HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 All-Way Stop at Intersection Of Penn Drive & King Way : )( ('! . -; v')) / /' ) fJ~~ERK File # Db3j[qJ~-~ . ' j ~/ , , ./ / AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7, 1998 SUBJECT: Public Hearing: All-Way Stop at the Intersection of Penn Drive and King Way Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) 3) 4) RECOMMENDATION: 1) 2) ~ 3) \ 4) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Resolution Stop Sign Warrant Study by TJKM Location Map Petition Requesting Stop Sign Open Public Hearing Receive Staff Presentation and Public Testimony Question Staff and Public Close Public Hearing and Adopt Resolution Approving the Installation of Stop Signs on Penn Drive at King Way Cost of installing the stop sign and pavement markings is approximately $300. This cost would be paid from the Street Maintenance Operating Budget. DESCRIPTION: Staff recently received a request to consider an all-way stop at the intersection of Penn Drive and King Way. This intersection currently has a STOP sign on King Way and an existing crosswalk on Penn Drive (see location map, Exhibit 3). TJKM, the City's traffic engineering consultant, recently conducted a stop sign warrant study at this intersection (Exhibit 2). A summary of the report is as follows: This intersection has met the City's requirements for an all-way stop sign. . The total intersection volume must be 300 or more vehicles per hour for the highest eight hours of the day. This warrant was met with an average volume of 31 0 vehicles per hour. . The volume of traffic approaching from the side street is required to be one-third (33 1/3%) of the total volume. The side street volume on King Way was 35%. ------------------------------------------------------------------- g:agenmisc/pennstop COPIES TO: Dublin Unified School District Sarah Schmidt, Wells Student ITEM NO. 6.2 . The warrant for accidents (3 accidents per year for a residential area or 5 accidents per year for a non-residential area of a type that could be corrected by installing stop signs) was not met as no accidents have occurred at this intersection during the last three years. . The warrant for sight distance requires that visibility be less than 150 feet in both directions on the major street. The sight distance on Penn Drive is greater than 150 feet in both directions at this intersection. Therefore, the sight distance warrant was not met. Wells Middle School is located on Penn Drive just south of King Way. Queues of cars back up on Penn Drive at King Way toward Amador Valley Boulevard due to poor circulation of traffic for loading and unloading students. Staff proposes to monitor the intersection after installation of the new stop sign for any traffic safety problems. This monitoring will be conducted when school is open for a period of three to six months. The poor circulation issue has been raised in the past and Staff has contacted Dublin Unified School District proposing that the School District include a drop-off area as part of the new gymnasium construction and/or provide school bus service to the students. The School District was not in favor of the above recommendations. Notices of this public hearing were mailed to residents near the Penn Drive and King Way intersection. Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and adopt the resolution approving the installation of stop signs on Penn Drive at King Way. Page 2 / jr C)(, RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON PENN DRIVE AT THE INTERSECTION OF KING WAY The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.070, and in the interest of public safety, stop signs shall be erected at the following location: Penn Drive, at the intersection of King Way Section 2: Said stop sign location shall be added to Section 6.16.010 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk g:\agenmisc\resstop I rr-."". .