HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.5 Casterson (Attach) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CASTERSON PROPERTY Planned Developlllent Exhibit A-I Development Plan R ~ c ~ 1'..:'1: j ArR u 8 1998 April 14, 1998 DUSUN PlANN~NG S/~/ff /' 5 CD' I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson Propertv . October 1997 · Revised April 1998 Project Description GeneraVSpecific Plan Amendment Necessity for GeneraVSpecific Plan Amendment The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan shows an approximate 5 acre portion of a middle school site occurring on the northern half of the project area. However, the Dublin Unified School District has determined that this middle school facility is not needed to serve future students in the East Dublin area. Based on the Dublin Unified School District's recommendations, this middle school site is to be eliminated. The City of Dublin has determined that a General/Specific Plan Amendment is required to eliminate the middle school site and revert to the underlying pre-zoning land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Rationale for GeneraVSpecific Plan Amendment Because more school sites are shown in the East Dublin Specific Plan than are required by the Dublin Unified School District to serve the area, any such site deemed by the school district to be unnecessary may be redesignated consistent with the site's pre-zoning underlying land use, which is Medium Density Residential in this particular case. The Specific Plan realized that the school district serving the planning area was potentially in question and that the quantity of school sites would be unknown until a determination was made as to which school district would serve the East Dublin area. Hazardous Waste Analysis A Phase I site assessment study was conducted in September of 1990 which identified a few areas requiring additional investigation to determine if any soil contamination was present due to normal agricultural uses and to determine whether asbestos containing materials were present in the residential buildings. An agency environmental records search was also completed which indicated that no known fuel leaks or toxic sites occurred either on-site or within a two mile radius. A Phase II site assessment study was recently completed by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants and determined that there was minimal traces of contamination present consistent with current agricultural uses. This determination found minor diesel and lead contamination on or near the soil surface. Additionally, asbestos containing materials were located in and on two residential buildings. Appropriate demolition and treatment of the site in accordance with current environmental regulations will occur prior to initiation of development of the project. Site Specific Traffic Data Traffic generation rates and peak hour counts are as follows: Daily Use Units Rate Trips SF 109 9.55 1,040 A.M. Peak Hour Rate Total .74 80 P.M. Peak Hour Rate Total 1.01 110 Page 1 of 2 . General/Specific Plan Amendment. Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson Propertv . October 1997 . Revised April 1998 Project trip distribution assumptions are: 44% will travel on 1-580 to and from the west; 28% will travel south to Pleasanton, via 1-580 and/or local arterials; 10% will travel on 1-580 to and from the east; 10% will travel west on Dublin Boulevard to Dougherty Road and beyond; 6% will travel north on Tassajara Road; and 2% will travel to the East DublinIPleasanton BART Station. For more detailed information concerning traffic data, please refer to the study being done by TJKM at the request of the City. Page 2 of 2 . General/Specific Plan Amendment. Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson ProTJertv . October 1997 · Revised April 1998 Project Description Planned Development Rezone Existing Site Conditions and Land Uses The Casterson Property is located within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan area and consists of approximately 19 acres. The project area is located on the west side of Tassajara Road, just north of Gleason Road. The site is comprised of three distinct geographic areas, which includes the eastern flatlands, Tassajara Creek, and the western hillside. Lands east of Tassajara Creek are primarily flat, with a gentle slope occurring from east to west. A few large oak trees are scattered in this area. This part of the property is currently used for agricultural purposes (dry farming and grazing) and contains a home, barns, out buildings and numerous abandoned vehicles. The EIR identified the primary homestead as a historic site. However, recent research, surveys and assessments have determined that no significant historic resources exist on the property. An old walnut orchard, in poor condition, exists in the southeast comer of the property. Tassajara Creek, the second area, flows north to south through the property near the western boundary. The creek channel is defined, with an approximate width of 8' and depth of 10-12'. Due to the steep creek banks, little vegetation occurs on the banks. Riparian vegetation and eucalyptus trees are present along portions of the creek's length. The third area is the western hillside. An east facing hillside slope begins adjacent to the western top of bank, with the hilltop occurring offsite on the County's property. The slope of this hillside area is typically 70%:i: (1.5:1), although it transitions to a 25%:i: slope (4:1) in the southern area of the property. The hillside is heavily vegetated with eucalyptus, with some grassland areas present in the southern area. A preliminary geologic and geotechnical investigation of the project area, undertaken by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants, concluded that the site is suitable for development. Based on the findings of this investigation, it was determined that the project site is not located within a currently designated "Special Studies Zone" for active faults as defined by the State of California (1982) and that no fault zones exist on site. Based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps and a recently completedHEC2 analysis, it appears that the 100- year flood level will be confined to the creek bank or flood plain. A review of aerial photographs by Berlogar staff taken since 1947 indicate the creek alignment has remained relatively unchanged. Current site topography and creek bank width suggest the historic meandering of the creek has been less than 20-30' from existing centerline of the creek. Adjacent land uses include a utility company staging area, Alameda County Sheriff's Training Center, equestrian center, and open space. A residential and open space development project, which is part of a larger master planned community, is approved to occur opposite the property on Tassajara Road. Page 1 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson Prooertv . October 1997 . Revised Aoril1998 Proposed Land Uses and Development Concept A mixture of 109 single family detached homes and preserved creek corridor open space are planned. Approximately 14 acres of the site are zoned for medium density residential and 5 acres for stream corridor open space. The residential acreage includes that of the eliminated middle school site previously included in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The residential density for the site is expected to be approximately 8 units per gross acre. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan shows an approximate 5 acre portion of a middle school site occurring on the northern half of the project area. However, the Dublin Unified School District has determined that this facility is not needed to serve future students in the East Dublin area. Based on the Dublin Unified School District's recommendations, this middle school site is to be eliminated and is proposed to revert to its underlying pre-zoning land use designation of Medium Density Residential. Because more school sites are shown in the Specific Plan Land Use Plan than are now required to serve the area, any such site deemed by the school district to be unnecessary for school purposes may be redesignated according to its underlying zoning and used for residential purposes. A General/Specific Plan Amendment is included in this submittal to revise this land use and maintain consistency among City documents. The proposed site plan for the project is based closely on the type, location and size of the land use designations found in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The Planned Development Rezone Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans are consistent with the East Dublin Specific Plan, EIR, and each other. Designated land uses of the proposed plan are as follows: Land Use Medium Density Residential Stream Corridor Open Space Subtotal Acres 13.3 acres 5.0 acres 18.3 acres (net) Units 109 (8.2 du/ac net net density) 109 (6.0 du/ac net density) Tassajara Road Right-of-Way TOTAL 1.1 acres 19.4 acres (gross) 109 (5.6 du/ac gross density) The 109 residential units are proposed to be single family detached units designed in various layouts of courtyards and street frontage lots. Minor changes may be made to the site design and house placement prior to receiving a building permit without necessitating a minor amendment. For Medium Density Residential, the Specific Plan permits a range of 6-14 units per acre. The maximum and minimum units permitted by the Specific Plan would be as follows: Gross Acrea&e Medium Density Residential 13.3 Minimum Units 79 Maximum Units 186 The open space designated area consists of the creek corridor, which contains the creek channel and associated setbacks. Due to the topography and existing vegetation, this area is planned to be left in it's current natural state, with the exception of remedial grading, specific locations of revegetation, and a regional multi-use trail parallel to the creek on the east side of Tassajara Creek. According to the City of Dublin's Stream Restoration Program (SRP), with the presence of a single loaded frontage road, a separate maintenance road is unneeded as maintenance vehicles can use the frontage road. On the west side of the creek, no maintenance road/local trail is currently Page 2 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I r I Castersori Prooertv . October 1997 . Revised Aoril/998 provided for in accordance with the SRP due to existing slopes and vegetation. No impacts or changes to Tassajara Creek's channel or banks are proposed. The creek corridor setback dimensions should be set to minimize human disturbance to wildlife habitat and protect development from major flood events. Due to the location of housing and a multi-use trail on the east side of the creek, where a small amount of higher quality riparian habitat does exist in the northern area, we propose to adjust the tributary setback in two ways, as suggested by the Stream Corridor Restoration Program: 1. In order to preserve the existing large oak trees on site (outside of the riparian corridor), provide a safe and efficient road circulation plan and provide a greater number of lots fronting onto the corridor, we propose to have a 100' average setback along the east side of the creek. Part of the reason for this is that the majority of the vegetation on the east side is of low quality and has been highly degraded by grazing and farming operations. 