HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 CastersonPtyDevAgmt ANALYSIS: Deve! opment Agreement: One of the implementing actions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan calls for the City to enter into . . Development Agreements with developers in the plan area. The Development Agreement provides security to the developer that the City will not change its zoning and other laws applicable to the project for a specified period of time. Additionally, it is a mechanism for the City to obtain commitments from the develope:.r that the City might not otherwise be able to obtain. The Development Agreement is one means the City has to assure that the Specific Plan goal that new development fund the costs of infrastructure and service is met. Attached to this Staff Report is a Development Agreement (Exhibit I-A) between the City of Dublin, James Tong, and Mei Fong Tong. This Development Agreement is based on the standard Development Agreement developed by the City Attorney and adopted by the City Council for Eastern Dublin Projects. In general, the Agreements adopted for these projects reflect what has been determined to be the infrastructure needs for the specific project. These needs are determined based on submittal of engineering studies and plans. The Development Agreement was considered by the Planning Commission on October 13, 1998, where they recommended City Council adoption of the agreement without any changes. The City Council reviewed the Agreement at its November 3, 1998 meeting, and, after a public hearing, took action for its adoption. The Staff Report from the November 3, 1998 City Council meeting, outlining the major points of the Development Agreement, is incorporated by reference to this Staff Report as exhibit 2. Conclusion: . Approval of this Development Agreement will implement provisions of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The proposal is consistent with both the General Plan and Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council open the public hearing and take testimony from the public; question staff and the public, close the public hearing and deliberate, waive reading and adopt the attached Ordinance (Exhibit 1) approving the Development Agreement (Exhibit I-A). (g:\pa#\97040\CCSRDA. ) . 2 / 11 35. . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING THE DEVELOPl\1ENT AGREE1\1ENT FOR PA 97-040, CASTERS ON PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP1\1ENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLO\VS: Section 1. RECITALS A. The proposed Casterson Property Residential Development project (PA 97-040) is located within the boundaries of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan ('"Specific Plan") in an area which is designated on the General Plan Land Use Element Map and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use !\1ap as Medium Density Residential. . B. This project is within the scope of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan A..mendment, for which a Program EIR was certified (SCH 91103064). That Program EIR adequately describes the total project for the purposes of CEQA. The site specific analysis indicated that no new effects could occur and no new mitigation measures would be required ~or the Casterson Property Residential Development that were not addressed in the FEIR or reduced to a level of insignificance due to provisions made a part of the project, and City standards and conditions which are agreed to by the developer, and a Negative Declaration will be prepared for site-specific impacts. Further, that analysis found that the project is in conformity with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. C. Implementing actions of the Specific Plan, including Chapter II thereof, require that all projects within the Specific Plan area enter into development agreements with the City. D. James Tong, owner of the property previously occupied by the Casterson family, has filed an application requesting approval of a development agreement for the Casterson Property Residential Development. E. A Development Agreement between the City of Dublin and James Tong ("Development Agreement") has been presented to the City Council, a copy of which is attached to the Staff Report as Exhibit I-A. F. A public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement was held before the Planning Commission on October 13, 1998, for which public notice was given as provided by law. . G. The Planning Commission has made its recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Development Agreement, v,ruch recommendation includes 1 J e-6 55 the Planning Commission's determinations with respect to the matters set forth in Section 8.12.080 of the Dublin Municipal Code. . H. A public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement was held before the City Council on November 3, 1998, and November 17, 1998, for which public notice was given as provided by law. 1. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the ,Planning Commissi.on (Planning Commission Resolution 98-44), including the Planning Commission's reasons for its recommendation, the Agenda Statement, all comments received in \\Titing and all testimony received at the public hearing. Section 2. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS Therefore, on the basis of (a) the foregoing Recitals which are incorporated herein, (b) the City of Dublin's General Plan, (c) the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment, (d) the Specific Plan, (e) the EIR, (f) the Agenda Statement, and on the basis of the specific conclusions set forth below, the City Council finds and determines that: I. The Development Agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified and contained in the City's General Plan, as amended by the Eastern Dublin General Plan Junendrnent, and in the Specific Plan in that (a) the General Plan and Specific Plan land use designation for the site is Medium Density Residential and the proposed project is a residential project consistent with that land use, (b) the project is consistent with the fiscal policies of the General Plan and Specific Plan with respect to provision of infrastructure and public services, and (c) the Development Agreement includes provisions relating to financing, constnlction and maintenance of public facilities, and similar provisions set forth in the Specific Plan. . "P;...-- 2. The Development Agreement is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the land use district in \vhich the real property is located in that the project approvals include a Planned Development Rezoning adopted specifically for the Casters on Property Residential Development, 3, The Development Agreement is in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good land use policies in that the Casterson Property Residential Development will implement land use guidelines set forth in the Specific Plan and the General Plan which have planned for residential uses at this location. . 2 :3 cD 3::5 . 4. The Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare in that the project v,ill proceed in accordance with all the programs and policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. .. 5. The Development Agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property values in that the project v,.ill be consistent with the General Plan and with the Specific Plan. Section 3. APPROVAL The City Council hereby approves the Development Agreement (Exhibit I-A to the Staff Report) and authorizes the Mayor to sign it. Section 4. RECORDATION \Vithin ten (10) days after the Development Agreement is executed by the Mayor, the City Clerk shall submit the Agreement to the COlli1ty Recorder for recordation. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE . This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause the Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of Cali fomia. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this 17th day of November, 1998, by the folloVving votes: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: J\1.tl:.. YOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK . G:\PA97040\daord. 3 r Crt 27 :/ Ci:.v of Dub":1 .I ., ,Vhen Reco:-ded lvbil To: . Cil}T Clerk Ci~y of.Dubli:l j OD Ch.ic: F2.7-'1 .... . ,- C.,o,'" I - ,.. 8 l...t U i) .!.!Il, ."i.;' ..:::) 0 Space aDove :his Ene for Rt:c:nrci~.r'.c; u.~~ DEVELOPMENT /:l.GREE!vlENl BETW LEN TI-i""E ANTI I f I I I J I i I CITY OF DUBLIN J.-\_\155 TONG and ME! rONG TONG ?OR TFiE CASTERSON PROJECT (TASSAT.A.RA !vlEADOVVS I) t I i - EXHIBIT 1 -AI . , i ! . . . 6.1 /-. ') ..).- 6.:J, 7. 7.1 7.2 .......... /.:> 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.i 8.5 54.33 TAg LE 0 F CO NTENTS .i.