-.--c. - ~~:-c-:~ I W-~~ ....~~ ~ . UK/'1 TRR/EPORTHTION Fax:510-463-3690 F20 0 '98 10:28 P.02 '2 / (l ::-.) / 'r ~ Transportation Consultants MEMO February 6. 1998 Project No.: 157-001 Task 74 To: Mr. Mehran Sepeh1ri From: Gordon Lum Subject: Penn Drive and King Way All-Way STOP Analysis This memo is Lo presenL the results ofTJKM's analysis related to the request for all-way STOP sign control at thc intcrscction of Penn Drive/King Way in the City of Dublin. Background Traffic Volumes (Warrant 1) '\ Traffic Accidents (Warrant 2) This intersection is a T-intersection >lith King Way terminating at Penn Drive. Penn Drive runs generally in the north-south direction and is considered the "major streeL", while King Way mIlS generally in the east-west direction and is considered the "minor street", The intersection currently operates with STOP sign control on King Way and no control on Penn Drive, Wells Middle School is located on the west side of Penn Drive opposite of King Way. The need [or all-way STOP sign control at the intersection was evaluated bascd on the City of Dublin's warrants for all-way STOP sign installation. as summCL.'ized in Tables I- ll.. J-I3. and I-C. Satisfied: TJKM conducted 24-hour machine traffic volume and pedestrian counts at the intersection; the eight highest hours are summarized in Table II. Compared to the warrants (Table I-A). the average of the highest eight hours satisfies the vol1.rme requirement (310 existing versus the 300 required). The average hourly volume of 310 consists of 270 vehicles CL."1d 40 pedestrians. Therefore, this warrant is satisfied largely because of the significant number of"vlells Middle School students crossing Penn Drive at King Way. Not Satisfied: T.TEM investigated City of Dublin accident records for the three-year period between December 1. 1994 and November 30, 1997. During this period. there were no renorted accidents at the intersection, Therefore, Lhis warr~t is not met because it requires five correctable accidents witJo..io."1 a single year. ~:i~."" ;~ ,,,... :,,:-'-~- ~\'::.~ k;: -~,~~ ~';~_':'... ~:~ ,.~-~::; ~ [..:~ ~;'i;;:t:~~. ~ , 8ii.iiI!i;iiiiOGi.. Ii ~. 4::3~ }-bcicno.!. Drive. Suit::: 101. pJcg:l.ntor.. C::.lifornia 94:'H-272l. (510) 46" TJi<11 TRAI~SP02TrlTIW Mr. Mehra.I1 Sepehri Sight Distance [Warrant 3J Residential Area [Warrant 4J Recommendations Fax:510-~63-3690 ~2D b ~6 ~U.L~ , . '~',-J Page 2 February 6. 1998 /1-1/;- ?" . Not Satisfied: The sight dist.ance along Penn Drive v;.<lS measured for both directions. The intersection sight distance for both directions along Penn Drive were measured to be greater tp.an 150 feet using the methodology described in Caltrans' Highway Design Manual. To meet this warrant. the sight distance must be less than 150 feet for at least one of the directions on the major street Thus, this warrant is not satisfied. Not Satisfied: Existing conditions at the intersection do not satisfy the City'S residential area warrants (see Table I- E). Penn Drive 1s l1sLed in the Traffic Code as an adopted through street and is wider than 40 feet. Since the residential area wa.,.-rants were not met, the volume and accident criteria used for City Warrants No. 1 and No.2 were taken from the non-residential column of Table I-A and are indicated in bold type. The intersection of Penn Drive and King Way satisfies the traffic volume warrant. Hence, the installation of all-way STOP is recommended at this intersection. All-way STOP signs will help to assign the right-of-way at this intersection, which has heavy pedestrian volumes due to its proximity to Wells Middle Schoo1. Between December 15 and 18, 1997, counters were installed on Penn Drive to measure