HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 AmendOrdMassageSvcs " . . ~ CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE January 13, 1992 SUBJECT PUBLIC HEARING PA 91-049 Dublln Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage REPORT PREPARED BY LJ-v Carol R Clrel1l, Assoclate Planner / Exhlblt A / Draft Ordlnance Amendment Exhlblt B / Draft Clty Councll Reso1utlon adoptlng the Negatlve Dec1aratlon for PA 91-049 Attachment 1 ~ecember 2, 1991 P1annlng ~ommlsslon Mlnutes Attachment 2 P1annlng CommlSSlon Reso1utlons recommendlng adoptlon of the Negatlve Dec1aratlon and Draft Ordlnance Amendment for PA 91-049 Attachment 3 ~C-N, C-1 and C-2 Dlstrlct Regu1atlons EXHIBITS ATTACHED RECOMMENDATION Ill' 1) IT t' 2) ~ 3) " 4) \l^ 5) \'f'b Open publlC hearlng and hear Staff presentatlon Take testlmony from publlC Questlon Staff and publlC Close pub11C hearlng and dellberate Adopt draft resolutlon (Exhlblt B) approvlng the Negatlve Declaratlon for PA 91-049 Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage Walve readlng and lntroduce the Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage for PA 91-049 6) FINANCIAL STATEMENT None BACKGROUND In July of 1991, Ms Veronlca Krell, owner and operator of A Touch of Health, located at 6995 Dublln Boulevard, requested the Clty Councll to lnltlate an amendment to the Dublln Munlclpal Code, Chapter 4 20 Massage Establlshments and Massage Servlces, Sectlon 4 20 020 Exemptlons Ms Krell's request to Clty Councll was to amend the Massage Ordlnance to exempt massage theraplsts who graduate from a recognlzed school of massage and are members of a State or natlonally chartered organlzatlon devoted to therapeutlc massage from the provlslons of the Massage Ordlnance requlrlng a Pollce Department permlt :';::.~o M COPIES TO Appllcant Owner Address Flle cgnrv CLERK ~IL~ ILJ4~~ . . ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS The CIty CouncIl of the CIty of DublIn does ordaIn as follows SectIon 1 SectIon 8-21 14 2 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT IS hereby added to SectIon 8-20 0 DEFINITIONS of the CIty of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance to read as follows "8-21 14 2 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT Massage establIshment means any establIshment haVIng a fIxed place of bUSIness where any person engages In or carrIes on or permIts to be engaged In or carrIed on any of the actIVItIes descrIbed In the defInItIon of "massage" descrIbed In the CIty of DublIn MunICIpal Code Chapter 4 20 Massage EstablIshments and Massage SerVIces Any establIshment engaged In or carrYIng on, or permIttIng any combInatIon of massage and bathhouse shall be deemed a massage establIshment " SectIon 2 SectIon 8-47 2e) CONDITIONAL USES C-N DISTRICTS of the CIty of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance IS hereby added to read as follows "e) Massage EstablIshment" SectIon 3 SectIon 8-48 2p) CONDITIONAL USES C-l DISTRICTS of the CIty of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance IS hereby amended to read as follows tIp) Massage EstablIshment," SectIon 4 SectIon 8-49 2n) CONDITIONAL USES C-2 DISTRICTS of the CIty of DublIn ZonIng OrdInance IS hereby added to read as follows "n) Massage EstablIshment " PASSED AND ADOPTED by the CIty CounCIl of the CIty of DublIn on thIS day of , 199 , by the follOWIng votes AYES NOES ABSENT Mayor ATTEST CIty Clerk JL . . Ms Krell lS a llcensed cosmetlClan who recelved a certlflcate of graduatlon from the Natlonal HollstlC Instltute to practlce massage therapy Ms Krell's massage and cosmetology bUSlness lS located In a C-2-S-40, General Commerclal Comblnlng Dlstrlct A massage parlor/establlshment lS not an allowed use wlthln thlS zone ThlS zonlng vlolatlon was noted by the Plannlng Department whlle processlng Ms Krell's buslness llcense permlt appllcatlon At the July 22, 1991 Clty Councll meetlng, the Clty Councll lnltlated an ordlnance amendment study to amend the Zonlng Ordlnance to allow massage establlshments In a C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct wlth Condltlonal Use Permlt approval On December 2, 1991, the Plannlng CommlSSlon held a publlC hearlng and approved resolutlons recommendlng Clty Councll adoptlon of 1) the