2. Due to the impacts of current and future human disturbances on the east side of the creek and the lack of development or a multi-use trail/maintenance road on the' west side, a wider corridor setback within the northern portion is planned to occur on the west side of the creek off-setting the narrower setback on the east. This wider setback, located in a more isolated area, would provide for a larger area and higher quality habitat with little to no human disturbance. In both cases, the setback is still wide enough to ensure adequate area for public safety, flood control, restoration plantiogs and wildlife passage. Our analysis shows that the 100 year flood event will be contained within the existing flood plain of the Tassajara Creek corridor. The stream corridor open space serves as a visual and social focal point of the neighborhood and ,the City of Dublin. The corridor will function as a linear pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian circulation route linking neighborhoods, parks, schools and surrounding open space. In addition, this corridor will maintain and provide for wildlife habitat opportunities. The creek corridor open space areas will be cleared of abandoned vehicles and the disturbed areas will be revegetated and maintained. Primarily native grasses, shrubs and trees will be used in the creek corridor open space area. These lands will be offered for dedication to either City of Dublin, Zone 7, EBRPD, or an HOA for ownership and/or maintenance. The frontage road along the creek corridor open space area will function as the fire buffer zone required by the Wildfire Management Plan, since it will have a paved right-of-way ranging between 39 and 45 feet which will separate the housing units from the creek corridor open space 'area. Because this non-flammable buffer exceeds the required standards for fire buffer zone vegetation establishment and maintenance, no additional open space and fire buffer zone measures will need to be incorporated for the project. All front yard landscaping will be installed prior to occupancy and will be irrigated. Large oaks present outside of the stream corridor open space area will be preserved as focal points in the neighborhood and relate to the stream corridor. A pedestrian paseo located within a widened right-of-way will link the project to the stream corridor open space. Pedestrian access will also be possible between adjoining court driveways to provide greater ease of moving throughout the neighborhood. Page 3 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Casterson ProTJertv . October 1997 · Revised April 1998 A small portion of the property is within the limits of the Tassajara Road Scenic Corridor. The project follows the City's scenic corridor policies in that views of the stream corridor and vegetation are permitted through the use of entries and open fencing, and architectural design provides for varying roof heights, massing, orientation and setbacks. Fencing, signage, and wall materials also have been designed to relate to the existing context. A homeowners association (HOA) will be created and a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Declaration) will be prepared and recorded. The Declaration will require the HOA to maintain the project entry, including landscaping, monumentation, lighting, signage; walls and fences; private streets, court driveways, and sidewalks; street trees and front yard landscaping; Tassajara Road landscaping adjacent to the project boundaries; oak tree parcels; and pedestrian walkways. A landscape maintenance agreement will be provided for the HOA to maintain the landscape areas within public right-of-ways. Zone 7 will be offered a dedication to own the creek corridor open space area and Zone 7 or a HOA will maintain this area. However, the regional multi-use trail which occurs in this corridor will be maintained and operated by EBRPD. The Declaration will establish easements and other rights-of-way necessary for the HOA to fulfill it responsibilities. Project Access, Circulation, and Parking The primary access for this project will be from Tassajara Road, an existing two lane road which borders the eastern boundary of the site. Ultimately, Tassajara Road is scheduled to be a six-lane divided arterial in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan recommendations. Secondary access will be a connection from the project to Gleason Road. Gleason Road is an existing two lane road, with an ultimate section of four lanes. In the ultimate condition, no left turns will be permitted into the project from Tassajara Road. Left turns from Gleason Road into the project are anticipated. All streets have been designed with safety, convenient access and pedestrian use in mind. A traffic impact study was prepared by TJKM for the City. Tassajara Road will be constructed initially with two traffic lanes (12'), a partial median (8'), a bicycle/break down lane (8') and landscaping (20'). The half street section.will be 72' with an additional 10' landscape buffer. The residential collector fronting onto Tassajara Creek has been designed to City standards and is planned to be a public street. The right-of-way for this street varies between 40' and 48', depending upon the parking conditions, and consists of up to two 12' trave~ lanes, two 8' parking lanes, one 5' sidewalk and a 3' landscape area. The 8' landscape and sidewalk areas on the west side of the street have been deleted due to the Stream Restoration Program's direction that this sidewalk can be replaced with a regional trail. The central residential street and entry from Tassajara Road will a public street with parking present on both sides. This street will have a curb to curb dimension of 36' with a 4.5' sidewalk on the northern side and a 5' sidewalk on the southern side. An enlarged parkway "paseo" will occur on one side of the right- of-way. Interior private residential neighborhood streets have been.designed to provide parking on one side of the street. These streets will have a 30' curb to curb dimension and have one 4.5' sidewalk. Private court driveways will have a dimension of 20' . Each dwelling will have an attached two car garage. An 18' driveway will be available to park two additional cars. Guest parking spaces will be provided at the end of most of the private driveways. Additional parking for residents and guests will also be available on street. A minimum of one guest stall per unit will be provided. Page 4 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ~ I Casterson Prooertv . October 1997 · Revised ATJril1998 Utility Services Sanitary, water and recycled water services will be provided by the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) in accordance with their East Dublin Facilities Master Plan. Final locations and sizing of these facilities will be determined in conjunction with the recommendation of the DSRSD Facilities Master Plan. A storm drain line will be located within the secondary access road to connect the project's storm drain system to the existing culvert located on Gleason Road at Tassajara Creek. When available from the DSRSD Wastewater Treatment Plant, recycled water will be provided to reduce potable water use. The details regarding how recycled water will be integrated with development of the project area are not presently known, however, it is envisioned that landscaped open space areas within the development will ultimately be served with recycled water facilities. Final sizing of recycled water facilities will be determined by DSRSD in accordance with their Facilities Master Plan. Proposed Phasing Approach The project is planned to be developed in three phases. Beginning in the spring of 1998, each development phase is expected to come on line every six months, depending upon market demand. All of the site grading and storm drainage, sewer and water backbone improvements are expected to occur in the first phase. The two lane secondary access street to Gleason Road will be required at the commencement of the third phase, when more than 75 units will have been developed. In the interim, an EVA will be provided after the 25th unit. The stream corridor open space improvements identified in the City's Stream Restoration Program are expected to be designed and developed at the same time other portions of Tassajara Creek's middle reach are done in order to maintain consistency and quality. Development Agreement The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan requires all applicants to enter into a development agreement with the City. This document will be submitted by the Applicant once the draft conditions of approval for this project's PD and VTM application are known. A development agreement will be submitted prior to project approval. Hazardous Waste Analysis A Phase I site assessment study was conducted in September of 1990 which identified a few areas requiring additional investigation to determine if any soil contamination was present due to normal agricultural uses and to determine whether asbestos containing materials were present in the residential buildings. An agency environmental" records search was also completed which indicated that no known fuel leaks or toxic sites occurred either on-site or within a two mile radius. A Phase II site assessment study was recently completed by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants and determined that there was minor contamination present consistent with current agricultural uses. This determination found minimal traces of diesel and lead contamination on or near the soil Page 5 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ~ I Casterson ProTJert.y . October 1997 . Revised April 1998 surface. Additionally, asbestos-containing materials were located in and on two residential buildings. Appropriate demolition and treatment of the site in accordance with current environmental regulations will occur prior to initiation of development of the project. Inelusionary Zoning Ordinance Dublin's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance requires 5% of all housing to be affordable to those of very low, low and moderate incomes or pay an in-lieu fee which would allow the City to facilitate construction of such housing. It is intended that this project will comply with the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance requirements by paying an in-lieu fee. Benefits and Costs This project will