-/.r- jji(~V~/ 1. l)(;'scrinl]oTl of I'rmwrl\'. ......:..................-........... 3 2. Inlrr~sl of l )t'\'t'I~mt'r. ...................................... :.~ , ) _0) . nfI:il]OT1Sh]!> ofeil:' and 1)(-,\'t'Im>t'T. 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A R 13 18. ~J'ccmC'nt uns "i'iTith UteL:'lnd ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 20. Bankru Dtev . . 13. 13 . ... .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. 110 .. .. .. IIr .. .. . .. 'II .. .. " it' . . " " . . .. " " . . . . . . . "....."" .."."".. to". ."".""..""...........". .". Incknmific.ation I )lJhlirv'Ah r:1t:d~ I )~,t:k}pmt.nt. Agrt::.".mt:nt. ;elr (:',;.tn;.("I;"\ :-'mjt:d. . 1 I " .. L'" .' ... . J :'l ) t. 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A~;rf:t:mf:nt. {"-if (::-'~t.f:r:;l"m :-'mjt:c:t. '.' I J ~ ., 1-"" .' ... J;:;"J f: or <..nnt.:':nt.'; P , :~~;-'-". III l"IT III St:pt.:':mh:':f :2 1,1 ::H:'ij 15 ] () 16 .../ 35 CZ' ""0 THIS DEVELOPMENT ACiREEMENT is made and enLered in Lhe Cily of Dublin on Lhis _ ehy of_, 199H, by and belween Lhe CITY Or: DUIiUN, a Municipal Cenp>raLion (hereafl.er "CiLy"), and James Tong; Mei r:ong Tong (hereafLer colIecljvely "Developer"), pursuanL 1.0 Lhe aUlhen;ly of ~~ 6SH64 d seel- of Lhe Califonlia Ciovr.mmenL Code and Dublin Municipal Code, ChapLer H..56. . DRff, IU,,:,CITALS A. CaliComia CiovemmenL Code ~~ 6.5H64 eL seel- and ChapLer H..56 of Ihe I )nblin Municipal Code (hereaCLer "Chapter H...56") aulhen;ze the CITY In enLer inLo an AhT}-eernenL for Lhe developmenL of real properLy with any person having a legal or eeFlilable inLeresL in such propel-Ly in emler 1.0 establish cerlain developmenL l;gh Is in snch properly; and Ii. The Cily Council adopLed Lhe J-=,aslern Dublin Specific Plan by Resoluljon No. Y1-9:1 which Plan is applicable 1.0 Lhe Properly; and C. The Easl.ern Dublin Specific Plan reeFlires DEVELOPI-:.H.. In enter inLo a developmen I. ahTreerrwn I.; and . D_ DEVELOPER desin:s 1.0 develop and holds legal inl.eresL in cerl;iin real properly consisLing of approximaLely 1 H.6 acres of lane I, 10caLed in Lhe City or I )ublin, C:ounLy of Alameda, SlaLe of C:alifonlia, which is more parLknlarly desC1;bed in Exhibit A attachcd hcrcto and lllC01voratcd hcrclll by this refercnce, and which rcal propc1ty is hcrcaftcr callcd thc "Propc1ty"; and E. DEVTILOPER proposcs thc developmcnt ofthc Pro pc 1ty with 109 single family detachcd homcs and conununity opcn spacc (thc "Projcct"); and P. DEVELOPER has applicd for, and CITY has approved 01' is proCCSSlllg, various land use approvals III C01ulcction with the developmcnt of thc Project, lllCludlllg an amcndmcnt to thc Gcncral Plan and Dc'1stern Dublin Spcclflc. Plan (City Councll Rcsolution No. 53-98), PD District rczoning (City Council Ordlllancc No. 7- 98), gcneral provisions for the PD District rezoning llldudlllg the Developmcnt Plan (City Council Resolution No. 54-98), vCStlllg tcntativc map (Pla1uung Conunission Resolution No. 98-13), and site development review (Plaluung Conunission Resolution No. 98-13) (collcctively, together with any approvals or permits now or hercafter issued ,vith respect to the Project, the "Project Approvals"); and . 1 )t"Vl":klprnl":l"It Agl"l":l":ll1l":J't. f(ll" (:~:;t.l":f:;nn I-'rnjl":ct. I-'~ ge-: 1 nf 1 7 Se-:pt.e-:rnht':r 21, 1 \)\)R . . . l' ~ 35 C;_ Devdopmenl. of I.he Properly by DEVELOPER may be subjecl. 10 cerl::iin fulure discrdion:i1Y approvals, which, if hTranl.ed, shall aUl.omatically become part of the Projecl. Approvals as each such approval becomes effecLive; and ~t H. CITY desires I.he I.imely, t'tJkienl., orderly ancl proper developrrlt'nt of said I )rojt'cl.; and L The CiLy Conncil has fonndl.haL, among otht'r Lhings, I.his Developrrlt'nL Agrt'emt'nL is consisl.enl. wit.h iLs C;em.ral Plan and Lht' r..astem Dnblin Specific Plan and has bet'n reviewed and evaluaLed in acconlanct' wil.h ChapLer tL'>6; and J- CITY and DEVELOPElt have rt'ached agret'Tlwnl. and desire Lo express herein a I )evdopmt'nL AgreemenL LhaL will facili[aLe dt'velopmenl. of [he Project subjecL Lo conditions sd {lxl.h ht'rein; and K_ PursuanL 10 Lhe Cali/cH"Tlia Environrnf.ntal QnaliLy AcL (CEQA) [ht' Cily Council adopLt'd Resolution No. S2-9H, finding [hal. t.he Projt'cL is within Lhe scope of I.he final Environrnenlal lmpacl. Rt'porl. for Lhe Easl.em Dublin C;eneralPlan Amendmenl. and Speci/k Plan (SCH 9110:-H)64) which was cerl.ified by the Council by Itesolnl.ion No_ S 1-9:~ and Lhe Addenda dal.ed May 4, 199:~ and AngusL 22, 1994 (Lhe "EIR") andl.he Mil.igal.ed Negal.ive Dedaral.ion for l.he Easl.em Dublin Specific Plan Amendmenl. and C;eneralPlan Amendmenl. (SCH 96092(92) and adopl.ed a Negal.ive Declaral.ion ICH- l.he Projt'cL; and 1. On _, 1998, thc City Council of thc City of Dublin adoptcd Ordinancc No. _-98 appl'Oving this Dcvelopmcnt Agrccmcnt. TIlC ordinancc took ff. lC(}S" c cct on_, ).. . NOW, TI ICRDPORD, with refercnce to thc forcgoing. rccitals and in considcration of thc mutual promiscs, obligations and covcnants hcrcin containcd, CITY and DEVELOPER agrce as follows: AG REEI\1ENT 1. Dcscription of Propclty. TIlC Pl'Opcrty which is the subjcct of this Dcvelopmcnt Agrccmcnt is desclibcdin Exhibit ^ attachcd hcrcto ("PropClty"). I )t':Vt>lnpmt>nt. Agrt>t>mt>nt. fnr (::'''l~t.t>rSl'm l-'rnjt>d l-':.lgt> 2 nf 17 St>pt.t':mht':r 21, 1 \)\:IR 2. InteresL of I )eveloper. It? 'f 35 . ORAflt The DEVELOPER has a legal or ecplilahle in t.eres t. in t.he Properly in t.hat. it. owns t.he ProperLy in J'ee simple. :.L IZdationship of Cit.y and Developer. I t. is underst.oodl.hat. t.his Ah'Teement. is a cont.ract. l.hat. has heen rwgot.iat.ed anel volunuuily ent.ered int.o hy CITY and DEVELOPElZ andlhat. t.he DEVELOPER is not. an agent. of CITY. The CITY and DEVELOPER herehy renounce t.he exist.ence of any form of joint. venlure or part.nership hd.ween t.hem, and agree t.hat. nothing contained herein or in any docmnent. execut.ed in connecLion herewit.h shall he c:onSl.1l1ed as making (.he CITY and DEVELOPER joint. vent.urers or part.ners. 4. EJTecLive Dat.e and Tenn. 4.1 Effecl.1ve Dale. The dJ'ecLive daLe of t.his AgreemenL shall he t.he elat.e upon which l.his AgreemenL is signed hy Cit.y. . 4.2 'I'enn. 'I'he t.ennoft.his l)evdopment.Agreement.shall cornrnence on t.he effedive dal.e and ext.end J1ve (.5) years l.hereaH.er, unless said t.enn is ot.helwise t.enninat.ed or mod1J1ed hy cin:mnstanc:es set forth in t.his AgreemenL 5. Use of the Property. .5.1 Right to Develop. Developer shall have the vested right to develop the Project on the Property in ac.c.ordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreeluent, the Project Approvals (as and when issued), and any amendments to any ofthe111 as shall, Ii'om time to time, be app1'Oved pursuant to this Agreement. 5.2 Pennitted Uses. The pennitteduses of the Propelty, the dcnsity and intensity of use, the lllc"l.ximulll. height, bulk and size of proposed buildings, provisions for reselvation or dedication of land for public purposes and location and maintenance of on-site and off.site improvements, location of public utilities (operated by CITY) and other terms and conditions of development applicable to the Prope!ty, shall be those set fOlth in this Agreel11ent, the Project App1'Ovals and any amendments to this Agreement or the P1'Oject Approvals. . 1 )tW~klpl11~nt Agr~~m~nt. f()r (::.l~t~n;()n I-'mj~l;t. l-':.lg~ ? ()f 17 S~pt~mh~r 21. ll)l)R . . . /1 ~ // .--- . :?..:? s.~~ Addiljonal Condil.ions. Provisions for I.h~ J()lIowing ("Addiljonal Condil.ions") ar~ set forl.h in Exhibil. P, al.l;H:h~(i h~reto anci in(011)oral.~(i h~r~in by rd~r~nc~. OPACT'l I ~7Fj ~ .'53.1 Snbs~(pl~nl. Discretion:uy Approvals. Condil.ions, I.~nns, r~sl.licl.ions, and r~(plir~rn~nI.S J()}. snhs~(pl~nl. discrdion:uy acl.ions. crh~s~ condil.ions do nol. aJr~d l)~vdop~r's r~1>1)onsihilil.y 1.0 oblain all ol.h~r land l1S~ approvals r~(luir~d by th~ ordinanc~s of l.h~ Cily of Dnhlin.) Not. Applkahle: .'5.~~.1 Miljgalion Conditions. Additional or rnodil1~d condil.ions ah7}.~~d upon by l.h~ parl.i~s in ord~r 10 dirninale or rnil.igal.~ adv~rs~ ~nvironrn~nlal irnpacl.s of l.h~ Proj~cl. or oth~r\'vis~ rdaljng \.0 d~vdoprn~nl. of I.h~ Pmj~cl.. St':t': Exhihit. P. .'53.~~ Phasin1~' Timing. Provisions l.hal. l.h~ Proj~cl. b~ consl.nld~d in 1>1)~cil1~d phas~s, l.hal. consl.nldion shall COTTnn~nc~ wilJlin a 1>1)~dfi~d l.irn~, and \hal. L1w Proj~ct or :my phas~ Ih~r~of b~ cornpl~l.~d wilhin a 1>}J~dl1~d l.irn~. St':t': Exhihit. P, 5.3.4 Pinancinr: Plan. financial plans which identii)r necessary capital improvements such as st1'eets and utilities and sources of funding. See Exhibit B 5.3.5 Pees. Dedications. TCl'lns relating to payment of fees or dedication of pl'Operty. See Exhibit B 5.3.6 Rcirnhurscmcnt. Terms relating to subsequent reimbursement ove-l" time for financing of nCc.essalY public. fac.ilities. See Exhibit B .5.3.7 Miscellaneous. !