draft Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment to lnclude a deflnltlon of Massage Establlshment and to ldentlfy Massage Establlshment as a condltlonal use In the C-N, Nelghborhood SUSlness Dlstrlct, C-l, Retall BUSlness Dlstrlct, and C-2, General Cornmerclal Dlstrlct {see Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes, Attachment 1 and Attachment 2, Plannlng CommlSSlon Resolutlons] and 2) the Negatlve Declaratlon for the Zonlng Ordlnance amendment ANALYSIS Currently, the Zonlng Ordlnance ldentlfles massage parlor as a condltlonal use In the C-l, Retall BUSlness Dlstrlct The Zonlng Ordlnance uses the term "massage parlor" and the Munlclpal Code uses the term "massage establlshment" Slnce there lS no deflnltlon of "massage parlor" In the Zonlng Ordlnance, Staff relles on the deflnltlon of "massage establlshment" In the Munlclpal Code Consequently, both terms are consldered the same Under the eXlstlng Massage Ordlnance, the massage theraplst use lS consldered a massage establlshment A massage theraplst/ practltloner must comply wlth the provlslons of the Massage Ordlnance and obtaln a permlt from the Pollce Department prlor to operatlon of the massage establlshment Only persons holdlng an unrevoked certlflcate to practlce the heallng arts ln the State of Callfornla, or persons worklng under the dlrectlon of such persons, and Callfornla llcensed barbers and cosmetologlsts are exempt from the provlslons of the Massage Ordlnance When comparlng the massage establlshment use wlth other permltted and condltlonal uses In the commerclal dlstrlcts, Staff classlfles a massage establlshment as a personal serVlce type use, such as barber shops and beauty parlors (see Commerclal Dlstrlct Regulatlons, Attachment 3) A massage establlshment lS consldered a personal serVlce type use because lt prlmarlly provldes personal lmprovement or appearance type serVlces -2- (I . In response to Clty Councll's dlrectlon, Staff researched massage ordlnances and zonlng ordlnances of other cltles In the Bay Area to determlne how they ldentlfy massage use In thelr zonlng ordlnance and lf they exempt massage theraplsts wlth certaln quallflcatlons from thelr massage ordlnance The ma]Orlty of the cltles researched ldentlfy massage parlor/establlshment as a condltlonal use In general serV1Ce commerclal dlstrlcts and requlre massage practltloners/ theraplsts to obtaln permlt approval from the Pollce Department Out of ten cltles researched, only the Clty of San Ramon exempts massage theraplsts (If they are certlfled members of the Amerlcan Massage Therapy Assoclatlon) from thelr massage ordlnance The cltles of Emeryvllle and Sunnyvale lnclude provlslons for massage theraplsts that have obtalned 500 hours of credlt from a recognlzed school of massage and/or are members of a qual1fled massage assoc1at1on However, they do not exempt massage theraplsts wlth these quallflcatlons from thelr massage ordlnance The Draft zonlng Ordlnance Amendment [see Exhlblt A) lncludes 1) a deflnltlon of massage establlshment that lS cons1stent wlth the massage establlshment def1nltlon In the Clty'S Massage Ordlnance Chapter 4 20, and 2) ldentlfles massage establlshment as a condltlonal use requlrlng Plannlng Commlsslon approval ln the C-N, Nelghborhood BUSlness Dlstrlct, C-l, Retall BUSlness Dlstrlct (replaclng the term "massage parlor" wlth "massage establlshment"), and the C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct Staff recommends approval of the attached Draft Ordlnance Amendment, Exhlblt A Staff recommends these amendments to the Zonlng Ordlnance to provlde a conslstent deflnltlon of "massage establlshment" ln the Zonlng Ordlnance and Massage Ordlnance, and to ldentlfy "massage establlshment" as a COndltlonal use In all commerclal dlstrlcts that allow personal serVlce type uses, not Just the C-l Dlstrlct Because massage establlshments must comply wlth the Massage Ordlnance, and because certa1n condlt1ons may need to be applled to a massage establ1shment to make the use more compatlble wlth surroundlng uses, Staff recommends that massage establlshments be claSSlfled as condltlonal uses In addltlon to the resolutlons that the Plannlng CommlSSlon adopted, the Plannlng Commlsslon also dlscussed the optlon of exemptlog massage theraplsts wlth the