allow the construction of 109 dwelling units, increasing the assessed value of the City by approximately $32.7 million. Most of the residences in the project area are anticipated to be priced for existing and/or future employees residing within the City of Dublin which will help assure that a jobs/housing balance can be maintained in the City. These future residents will strengthen the market for the commercial component of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan thereby increasing sales tax revenue for the City. All infrastructure and capital facilities associated with the Casterson property will be paid for by the project. Normal expenditures for City services (fire, police, recreation, general administration, etc.) will be required by the development. On the basis of the above noted valuation projections, as well as the City/County tax sharing agreement, approximately $82,000 per year in additional property tax revenue to the City will ultimately be generated by the development. It is anticipated that this revenue as well as the increased local sales taxes attributable to project residents will cover the majority if not all of these public services costs. Page 6 of 6. Planned Development Rezone . Project Description I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Casterson ProTJerty . Revised April 1998 Project Description Vesting Tentative Map Please refer to the Project Description- Planned Development Rezone for a description of the project and the benefits and costs of this application. A. As noted in the Project Description- Planned Development Rezone, this project is consistent with applicable City General and Specific Plans. B. As noted in the Project Description- Planned Development Rezone, this site is physically suitable for the type of single family medium density residential development proposed. c. The design of this project is not expected to negatively impact the environment or injure wildlife as the site is planned for 109 single family residences on a relatively flat agricultural site. The project preserves several large oak trees, as identified on the Vesting Tentative Map, and provides for a stream corridor protection zone. All applicable local, state and federal regulations concerning the protection of these elements will be adhered to. D. The design of this project is not expected to cause serious public health problems as no land uses requiring the use of toxic materials are planned to occur on site. The existing Tassajara Creek flood plain is capable of containing the 100 year storm event. E. The design of the project will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed project, as the local residential street fronting along the creek corridor will be a public street and an easement for a regional multi-use trail within the creek corridor open space will be conveyed to EBRPD for their operation and maintenance. No easements currently exist on site. Please refer to the title report included in this submittal package. Hazardous Waste Analysis A Phase I site assessment study was conducted in September of 1990 which identified a few areas requiring additional investigation to determine if any soil contamination was present due to normal agricultural uses and to determine whether asbestos containing materials were present in the residential buildings. An agency environmental records search was also completed which indicated that no known fuel leaks or toxic sites occurred either on-site or within a two mile radius. A Phase IT site assessment study was recently completed by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants and determined that there was minor contamination present consistent with current agricultural uses. This determination found minimum traces of diesel and lead contamination on or near the soil surface. Additionally, asbestos containing materials were located in and on two residential buildings. Appropriate demolition and treatment of the site in accordance with current environment regulations will occur prior to initiation of development of the project. Vesting Tentative Map · Project Description I ~ I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson property. October 1997 Project Description Site Development Review Introduction The Casters on property is anticipated to provide an enjoyable and attractive neighborhood through the consistent use of design themes, colors, and materials. The proposed project contains many features which would be a benefit to the future residents of the site and the rest of the City of Dublin including human scaled architecture, pedestrian access and open space. The layout of streets and pedestrian ways orient residents and guests alike toward the existing preserved oaks, neighborhood recreation amenities, and stream corridor open space. Where possible, streets terminate into the view of a tree or open space area. A single loaded frontage residential street is located adjacent to the Tassajara Creek corridor to provide physical and visual access to this open space. The design of streets and homes has been developed to create and enhance the human scale and elevate the importance of the pedestrian. Vehicular access will be minimized through the use of courtyard drives. Landscape elements will provide visual interest along the streetscape scene and provide an attractive environment for both residents and visitors. The use of vegetation, paving, soundwalls, street lighting, signage, and fences will enhance the architectural theme and relate to the existing site vegetation and open space while complimenting the proposed pedestrian ways. Overall Landscape Concept The proposed plant palette is intended to harmonize with the existing indigenous plant material of the area while providing a distinctive character to the community through the use of accent plantings dispersed throughout the neighborhood. The emphasis is on providing a variety of interest through flower display, texture, foliage, form, branching patterns, and color throughout all four seasons. In creating the plant palette, consideration has been given to drought or water conserving plant material and, to a certain degree, toward energy conservation by providing vegetation to help control climatic impacts of natural elements (i.e. solar radiation control, wind control, and temperature control). Tassajara Road Streetscape An informal streetscape, one which blends with the existing character of the area, is envisioned along Tassajara Road. A meandering walkway landscaped with informal mass plantings, which include native indigenous plant materials of varying heights, texture and colors, will provide visually appealing pedestrian circulation. The stucco wall, which harmonizes with the architectural style of the homes, will be softened through the use of concentrated plant materials. A special landscape treatment is proposed to enhance the project entry and create a sense of community. Site Development Review . Project Description I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I Casterson Prooerty . October 1997 Project Entry The emphasis of the project entry design is on the pedestrian, creating both a sense of entry to the community and scale to the beginning of the Paseo. The entry monumentation proposed (which is reflected in the detail on the Preliminary Landscape Plan) establishes this sense of entry and arrival to the neighborhood. flowering accent trees, planted in an orchard pattern, as well as the use of accent paving will strengthen and define the entry. Paseo The informal meandering pathway, in concert with the overhead canopy of the tree lined Paseo, creates a pedestrian friendly neighborhood. Enhanced paving at the courtyard entries that adjoin the Paseo continues the circulation continuity. The stucco walls at the block-end conditions blend with the architectural style of the neighborhood while providing continuity and visual appeal to the Paseo. Recreation amenities are proposed at the westerly end of the Paseo which will include a play area with perimeter fencing for safety and a passive seating area for parental supervision. Courtyard Treatment The private driveways will be enhanced with accent paving to establish a "courtyard" type ambiance. Flowering accent trees clustered at each courtyard entry and end, with larger scale canopy trees located at the court midpoints, establish the theme of the courtyard. Architectural Concept This neighborhood is conceptualized on the rich traditions of Spanish style architecture, originally made fashionable in the 1920' sand 1930' s throughout California and now experiencing a renaissance. Typical design elements of Spanish Colonial Revival include stucco facades, usually asymmetrical in design; offset towers; gabled roofs, sometimes combined with hip roofs; Spanish tiles; colonnades; recessed entries, for shadowy relief; and cantilevered wrought iron balconies. The human scale elements of the architectural details reinforce and maintain a pedestrian scale for the neighborhood. The site plan utilizes the Paseo as a spine element, which is further reinforced with homes designed to front the greenbelt. This pattern of circulation reinforces the pedestrian connection with an inviting entry colonnade or porch entry. Architectural design will enhance the privacy for each dwelling by the use of off-setting windows and the creative use of window placement. Site Development Review · Project Description I Casterson Prooerr:y . October 1997 LAND USE STANDARDS I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Residential development regulations and architecture standards have been defined and discussed to ensure the desired character and quality of the Casterson property. These guidelines will encourage and influence development to meet overall goals and community theme throughout the project. These recommendations establish the minimum requirements necessary for the design and planning of the Casterson property. Only exceptions to the Dublin City Zoning Ordinance are delineated in the development regulations. Permitted land uses are consistent with the designations determined by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, General Plan, and Eastern Dublin Annexation Permitted and Conditional Land Use list. Conditional uses will rely upon the provisions of the City's Zoning Ordinance and the Eastern Dublin Annexation Permitted and Conditional Land Use list. Accessory Uses are based upon the revised City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Developer initiated amendments, additions and deletions to these guidelines may be approved administratively by the Director of Community Development. Changes deemed substantive enough to change the character of this Planned Development may be submitted by the developer to the Planning Commission for action. Planned Development Rezone . Land Use Standards I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Casterson Prover(\' . October 1997 PERMITTED, CONDITIONAL AND ACCESSORY LAND USES 1. PD. Medium Densitv Residential Permitted Uses: a. One-family dwellings; b. Multi-family dwellings; c. Combinations of attached or detached dwellings, zero-lot line units, duplexes, townhouses, multi-family dwellings; d. Nursing homes for not more than three patients; e. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use; f. Home occupations conducted in accordance with the regulations of the zoning ordinance. Conditional Uses: a. Public and semi-public facilities; b. Community facilities; c. Community clubhouse; d. Parking lot, as regulated in the zoning ordinance; e. Plant nursery or greenhouse used only for the cultivation of plant materials (wholesale only); f. Medical or residential care facility (7 or more clients); g. Hospital in districts requiring not more than fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet of building site area per dwelling unit; h. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use; 1. Large family day care homes; J. Bed and breakfast inns; k. Mobile home parks, as regulated by the zoning ordinance. Accessory Uses: a. Accessory storage of building materials and equipment; b. Wireless communications facilities; c. Flag poles; d. Garages (including storage of vehicles, workshop, studio, office and storage); e. Garage/yard sales; f. Greenhouses; g. Guest houses; h. Home Occupations; i. Offices, studios, or workshops J. Rental and sales office; k. Repair and maintenance of automobiles or other vehicles; 1. Rooming and boarding; m. Swimming pools/spas/hot tubs; n. Tennis and sports courts. Page 1 of 2. Planned Development Rezone · Permitted and Conditional Land Uses I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Casterson ProTJero' · October /997 2. PD. OpeD Space Permitted Uses: a. Cattle, horse and sheep grazing; b. Golf course and ancillary facilities; c. Equestrian facility; d. Park or playing field for active games; e. Camp or picnic grounds; f. Cemetery; g. Outdoor recreation facility. Conditional Uses: a. Public or private hunting of wildlife or fishing and public or private hunting clubs and accessory facilities; b. Swimming pools; c. Radio and television transmission facilities; d. Wind-electric generators. Accessory Uses: a. Accessory storage of building materials and equipment; b. Wireless communications facilities; c. Flag poles. Page 2 of 2. Planned Development Rezone · Permitted and Conditional Land Uses I Casterson ProTJertv. October 1997 · Revised Februan' 1998 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS I I I I I I . I I I I I I , ,/, '/i,i 'MEDIUM: I',i :~ > , "; ';DENSBY d' ". SF ,IJETAOIlp), " " , , 6~14.;O DUlAC .'5 Neighborhood Lot 3,150 min. size, in sq. ft. Lot Width 45' avg. Lot Depth 70' avg. Front Yard Building 18' or greater Setback -j;1arage door Front Yard Building 10' to porch, Setback 12' to living area -other elements Rear Yard Building 5' Setback -minimum Rear Yard Building 15' Setback -avg./neighborhood Side Yard Building 4 'min. Setback 9' total Minimum Building 8'- one side only Separation Side Yard Building 6' Setback (comer) Building Height 35' Stories 2 stories Required Parking 2 covered I guest I Page lof2 . Planned Development Rezone · Development Regulations I Casterson Prooertv. October 1997 . Revised Februarv 1998 ADDITIONAL RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS Garages: . Roll-up garage doors with automatic openers are required for all residences with driveways less than 20'. I I I I I I . I I I I I I Residential Massing: Single story elements are encouraged at corners and to break up rows of two story residences. Encroachment: The following encroachments may project up to 2' into yard setbacks: (all non-fire rated encroachments must be at least 3' from property lines), eaves, architectural projections, fireplaces, (including log storage and entertainment niche), balconies, bay windows, window seats, exterior stairs, second floor overhangs, decks, porches and air conditioning equipment. I Page 2of2 . Planned Development Rezone · Development Regulations I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Casterson Prooero'. October 1997 ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS Concept The project concept is to design and develop a neighborhood with a highly recognizable style that closely integrates the site plan and architecture and creates an interesting pedestrian scaled street scene. The 45'x70' lots are primarily designed with a courtyard concept which allows corner lots to front along the residential streets and most importantly, along the paseo which links to the creek corridor open space. These comer lots allow front doors and porches to occur along the street and paseo, requiring garage doors to occur off the courtyard drives, thus creating two "front elevations" for these homes. The design concept incorporates the market demanded attached two- car garage and the more desirable, historically based, street scene. Design Theme- Spanish Colonial Revival This neighborhood is conceptualized on the rich traditions of Spanish style architecture, originally made fashionable in the 1920' sand 1930' s throughout California. Typical design elements of Spanish Colonial Revival include stucco facades, usually asymmetrical in design; offset towers; gabled roofs, sometimes combined with hip roofs; Spanish tiles; colonnades; recessed entries, for shadowy relief; and cantilevered wrought iron balconies. The human scale elements of these architectural details reinforce and maintain a pedestrian scale environment for the neighborhood. Exterior Characteristics: FormlMassing The simple massing of the Spanish Colonial revival style is characterized by the use of gables and the combination of hips and gables. Combined with a roof pitch of 4: 12, the homes will have a low profile, which is important for the success of the side yard separations of 8' -15'. The homes are also designed with offsets and "wings" to provide articulation and appropriate separations from living area to living area. The simple framing is typically highlighted with a tower design with recessed front doors or colonnades with a soft arch detailing to create an entry porch. Glazing Appropriate to the style, wall mass is emphasized over the area of glazing. This pattern is maintained on all four sides of the home, with window placement and size designed appropriately to the size of the interior space and potential view to neighboring lots to ensure privacy. Typically, window sills on 4' and 5' side yards are placed at 4' -6' above floor line to limit the view. Materials Exterior materials are detailed utilizing historical context with modern methods. The walls are a stucco finish, roofing is concrete S-tile, eaves are exposed and painted, and trims are stucco, which are used minimally, but consistently around the home. Page 1 of 2 · Planned Development Rezone · Architectural Standards I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Casterson ProTJertv. October 1997 Color Schemes For visual interest and a sense of individuality for the neighborhood, the color palette has been extended beyond the often used white stuccoes and dark trim. Historical references indicate the use of ochres and other earth tones. Roof colors have been limited to terra cotta, but a minimum of three variations have been proposed from lighter flashed tiles to a deeper terra cotta. A minimum of six color schemes shall be plotted for the project in conjunction with the selection of various elevation styles for the proper mix of detail and color in the street scene. Page 2 of 2 . Planned Development Rezone · Architectural Standards I Casterson Prover1\' . October 1997 . Revised Februar\' 1998 Stream Restoration Program Requirements Existing Conditions Map I I I I I I It I I I I I I I , I Please see the following exhibit. HEC2 Analysis The HEC2 analysis done by MacKay & Somps is based upon the worst case scenario, which is assuming a full build-out of Tassajara Creek resulting in a 100 year flow of 5200 csf. The four cross sections taken through the creek on the property to determine the HGL (hydraulic grade line) are located and based on the most constrained cross sections. The existing condition was not run as this project is located at the downstream end of the Tassajara Creek watershed and the project area is a very small portion of the overall watershed, hence, the runoff from this project will have no impact upon the overall watershed hydraulics. Due to these parameters, the resulting HEC2 analysis is conservative. The HGL starts at roughly 276' elevation at the southern boundary, rising to 381:i:' at the approximate mid-length span of the creek on the property and gradually working up to 383:!:' near the northern boundary. For further detail, please refer to the HEC2 Water Surface Profile Analysis in the Appendix. Channel Stability Study Please refer to the "Preliminary Geologic and Geotechnical Investigation" by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants, dated June 18, 1997, included in the Appendix of this submittal. Planned Development Rezone . Stream Restoration Program I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Casterson Propertv . October 1997 . Revised February 1998 Stream Restoration Program Requirements Vesting Tentative Map 1. Please refer to the PDR Project Description and below for information concerning the Stream Corridor Open Space. 2. Please refer to the Existing Conditions Map attached for the location of creek centerline, creek top of bank, flood plain top of bank and area of suspected landslide. 3. Please refer to the attached Habitat Features Map for locations and descriptions of these elements. This map and related text were prepared by H. T. Harvey Associates. 4. The location, width, and materials for the regional trail will follow the guidelines recommended in the Stream Restoration Program. According to the Stream Restoration Program (SRP,p. 5 and 41), with the presence of a single loaded frontage road, a separate maintenance road is unneeded as maintenance vehicles can use the frontage road. On the west side of the creek, no maintenance road/local trail is currently provided in accordance with the SRP due to existing slopes and vegetation. (p. 50) Please refer to the Existing and Proposed Conditions Plan for these element locations. No impacts or changes to Tassajara Creek's channel or banks are proposed. Some grading will occur within the existing flood plain; however, our analysis has determined that this will not affect the ability of the flood plain to handle the 100 year event. 5. Although not required until Final Map, we have provided information regarding potential slope instabilities and soil testing for agricultural suitability at this time. Please refer to the "Preliminary Geologic and Geotechnical Study" included in the Appendix. 