HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 ReauthorizeMeasureB . CITY CLERK File # [l]~~[Q-[9J[(1] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 17,1998 SUBJECT: EXIllBITS ATTACHED: . RECOMMENDATION: 1) /twy FINANCIAL STATEMENT: . Reauthori:zation of Measure B (Half-Cent Sales Tax Program) Report prepared by: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director 1) Resolution approving the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan and Recommending that the Extension of the Half-Cent Sales Tax be Placed on the June 1998 Ballot Letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors requesting that the Extension of the Sales Tax be placed on the June 1998 ballot Letter dated February 3, 1998 from the Environmental Defense Fund Opposing the Reauthori:zation of Measure B Letter dated February 3, 1998 from the City of Albany to ACTA Alameda County Expenditure Plan - Dated January 22, 1998 A representative of the Alameda County Transportation Authority (ACTA) will be at the meeting to present this item 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2) Adopt Resolution Approving the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan and Recommending that the Extension of the Half-Cent Sales Tax be placed on the June 1998 Ballot Authorize Mayor to sign a letter and Resolution to send to the Board of Supervisors requesting that the Extension of the Half-Cent Sales Tax be placed on the June 1998 ballot If the extension of the Half-Cent Sales Tax is approved, the City of Dublin will continue to receive funding for road maintenance projects. The Tri-Valley area will also receive funding for needed regional transportation projects. The City currently receives $154,800 per year from the existing Measure B sales tax program. In the new Expenditure Plan, the City would receive approximately $199,800 per year as shown in the Plan's table, Appendix A, "Local Transportation by Jurisdiction." --------------------------------------------------------------~---~ COPIES TO: Christine Monsen, ACTA g:agenmisc\salc:stax ITEM NO. 7.1 DESCRIPTION: In November of 1986, the Alameda County voters passed a Half- . Cent Sales Tax dedicated to improving transportation within Alameda County. Many projects have been completed and are still underway within this Program. The Sales Tax is to sunset on March 31, 2002, and it has been proposed to extend the tax past 2002 to fund additional needed transportation projects: The process for preparing an expenditure plan for a continuation of the sales tax for transportation purposes in Alameda County began in 1995, with ACTA's adoption of a Plan of Action. On January 22, 1998, the Transportation Authority adopted the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan. The Expenditure Plan was developed with substantial public input, starting with the formation of a Steering Committee, consisting of elected officials from ACTA and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) Boards and representatives from transit agencies in the County. ACTA attended City Council meetings throughout the County in early 1996 to solicit input from each City and the County. A number of workshops and community outreach meetings were also held in different areas of the County to survey residents and commuters. A 40-member Expenditure Development Committee (EPDC), which included residents of Alameda County and representatives from businesses and interest groups, was formed to work with ACTA staff and technical consultants to develop the Plan. The EPDC held 14 public meetings and heard many hours of public testimony throughout their proceedings. In the end, the EPDC unanimously recommended approval of the draft Plan. . Throughout the development of the draft Plan by the EPDC, the II-member Steering Committee monitored the work of the EPDC, attended numerous meetings and also held 20 public meetings. The Steering Committee unanimously approved the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan and recommended that the Board of Supervisors place a IS-year extension of the sales tax, to begin collection in 2002, on the June 1998 ballot. The EPDC and Steering Committee were assisted in large part by a technical consulting team that evaluated all of the projects and programs submitted by public entities throughout the County. In addition, two public opinion polls were conducted to determine how to shape the Expenditure Plan to be most acceptable to County residents. The polls show great support in the County for a continuation of the Half-cent sales tax for transportation purposes. Under the Plan, over half of the continued sales tax would be spent on the following four programs: . Local Transportation - local street maintenance, locally-implemented transportation projects, and operation of the Alameda bridges; . Transit Operations - general funds for AC Transit, the Alameda-Oakland Ferries, Altamont Rail, Union City Transit, and the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority. A portion of the AC Transit funds are designated to address mobility needs of persons making the transition from welfare to work; . Paratransit Operations - funds for BART and AC Transit to help implement services required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as for local programs to improve mobility for elderly and disabled persons that are not mandated by the ADA; . Transportation Enhancements - bicycle projects, pedestrian projects, and open space procurement to protect agricultural resources and mitigate the impacts of transportation projects. . Page 2 . j . Twenty-six capital projects throughout the County are included in the Expenditure Plan. The projects include both large and small projects, BART and commuter rail extensions and improvements, restoring and enhancing bus services in selected corridors, an intermodal transit center with improved bicycle and pedestrian access, improved highway interchanges, freeway and highway improvements, local roadway improvements and additions to mitigate congestion or improve traffic flows, and additional passing lanes to improve safety. The Expenditure Plan would require the formation of a new agency to administer the new sales tax funds in order to separate the responsibilities and liabilities of the existing sales tax program from the new agency. The composition of the board of the new agency will follow the existing ACTA Board structure, with the addition of two additional elected officials, appointed by the Mayors conference, in order to use a more recent version of the enabling legislation. A Citizens Watchdog Committee will be established to oversee all expenditures of the new sales tax program and will report directly to the public. Attached is the Executive summary from the plan for review and approval. The Expenditure Plan provides for the following capital projects that would be a direct benefit for the City of Dublin and Plan Area 4 (Alameda County Tri-Valley Area). . NAME OF PROJECT 1. 1-580/SR84 Interchange 2. State Route 84 (I-580/I-680) 3. Iron Horse Bicycle Pedestrian Path, Scarlett Drive and Transit Routes 4. 1-580 Auxiliary Lanes 5. 1-680 HOV Lane from SR 84 to Santa Clara County 6. Altamont Commuter Express Rail 7. LAVTA 8. Paratransit AMOUNT (in millions) $20M $70M $ 5M * $lOM $ 25.8 M** $ 7.99 M $ 2.45 M $lOM * Each Planning Area, as a minimum, should spend 4% of the reauthori:zation funds for non- motorized Capital Projects. ** The Tri-Valley Area's (East Alameda County) share is $12.9 million. Please see the attached project description for more detail. ACTA approved the Expenditure Plan on January 22, 1998, and is requesting approval by the Cities and the County. In order for the Board of Supervisors to place a sales tax extension on the June ballot, the Expenditure Plan must be approved by a majority of the Cities, representing a majority of the population in Alameda County by the end of February. Following this approval, the Board of Supervisors will meet on March 3, 1998, to give their approval in order to meet the March 6th deadline for receipt of a ballot measure by the Registrar. . Staff recommends that Council adopt the Resolution approving the Alameda County Expenditure Plan, and authorize the mayor to sign the letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors in support of placing a proposition on the June 1998 ballot to extend the Countywide one-half of one percent retail sales/use tax. Page 3 , , . . . Id'! RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE EXTENSION' OF THE HALF~CENT SALES TAX BE PLACED ON THE JUNE 1998 BALLOT WHEREAS, the Alameda County Transportation Authority has approved a new Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan (plan) pursuant to the authority of the State Public Utilities Code; and WHEREAS, the Plan was developed by an Expenditure Plan Development Committee composed of 40 Alameda County residents and representatives and approved by a Steering Committee composed of 11 elected officials from Alameda County Cities, the Board of Supervisors, the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART); and WHEREAS, the new Plan, totaling $1.14 billion, consists of programs and projects essential to the movement of people and goods throughout Alameda County, will maintain local streets and roads, restore and enhance transit and paratransit services, and provide critical assistance in solving significant transportation and congestion problems of Alameda County; and WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Dublin and its citizens will be benefited by implementation of the new Plan and the extension of the one-half of one percent retail sales/use tax to support the new Transportation E},.'Penditure Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Dublin does hereby approve the new Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of Dublin recommends that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors place a proposition on the June 1998 ballot to authorize the extension of the one-half of one percent retail sales/use tax to fund the programs and projects described in the new Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: S}[fTDtrr W......o.<: ,~o:>~~ ~ - I. City Clerk ~_. ~ 1-41 DRAFT. February 18, 1998 Alameda County Board of Supervisors 1221 Oak Street, # 536 Oakland CA 94612 SUBJECT: Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan Dear Chairman and Boardmembers: At its regularly scheduled meeting of February 17, 1998, the Dublin City Council adopted Resolution No. _-98 Approving the Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan and recommending that the extension of the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax be placed on the June 1998 Ballot. We are hereby transmitting this Resolution to your Board. . The City would like to express its support and appreciation for the Board's efforts on behalf of this program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, Guy S. Houston Mayor GH/mb Ene. g:\agenmisc\Jtrslstx EX~~F'!)'.IJ It.. 1<., l<,' w~ ," . ,,~'>', '.. - "":::"..~ ,.~ ~:1~~~ . Ifi "" ~ ~~ ... .' . ~Hi ~ i:ti . 21,. "'~'l " .-.--~... - ~____.~_ .,___.a"'~' ... . . . . ;........ -.,. RECEIVED ;:- E (, :~, 1998 CITY Uj- UUBlIN 34 / B>F ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND rebruary 3, l~~~ CuliJomia Office. Rockridge Markel Hall 5655 College Ave. Oakland, CA 9..+6) 8 (5] 0) 658-8008 Fax: 510-658.0630 Dublin City Council PO Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 RE: EDF Opposes The Reauthorization Of The Measure B Sales Tax. Dear Members of the City Council, On behalf of !he Environmental Defense Fund, I am writing to recommend that the Dublin City C0~ciJ oPFose thereauiburiZaiion of me .Measure B s<iles taX for transportation. The Environmental Defense Fund has participated in the public forums where Measure B was crafted but finds the ultimate expenditure plan to be unacceptable. The proposed measure will promote sprawl into the outer reaches of the county and harm the inner cities, provides too little for important transit service, and is inequitable. From a regional perspective, the plan fail.s to protect Alameda County's quality oflife and does not provide lasting solutions to the county's transportation problems. The reauthorization of Measure B, in fact, encourages auto-dept::ndency and causes congestion problems br using sales taxes to pay for.roads. Using sales tr.l..xesta p~y furroaus'subsidizes automot-He use and ,further contributes to ouI severe congestion problems. In Eastern Alameda C;}~ty, for ex.~ple, the lion's share of spending i!: for auto-related highway expansion projects. . Both HOV an.d inixed~flow single-occupant vehicle expressv~'CiY5 are t:lJTiside::red, while funding for public transit is insufficient and the lowest iI.! the c;oumy. Moreover, the reauthorization of Measure B 'willlock in this low level of ru...,ding fer public transit fer an additicnal 15 years, beyond 2002. EDF opposes the use of sales taxes to f1.u?d road and highw3.Y projects because we believe that where t.here is.a need eel" investment,in ro~c: it should he pai~ for by tr;:.:.nsF[.':.ution '-is'::! fees, such as gas taxes and tolls. The expendIture plan for the reauthorized MeasUre B dedicates 45% of funding to roads. While 45% for car-oriented uses is lower than the c.:urrent measure, it is not low enough. We have a deep concern that adding new un-priced capacity to Highway 238", . Highway 680, and Route 84 Expressway will lead our region into a new cycle of increased sL."lgle-occupant travel and a return to congested conditions after just a few years. EDF a1f'0 objects't6'th~.waSteful spending cf20r!' 0ftr~Tl;;i~ dollars:o!1 the Co!iseum-Ai:port . . . COlIDector and BART eA1ension to Warm Springs. According to the Iv1etropoEta.."l Transportation Commission. the waim Springs extension will necesgitate a $73 per !lasSeTlge:T suhsidy. We believe more efficient and cost-effective transit alternatives exist that could better serve.the needs , ' of Alameda County residents. NaI;r>lIol Heudquar1ers :'~7 PllJ'k A venue South New Y orl;. 