followlng quallflcatlons (modeled after the Clty of Sunnyvale's Massage Ordlnance) from the Massage Ordlnance provlslons and from obtalnlng a Pollce Department permlt I lS a member In good standlng In a state or natlonally chartered organlzatlon devoted to massage therapy, and -3- . ~ 2 has completed one of the follow1ng requ1rements a) f1ve hundred (SOD) hours of 1nstruct1on 1n massage therapy at a recogn1zed school of massage w1th a state approved curr1culum, or b) two hundred f1fty (250) hours of 1nstruct1on 10 massage therapy at a recogn1zed school of massage w1th a State approved curr1culum and, 1n add1t1on, f1ve hundred (500) hours of pract1cal experlence 1n massage therapy In the form of pa1d employment 1n the pr1mary off1ce of and under the d1rect superv1s1on of a med1cal profess1onal llcensed by the State of Callforn1a, spec1f1cally a phys1c1an, surgeon, ch1ropractor, osteopath, physlcal theraplst or nurse, wh1le such med1cal profess1onal 1S perform1ng act1vlt1es encompassed by such llcense, and 1S physlcally on the prem1ses where the massage therapy lS be1ng admln1stered Under th1S opt1on, massage therap1sts would be exempt from obtaln1ng a Pollce Department permlt, but an approved Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t would always be requ1red under the proposed Zon1ng Ord1nance Amendment However, the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on and Staff are not recommendlng approval of thlS optlon Both the Plann1ng Comm15s1on and Staff bel1eve that lt 1S necessary for massage theraplsts to obtaln a Pollce Department perm1t A Negat1ve Declarat10n has been prepared for the proJect pursuant to the Cal1fornla Envlronmental Qual1ty Act (CEQA), State CEQA GUldel1nes and the C1ty of Dubl1n Env1ronmental GUldel1nes The 21- day publlc reV1ew per10d began on November 8, 1991 and ended November 28, 1991 No comments on the Negatlve Declaratlon were rece1ved from the publ1C or other governmental agenc1es The C1ty Attorney rev1ewed the Draft Ordlnance Amendment (Exhlblt A) prlor to the December 2, 1991 Plannlng COffiffilSSlon meetlng and no reV1Slons were made to the draft ord1nance Staff recommends that the Clty Councll 1) adopt the Negat1ve Declaratlon [Exhlblt B] for the Draft Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage, and 2) walve readlng and lntroduce the Draft Zon1ng Ordlnance Amendment Massage -4- 8 . RESOLUTION NO 92- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ----~---~~-~----~~~~-----~~-----~~-----------------------~~~-------~~- ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 91-049 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MASSAGE WHEREAS, at the July 22, 1991 Clty Cauncll meetlng, Cauncll consldered a request made by Ms Veronlca Krell, owner/operator of A Touch of Health located at 6995 DubllTI Boulevard, to lnltlate an amendment to the Dublln Munlclpal Code, Chapter 4 20 Massage Establlshments and Massage Servlces, Sectlon 4 20 020 Exemptlons, and WHEREAS, at the July 22, 1991 Clty Councll meetlng, the Councll lnltlated the Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment study to allow massage establlshments In a C~2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct wlth Condltlonal Use Permlt approval, and WHEREAS, a draft ordlnance amendlng the Zonlng Ordlnance to lnclude a deflnltlon of Massage Establlshment and to ldentlfy Massage Establlshment as a condltlonal use In the C-N, Nelghborhood BUSlness Dlstrlct, C-l, Retall BUSlness Dlstrlct, and C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct has been prepared, and WHEREAS, the Plannlng Commlsslon held a publlC hearlng on December 2, 1991, and approved two resolutlons recommendlng Clty Councll adoptlon of the sald Draft Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment relatlng to massage establlshment and the Negatlve Declaratlon for the Draft Ordlnance Amendment, and WHEREAS, The Callfornla Envlronmental Quallty Act (CEQA), State CEQA GUldellnes and Clty Envlronmental GUldellnes requlre that certaln proJects be revlewed for envlronmental lmpact and that envlronmental documentatlon be prepared, and WHEREAS, an Inltlal Study was conducted flndlng that the proJect, as proposed, would not have a slgnlflcant effect on the envlronment, and WHEREAS, a Negatlve