\1iscellaneous tel'lns. See Exhibit B \ )c"Ve.lnpme.nt. Agre.e.me.nt. fnr (:::lst.e.rS(Il"\ l-'IYlje.d. l-'::lge. '\(If 17 St>pte.mbt>r 21, 1 \)\)8 /J. ~ '35 6. Applicabl~ Rlll~s. R~1~1lIalions and Official Polici~s. . DRf! · l 6.1 Rlll~s r~ P~nnill~d Us~s. t:or Lh~ lenn of Ihis AhTreem~nl, Ihe C :ily's ordinanc~s, 1.~soluLions, nlles, regulat.ions and olllcial policies gov~n1ing lhe p~nnil.l.ed uses of t.he Prop~rly, goveming density awi inlensily of llse of Ihe Propnl.)' ami I.he rTlaximmn heighl, bulk and size of proposed buildings shalllw I.hose in forct' and dTe(:1 on Iht' dTt'divt' daLt' of this AhJn~t'mt'nL 6.2 Rub; re Dt'sihlTl and Consln1clion. Unless OIJlt'lWis~ expressly provided in Paragraph S of t.his Ah'Teemt'nl, Iht' oniinanct's, resolul.ions, n11t's, rt'glllal.ions and orJkial polidt's govt'rning desiWl, improvt'menl and consLn1clion slanda.nis and ~l)t'ci/kal.ions applicablt' 10 Iht' Projt'd shalllw Lhost' in forct' and efft'cL aL Lht' l.imt' of Lhe applicablt' discrel.ioTli-uy Projt'd Approval. ( )rdinanct's, rt'solul.ions, nllt's, rt'gt1lalions and of/kial polidt's govt'ming dt'sign, improvemenL and conslnldion sllmdanis and ~l)t'dfkaLions applkablt' 10 public improvemenLs 10 be consLnlcl.ed by I )evdoper shall bt' Lhos~ in force and dT~d al Lhe t.imt' of Lhe applicable permil approval. 6.:i l.Jnifonn C:odes Applicable. l.!nless expressly provided in . Paragraph .) of {his Aweemenl, I.he Projed shall he consl.n1cl.ed in accord:ince wil.h I.he provisions of I.he Unifonn Building, Mechanical, Plmnhing, Elecl.dcal and t:ire Codes and TiLle 24 of IJH~ Cali/cnilia Code of Rt'gt1Iat.ions, rdal.ing 1.0 Building Slancianis, in effecl. al. I.he I.imt' of approval of I.he approlnial.e building, grading, or other constnlction permits for the PI'ojeet. 7. Subsequently [nac-teel Rules and Reg:ulatlons. 7.1 New Rules and Regulations. During tlle term of tllis Agl'ccm.cnt, the City may apply new 01' modifIed ordinanccs, rcsolutions, rules, rcgulations and ofIldal policles of tlle City to the Property which wcre not in force and circet on tlle effcctIve date of tllls Agrcemcnt and which arc not in conflict Witll tllOSC applicablc to the PropClty as sct fcnth in tllis Agreement if: (a) tllC application of such ncw or ll1.ocliflcc1 ol'c1inanccs, rcsolutions, rules, regulations or onklal policics would not prcvcnt, 'impose a substantial financial blln:1cl{'on, 01' m.c'1terially delay dcvelopment OftllC PropClty as c.ontemplated by this Agrccmcnt and tllC Projcct AppI'ovals and (b) if. such ordinanc.cs, rcsolutions, rules, rcg.ulations or onklal policies havc general applicability. . 1 )e.v~k'pme.nt Agre.e.me.nt fnr (~::l~te.n;nn I-'rnje.ct. l-'::lg~ .) (If 17 Se.pt.t':ll1be.r 21. 1 ()(IR . . . /3 ~ :?5 7.2. Approval of Application. NOI.hing in this AhTn~t"mt"nt shall prr.vr.nl. l.hr. CITY from dr.nying or condiLionally approving any sllbsr.cplr.nl. land llSr. pt"rrnil. or allLhOl;;I,ation for Lhr. Projr.d on Iht" basis of snch nt"w or mociillr.d on!inanct"s, rt"solllLions, 1111t"s, rr.gnlaLions and poIicit"s t"xct"pl. Lhal. snch snbst"cplr.nl. acLions shall bt" sllbjt"d Lo any condiLions, terms, rt"sl.1idions, and rt"cplirr.mt"nLs r.xprt"ssly sd forl.h ht"rt"in. . DPIf! ! 7.:1 MoralOl;mn Not Applicablt>. Nolwil.hsl;iTlc!ing anyLhing 1.0 l.ht" contr;ilY conlaint"d ht"rt"in, in l.ht" t"vt"nL an ordinancr., rt"sollltion or oLhr.r mr.asnrt" is t"nadt"d, whr.l.hr.r by acLion of CITY, by inil.iativt", rdt"rt"ndnm, or olht>lWist", l.haL imposr.s a building morat01;UTll which alTt"ds l.ht" Projt"d on all or any parI. of l.ht" Propr.rty, CITY agrt"t"s Lhal. snch ordinanct", rt"sollll.ion or ol.ht"r Tllt"asurr. shall noL apply Lo Iht" Projt"d, l.ht" Propt"rl.y, l.his Agrt"r.mt"nl. or l.ht" Projrd Approvals nnlr.ss Lht" Imilding Tr\Oral.Ol;mn is impost"d as parI. of a drc!aral.1on of a local t"mt"rgt"ncy or sl;~Jr. of t"mr.rgt"ncy as ddlnt"d in Ciovr.mmr.nl. Coclt" ~ W).)H. H. Subst'cplt'nLly Enacled or Rt'vist"d r:t't's. Asst'ssmt'nts and Taxt's. H.l r:t't"S. Exadions, Dt'dical.1ons. CITY and DEVELOPI--:H.. agrt't' l.hal. Lht' let's payablt" and r.xacLions rr.cp1irr.d in connr.cl.1on wit.h l.ht" dt"vdopmt'Tll. of Ihr. Projr.cl. for P1l11>ost"s of miLigaLing t"nvironrnrTllal and oLha impacl.<; of l.ht" Projr.cL, providing infraslnlcLurt" for l.ht" Projr.d and complying wil.h l.hr. Spt"cilk Plan shall br. Ihost' st'L forl.h in l.ht' Projr.cL Approvals and in l.his Agrccmcnt (including Exhibit 13). The CITY shall not imposc or rcquirc paymcnt of any othcr' fccs. dcdications ofland, or construction of any public improvcment or facilitics, shall not 11lCl"casc 01' ac.c.clcratc exlst11lg fecs, dedications ofland or construction of public 11nprovemcnts, 111 c.orUlecHon with any subscquent discl'etionary approval for the Propcrty, cxcept as set f01th 111 thc Projcct Approvals and this Agrcement (l1lclud11lg Exhibit 13, subparagraph 5.3..5). 8.2 Rcvised Application Pces. Any ex.ist11lg application, proCCSS11lg and 11lspcction fecs that arc rcvised dUl'l1lg thc term of this Agreemcnt shall apply to thc Project providcd that (1) such fees havc gencral applicability; (2) the application of such fees to the Prope1ty is prospectivc; and (3) the application of such fees would not prcvent development 111 ac.c.ordanc.e with this Agreement. 8.3 Ncw Taxcs. Any subsequcntly C1l.:'lctcd city-widc taxcs shall apply to thc Project providcd th~) tllC application of such taxes to tllC PropC1ty is prospective; and (2) tllC application of such taxes would not prevcnt developmcnt 111 ~l I )~e.I\"Jpn1e.nt. Agl'e.e.llle.nt. f\"Jl' (::i:;tn:;l"In I-'n"lje.r1. I-':i ge. 6 (If 1 7 Se.pt.e.lllhe.f 21, 1 ()()R /'1 ~ p5 acconhnc~ with Ihis A~Tr~~menl.. . DRJf!: l H.4 Asst'ssHwnLs. Nothing h~rr.in shall be const.nled Lo rt'lieve Lhe ProperLy li'o.m assessmenLs levied againsL iL by CiLy pursuanl. 10 any sUiLuLory procedure for I.he assessmenl. of properly 10 pay for inrrasl.111cl.m-e and/or selvices which bendlL Lhe Properly_ Hoo) Vole on j-:llLllre AssessTTlenl.s and j-:ees. In Ihe evenl. I.haL any assessmenl., fee or charge which is applicable 1.0 I.he ProperLy is sllbjecl. 1.0 Arl.ide XI I I D of I.he Consl.il.l1l.ion and DEVELOPEI? does noL rt'!.urTl il.s balloL, DEVELOPER agrees, on behalf of ilst'll' and il.s successors, I.hal. CITY may counl. DEVELOPER's ballol. as amnnal.ively vOl.ing in favor of such assessmt'nl., let' or charge. 9. Arrlt'ndmenl. or CancellaLion. 9.1 ModiJ1cal.ion Bec:mse ofConllicl wilh St:He or j-:edt'ral Laws_ In I.he evenl. I.hal. sUil.e or federal laws or rt'glllaLions t'nacl.t'd afler I.he ent-cLive daLe of I.his Agreemenl. prevenl. or predude compliance wilh one or more provisions of I.his Agreemenl. or recplire changes in plans, maps or pennil.s approvt'd by Ille Cil.y, . I.he parl.ies shall met'!. and confer in good failh in a reasonable al.l.empl. 10 modi(y Ihis Agreemenl. 1.0 comply wil.h such It-deral or sl:il.e law or regulaLion. Any such amendmenl. or sll~l)ension of I.he Agreemenl. shall he approved by Ihe (:il.y (:OllT1dl in accordance wil.h Chapl.er Hoo)6_ 9.2 Amendment by Mutual Consent. TIlis Agrccfnent lllc:'1Y be . ". amended in writiri.g fi'om time to time by mutual consent of the patties hereto and in accordance with the pt'ocedll1'es of State law and Chapter 8.56. 9.3 Insubstantial.Amendments. Notwithstancli..ng the provisions of the preccding pamgl'aph 9.2, any amcndmcnts to this Agreement which do not relate to (a) the term of the Agl'eement as provided in pamgl'aph 4.2; (b) the penllitted uses of the Property as provic1edin pamgrnph 5.2; (c) pt'ovisions for "significant" reselvation or dedic.ation ofland as provided in Exhibit TI; (d) conditions, tenns, restric.tions or requirements for subsequent discl'etionaty actions; (e) the dcnsity or intensity of use of the Projcct; (f) the l11.c:'1xiruum height or size of proposed buildings; Ot. (g) monetary c.o~ltributiollS by DEVELOPER as p1'Ovic1cc1 in this Agreement, shall not, except to thc c:A.ient otherwisc required by law, require notice or public hearing beforc cither the PIatuling COllullission 01' the City Council before the . pattlcs lllc:'1Y execute an amenc1fncnt hcrcto. CITY's Public. Works Dircctor shall 1 )eve.k,pme.nt. Agre.e.me.nt. f("lf" (:~stf:rsnn I-'rnjt':M. I-'~ gt': 7 nf 1 7 St':pt.t':mht':f" 21. 11)')R . . . /~ ~ 55 1 . t I '1 l' , '''' 'f" " ( ~l.