6. Please refer to the General Section for review of site color slides and photographs illustrating site features and conditions. General Although the SRP globally talks about a 100' wildlife setback, it quantifies the dimension as recommended and negotiable with CDFG. However, the SRP itself discusses and recommends instances when and where the setback can be reduced. As this discussion already occurs in this document, no further contact is deemed necessary with the advisory agency of CDFG. Additionally, as we are not infringing into any wetlands or jurisdictional waters, we are not required to obtain any environmental permits or agreements from the Corps or CDFG. Hence, CDFG is not the appropriate agency to discuss setback requirements with -as they have no regulatory jurisdiction over setbacks. Additionally, the California Department Fish and Game (CDFG) has commented on the Specific Plan through the CEQA process and the author of the SRP has "collaborated" with CDFG on the SRP document. (page 1) On page 59 of the SRP, a discussion about the ability to reduce the 100':i: setback occurs. "The buffer created by the setbacks on major tributaries does not need to be centered on the creek, although equal distribution on both sides is preferred in most cases. As long as the hydrologic setback minimum* is met, the biological or wildlife setback may be arranged to incorporate more i Page 1 of 3 . Vesting Tentative Map · Stream Restoration Program I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Casterson ProTJertv . October 1997 · Revised Februarv 1998 valuable habitat on one side of the tributary at the expense of less valuable habitat on the other." "Alternatively it may be narrower than 100 feet for short stretches, if It is wider in others and its average is the required buffer area. Under no circumstances should the buffer be less than 50' on one side." The creek corridor setback dimensions should be set to minimize human disturbance to wildlife habitat and protect development from major flood events. Due to the location of housing and a multi-'use trail on the east side of the creek, we propose to adjust the tributary setback in two ways, as suggested by the Stream Corridor Restoration Program: 1. In order to preserve the existing large oak trees on site (outside of the riparian corridor), provide a safe and efficient road circulation plan and provide a greater number of lots fronting onto the corridor, we propose to have a 100' average setback along the east side of the creek. Part of the reason for this is that the majority of the vegetation on the east side is of low quality and has been highly degraded by grazing and farming operations. 2. Due to the impacts of current and future human disturbances on the east side of the creek and the lack of development or a multi-use trail/maintenance road on the west side, a wider corridor setback within the northern portion is planned to occur on the west side of the creek off~setting the narrower setback on the east. This wider setback, located in a more isolated area, would provide for a larger area and higher quality habitat with little to no human disturbance. In both cases, the setback is still wide enough to ensure adequate area for public safety, flood control, restoration plantings and wildlife passage. Our analysis shows that the 100 year flood event will be contained within the existing flood plain of the Tassajara Creek corridor. It is our understanding that a precedent for reducing the recommended 100:i:' setback already exists on the County property adjacent to K&B's California Creekside project, where setbacks vary, with an average 100' width. A minimum of 77' was approved as a setback width on their Tentative Map. Furthermore, Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants conduCted a preliminary geotechnical survey and laboratory classification tests on creek bed and bank samples. Their conclusions about the stability of the creek banks are as follows: "Our review of aerial photographs indicate the creek alignment appears relatively unchanged from historic aerial photographs (dating back to 1947). In addition, the current site topography and creek bank width suggests the historic meandering of the creek has been less than 20 to 30 feet from centerline of the creek. The location of the creek with respect to the planned development appears to provide a reasonable margin of setback distance, about 60 feet from the nearest proposed site improvement." The following items are not required until Final Map. It is our position, as well as the suggestion of the SRP (p. 123) that the entire middle reach's vegetation establishment, maintenance and monitoring should be done at one time as this provides greater efficiency in time and money, permits greater integration between landowners, and provides a greater chance of similar quality restorations. This position corresponds with our discussions with the City concerning their intentions about the middle reach. Page 2 of 3 . Vesting Tentative Map . Stream Restoration Program I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I , I Casterson ProTJert\' . October 1997 · Revised February 1998 Specific Final Map requirements are: - Specimen Oak Protection Guidelines - Biological Corridor Connection Map - Creek Restoration Plan - Exotics Eradication Plan - Planting and Seeding Plans - Irrigation Philosophy - Establishment Maintenance and Monitoring Procedures - Landscaping Plans It is our intention that the applicant be conditioned to specifically address these requirements at a later date in conjunction with future development proposals of other middle reach landowners. No permits are required for this project from either the Corps or CDFG. Page 3 of 3 . Vesting Tentative Map · Stream Restoration Program , ; I t ! !( t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =::-':'-:::-, ,,,.~ JINNTR, IJN, ! ,- ~ fAO YO,II L 1 I 1 :J I , I !!~ ; I j ::,: ii i I,' " ~:\ \, ~ ",/i ./~~~~;~~:~~'~~.~,., i ~/!:.l'i ",.,.~.. j . ! ;"..;:n --~~;;:>2 lire' . q/ '.. ":~'-.::-:'':!~~ '.- r.' L. ,~=~ -' ~__.n'___.._. :-er. = ~._ _--'"" \~o..._- .\ I \;, "~~"';i~:::'~:-"::""~I~~:""""': f)i,' I. I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I (' I rt, \ \ ,;;, .~\ ! \.. o - '~""' ,. ": I j ,1 s\~lt\ D ,i ~~. _J",.,,' ~J GENERAL PLAN/ SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PLAN ) \\ , \ Specific Plan Land Use Summary Medium Density Residential 9.64 Middle School 5.0 Open Space 4.0 TOTAL 18.64 ac. gross \ Stage 1 Site Plan Medium Density Residential Open Space TOTAL -/7"U. -' I \, / : ~ '. 13.81 4.83 18.64 ac. gross I... 1 Area Affected by GPA/SPA: Middle School Land Use .,1 to revert to underlying Medium Density Residential land use designation. I ~ 'i r t i '; '~ \ Dublin, California October 1997 ~ i\.JI o 300 600 900 North IIACKA y l S.PS CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND PLANNING. LAND SURVEYING 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE. SUITE B PLEASANTON, CA 94588 I I. I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I. : l ~\ I · . Proposed Tra's (per Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Stream Restoration Program) \ \:.. ~7 -; / '..' , ~ \ ,(, l.,..,,: \ (/, j/\,\" .~!) I \ '. '\ \. ._'\ \ . ,., '1 \" '/ ., 1\ .J l, . .J' \ \, ,.j " ). , '! \ " '\:. /1' , : i ~, ...r :\J J '"' fI C~ '\j -'/:./" -'-"':_'-_.- . :1 ~J i..:~ (~ ( . "", ~. i .'~ (~ \ ~!" - '., 4.1;' t( ,c_ ,/ 'I' . ~ ~ ~w_'-~~~_ .-. ;;;~ ~;.. __~~",-~,\__';' '--'-'-'"---=-c.:=:~,~~_~~ - 2__-~ ~Tnll'--""- ~ --~ " _."..,J ~_.....--~"""'- j',~t.:, : j,j~(~ "~5&Q~._.~~~- ~,,~J~r.i.. . "-" '.... '..;:~'': -.;.... " .'-..- --' --........~-----~-~ ! h ~;:._~.=~~~~.~.~'~r1T.:i,:-~- -~ .J" -,. ~---,..~., -~_." .' - ,~~ i:; "J - C:>_lj' ~ /;\ R/:c, v .. t. .J1,.2:;~[ \.... "t._ STAGE 1 SITE PLAN p ~~ ~( I \ \~ f:- '-f~ ~ + \ rp~:YEIIL;::r-- l~.,_ Ii , \ \ Land Use Summary Medium Density Residential 13.81 ac. 106 du Open Space 4.83 ac. TOTAL 18.64 ac. gross 106 du 8.0 du/ac 18.06 ac. net* 106 du 7.7 du/ac \ \ *Minus Tassajara Road right-of-way dedication. @ . ;: { \, o ~ ,..j. ~'r.: .~.... '" CASTERSON ~ PRO PER T Y . ., - j /' " Dublin, California October 1997 ~ i\.JI o 300 600 900 North IIACKA Y l S.PS CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND PLANNING. LAND SURVEYING 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE B PLEASANTON. CA 94588 ; ,. 1 , .'1 ! , " ,. " ., " \\. u . . . ~] ; I.... ;J .. i~ 1,:' Zf!!J'I~ JtB~ 'i~a:tW' l"' ~~ rj!( -'rn, r- ',Plan 4 ) L..i 6-....~ ~\ /~lJ?'-'-Ui""- ~1,.~tm'~ '-- "~j~'\'" [n:"!.'.~""!;' I" ~:\\ Plan rcr i ~Ian 4 24 Plah ~ L . p:a1n 2 ]'9 (~an r"~ i \_... Plan 3 4 \, · ~~~ft''''.~'' "'. .. . /, ,1'~_ " .." '"r' ~I} ,,~- _ Q} ,In~,~::lL~ ' '~~'(' .,."~ ',,(.,~. 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Garage 218 (1Jdu) 211 (1Jdu) Driveway 211 (2Jdu) all QuestJ()tber 136 (I.1/dul 109 (I/dul (011 and off.ttree.!L . _..'__ ........_...-__.....- .... .... ...- ~~ m (,,1Jdul 327 (3/d>ll AC AC Density Density Etwie... ...,..DlL..._... JIll ~__, ..... ..._.n.... 1 39 4.9 5.6 1,0 6.9 2 39 n/I 4.2 0/1 9,3 3 31 0/1 9,6 0/1 ),2 1- 3 Phase Amis CASTERSON I I . I . Dublin, California Rev, Apr' 1998 ~ M...fI o 30 eo DO North OIICIA Y l S.PI CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND PU.NNING . lAND SURVEYING 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE B PlEA5.ANTON. CA !U5MI 985-0002:":002-02 , I ~''''', '''' : .)~~b ... n....:Jq.~~ I N8.ao5~'23"J 1) 9 . I I . "'-'. "'.,~ .' (/ 'i ; ... f,:}, (~~~;Yf- ~ )'. \ (lflt!1~t~:~(~f,'" (~;~4(".'j ~.3 , ,/ i \ ~~r \ 1~ I ~ I I' ~, ... " I', "'~' ' ,35 " 3.<:, . i., . I' J1 \ I \ \,. ,I !, ': / "" 11 P1:Jlt~ PARC~ 'U' ,,/ : ( I ,://,j/ ,I;,IX~, ,",J;_ ;, . N " ," II 1"""Y'J~'f~~' ~I I ~~/', :~~':, ,~ 36 . '~::"\3,;~'-; I ", I' , I" , j" .. I " J~, ~ , q., II I ~-j" ',>9 0 / . 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"(~~<~ ;t~~.L i J.fi ).j(' ~ II .I! :', ,"~" ~"cu. ~' -<l:f I ' ~-'of,: f' .~ ',3". ~"-"(" .J" . Vl i '52 ~ '59 I o' .~.= '~ill i"1 ~ I~, ~. '. r ''',,', ,!l I \ I I- 1[11 0. () >-!l1 / \ :. \,",' , h "' ! ~(ffl) " '""'.:)-4(/ 6 "1 i 65 0)." II 1/1 ~... ,"h ~ e'i: i' ~J ii ~I II JI~I." \ ~AIICIL G A" "JI Ii I' 76 'lI~r""' 7~0 " ... ~ "\, '!~ \,1 1:1' "i1 1-1 · 68 67' r6~ ..~ I' '1 ?2. '1' .,?l '.~, i 'it'. II : 0- (JFj\:~m~~-' ~t r ~... /,,'" " ( 9 ' 8 i' , J 21 ~. e, 0: d '''r"O' , , '<4t 20 1"1. 25 ~ e' ,. \ , I" \'*' 7 .. '<. 26. 27 16 \' PUBue r-'- 48 49 I!. , ~:. 51:1 f. ,.'" I 76 ",,'~ i,' ~,~ ' ., \liaa.o~2'.30'lWn,!H' ..... ( 'J '" '.~:~;T~.~5F-~~~~~A )" ,;' I IrMSOtolRY SOUNOWAlL HEIGHT AS DETERMINED BY ACOUSTICAl REPORT PROPOSED R/W ._~ ell EXlSflNG ~-I 'I" ----~------~_t~~STINC !!.~.J '-"'~+---1 ~, --..-! I __ ,s ________., ExrsnN~-~~7--1 R/W 35' R.O.W.4: P.S.~__,____ I r'~'E F:-O~----'~------- F/e..:~, I ___2" 2~_ _ ~ / / / / / / / / /1,""""" '" '- '- '- ~ STANOAAO CURB, ) GUTTER, S!W -,- lIffAN[)ERINC 6" SIDE'W.A.U< ~ P,U,E. 1 ''''' ADDITIONAl SETBACK ~ 2'1 WIN ~ I 35' PRIVATE STREET SECTION STREETS B & C TASSAJARA ROAD - ..l/2 STREET SECTION I (PARCEL A) ~R/W _____..._.Y."R1ES~._~~_'!2..!.