Declaratlon has been prepared for thlS proJect, and WHEREAS, publlC notlce of the Negatlve Declaratlon was glven In all aspects as requlred by State Law, and WHEREAS, the Clty Councll dld reVlew and conslder the Negatlve Declaratlon at a publlC hearlng on January 13, 1992 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublln Clty Councll does hereby flnd 1 That the proJect wl11 not have a slgnlflcant effect on the envlronment ~8 8 ~ 2 That the Negat~ve Declarat~on has been prepared and processed ~n accordance w~th State and local env~ronmental laws and gu~del~ne regulat~ons 3 That the Negat~ve Declarat~on ~s complete and adequate BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dubl~n C~ty Counc~l does hereby adopt the Negat~ve Declarat~on for PA 91-049 Zon~ng Ord~nance Amendment Massage PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED th~s 13th day of January, 1992 AYES NOES ABSENT Mayor ATTEST C~ty Clerk - 2 - mot~on from Cm ~es, seconded by Cm Nort~and w~th a vote of the Comm~ss~on adopted RESOLUTION NO 91 - 061 APPROVING 91-075 ELECTRONIC TELE-COMMUNICATIONSr INC r CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 0 OPERATE A LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS WITHIN THE PD (PLANNED DE OPMENT) DISTRICT LOCATED AT 11501 DUBLIN BOULEVARD to the SUBJECT Cm Burnham opened the asked for the staff report Ms O'Halloran, Sen~or Comm~sslon the staff report to the John Moore, the ApplIcant, ~nd~cated tha staff report and felt that there would be 0 c~ty Th~s would allow flex~bIlIty for fIna There would be no real change In the type of was In agreement WIth the addItIonal burden to the Ing ~f It was needed I rovements Cm Burnham closed the publIC hearIng On motIon from Cm North, seconded by Cm Rafanelll, of 4-0, the CommISSIon adopted d WIth a vote RESOLUTION NO 91 - 062 ~ APPROVING FA 91-091 J PATRICK LAND CO TENTATIVE MAP AMENDMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 5900 AT 5971 DOUGHERTY SUBJECT PA 91-049 DublIn ZonIng OrdInance Amendment proposal to amend the DublIn ZonInq OrdInance relatIng to massaqe establIshments Cm Burnham opened the publIC hearIng and asked for the staff report Ms CIrellI, ASSOCIate Planner, presented the staff report to the CommISSIon Cm North stated that he had no problem WIth the reqUIrements, but he questIoned what would be gaIned by exemptIng a lIcensed massage therapIst from obtalnlng a pol~ce permIt Ms CIrellI explaIned that It would be tIme savlng for the ApplIcant SInce the ApplIcant would not have to go through the polIce permlt appllcatlon process Cm Barnes asked what other bUslnesses needed a polIce permIt Ms Clrelll responded dance establIshments ----~-~--~----~--~-~--~~----~---~---------~-----~--~---~-----~-------~ Regular Meetlng [12-2mln] PCM-1991-1S0 DecemMW~m~u J Mr Tong also lndlca~prlvate securlty patrols ~eded polleE permlts Cm Barnes questloned whether chlropractors or acupuncture needed pollce permlts Mr Tong lndlcated that they dld not Cm North lndlcated a concern that lf massage theraplsts are exempt from obtalnlng a pollce permltl who would verlfy the valldlty of a massage therapy certlflcate Ms Clrelll responded that the Plannlng Department would verlfy the certlflcate through the BUSlness Llcense Ord1nance and the Condltlonal Use Perm1t process Cm North questloned whether Staff was prepared and capable of verlfY1ng the certlf1cate Ms C1rell1 lndlcated that 1n addltlon to the Plannlng Department other Clty Departments through the Condltlonal Use Permlt process would be lnvolved The pollce would reVlew the appllcatlon and check the faclllty Cm Barnes asked who verlfles the nursery schools llceDse Ms O'Halloran responded that the Appllcant provldes documents from the State and that the State provldes updates Cm Barnes lndlcated that she had a problem wlth the exemptlon for massage theraplsts because there was no State Llcenslng Board lnvolved VeroDlca Krell, the Appllcant, explalned that her buslness was not a new buslness and that she had gone through the Pollce Department and had been flngerprlnted She was trYlng to comply wlth the regulatlons She lndlcated that the Pollce had vlewed her premlses and found no problem wlth the locatlon She lndlcated that It was lmportant for a practlce to bUlld up a cllentele