1''1' IOOJ 0 r2J2) 505.2100 ~l~i,~~~IT L ..~" ~.~.e 'l? H;:_ ~~~~~ ~~ft~ ~~~ .. 3~--, 1405 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder. CO 80302 (303) ~(l.490l 1875 Conneetic:u\ Ave., KW_ WashinglOn. DC 20009 C02) 387.3500 .., ,OO~" !='os!-Con!ium~- Recycled paper -~ - , Yd1 Since Measure B does not expire until 2002, there is ample time to craft both a better investment . plan and a better match of fInancing sources and investment choices. It is our hope that the Dublin City Council will evaluate Measure B from a regional perspective and reject it on the grounds that it is neither efficient nor fair to all Alameda County residents. Thank you for considering our viewpoint. Sincerely, ~ Meg Krehbiel Policy Analyst . . , . CITY ADMINISTRATOR PH. (510) 526.5710 FAX (510) 526-5797 CITY ATTORNEY PH. (510) 524.9205 FAX (510) 526-9190 CITY CLERK PH. (510) 526-5720 FAX (510) 528-5797 CITY COUNCIL PH. (510) 526.5720 FAX (510) 526-5797 COMMUNITY DEVelOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAl RESOURCES . Building . Engineering . Environmental Resources . Maintenance . Planning PH. (510) 528.5760 FAX (510) 524-9359 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE .ERVICES ITY TREASURER PH. (510) 528-5730 FAX (510) 526-2743 FIRE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PH. (510) 528.5771 FAX (510) 526-5774 PERSONNEL PH. 1510) 528.5714 FAX (510) 526.5797 POLICE PH. (510) 525-/300 FAX (510) 525-1360 RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES 1249 Marin Avenue PH. (510) 524-9283 FAX (510) 526-8914 . Friendship Club! Childcare Program PH. (510) 524-0135 . Sehlor Center PH. (510) 524-9122 FAX (510) 524.8940 . Teen Center PH. (510) 525-05/6 . ctIy February 3, 1998 1000 SAN PABLO AVENUE · ALBANY, CALIFORNIA 94706.2295 Ms. Christine Monsen, Executive Director Alameda County Transportation Authority 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 600 Oakland, CA 946124305 Subject: Draft Expenditure Plan for the Extension of Measure B Dear Ms. Monsen: The City Council of the City of Albany is supportive of the draft Expendiwre Plan for the reauthorization of the Alameda County transportation sales tax. The Council voted 5-0 to approve the plan and recommend that the Board of Supervisors place a proposition on the June ballot. However, the City Council has significant concerns with current efforts to seek changes to the wording for Project 492, presently designated as "BART/Rail Extension to Warm Springs." Efforts to modify the previously adopted language are ill considered for at least three reasons. First, such efforts preclude the dispassionate review of alternative rail technologies and alignments during the implementation process. Contrary to Fremont's assertion, there is every reason to suggest to voters that another rail alternative might be considered. Past analysis, such as MTC's 1994 analysis of alternatives for a South county rail connection, indicated there is abundant reason to believe that alternative rail alignments and technologies could provide comparable levels of service and congestion relief for significantly less cost. While BART has good reason to question the ridership estimates that form the basis of the MTC study, any revisions to the ridership estimates would also presumably improve the cost- effectiveness of the alternatives, leading one to the same ultimate conclusion. The final funding decision should be made only after updating past study results, resolving coordination issues with Santa Clara County, and selecting the rail link strategy that provides the greatest tangible benefit for the least amount of money. The proposed language changes, in conrrast, predetermine the selection process on political grounds. Second, polling results, which are cited as a primary rationale for seeking the wording changes, failed to gauge voter support for a BART extension when presented with comparative cost information for alternative rail connection srrategies. Similar polling conducted in Santa Clara County in 1992 found that support for BART was extremely high until comparative costs of alternatives were discussed, at which point support plummeted. Thus, while support for a Warm Springs BART extension is demonstrably broad, it is arguably shallow and could prove to be the Achilles heel of the entire measure. The City of Albany is dedicated to mainiaining its small town ambience, respond, and providing a safe, healthy environment now and in t, ~. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1tW~~ ll'~~~~'~~T--'" 11 ' ::t ~:'" .". ~'! ".. i .. :l.' ---'., ,l;e l.~~ . . ;. ~'.~'~~~' ~t k~ ~ ~';el;"~ . ~. '6Sl t;~e' _ , . Page 2 Ms. Christine Monsen Third, the requested changes are not timely. The requested changes come after the Expenditure Plan Development Committee (EPDC) has complete its deliberations, after the Alameda County Transportation Authority has acted on the EPDC recommendations, and only a month before the Board of Supervisors must take fInal action. Changing the plan at this date devalues the participation of the many individuals and organizations who worked so hard over the last year to hammer out the compromises necessary to develop this balanced and realistic expenditure plan. Modifying the language at this date excludes them from the debate over the appropriateness of the changes. For these reasons, I urge you to retain the existing language for Project 492, as requested by the Albany City Council. Sincerely, Bruce Mast Mayor cc: Albany Ciry Council City Councils, City Managers of all Alameda County Cities Alameda County Board of Supervisors BART Board of Directors Enclosure bel) . . . . 1~~ ? RESOLUTION- #98-6 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE ALBANY CITY COUNCn.. APPROVING THE ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN AND AUTHORIZING 3 EXTENSION OF THE Y: CENT SALES TA.,'X 4 WHEREAS, the Alameda County Transportation Authority has approved a new Alameda County 5 Transportation Expenditure Plan pursuant to the authority of the State Public Utilities Code; and 6 WHEREAS, the Transportation Expenditure Plan was developed by an Expenditure Plan Development 7 Committee composed of 40 Alameda County residents and representatives and approved by a Steering Committee 8 composed of 11 elected officials from Alameda County Cities, the Board of Supervisors, the Alameda-Contra Costa 9 Transit District (Ae Transit) and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) ; and 10 WHEREAS, the new Transportation Expenditure Plan totaling $1.14 billion consists of programs and 11 projects that are essential to the movement of people and goods throughout Alameda County wil1 maintain local 12 streets and roads, restore and enhance transit and paratransit services, and provide critical assistance in solving 13 significant transportation and congestion problems of Alameda County; and 14 'WHEREAS, the interests of the City of Albany and its citizens wil1 be benefitted by the implementation of . 15 the new Transportation Expenditure Plan and the extension of the one~half of one percent retail sales/use tax to 16 support the new Transportation Expenditure Plan. 17 18 19 20 21 ..,.., ")... _J 24 ..,- -, 26 ..,- ...1 . 28 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOL YED that while the Albany City Council supports the concept of rail extensions to Santa Clara County and to the Oakland Airport. it wishes to express its support that al1 alternatives, not just BART extensions. be explored to meet the objectives of these rail extensions; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Albany City Council does hereby approve the new Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan contingent upon retention of the existing language for Project 492 as adopted by the Alameda County Transponation Authority on January 22. 1998: and BE IT flJRTIIER RESOL YED that the Albanv City Council recommends that the Alameda County Board - . - of Supervisors place a proposition on the June 1998 bal10t to authorize the extension of the one-half of one percent retail sales/ta.x to fund the programs and projects described in the new Alameda County Transportation Plan. Mayor Bruce Mast . Alameda County Transportation Authority Alameda County . EXPENDITURE PLAN January 22, 1998 . ~. ....-..... r-op.'~l'>1f"l~~l)~T ~ 1I1,~ \. I ". ~:" !., ,j ~;~ . ~~ ~f.oi>l>4 ;'Vrl.,,~~.:':ld ~ ~ ,~ --- .......,.,...,.. IIIII_~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The following persons are acknowledged for their contribution to this Plan: . ACTA Board Members: Supervisor Keith Carson, Chair Mayor Mark Green, Vice Chair Supervisor Wilma Chan Mayor Roberta Cooper Mayor Nora Davis Supervisor Scott Haggerty Mayor Elihu Harris Supervisor Mary King Supervisor Gail Steele EPD Steering Committee Members: Mayor Mark Green, Chair Mayor Nora Davis, Vice-Chair Mayor Ralph Appezzato Director Tom Blalock Supervisor Keith Carson Supervisor Scott Haggerty Mayor Elihu Harris Mayor Gus Morrison Supervisor Gail Steele Director Matt Williams Council Member Ayn Wieskamp . ACTA Staff and Consultants to EPDC Vincent J. Harris, Executive Director, ACTA Christine Monsen, Deputy Director George Fong, Finance Manager Joan Van Brasch, Admin. Manager Dennis Fay, Executive Director, CMA Zack Wasserman, Legal Counsel, WRBD Bonnie Nelson, Technical Consultant, Nelson\Nygaard Carolyn Verheyen, Process Facilitation, MIG Technical Team Members: DKS Associates Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. Dick Swanson . . Expenditure Plan Development Committee John Bergerson Charles Betcher Robert Billmire Thomas E. Brightbill Joseph W. Callahan, Jr. Barry De Armond Bruce De Benedictis Erlene De Marcus David Dominguez Kevin Dowling Barbara D. Fields William Fitts James C. Ghielmetti Jim Gleich Steve Gregory Tom Handley Stana Hearne Richard Hendrix John Hines Sue Hodges Linda J. Jeffery Neal Johnson John Katz Howard W. Kerr Patricia Kite Dr. James B. Kohnen Bridgit Koller Gary E. Kruger Harold Logwood Shanna O'Hare Ken Oplinger H.E. Christian Peeples Dale D. Reed Vincent Salinas Carol Severin Allen Shelley Peter Snyder Ekunadayo Sowunmi Dianne Steinhauser Nancy Van Huffel . . AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY , ExPENDITURE PlAN TABLE OF CONTENTS . ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Projects and Programs Funded by the Sales Tax Extension . II INTRODUCTION .................................. 1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE SALES TAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Governing Board and Organizational Structure ......... 3 Annual Budget/Financial Projections ................ 4 Accountability in the Expenditure Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS INCLUDED IN THE PLAN ....... 9 Programmatic Spending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Capital Projects ............................. 1 5 . GUIDING PRINCIPLES ............................. 47 Appendix A Program Jurisdiction Receipts Appendix B 4% Enhancement Process TABLE OF FIGURES Ea9.e. Figure ES-1 - Recommended Set-Aside Amounts .......... iv Figure ES-2 - Tier 1 Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xi Figure ES -3 - Tier 2 Projects ........................ xii Figure ES -4 - Location of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Projects ........ xiii Figure 1 - Recommended Set-Aside Amounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 2' - Tier 1 Projects ........................... 1 7 Figure 3 - Tier 2 Projects ........................... 18 . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE i . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . Alameda County has had the benefit of a % cent sales tax dedicated to transportation purposes since November, 1986 when the voters passed a retail transactions and use tax ordinance commonly known as Measure B. The revenue from this tax has been used for many important transportation purposes in all areas of Alameda County, including highway widening and rehabilitation projects, support for AC Transit and many local paratransit services for elders and persons with disabilities. The sales tax funds were also a major source of support for local streets and roads maintenance projects in each City and unincorporated areas of the County. The authorization for this tax will terminate, as required by statute on March 31 st 2002. ::::::::::::;::::;:.:~;:~:::;{;;; ....... .".. ',. ." ........ .. ,'..,'........................".. fI~VJIIIJrlA~~i .......... 1'!D ec 'S . ere'. .fofcriticai .. ;}t~~I~:~'~1~n........ tA/~'l'~Cl~~DUlJty" While the initial Measure B has accomplished many important transportation projects, there continues to be a need for a local funding source for critical transportation projects in Alameda County. This Plan describes the projects and programs that would be funded under a 15-year extension of the half-cent sales tax. These projects and programs are essential to the mobility of people and goods throughout Alameda County. The Plan also includes a description of the Agency that would be responsible for the administration of these funds, providing assurances that this Agency will provide a lean and accountable administration, guided by the best principles of governance and finance. A Citizens Watchdog Committee will be created and will be responsible for reviewing all expenditures of the Agency and reporting directly to the public. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE I AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS FUNDED BY THE SALES TAX EXTENSION . Four programs and 26 capital projects will be funded based. on the assumptions used to develop this Plan. The details of these projects and programs are described in the body of this Plan. The following summarize~ the transportation improvements included in this Expenditure Plan. .. Programs, are paid monthly and are based on set percentages of net annual receipts. These programs are funded monthly based on formulas established by the Expenditure Plan. Programmatic funds. may be used for both capital expenditures and operations and maintenance activities, but are more commonly used for the on-going expenditures of maintenance and operations. The four programs included in this Plan are: Local Transportation, Transit, Paratransit and Transportation Enhancements. . .. Projects, or capital projects, are specific activities to be funded over a specified period of time required to deliver a capital improvement. The Plan identifies 26 projects as "Tier 1 " which will receive the first priority for funding during the 1 5 year duration of the measure. The Plan also includes a second tier of projects which will receive priority for funding should additional revenues be available. Programs Figure ES-1 shows the amount of programmatic funds anticipated in each of the four programs in each of the four geographic sub-areas of the County. This table is based on financial projections which assume a 4% annual growth rate in sales tax revenues. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 11 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN . In all cases, North Area refers to the Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Albany ~ Piedmont, Emeryville and Alameda, as well as unincorporated areas within that boundary. Central County includes the Cities of Hayward and San Leandro, and the unincorporated area of Castro Valley, as well as other unincorporated lands governed by Alameda County in the Central Area. South Area includes the Cities of Fremont, Newark and Union City; East County includes Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton, and all unincorporated lands in that area. . . PAGE III JANUARY 22, 1998 ~ ..... '-'" '" t- Z ::s o ~ l.lJ Q - i f.It Q l.lJ Q Z LIJ X X o U LIJ = I ..... . 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N' N ).. ec :3 ~ ~ AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AurnoRITY ExPENDrruRE PlAN .Local TransDortation (23.090/0 overall) Local Transportation funds are provided to local cities and Alameda County. These funds are a significant source of funding for maintenance of local streets and roads. The funds may be used for any local transportation need based on local priorities, including streets and roads projects, local transit projects, bicycle and pedestrian projects and other transportation uses. The 23.09% of net receipts dedicated to this purpose is an increase over the allocations . in the current Measure S, which allocates a total of 1 8 % of receipts to local transportation purposes. . Local transportation funds within a geographic sub-area will be allocated to the jurisdictions within that sub-area based on a formula weighted 50% by the population of the jurisdiction within the sub- area and 50% on the number of road miles within the sub-area. The formula may change in the future based on changes in population and road mile figures. Transit ODerations (19.060/0 overall) Transit operating funds are provided to AC Transit, the Alameda- Oakland Ferries, Altamont Rail, Union City Transit and the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VT A) for maintenance of transit services, restoration of service cuts, expansion of transit services, and passenger safety and security. The transit operators will determine the priorities for these funds through public processes and through annual reporting to the Agency. The 19.06% of net receipts allocated to fixed route public transit operations represents a substantial increase over the 11.8% allocated under the current Measure S to AC Transit operations. Fixed route operators will also benefit from paratransit funds (described below) and from capital improvement projects which will enhance the transit network throughout the County. . This Plan allocates Transit Operations funds as follows: AC Transit will receive 15.43% of net annual sales tax receipts, the Alameda . ]ANUARY22,1998 PAGE VI AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PLAN . Ferries will receive 0.8%, Altamont Rail service will receive 1.8%, Union City Transit will receive 0.34% and LAVTA will receive 0.7%. AC Transit agrees to allocate approximately $1.1 3M per year in current dollars, or 1.48% of overall net sales tax receipts to enhancing transportation opportunities for persons making the transition from welfare to work. Should AC Transit successfully receive other funds, sufficient to meet the need for these services, the remainder of funds in this category program would revert to general operating subsidy for AC Transit. . All general operating subsidy funds received by AC Transit and all other transit operators will be used for maintaining service levels, restoring service cuts, increasing service, or improving passenger safety and security. . Paratransit Operations (9. 16010 overall) Paratransit funding is provided for services mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act to fixed route public transit operators who are required to provide that service. Recipients of these funds include AC Transit, which will receive 4.21 % of the total annual net receipts from the tax; and BART, which will receive 1.52%. In the current Measure B, which was created before the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act, no funding is provided for this mandated service. Funds are also provided for non-mandated paratransit services, aimed at improving mobility for elders and persons with disabilities. These funds are provided to the cities in the County and to Alameda County based on a formula developed by the Alameda County Paratransit Coordinating Council (PAPCO). 2.36% of net receipts will be allocated back to local jurisdictions for non-mandated services, compared with 1.5 % in the current Measure B. This total does not include funding in South County, which designates 5 % of its total program funding towards paratransit, for both mandated and non- mandated programs. The distribution of these funds between mandated and non-mandated programs would be made on an annual basis by each City in the South County sub-area. . PAGE VII JANUARY 22, 1998 AlAMEDA COUNlY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDnuRE PLAN Transportation Enhancements (40/0 overallt These funds are distributed to cities in the County and to Alameda County to be spent on special projects in any of the following categories: bicycle projects, pedestrian projects, and open space procurement to protect agricultural resources or mitigate the impact of projects. This is a new program, not currently funded in Measure B. The Enhancements category is designed to increase the total expenditure for these modes to a total of 4% in each sub-area, by creating a "Trust Fund" that supplements the amount spent on these purposes through capital projects. Funds in this category will be disbursed to the cities and county based on the same formula that governs local transportation spending. The program will be reviewed by a program coordinator who will work with the jurisdictions to leverage funds for additional enhancements. . Projects Twenty-six capital projects have been identified as essential transportation improvements to be funded with sales tax receipts. Projects identified as "Tier 1 " are expected to be fully funded with the proceeds from this sales tax extension and reasonable assumptions about leveraged sources. An additional list of Tier 2 projects is included to be funded if additional sales tax revenue is realized, above the growth assumptions already included in the Plan. In many cases, Tier 2 projects provide a continuation of a Tier 1 project, adding functionality or increasing the boundaries of the project. . The Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital Plans are summarized on Figures ES-2 and ES-3. A conceptual map of the County showing the location of Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects is presented in Figure ES-4. The following summarizes the improvements that can be expected with these funds: . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE VIII AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AlfTHORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN . North and Centrat County Improvements . . . The Oakland Airport Connector will provide a high speed people mover connection between the Coliseum BART station and Oakland's International Airport. . AC Transit will develop a llquality bus" corridor, providing frequent service, enhanced stop amenities and new vehicles in a major Oakland/Berkeley service corridor. . Bicycle and pedestrian access and safety will be improved in the San Pablo Corridor. . The addition of an 1-880 interchange in the Broadway/Jackson area will add access to Oakland's Chinatown, Jack London Square and Alameda. . Two new transit center projects, the Oakland Broadway Transit Center and Fruitvale Transit Village will enhance intermodal access for transit riders, pedestrians and bicyclists. . Reconstruct and widen Interstate 238 between 1-580 and 1-880 in Central Alameda County, improving safety and eliminating a key bottleneck. . Creating a reliever route to 1-880/SR 92 in the Hayward Area. . Complete five local intersection improvements in San Leandro and Castro Valley, improving safety and relieving congestion in those communities. . Widening Lewelling Boulevard and East Lewelling in Hayward. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGElX AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPOKTATlON AUTHORITY ExPENDI1URE PlAN South and ~ast County ImDrovements . . Create a rail corridor in southern Alameda County, extending from the current BART terminus towards the Santa Clara County line. . -. Add an HOV lane improvement on 1-680 in both southern and eastern Alameda County, from Route 84 to the Santa Clara County line. . Improve trackage and provide operating subsidies for the Alameda County portion of the Altamont Commute Express rail service, ensuring on-going operations. . Create a multi-modal center in Union City, combining BART, bus, and non-motorized improvements with connections to a potential commuter rail line. . Route 84 in eastern Alameda County will be improved, providing additional capacity from 1-580 to Vallecitos Road and completing safety improvements in the Pigeon Pass area on the Vallecitos Road portion of the project to 1-680. The project designates the Vallecitos Road portion of the new route as a scenic corridor. . . A new interchange will be developed at Isabel Avenue (Route 84) and 1-580, in conjunction with improvements to Route 84. . An auxiliary lane will be created in the eastbound direction on 1-580 in East County to provide additional capacity and enhanced safety. . Bicycle, pedestrian and transit access will be improved through the development of a project on the Iron Horse Trail in Dublin that will enhance access to the BART station in East County. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE X AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AurnoRllY ExPENDITURE PLAN FIGURE ES-2 - TIER 1 PROJECTS . N 691 Local StreetslRoads for Oakland $4.00 N 692 Non.Motorized Transportation for Oakland $4.00 N 170 1.880 Jackson/Broadway Interchange $6.00 N 640 Broadway/14th Street Transit Center, Oakland $5.00 N 690 Development of Fruitvale BART Transit Village $3.50 N 500 BART Airport Connector $65.80 N 250 San Pablo Corridor. Non Motorized Improvements $4.50 N 860 AC Transit Phase I (San Pablo, Telegraph Corridors) $20.00 E/S 240 Altamont Commuter Rail $10.00 E/S 230 1.680 HOV Improvements $25.80 S 726 Local Streets/Roads for Newark $1.20 S 725 Union City Intermodal Station $9.20 . S 492 BARTlRail Extension to Warm Springs $165.50 S 350 1-680/1-860 Connector Studies $1.00 C 591 1.880/SR92 Reliever Route Clawiter/Whiteselllnterchange $19.50 C 430 1.580 Interchange in Castro Valley $9.20 C, 450 Widen Lewelling/E. Lewelling in San Leandro $9.80 C 320 1.238 Widening $66.00 C 390 Washington Avenue Interchange in San Leandro $1.10 C 700 Hesperian/Lewelling Widening in San Leandro $1.00 C 720 E. 14th St/Hesperian Blvd., 150th St. improvements in San Leandro $0.83 C 710 Westgate Extension to Williams in San Leandro $8.61 E 620 Isabel Route 84/1-580 Interchange $20.00 E 900 Route 84 Expressway in Livermore $70.00 E 560 Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route in Dublin $5.00 E 540 1.580 Eastbound Auxiliary Lane (from Santa Rita to Airway) $10.00 . Total $546.54 JANUARY 22,1998 PAGE XI AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PIAN FIGURE ES -3 TIER 2 PROJECTS . N 500 BART Airport Connector $7.20 N 860 AC Transit Phase I (Oakland/Berkeley Corridor) $2.00 N 250 San Pablo Corridor Transit Enhancements $19.00 N 860 AC Transit Phase I Improvement (2 additional corridors) $44.00 S 350 1.680/1.860 Connector Studies $6.50 S 492 BART/Rail Extension to. Warm Springs $85.90 C 450 Widen Lewelling/E. Lewelling $6.80 C 591 1.880/SR92 Reliever Route Clawiter/Whiteselllnterchange $15.70 ALL 491 BART Seismic Improvement $109.00 E 540 1.580 Eastbound Auxiliary Lane $8.40 . (from Airway to Route 84) E 900 Route 84 Expressway $18.00 E 620 Isabel Route 84/1.580 Interchange $35.00 E 510 BART Dublin Station $38.40 Note: Priority for Tier 2 projects will be set by an annual Strategic Plan process. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE XII . . . Figure 15-4 location of Tierl & Tier 2 Proieds Capital Projects " . j- I <_I. .,"';1 ,.~ "", ,; ~>.' .' .". . . " ~... < =-.L., P170 - 1-880 JackscnlBroadway Interc:hange P250 - San Pablo Ave. Conidor Non-Molorized Improvements P500. BARTlOakland Airport Connector P640 . Brnadway/14th SL Transit Center. Oakland P690 . Froitvale BART Transit Wage P691 . Local SIr.etslRoads for Oakland (Not Shown) P692 - Non-Motomed Transportstion for Oakland (Not Shown) P860 . AC Transit Phase 1 (San Pablo. Telegraph Conidor.l) . Central P320 . 1-238 Widening. San LeandnllWa P390 . WashinglQn Avenue Interchange In San Leandro P430 - 1-580 Interdlange Improvements in Caslro Vaney P450 . Widen LeweningtE. Lewelling in San Leandro PS91 . I-88OISR 92 Re~ever Route P700 - HespelillnlLewemng WIdening In San Leendro P710. Westgate Exlenslon to WIllIams SlnIetln San Leandro P720 - E. 14th StlHaperian BIvdJ150lh SL Improvements . . - - South . P230 - 1-680 HOV Improvements Route 84 - Santa Clara County P240 . Allamonl Commute Express Rail P350 - 1-680/880 Cn>ss Connector Environmental Studies P492 . BARTlRail Extension to Wann Springs P725 - Union City Intennodal Station P726 - Local SlreelslRoads for Newark (Not Shown) . - ~- . ,<> -. -, '. - ..' - East . '_: , ' . P230 . 