~rrrnn~ Wll~l. .l~r a r~serval.lon or ( e( lCil.lOn lS SlWl1 lCUll. . DRfft 9.4 ' Anwndmenl. of Proj~d Approvals. Any amendmenl. of Projecl. Approvals rdal.1ng 1.0: (a) l.he perrnil.l.ed use of l.he Properly; (b) provisioll fc)l' reserval.ion or dedkaLion of land; (c) condil.ions, l.enns, resl.licl.1ons or re(pliremenl.s for sUbSe(plenl. discrel.io!l:uy :-icl.1ons; (d) l.he densily or inl.ensil.y of use of l.he Projecl.; (e) l.he maxirnmn heighl. or sil'.e of proposed buildings; (I) rnone(;uy conl.lilml.ions by l.he DEVELOPER; or (g) public irnprovernenls l.o be consl.nlcl.ed by DEVELOPEIZ shall re(plire an amen(!rnenl. of l.his AhTreernenL Such arnendrnenl. shall be lirnil.ed 1.0 l.hose provisions of l.his Agreernenl. whkh are irnplical.ed by l.he arnendrnenl. of l.he Projecl. Approval. Any o[.her arnendrnenl. of l.he Projed Approvals, or any of l.hem, shall nol. re(plire arnendrnenl. of l.his Aweernenl. unless l.he arnendrnenl. of l.he Projecl. Approval(s) n-'lal.es !>l)ecilkally 1.0 sorne provision of l.his AhTTeernenL 9.S Cancellal.ion by Mulnal ConsenL Excepl. as ol.helwise perrnil.l.ed herein, l.his Ah'Teernenl. may be canceled in whole or in parl. only by l.he nml.ual consenl. of l.he parl.ies or t.heir successors in inl.t-'rt-'sl., in accordance wil.h (.he provisions of Chapl.er t-LS6. Any fet-'s paid purmanl. [.0 Paragraph .13 and Exhibil. B of Ihis Agrt-'ernenl. plior l.o l.he dale of cancdlal.ion shall be rel:iined by CITY. 10. Terrn of Projecl. Approvals. Pursn:inl. 10 California C;overnrnenl Code Sec[jon 664.12.6(a), l.he tel111 of the vesting tentative map descl'ibed in Rccital r above shall automc1.tically be c"-iended for the ,term. of this Agreement, TIle tel111 of any other Project Approval shall bc c"-icnded only if so provided in Exhibit B. 11. A1mual Review. 11.1 Review Date. TIle alUllIal review date for this Agreement shall be August 1.5, 1999 and each Augllst 1.5 thereafter. 11.2 Initiation of Review, TIle CITY's Conullunity Developmcnt Director shall initiate thc alullIal rcvicw, as .rcquired under Section 8..56.140 of Chaptcr 8.56, by giving to DEVELOPER thltty (30) days' writtcn notice that the CITY ltltcnds to undertakc such review. DEVELOPER shall provide evidence to the Conullunlty Development Dlt'ector prior to the hearing on the arullIal review, as and when reasonably dctel1111ncd nccessary by the Conullunity Developmcnt Dlt'cc.tor, to dcmonstrate good faith compliancc with thc provisions of I )o'!V<-:lnpln<-:nt. Agr<-:l':lnl':nt. f()f (;::ll;t~r:;t"Jf\ Pmjl':ct. P::lgl': R nf 17 Sl':pt~lnhe:r 21, 1 \)l)R It ~ 35 the Developmenl. A.!-.,T'J.eemenL The burden of pn?of by snbstantial evidence of compliance is upon the DEVELOI'EIC 11.:i St;i.lT Itt'ports_ To the extent practical, CITY shall dt-'posit in the mail and fax l.o DEVELOPER a copy oLdl staff reports, and relal.ed exhibits concenling cont.1~act. performance al.least llve (.)) days Inior l.o any ammal review. 11.4 COSl.S_ Costs reasonably inculTed by CITY in connecLion with the anImal review shall be paid by DEVELOPER in accordance \vil.h the Cil.y's schedule of fees in efJ'ect. at l.he time of review. 12_ De J'ault.. 12.1 Other Rerrwdies Available. Upon the OCClllTence of an evenl. of defaull., l.he parl.ies may pursue all other remedies al. law or in e(luity which are not othenvise provided Ic)]- in this Agreement or in Cily's regulations governing developmenl. a.!-.,T'J-eemenl.<;, expressly including tht-' remedy of ~l)ecil1c perJ'onnance of l.his AgreemenL 12_2 Notict' and Cure_ Upon l.he OCCUlTence oj' an event of dd:.mll. by eilher party, the nondeJ'aulting party shall serve wlil.l.en nol.ice oJ'snch dd:iult upon the de faull.ing party. If tht-' dt-'faull. is nol. cured by l.ht-' deJ'aull.ing parly wilhin lhirty CiO) days alter selvice oj' such notlct-' of de faul I., I.he nondff:ullt.ing party lllc1-Y then COllunence any legal Ot. equitable action to enforce its dghts under this Agreement; pmvided, however, that if the def~llIlt cmUlot be cured within such thuty (30) clay period, the nondefaulting pa1ty shallrcfraul from any such legal 01' equitable action so long as the defaulting patty begins to cure such default within such thuty (30) day period and diligently pursucs such cure to completion. failure to give noticc shall not constitute a waiver of any def~l ult. 12.3 No Dam.c'lges Against CITY. In no cvcnt shall damages be awarded agaulst CITY upon an event of default or upon termination Oftllls Agreement. 13. Estoppel Certillcate. Eitller pa1ty may, at any tunc, and from tunc to time, rcqucst wt'itten notke from tlle otllcr patty rcqucsting such pa1ty to CC1tifY Ul wrltulg that, (a) tllls Agreement is Ul full forcc and effect and a binding obligation of thc patties, I )e.ve.klpme.nt Agre.e.me.nt fnr (:::l:;t.t':r:;rll1 I-'n'lje.c-.t I-'::l~t 0 nf 17 Se.pte.mhe.r 21, 1l)(IR . ~ . . . . . /1 ct "35 (b) Lhis A1-.,TJ-eeHwnl. has nol. been amended or modified eil.her orally or in wl;l.ing, or if so amended, idenl.ifying I.he amendmenLs, and (c) 10 l.ht" knowbigt" of Iht" ct"r1.ilying parl.y L1w rt"<p1esl.ing parl.y is nol. in defauh. in l.ht" Iwrfonnanct" of iLs obligaLions " under l.his A).,TJ-eemenl., or if in defaull., 1.0 descl;be I.herein l.he nal.ure and amounl. of any such dd'auIL<;. A parl.y rt"ct"iving a re<p1esl. hert"llTHit"r shall execul.e and relum such ct"rl.i1kai.t" wilhin t.hirl.y (:-30) days le)lIowing l.he receipl. l.hereof,. or such longer pel;od as may reasonably be agreed 10 by l.he parLies. Cil.y Manager of Cil.y shall be aut.hodzt"dl.o t"xecul.t" any ct"rl.ilkal.t" re<p1esled by DEVELOPER_ Shouldl.ht" part)' recdving \.he re<p1esl. no\. t"xe(;lll.e and rdum such cerl.ifical.e wil.hin l.he appIicahlr. pr.l;od, \.his shall no\. br. dr.r.medl.o bt" a dr.rault., providr.dl.hal. such parly shall br. deemed 10 havr. cer\.illr.d\.ha\. l.he slalemr.nL<; in cl:,luses (a) l.hrough (c) or \.his sr.cl.ion are In1t", and any parly may rdy on such det"mt"d ct"rLifical.ion_ awl! 14. MortJ!a~er. Prolecl.ion: Cerl;~in RilTh Is of Cure_ .J " iI 14.1 Morl.~~a~~et" I'rol.e>cl.ion_ This Agrt"eHlenl. shall be SUlwl;or and sr.nior \.0 any Iir.n placr.d upon Lhr. Propr.rLy, or any porl.ion t.hereof after t.he dal.e of recording t.his A).,TJ.r.r.mr.n\., including l.hr. lien Ie)]' any dee<l of l.n1sl. or HlorLgage ("Morl.gagt""). NOl.wiLhSlanding Lhr. le)l-egoing, no brr.ach hneof shall ddeal., rt"THir.r invalid, diminish or impair l.hr. lien of any Morlgage made> in good faith and ror value, bul. all\.hr. l.r.nns ami condil.ions conUiined in Ihis Agrr.r.Hlenl. shall bf binding upon and erredivf againsl. any pnson or t"nLily, including any defd of l.n1sl. br.ndici:il)' or mor\.gagr.r. ("Morlgagee") who ac<p1irt"s \.itlt" l.o \.hf Properl.y, or any porl.ion l.hereof, by foreclosurc, trustee's sale, cleed 1..nlieu of foreclosure, or othenvise. 14.2 lvloltgagee Not Obli?atecl. NOTIvithstanding the pmvisions of Section 14.1 above, no M01tgagee shall have any obligation or duty under this Agreement, before or after foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, to construct or complete the c.onstmction of improvements, or to guarantec such construction of improvcm.ents, or to guarantee such c.onstn.lCtion or c.ompletion, or to pay, perform or pmvide any fcc, dedication, improvements or other exaction or imposition; pmvided, however, that a M01tgagee shall not be entitled to devotc tlle Property to any uses or to constn.lCt any improvements tllercon otllcr tllan tllOse uses or improvements providcd for or autllOrized by tllC Projcct Approvals or by tllis Agrecm.cnt. 14.3 Noticc of Default to M01tgagec and u'tcnsion of Right to Curc. If CITY receives noticc from a MOltgagee requcsting a copy of any notice of default givcn DEVELOPER hcrcundcr and spcclf)ring tllC addrcss for sClvice tllC rc of, tllen CITY shall dclivcr to such MOltgagcc, conc.urrcntly with se1vicc tllcrcon to I )e.v~l(Jptn~nt. Agrf'f'tnt':nt. fl'Jl. (::1~t.t':n;nn Prnjf'ct. P::l gf' 1 n (If I 7 Sf'pt.f'l11hf'r 21, 1 SIl)R 11 of 35 DEVELOPER, any nol.ice given l.o DEVELOPER wil.h re~l)ecl. 10 any claim by CITY l.hal. DEVELOPER has commiU.ed an evenl. of defalllL J-=":ich Morl.gagee shall have lhe l;ghl. dm;ng l.he same pel;od available l.o DEVELOPER 10 cure or remedy, or l.o cormneTlce l.o cure or remedy, the evenl. of defaull. claimed set forlh in l.he CITY's nol.iee. CITY, l.hrough il.s Cily Manager, may exlend l.he thirl.y-day cure pel;od provided in parahTraph 12_2 for nol. more l.han an addil.ional sixl.y (60) days upon recplesl. of DEVELOPER or a MOl-r"gagee_ 1 .). Severahili l.y_ The unenforceahilil.Y, invalidily or iIIegalil.y of any provisions, covenanl., t:ondil.ion or I.errn of I.his Agreemenl. shall nol. render I.he other provisions unenforceahle, invalid or illegal. 