Cm North wanted to clar1fy that hlS questlons were not dlrected speclflcally to thlS present appllcant or her buslness, but that he had concerns about future appllcants being exempt from pollce permlts carol Bondy, owner of Nall Emporlum where VerODlca Krell has her buslness, lndlcated that the Appllcant lS already partlally llcensed by the State through another aspect of her buslness that belng as a cosmetologlst Pam Sacomota, a member of the Amerlcan Massage Theraplst Assoc~atlon, stated the honesty and lntegrlty of the Amerlcan Massage Therapy Assoclatlon of WhlCh Veronlca Krell 15 a member Cm Burnham asked how long the organlzatlon had eXlsted -----~----------~~-~--~---~~~--~----~------~----~------~--~-~--------~ Regular Meetlng [l2-2mln] PCM-1991-1S1 December 2, 1991 Ms Sacomota responct"'slnce 1957 or 1953 wlth cilttornla havlng the largest number of members Cm North agaln stated that he was not concerned wlth thls partlcular appllcant, but he felt that lt was easy to dupllcate certlflcates re felt that pollce permlts would be a way to protect the Clty and lts resldents and that he felt that the plannlng process ffilght not do that Cm Barnes asked that lf the reso!utlon was approved, would the pollce permlt be requlred Mr Tong lndlcated that 1t would Cm Burnham closed the publlC hearlng On motlon from Cm North, seconded by Cm Rafanelll, and wlth a vote of 4-0, the Commlsslon adopted RESOLUTION NO 91 - 063 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 91-049 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MASSAGE RESOLUTION NO 91 - 064 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF PA 91-049 ZONING ORDINANCE A~ENDMENT MASSAGE OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS PA 89-062 Hansen H1Il/Bren Co Planned Development ReVlew of the Hansen Hlll/Bren Co Planned Development pursuant to ondltlon #24 of Resolutlon 129-89 and Sectlon 8-31 2 b of t Dublln Zonln Ord1nance Ms Planner, presented the staff report Martl Buxton, the App cant, lnd1cated that construct1on would start 1n the sprlng of 1992 d to the fact that the State Department of F1Sh & Game would not all constructlon to beg1n before ~prll 15, 1992 The comblnat1on of tn Bren Company movlng out of the area ana the fact that lt 1S a compllc~d proJect has made lt necessary to ask for a tlme extenslon on the Plann~Development Appl1catlon "'- Mr Tong 1ndlcated that lf constructlo~does not commence, there would be a need to come back 1n May 1992 "'-, '~, Ms O'Halloran expla1ned that If constructlon'commenced, then lt would , not be necessary to brlng thIS back to the comml~n On mot1on from em Barnes, seconded by Cm RafanellI of 4-0, the Comm1SS10n adopted RESOLUTION NO 91 - 065 GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION TO FA 89-062 HANSEN HILL/BREN COMPANY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ----------~~-~--~--~-------~--~----~~~----~--------~--~--------~~-~~-- Regular ~eetlng [12-2mln) PCM-1991-152 December 2, 1991 ~RESOLUTION NO . 91 - 063 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN -----~-~--~~---~~----~---~---~--------------------~-------~-~~~------- RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PA 91-049 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MASSAGE WHEREAS, at the July 22/ 1991 Clty Councll meetlng, Councll consldered a request made by Ms Veronlca Krell, owner/operator of A Touch of Health located at 6995 Dublln Boulevard, to lnltlate an amendment to the Dublln Munlclpal Code, Chapter 4 20 Massage Establlshments and Massage Servlces/ Sectlon 4 20 020 Exemptlons/ and WHEREAS, at the July 22/ 1991 Clty Councll meetlng/ the Councll lnltlated the Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment study to allow massage establlshments ln a C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct wlth Condltlonal Use Permlt approval, and WHEREAS, a draft ordlnance amendlng the Zonlng Ordlnance to lnclude a deflnltlon of Massage Establlshment and to ldentlfy Massage Establlshment as a condltlonal use In the C-N, Nelghborhood BUSlness Dlstrlct/ C-l, Retall Buslness Dlstrlct/ and C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct has been prepared, and WHEREAS, The Callfornla Envlronmental Quallty Act (CEQA), state CEQA GUldellnes and Clty Envlronmental