___.____ R/W CRffK CMRlOOfl . WILDlifE ~I( Fie 05' .. 12' VARI€S F VARIES 1.' tQ 20' 20' F C 5' 3' riiNrRAV1'1---.c~--; ...----- 2 GRAVEl pur I _2"! 2X_ .-'y;;...-' ~ /'/ / / / / / / / """""" """~ STANOAAD CURB, GUTIER, S!W R/W R/W rr. .. ':~b~~:~~:O'SURF.c, 2"__ I __ 2" 11l................",,, "~ / // ///)] I " P.U.E:. I STREET D - PUBUC STREET SECTION WITH REGIONAL MULTI- USE TRAIL TYPICAL 20' PRIVAJ~ STREET SECTION (PARCELS F thru S) I f,\l_\O<<OI\lm......l MASONRY SOUNDWAl.l (TYP) HEIGHT AS DETERMINED If( ACOUSTiCAl REPORT ..\ ~ ~ ___~"---~__..._.. I 10' fie 16' t lB' f/C 10':i SOUTH s.~_._~--- -~ -~-_. ._.-.~rORTHSii5E 1 ~ I ~ ..-.:~ ''''' MEAND€RING 5' SIDEWALK"_____ '-__ MEANDERING 5' SIOC....Al..K PROJECT ENTRY STREET SECTION ..... (STREET 'A'. PUBLIC STREET) R/W VARIES 50' to 555' ~~______~_ R/W Fie ___3~ -=--~---.-r~:' ,e'1 r5' I PUL ~~ STANCMRO CURS, CUTTER, SIll l,lEANDERING 5' SIDEWAlK STREET A PUBUC STREET SECTION I T o 25 50 b.....--....d SCALE:'" -50' VICINITY MAP @ GENERAL NOTES: \. OWNER: CLYDE CASfERSON 2. ,lrPPlICAHf, Jlt.l TONG CHARTtR PROPERTIe> Hl0 OWENS 0RlVt. SUfI'E 100 PlEASAHTON, CA 94588 (510) 4llJ-1e5tl J. ENGIN(Ut: WCKAY a: SOWPS CMl ENGINEERS, INC !!II4:;!: FlWlKUN ORM, sum: B Pl..[ASNffl)H, CA 94!lO8 (~ltO) 22~0890 4. GEOTECHNICAl BERlOOM GEOlECtNCAI. CONSUlTANTS EHIJINEm, ",7 SUNOL BOUL\otn\RO f'l.t.Ir$.lrHTON, Cot. ..see (510) 4M-0220 5. EXlSTlNG I..ANO USE; AGRlClIl.1URE. RURAL RESlOEHTW.. 5. PROPOSttl \.NID lJS[: SINGlE f.....U RESIOENTIAL. AM) 0fl[N SP,lr,C( 7. EXISTING lON4NC: PO t.lEOIUM 0EHSl1Y RESlOENTW.. PO OPEN SPACE a. PfiOPOSED lONJNC: PO IoIE01lJW DENSITY RESIOEMl\IrL. PO ClffH SPlIrCE g, ACR(AG[: 19.0 N.:* 10. NlJUBER or LOTS: 109 Jl!SOS.f.lifNlYLllrll 100 11.UT1UTlES: WATER AND SAHlTMY SERVICES: DUBlIN SAN IWION SVMCES 0lS"IY0CT STORM DRAIN S'1ST!.M; em' Of 0lJ8Ulrt GAS "ElECTftIClTY: PN::1FlC CAS " ElECTRIC TU.EPHOHE: PACIAC BElL """" TC1 12. LOT NUI.leERS ARE RJR lOEHTlFlCATION PURPOSES OOlY. 1 J. l1Tll.JlY SIZES AND LOCAllONS. STREET GAAOES, ANn lOT OIMEHSIONS I#IE.PREuI.IltWt'YN<<lSUlllECTTOF1IW.ENOftrfEEJlINOOESIGNANO HOOSEI'lOf11NO, Hi. IJUlt..OING SETaIrCl<S: ~,1.' to CWoCE 10' to PORCH 12' to LMNC.tREA REAR: 5-'/IilIHIMUW 15-'A\IERIIitE SlDEYAR[}: 4' IriIINlMUM ~~rtoBOllDlHG 11. ~ TOF'OCftAPH"( SY ~c SURVEY /)i.lm NARCH, 1.... COHlOUR lNTt1N'AlS AT ONE FOOT. 17. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: APN 9111-0002-000 1.. TC INDICATES Pf'OPOSEO TOP Of' CUM CIWJES :t. ". All EXl5llHG ON-SITE smucTI.lRES 1'0 BE REUOVED. 20. AU. mas 10 BE REMCMD EXCEPT FOft TRttS l..OCATm WITHIN 0PEt4 SPACE PARCElS AND PARCEl ,." lJtoUSS OTHERWISE NOTED OM f'RWIrIIlfrM'( 0RA0IfrrtC ~. 21. BOlIHlWn' IS ~ ON R[CONJ N"ORMAT1ClM. 22. AU. WEU.S 1'0 IE JalHO()N[O N<<) 0IrPf'E0 POl. ClT'f AHO COVH1Y ST~. 23. STREIT llCHJJNG PER em' STANtWmS TO lit SHOWN ON F1lW. JOIKT fRENCH I'WlS. 24. WUll1Pl.E F1MIrl WIPS TO BE FUD AT [)IS(XTION OF OWNER. 2&. AlL ROW AET1.IRH lWlII AIlE 20' UtU$S HOTm OTHERWISE. 28. REftR 1'0 THE f'REl.IlIIlMNff GAADIN(; PlAN fOR AU. WAll l.OCAltONS. 27. STRttTS 'A' AND S1REIT 'D' TO R OEDICATm AS PU8UC NOKTS Of WAY. All RDI.t.IHtfG STfIW'5 TO BE PRIVATE. OWNEO Nt) IoWNTAIMEO SY lH[ l1OA. PROPOSED LAND USE SUMMARY PARCEL lAND USE SrREAM CORRIDOR OPEN SPACf (TO Bf CHDED 10 lONE 7) SH,EH RIGIfT OF WAY (TO 8E DEEDED 10 HOA) STFl.n:T RIGHT Of WAY (TO BE D([ofD 'TO HO/l) RESERVED FOR lANDSCAPE (10 BE OEEOCO TO CITY) RFsrR\lfD FOR lAND,)CAPE (1'0 BE DHOEO 10 rlTt) SfRE[T RlCHT or WAY (TO BE DEEDED TO HOA) STRffl' RIGHT Of WAY (TO BE OEEOfD TO HOA) STR[ET RIGfiT Of' WAY (TO e~ caOED TO 1-10A) S1RE(T RIGHT Of WAY (TO BE DEEDto TO liOA) STREET RIGHT OF WAY {TO BE DeEDED TO HOA) STREET RIGHT OF WM (TO 8( Of.rom TO HOA) STRfU RIGHl or WAY (TO Bf. 0([0[0 10 HOA) STRf:ET RIGHT or WAY (TO BE DEmEO 10 HQ.Io.) STRfn RIGHT Of WAY (TO BE DEEDEO TO 110A) STREET RlGlff or WAY (TO Bf DEEDED fO 1-10A) STREET RlCHf Of WAY (TO aE DEEOrD TO HOA) STREET RIGHT or WA"f (TO af Q((D(O 10 ItOA) STREEt RIGHT OF W,,"Y (10 8t OfEOm 10 HOA) RESfRYrD fOR OPEN SPACE (10 BE DEEDfO TO IfOA SCENIC EASEMENT TO III DEEDED \0 CIU) R~SfRVFD fOR OPEN SPACE {TO Bf DEFOE!) TO HOA ~ SCENfC f.A.<;UAwr TO SE llfTOtD fO CITY) RES(RVCD fOR OPEN sP,l,CE (TO B[ DEEDED TO 1-10.... SCENIC F.AS[iAHiT TO af. Dr.mFD 10 CITY) VESTING TENTATIVE MAP TRACT 6979 LANDS OF CASTERS ON DUBliN JlE\'. .!I5!1LW' ORI,Wtl!lr:"_ IT. CI1l('Offf_..:!I...__ CAliFORNIA JOflNO.:..!.!Q'5Q.:-.2. tlWG. NO..!m ._~ Sli[(l_LOf_l.__ I I I I 1 I I I L~O SCALE: 1" -50' 100 I I Pll ~OOD"N(" ~ ~ PAD ~_ _ J:, ~I~G~RQYND I SECTION A-A ~,... I I fRONT [AAD I TYPICAL LOT SECTION .,.. I ~ I I SILT FENCE MASONRY WALL RETAINING WALL STORM DRAIN TEMPORARY DIKE -<>--<>---<>-- I I I I ) .,../ J ~;(' J-.....\ ~~n .......,~,~ ~'" , \ , .,J 1\\ I.. (I ' 'I""'''' i Ii II!{" t\j 11"1 ~(I '1', j \ II i I \, i, '\,1' II! ' , Ii ,,:. I \ \ I .~ ') \~ '\ ! t " ,,' "'~. " \ '))..~,-<t , .[ .,~ ~ \ i, \ Y 1 1 I i ii, \ I I i ,\ I \ ,( i ,,;, II I \ I ~ I 1[1,.,,11 I' ", II ' I I I 1\~b{J-/ II ,,, II \ 1,1 I! 1(11 " II', I IllY ~Ir; l I (I1t \ J (1)\ I ~I ~:! I ill t Ll ~ /\! \ "', II 111 IN 11" + ,1 ~ ~ '" 1<11\ JA/, , " i ;; ~ / ?I / , '. \ ,~~(, "'f ' '. I ,.,\', 1 ..I,f . Jii,~ u_ I --"1 ~,,:;&:~~':; ......./R'/UI 1..... J F1lL$l(loOC /'/ ""-', .~, :.:.....~.:..." -:;;- AU SitlPO"l" ,...',' M~~ lof"GfT"fl(WOR_ SfAIJIUJ:AlIll'I fO? or lHLEl AT TIME ['"",".UIL' - 2' "'IN STRtET SUBGRAD( CONSTRUCT 4" DIA. WfEPHOLE WITH RCP 1 CV FT. SACKED fiLTER w'TERtAl -2"..... ~=- -. _KG ~-- _CR1lDCC.<t:ClllSn 1 I" ()II t;II/CArcR ~~~ SECTION A. - A SECTION Z-Z NTO m'l z z L 'j >..1 1,' , TIW' SIZE 8I.S(O ON 260 SQ, FT'/,\CRf. ____'l!'L_____, ..s.I.QIDI INLET SEDIMENT TRAP NTS TYPICAL FlU DIVERSION , "",' ~~~~ -.tMY '#O~S""'''~5 .Qlm:/E}Jr<KlGH'~~~.-ro &o.$lI"4SIKOt/JRfl) =rl''Ifu-,~ro- " ",' " , \ , · _J) \""--_ f"~ I~~~)J ,;~L~~~~ , / , ~:.ml" '-~aI'oI'I'lW 1 J) I .}/rl~""1'lI f-.,) ! ~ ,-:- -, .;?;~..!~,:~ :::!=lr' L_;"" M' I nI./'Vl'rNI/IIC' C/>fr:)/_ ';" 2H lIllQll1/W ' {'OOJI~nIII/lCIfs:'Wj - =-~~~'?1rI S~~mQILL:-_! ~ff',:gf~-"i.OIISitJlirirm i-~~~1tlIf QI.VII'l(JW ~CURB INLET -~-~- l.m,~~~~~ SEDIMENT BARRIER =~~y~"'l1E (BWCK" GRAVEL) ---~ ---- ------ -~ ,,' ", DmGNED UNDIR ,.,:~~';;';sl~'Of; ') ,(, ~I" .\.,!I /" .,..."" ~ _1.)1 (~TrwlrON ....(1- EXPlflES hWlCHSI,l L~_ "'" I''''') WI PLAN TYPICAL TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIICE ~... 1l1E~$H4L,~~INIlCOIftII'I1OI<rnAr~1'FfOf:'oI7 fIW:1(N;01fFl~(Y5HlMOff~o"l&€RIQff-a'-"1'S W$MotY ~~~Ml>/t>tCUNolOUf(JfC,*",~/.I!iO) I ~~~=~ !"""''''.' , S JINllIIMSlIN';JSM:IUfIfU "$NOlU1IC I ()(1I€ONAN_ST.uu.IU'/fmI'CI/tISHtJ) ~~r_/1ffCAN_ $t1JIMt>Ir_01fSitlJ/fltVff_ -- ~= 791rFlN(;C5HlU.KfIt.ACO}ONSlbP'C CtWfOIJRSfOlIi<</IIlZC_uncoow:r t INSP'Er:TAID..--FFHCE,AFTClfEJC; ~~~ i>~~s::rt~ ~Gl'T-.9l'F""CN<.~Y SILT FENCE "'$";::o!!::f""~( K~m.y~1lV !MJ:!.MPORARY "$~~-:'_ ~RSlON DIKE GENERAL NOTES: THE FACiliTIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE DESIGNED TO CONTROL SEDI~NT DURING THE RAINY SEASON, OCTOBER 1 TO APRIL I~ AFTER ROUGH GRAD I NG HAS BEEN CCM'LETED t,.tEASURES ARE TO BE OPERABLE PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1ST OF ANY YEAR GRADING OPERATIONS HAVE LEn AREAS UNPROTECTED fR~ EROSION 2 MAINTENANCE IS TO BE PERFORW:O AS FOLLOWS' A REPAIP DAMAGES CAUSED BY SOIL EROSION 00 CONSTRUCTION THE ENO Of EACH WORKING DA) SWALES SHAll BE INSPECTED PERIODICALLY At<<) MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED C. SILT FfNCES, BERMS AND SWALES ARE TO BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH STORM AND REPAIRS IAAOE AS NEEDED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND SEOIIllENT TRAPS RESTORED TO ORIGINAL DltJENSIONS WHHI SEOIt.'E.NT HAS ACCl.MJLATEO TO WITHIN ONE FOOl or OUTLET ELFVATION SEDIMENT REIM)VEO fROM TRAP SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN SUITABLE AREA AND I N SUCH A MANNER THA T ! T WILL NOT ERooE ~ DURING THE RAINY SEASON. ALL PAVED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR Of EARTH MATERIAL AND DEBRIS THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED SO AS TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF TO ANY STORM DRAIN SYSTEM CON5TRUCTION ENTRANCE CONSISTING TO BE PROVIDED AT EACH VEHICLE ACCESS POINT TO nlSllNG PAvED STRFETS INlETS NOT USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH EROSION CONTROL TO BE BLOCKED UNlESS THE AREA DRAINED IS UNDISTURBED Ofl: STABILIZED 6 ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILlZED CHANGES TO THIS EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MADE ONLY WITH THE APPROVAL OF OR AT THE DIRECTION Of THE CITY ENGINEER SED I t.lENT BASINS SHALL liE CLEANED OUT WHENEVER SEDIMENT REACHES THE SED I MENT CLEANOUT LEVEL B THIS PLAN MA" NOT COVER ALL THE SITUATIONS THAT ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION DUE TO UNANTICIPATED FIELD CONDITIONS VARIATIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE PLAN IN THE FIELD SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL Of CITY 9 ALL PADS ARE TO BE BERMED (PER DETAIL) TO PREVENT RUNOFF 10 STREET GRADES ARE ,,, UNlESS NOTED II SHADING INDICATES AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL 12 THIS GRADING PLAN ANTIClPATES A BALANCE BET\fr'EEN CUT ANO FILL NO IItf"ORT OR EXPORT tS ANTICIPATED THE EXPECTED VOLlJ.'E: Of MATERIAL TO BE MOVED IS I~.OOO CUBIC YAROS II IS ANTICIPATED THAT A GRADING RELEASE CAN BE OBTAINED FR()JI ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS If THIS IS NOT OBTAINED, RETAINING WALLS MAY BE REOUIRED 14 THE GRADING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WllH THE CITY OF DUBliN'S GRADING ORDINANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED 15 THE INTENT Of THE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN IS TO SHOW THE PROPOSED GRAD I NG FOR THE PROJECT, THE PROPOSED GRADES ARE SUBJECT TO FINAL fNGI~ERING DESIGN AND CllY REVIEo\\' AND APPROVAL 16 ALL GRA.DING IS TO BE ACCCM'LISHED PER THE RECQt.M:NOATIONS Of A SOILS REPOIH AND UNDFR THE OBSfRVA.TION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER ALL LOTS WILL DRAIN TO THE ADJACENT srRf.ET 18 EXIST!NG CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE rOOT 19 SLOPES WITtHN lOT AREAS ARE TO BE GRADEO AT A GRADIENT NOT TO EXCEED 2..1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) 20 ALL TREES TO BE RE""VED EXCEPT FOR TREES LOCATED WITHIN OPEN SPACE PARCELS AND PARCEL A, UNLE-SS OTHERWISE NOTED 00 THIS PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 21 SEE SHEET ONE FOR STREET SECTIONS 22 ALL WEllS TO TO BE ABANDONED AND CAPPED PER C I n ANO COUNTY ST ANOAROS PRELIMINARY ROUGH GRADING PLAN AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN TRACT 6979 CALIFORNIA JOfI'it)"IJO'?O..::.2..- CtWG NO ~~L'__ SliUT.....l....--~_.z..~ I I. I I I I ,______u_____ I I ! I I ! ! i i I ! I I ! ! i i ! i ! I I ! i I I ! I ! i i i ! I I ! L_________u_____ I I . I I I I I I I f I roo Colmoctian to fut= traiJ al;gmnem --~._._-_.