Ule speed of vehicles approaching King Way from both directions. The 85"' percentile speed was 30 mph in the northbound direction and 28 mpl1 in the southbound direction. The 85'" percentile speed is that speed at or below which 85 percent of the recorded vehicles are travelling. The 85'" percentile speeds recorded on Penn Drive are reasonable for a residential street. Currently, there are "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement legends on both approaches on Penn Drive at King Way. These pavement legends will need to be removed when the STOP si::ns are installed. ;3<1'-1 TF<Ar~SPG~TATIO!~ Fax:510-463-3690 Fab 6 '98 10:30 P.04 ~". ;,1ehran Sepehri Page 3 February 6. 1998 ~ ~ / r . Warrant Measurement Required Measured Met? 1 Hourly volume (vehicles & peds) non- Res. entering intersection. averaged res. over highest 8 hour period. (vph) 4-way j 350 /210 3-way 300 180 310 Yes ________________R__~____________ ------- -------------- ---------------- Minor Street (vehicle plus 33% 35% Yes pedestrian) proportion of 8-hour emertng volume Warrant 1 Met? (both parts need to be satisfied] Yes 2 Correctable accidenrs; in 12-month non~ Res. period res 5 3 0 No I 3 I Visibility (in feet] in both <150 BE >150' No directions on Major Street WE >150' Table I-A All-Way Stop Sign Warrant Analysis For Penn Drive/King Way Table I-B Warrant 4 - Residential .Area I 30th streets residential. "-ith existing 25 mph speed limits? , , I Neirner street an adopted TI1rough street? ! Keither street exceeds 40 feet of roadtlo-ay "-idth? I I No existing STOP sign/signal within 600 feet? ! i Streets extend at least 600 feet away from the intersection? ~ Proposed i'll-Way STOP is compatible w;t.h area's circulation needs? Ii Residential Area Warrant Met? (all six criteria must be satisfied) Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No TJK/'1 T?RI,SPORTRTIOI, Fax:510-463-369J reo o;;,.c) .1V'~".J !\er. Me:hran Sepehri P2.ge 4 Fehmary 6, 1998 ::- j' j' ~ ,;:. ;'.J F Table II Highest Hourly Volumes at Penn Drive and King Way Hour Penn Drive . King Way Total Beginning NB SB WB WB/EB Volume Veh. Veh. Veh. Ped. 7:00 AM. 84 183 113 76 456 8:00 A.M. 109 178 88 116 491 2:00 P.M. 88 90 50 100 328 3:00 P.M, 75 141 63 28 307 4:00 P.M, 48 85 41 N/A 174 5:00 P.M. 50 97 68 N/A 215 6:00 P.M. 36 94 64 N/A 194 7:00 P.M. 83 178 52 N/A 313 Total for S hours 573 1,046 539 320 2,478 Average per hour 72 131 67 40 310 Nolt:: Vchicle count!; werc taken Wednesday. December 17. 1997. Pe.destrian counts wue done 7:45am-8:30am & 2:30pm.3: 15pm on 12/17/97. . - -. _d.:: _: .:_ _.'. .'. . .----: -:.....;.::;.-....;.:::.-..-.-:::-:::-.:.. - .... ...._--.- . . '-. :<-:.'. :. '.-.-.'--:- .:..' -.-.....:..:... . 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"/ EXHiBiT 4. , - .- "-- --_. . - ~ .~_.- , Dear ieacner, q c; /;- I'm sending a lener to the mayor to try to get in some stop signs around Wells. Would you please send around a sheet of paper for the students to sign? The more signatures the bener. Would you please include your own signature? Please? I really need everyone's help. d ' \\ . -. :\) - 1;7/ - . ./ :7' . 'u.pJi1>>r-.;u ~'~ \'\ ~;:.\ !! /..;< '''''',' -_/ . '. ( . J"\ /! ' ,-----;1/' : I \ / : ;'. ,',. \----...----.. ,,:.. J{ ",' ",---~,. . . / . /. . . '\ \.....).\. / f!;i{f'~ ~~ J '. d....y /X.l G" f;1--i . ~ ~,uv ;i !l~tJ1 ~ c1e7 L0 ~7J~~~ \\~ \ci~~~ j--l+0S P1 ~{Q[i (\~fL- 1\\ 4>" y: 'lt~~ /""". r. \.....-\~ I . , ,:.r.. I ,.' I . .11'1- .-. \--t, '~-;,..' ~.' ~~._ -1nci -/" I ,. \. ..~. \' ) '..J-.-.'. -' ........... - ~_,I: - ~--.,----' (.--- -- '--) -.\ / - .::.--- Sincerely, Sarah Schmidt '."~.. , ...........----~#. ',,/ ..,_.~_._' r-- r~s:--\ \\ L~i\. ~CL)i.cJ\-CLJjt. \j~-~-~ C;; , _) c: ll).I.,.+i', . 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