GUldellnes requlre that certaln proJects be revlewed for envlronmental lmpact and that envlronmental documentatlon be prepared, and WHEREAS, an Inltlal study was conducted flndlng that the proJect, as proposed, would not have a slgnlflcant effect on the envlronment, and WHEREAS, a Negatlve Declaratlon has been prepared for thlS proJect, and WHEREAS, publlC notlce of the Negatlve Declaratlon was glven In all aspects as requlred by state Law, and WHEREAS, the Plannlng ComrnlSS1on dld reV1ew and conslder the Negatlve Declaratlon at a publlC hearlng on December 2, 1991 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dubl1n Plann1ng CommlSSlon does hereby flnd 1 That the proJect w1ll not have a slgn1f1cant effect on the envlronment 2 That the Negat1ve Declarat10n has been prepared and processed In accordance wlth State and local env1ronmental laws and gU1dellne regulat10ns 3 That the Negatlve Declarat10n 15 complete and adequate ~OO_ a ~ ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublln Plannlng Commlsslon does hereby recommend that the Clty Councll adopt the Negatlve Declaratlon for PA 91-049 Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thlS 2nd day of December, 1991 AYES CommlSSloners Barnes, Burnham, North and Rafanelll I / 'It NOES None ABSENT CommlSSloner Zlka It/ I /,)//, I~/ {I' .or, I" I Plannlng COffiffilsslon/Chalrperson ATTEST - 2 - ~RESOLUTION NO . 91 - 064 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN -~~----~~------~-----~------~~----------~-~~-----~~-----~-----~~- RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF PA 91-049 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MASSAGE WHEREAS, at the July 22, 1991 C~ty CaUDCll meet~ng, the Counc~l cons~dered a request made by Ms Veran~ca Krell, owner/operator of A Touch af Health located at 6995 Dublln Boulevard, to ~n~t~ate an amendment ta the Dubl~n Mun~elpal Code, Chapter 4 20 Massage Establ~shments and Massage Serv~ees, Seetlon 4 20 020 Exempt~ons, and WHEREAS, at the July 22, 1991 Clty Counell meet~ng, the Coune~l ln~t~ated the ZODlng Ord~nance Amendment study to allow massage establ~shments ~n a C-2, General Commerc~al Dlstr~ct w~th Cond~tlonal Use Perm~t approval, and WHEREAS, a draft ord~nance amend~ng the Zonlng Ordlnance to 1Dclude a def~n~tlon of Massage Establ~shment and to ldentlfy Massage Establ~shment as a condltlonal use In the C-N, Nelghborhood BUS1ness Dlstrlct, C-l, Retall BUSlness Dlstrlct, and C-2, General Commerclal Dlstrlct has been prepared, and WHEREAS, the Plannlng CommlSSlon dld hold a publlC hearlng on sald draft ordlnance on December 2, 1991, and WHEREAS, proper notlce of sald publlC hearlng was glven In all respects as requlred by law, and WHEREAS, sald draft ordlnance has been revlewed In accordance wlth the provlslons of the Callfornla Envlronmental Quallty Act (CEQA) and a Negatlve Declaratlon has been prepared for thlS proJect as It wll1 not have a slgnlflcant effect on the envlronment, and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submltted recommendlng the Plannlng ComffilSSlon recommend Clty Councll approval of sald draft ordlnance, and WHEREAS, the Plannlng Commlss~on dld hear and conslder all sald reports, recommendatlons and testlmony herelnabove set forth NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublln Plannlng CommlSS10n does hereby flnd that the draft ordlnance amendment 1S conslstent wlth the stated purpose and Ob]ectlves of the Clty'S Zonlng Ordlnance, Munlclpal Code and General Plan 'r 8 ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublln Plannlng Commlsslon does hereby recommend the Clty Councll adopt PA 91-049 Zonlng Ordlnance Amendment Massage PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thlS 2nd day of December, 1991 AYES ComffilSSloners Barnes, Burnham, North and Rafane1ll NOES None / 7) I ABSENT ComrnlSSloner Zlka / II ,I /1 1/ i Plannlng I / 1 II / I /J Commlsslon Chalrperson ATTEST ~~~ Plannlng Dlrec or - 2 - ~_~ .:~=--u_ -=.,,":l: ~~~_ " . C-N DISTRICTS 9 8-47 0 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS INTENT Ne~ghborhood Bus~ness D~str~cts here~nafter des~gnated as C-N Dlstr~ctsj are establ1shed to prov1de for the developme~t of small convePlence shopplng facil1t1es 1n areas wnlch are predomlnantly res~dentlalj