16_ AUOllW:YS' Pees and (:osl.s. I f CITY or DEVELOPER inil.ial.es any acl.ion al.law or in ecplil.y l.o enforce or inl.el1m~1. the I.enns and condit.ions of l.his Agreemenl., lhe prevailing parly shall be enl.il.led l.o recover reasonable al.lonleys' fees and cosl.s in addil.ion 1.0 any ol.her relief 1.0 which il. may otJlelVvise he enl.iLlecL If any person or enl.ily nol. a parly 1.0 this AhTreemenl. inil.ial.es an adion al. law or in eCluil.y l.o challenge I.he validity of any provision of I.his Aweemenl. or the Projed Approvals, I.he parl.ies shall cooperal.e in defending such adion. DEVELOPER shall bear il.s own cosls of defense as a real palty in intcrcst in any such action, and shallrcimburse CITY for all reasonable COUlt costs and attorneys' fccs cxpendcd by CITY in defcnsc of any such action 01' other pl'Ocecding. . 17. Transfcrs and AssiPluncnts. .... 't . 17,1 Right to Assign. It is anticipatcd that DDVDLOPI:.R nlc'lY scll thc Propclty to anothcr developcr. i\ll of DI:.VDLOPER'S rights, intcrests and obligations hcreundcr lllc'lY be transfcrred, sold 01' assigned in conjunction with the transfer, sale, 01' assiglUllent of all of the Pt'Opelty subject hereto at any timc during thc tcrm of this Agreem.cnt, pl'Ovided that no transfer, sale 01' assiglullcnt of DEVDLOPDR's rights, intcrcsts and obligations hcrcundcr shall oc.c.ur without the prior wt'ittcnllotic.e to CITY and approval by the City Managcr, which appt'oval shall not bc uIU'easonably withheld 01' delayed. TI1C City Manager shall considcl' and deckle the 11lc'lttcr within 10 days aftcr DEVDLOPER's noticc, provided allnec.cssalY documents, certiflcations and othcr i11.form.ation arc pl'Ovic1ec1 to the City Manager. . I )~e.k)pme.nt. Agre.e.me.nt. fnr (~:'l~t.c.':/'~()n l-'rnje.d l-':'lge. 11 nf 17 Sept.e.mht"/' 21. 11)1)8 . . . , /-- /15;/ :/;7 (/ 17.'2 Rt'lt'ast' Upon Transft'r_ Upon l.hf' I.rans/er, salt', or assiWlmt'nl. of all of DEVELOPER's lighLS, inLt'rt'sL<; and obligat.ions ht'rt'llTHlt'r pnrsnanl. 1.0 snbparahTl-aph 17_1 of t.his AhTl-t't'mt'nL, DEVELOPEI~ shall bt' rebiseci (rom Lh~ obligal.ions nnd~r l.his AhTl-~~m~nl., wilh r~~l)~cl. 1.0 I.h~ Prop~rl.y Ipmsft"lTt"ci, sold, or assignt"d, alising SUbSf'Cplt"nL Lo I.ht" dal.t" of (:iLy M:magt'r approval of such Lrans/er, salt', or assignmt"nL; providt"d, howf'vt"r, I.haL if any I.r:msft"rt"t", purchas~r, or assihrrH~t" approvt"d by I.ht" Cil.y Managt"r ~xprf'ssly assmnt"s all of Lht" lighl.S, inl.t"rt"sl.s and obligaLions of DEVELOPER under I.his AWt"t"mt"nl., DEVELOPER shall bt" rdt'ast"d wil.h rt"~l)t"cl. 1.0 all such lighL<;, inLt"rt"sLs and assmnt"d obligal.ions. In any ~venl., I.ht" I.ransleree, purchaser, or assignet" shall be subjecl. Lo all Lhe provisions hereof and shall providt" all nt"ct"ssary docmTwnl.s, ct"rLil1caLions and oLht"r nt"ct"ssary - . in/c>rlnaLion Inior t.o CiLy Manager approvaL DRJf! ! 17_:1 Dt'vdopt"r's Right 10 Relain SpecHlt'd RighLS or ()bH~~aLions. NOLwil.hslanding subparah,Tl-aphs 17.1 and 17.'2 and paragraph 1 H, I )EVELOPER may wiLhhold from a sale, Lransfer or assignmenL of this AhTl-t"t"TTwnL Ct-Tl;iin lighLs, inLen~sl.s and/or obligaLions which DEVELOPER shall rt'lain, providt"d t.haL DEVELOPER ~l)ecil1t"s such lighl.<;, inLeresLs and/or obligaLions in a wliLLt"n docllTnenL Lo bt" appended 1.0 Lhis AhTl'eemenL and reconled with tll~ Alameda (:ounty I~t'c(mler plior Lo l.he sale, Lransfer or assignmenL of Lhe Properly. DEVELOPEI~'s purchaser, Lr;msfere~ or assiWle~ shall Lhen have no inLeresl. or obligal.ions for such lighL<;, inl.eresl.<; and obligal.ions and Lhis AhTl-eemenL shall remain applicable Lo DEVELOI'EI~ wil.h re~l)ecl. 1.0 such relainedlighLs, inLeresl.<; aneVor obligaLions_ 17.4 Permitted Transfer, Purchase or Assip1Uuent. TI1C sale or othCI' transfer of any intcrcst in thc Property to a purchascr ("Purchaser") I)ursuant to thc cxercisc of any right or remedy uncleI' a cleed of trust encumbel'ing DEVI.LOP:CR'S interest in thc Propelty shall not requu.c City l\1anagcr approval pursuant to the provision of paragmph 17.1. Any st.lbsequent transfer, salc 01' assigluuent by thc Purchaser to a subsequent transfercc, purchaser, or assignee shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 17.1. 17..5 Termination of Ar.rccmcnt Upon Sale of Inclividual Lots to Pu bilc. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Agreement to the contralY, thc burdens of this Agreement shall tenuinate as to any lot which has been fInally subdivided and individually (and not in "bulk") leased (for a period oflonger than one yeal] or sold to the purchascr 01' user thereof and thcreupon and without the I )t"V~k)pm~nt. Agre:e:me:nt. f()f (:::lstp.nmn Prnjt':d. !-'::l ge: 1 2 ()f 1 7 St':ptp.mbe:r 21, I ()l)R 5{) ~,. (7~ ;/ ~. ...- /;::::; execul.ion or recordaLion of any furl.her documenl. or insl.nlTnenl. such 101. shall be released from aTld no longer be subjeel. 10 or ImnleTled by l.he provisions of Lhis Ahrr~em~nL; provid~d, however, l.haL Lh~ b~n~fil.s of I.his Agr~~nwnl. shall conl.iTm~ 10 nm as 1.0 any such 101. unl.il a building is consLnlcl.~d on such lol., qr unl.ill.h~ L~rrninaLion of Lhis AgreemenL, if earlier, aL which l.iTTle lhis Agre~m~nl. shall L~rrninale as 1.0 such loL . DP!f! b 1 H. AhJTeem~nL Runs with Ihe Lane!. All of Lhe IJ1:ovisions, ligh Ls, L~rTTls, cov~n:iTlls, and obligal.ions conuiined in lhis Agr~~TTlenl. shall be binding upon I.h~ p:uLirs and Lh~ir r~~l)eel.iv~ heirs, successors and assignees, repr~s~nl;il.iv~s, lessees, and all oLh~r persons aC{luidng the ProperLy, or any porLion I.herrof, or any inL~resl. l.h~rdn, whether by op~raLion of law or in any rnarlTl~r whal.so~ver. All of Lh~ provisions of lhis AgreeTTlenL shall be enfon:eable as e{luilable serviLud~ and shall consl.il.uLe covenanLs l11T1ning wil.h I.h~ land pursuanl. 1.0 applicabl~ laws, including, bul. nol. lhniled 1.0, Secl.ion 146H of l.he Civil Cod~ of I.h~ Sl;il.~ of CaIHc)]llia. J-=..ach covenanl. Lo do, or r~rraiTl from doing, smne ael. on lJle Properly h~r~und~r, or wilh r~~l)~cl. Lo any own~d properly, (a) is for the b~ndll. of such prop~rl.ies and is a burden upon such . prop~rl.i~s, (b) llms with such proptTl.ies, and ({:) is binding upon ~ach pany and ~ach successive owner dming il.<; ownership of such prop~rl.i~s or any porl.ion l.hereof, and shall he a hendll. 1.0 and a hurden upon each parly and il.<; prop~rl.y h~reunder and ~ach ol.her p~rson succ~~ding l.o an inl.~resl. in such prop~rl.i~s. 19. Bankruptcy. The obligations of this Agreement shall not be dischargeable in bankruptcy. 20. Indelluilllc.atiol1. DEVELOPER agrees to indellu1if)r, defend and hold harmless CITI, and its elected and appointed councils, boards, cOllunissions, oftlc.ers, agents, employees, and representatives from any and all claims, costs (including legal fees and costs) and liability for any peI'Sonal injtl1Y or pI'opeIty clam.c'1ge which may aIise directly or indirectly as a result of any actions or inactions by the DEVELOPER, or any actions or inactions of DEVELOPER's contractol'S, subc.ontractol'S, agents, or employees in c-OlUlection with the construction, impmvemcnt, operation, or . llmintcnanc.e of the PI'Ojcct, pmvided that DEVELOPER shall have no I )~t':klpmt':l'It. Agrt':t':mt':l'It. f(lr (:;1~tNS(m Prnjt':d. 1-';1 gt': I:~ (If 1 7 St':ptr:mht':r 21, 11)1)8 . . . ;2/ ctf 35 incl~rrlTlHical.ion obligaLion wiLh r~~1)~cl. Lo n~glig~nc~ or vvrongful condncl. of (:r ry, ils conLracl.ors, subconLracl.ors, ag~nLs or ~mplo)'~~s or wiLh r~~1)~cl. Lo Lh~ mainL~nanc~, us~ or condiLion of any improv~m~nl. a[l.~r I.h~ Lim~ iL has b~~n d~dicaL~d Lo and acc~pl.~d by I.h~ CITY or anoLh~r public ~nLily (~xc~pl. as provid~d in an improv~m~nL ahrr~~m~nl. or mainl.~naTJ(:~ bond). OW! J 21. lwmnmn-'. 21.1 Public Liabilily and Propr.rl.y !)ama~~~ Insnranc~. !)m;ng Lh~ lerm of Lhis Agr~~m~nL, DEVELOPER shall mainu.tin in dr~cl. a policy of compr~h~nsivr. g~n~ralliabilil.y insurancr. wilh a p~r-occmT~nc~ combinr.d singl~ limiL of noL I~ss Lhan on~ million clollars ($1,000,000.00) and a d~clncl.ibl~ of noL mor~ l.han L~n Lhousand dollars ($1 0,000.(0) p~r claim. Thr. policy so main(ain~d by DEVELOPEH.. shall nam~ Ih~ CITY as an adcliLional insnr~d and shall indnd~ ~iLh~r a s~v~rabilil.y of inl.~n~sl. dans~ or cross-liabilily ~ndors~m~nl.. 21.2 VVorkt'rs C:omp~T1sal.ion Insllranc~. D1l1;ng Lh~ I.t'nn of l.his Ah'T~~m~nL DEVELOPEI~ shall mainl:.tin Vvork~r's Cornp~nsal.ion insnranct' Jcn' all p~rsons ~rnploy~d by DEVELOPER Jc)r work al. l.h~ Projr.d siL~. DEVELOPEI~ shall r~clllir~ ~ach con Lra.dor and sllbcoIll.rador sirnilarly 1.0 provid~ 'Yorkr.r's Compt'TlSal.iOT1 insllranct' lor iLs r~~1)~cl.iv~ ~rnploy~~s. DEVELOPER ahTr~~s 1.0 ind~mni[y I.h~ Cily fm' any darnag~ r~snlLing lrom DEVELOPER's lailnrt' 10 mainlain any snch insnranc~. 