1-680 HOV Improvements Route 84 . Sanla Clara County P240 . Allamant Commute Express Ran PSIO - BART Cublin Slanon P540 . 1.580 Eastbound Auxiliary Lane PS60 _ IronhOtSe Bic;yde, Pedeslrlan and Transit Route In Cublin P620 - Isabel Route 84n-580 Interchange P900 . Rt. 84 Expressway Enhancement m ttonwaY ~ locll ~ ~ T...... Q~ ,... - -. ~- - --- --- INTRODUCTION . Alameda County has had the benefit of a % cent sales tax dedicated to transportation purposes since November, 1986 when the voters passed a retail transactions and use tax ordinance commonly known as Measure B. The revenue from this tax has been used for many important transportation purposes in all areas of Alameda County, highway widening and rehabilitation projects, and support for AC Transit and many local paratransit services for elders and persons with disabilities. The sales tax funds were also a major source of support for local streets and roads maintenance projects in each City and unincorporated areas of the County. While the initial Measure B program has accomplished many important transportation projects, there continues to be a need for a local funding source for critical transportation projects in Alameda County. For that reason, the County Board of Supervisors, aided by the Alameda County Transportation Authority, who administers the current sales tax, a Steering Committee consisting of elected officials representing jurisdictions within the County, and a 40 member Expenditure Development Plan Committee, consisting of residents of Alameda County and representatives from business and interest groups throughout the County, have developed this Transportation Expenditure Plan. The Plan describes the way in which funds will be spent if the % cent retail transactions and use tax ordinance is extended by the voters for another 1 5 years after the current Measure B ends. The reauthorization of the transportation sales tax is authorized under California Public Utilities Code Section The enabling legislation, allowing the voters to pass this type of Transportation Sales Tax,' requires that the tax sunset, or terminate, after a fixed number of years. The current sales tax measure will terminate 15 years after implementation, or in March, 2002. .... ". .... '....'I!......C.-7 'J,ca ."". .. ., ..... .~. .... .... .. ...... .. . ..... . "::". .:..".... ....:..::..:...:. -:....:::-:..: :.::..:.....-:.. ". ". ...'....tyall~ltect.f1t~i~n ...... .' ". 'piJ'lD'}e 'S' ,.,/.... 'II ,., ... .. .. ..... .. "... . .". .', ,".. . .. ......~/~I71~ft~,..~~f,'!ty.. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGEl . . . . . ~. ALAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY txPENDITURE t"lAN ~ .180000 et. Seq, Local Transportation Authority and Improvement Act, and all activities described in this Plan are subject to the requirements of that Act. This Plan was adopted by the members of the Alameda County Transportation Authority on January 22, 1998, and was subsequently adopted by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors on March 3, 1998. The Plan was reviewed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and all of the City Councils representing all of the incorporated cities within the County, as well as the Boards of Directors of the transit agencies throughout the county. It was the consensus of these bodies that an extension of the current retail transactions and use tax ordinance is necessary to support this Transportation Expenditure Plan and to fund the attached list of essential transportation projects and programs in Alameda County. This Expenditure Plan is divided into three sections, entitled Administration, Projects and Programs, and Guiding Principles. The Administration Section describes the governing body and administration of the sales tax receipts through the creation of a new organization and a Citizens Watchdog Committee who will be responsive to the voters. This section also describes the protections provided to the voters to ensure that the tax receipts collected by enacting this ordinance will be spent in a manner consistent with the best practices in administration. The second section describes the critical projects and programs that will be funded by the revenue generated by this tax. The third section, Guiding Principles, describes the principles that will govern the expenditure of funds, including contingency plans for the possibility that the actual receipts from this tax will be either higher or lower than the amounts estimated in this Plan. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE SALES TAX . GOVERNING BOARD AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE In enacting this ordinance, the voters will authorize that a new County Transportation Improvement Authority (referred to as Agency throughout this document) be formed to administer the funds. The make-up of this Agency will be as follows: ... Five members of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors ... 3 representatives appointed by the Alameda County Mayors' Conference from the cities of Hayward, Fremont, Newark, Union City, Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin ... 2 representatives appointed by the Alameda County Mayors' Conference from the cities of San Leandro, Oakland, Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, & Piedmont ... 1 representative designated by the Mayor of Oakland '" ., 'i'..:M"ne:w.adeJJ~.,......... ;:. .:: :.::::::::::<::::=::::::::.=-::"::: :::."::.>::::_. "::> ::":;:::;." :)O~:~,:..,:::::::::~~:~:::;~::::: ~/:'~ ." .:..";"'..VJ,.il!...l?~.:::.:!D1tifl!I:!' ':~i!;~~iflllJ!iE~': .lliiil:!lii:!cllill1s'. . ..........'....'..:j....::.~t....~~~:.:i.~!ll~................ ...,......,.:.......;;~;,.,.:;;;i~.../.z.e............... . :'..~-'I.!.::::"c'!.~-:!!'':;~,~ . ....... ::~f!/~~ijl!~~~fln . ........,. ,'i;?!ij~~1fr:!fig"" ~f!?JttFJf?~6>>' <14.... 'di" ...... . //~~/...~:Jj~t............. ..>i.................... '..< .................. ......'e....>.. ........ ... ......>....><...:{..... . ,accoyCfiii~,TtO)', '....::,::-:--:,<:;::.,:;':.;',"...":...'::.::-.....:::',:..~.;:>:.;.;:;:::::..:-.::.:::. .t';'4J'S"n'l,...jn< <::):.\ . .. I'.. ,:I":J~, _""....,. . All representatives to the Agency's governing board will be elected officials. The newly formed Agency will hire the staff and professional assistance required to administer the proceeds of the tax and carry out the mission outlined in this Expenditure Plan. This Agency will have as its sole function the administration of sales tax proceeds, . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 3 . . . -- AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AurnoRllY I:XPENDlTURE t"lAN ensuring that these funds are spent according to the mandate of this Plan. The total cost for salaries and benefits for Agency employees required to administer this Plan will not exceed 1 % of the revenues generated by the sales tax authorized by the ordinance supporting this Plan. The Agency will prepare an annual report, identifying the total expenditures for"'",,,:,::,,;,,:.:,:;.::,:.:::::,::: administration; as well as all other costs associated with delivering the program. The duration of the tax wil! be 15 years from the :::,:' initial year of collection, which will begin in 2002. The tax will therefore terminate on March 31, 2017. Tax proceeds will be used to pay for the programs and projects outlined in this Expenditure Plan, and may not be used for any other purpose. Amendments to this Plan will require a vote of the governing board of the Agency. In addition, each of the City Councils, the County Board of Supervisors, and the Agency will have an opportunity to comment on any plan amendment. u,'d ene 'I 'Suu,",",", " I;!I;'riffJJlill,! '..';":><n/o<'~)e"'::':;:l!.!ie".';.:'.'..J-":::':::':" >" ...<:'::' .:>~. ~,...., ..)?~~t:':<. ": ". '-:.' ;::...-:::.:::.......::::., .:.::.::...:-:......::'..:.,;,,;:-'...:::::.::::.::::..:::.::., ,..:.:......::..:'...',.'.'::.:u1..%cilA'tiie..: .. '. "-: :'".=::::>:.:::':' :,"'::::":/:;::.:: ::-:.: ,:,,:>:::~(\t~]<~:~~:.:. : ,; ::}(}t: , '.",""":.":revenues:.':-::.' jej,~t/afbdfjj~! .'t ""tJ' ".....e :':L-~je":.::":~:...t":".~.;< '. ",' - '.;.:".,.,...,....,...'" ,::;;~.r;:lIJ:'I~.' ,Clf~,">' The new Agency will have the authority to bond for the purposes of expediting the delivery of transportation projects and programs. The bonds will be paid with the proceeds of the retail transactions and use tax. The costs associated with bonding will be borne only by the capital projects included in the Plan, and by any programs included in this Plan that utilize the bond proceeds. The costs and risks associated with bonding will be presented in the agency's annual Strategic Plan, subject to public comment before approving any bond sale. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 4 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY EXPENDITURE PlAN ANNUAL BUDGET/FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS . An Annual Budget will be adopted by the Agency each year. The Budget will project the expected sales tax receipts, other anticipated funds and planned expenditures for administration, programs, and projects. . Administrative costs include fees charged by the State Board of Equalization for collecting the sales tax; salaries and benefits ~ of employees, (capped at no more than 1 % of sales tax receipts); ; rent, insurance, and other normal operating costs; and professional . 'services (including financial, legal and other consultants). Historically, these administrative costs have equaled 4.7% of the sales tax receipts plus 0.8% charged by the Board of Equalization (BOE) for the current Measure B program. The financial projections in this Expenditure Plan assume 4.5% for all administrative costs, including BOE fees. This reflects the Agency's desire for a lean administration. Distributions for projects and programs are made net of these administrative costs. Financial estimates are further affected by the inflation rate for receipts and cost escalation for projects that will be completed in the future. The estimates used in this Plan are based on the assumption of a 4% annual increase in tax revenue and a 4% annual escalation for costs of capital projects. ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE EXPENDITURE PLAN This Expenditure Plan is the governing document for the expenditure of receipts from the retail transactions and use tax ordinance enacted by the voters of Alameda County. This section describes the protections offered to the voters to ensure that the revenue generated by this tax will be spent according to the priorities presented in this Expenditure Plan. . :iu:..4'6Jfi~1J"iu." , l;i~i~liiliJj... ;!!~<<~~~l.;1I~.... Jil;r:,,~!~r;;ijJI~~'rp i~;iJJ~NfJ{ljtlffJ}.e ;.!...:..:..........:...Eii~~l~!!}:.:llil7"'.," ;!;#lr:~~ll;: .','.'.."',' ,. "".'.'.'iilfbli~;';i, ........~.;......-:-:-:..:.:-:-:-:...',.':-........-:-:::::,...::". . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGES -- AlAMEDA COUNlY TRANSPORTATION AurnoRlTY EXPENDlTtJRE r'LAN . Citizens Watchdog Committee A Citizens Watchdog Committee will be created by the Agency governing board with the assistance of the League of Women Voters and other citizen's groups. This committee will report directly to the public and will be _ charged with reviewing all expenditures of the Agency. The responsibilities of the committee are: .. The Committee must hold public hearings and issue reports, on at least an annual basis to inform Alameda County residents how the funds are being spent. The hearings must be held in compliance with the Brown Act, California's open meeting law, with information announcing the hearings well- publicized and posted in advance. . .. The Committee will have full access to the Agency's independent auditor and will have authority to request and review specific information and to comment on the auditor's reports. .. The Committee must publish an annual report and any comments concerning the Agency's audit in local newspapers. In addition, copies of these documents must be made available to the public at large in written and accessible formats. The Citizens Watchdog Committee members must consist of private citizens who are not elected officials at any level of government or public employees from agencies that either oversee or benefit from the proceeds of the sales tax. Membership will be restricted to individuals who live in Alameda County. Members will be required to submit a statement of financial disclosure and membership will be restricted to individuals without economic interest in any of the agency's projects. The Committee will be designed to reflect the diversity of the County. The Committee will consist of 1 7 members. Membership will be as follows: . PAGf6 JANUARY 22,1998 AlAMEDA COUNlY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY E'<PENDlTURf PlAN .. Two at-large members will be designated. from each of the five supervisorial districts in the County. (Total of 10 at- . large members). One member "."fill be nominated by each member of the Board of Supervisors and one additional member in each supervisorial district will be selected by the Alameda County Mayors' Conference. .. Seven members will be selected to reflect a balance of viewpoints across the County. These members will be nominated by their respective organizations and approved by the Board of the Agency. - One representative from the Alameda County Taxpayer's Association - One representative from the Sierra Club - One representative from the Alameda County Labor Council - One representative from the Alameda County Economic Development Alliance for Business - One representative from the Alameda County Paratransit Advisory Panel - One representative from the East Bay Bicycle Coalition - One representative from the League of Women Voters The members of the Citizens Watchdog Committee are expected to provide a balance of viewpoints, geography, age, gender and ethnicity to represent the different perspectives of taxpayers throughout the County . To ensure that citizens throughout the County have the opportunity to serve on the Committee, the at-large members will be limited to a single two-year term. Annual Strategic Plan All of the projects and programs included in this Expenditure Plan are considered essential for the transportation system of Alameda County. First . .....". .... ...... .... ,.. . ... ...... ..... ... ...... ..... ... .. ........... ........ ...................... ........... .... ...... ...... .......................... ...... ..... ....... ... ... .... ................... .. nnfj'.' .71...e....... 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'~YIa:UI"\ '-,-!UI'l11 .IV"U....J( V('\.II"'taII,,",'" ~..,,-,..n."'.~.. and second tier projects have been identified to establish some priorities within each of the areas of the county. The Agency will prepare an annual Strategic Plan which will identify the priority for projects and dates 'for project implementation based on project readiness, ability to generate leveraged funds, and other relevant criteria. This Plan will be a public document and will be adopted at a public meeting. Amendments to the Plan Amendments to this Plan are expected only in unusual and extreme cases. To modify this Plan, an amendment must be approved by the Agency Board. All jurisdictions within the County will be given a minimum of 45 days to comment on any proposed plan amendment. Flexibility Within the Plan This Plan recognizes that economic conditions may change during the course of a 15-year implementation period. The Plan is designed with limited flexibility, describing the impact on implementation if available funding is less than expected or more than expected. This limited flexibility will allow the Plan's administrators to deliver the projects and programs promised to the voters in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The flexibility within the Plan is discussed in more detail in the final section of this Plan, entitled "Governing Principals" . Agency as Co-Sponsor The Agency created to administer the sales tax will serve as "co- sponsor" of all projects for the purposes of implementation. This will allow the agency to ensure that all necessary resources are available for the development and implementation of the critical transportation projects included in this plan. Staffing The Board of the Agency will have the authority to hire professional . staff and consultant expertise as necessary to deliver the projects and . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 8 .-.. AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AlffifORJTY E..'CPENDITURE PLAN programs included in this Plan in the most efficient, expedient and cost effective manner possible. The total cost for salaries and benefits for staff hired by the agency will not exceed 1 % of the proceeds of the measure. Other administrative costs (such as rent, supplies, fees paid to the State Board of Equalization for collecting the tax and financial, legal and other necessary consultants) are not included in this 1 %. . . . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 9 ,- PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS INCLUDED IN THE PLAN . The % cent sales tax program will fund two types of expenditures: .. Programs, which are based on set percentages of annual receipts. These programs are funded annually based on formulas established by the Expenditure Plan. Programmatic funds may be used for both capital expenditures and operations and maintenance activities, but are more commonly used for the on-going expenditures of maintenance and operations. . .. Projects, or capital projects, are specific activities to be funded over a specified period of time required to deliver a capital improvement. The Plan identifies 26 projects as "Tier 1 " which will receive the first priority for funding during the 15 year duration of the measure. The Plan also includes a ' second tier of projects which will receive priority for funding should additional revenues be available. The following section describes each of the types of expenditures that will be funded by the sales tax receipts. PROGRAMMATIC SPENDING The Expenditure Plan Development Committee identified four programs for this sales tax extension: Local Transportation, Transit Operations, Paratransit and Transportation Enhancements. Programmatic funds are disbursed on a monthly basis, based on a set formula for distribution. Funding for programs are intended to reflect geographic equity based on the population projections for the County in 2005. The four programs total 53.69% of the total revenues net of administration. .- Each of the programs identified in the Plan were designed to reflect the different values found in each of the four geographic sub-areas of the county. For that reason, the emphasis on programmatic spending PAGE 10 JANUARY 22, 1998 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN is different in different parts of the county. In the north part of the county, for example, a much higher emphasis was placed on transit operations and paratransit spending than in other parts of the county. Other areas had less emphasis on programmatic spending overall, choosing to concentrate on the delivery of capital projects. For each of the four programs defined in this Plan, the overall total ... proportion of funds is first distributed to the County's four geographic sub-areas (defined below) based on the proportion of estimated 2005 population in each area, and then divided among the jurisdictions within the sub-area based on a pre- determined formula. The formula used to distribute the funds for each set-aside program is provided in the paragraph describing the program. Figure 1 shows the amount of programmatic funds anticipated in each of the four programs in each of the four sub-areas. This figure is based on financial projections which assume a 4% annual growth rate in sales tax revenues. The Guiding Principles, which follow this section, identify how funds will be redistributed if growth rates differ from projections. .. i.i:rJj~'i:i:'1!JfJ=!iJipJJllAMJJiiiiii!!il!iii..I!:!: HIi::l/4r'e'::,li'l'~jJe<....j'~rn:.i\./"t:::'::fl::rJ~:::e::::H"R}}/"}::aH!::~:::1I::::;:':!'<:..:.:'.'. .....' ...~ '-jl &I:':'.~ :.:-:.: > ...... . .,.::-:." ,,. '.. .... .". -,." "" ,..;.:.... ....-:::::::.......:...... :.:" -:-:.:.: .;::::: ". , " , .:.;..;;:; ,';,~':::::;:;:)j;:::;: " ., , .., ..,. '::'-:::::::::::::::::::;:;:~:;:~;Ui~);:;!:)<:' ." :..:.:'~lte:j,::::\',::.":..,'i,:.._....'.,,u}: ", , ".'ii::n:<!/!yt:..."."......,. ::::::::))::::~::::~::--':' ::::: '". ...... ,", ....... .". .". .... ......."". . ." >:-:-.-:." :-....:.. :.:.:.:-:.;.~. il~(l.DCli' .., ., ....'/::;;:::.:,:.:i/...... >......JIi....;;;;p.::~L:i.~...i;~~.) " .......... .... .-:-:.:':I....a..~J vT:::.a.."'....::-:.:.:.:.::-:.... . ...... .. /f\: :..::..: (::: ;" , .": .': .'. :..: :.:.::::>:::;}ji;:::::::;:::.:.:-.::: ,:.:;: ~::::<:(;\::)!:~~~~::~::;::\.: . . ...2.\,'Ti'ansit,:,: '.:"? <'0.<':'>.:<:<<" ..<.....,):::".':/,;..' . ...>:::::><>>......' 41- . . .....:-:.:-:::::::::;;;::;::::::;:.::,:::;:::; ." ii!!~ti~~t::!l~ t::::::", .' )i~:T;;A!ii1;rlJ~}J;:l: ....:.:.....:............................:....EiliiSfl~iiil1~iJfli.il.!...'i..i.............. . In all cases, North Area refers to the Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Albany, Piedmont, Emeryville and Alameda, as well as unincorporated areas within that boundary. Central County includes the Cities of Hayward, and San Leandro, and the unincorporated area of Castro Valley, as well as other unincorporated lands governed by Alameda County in the Central Area. South Area includes the cities of Fremont, Newark and Union City; and East County includes Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton, and all unincorporated lands in that area. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 11 . ~ ....... ....... ~ I- Z ::J o ~ u.l Q - I.iI't < I I- uJ ~ , z uJ :t X o U I.IJ = I .,... uJ " ::J \j - u.. I ' II . Ilrl ",~"""", ;gW't~""'., *' II;; *' o ..,. ""! N ';It. --------........--- I~~. :::.'i::::1:::\::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::':::w,:: :m':::::{:t:::'::::'::::,::::::::i:::"'~:::: .--. .. ,:::;::;'\::1j::;:'~:":':::::::;~\;::~::: u...uuu~u...u,.,. :ll~l\i;I~;,~\\~'I:I:!lr~I'~: ~ .... ;f!.. o ..,. Ol :!I~;~il,I\\\\I;lii~\II\\1illll: :::~::~::?:~tf:tt::ji~:{~:~~t: [; .2 1a "5 I:l. o a. on o <;> N - o .. [; G> :: Go' ::. a. . :::!: o ;f!.. ~ oll [; .2 1a 1:: o CI. CIl [; l! I- Iii u o ...J [; o ';i III U .2 < co 0 II) ~ g ~ N ..j" ..: ... CO .... ... ... N W r-: CO; It) ..,. 10 N N ..,. '$. .... ~ ..... 0" 0> "<f g 0 ~ c:i ~ co CO ... 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'Ci) t:: ~ "0 c:: <ll c:: (tl .1::: (;) ~ ~ .9i~ o co s- ._ ::l lXl& co ~ co 0:5 J::s ~ .~ .!::;'O ::E.S:1 lO .!E C\i 0 tf7 ~ .!2 (I) _ (tJ ~~ E 13 ~~ ~~ .c: ~ I::: 0 co :a ~ Q) "'t":S co .... :S-2 -0 ~o .- 0 (tl.....~ . Ol Q ~ <ll lO 0 '0 tf7 ~ ~ '0 t: 1:i c:: ~ ~ (tl ::J o .S g :g .5; ."""Q ::... e ~ 0.. .S ~ ~ ~ lJj . - - ~ g Cl.'~ (tl e un.. co C'l D'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2: ~ . AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AurnORJTY ExPENDRURE PlAN toeal Transportation (23~09% overall) . Local Transportation funds are provided to local cities and Alameda County. These funds are a significant source of funding for maintenance of local streets and roads. The funds may be used for any local transportation need .based on local priorities, including streets and roads projects, local transit projects, bicycle and pedestrian projects and other transportation uses. Local transportation funds within a geographic sub-area will be allocated to the jurisdictions within that sub-area based on a formula weighted 50% by the population of the jurisdiction within the sub-area and 50% on the num~er of road miles within the sub-area. Appendix A shows the amount each jurisdiction can expect to receive in local transportation funds under this Plan, compared with the current Measure B. The formula may change in the future based on changes in population and road mile figures. . . Transit Operations (19.060/0 overall) Transit operating funds are provided to AC Transit, the Alameda- Oakland Ferries, Altamont Rail, Union City Transit and the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LA VT A) for maintenance of transit services, restoration of service cuts, expansion of transit services, and passenger safety and security. The transit operators will determine the priorities for these funds through public processes and through annual reporting to the Agency. Funds will be provided to local transit operators based on the agreement of the Expenditure Plan Development Committee as reflected in Figure 1. Based on this agreement, AC Transit will receive 15.43% of net annual sales tax receipts, the Alameda Ferries will receive 0.8%, the Alameda CMA will receive 1.8% for Altamont Rail service, Union City Transit will receive 0.34% and LAVTA will receive 0.7%. AC Transit agrees to allocate approximately $1.13M per year in current dollars, or 1.48% of overall net sales tax receipts to enhancing transportation opportunities for persons making the transition from welfare to work. These "welfare to work" funds can be used by AC Transit for service restoration and expansion or implementation of improved bus service JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 14 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITlJRE PlAN to facilitate travel to and from work. AC Transit will prioritize the . restoration and development of new services to meet the employment related transit needs of low income residents in northern and central Alameda County. Additionally, these funds may be used, at the determination of AC Transit, to provide subsidies of regular bus fares for individuals living in northern and central Alameda County who are . transferring from welfare to work as well as those who are economically disadvantaged. In the event that sufficient funds are otherwise available to AC Transit to meet these needs then Ilwelfare to work" funds can be used for other general passenger service purposes in northern and central Alameda County. Paratransit Operations (9.160/0 overalll Paratransit funding is provided for services mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act to fixed route public transit operators who are required to provide that service. Recipients of these funds include AC Transit, which will receive 4.21 % of the total annual net receipts from the tax; and BART, which receives 1.52%. . Funds are also provided for non-mandated paratransit services, aimed at improving mobility for elders and persons with disabilities. These funds are provided to the cities in the County and to Alameda County based on a formula developed by the Alameda County Paratransit Coordinating Council (PAPCO). 2.36% of net receipts will be allocated back to local jurisdictions for non-mandated services based on the funding level determined in each sub-area and the current population formula, which includes the proportion of elders as well as total population in each jurisdiction. This does not include the funds for South County, which will be allocated between mandated and non-mandated programs on an annual basis by the Cities in that part of the County. 5 % of the funds allocated to South County cities by population will be allocated to paratransit, including both mandated and non-mandated programs. Cities may elect to provide paratransit services directly, or may contract with any other agency to provide a more seamless, uniform . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 15 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN paratransit program. Jurisdictions receiving these funds must allocate them to non-mandated paratransit services, unless they determine through a public hearing process that no unmet service needs exist. Cities which do not spend their entir~ paratransit allocation on non- mandated services will assign the remainder of their funds to augment the funding for ADA mandated service or for accessibility improvements to any fixed route transit service. . Transportation ~nhancements (40/0 overallt . These funds are distributed to cities in the County and to Alameda County to be spent on special projects in any of the following categories: bicycle projects, pedestrian projects, and open space to protect agricultural resources or mitigate the impact of projects. The Enhancements category is designed to increase the total expenditure for these modes to a total of 4% in each sub-area, by creating a "Trust Fund" that supplements the amount spent on these purposes through capital projects. The amount allocated to these purposes from capital projects will be subject to audit. Should an area fail to fulfill its obligation for capital spending on these activities, it shall be required to add funds to the Enhancements Trust Fund to protect expenditure levels. Funds in this category will be disbursed to the cities and county based on the same formula that governs local transportation spending. The program will be reviewed by a Bicycle Program Coordinator who will work with the jurisdictions to coordinate projects between regions and leverage funds for additional enhancements. Jurisdictions receiving Enhancements funds will have the authority to work with other agencies such as the East Bay Regional Park District on projects of regional interest. ,i!pf!'~a~~~l!~li ... .....en,.ancemen.:s.. .... ,H;ie;.iu..r;e................~;~iJ,;ie...i.i,:u .' ...~.4 &.It '::.&1...., ~.. /.::::::"::::::: 'p~t7:!l:s.~~f,!j~~~: .. .~'f:&'",;m~~.~ft!ii 'TJRenspaCeanu. ......~~r!:;~~~~~; Appendix A of this docum,ent shows the approximate annual and 1 5- year allocation of funds to each jurisdiction receiving program funds . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 16 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ALn"HORITY ExPENDITURE PlAN in each of the four spending categories. Appendix 8 shows the total spending for bicycle and open space projects in each sub-area by identifying those capital projects that augment the enhancements set- aside program. . __ CAPITAL PROJECTS - The Plan includes Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects, to ensure flexibility while "- providing very clear direction for funding priorities. Tier 1 projects are designed to be funded with the receipts of the extended tax, based on the current assumptions for revenue growth and construction cost escalation. Some of these projects will also receive funding from other sources. Tier 2 projects would receive sales tax funds only in the event that more funds than anticipated were available, either through changes in assumptions, or through the availability of increased funds from . outside sources, such as State or Federal funds. The 26 Tier 1 projects, totaling $546.5M in uninflated dollars are shown on Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the Tier 2 projects, which would be funded only if additional revenues became available. These projects include expanding the scope of Tier 1 projects to fund additional segments of those projects, as well as new projects that will not receive any funds under Tier 1. . Following the two figures, summary descriptions and conceptual maps of each of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects are provided. These maps are intended to be conceptual only, and do not indicate specific route alignments. In most cases, specific alignments will be detailed after further study. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 17 ~- AlAMEDA CdUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY EXPENDITURE I'LAN FIGURE 2 - TIER 1 PROJECTS . N 691 local Streets/Roads for Oakland $4.00 N 692 Non.Motorized Transportation for Oakland $4.00 N 170 1.880 Jackson/Broadway Interchange $6.00 N 640 Broadway/14th Street Transit Center; Oakland $5.00 N 690 Development of Fruitvale BART Transit Village $3.50 N 500 BART Airport Connector $65.80 N 250 San Pablo Corridor. Non Motorized Improvements $4.50 N" 860 AC Transit Phase I (San Pablo, Telegraph Corridors) $ 20.00 E/S 240 Altamont Commuter Rail $10.00 E/S 230 1.680 HOV Improvements $25.80 S 726 local StreetslRoads for Newark $1.20 S 725 Union City Intermodal Station $9.20 . S 492 BARTlRail Extension to Warm Springs $165.50 S 350 1.680/1.860 Connector Studies $1.00 C 591 1.880lSR9Z Reliever Route ClawiterlWhiteselllnterchange $19.50 C 430 1.580 Interchange in Castro Valley $9.20 C 450 Widen lewellinglE. lewelling in San Leandro $9.80 C 320 1.238 Widening $66.00 C 390 Washington Avenue Interchange in San Leandro $1.10 C 700 HesperianlLewelling Widening in San Leandro $1.00 C 720 E. 14th St/Hesperian Blvd., 150th St. improvement in San Leandro $0.83 C 710 Westgate Extension to Williams in San Leandro $8.61 E 620 Isabel Route 84/1.580 Interchange $ 20.00 E 900 Route 84 Expressway in Livermore $70.00 E 560 Iron Horse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route in Dublin $5.00 E 540 1.580 Eastbound Auxiliary Lane (from Santa Rita to Airway) $10.00 . Total $546.54 JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 18 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PLAN FIGURE 3 -TIER 2 PROJECTS . N 500 BART Airport Connector $7.20 N 860 AC Transit Phase I (Oakland/Berkeley Corridor) $2.00 N 250 San Pablo Corridor Transit Enhancements $19.00 N 860 AC Transit Phase I Improvement (2 additional corridors) $44.00 S 350 1.680/1.860 Connector Studies $6.50 S 492 BART/Rail Extension to Warm Springs $85.90 C 450 Widen Lewelling/E. Lewelling $6.80 C 591 1.880/SR92 Reliever Route Clawiter/Whiteselllnterchange $15.70 ALL 491 BART Seismic Improvement $109.00 E 540 1-580 Eastbound Auxiliary Lane $8.40 . (from Airway to Route 84) E 900 Route 84 Expressway $18.00 E 620 Isabel Route 84/1.580 Interchange $35.00 E 510 BART Dublin Station $38.40 Note: Priority for Tier 2 projects will be set by the annual Strategic Plan process. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 19 Project Summary Project No: 170 . Project Name: 1-880 Jackson/Broadway Interchange Project Sponsor: City of Alameda Location: ~ North Count yO Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway Project Description This project will provide access to Oakland's Chinatown, Jack London Square, and the City of Alameda by providing an off-ramp from Southbound 1-880. This ramp replaces access that had been available from 1.880 prior to the Lorna Prieta earthquake. $6M of the $7.8 required for this project to come from sales tax receipts. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $6,000,000 Note: $1.8M from SliP funds. $1,800,000 $7,800,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities M Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space M Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . '..'"i"':'. .: P170"' 1-880 Jackson/Broadway Interchange (Tier 1) .. :>i- ,~~.,~._--- .-- --~..~-. ~. u__.. _m_ ..~ '. . . .>~ -""'" ~ -..,..... ............. ~ SIatIIHlghway ~P1inciPal Melia! lDc:aI Highway Transportalion Transl m .. ~ 0 . Project "'-1 PIZlIlU4IN ~easUlll 8 Nurrber Fuxls Allotted rjf!elSon\llIgaard ........_eo.."'YCongatlo~lAa~oga....""'_~ JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 22 Project Summary Project No: 640 Project Name: Broadway and 14th Street Transit Center, Oakland Project Sponsor: City of Oakland Location: ~ North CountvD Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit . Project Description This is a transit center project at Broadway and 14th Street in downtown Oakland. The 4 block-long transit center would extend from 11th to 15th Streets serving AC Transit's busiest East Bay hub. It would facilitate bus-to-bus movements and BART-to-bus transfers, The project includes sidewalk widening, new curb and gutters, traffic signal modifications, installation of canopies, sign age and graphics, and street furniture and public art. By facilitating bus movements and passenger transfers, the center will ease peak period traffic and p'~destrian congestion. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $5,000,000 $0 $5,000,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities - 0 Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . _P640.. Broadwayl14th St. Transit Center, Oakland (Tier 1) -;-:~.-- - - " ; ~o " '\"~',." ,"'; 123 (I..'fI-- -:- ;)~::-'N\'~-: 7,~r.< \. >~5~~ .~~?fi~ _, rj'~~-_,: ,- , , .. i.." ~~.j: ( 'i \..~ 0:1- CMny ~'~-~'-"""\ - ... .. '-~-m_""____m_...__... -~!h~~~:~:;ttip\_~_:ii;2-J[ L ~ '~'" Loc:aI Highway Tl3l1sport3lion Transh m+~ Project __I P3ZD/$Z4llM f:Measwe B Nuniler Fu1ds Allotted welSOQ\nygaard . Alameda CounlyCong..ti<>nM..aga","nIP~,"", ~ JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 23 Project Summary Project No: 690 Project Name: Development of Fruitvale BART Transit Village . Project Sponsor: City of Oakland, Spanish Speaking Unity Council Location: ~ North Count YO Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit Project Description This project is one phase of the BART Transit Village, a transit and pedestrian-oriented mixed- use development designed to promote economic and community development. The project develops two four-story parking structures, providing 900 spaces for BART patrons in addition to providing a substantial mixed use development. The $3.5M in sales tax funds will augment $7.6M in funds expected from state and local sources. <....... Funding Plan $3,500,000 Note: $7.6M expected in STIP funds. $7,600,000 $11,100,000 S~les Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes o Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space ~ Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: ~. .. Ii P690 - Fruitvale BART Transit Village (Tier 1) ..,.~ ,...~. ....: \ \.~Q\-CGwItr ~-c;;;.....\ .. ~n._ .~_ ..~ .~ ~~. ". " ", .', ........ " i ~ ;-,-;o,~ S_ Hlghwsy ~PrlndP81 M8rilll Local Non- Highway Transportlllon Transit ~ m + ~ at . Project .........1 m/$%4IIM (!.leas," B Nurrber I fu1ds Allotted tIlBISOD\Dll1aard PAGE 24 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 500 Project Name: BART - Oakland Airport Connector Project Sponsor: BART Location: Ii2I North Count YO Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit . Project Description Provides an elevated guideway with automated vehicle operation between BART's Coliseum station and the Oakland International Airport. Project includes construction, rolling stock, and a maintenance facility required for operation. The $65.8M in sales tax funds must be matched by $7.2M in outside funds to ensure project completion. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $65,800,000 $64,200,000 $130,000,000 Note: $7.2M in Tier 2 Capital Funds. Remaining $57M from Port, Bridge Tolls, and other sources. Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilit~es ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure ~ Air Quality C Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development C Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . , P500 - BARiy,qakland Airport Connector (Tier 1 &2) I 1r:, ~: ~ J! Ii' '~"=:::';~-- ~..........-.__...~---~-~--_...~..........- . ~.- -- ..- -~--..~_. ~~ - - ..~....~. ~ ~"....... ,,- -, ~ ~ Sta18 Highway -..:::::::-- PrIncipal Atl8rial I.ocal Highway TranspOrtation Trans~ m .. ~ 0 o Project ..........1 m/$Z" rMeasure B Nuntler FLI1ds Allotted . -'Coun\yc:ong..lIonManag.,""nlPlOg""'~ Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 25 Project Summary Project No: 250 . Project Name: San Pablo Avenue Corridor Improvements Project Sponsor: Alameda County CMA (AC Transit sponsors Tier 2 project) Location: ~ North CountyD Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway, Transit, Local Transportation, Non Motorized Project Description A program of projects designed to enhance mobility along a seven mile corridor extending from downtown Oakland north to the Contra Costa County line at Albany. This project provides $4.5M for pedestrian and bicycle access and safety improvements on this heavily travelled corridor. Related transit improvements including improved frequencies and capital investments are programmed as a Tier 2 project. . , Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $4,500,000 Note: $4.500.000 of Tier 1 funds for Non-Motorized portion of $0 project. and $19.000.000 of Tier 2 funds for Transit portion of project. $4,500,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space Q Economic Development CJ Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . .... CotnW. c--. ~ ~~'-, ". ......._, .,' ,.;,! ' , ~" }:/~>:, ."' ". .~", ~ (:.' . . __M~ ..__ """"""-_~~_.~____...... < .,~~ . :, :, '<t ~ ' . . ~ ""''-. '-. .....,. "., ":' :-;,.,. ":~<~:t~/:~~j;,':' .'" ;L" :;.t,;:< . ~ State Highway .......- Princ:ipal Arterial Local Non- Highway Transportation Transl Motortted m ...m 0 "eISOI1\lIJgaard ,fJom_C""nlyCongeS1bnM.nog.....OIP~~ . Prcjed ...-. P3ZD/$Z4lr.I ('MeaSlR B Nurroer ' - I F\rlds IlJlotted Note: Conceptual alignment only. to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 26 Project Summary Project No: . 860 Project Name: Phase I Improvements AC Transit - San Pablo/Telegraph Corridors Project Sponsor: AC Transit Location: ~ North CountyD Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit . Project Description Phase I improvements will provide high quality service, improve travel times and attract ridership. Specific enhancements include high-capacity articulated buses, stations and shelters, lighting, advancements in signalization and other bus related enhancements. This project will complete enhancements to service in key Berkeley/Oakland Corridors - San Pablo and\or Telegraph Ave. The specific corridor will be selected following MIS studies. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $20,000,000 $0 $20,000,000 Note: Tier 1 funds one corridor. Two additional corridors are in Tier 2 for future funding. Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes [;21 Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . 860 - AC Transit Phase I (San Pablo, Telegraph Corridors) (Tier 1 &2) ..,........... ...,....., '-'~. ........ \ ; \.Ccnr.OI:I.n.t~ ~c;u;;;.\\.,._._____.__...__._.___._...__,_..._ ", .,....... '..... ~ ,.....~ ......., m .. ~ 0 MPelSOn\nJuaard AIam_ eauntyCang.ollonMonogomonlP_", . Project ""-1 PnOJ$t4lN (:Measwe B Nun1ler fII1ds Allotted Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 27 Project Summary Project No: 240 . Project Name: Altamont Commute Express Rail Project Sponsor: Alameda County CMA Location: 0 North CountyO Central County ~ East County ~ South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit Project Description Provides $ 10M in track, station, and other improvements forthe Alameda County share of a joint powers agreement for service in San Joaquin, Alameda, and Santa Clara Counties. Service will initially consist of two trains operating in the morning and afternoon periods from Stockton to San Jose, servicing four Alameda County stations, in both East County and South County locations. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $10,000,000 $0 $10,000,000 Note: Additional operating funds are allocated in transit set-aside. Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o PreseNation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P240 - Altamont Commute Express Rail (Tier 1) ~ -.\ '1 \. ~ Stale Highwlly ..............- Principal Mio"ial Local ..... Non- Highway Transportation Trans~ Mltorized m + ~ 4>> 11000 Project .........1 mlU4IIM ~easure B Nurr/:ler F\tlds Allotted ()f'eISDn\Dll1aard . 000 _.COUntyCcngo._anag....ntPn>g'om 7/V7 Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 28 Project Summary Project No: 230 Project Name: 1-680 HOV (Carpool Lane) Improvements Route 84 to Santa Clara Project Sponsor: Caltrans Location: 0 North Count YO Central County 0 East County !ill South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway . Project Description Provide HOV (Carpool Lane) and access improvements on 1-680 from Route 84 in Sunol to the Alameda/Santa Clara County line. This project will be augmented with federal and state funds to complete the project in both directions throughout the County. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $25,800,000 Note: Outside funding expected through the STIP process. $10,200,000 $36,000,000 Primary Benefit: !ill Promote Alternative Modes !ill Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P230 - 1-680 Improvements Route 84 - Santa Clara cty. (Tier 1) ~ ~ /..-" -- ............,..............o;;;c;:.;,;v..........._.....~-_. ../.... .........-- ............... Sial. Highway ~ Principe! A/t8riel Local Non- Highway TlaI1sportalion Transft Motorized m .. ~. 10 4000 Project ........, PmJ$Z4lN ~easure B rilrrber FIIlds Allotted I'BISOD\IlJllBBnt _.County Cotlg..1iDnM."oo.manlP"'ll...... 7/07 . Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 29 Project Summary Project No: 726 . Project Name: Local Road Enhancements. Newark Project Sponsor: City of Newark location: 0 North CountyD Central County 0 East County ~ South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description This project provides $1.2M in capital funds for critical roadway maintenance and safety enhancements in the City of Newark. These funds will enhance the local transportation funds available within that city. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $1,200,000 $0 $1,200,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes o Congestion Relief ~ Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P726 - Local Road Enhancements - Newark (Tier 1) ~ _c-or ,./ - -'--~"''''''~-'a;;;;c.;;;-~'''-''"'--''''~~'-- ./ . ,..,.-' . ~~-:ili1 4000 L..oc:aJ Non- Highway Transportllion Transtt Mttorized m + ~ at 110001 Project ""-'1 rmlUGM 0easure B Nurrber' fulds Allotted &f/eISDD\nygaard --:::::::::- S_ Highway , ....~PrinciPa! Meria! AJamod.C:OUnly Con~..llOnM..,og.manlPn>g"'" 7ta7 JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 30 Project Summary Project No: 725 Project Name: Intermodal Station at Union City BART Station Project Sponsor: City of Union City location: 0 North Count yO Central County 0 East County Iii'] South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit . Project Description This 'project would develop an intermodal station near the existing Union City BART station in Union City. The new intermodal station would serve BART, buses, the Capitol Corridor Service and the proposed Santa Clara Valley and Dumbarton rail operations. The intermodal facility will include pedestrian and bicycle access improvements in and around Union City BART station. Sales Tax Request: _ Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $9,200,000 $0 $9,200,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space ~ Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P725.. Intermodal Station at Union City BART Station (Tier 1) ~- '. \. Loc:aI Highway TlaI1SportaIion TlaI1Stt ~ m + ~. Project ........\ mm.. (:"Measure B Nurrter ~ - f\JIds Allotted WCIIDD\DJJaard _. COUntyCanveollon...on.g....."","""...., 7JD7 . JANUARY 22; 1998 PAGE 31 . . . Project Summary Project No: 492 Project Name: BART/Rail Extension to Warm Springs Project Sponsor: BART Location: 0 North Count yO Central County 0 East County fi?] South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit Project Description - Provides for a rail extension linking Southern Alameda County and Santa Clara County. BART is assumed to be the preferred mode for this project, assuming that the agency can identify all of the funds necessary for completion. If full funding is not achieved by 2007 another rail alternative will be considered to expedite project delivery. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $165,500,000 Note: $294.9M expected from State. Federal. and local sources. $380,800,000 $B5.9M unfunded, but additional funds are programmed in Tier 2. $ 546 ,300,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure ~ Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other:_ P492 - BART /Warm Springs Rail Extension (Tier 1 &2) I ~ -- -""'"- Local ~ Hlgnway Tlilnsportatlon TlallSl ~ m + ~ 0 ~e"Dn\lJJ.aaard - ..- CountyCongoo"..,...".g.....ntP"'lltom 7~7 Project ....--0-1 Pll2ll,124llM (!1eastn B ~r - - F\Ilds AllottM Note: Conceptual alignment only. to be finalized pending design. PAGE 32 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 350 Project Name: 1-680/880 Cross Connector Studies Project Sponsor: Caltrans Location: 0 North Count YO Central County 0 East County ~ South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway . Project Description Complete a Major Investment Study including environmental documentation and engineering support for a freeway connector between 1-680 and 1-880 within the study limits of Durham Road (Auto Mall Parkway) and Route 237, Calavaras Road in Santa Clara County. Three alterQatives are currently being considered along with a lower cost interim solution. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $1,000,000 Note: $6.5M in Tier 2 Capital Funds. $1 M in matching funds $1,000,000 anticipated from Santa Clara County. $2,000,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P350 - 1-680/880 Cross Connector Environmental Studies (Tier 1 &2) ~ -- /~ ...... a.ni ~-_. ./- ." .j~.:,j ~ ~ SlalIlHi51hway ---..:::::::::- Principal Art8rllll Local Non- Highway TlaI1$portalIon Trans~ Mctoriled m + ~ 0 o 4000 Project ____I Pm/$24IN (:"'MeaSLR B Nurrber Fulds Nlolled M"BISDD\JJ1l1"rIf AIamoda c:auntyCoolgeotionMan.g....nlPragronl7/e7 . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 33 Project Summary Project No: 591 Project Name: 1-880/SR 92 Reliever Route, Clawiter/Whitselllnterchange . Project Sponsor: City of Hayward Location: 0 North County~ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description This project will complete the key phase of the originally proposed 1-880/SR 92 Reliever Route Project which was a segmentable project that would extend three discontinuous streets and upgrade an existing interchange to provide a reliever route through the industrial area of the City of Hayward. Specifically this phase would construct a new combined Clawiter/Whitesell/Route 92 Intechange. This new interchange is essential to complete the reliever route which provides for congestion relief, increased mobility in the corridor, facilitates connectivity among existing facilities and contributes to the City's economic . . Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $19,500,000 Note: $15.7M in Tier 2 funds allocated for a broader scope. $0 $19,500,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality ~ Safety o Preservation of Open Space ~ Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other; . . ~ . _ State HIghway _____ Princ:ipal Arterial Loc:al Highway Transpol1idion Transl m.. ~ Project ,...." MiSt.. ~easure B Nulrter fu1ds Allotted ~ o .000 _.CouOlyConIlA"~_~.mantP"'llram 7/i7 (jpBIson\nygaard Note; Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 34 Project Summary Project No: 430 Project Name: 1-580 Interchange Improvements in Castro Valley . Project Sponsor: Alameda County Public Works Agency Location: 0 North Countyli2l Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway Project Description Proposes several ramp improvements including construction of a westbound off-ramp to Castro Valley Blvd. west of Center Street, construction otan east bound on-ramp from Redwood Road and replacement of the existing eastbound off-ramp to Center Street. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $9,200,000 $0 $9,200,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes Ii2l Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P430 - 1-580 Interchange Improvements in Castro Valley (Tier 1) m~'G ~ Non- Motorized m .. ~ at Project ___I P3Zll/1Z_ (MeasUI1! B Nurrber Ft.rnls Allotted i'BISDD\Dlgaarll . I\I4omeda c::aufttyCon_lbftMonagemoontPn>g..... 7187 JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 35 Project Summary Project No: 450 . Project Name: Widen Lewelling/E. Lewelling from Hesperian Blvd. to Paradise Blvd Project Sponsor: Alameda County Public Works Agency Location: 0 North County~ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description Provide funds for the improvement of a portion of Lewelling and East Lewelling Boulevards from Hesperian Blvd. to the vicinity of Meekland Avenue in San Lorenzo, CA. The purpose of the project is to widen Lewelling/E. Lewelling Blvd. from the existing two-lane section to a new four-lane section which will include a median island, a designated left.turn lane at each Intersection, bicycle lanes, on-street parking, curbs, gutters, and commercial sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Sal,es Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $9,800,000 Note: $6.BM budgeted in Tier 2 funds for broader scope $0 $9,800,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Qua/ity o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development ' o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . . 450 _ Widen Lewelling from Hesperian to Paradise Blvd. (Tier 1 &2) , ~' ~ L.DcaI HighwaY TranspOrtalion Transit m .. ~ 0 Project ........1 P2!lm- ~ea$ure B Nurrber Fu'lds Allotted tJrelSDD\Rmaarll ......- Caunly Cong..lI>nNl."ogo"",otl'n>gIam 7187 Note: Conceptual alignment only. to be finalized pending design. PAGE 36 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 320 Project Name: '-238 Widening - San Leandro Area Project Sponsor: Caltrans location: 0 North Countyt;ll Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway Project Description Reconstruct and widen 1-238 between 1-580 and 1-880 from four to six lanes, inCluding auxiliary lanes on Northbound and Southbound 1-880, south of 1-238. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: . $66,000,000 $36,000,000 $102,000,000 Note: $36.0M in SliP funds expected. Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes. ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: P320 .. 1..238 Widening.. San Leandro Area (Tier 1) < S:'S~ ~ Loc:al Highway Tl3Il1portation Trans~ m .. ~. i"'SOn\ll1gaarif 000 Project __I Pm/lZ'" r:--MeaSWll B Nurriler Fuxls A1lolled Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 37 . .... . . . Project Summary Project No: 390 Project Name: Washington Avenue I'nterchange Improvements at 1-880 . Project Sponsor: City of San Leandro Location: 0 North County~ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description Provides local improvements to Beatrice Street and the Washington Avenue interchange in San Leandro by constructing a signalized intersection at the Beatrice Street/southbound on-off ramp intersection and widening of the off-ramp and Beatrice Street. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $1,100,000 $0 $1,100,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief ~ Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . " P390 _ Washington Avenue Interchange in San Leandro (Tier 1) '"'Q ~ Loc:aI Non- Highway Transportation TI3I1S~ ~d m + ~ 0 . Project ...-1 mlU- ~eas\ll8 B Nurrber FII'Ids Allotted WIlISOn\lJy"aa,." __C:OUn\yc:ang.ollon"......g.....~ 7$? PAGE 38 JANUARY 22, 1998 .... Project Summary Project No: 700 Project Name: Hesperian/Lewelling Widening, San Leandro Project Sponsor: City of San Leandro Location: 0 North County~ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation . Project Description This project would improve traffic operations at the East 14th - 1 50th Hesperian Triangle in San Leandro. It would add one southbound lane on Hesperian Blvd. for right turning movements onto Lewelling, and add double left turn lanes on Lewelling at Hesperian. These improvements would increase service levels from the current "F" to "0". Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o PreseNation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . . P700 - Hesperian/Lewelling Widening in San Leandro (Tier 1 &2) .Q; ~ Loc:aI Highway Transportation Trans~ m ,. ~ 0 Project __I Pm{$Z'" rMeaSIn B NUn1ler Fu1ds Allotted M"BI'DR\lIJoaarll . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 39 Project Summary Project No: 720 Project Name: E. 14th Street/Hesperian Blvd./150th Street . Project Sponsor: City of San Leandro Location: 0 North County~ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description This project is designed to improve traffic operations at the HesperianlLewelling intersection in the City of San Leandro. It consists of three elements: 1) add a double northbound left turn lane at East 14th Street, 2) add a southbound left turn land on Bancroft at E. 14th Street and 3) add a northbound left turn lane on E. 14th Street at Hesperian. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $830,000 $0 $830,000 . o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o NotCreadUnknown o Other: Primary Benefit: .. ~ Loeal HiOhw3Y Tl1lllsportallon Transk Mctor1Zed m +~Q. 4000 Project .....-\ m/$Z4llIt ~easUTe B NurrlJer Fulds Allotted tW'elSOD\nll1SSrrI PAGE 40 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 710 Project Name: Westgate Extension to Williams Street, San Leandro Project Sponsor: City of San Leandro Location: 0 North CountylilJ Central County 0 East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation . Project Description This project would construct a new arterial in San Leandro extending from Davis Street and the 1.~880 southbound off-ramp to Williams Street. The street would extend along the eastern edge: of Westgate Shopping Center. This westgate extension is expected to provide congestion relief on Davis Street and Doolittle Drive. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $8,610,000 $0 $8,610,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . ~Z1 0 .. Westgate Extension to Williams Street (Tier 1) ,J:::S ~ local HIghway T/1ltl$portaIion TI3IlS~ m + ~ at Projec:t ___I Pm1$%4N f:Measure B Nun1Jer fII1ds Nlolted rW'eISDD\l11Daard . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE41 '," ......:.-.','. " ., ,.., "',-'. . Project Summary Project No: 620 . Project Name: Isabel Route 84/1.580 Interchange Project Sponsor: City of Livermore Location: 0 North Count yO Central County IilJ East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Local Transportation Project Description The project would construct a partial cloverleaf interchange at the intersection of 1~580 and the extension of Isabel Avenue (relocated Route 84) in Livermore. Construction of this interchange will complete the relocation of State Route 84 to the west side of Livermore. The project is intended to provide congestion relief along portions of 1-580 and 1~680, particularly through the 1-580/l~680 interchange. Other project benefits include moving regional Route 84 traffic out of downtown and residential areas of Livermore. Additional state and local funds are required to complete the entire scope. Funding Plan ,-, Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $20,000,000 $35,000,000 $55,000,000 Note: $35M expected in SliP and other funds. Also programmed as lier2. Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P620 - Isabel Route 84/1-580 Interchange (Tier 1 &2) m~~ ~ _ \~t:/ \ ~ . r1/'BISOn\lI1gaard LoeaI Non- HIghway Tl3I1sportation Transtt M<<ariZed m .. ~ 0 .000 8000 Project ....-1~?jlJj.i'./l~II\(Measure B Nurrber fu'lds Allotted ~ County c:onll"lio".....a;...."IP~..", 71"7 PAGE 42 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 900 Project Name: Route 84 Expressway (I-580~1-680) Livermore in Alameda County Project Sponsor: City of Livermore Location: 0 North Count YO Central County ~ East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway . Project Description Continues a current Measure B improvement project on Route 84 in Livermore by providing a 4-lane roadway along relocated Route 84 (the Isabel Avenue Corridor) from the interchange connection at 1-580 south to the Isabel AvenueNallecitos Road intersection, and would provide improvements along existing Route 84 through the Pigeon Pass area (approximately 3 miles) to provide a high speed 2-lane roadway with passing lanes to eliminate the current substandard grades and curves in that area. The project designates the Vallecitos Road portion of the new route as a scenic corridor. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $70,000,000 $0 $70,000,000 Note: me Fee funds may augment project scope. Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality 521 Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . /~- ". ~~....., P900 .. Rt. 84 Expressway Enhancement (Tier 1 &2) .. ...... .,::~_. "' .~" ~ l.ocaJ Non- Highway Transportation TI3ll$~ MltoIfzed I ~~=~::~g._~~7~7 m + ~ 0 .000 . Project ....---.1~f'41',.,i'.l!~I,~~easure B NurrlJer FtIlds Allotted . Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. ~: JANUARY 22, 1998 PA GE 43 Project Summary Project No: 560 Project Name: Ironhorse Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Route in Dublin . Project Sponsor: City of Dublin Location: 0 North Count YO Central County ~ East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Non Motorized . . Project Description provides a bicycle/pedestrian/roadway and transit lane within existing Alameda County and Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way from the BART Station to Dougherty Road and bus lanes along Dougherty Road in Dublin. This project includes bus lanes; the bicycle path and Scarlett Drive Roadway. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $5,000,000 $0 $5,000,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities ~ Connectivity/Gap Closure ~ Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: ...... P560.. Ironhorse Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit Route in Dublin (Tier 1) ..'..... ., .... ,........~ ~ (jp'eISO'\ll1Jaird 4000 _ C<>unlyCc>n0*.lbnMan.g......ntP~"""7f;7 Note: Conceptual alignment only, to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 l.DcaI Non- Highway Transportation Transit Mdorlzed m + ~ 0 Project .......1il'.III~'I'~~II\(MeasUlll B Nurrber FItlds Allotted PAGE 44 Project Summary Project No: 540 Project Name: 1-580 Auxiliary Lane - Livermore/Pleasanton Area Project Sponsor: Caltrans location: 0 North Count YO Central County /ill East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Highway . Project Description . . Project constructs an auxiliary lane and shoulder in the eastbound direction on 1-580 from 0.4 miles west of Santa Rita Road to the new Isabel Route 84/1-580 interchange. The Tier 1 project ($10 million) is from Santa Rita Road to Airway Blvd.; the tier 2 project ($8.4 million) is from Airway Blvd. to the new Isabel Route 84/1.580 interchange. The project provides local congestion relief and addresses an important safety concern. Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $10,000,000 Note: $8.4M in Tier 2 $8,400,000 $18,400,000 Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes /ill Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o . Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality /ill Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . /'- ..'....... '........_--\ .'.....,.. P540 - 1-580 Auxiliary Lanes.. Livermore Area (Tier 1 &2) \ '> \, ~. ~ Local Non- HIghway Transportation Transtt Motortzed m + ~ 0 4000 Project .......Wjl'~'f./l~II\('"MeaSIJnl B Nun1ler Fulds Allotted . ~ellDl'DJgaard -CounlyC<ongnllonM~.-.cg""7fQ7 ,If Note: Conceptual alignment only. to be finalized pending design. JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 45 Project Summary Project No: 491 Project Name: BART Seismic Retrofit Program. . Project Sponsor: BART Location: 0 North CountyO Central County 0 East County 0 South County ~ Countywide Mode Served: Transit Projec;:t Description Brings the existing BART system to the latest seismic standards..Costs shown are for total capital required. May be segmented into individual elements. Funding Plan Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: $109,000,000 $0 $109,000,000 Note: Funded as Tier 2 priority only. Project is segment able. Primary Benefit: o Promote Alternative Modes o Congestion Relief ~ Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure o Air Quality ~ Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . P491 - BART Seismic Improvement (Tier 2) No Map Available . PAGE 46 JANUARY 22, 1998 Project Summary Project No: 510 Project Name: BART Station at West Dublin/Pleasanton Project Sponsor: BART Location: 0 North Count YO Central County ~ East County 0 South County 0 Countywide Mode Served: Transit . Project Description A.dds an intermediate station between Castro Valley and East Dublin/Ph3asanton on'the Dublin Pleasanton extension. ' Sales Tax Request: Other Funding Sources: Project Cost: Funding Plan $38,400,000 Note: Funded as a Tier 2 priority only. $0 $38,400,000 Primary Benefit: ~ Promote Alternative Modes ~ Congestion Relief o Maintains Existing Facilities o Connectivity/Gap Closure ~ Air Quality o Safety o Preservation of Open Space o Economic Development o Not Clear/Unknown o Other: . ..,.-,--' P510 - BART Dublin Station (Tier 2) ~ Legend ~e/.rDD\lIJIaard -.C:O"otyC<rtlge._...og......IotP,ogn'" 7187 /'- 8_ Highway ~Pl'Inc;iPlllArterllll l.oeaI Non- Highway Transportltion Transn Motorized m .. ~ 0 o Project ........1;!It~ln'i'l!W,t~easure B ~ Fmds Allotted . ". JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 47 GUIDING PRINCIPLE.S . This Plan is guided by principles that ensure that the revenue generated by the sales tax is spent in the most efficient and effective manner possible, consistent with the desires of the voters of Alameda County. The principles outlined in this section provide flexibility needed to address issues that may arise during the 1 5 year life of the Plan. . . 1. Excess revenue could result from higher than expected receipts, lower than expected project costs, or the addition of leveraged funds from other sources. All excess revenue will be programmed in the Agency's annual Strategic Plan and will be disbursed based on a concern for geographic equity. The first priority for programming revenues in excess of projected funds will be to meet unanticipated requirements of Tier 1 projects. However, no programmed capital project may be augmented by more than 15 % over the cost estimate provided in this Plan. Cost estimates were prepared using high standards for accuracy, and project sponsors are encouraged to deliver projects within these limits. i1Iifj"lli <~~JJIIf:rIIJ i;{~:;CIilifjl;;. ji;l~tf~Wn1fJI~IJ ........... ....<...,.........>..\..<.\~(((t:})i>.... . ma'....e.#iiJi..::.:>..:..::. ...... ~~--:~.:~::;t;:.::i:':)"< 2. The next pnonty for disbursing excess revenue will be funding of Tier 2 projects based on priorities determined by the Agency's annual Strategic Plan. Tier 2 projects will be funded based on a strategy of geographic equity. 3. In the event that actual receipts are less than projected, funds would be programmed based on the annual Strategic Plan. 4. Leveraging of outside funding sources is encouraged. Any additional sales tax revenues made available through their JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 48 AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY EXPENOrTURE PlAN replacement by leveraged funds will be spent based on the principles outlined in 1 and 2 above. . 5. Funding of Tier 2 projects would not be considered a Plan amendment, and would be accomplished through administrative action, with the completion of the annual Strategic Plan. 6. New cities or new entities (such as new transit agencies) that come into existence in Alameda County during the life of the Plan could be considered as eligible recipients of funds through a plan amendment. 7. Should a planned project become infeasible or unfundable due to circumstances unforseen at the time of this Plan, funding may be applied to another project which fulfills the same purpose within the same corridor. If there are no other projects in the area meeting this criteria, funds would be reallocated based on the principles described under 1 and 2 above. il!ltflxl~'~t:;1I11;.... ..cIYCUmS anee> iil~t~~FI:J:;I~f~fjJtI~~; .. .... ''''w:: e ;~ftrt r.L!li ..... ii.~'t-fl~i~t;fI.;~~r4II~ ...0 e'/':.. 'all... 'Dr...... . ... '" ...... . ..... ...."'. . ,.....". ...... . 8. It is the goal of this initiative to complete the projects promised in this Plan in a timely manner. A project will be given 5 years from the fi rst year of revenue collection (up to April 1 , 2007) to receive environmental approvals and to have a fully funded project. Projects that cannot meet this requirement may appeal to the Agency's governing board for a one-year time extension. Once time has expired, the sponsor will be deemed to have approved deletion of the project, and the funds will be reallocated based on the principles described under 1 and 2 above. . JANUARY 22, 1998 PAGE 49 ~-- ..".' . . . AlAMEDA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ExPENDITURE PLAN 9. All activities of the agency charged with administering the sales tax will be conducted in public, through publicly noticed meetings. The annual budget of the Agency, annual Strategic Plan and annual report will all be prepared for public scrutiny. The interests of the publiC will further be protected by the Citizen's Watchdog Committee described previously in this Plan. 10. Under no circumstance may the proceeds of this tax be applied to any purpose other than for transportation improvements in Alameda County. The funds may not be used for any projects or programs other than those specified in this Plan without a specific amendment of the Expenditure Plan. PAGE 50 JANUARY 22, 1998 I - - ~ ~- . Appendix A Program Jurisdiction Receipts . . ?: .. E E :l '" . to <J 0 -' UJ -' x ai ~ I- ~ . . z o i= o o ~ 0: :J ..., <(~ ><Z .- 0 "0_ t:1- (1)<( 0.1- 0.0: <(0 a. en z <( II: I- ...J <( o o ...J ~8g~-!e N..... ",_!i; 15 .:~.:,.:..;:: qu lB.; t:.U ; ; a f2C1>~rel!pl:!"'~ .....~_..........ilS~... .,;,.: 0";"; g"::t 13~i!~!;;: ~.. ..:fI't~fltui"U...O ..... M *" .- ... 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