at locatlons where such fac1litles can be grouoed wlthout aetrlment, and to protect them by e~elud1ng uses WhlCh ~ould tend to reduce thelr effectlveness as a nelghborhood serV1ce 9 SECTION t S eellon 8 A 7 1 01 y,ll e a 01 th ~ Alare-e a County Orc:llnance Cod e'~ I\pee~v am ene ad lO read as tallows 847 1 Pe,m,!led Uses C N Dlst,lc , The rollo""ng Prmc,pal Uses ale oelmllled ,n a C N Dlstncl a1 Bank baloer shoo beauty parlor c' ean mg or launo rv aOency resta u rant ~ err ser"ea laund ry III Slore for sare at rela,l or book~ elolhmg (HugS flowers rOod hardware rHISLcar goods photograph,c suppJoes pac~aCjed hquor variety goods or household suppl,es re ta,l sales 0 r auto parts b 1.11 nol 10 Inel ud e oaets mac'1 lI1,no or any nOn retal I serv'ces c1 Oftoce 0 r 011 Ice bu rid I no ofJJ, J?..fJi 1/'-'/- 7'J gf It--)--- 17 9 8-47 2 CONDITIONpL uSES C-~ DISTRICTS In adQltlon to the uses llstea 1n Seetlons 8-60 60 ana 8-61 0, the followlng are Condltlonal Uses l~ a C-~ D1SC=lct and shall oe pe~ltted only ~~ aooroved by the Zon1ng Adm~n1strator as prov1oea 1n Sectlon 8-94 0 a) Publ1C ut1l1ty Subst2t~on, not 1nclud1~g serVlce yare, storage 0: mater~als, or veh~cles, or repa~= f2c~1~t1es, b) Par~lng lot, c) Serv1ce Stat1o~, Type A, d) Dr~ve-~n BUSlness (pmenaed by see 16, Ord 70-57) 6 ~ 8-47 21 S n e 0 e v"lopm e nt 1'1.. vl...w C. 'l D'$Inc s Any stru ctu ra 1 lXlO sq n Q r mora or any conSlruC!IOn aggregating 1 000 sq 11 or mo'e praced ~once July 9 19n ~t'alr be subl ect to S ,Ie 0 evelop menl Rev, ew pUlSuanl to S<lC ,On fl.-95 0 un 1 ess ~"n on II app '0"31 IS !l rant ad upon the de term, nalTon tha I he ~ns truCtlOn conslltu les 3 mono r ~ rOleet and that the 8ulld,ng Perm,! plans are In accord w,th the mtent and oblec ,,,e5 01 the Sltl! Develop merit ReView procedure c;:?.o '77 -47 '/9/77 E'Ff" 7/~/77 (Amended by see 4, Ord 69-83) 9 8-47 3 YARDS C-N DISTRICTS The ya~a requirements ~n c-~ D~str1cts shall be as foIbws, sUDJeet to the general prov1S1ons of Sectlon 8-60 33 Depth of Front Yard - not less than twe~ty (20) feet, Depth of Rear Yard - none, except that wnere the abutt1,g lot at the rear 1S 1n an R D~strlct there shall be Rear Yard hav~ng a depth not less than f~fteen (15) feet, W~dth of S~de Yard - none, eAcept that where the abutt1ng lot at the slde 15 1n any R Dlstr1et, there shall be Side Yard hav1ng a w1dth not less than the m~nlmum requ1red 1n~~~C ~ and the S~de Yard on the street side of a Co~U~Ubp not less than ten (10) feet, -..:----.:....-~:d:i "'l-~ IjJ......... _-r=-="Jffi iE.l"1;..~~ ~ ~ . fi C-l DISTRICTS ~ 8-48 0 RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICTS IN~T Retakl BUSkness Dkstr~ets, here~nafter des~gnated as C-l D~striets, are established to prov~de areas for eompar~son reta~l shopp~ng ana offkee uses, and to enhance the1r usefulness by protect~ng the~ from 1nconpatible types of cornmer- c1al uses ~h1Ch can be prov~ded for more effect~vely 1n the General Commerc1al Dkstr~cts (Amended by see 1, Ord 68-58) 9 8-d8 I PERillITTED USES C-I DISTRICTS PrlIlclpcl Uses are perm I tted 1n a C-l Dlstflct, l1mltatlOns of Sectlon 8-.19 9 The followmg- subject to the a) b) c) e) f) g) Re tall store, exceot boo\... slore, Offlce, Bc..ill.., Barber shop, beauty parlor erld beauty school, bUSI- ness school, dressmakmg or kmttmg shop, tallor shop, cleanmg or laundry agency, handicraft shop, Reoalr shoo for cameras, shoes, watches, household appliances, Self-servlce laundry, Restauran t, P arl(lng 10 t as regula t ed by Sec tl en 8-~8 4 a<.D, 78-27 "1//3;78 ~ s-1~ d) .., e 8-'8 2. C~n<lrn~n.1 U.u t-l 01." <;UI 1M 10110-<>;1 ar~Cot>OtlOO'~J LG;;s'JnC.l 01.tnc:s 3f\<l.."'"b. perm rTl ed ""1)1 Jl aopn>vo:d by 111. Z"""'~ AdlTll",.,,,uor ... p,,,,,,de<l '" Sec:>on 6 !l" 0- .\ Hcsp'l-al bl Commv",ty l'eJil)' c) Arnmal Ho.p,ta! K."".I cl) ClJb~. or 1'00""1 ",ed bv m.mber< 01 an 0..:",,,,.<1 dub ~. u""'" or soc.,..,. .) Monuary Il Comm .,,:l.1 ,ee .ucn '.c,,1)' OIM.... 1M" . ~~. al'. ,I.. Il'un ~ bu Ieo"'l - ~ 1 S IOrag. Gar.g a ot>:I >tm.g. 10 I> 10' R eere. bona! V _M..J . >fl'! 8o.t:l h) Th ..t/a- Onv~n TheaU'~ ij D 0) ij 6/1 /77 0\1-0 81 -47 III S'I hI IEFF P..JS~1 o 1'IoI'e 'In E!U:!.lne:;;5 HOlel M"'.I El<latdr.g H"".. Automeb ,I. Sale. 101 Se'" c. Sl.a"on Typ. A ., a '.oily r.laJ""9 a"lo""'O,. pa"" ana '\J?