HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 AllAboardMiniStoreAmend ~ e- e e '" CITY CLERK File # Dw~0-~GJ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7, 1998 SUBJECT: P A 98-024: All Aboard Mini-Storage General Plan Amendment Initiation Request REPORT PREPARED BY: ~ennis Carrington, Senior Planner EXHIBITS A TT ACHED: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: General PlanlLocation Map Written Statement Conceptual Site Plan Elevations Resolution authorizing initiation of a General Plan Amendment study Resolution denying initiation of a General Plan Amendment study Exhibit F: RECOMMENDATION: "~ Give staff direction and either adopt a resolution authorizing initiation of a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Amendment study or adopt Resolution denying initiation ofthe study. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Costs for the study would be borne by the Applicant DESCRIPTION: The Union Pacific Railroad Company is requesting a General Plan Amendment to a plan designation that would allow a mini-storage facility on its property. All Aboard Mini-Storage is proposing to construct a self storage facility on a 4.21 acre site (part of a larger approximately 9 acre right-of way) located in the Union Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way south of Dougherty Road. The facility would consist ofa 2,794 square foot Manager's Unit and 10 storage buildings providing 82,875 square feet of storage, for a total of 85,669 square feet. ---------------~~-----------------------~~---------~-------------~-----------------------~---------------------~------ ITEM NO. 6> 1 Of) COPIES TO: Applicant Owner In-house distribution iIo. .. ANAL YSIS General Plan Amendment -. General Plan/Land Use The General Plan designation of this site is "Transportation Corridor". This designation allows transportation-oriented land uses only. Self storage facilities are not permitted by this designation. The most appropriate General Plan designation which would permit a mini-storage use is the Business Park/Industrial designation. Floor Area Ratio The Business Park/Industrial designation allows a maximum Floor Area Ratio of.40 (a building can cover no more than 40% of the site). The project, as currently designed, proposes a total building area of 85,669 square feet on a 183,400 square foot site. The proposed FAR would therefore be .46.7. No industrial plan designation of the General Plan allows a FAR greater than .40. When informed of this, the Applicant indicated that his firm would revise the project to observe the .40 FAR. Reasons for approval of initiation of the Study: 1. The use would provide additional self storage capacity within Dublin. 2. The use would be consistent with business park/industrial uses in the vicinity. . 3. The use would improve a difficult-to-use site. Reasons for denial of initiation of the Study: 1. The site could be combined with adjacent parcels that are underutilized and used for multiple high density housing, commercial office, or research and development uses. 2. There are already several self storage facilities in the city such as Allsafe Self Storage, Dublin Self Storage, Dublin Security Storage, Public Storage, and U-Haul Self Storage. The average occupancy rate of self storage developments in Dublin is 93%. RECOMMENDATION Give staff direction and either approve or deny the applicants request for a General Plan Amendment stud y. . '/ - - ~~ ... g ~ ..:. t tal h ";: .. .. :> Ch z : c6QI< uJf-~ Cf)ct:c :J...J; 05; Za:; <(-- ...J () I .;: '- ~ i ~ Z <t: ....J a. ....J <( a: ~ uJ ~ Z .D W :. CJ -: .. z -= ::i .. c:o ::> o ~ " o ~ = .. " - u = ~ " .. .. '" ... " 2. :p .. ~ :1 ... E .. .. _ '" c '; .... .2 o " - g: ~ ; o .. " " .. o -: ~ . ~ .. - .. '" ... ... ~ ~ ; : .. 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The site is presently zoned M-l, howcver the General Plan has a "Transportation Corridor" overlay. At this time, we are requesting that the Transportation Corridor overlay he changed to M-l to bc consistent with its zoning. P1case advise what additional information you may need in ordcr to move this request forward. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very Truly Yours, # /;; 79:it!urd:c' Richard L. Gooch Director - Special properties cc: Hyrail Partners II, L.P. Attention: Mike Selby 990 Highland Dr., Suite 300 Solana Beach, CA 92075 . EXHIBIT 6 ,-- -,:::..'::-...:.-.''- ~: .:::: " :':.~-:~:::'.:'-;:'~ '.... ':.;.:'" ~_:. . . ~@i%1;%~~ Wfl~l~~ III I~~~~ 1lji; (II ~.~ .::'.~':: ::.~~.~/~~:: ~- :/::. ~ .<t~@N.) . · !~;:i~?;:;:(!'X ':(A~Av..:" :.~-:~N~'r\.-r.:_.:'._\.. .-:....- . .,' ",:."::.,.:.- -'-.-.-,--.;,' If Ii .:-" .... -(}~/i;~~~':.~'~~-, ~ :~F\?<-:': <._~~~:t:/._~-; . :: _.'. ;~"=:' x":.:' ." . . -, ..... . .~;:.t-/:/:~: : . n_.... 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RESOLUTION NO. 98 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN INITIATING THE ALL ABOARD MINI STORAGE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY WHEREAS, the initiation ofa General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Richard L. Gooch on behalf of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and All Aboard Mini Storage for a 85,669 square foot storage center on the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way south of Dougherty Road. The General Plan land use designation proposed for the site is Business Park/Industrial with a Floor Area Ratio of .467; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has stated that they would pay the processing costs for the General Plan Amendment Study; and WHEREAS, Section 65358 (a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to a general plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the proposed use would provide additional storage capacity within Dublin; and WHEREAS, the proposed use would be consistent with similar uses in the vicinity; and WHEREAS, the proposed use would improve a difficult-to-use site; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6, Infonnation Collection, of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth and is in support of a General Plan Amendment study to detennine the General Plan designation for the property before making a decision as to the merits of requested specific entitlements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby initiate the All Aboard Mini-Storage General Plan Amendment Study; and the Staff is authorized to retain consultant services to complete necessary staff reports. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Applicant shall pay for all processing costs involved with the General Plan Amendment Study. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: EXHIBIT E City Clerk ----~------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~----------------~-------------- ITEM NO. - COPIES TO: Applicant Owner In-house distribution EXHIBIT E ""j. . . -.:. RESOLUTION NO. 98 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DENYING THE INITIATION OF THE ALL ABOARD MINI STORAGE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY . WHEREAS, the initiation of a General Plan Amendment Study has been requested by Richard L. Gooch on behalf of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and All Aboard Mini Storage for a 85,669 square foot storage center on the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way south of Dougherty Road. The General Plan land use designation proposed for the site is Business ParklIndustrial with a Floor Area Ratio of .467; and WHEREAS, Section 65358 (a) of the State of California Government Code states that an amendment to a general plan shall be in a manner specified by the legislative body; and WHEREAS, the initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6, Information Collection, of the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth on this issue; and WHEREAS, this parcel, when combined with other underutilized properties, is an excellent multiple high density residential, commercial office, or research and development site; and WHEREAS, sufficient self storage space exists in the City of Dublin and in nearby cities; and . WHEREAS, it is not in the best interests of the City of Dublin to initiate a General Plan Amendment Study at this time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby deny the initiation of the All Aboard Mini Storage General Plan Amendment Study. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT F . ITEM NO. . COPIES TO: Applicant Owner ~~lnDlt F