21.3 Evidence of Insurance.. Prior to City Council approval of this Agreeluent, DEVELOPER shall furnish Crry'satisfactory evic1enc.e of the insurance required in Sections 21.1 and 21.2 and evidence that the carTier'is required to give the CITY at least fifteen days prior written notice of the cancellation or reduction in coveragc of a policy. TIlC insurancc shall e).ienc1 to the CITY, its elective and appointive boards, cO!lun.issions, oflkers, agents, employees and representatives and to DEV12LOPER perfonning work on the Project. 22. Sewer and Water. DEVELOPER acknowledges that it !llUst obtain water and sewcr pennits frorn the Dublin San R.c'1mon SC1Viccs District ("DSRSD") which is another public. agency not within the control of CITY. \ )e.vt':l(}pmt':nt Agrt':t':mt':nt. f(u. C::tst.t':nwn l-'1"Cljt':d l-'::lgt': 1 '1 (,f 17 St':pt.t':mht':r 2\, 1 (H)R ~J c{ '35 2:~.. N()l.ic~s.. All nol.ices recplired or provided for under l.his Agreement. shall be in wlil.ing. Nc?Lkes recpliredt.o be 1-,riven 10 CITY shall be adclressed as follows: ( :i ly Mallager CiLy of Dublin P.O. Box 2:140 Dublin, CA 94.')6H NoLkes recplire-'dLo be-' 1-,riven 1.0 DEVELOPER shall be-' addre-'sse-'d as Ic)lIows; ]ame-'s Tong (:harLer I )roperl.ies 6601 OWe-'ns Dlive, SuiLe 100 Ple-'asanLon, CA 94.)HH A parly may change address by 1-,riving nol.ict': in wlil.ing t.o the-' ol.he-'r parly and l.he-'re-'after all nol.ice-'s shall be addressed andl.ransmitl.ed 1.0 the new aclclress. Notices shall be deemed 1-,riven and received upon personal delivel)', or if maile"d, upon the expiral.ion of 4H hours after being deposited in the United SI;il.es Mail. NOl.ices may also be 1-,riven by ovendghl. comier which shall be deemed 1-,rlve"n l.he Ic)lIowing day or by facsimile I.ransmission which shall be" deemed 1-,riven upon velil1cal.ion of receipl.. 24. Apreement is Entire U nderstandlll?. ~. -" TIlis Agreement constitutes the elltll'e understandlllg and agreement of the pa1ties. 2.5. Exhibits. TIle folloWlllg doc.uments arc refcrred to III this Agreement and arc attached hereto and lllC.01porated herelll as though set faIth III full: Exhibit A Legal Description of Pl'Ope1ty Exhibit 13 Additional Conditions I )e:ve.I\">pml':l'\t. Agrt':t".111t':l'\t. fl'lr (;::ll;t.e:I1;\">l'\ Pf\">jt':d. P::lgt': 1.') \">f 17 St':pt.e:mbt':f 2 I, 1 C)l)R 't . . . . . ~3 ~ ""' /' ;;7 26. COllntell)arl.s. D@f[! This AhTreeTIlt'nl. is execnl.ed in l.wo (2) dnplical.e originals, each or which is deeme(ll.o bt' an O1;ginaL 27. Recordal.ion. CITY shall rec(ml a copy of l.his Agreemenl. within len days rollmving execnl.ion hy all parl.ies. IN VVITNESS WHEREOJ-:, the parl.ies herel.o have cansed l.his Agreemenl. In he execnl.ed as of Ihe (lal.e and year Ilrsl. ahove wl;!.I.eTl. CITY or: 1)l.J B LI N: By: Mayor I)al.e: AITEST: By: City Clerk Dal.e: APPROVED AS TO fORM; CIty Attorney JAMES TONG Date; I )e.v~bpmt>nt Agr~~m~nt. f()r (:;.lst~rs()n Pn')j~ct. P;.l~t 16 of 17 St>ptr.mhe.r 21, 11)l)R ,,; -- ;{Y~:J7 MEI r:ONC; TONC; . 0RIf! t I)aLe: APPROVED AS TO -H)H..M: Al.l.ol"ney f()l" DEVELOPER (NOTARIZATION A'ITACHED) . EHS;rj~ J,\WI-'D\MNI\.SW\114\IO'I\MEM()\DEV^CI\..'.I~ I . 1 )t"Veklpmt"I'\t. Agreement. fnr (::'II;t.t"n;(ll'\ l-'mjt"ct. 1-':'1 gt" I 7 of I 7 St"pt.t"mht"r 2 I, 11)I)R . . . I ~5 1 S5 I f o."/' I . 'VI, I EXBJB IT Ii Additio!1a1 Conditions The folluwing .i\dditional Condh:ions 2.rc hereby imposed pu.rsu2-'1t to P~:-2.graph 5.3 2bove. SJlhparafTaph 5.3. I ~- Subsequent Discretionar.V" Approvals None. SUDp3rav-aph 5.3.2 u Mitigation Conditions Sub~ection a. Infras:trtlcture Seoneni"inO' Prncrram - --:.., The TnJr2.strucrure Sequendng ProgrJ.In for ule Project is set ro:---Jl bdov,'. (i) Roads: .. The project-Spedfic roadway impruvemenlS (2.J.ld offers of dedication) desc.ibed below al.ld those idcntL.~ed in Resolution No. 98-13 or th~ Ciry- or Dubli...."1 Planning Commission uApprovh'lg the. Vesting Tentative l\1ap and Sire De.velopment ReviEw for the Casters on Property" (here2fter UT1\1 Resolution ") sh':lil be completed by DEVELOPER to me satisfaction OfL~::: Public \~Tork$ Dir~ctor al tlle times a.T1d in t.~e manner specified in the Tl\1 Resolution unless mhenvise provided below. All such roadu:ay improvement, shall be consuucted to the satisfacr.ion and requirements of CITY's Public '''Torks Director. ..A.- I~580 at Santa Rlt.q R()~cIrrassaiaT;:t Road Eastbound aft "Ramp . - The Public ,,yorks Director shall dcttmune 1vhcn the eastbound oEf- ramp rron1 1-580 at L~C Santa RitalTassajara Road exit shill be Vi~de.'1ed Or restriped 1O provide one exclusive through la..'1e 2..L'1.d TIVO left-turn lanes (with the ellsting free right-turn lane remaining). In conjunction V\rit.h this irnprovernent, the u-dffic sign?J' shill be modified to provide protected left-turn phasing on the cast and 'west legs (rcTI1oving L~e: existing split phasing). The Public \Vorks Director shall also determine v~Then the westDoU:."1d approach em Pimlico Drtve will need to provide a second left tu.L""!l12.ne. D'Jbli.:.-J .A1a.-ne:.a De\'e1opm~m _~grecmcnt - .... ...... - .'1..... ~ :0":' l..2.:;t~:;;:nn .t"roJ~ct. - .I:.Y..HIDlt. ~ Pase 1 of 11 October 1. 199 S I f I i I i I i I I I I i I I . ~t. ../ 1/.5 "'f) ./ VJithi.n one year of notification by the Public \'\forks Director, unless otherwise constlucted by others and provideu consent from Caltrans and the City or Pleasanton, if necessary, has been obtained, DEVELOPER shall design and COr1Stluct these in1proven1ents to me S2.tisfaction of the Public \Vo~-ks Director viis1 I input frOl71 the Ciry of Pleasanton v{here applicable. To the e.>.1.ent practical, "the I notice shall be timed so that the work shall bt: cOlnpleted irruncdiatdy prior to the point ivhere Level of Service E occurs'- . B_ Ta~~a~Ar~ R02d (Proje.c.t Frontag-e) Condition 6.1 (d) of Resolution N. 98-] 3 shall be revised to read as follows: "Tassajara Road shall b~ dedicated TO provide 2...'1 addition.?J 31' or righl-of.,yay (64' from centerline to right-of-'ivay line). DEVELOPER v.iIl 1viden Tassajara Road along the Project front2.ge. t.o the ultimate pavement configuration.. The required improvements shall "include the following: landscaping; onc 20' sout11bound 12..tie , ti..'o additional 12' southbound l3.nes :LT1d a 16' i!l1proved landscaped median. DEVELOPER V\ill construct tht:s~ improvements prior to issuance of the:: 7 6t.~ building permit for the Project, unless these improvements have been constructed by another deveJoper.oT anot.her developer has entered into an improvement agreement viith CITY for such improvements and has provided CITY ,vith a DerfOITI1anCe bond and labor and mate..-ials bond. ... c. Ta$saJar~ Road (Dublin Boulevard to ProJect)..Inrelim Imurovements - DEVELOPER shall '\viden and restripe Ta.c;$ajara Road from tile northern edge of the Property south to Dublin Boulevard to provide: a 12' v...'iclt mini.!num left tlli"11 poc..1(et into the she, adequate ttL.-rlouts, through la.:.ies, ITansitions and 4' shoulders, and shall repair all filled pavement., to the specifications of the Public '\^l arks Dire.ctor. These L."1telirn im.provements shall be completed no later than Certificate of Occupancy ror the frrsL unit, lL."1less the permanent or these inter....'Tl improvements arc const.."'Ucted by others prior to mat Du~Jin!A..!.a:71:2a D::vclop:nc:1t i\gr-..::~m~...t. for C.as!.e.rson Project - Eihiliit 3 ho-e 2 nf 11 Q " October 1,1993 j I I I , i I i I I I . I i i I I I I Ie I. . . . /' ~? t:5 55 j I DRA!{ I . II I tirr~ e. D. Miscellaneous Tfle obHgations of subparagraph (A) above shall be of no force or effect until DE\TELOPER obtains the first building permit for the Project. Once effective, such obligations shall st.mivc tcrrrination of this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for transitianing e.."\isting imp!ovcrnents to match improvements required by this Agreement, including dedication:;, to the satisfaction of the CITY's Public .."V arks Director. The improvemenIS to Tz.ssajara Road required for the Project l~i.:;'Y l-eqt.:ire tl->.e acquisition of a small portion or l2.!id irom either or both of r.ne ad.jacent l2.rl.cov;,-ners (t.o the north or south). In suw~ event, DEVELOPER V;,jJJ acquire such 12....T1d at itS oval <;:OSL If DEVELOPER is unable to acquire such l2.nd D)' agreement, CITY agrees to'. exercise its po\ver of eminent domain to conderr:.;."1 suc.:.~ land, in vd-uch event DEVELOPER agrees to pay the cost or the l::md plus .all of CITY's costs .?s~ociated i.\;th the acquisition, induding OrY's anomeys fees. No credit against the Eastern Dublin Tramc ImpacL Fee \\ill be gI"2.J.i.ted for suc.~ la.nd. (ii) Sf't-'(rer All sanitary sey\"er improveme.nts to serve the project site (or 2.L"lY recorded phase of the Project) shall be completed in accordance "with the tentative n12.p and DSRSD re:quirements. (iii) 'Vater .nIl all weat..l-ter access road\yay a.:.'1d a..T1 approved hyrn-d.nt and ,'valer supply S)l'~\..em ~hall be available and L.