\l".s ..II <:h are ""...lIod and :s.e~ICed' (In tha sle bvl coe!. nol mdut:!e enq nil!' tr.aNim~n. or dlt1e~Emtlal rebulJdnog"'f tx:cy r~.lJr m) Plonl J"MJ"-"ry ,r>c.~ng the ..1. ollan<l.cap <>;I m'l.noLo . e.uding ...1 m ~ COne. .,. ..Ie. p"'v>:J<>;I .all e~u~ment. SLJpp:li!l!l!. an('l m..,- ...h.iJn~ISO clJ'l;e~ than plMI miltenals afl& k'!-~I 'wdh n a t:::Ir'r"pl.elll!lty .",;/osed bu klJn<I n) T......'" 0) Adu ~ Em 01'1.a nm.r~ A"""'ty pl'OY ded how.....'" thai no Adull En""3J"m."t .lc'd..ty >1'1" be I<:calll<l 10." r ll>an 1 000 leelle 1l1. bo\Jn<l.<'f 0 I any'" <IenlOal -. on. or dos., II14tI 1 000 1..1 10 0J>f ot/'>ef Adu ~ Enlena,nm.nt },c~ty p) Massa q. Parlor q) AeqcO<>;I Ce"I." ..h.n op...le<l ., <OnjUo'ICO"" ....th a ~.""'.o:d U.e on ~na ..m. po:m,... ,) Adv .r1"""9 S '9'" prOVIded that no '" "9le "g n ""0 D be Wn1<>;1 .r ",I.rm nenl C",,13 n ""''''<>;I ,..ar.a or b. loG> ",<1 SO .. 10 be <Ii reeled 10..,,<lO ~. '" any a<lj'< .nl A d stnct.. s) 1n pat1iU\t .and out palH~:rn: health t~c i\.le:s 3.3 'ee-n:50&d bv trle S~UII Departme,n oJ HealUl SorY'oCe$ OLstnct -l (, 0;. '\ ~- . . '-lrP iT I-EL-- =-=-: J- C-2 DISTRICTS 8-49 0 GENERAL C~~CIAL DISTRICTS 11~ENT General Cornmerc~al Districts, hereinafter designeteu as C-2 Districts, are establisped to provide locations for relatively large arees containing fac~l- ities for a ~ide variety of business and commercial activities needed to serve the community, ~~d to provide a plec~ for the business uses e~cluded fr~ the C-l Districts end to protect these areas from unsuitable activities of an industrial character ./ 8-49 I PER~1ITTED USED C-2 DISTRICTS The followmg Pnnclp2.1 Uses are perml tted In a C-2 Dlstnct 9 a) Any Prmcloal Use Perffiltted In a C-O District, pursuan t to 5e c tlOn 8-.... 5 1, or a C-l DI5 ~nc t pursuen t to SectIon 8-48 1, VI nolesale Busmess, storage of household goods, Storage Garage, Con tractor's oL Ice for busmesses that are charac- tenzed by the mstal1atlOn of materials or eo"Homent on the property of tne purchaser, Inch.dm;; mterlor \ 5 toreg e of eqUIp m en t and m't t erI2!s, Retail serVIce S10pS, mcludmg cnbmet shoo, furnJ- t ure repair and ref IfllSh mg, uohob termg of [urn! tv. e End automobIles, reSIdentIal appliance repaIr, bUSI- ness machine repaIr, small mechamcal eqUIpment and component parts repaIr and serVIce, bicycle, motorcycle, lev. nmower and locl.smJth ShODS, auto repar gara~e and tl~€/feCapplng / Am bulanc e se" VI ce, aut amobll e rental, clJ OJ c, ca ter- mg, Job pr lD tmg, mt e I'" lOr decora. tJns, tallormg, laboratory, Trade school b) c) d) e) f) 9 S-49:<! ConOld"n.1 V.u (;,2 tn."I~'" tn odd' on ,,, tM ,,,., !s'od n 5<<="0'''' S 50 60;lJ"ld 8 6' 0..... ~ 10110"""9 are C<><1dib""" U$e$ on C-2 DlStl'C'3 ""d ""011 t><> ?",mo~.d Q<\ry " approved Dy l!1~ Z~n ng " A-druru::s tr:a~C1f a3 ptC'i'1 dee m ~Ct\ S- 9-t 0 _ --. .... ~ ,ol Ho,ptlal to) A"'INII HoW'l.l Ke(ln.1 cl '-!crt\] aty " d) Cornmun t'! F.elly" .....r; r ~ DI"TY&-'- n Theatre Dnve"'-l('1. 9uStnll!lSS R l!'Cle atJ.On F 3'Ct ty ~ So",oco 5..nOT\ Type A and TYIlo 6 9) Automab te- camper b1Jal and U'iiI tet s,,El,IIi!S ~ta("a~e. lOr r.e:r\~al ~ ~) Plan! nursery nd~di"9 t/lo .-.10 el "' nd...p "9 ma 'e,,~I. oxclu6ng "'ol mo. c,,,.,cr. 'e sales p",.16 "9 an -equ Ipmel"\l., suppE 8:S and merch.arnii:s.& O~l'!I E!'f th3f1. pl:M1l m iI ten.a.l~ are kepi w~~1t\ ill ccm plelt!-Iy . nde.ad ~ uJl'''''9 ~ - I) Auto S.le. and 5 eN" 0 All. ncy il "'<l'<ert..,ng 5'g<l prev,ded U\alno. ngl. OJ"" sMall."ood ~'ueo hundred 130011""1" area and no SJgn ohalll>o "asn..; or ,nter""" .", oont.,n """'''9 p,'" or ~ .Iocaled so as to b. <lir ecled to....d.l.r.<!. .. any adlac."t A O..II'Cl ~) Tav.rn ~ Adull Entorl,lI1mont AC "'t'! prOVIde<! ~o..e'.f IMt no Mull Enl.",,'nm.... ActI..ry ,han tolOCil,.d do.o' U\an 1 000 10.' to ~. boundary 01 ;my ,..'~onlL.1 IOn. 0' clo.a, ltta" 1 000 1..110 ~ny 0"'.' M~1t En'e"a""l'lMI OClMty m' In:g:a 11 enl and out pal.lenl heall.h far ~ lieS .a.~ !ice n 5 ill d by !\tI" Slate 06p.artmonl cl He allh S 1!l"Y.ce s. OM, 79-'2.7 4/13/78 e:Ff 5/'3/76 ~ / (-,A/If d?Q e\-1' /(!~/91 ~ n/c:.181 (Amended by eee by see 1, Ord Ord 74-1) 6, Ord 68-58, amended by sec 73-2J, amended by see 3, Ord 18, Ord 70-57, amended 7~-74J a~ended by see 3,