__._---------_._---"---.-_._-"-------------------- ,~;~2~:'...j.;.L.::'_<;_'::z;;i;.;;: .;;:;.;~;;::;,.0::;4il;:;;,''?;:z'[' 'L"';'-J,':;;;''';';;';'::'';;;c~'. '~ec:.,:,~,::,,~';<;u.;;~,;;i';"":':;~~Lill;il".' L-;;:::;;: '~.::W'..:,-,,"'" ;..""",,_.t:'~::';i:..c.:.,::..::.:u...o;;.L::.:.;:';~" /11' ___ul_u__u__u_u_ / Colmoctian to fu11ue !nil al;gmnem ,~""',';='"::,,,,,,;';;""',{~ , , I _ul_j TRAILS PLAN Leg~I!<!______ Im111l Regional Multi-Use Trail Ul\!1 (pet typical section.. shown on vesting TenIJltive Map) / Regional Multi-Use Trail Easement / / (StnlCtUtBl Setbock) Sidewalk o <t o 0:: -:j'~-) Private Pedestrian Pathway <t 0:: <t --, <t (/) (/) <t f- . . . Class n Bike Lane CASTERSON I . .' I Dublin, California Odober 1997 Revised: February 1998 ~ ~ 0306090 North mAcKAY It S.PS CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND PLANNING -lAND SURVEYING 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE. SUITE 9 PlEASANTON, CA 94588 I I. I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I f I " " " " ' " -;'.." '- -.J. :11/ , .."" ,4 ,,-- , ,'.,p"......', " :::::.--::; '-'~'::::j~l~ ~r;~" J='-1l, ~<; ,'<; r -lJ . ,', " '" . 4' :" __ ,,: ,':"", ,," ","'"",. "',' ,--, ":':. .-:7:::>:;;~ _. ~ ' LlJ':". 'w Lr-'> I Ul r-~: .. ~I \ ::: " ,,' ,",'. '" ",,' b" ---iI'. , .. ~~ [rL... =:f=:' ~ 77'" r: ~, '11 \.1 ,I .., .' " .. " .: 0 .' .' '. .' .. .' ..... ..: -: -: . :. .!if!' , 1 I . rr i', m. II W ... . '. ~ . .' i -:. 1" ' " " . , . . . .' 'C;; / ;. . ,. 7'., --, '// . <<', '< ,'~, 5%:<-.'t " . ....., ' ., , . ,. ,..,'.... .. .'.. .1/'.'.7' :<.'<'i, ,<W:;S:::",-,}, ,,' " .. " 4" .. " ,_,_::- '.~' ,. . "" . " ,.-.j; ,,', .. ~...J .-./ , '," "',,'., ' , , " .,' ", :., . '. ..... :. w LtZ::::::' ft'rr"~'% ... ...., . ~ "" 1Jt1~,!,,-';t~]'::<'.: " .', ,.: '. · .....0 '.' ": .... ,. '., c : :: :::: ~ ~.. [r:: .~ . [' ;':~'L {n 0J; 'l2J' " li;;::'t :!Qj;;; -.=. 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" Zone 7 or City or EBRPD Maintained n Offered for Dedication to Zone 7 and LJ City or EBRPD Maintained o City Owned and Maintained 8,,'. City Owned and HOA EJ Maintained ~ HOA Owned and ~ Maintained mJ Homeowner Owned and l{J HOA Maintained . : Stream Corridor! : Open Space Area Boundary C ASTERS ON , , . Dublin, California -- .. -. -- -- - -- October 1997 Revised: Fehruary 1998 ~ n...n o 30 60 90 Norlh IBAcKA Y l S.PS CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND PUWNING " LAND SlJRIIE V1NG 5/42 FRANKLIN ORIIIE, sum,8 PLEASANTON. CA 94_ I I. I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I f I r-.-------------------- i i i i i ! i i ! i i i i i L____________.__________ '\I'll1'.\I\'l,.,.j'.l'r,,,...1 h~r 29 [] r"l [] i I r 1 I I !31 i I . , J-__ 30, I I ~l,,--- _J , ,i I!mmr...... "'1!ml!\\1 - /__~~_~_IIIII!I!I!I1!\!!IIJI__ __ 1l!I~~ 1!l!l!I!'l1!l!1!l!l!.E!!IL_ 1IImllI1!IlmlI1IImllI1!IlmlI1!IlmlI _uu__._____ ._ __ ,_,__ ___ ___.~ tLr----,..) 0 I , ,44 I --"1 .t : ~;7 i I 1 __L-I: '(-lJ 45 c---qy--.-r ro- , 53 r--..-'-LP-J I , ':i] I ' l,. ~".Tl I ' . 1 ~ 52:L~_ I - I : 60\ _1___1 In 38 Cwq - 11146 r-l--".m 54 C~~ ~ 43iL____L II ~ 5;-;L~ II ~ 591.___J. - -- - fi~~99 42[] II f1-':f 50D II fic'J558[] 0: ; 41:11-]>.- .f -:--~48 :0: Jurli56 :0: ; ,., 40 cJ : 'J I ' , L) 49 : [ , ] --'I 57 ' : ,I ----~ ---"n'r~---J .. I-dh~--..J -j ',--- ~R"lI"'IIlI\lil1IR"lI --mJ'lB1l1lm!n!~'llrllB~- -._-~R"lI~lIl!m..r- I ["t..P-LJ2---- 760'.'\ : 1 I I 179 I; j~ J 1 :\_:('] ",n' : .~~=- ______1. _~:!: _J==L i__ --6"--- ---, t 3 - 0 <t 0 i a:: <t i a:: <t --, ! <t Vl Vl I <t i f- i ! i I i i ! ! i i ! GJ72'01[~ -J p;~'"O ~i;' [q 01"] __~-=~=:~~~~ ___.._____.1'- ~_l=_:=L~~ ___k~_ __~~___ ~:~L.__ . __-' PARKING PLAN Type Proposed.. Required_ Garage 212 (1)du) 212 (1jdu) Driveway 212 (1Jdu) nla Ouest! 0Iber On-street 112 Off-street 29 Subtotal 141 (13/du) 106 (I/du) TOTAL 565 (5.31du) 318 (3Idu) Guest and Other StalLSizes.._- Off-street: 29 Standard 9x 18' (2' overbang) On-street 112 Standard 7x22' l.egend .--.----- .. Ouest and Other Parkin& Spaces CASTERSON Dublin, California --- Odober 1997 Revised: February 19911 ~ I\..lI 0306090 North IBACh Y It S.PS CIVIL ENGINEERING 0 LAND PlANNING oLANO SlIRllEYlNG 5142 FRANKLIN DR/IIE, SlHTE B PLEASANTON. CA ... I I. I I I I I I I .\~ \ I' I ~ I I I I I I (' I r'J ~ -. r r' r~{. 0.' . '. .' ~ .l; . . . "I " ~ . 1/ \..""\ I ~ .. .. ~ ....... .nd fII'lUI1d . .... -l. .. 'M)' :.:.>l '1\ \\~ l~_ ))': ," ~ h ii ~....P .~.../ troI~ .,' I l~~) /~~~ b :JJ.Q~ ~ &' JI ( ~.~ /~ . /' ~ f( ~ D PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN C ASTERSON I'H()I'f)s.~n PI,ANT I'AI"': I"'.: l,ItlL"~!W,~~Hl.. Tun: .',..In.u"d,l tE:~:::~::~:~~tn~. ~~~i~;:~iii~5:::~~~;:~U~' Q~.,,~, ."h" Mh.lu'.. ~ ' IO.'ured p.YIng U Shr~l... ,'''.llo.nndin",. 4l,"V..,,,~,,.m 11;;;'" lftt.,.w.lr,...J.o.I<...(1.... ~::~":,:I,.n~.d,~~~:~~~~:;;. r.....nl.lo. ~~~::~::.::frl<.... "r.4.. ru' U_~...,....",. k_l"""fi.u"ldl I....~..........-tt.. .~......,..".il ''''....''1. .l.~.(.. ~ - entry monument ~- ... 8fl1.rgement Grll....f:..".., ~::::!~:.E;;~~~:~,.. "",............,,100.... ....Io..r...j....AIto."..... M~_ri"'..n'ItIot..1t .l...h..........I~....... 1'..ll~"w"'..._.m!J..... ( o c( o a: \110\", tMotlc.......""'.,.,.. FIt........./l. :;~,~:l:.~.~::.::::. c( a: c( ..., c( ~ -- c(~ - .'UOCO w.. w/ ~ _ .11'" ........., \ ,I i lor' 1f.101ll.,ed pt... , 1+ IInd.c8pk!g . ". -inti -.. _ ..1l'r-1r-l1J~_~"r-lt Sh...rfA.. (',..,..MI<1!<r A...,iu~ ~''''<fl,.''m (.i~"" r..,..., 1..."..l'In.h.... h'"Jllokoll'tw,," {)4j.. I "" U.. ll.~ ""kO.k ,\lrkuS"...., 4;k"yAb.1i. Ul".lIIh;..." 1-tu...j,. 5"..""....1<'H 1\1<<0,.."..11I-..-, J.'.~.H"....-" \IoIllllU,., 0....10.......... '......1. NC'N . ::.'~:~:";:.:::.I,.. I'tIIf..f"'.~<h' 1"'11. 1~1.1I...I...... 1....M..fII.... "."IaH...I..."" I.......,i.... U".OCt.....NI!. .'...,.....111. P.Jl.~ ....H........... Sp..I..I,..,od" !k.t,..,"",.. s.."41 ~;.tfl. M.....~. ~;;...M.",I...'.I." SI,J."...'." L.."........"..... ,,_....,. ~.td'",,,,,,,'\'I'" tr......... C.,...,..J...."'ln. Ih,..,...d.." PROPER1'V Dublin, California ~. .,,~ Nor.h ~ ~! ---~bertm r.... .'cllru.ry 19')1l I\...lI 0306090 ISAN'SON. WOOD &: ASSOClATlS 1%1 I ht, AI:lIlll'll;l ~tn ll......" ( ^ t,,,'l;<, l"OK) ::"'I~:I" ~ I.ANDSCAPE ARClfIlH'IlIRE . PRO.lEeT ENTRY ELEVATION on GOOD NEIGHBOR FENCE IWI\ "11414~ 40 TYPICAL PLANTING PLAN I .. I I I I I I LOT 14 I I ~ o 5 10 20 I I I I I .........a.. -*" wi wrougM Iron _ ------ etucco column I {' ( I ~t1, $-SI\ II~! LOT 12 PLAN 1 LOT 9 PLAN 3 oolumn oop PROJECT ENTRY ELEVATION I'-'.S. .ltruln :: =:.=: GlHI,AM~ ... ::::",":::=,_..-IMc_' ::.=c'" :: _11_ ",-",_ :: ~=E~I =?~ ::: ::..:::~:=~. :-:~~ho.. m ==-.:.=~~~-' =~~T~ ::: =E:=~'o.- :-:::: .It =:::....=.:;'~;::;~: ::::::-..= ~.."..looil' u...~.""... ,. =::::"~"''''''''''''''P''' U"'.........-fII1lo a :=::::.~ ~~lM' ~ c::" :::=~.. Qr..-C-.." ........,a..ll< E ~~-~::-. "-- :: =E"=::..... :t~::-G~ ~.......'.II"H : ~E'o::.-~ ~.-- --- PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE 1llL,.I1~.M..!fAAlLu ::..fn......uIl.... ~: ~;~:... : ,..............,_'Y_' " =':,,:=~-"::"~:,:".-clt>"d n OIoIrc"'I1I'Ifol" n a-<....- IU 11_........ ::'==<_0<10 :: ===-"'::" ____~~!'WI!f: / -.- e._Nr_ _...._0...... ,"'.....P.....,.. t_PIonor... ='"-10...,...... C_l..Mo.lI '...0.. Nt!<........... ~~~:::;:~:=:::~:.."'6". \O_'",,~,,_ -..,............. .,.......,_.,.. Q...,,~....- ~~:;~~~:: ~ p- =:::::~..".. t:::~i.~~:~::'''''''' ...........-........ _.....o.-..r :~:~~:~~~:: :::::::: ~::~~:". (1._........ ~~,~:~:~::.:~~;~~:.. "".. ,........- ..........- ~::.."':=~.. c..,,~...._ .......01__ ~~~:,:.~~". ................... .....I......,~,.. ~~.':.~,~-::;,k>O LOT 12 ground cOYer aree =:~~.-'y"'" c_....._ ........'w........, fktwerlng accent ..... ---a'U(;co aound wel wI .r'lr.ula.ed plane for landscaping: I.... II." fonolng - bro_"lod oll1OpJ "" o c( o a: c( a: c( .., c( en CJ) c( I- Ylno pIonttngl lOT.. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN C ASTERSON PROPERTY Dublin, California .'rhrUHrj' 199M ~ I\..lI North A,SSIIOWN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' l.....J o o o 4C II THE MISSION PEAK COMPANY KTGY NO. 97127 I. :' l P, .". -:~~~^' ~'~_ Ie Street Scene CASTERSON PROPERTY OK T G Y G R 0 l' P ^ t ~ b 1 C . C l Il r e Pl. II n , II g I'7"'9-;-;-M"eb..ll S,,~,b ;. I . ,. I ..., C.. I . I <> t .. ,.. 1t.2 & 1 ~ " I.., a e, ~ "., J' A:-l: e S 1 . II I.... Dub 1 i n, C a 1 i for n i a o :3/31/98 o I I I u I I I I I I I I B o 0 ~ g iH------ I I I I I I I I I \ . :. 11 l'BB MIssION PEAK COMPANY o KTG Y NO. 97127 LJ c ( ~4i~. tu co Finish. typ ~6H ;A ~d~iJJ Detail tueeo Finish. typ JJ m FENCE LINE _ t---j I L_-1- I I' I 14 I I +--1- Right Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation Plan I Elevations EXTERIOR MATERIAlS: Exterior o 4 o -_ 2 o STUCCO WAlLFlNTSH S.TILE CONCRE7E ROOFING STUCCO FINISH IRlM SURROUNDS AS SHOWN WROUGHT IRON RAIllNGS SECT10NAL GARAGE DRS (M,taI or CIabood wi OptWnaI Lights) DECORATIVE STUCCO OR TILE VElvTS 8 CASTERSON PROPERTY OKTGY GROUP "y;f:;." ~ : .c .h 3' t .. ~ t. : : : .. 1 If I .. : : : : : ~ I....'.. ". C.. II t.. ~ II I. 8:J .lot ' .. " < T 1.'.8 I. J 1 asp" ll: ..1." I.... Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a o 10/10/97 0 2119/98 3/24/~8 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o r"- II THE MISSION PEAK COMPANY KTGY NO, 97127 r-'---= I Bedroom 3 IN),, x U'.O'" : 11:: r-.-----; " rs~) i/ ,,; '=7 I , , lL..J '> \ I! \,~ '" OIMaster! ! HIGH ----fIll I Bath" GLASS " 01 j 1(--"'1 , .____~l Master Bedroom 12'.8" ,W.O" I i!1 I i ~ LL...r"~~- Second Floor ...""-"o..c-"~ i--- I I I ,--', , AC I i Pad ! i i I i-t!4" I I ..;.._-- I ! !Z . ii ~i~ '- Bedroom 2 10'-6" , 12'.2" Hall __ : :__=IiL;_=Lj ---.=1----j r-L.J --- : ; !~TTl i !~ : f i ' , i -'---' I'll Ll.LL~Li~L_=~, >; i'l opea to below .,/ /~ I ^ ~~,/" ~-''V /' ",/" l,- L__..J 11,---------- ,! II II I i '~',p. Ii il Ii , ~ I' li=rJ- ~= II Ipi il ~~ ~ .Ii II _~~;. I'j' I~'=I/:~I ~~~\ :i I' ,,! b I il : I! ! , I ~ a.. II: I i: ! ,I-c r;- -, i L::... -1~____:_1__~__=!J....~_=___=_.::.J Roof Plan First Floor Plan I Floor Plan [J o 4 -- 2 8 [J i I~~'- ~.... : I :oBi @,2ii , I I ' Kitchen 1 i~" , I \ Ii Garage 19'.0. x 21'.0" -~ I I I I I , .1 z, i! ~i -I I I I I I +--- [: 36'-0" Dining 9'.0" x 1l'-l0'" Family 12'-1)" X 12'-4" Living 11'.8", 12'-0" I I I PROPERTY ~ Floor Plan 3 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bath 1659 Sq. Ft. CASTERSON PROPERTY Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a [J OKTGY GROUP A , e h 1 ~ " {' t \I. r ~ PI.. Il. D I .. It I 7 ~ 8:1 M It" II. I IS.. .. t 10 t .." I II.., C.. I I'" , .. ,.. 1i':I II 1 4- ! , . 4 I' B I . , 1 II . r J\ JC <<0', ~ , 0. " 2/19/98 3/24/98; '" U 3 L..J LJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Front Elevation m I I I ~~~... ,......' ~.,"'- ~ . { ~ ,,~.fi~ ~; ~ ~ ~- . t- ,,' 'illJ.~~;!. I " -'7iri1f[fk~ ",It N.:;;.t : <"'. ,'. i..