HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 HearNoParkZnPeppertree p.--' . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE January 13, 1992 SUBJECT Pub1~c Hear~ng No Park~ng Zones Intersect~on of Pepper tree Road and Ladera Dr~ve Report by Publ~c ~orks D~rector Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED 1) / Resolut~on 2) /Locat~on Map RECOMMENDATION ~l) 2) 3) 4) 5) Open publ~c hear~ng Rece~ve Staff presentat~on and publ~c comment Quest~on Staff and the publ~c Close publ~c hear~ng and del~berate Adopt resolut~on estab1~shlng three no park~ng zones at the lntersectlon of Peppertree Road and Ladera Dr~ve FINANCIAL STATEMENT ApproXlmately $200 to pa~nt red curb Suff~clent funds have been budgeted In the Street Malntenance Operatlng Budget for this purpose DESCRIPTION Several months ago, Staff recelved a request from Mr J1m Borlcchlo of 11732 Corto Court that conslderatlon be glven to palntlng a centerllne strlpe at the dogleg lntersectlon of Peppertree Road and Ladera Drlve 1n order to d1scourage drlvers from cuttlng across the corner and poss~b1y conf11ctlng w~th oncomlng traff1c Staff ~nvestlgated thlS lntersectlon and feels that the centerllne str1pe could have the deslred effect Staff also feels that lf the centerl1ne str1pe lS lnstalled, park~ng should be proh~blted ln those areas where the lane wldth ~s not suff1C1ent for both drlven and parked veh~cles The dlagram attached as Exhlb1t 2 detalls those areas, WhlCh are as follows 1) Twenty three feet (23') 1n front of the resldence at 7553 Peppertree Road ThlS resldence would reta~n approx~mately one half of the avallable parklng along 1tS frontage 2) Thlrty feet (30') at the sldeyard of the resldence at 7560 Peppertree Road Th~s area removes approxlmately three-quarters of the ava11able parklng space at the s~de of th~s res1dence, however, the entlre frontage on Peppertree would rema~n as unrestr~cted parklng It lS also proposed to pa1nt approxlmately 30' of red curb on the curb return ~tself, even though the Cal1forn1a Veh1cle Code (CVe) already prohlb1ts park1ng wlth1n an lntersectlon 3) Thlrteen feet (13') between the drlveways of 11751 and 11737 Ladera Drlve Th1S space lS too small for most veh1c1es to park wlthout obstructlng one or the other of the dr1veways Notlces of thls pub11C hear1ng were mal led to res1dents ln the affected ne1ghborhood Staff recommends that the C1ty Councl1 conduct a pub11C hear~ng, del1berate and adopt the res01utlon prohlb~t1ng parklng at the three locatlons noted above a (corres)\Jan\agstpepr ITEM NO ~ / .........- -- -- -- ........... -- -- -- -...... - -- - - - -... -- -- --...- -- ...--- -- --...- -- - -- -- -- -- ...-- -- -..- COPIES TO J1m Bor1cchlo, Resldents at 7560 and 7553 Peppertree and 11751 and 11737 Ladera Drlve [\ p,,~'~;f;J~~~dl RESOLUTION NO. -92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ESTABLISHING NO PARKING ZONES ON PEPPERTREE ROAD AND LADERA DRIVE The City Council of the City of Dublin hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.250, and in the interest of public safety, parking shall be prohibited at the following locations: Peppertree Road: On the easterly curb1ine, from the southerly side of the driveway of the residence at 7533 Peppertree Road, southerly a distance of 23 feet. Ladera Drive: On the northerly curb1ine, from the curb return at the intersection of Peppertree Road, westerly a distance of 30 feet. Ladera Drive: On the southerly curb1ine, between the driveways of the residences at 11751 and 11737 Ladera Drive, a distance of 13 feet. Section 2: Said no parking zone shall be added to Section 6.28.010 of the City of Dublin Traffic Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 1992. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a: (corres)\jan\resopepr ". .~ 1 \~ . . - ::.- ~.... ,~; ~ ..... ~....~. U.J 1<E70LU1i oN. .~..,.-- ~ NO ':;;CAlL LOCA-notJ'S OF 'Pew 'P05ED NO~.(.I~ Zo~ COtZ."1O COU~..,. N I ~L c:.el sc....oo L. ""P~OFeerv ;:,~~~~~ L_.,:;~_ b 15 :=\ o c.. 1: D \) DETAIL G.e Z/2.0/q N 1 i i 1 I 1 \