HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.4 WorkSchedExemptEmploy . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE. January 13, 1992 SUBJECT~ Author~zat~on for the c~ty Manager to AdJust Work schedule for Exempt Employees ~prepared bys Paul S. Rank~n, Ass~stant city Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHEDZ proposed Resolut~on RECOMMENDATION '~~doPt Resolut1on FINANCIAL STATEMENT~ Salary sav~ngs could be ach~eved to the extent a part-time appo1ntment 1S used 1n an area or1g1nally budgeted at full-t1me. DESCRIPTION~ staff has rev1ewed the flex1b~l~ty of the C1ty'S current personnel system. The result of th~s reV1ew has been to 1dent~fy a suggested m1nor change 1n the current rules and procedures. ODDortun1tv for Reduced Work Schedules for FLSA Exempt Emplovees The Fa~r Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requ~res employees to be compensated on an hourly bas~s, unless they meet certa1n except~ons. In the event that an employee 1S covered by FLSA and works less than a full work week, they are compensated on an hourly bas~s for the t1me worked. Exempt employees are tYP1cally pa1d on a salary bas~s and 1t 1S recogn1zed that the salary pa1d 1ncludes compensat1on for all hours worked. The C1ty of Dubl1n salary Plan Resolut1on 1dent1f1es FLSA exempt pos1t1on separate from employees covered by the Act staff has prepared a m1nor mod1f~cat10n to the salary Plan, wh1ch woulc1 grant the C1ty Manager the lat~tude to allow for FLSA Exempt pos1t1ons to work a reducec1 work schec1ule An employee 1n th1s Sl.tuat10n would be compensated on an hourly bas1s and would have a set work schedule wh1ch could not exceed 4.0 hours per week. The change ~s shown ~n the balded sect10n of the proposed Resolut1on No changes were made to the Salary schedule. Th1S change would avol.d any potent~al confll.cts w~th the Fal.r Labor standards Act and st~ll allow the c~ty the flex1b111ty to ut111ze exempt personnel 1n spec1al s1tuat1ons. staff recommends that the Cl.ty Counc11 adopt the Resolut1on, wh1ch wl.ll mod1fy and update the Cl.ty's personnel system. a.113leav.agenda#7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO -#()!J COPIES TO <C~TV CLERK FilE rn 1fOfOt@Q] . . RESOLUTION NOo - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ESTABLISHING A SALARY PLAN FOR FULL-TIME PERSONNEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERSONNEL RULES WHEREAS, the Clty Councll has adopted a Salary & Beneflt Plan pursuant to the Personnel System Rules, and WHEREAS, the Clty Councll has adopted Resolutlon No 108-91 WhlCh establlshes a Salary Plan for full-tlme personnel ln accordance wlth Personnel Rules, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the followlng salary provlslons shall be establlshed ln accordance wl.th the Clty of Dublln Personnel System Rules BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any prevlous enacted salary provlslons contalned ln Resolutlon No 108-91 shall be superseded by thl.s Resolutlon ARTICLE I SALARY PROVISIONS SECTION A REGULAR EMPLOYEES EXEMPT FROM FAIR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) OVERTIME PROVISIONS Employees covered under thls Bectl.on shall be pald a monthly salary wlthln the followlng ranges wlth the excluslon of any Performance Pay AdJustment granted ln accordance wlth the Personnel Rules IN THE EVENT THAT IT IS DEEMED BY THE CITY MANAGER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS OF NO MORE THAN 6 MONTHS, WHERE THE WORK ASSIGNMENTS ARE SUCH THAT THEY CAN BE COMPLETED WITH LESS THAN A 4.0 HOUR WORK WEEK, MAY BE APPROVED BASED UPON THE HOURLY RA'I'ESo THE TOTAL SALARY PAID FOR SUCH WORK SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE "SALARY TEST" REQUIRED FOR AN EXEMPTION UNDER FLSA Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Ml.nlmUm Maxl.mum Ml.nl.mum Max 1. mum Admlnlstratlve Asslstant $3,135 $3/919 $18 09 $22 61 Admlnlstratlve Servlces/Flnance $4,941 $6,176 $28 51 $35 63 Dlrector Asslstant Clty Manager $5,126 $6,408 $29 57 $36 97 Asslstant to the Clty Manager $3,918 $4,898 $22 60 $28 26 Assoc~ate Planner $3,342 $4,177 $19 28 $24 10 Clty Clerk $3,531 $4,414 $20 37 $25 47 Plannlng D~rector $4,667 $5,834 $26 93 $33 66 PubllC Works Dlrector/Clty $5,475 $6,844 $31 59 $39 48 Englneer Recreatl.on Dlrector $4,925 $6/156 $28 41 $35 52 Recreatlon Supervlsor $2,935 $3,669 $16 93 $21 17 Secretary to the Clty Manager/ Deputy Clty Clerk $2,838 $3,547 $16 37 $20 46 Senlor Clvll Englneer $4,488 $5,610 $25 89 $32 37 Senlor Planner $3,846 $4,807 $22 19 $27 73 ~ ~ SECTION B REGULAR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY OVERTIME PROVISIONS OF FLSA Employees covered under thlS Sectlon shall be pald hourly wages Wlthln the follOWlng ranges wlth the exclUSlon of an Performance Pay AdJustment granted In accordance wlth the Personnel Rules The monthly salarles are shown for lnformatlonal purposes only Monthly Monthly Hourly Hourly Mlnlmum MaXlmum Mlnlmum MaXlmum Admlnlstratlve Secretary $2,441 $3,051 $14 08 $17 60 Admlnlstratlve Alde $2,685 $3,356 $15 49 $19 36 Asslstant Planner $2,874 $3,592 $16 58 $20 72 Comrnunlty Safety Asslstant $2,874 $3,592 $16 58 $20 72 Englneerlng Technlclan $2,823 $3,529 $16 29 $20 36 Flnance Technlclan I $2,219 $2,774 $12 80 $16 00 Flnance TechnlClan II $2,441 $3,051 $14 08 $17 60 Management Asslstant $2,850 $3,562 $16 44 $20 55 Offlce ASslstant I $1,780 $2,224 $10 27 $12 83 Offlce Asslstant II $1,958 $2,447 $11 30 $14 12 PubllC Works Inspector $3,118 $3,897 $17 99 $22 48 Recreatlon Coordlnator $2,453 $3,065 $14 15 $17 68 Secretary $2,219 $2,774 $12 80 $16 00 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thlS 13th day of January, 1992 AYES NOES ABSENT Mayor ATTEST Clty Clerk a resopay$ agenda#7