevard Extension Since the time when the Dublin General Plan was prepared, it has become apparent that the extension as shown might be too close to Interstate 580. If the extension of Dublin Boulevard was constructed along its existing alignment, Staff was concerned that the resulting intersections of Dublin Boulevard/ Hacienda Drive and Dublin Boulevard/Tassajara Road would be located Copies to: PA File ITEM NO. ~ too close to the freeway interchanges, creating inadequate room for lane changes and vehicle stacking. By moving the Dublin Boulevard extension plan line further to the north, the resulting intersections would be far enough away from the interchange to allow adequate distance for lane changes and vehicle stacking. Based on this concern, the City Staff requested that the City Council initiate a General Plan Amendment (PA 88-010) to move the Dublin Boulevard extension alignment further to the north to a point approximately 2,750 feet north of Interstate 580. Although it would appear that changing the alignment of the extension of Dublin Boulevard would have little or no adverse traffic impacts, the City of Dublin authorized the City's Traffic Engineer, TJKM, to prepare a traffic study analyzing the realignment as part of the environmental review required for the project. In order to calculate expected traffic levels within the project area, Staff and TJKM made various land use assumptions for the East Dublin area, prior to completion of more detailed land use assumptions that will be part of the East Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan (GPA/SP) studies currently underway. The resulting traffic study indicated that the potential traffic impacts associated with the extension's close proximity to Interstate 580 would be mitigated by the realignment. However, the traffic report also identified potentially significant adverse impacts to the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection relating to the realignment to the north. The traffic report indicated that the northern alignment would have the potential to redistribute trips within the study area, causing more traffic at the referenced intersection. At the same time, the East Dublin GPA/SP process included the preparation of more detailed land use studies, which identified alternative land uses for the area. In addition, the East Dublin GPA/SP also indicated the potential for multiple roads parallel to Interstate 580. These multiple roads may mitigate the potential adverse traffic impacts of the realignment of the Dublin Boulevard extension. Since the East Dublin GPA/SP is currently evaluating land use alternatives and circulation alternatives, it would then be appropriate and desirable to merge the Dublin Boulevard Extension General Plan Amendment into the East Dublin GPA/SP so that the realignment can be made based on all available land use information. Need for a Two-lane Access Road Parallel to Interstate 580 and Connecting to Hacienda Interchange In order to still facilitate the opening of the Hacienda Road interchange and to expedite additional access to Tassajara Road, a two lane access road should be constructed from Dougherty Road east to Tassajara Road. This two lane access road will satisfy Federal and CalTrans requirements to open the Hacienda interchange by constructing a street parallel to and north of Interstate 580. In a cooperative effort between the Cities of Pleasanton and Dublin, and Alameda County, the following outline of events has been discussed in order to facilitate construction of the parallel road. I. Alameda County would provide the right-of-way necessary for the access road to the Hacienda interchange and the parallel roadway connection through their property from Tassajara Road to the Camp Parks eastern boundary (Arnold Road). II. Through a land trade, Dublin will acquire the roadway right-of-way through Camp Parks on behalf of the County. This right-of-way was authorized to be dedicated in the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989- 90, to Dublin. III. The City of Dublin will be responsible for obtaining the necessary rights-of-way from the Camp Parks western boundary to Dougherty Road. IV. The North Pleasanton Improvement District No. 3 (City of Pleasanton) is proposing a loan against future assessments or fees to prepare construction documents and construct a two lane access road to parallel Interstate 580 from Tassajara Road to the western boundary of Camp Parks and connecting to the Hacienda Interchange. V. The City of Dublin will prepare all necessary traffic analysis and environmental documents for this work. The City of Dublin will also prepare the construction documents for the parallel connection from the Camp Parks western boundary to Dougherty Road. In order to insure that the City of Dublin proceeds with the establishment of the right-of-way in an orderly fashion, as well as ensuring that all CEQA guidelines are followed, the Staff recommends that the City follow the following process, as established in Ordinance 44-87: TWO LANE ACCESS ROAD TIME LINE A. TJKM to prepare a traffic study reviewing a two-lane access road from Dublin Boulevard to Tassajara Road. B. Staff to review traffic study, prepare necessary revisions, prepare environmental documents and Planning Commission staff report. Co Planning Commission public hearing on right-of-way line. Tentative meeting date: April 16, 1990. D. City Council to adopt resolution of intent to establish right-of-way line. Tentative date: April 23, 1990 City Council public hearing to consider objections to establishing right-of-way line, environmental document, and introduce ordinance establishing right-of-way line (lst reading). Tentative date: May 14, 1990. (Ordinance 44-87 states that this public hearing cannot occur sooner than 14 days from Council adoption of the resolution of intent to establish the right-of-way line). F. City Council public hearing to consider adoption of ordinance establishing right-of-way (2nd reading). Tentative date: May 28, 1990. Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Incorporate the GPA for the realignment of the Dublin Boulevard extension into the East Dublin GPA and Specific Plan Study; and 2) Adopt a resolution initiating a right-of-way line study for the two lane access road parallel to Interstate 580 and connecting to Hacienda Interchange. -3- RESOLUTION NO. 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN INITIATING A RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE STUDY FOR A TWO LANE ACCESS ROAD PARALLEL TO INTERSTATE 580 AND CONNECTING TO THE HACIENDA INTERCHANGE WHEREAS, in order to provide orderly growth to the eastern areas of the City of Dublin, adequate circulation facilities need to be provided; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a road from Dougherty Road to Tassajara Road would aid in the orderly development of the East Dublin area; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a road from Dougherty Road to Tassajara Road would also facilitate the opening of the Hacienda Interchange; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 44-87 of the City of Dublin provides that the City Council of Dublin may initiate the process to establish a right-of-way line by adopting a resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin City Council initiates a right-of-way line study to establish a two lane access road parallel to Interstate 580 and connecting to the Hacienda Interchange. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of April, 1990. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor City Clerk N j~rr~ PI_AIU~I~6 mmmmmmm