~/~:~ -" t: ,~:">J'iilt',t<o/ ~;;.. <:: A Front Elevation -~ \ - .. , . F: '_, .-,,: I 6~:-8ria., 4' projection Clay Tile Detail J '-- ------"\ "" EXTERIOR MATERIAlS: STUCCO WAlL FINISH S.TILE CONCRE7E ROOFING S7UCCO FINISH TRIM SURROUJ\'DS AS SHOWN WROUGHT IRON RAIUNGS SECT10NAL GARAGE DRS (M,taI "CIadWOtJd wI Optional Light DECORATIVE STUCCO OR TILE VENTS B Left Elevation/Street Elevation c Left Elevation/Street Elevation FE~N1L- I. \ . .1 " 1-1' I If-- 1._..11 t--t I I + g~~ I \ . I " Rear Elevation Plan 2 ExterIor Elevations$ Right Elevation o 4 o -_ 2 o A Left Elevation/Street Elevation 8 11 ~ CASTERSON PROPERTY l'BB Mlssl:0N PEAK COMPANY Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a OKTGY GROUP :.>?~ : "t.e.b at t .. ~ e,:: ~. I ,P I . : : : : : :'-. ." I.... , ... C.. I. to.. '" . a <<I 1 .. ..~ 1'..,t".IJ" PAX '.l.e1.. I o KTGY NO, 97127 o 10/10/97 2119/98 3/24/98 o 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rF -=::-- Bedroom 2 IN)'" x 10'-4. ~ . 1 Bedroom 3 10'-6" x 11'-10' --+---181" i 'ill - . , , -:=u I" i i!j! r=-=--~r w.i.c. :1 /'11 ( Ii 'I ~~ ~- "1 i I ~ Open to below : : III! "F' :r - -I \r------- ...... ---' I J-------' ~ ! I h= ~ - tr ii b..:::!____~='j L Second Floor Roof Plan ., ----- T1iE-- .l!1..I~SION PEAK __COMPANY Ii KTGY NO. 97127 Master Bedroom IT-O"' x IS'-o- r~ :~~~'v ~ I ~ - ...:.-=.-=. J't I" "- - ~ 'I' II ~ (~! I J ~ ,J i :1 Iii : ~ ~~i r :1 ,[ I ~ / I """ ; I IllY I I !: !/.~ i i :1 II~----' I II ,,;L - --c... _ :- ~~~ j- - - .J I I I 10'.0' i -f---------.!';- , , i , i~~~~ 'i r::t==----M i, ill! i I ~ i i ~ , I Ii': I, i ~ il H------, , , ',~ : i ~ i I ~ I m , i I , o '1, I' I' .__~~, Alt. Entry @ Corner Lot, Typ. I- I ". i",. S.O' MIN. I I I -------'I- I I , 1- ~I :::;:1 136"0' i 1- - - ~- - -- - - I , --c,""~_~ -=_~.:: 1 I -f-- I --f i AC i 1 : Pad i I - ~""_""__,E.~I'""~""-.. . '----1- 1111--1 I: Il-=i-r I i II~'__! ~~_._ _ i ' i' '~- [1-- Iii- ~~-r j H-- .-~~~ i I Up i! P 1 a n 2 Floor P 1 a n Nook 10".1)'" x 8'.0. Family IS.0" x 13..10" Kttchen : I Media o 4 -.... 2 8 o ~ i ! i i , , ~ Q! i r:,.11 "', Ii Dining 12'.0" x 10'.0'" Garage 19'..0- x 19'.0- , i, II I: i i ,qt J~ i 16'.0" x 20'-6' Living Porch I i-+ --- - - ---- : , i! i , I. I I ,-------------_.j .j I ZI . il zl ~i i! ~i . I I J- j i PROPERTY LINE I _.---1 First Floor Floor Plan 3 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bath 1814 Sq. Ft. CASTERSON PROPERTY Dub 1 i n, C a 1 i for n i a [J OKTGY GROUP Art' b j tile t ~ r 6 P I a II rl i " << ~"ltC.lo.II~th t r v j .. '", C '" I I r.. . " t'" ,,::I fl, 1 4 I" 14" 61 _) 1" .. ^ x "0)..11. 2/19/98 3/24/98 ~ U I I u o o I I r S .Painted tube railing I I Front Elevation I I I I I I I B c I I I I I Jfi JH Hi · ]I rlfr---fl ~a~ -Ht- FENCE LINE Right Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation Plan 3 EXTERIOR MATERIALS: Exterior o 4 o -_ 2 Elevations o rrvcco WALL FINISH S.TILE CONCREIE ROOFtNG rrvcco FINISH 1RlM SURROUNDS AS SHOWN WROUGHT IRON RAlUNGS SEClTONAL GARAGE DRS (Melal or Clad"""'" "'IOptiooai Ugh/I) DECORATIVE rrvcco OR TILE VENTS 8 11 CASTERSON PROPERTY THE MIssION PEAK COMPANY Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a OKTGY GROUP .".- 'i A' c: Ill'. e t . r.. P I II II D I ... : 1,...2 M It"... II s... t" '-. " I r .. I.., C. 11'", . I. .:r, 1 ... . ','.:. l' I'" I" I.' I" .." x .. 1 ~. I.. I o KTG Y NO. 97127 o 10/10/97 2119/98 3/24/9R o 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., THE MISSION PEAK COMPANY o KTGY NO. 97127 --~l'~~ " .~:;.I, \I,~ , . / II' "I /Q;;J~)~ (':C-=-," ---'-I~ Master Bath Ii Bedroom 4/ Retreat ll'.urx 10".0'" Master Bedroom 14'~" x tS'-6'" Hall f I i I i i! I ~Tttr-I ,LLL_ ,-;.-_--+--" -- ~~~I-rTn" 'Til -(--I -r IIII iLU.--J ,(, 1 ' , i ! II ; ~J~J~l=L_=== L-J 11 ;' L/ Bedroom 3/ Loft 10'.0- x 11".0- open to below __----! ~\ I/~~ i ----- \: [ ! Bedroom 2 10'.0' x 10'-0" i,-, I LJ LJ I i --.J Second Floor ,I Ii Ii Ii 'I II Ii II I II I Ii II Roof Plan HIGH GLASS )1: , Plan 3 , 19'4" -~-r----- I AC ' 1 Pad ; L-_j (\, ~.Ji [-7 4'.0" MIN. ---'Ir- ,I I, !z to;i ~L!r ,V> 36'.0" --.--------.----.---------..-------1---;- LJ.________J :ii -' ,,! , , ~I I , I I L-_~ First Floor o Floor o 4 -- 2 8 o :- ---, ----------------~I!-'-----r ~ ~:~ I . iil! -i~! FamIly ~ I~ I 15'.0" x 13'.0" 1111''-- - - - - -- -- - t- 1[, : ~ i ~-~,,--,- . \ .f \,/1 I r~ 7,. ~rc1r -~. 1 ll" ",[Qd;,;d-L__i.J Kitchen i ! Dining 10'.0' x 12'-6" , ~ -L~=.~~Et-=-=-f~~.~, : ! Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a Plan r-; , , '- Garage 20'''''" x 20'.0" Living 14'-8" x 12'4" , --.---~-.~--'ir- :i i , ~I -~ --- CASTERSON PROPERTY , i i I ~i N: """'! I I i I 5'.0"1 :,.. MINT', , I I I -+- I 1 I , i "!,, ~i PROPERTY UNE i Floor Plan 4 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bath 1986 Sq. Ft. OKTGY GROUP Arc b. t ~ . C ,t U r II PI. J) 11 I D .. 1'7..2 !Ill, t.. It. II 'S 0'" b. I r v I .. _. C. I t I 0 ~ " '" '.281' t' "" fl. II." P... x . e 1..1 e ft 2/19/98 31.24/98 o 7 ...... 0 0 0 I I I I I I I A Left Elevation/Street Elevation I I I I I I I B C I I PIa n 4 Ex t e r i o r Elevat i o n s I 11 c A S T E R S 0 N P R 0 P E R T y OKTGY GROUP ,<> .':.. Ate.ll " . e t u r.. Pl. D .. j n a: THE ,. '';''. 1 '1 e, 2 M l t c b. I l S" .. . b I . .\..;~ I. v I.... C. II t"...,. It:l: ('11" <~. , 'J . . I .. .. I . , I , . p "x ~.' _ .. l . ... MIssION PEAK. Dubli n, C a 1 ifornia COMPANY I 0 10/10/97 0 0 KTGY NO. 97127 2/19/98 8 ,1?,dJlll1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o B ...w~;, .{,~" ":.:r "'l ~ ,.~ ~~ljE ;;{},~.." '} . ~ ,'" f :, ~~~ h') "'~. . 1~wr:~'~ ".' ~ ~ f4 ~" ,.. ;: ii, _~i. ", I ~ ~"I..'.. t '"l V_' - "'l,Wo. i"~"". r-+ I 1 .J--l 11 THE MIssrON PEAK. COMPANY o KTGY NO. 97127 o o / Front Elevation JLJ \C ;:=rs_~ JVJ'ndow Sill Detail / ~~ .~" ~"'l ~ -. f'4 ;;~~:".. . Cr' ,. ' .w~~ :"'i1\-re'i1- .,: ':"<:>~/<. . ._.J... . :0;. ~ v_: ~1J;j Right Elevation Plan 4 Rear Elevation Exterior o 4 o -_ 2 Elevations EXTERIOR MATERIALS: o STUCCO W:AlLFINlSH S.TILE CONCRETE ROOFING STUCCO FINISH 71UM SURROUNDS AS SHOWN WROUGHT IRON RAlUNGS SEcnONAL GARAGE DRS (Metal or Om/wood IVIOptio,",' Ugh") DECORATIVE STUCCO OR TILE VENTS 8 CASTERSON PROPERTY OKTGY GROUP ~;o.. Are hit) e t .. r . Pl. ... It J II C > ~ 1'1'8.2 M""''''all S...... "'::-...a I." '.., C. 1 t t". D'. "2"" t" . -' " I.,.. I. II:J. r....II;.. 1." 1.. Dub I i n, C a I i for n i a o 10/10/97 0 2/19/98 '1:/"l..4/00 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ili.' l~ THE -MIssroNPEAK COMPANY c KTGY NO. 97127 36'.0' .... tf-=-.. _.._----..T.=="==.==+-.T~r. 10 . l---.-Lt~+ f-L-~...f'.1 ~.. ----j---~ I .~'."'j:) ;;, r~, ~'II ~l- - - - - r- __ - _,_.=~ =~~.~ ~C;=,~ . - . '~JC:L,; ';/ J i, I .~ ->-10_ ---; I ,~" II '" '1'1 i i II! I r ':' 1-,-/ I, I : ," ""'~ III! I; ~"I I I I I Ii" Dining,~: 'M ' : ~--;"'r-I+++ Up " 10'.8'" x 11'.0" I _~ Kitchen IIPO: :1:1'w1 " "'" --- -~"--- 7_--:::J: : I ' I II !I Bedroom 2 15'.(1" x 10'-6" ill: '(I ill! II! '-'_.~~~ ~ IG! ill! ,I, i_Do I;: r ! i -L_LLLL_ :H---ITrrTTTT~~ I: I--.LLL. J+' I II "" II I I T7 ',0, ~.~~.4JJ~ ~=. OpeD to below i ) II i I I I Master Bedroom 15'-2" x 13'..(j" Living 14'.0" x 12'.0" " ,i r ~ I' ,I II :1 'l \ \ /! Bedroom 3 10'.(1" x 12'.(1" 'I 10 \........ i \ /'1 -- ,<lilO /v\ III u Garage 19'.1)" x 19'.1)" 1':: Den I ~Ci~: B~~~~~~"4 10'.0' 6'.0' MIN. . ._ . i ~i ::el ~I eo! -I i I i --'j. PROPERTY L~ L Second Floor I zl ii ~i ~I I I --_.~ Lot, Typ. II - -1- -II ii I 1 1.1 l1~i f\ II J I \j~ i 11 I I _ i; I /'- - - :;;::01 !; i /;"$ '. I: i: i~/~ ;/:' i I ><% ,fi ! i I ~ Ii :1 /1r" nOGE / ~ :' I: ~. .=-'~~> I: r~" .,.. I, <'<<., I, I~)- I! i- I ~,..s. '<{'" '........ ~ I 1~~ ~~ '.' I (151 i 'i ~ ,I . I' ~ '--~I [! /i~i [> L - - .J r-'- : L _ .!."'!....:. _ -'~ I I I L_ Corner First Floor PIa n 4 Floor Plan o 4 -- 2 [J 8 Roof Plan CASTERSON PROPERTY Dub 1 i n, C a I i for n i a c 4'.O~-+ , <;> ~ V> Floor Plan 4 Bedroom 3 Bath 2128 Sq. Ft. OKTGY GROUP A r Q h j t . e t II r e PI.. Q .lI ID . i7~t~-;-;~ J .." 1..., c. 1 t I.... "- I. II a G I ... . 1'1. 'S I I".t \ "'. r... X ll., _.11.0 2/19/98 3/24/98 D. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o o o 4 4R I 3R 1 ,---"1 HOA -- ~- --~'" /1- , x 'I ! / " lL.......__~ J.Il!tIG VOL, CLG. ~ T ,- Ii It ii I; !: ii ii i! I Ii I I: , --'----1 I' ',' ~l Ii PIul de&ip _ --)'Old. ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: :' 80 i I !C.} -- - 1~~1~ mIa. !i .... Ii !i if - ~ sJubq: ~ II I: ,I FS'41't~ - -I I : , I I I' :----- Ii ' rl I II Ii Ii II Ii Ii I I, .Jl, Y~G, ~ V~G. I x 1 ~O~'~- MaIa_ ~1Da 4'.0" 4'41' - - ~ !-~-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , i i ! I.!l!I!I!l VOL. CL.G. I.!l!I!I!l VQt.. CLG. L - SldeJvd GIuIDJ I I ~SldeJvd ",it !tis III ! 2 2R 1 3R o o 8 -- 4 16 o TYPICAL PLOTTING FIRST FLOOR 11 CASTERSON PROPERTY OKTGY GROUP A' e /l, 1 t.. e t II r 8 PI. 0 1):1 I), t"..2 N I ~ c b. 11 So.. t b 1,,, I. _, C. 11 for _ I. it it ~ 1. I'll" , . . I . ~ 1 . . ,. ... ~ .. 1 . , , . . T1m MIssION PEAK COMPANY Dub 1 i n, C a 1 i for n i a KTGY NO, 97127 o 11/24/97 o 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II o o 11 THE MIssION PEAK COMPANY KTGY NO, 97127 o i I I ~I "I I 14 ~ I 3R I I lA' ~n~- ILJ ~.'\.8ClG/',\IC "z ~~\/ I ~,y~:i"'""L..J ~ I'-} .' '\. / ~ nil ~ li11\8 ClG I""';' .J ~ TOBI"LOW ~;;. ~~I "L ~ ~~ II I~ ~ 1111111 :ITIT~ f\ '\./ I 0 I -~~ ~~:'olf I ~ .'I'i', lmI III :.II'ii;,~ /1 '~ Ii:....... \'J llLl _1~Il..JI6JJ-;i- --+ f- I!II rf~c)(/ Ii - ~T41 J ~ ~ ~~ ~ I _~_I~i ~~ VOLUM ;: j-_~, \ VOlUM' · CLG '11~m' 8 ClG 1','- :: iwv- ~ " In i II II -C" -meQ)11 i Ii · CLG i' ",! Ii II f2i II, II i ! I II ! I ~r=~=+==-~-==~===~~~+' - -- , ----- ,.. .-' , l'I;H~1Jp, II,' I ~~~. -:[ Ii ~ SJ!J~TI N :11, Iii lID · ~'~ mIa. Ii ~; il II Ii i K A.-XJ.WIQ / !i I II ,~I II ~ ~~I~ i: ~W;J~!I MASTER!D J r-~ b__~_ t<2-... \h<'-- ii,' r- /l~ iil ~/\ r r~\// ~14 ~c ~: i I h:.;"T1IXi: .....~- , r- - W.; I: -W'~ ......... I- ,.J.. II I lQ'.- / ti\i Ii I ~~ ;: II11 ( II H1illL 8~ I~ ~ II : I Tx II' "- llliillI~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I .h: - '-~,~- ~ f'j MASTER 1i!ffrQ I~l CL ~ OPEN TO BELOW _ >-- r~ TO~ 1=-.:::1.,"'11:< 1_ _ ~ t;~v. i!i ~ · ""'" U K: I/~- I~I ,,- ~ ...-.. plaoL _ ta_&taU I 2 R m beplDa 1ICb-.al A1k 1 3 R o 8 o -_ 0 4 16 4R I ':~ ~I\G li J:i "~~ rlL~j I :::-. 1>0 /0 )11:. '" MA \l:{, H ~ 1 lli P, ClG'=" 1-- OLUM' ~~L: ~ t ..-/l!IQ1'V r-- .w,-!I"__ 4',C!" .__ .___J!~-9"_. .___.____,.. I--~ II _. . _lOu . 8:11. LG ~i ~~~~~ I ' i . ~I SIlP ~L, N !:l I! TYP. ~ I 'I! EE: ./{Ltj~ II I Ii -- ~ ~ I' ~ G ~t=:"=_ r,~tt ~,.~ _iD I I-UUI.\; II ~ II I~ ; LA ----.~~ ~!~ VOLUM' ~ tlili '" I i l cll r,,1 I I Ii- I~ ~Q I~ -~~~. 2 I TYPICAL PLOTTING SECOND FLOOR CASTERSON PROPERTY Dub 1 i n, C a 1 i for n i a o o I I . 4~rV-!l": I I ; OKTGY GROUP ^ r c: III It. c: '11 r 0 PI. D II 111I. I?" it 2 N lee Ill. 11 S. \l C I> t..... III _, C. I t to.. D I. 92.14 I ,. I . ~ . I 1 . I 1 . . .. "':'1: "t 1 ~ II 1 . . 11/24/97 o 12