-'t service at the site in accordance vviili t..~e tentative r..12.";) to the satisfaction and I=ouirements of the CITY's fIre department ~ ~ (ACFD) prior to 2...'1Y combustible. m::ltenals being delivered to the Propeny. illl potable i'\-rater syste:n components to serve t11e project site (or my D~blb/A1::.l:lc:ia D:::v:1cpm~:1t A~e:~e:1t for u.st.c:.rson Project - Exhibit B P.a,,~ 3 or 11 '-' OC""wbe:- 1, 1993 I I I I I I ! I I I I I i I I i i i I I I ")0 ./} 55 (7\ l> -) recQrded nh?_c;e of the ProJ'ect) shall be comoleLed in 3G:uroaDce '''lith u~t ttnt2.!.~yc r ~ maD and DSRSD requireIIleliLS. Recycled water lines Sh2]] b~ installed in accordance \\ith the ::e:1t3dve m2.p or as may be approved by DSRSD. (iv) Stann Drainage Prior to issuance of the flISt CertificaIe of Occupancy [or any building \vhiCll is part or tl1t Project, t:.~c storm draLLagc systems off site, as vi"ell as on site drainage systems to the areas to be occupied, shall be improved to the satisfaction and requirements of the Dublin Public VVnrks Deparnnent applyl..tlg crus and Zone 7 (.Alameda County Flood Control and \'Vater Con~ervation D. . Z -) .. d Ii' h' h . r d"" ,. { ISmC!., one I SI2I1C1arCS an po oes V\"l lC. 2.!'::::""'""1 rorce fu"1 enect at t..l1e D!1"'le 0.. is;;U2.I1CC of t..~c pelTIllt for t.~e proposed improver~ien:s 2..:."1d shall be consistent .wiLl the Drainage Pl?n. The site shall also be protected from storm flow from off site 2nd shall have erosion control measures in place to protea dmvnstream facilities and Dropenies ;lOITl erosion an-d ll.'T1dtan StOffi1"iVatcr cO:1sistcnt with the Drcina:;:e . . ~~ Plan. A.s used herein. "Drainage Plan" shill refer to CITY's 2pproved master .--1"'.);"-'-:10'''' pI,::" ..........""........L----o. ~l.. (v) OU1er Utilities (e.g. gas. dect...-icity, cable televisions, teJeT'hnne) Constnlction of other utilities sh211 be complete by phase prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for any building "ivithin that specifk phase of occUpancy. Subsection n_ ~1fi.c;ceIJ ~nf:mlS (i) Comnletion 1\1av be De-felTed. - . 1 D' I I I i i i I I I I i I. I I Not\\rithrt.a.'rU1ing the foregoing, CITYs Public VVorks Director may, in his or her sole discretion 2.Ild upon receipt of dOCUlnentation in a form satisfacLoI}' to u\e Public Vlorks Director that assu=es completion, allow DEVELOPER to defer completion of discrete portions of ;my of the above public improvemenL<: until after final inspection of the first building permit ror the ProjecL if W.~e Public \Vorks Direc.:tor d::Lel1I'incs that to do so ,vould not jeopardize t..'lte. . public healt.~, safety or welfare. DClbHnI.AJs.mee.a Develo?m~t Ag:-eement for C:.ste:son P,wj::Cl- Eibibit n. Page 4 of 11 October 1, 1995 ~7 i 35 . (ii) Imnrnve:ment Acrreem~n1 - =-. Prior to construct.::lg t..~e Improvements described in Subparagrflph 5.3.2(a) above, DEVELOPER shall submit planE\ and specifications to CITY's PubliL. \V orks Director for review and approval and shall enter into an improvement agreement viiwl eln for construction ~~ml dedication of the public facilities. All such improvements shall pc constructed in accord~"lce "ith Cityls standards 2.nd policies which <?re in force and effect at Lhe time. of issuance of the pennit for u1e proposed improvement.c;, induding. but not limited to, "Preese Plans" for Easl:ern Dublin Sant2 Rita ,(~.rea prepared for the Surplus Property AuthOlity by Blian Kangas Foulk. . In the event that CITY enters into ~l Improvement Agreement "iul 2.11 optionee of DEVELOPER and accepts bonds from a surety \vho is obligaIcd to such optionee 3..t"1d the option to purch2se we Property is noi exercised, DEVELOPER shall renlain obligated to constlllct the improvements 'which v,'ere u1e subject or LTte Improvenlerrt Agreement. DEVELOPER agrees that in t..1tat event it \vill !lot be enDued to a bilild~g perrnit for 2.ny building(s) on the Property until !J1::: hnpro\..em~nts arc constructed or DEv"E-LOPER enters into an Improve!l1ent Agr'eement "\-viL1; CITY sec..lled by bonds. as s:pf.dfied in (iii) belo'w. 11lis par,:~gr2ph shall sun7!ve t.errnination of t..he Agreen1Ci"1t. (iii) Bond~ Plior to execution of the ImnrovementAgreement, DEVELOPER (or its optionee, \ViLf1 the approval of the: Public '\^lorks Director) shall provide a cash monu..:.-nent bond, a perrornlance bond and labor and materials bond or other .. adequate security to insure that the Improvements desaibed in Subparagraph 5.3.2(a)(i) above 'will be constructed prior to the times specified abovt:. TIlt~ perrOlmanCe bond or other seclli-ity shall be in an amount equal to 100% of t..~e engineers cs6~nate of we cost to construct W.~e improvements (including design. engineering, adminL~tration, and in!\pection) and the labor and materials bond shall be in :an a..:.""!I.OUi.'1t equal to 50% of the engi..rleer's eSUIuate. The bonds shall be "ivritten by a surety licensed LQ conduct busLiess L.'L -w.'1c State of California and ?pprovcd by CITIs City Manager. . (iv) Ri.~ht to Com~truct Additional Road Improvemt:nts D;,:.b1i...J.AJ.<:':':1.~da Dc....c1o?:nenT. Agr-een\e.:i.t for Casterso!'. Proj~ct .. Ex.'-libit 3 Page 5 or 11 October 1. 1998 O/f J I , j / I i I 1 i I i I I I r Vvit11 me plior ~written consent of CITY's Public '\Vorks DirectOr, DEVE.LOPER may at DEV;ELOPER's option cOnStnlct roau\'1':::'Y imprmrc:ments "which are not desClibed in this ExhibiL B if such improvements are deso.ibed in the resolution establishing the Eastern Dublin Trn-ffie Impact Fee 2J'ld if such intDrDven1ents ~re constructed in their ultimate Jot..2t.ion. . . DEVELOPER sh2JI be required to enter into &.'1 Improvement: .-\greemcnt and provide bonds for such improvements, as provided in Subsection (b)(ii) and (iii) 3.bove, prior to consu1Jction.. CITY sh2l1 pro\ide a credit to DEVELOPER for Lf-te cost of such ll1provements in me manner and subject La u1e conditions pro\'ided in Subparagraph 5.3.6, Subsections (a) and (b). (v) ConstT1Jction of T.assajar~ R()~rl Tmprrwf'ments Under Que r:nntr:'lrt DEV .t.LOPER adz.'1o\\~edge5 that it is in tJ-..e best interest of DEVELOPER 2..'1d CIn' that Lrnprovements to Tas.c:ajara Road from Nonh Dublii'1 Rz1c.~ Drive to Dublin Boulevard be constructed under one conuact to avoicl 'traffic delay.s~ noise, dust and other consll'ucuon rdated inconveniences to the general public and the future residents of the Project. CITY may require another developer to construct :aU in1provements to Ta$sajar~ Road fronl North Dublin Ranc.h Drive to Dublin Boulevard that are req~red for that oilier projec:t (including improvementS vi'hich are included in the Eastern Dublin Tra.::ic Impact Fee and Lhosc \vhiG~ .arc not). In such event, DEVELOPER 2.grees that it Vi,.m allow. and )',ill enter i..1l.to such agreements as necessary t.o enable. such othe~.developer to ~- constnlct the improvements to Tassajara Road along me frontage of ule Project which are required ror this ProjecL as part of the other developer's construction contrac-I... These improvements shall be n."c:: shown on t..~e "Precise Plans" for Eastern Dublin Sanu Rita Area prep2red for the SUTlw: Property Authority by Bria.:.'1 K;mgp_" Foulk. Subparagraph 5.3.3 -- Ph:1F;ing. Tin1ing 3D ~551 0,'1 I I I I i I . j i I "\Vith the exception of the road improvemellLS described in Subpara~aph S.3.2(a)(i), t..'rtis Agreement contains no requirements that DEVELOPER must b.itiate or complete development of the Project 'l=Vithin any period of time set by CITY. It is ~~e LT1tention of this provision that DEV"'ELOPER be able to develop the . Prope.rty L"1 2ccord2.nce \vim its OVi~ time schedule 2I1d the Project Approvals. D'.l":l';;n!i\lam~,ia D~vclop;n::Ill Agr::emcl't :or C2.Se....-.scn ?roject - E,'\hi:,it B Page 6 of 11 Ocwb::r I, 1998 . . . .3 / '!5:35 I DP Iii I __ IL; I St1h~::!r;l~arh 1.3.4 .... Financing Plan DEVELOPER 'Will install all ~treet improvements nece.l\s2l)' for the Project .?I its Ol"vTI cost (subject to crenits for cert2..in improvements as provided in St:.bpa.ragraph 5.3.6 below). Oilier infrastructure necessary to provide se'wer, l)ot.able water. and recycled v/2ter services to the Project 1vill be n1ade available by the Dublin San Ra~1on Services District. DEVELOPER has entered into en "Area \Vide Facilities Agreement" ivith the Dublin San Ramon Services District to provide for e.'.iending suc.~ services to me Project. Such services shall be provided as ~et forth in Subparagraph 5.3.2(a)(H) and (Hi) above. SubDara~r2I)h 5.3.5 -~ fees. Dcdications ... '-' "b. .'""'!""\,-,.... T ..... .:-u s:ectlOn::l. J l-amr n1T'act rees. DEVELOPER shall pay a Traffic Impact Fee for E2.stern Dublin in t...~e 2..!110unts 2.I1d at the times at puilding pemlit set forth in Ciry of Dublin Resolution No. 41-96, or in the amotL"1ts and at the times set fort:.' in a."y resolution revising t11e .?ITIOunt of such fee. Subsection b. Traffic Im'03-ct Fee to Reim hnrc:e: Ple:a~ant(ln frr Fre:el1!2V ~ . Tnt{'>rrhan~e~. DEVELOPER shall pay the Eastern Dublin 1-580 Interchange Fee established by City of Dublin Resolution No. 11-96 or 2TIY subsequent resolution which rev--l.ses such Fee. DEVELOPER shall be released from itS obligation, as set fonh in the preceding sentence, if a lawsuit is filed CJ.~al1cnghl.g the Project approvals, ,j,is Agrcem~nt, the Citys compli2.J."1ce ,vim CEQA. for the Project, the Eastern Dublin Traffic In1pact Fee or ?ny other aspect of the development of the Property. In tJ'1C event. t.1-tat t..~e Eastern Dubli.'1 1.580 Interc.'h.mge Fee does not become effective becaus~ CITY and the City of Pleasanton do not enter into an 2.greement. as provided in Resolution No. 11 ~96, by December 30, 1998. DEVELOPER agrees Lhat CITY may use the funds collected pursw.nt to t..l-te p:eceding ?2.I'2.grrrph ror any interc..h.2..t"1ge improven1ents on T-5RO. Dubli..i.I}.l::.::,.~.:...1. Development Agr:~e.mtllt for O.stCiSOr1 ?:--.:;ject. Exhibit 3 pz..ge 7 of 11 Octob~r 1. 1998 .1 I I I I I 1 I I r j i I I I 1 I I 3;2. ~ SHh~ectio.n....c... Puhlic FaciHties Fees. DEVELOPER shall pay a Public Facilities Fee. in the a..'I11ounts and at the tinitS set fOr'"L..lt in City of Dnhlin Resoh;ti-on No. 32~96, adopted by the City CouI1cil on lvfarch 26, 1996, or in me amounts and at the times set forth in any . . .. resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee. Subsection (1- Nojq. Mitlgation fee. DEVELOPER shall pay a Noise Mitigatio:1 Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in City or Dublin Resolution No. 33-96, adopt.ed by the City Council on 1\-1a.rch 26. 1996, and any amendments thereto. SubseaioIl e.. School Tmnact Fees. Sc...~ool impact fees shill be paid by DE\! .!:.LOPER in accordance ,:vith Government Code section 53080 and L~e Eastern Di.1-olin Schooll\1itigation Agreement btL\Yttl1 the Dublin Unified School District wId Clyde Casterson. Stlb,t"'r:tion f. Fire Impact Fe..e.s.... DEV"ELOPER shall pay a fire facilities fee 1.'1. me riIliOll..11ts and at the times set fort..l-t irl. City of Dublin Resolution ~o. 37-97 or in t.he L1TIOunts and at the tlnleS set fOJ."Ih in 2.11Y subsequent resolution which revises such fee. .. Subsection 9'. Tri~VaIIev Tran:::portation DeveJonment Imo3ct Fee. ~ - -- DEVELOPER shall pay the Tn-Valley Tr2.l"'.spon.ation Development Fee in the am01.l!lt and at the times set forth in Cily or Dublin Resolution No.89-98 01' in the 3lnOlli'lts and at the times set roffi~ in any subsequent resolution whic..~ . hI" re\'1ses suer ree. Subsection h. Rein1bursement for Annexation .Area Public Servire: Costs OTY and the LL.""lS arc pa..""t.i~s to an aOTCCni_ent entitled u_A.....l.nexation . b Dublin...(,.\h::'I::':'::' Devdopme:"l-: A~e::ment f:Jr C:l.Sterson p:ojtCt - ixmbit :3 " P2.g~ 8 of 11 October 1. 1993 I "3;5 I D~j I I I I I I i ! i 1 i i I j I . I r i ! I I I ! I I I I 1 ., I I I I I. L I . . . .. -::< -1 -/ 35 I ../~ -'J I Ag:.cement Ben..;een City of Duhlin and t.1"1e Lins" (hereafter u..-1.n.T1exation D/ft Agreement") dated October 10, 1994 and recorded at #95053080 on March 9, 1995. The .ArlllcxaLion Agreement requires the LLT1S to pay to the CITY each year rt certain 2.mOW1t for t.~e CI1Y's costs of providing public. ::;f'.n~ces to the area arinexed by. CITY in 1995, pursuant. tn applications filed by t1~e Uns a..T1d Clyde Casterson, tl1e former Q'\\11er of t1:e Properl)~. The GInOUnl to be paid by the Lins to CITY is, generally. t.i-te difference bebyeen the cost of providing public senices to the area ::.n.,le.......:ed and L"1e revenues derived from such area. The Propeny was induded in we 1995 annexation to the City whiu~ included the Lins' property. The Property represents 1.248% of the property annexed to the CITY in 1995 (19.19 acres out of a total of 1,.537.6 acres). It is .agreed t.h.at DEVELOPER ha~ benefitted from the anne.:'.:ation of the Properry to CITY in 1995, Accordingly, v,ithin 30 days of the Effective D?_te, DEVELOPER 2-grees to ?2)' to C1Ti t.L1e amOE!1t or $4.502.23 which represenIS 1.248% of me ac.:tuc.l A..nnexauon ..-\.rea Public Service Costs for Fisd Yen- 1995-96 to 1997-98 pll:s 2.11 e:st.imalt of such costs for Fiscal Year 1998-99. DEVELOPER furtber agrees to pay 1.248% of the amount which tlit Lins are required to pay to CITY pursuanL La the Annexation Agreement (and any 2.Inendn1cnts to such agreement) from n.nd after June 30, 1999. Such payment "\d11 be mn.de by October 30 of each year. Such payments by DEVELOPER to ern: sh2ll continue nntil Lins a.re no longer required to make paYIIltnts for public .. ser\~ces pursuant to me Jume.xatJon Agreement. .AIl moples received by CITY from DEVELOPER pursuant to this subsection shall be remitted by CITY to the Lins pursuant ~o SeLuan I(F) of the ,,-\nnexation Agreement. Suhs::ection 1. D ,. ,. e01rm1()n~. DEVELOPER agrees to dedicate 'L~C follovrmg property required for road'\'tay improvements to CITY in fee simple and both t.l-te land and grOli..l1CVlater sh<l.l1 be free of hazardous suhst2Tlces: 1. /'l...n.y additional right of ,yay and/or easement.c; necessa....ry to construct D..'Ii-1A 1.. ,....:., D,. ,,.' ,. ~ ^ ..,.....'" ,.. t ...~ ;lfi~..:.o.-....- ~... ::..Lo?m:n.. _....=-. __-:tl._!"l for C"'''"'''rs....... 1"::>-0;""" - Fy'h~h;- ....D .. _""""'" I"./;'L .&. 1.......1. ___J...:.\. l'2.g= 9 of 11 Octo:',;:!" 1, 1995 I I I I I ! i i I f I d '7,<' :3 7 f) ../- the il1tersection improvements 2l1d transitions listed in Subparagraph 5.3.2(a)(i) above. Subparn~rnph 5.3.6 -- Credit Subsection a. Traffic Impact Fee Tmprovernent.o; -~ Credit CITI shall provide a credit to DEVELOPER .for the folloviing in1prove.ments if such imDrovements are desaibed in the resolution establbhirw tlli: 6 N East.ern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee and if SUdl improvements are consuuctcd by t...~e Devtloper L'r1 L.~tir ultimate location pursuant this Agreement j) In1orovements to the eastbound off-r2l11D from 1-580 at S2.lit3. ... . . IUtE/Tassajara (Subparagraph 5.3.2 (a)(i)(A)); 2nd 2) Improvements to Tassajara Road (2 l.2l1ts and media.i1 anI}.') (.:;ubparagr2ph 5.3.2(a) (i) (B)). ..-\11 E..SDects of use of.ihe credits shall be 'Zo";.'emed DV guidelines to be .I.. ",..r.J' '-" adopt.ed by Cr1Y. Subsection b. Traffic TTTlE,act Fee Rl~htwof.\Vay Dedication:; - Credit CITY shall prOi.'ide a credit to DEVELOPER for the fol1ol'iillg TIF area iight.-ofwway to be dedicated by DEV.tLOPER to CITY ~vhic..~ is -required [or roadvi.'ay improvements whidl art desCt.-ibcd in !.:.l.t resolution establishing the Eastcn1 Dublin Traf.fic Imp:1ct Fee: 1.) i\ny portion of Tassajara Road described in Condition 6.1 (d) of the Tlvl Resolution ,'"hich is "'iyithin the TIP area; and ..-ill aspects of use of the credits shall be governed by guidelines to be adopted by crn:. ~ubparaITa!,h 53.7 -- ~1hC'.elIaneous Suh~ection a. Land~capin~ l\.'faintenance ..Along Streets and Creek D'.1.blin/..!..hmeb. D~velo?::n~t Agrc'"t'.rn!':.nt br Caste...'"SO:1 Project - Exhibit B Page 10 of 11 O:-...obe:- 1. 1998 ! f I I , I I I I I I I I r ./ I. . . . . DR f . I I ! 35 " 35 Pu.rS1.:<2nt to Conditions 11.1 and 17.1 of Resolution No. 98-13, the Homeov.:ners .Assodarjon to be f01111ed bv recorded Coven2..:.'1ts.. Conditions and " Resilictions (CC&R's) \viiI maintaLTl lhe landscaping ,,1thin we public right-of-'li(2)' along Tassajc..r3. Road and landscaping clang Tassajara Creek. The CC&..!t7s will require the HO:;.lemvner.s Association .to obt2.in 2....11 on-going encroachment penlut froJ:) CIIT for such TI1ainttIlance and to defend anq indenmify the crTY against 2-11)' dain1s arising OUt or the maintenance of such 12...T1Clscaping and to name tJle CITY as an addition21 insured on the Homeowners ....\ssociarion7s policy of liability ins'.lf111ce. Subsection b Plaaue - DEVELOPER vi.ill create and erect a pemlanently mouI1ted (in concrete) plaque in :;"te parkitot lot at the southeast corner of C2.sterson Drive and I'D" Sueet (P2.]omal'es Dlive) identifying the sire as L~e pre\:1012s location of the C::!ster:;lEl. .- ., , d 11 .. ,.. 1 h 71' d b C1 · !2.~l.lly nOZ'iCS"lca. nc v,'o!."owg or tlie p aque s a..!. 0e approve y .yoe C2sterS0!1 2nd tIle City's COI!l.!!1unity Development Di:"ecror. =--:":...5:.~t..1l..::-::l. ;:W\ ?:>\!vt!,F:.S\-'\,\l ! ,:;\1 07V-\GRE\Cf-.5T ~.oo 1 D ... I' L 1 . D' A ~~Jlr~ rJ.2....-:-:.::::.a :;:\-.::10p:ne:\t :'\.gr::c..7lcn~ f~r C2.stcrS0:1 Project - Exhibit B p;:;.ge 11 of 11 O:::wb:.r I, 1998 I I I I I I I I J I I i j ! I I I I I I i I I