HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.07 Change Order #11 92-1 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: August 9, 1993 SUBJECT: Contract Change Order for the Dublin Blvd. Extension Project Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Proposed Change Order #11 2) Project Accounting Sheet 3) Explanation of Need for Change Order #11 RECOMMENDATION: ~ Approve Change Order FINANCIAL STATEMENT: This Change Order is for a total of $20,944.16. Sufficient funds have been budgeted for this Change Order and for completion of the project. DESCRIPTION: This Change Order is a cleanup of eight items that were changes from the plans and/or specifications which surfaced during construction. This is also the last Change Order, except for a "balancing" Change Order which recognizes the differences in bid quantities from field quantities. The Balancing Change Order will be a reduction in cost to the City from the bid quantities. This particular Change Order will exceed the City Manager's acc~mulative authorization of 5% of the bid amount. It must, therefore, be approved by the City Council. a: (dbx#2)corrl\agstco#11 ITEM NO. 4.7 COPIES TO: Les McDonald Construction FILE e . CITY or DUBLIN -'EXHIBIT ItBIt CONTRAe~ CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 PROJECT/ROAD: ~btiP Bo~levard EKt~nsLon PACK 1 or 2 ~^QZS i'IDEP.AL NO. (S ) ~ CONTRACT NO. ~ TOI L&e ~O~nald con.tr~cti~n co. 3500 ~nt9r2~i,e Ava.. H4yward CA 94245 ~ou ar. hero~y dire~~ed to makQ the herein d8~eribed chan9Qs from tho plan. and 8pocitic~t1ona or do the following doscribed work not included in the pl.n~ ~nd apaoificatlooe on thiB contr~ct. ~J Tbis Ch&Dg. order i. not effactivo un~~l AP2roved by ~h. Chi_! Znqi~..r. naecription of work to ~e dona, estimate of quantities, and prices to be p&id. Sa9rQQat~ b.twaen additional work at. cont:r&ct prico, &greed pr:ice ond force account. Unlut otherwiae .t~ted, ratos for rant-a! of equipmQnt cover only lJuch time Ail oquipment h aQe~ally ~sed and no allowancQ will be made for idle time. Change ~equ.ate~ bVt ~ha la.t pe~c.nt&Q. shown q~Anti~y in th~ En~ins8r'o I ! ! r ~ is the net accumulated inoro~se or decrO~aQ from tha oriqin~l 1i:8timllte. . B%~RA WORK AT AOaEBD PRICKS ITEMS #1 THROUGH 18 (d..e~iption. of work li.t.4 O~ page 2.) ES~XMh~RO COST INCRxAS!t S 20L9H.li ,[ B~ RtASON or ~HIB ORDER, THE TIME or COMPLETION WILL am ADJUSTtP AS YOLLOWSI Prior eontr~ct changes ordsr$ have added 43 working day; to tho contract tim$ period. Throughout the term of thio contract,'rain days and other non-workin~ daya have been oncountered. Other delaYB have occu~red th.t were beyond the control o! the ContractOr. hll dQlaye oxperienced thua far (as ot 6{14/93) I including d~laye for thie change order, ahall extend the co~pletion date to 6/'28/93. SU8MIT1ED B~l Paul Hardy, R68ident En~ineer APPROVAL RECOMMENDEDI Lee Thompson, City En~~~ APPROVEO, CHItr ENGINEER, BYl L.o Thompson ~~c=J DATEs DATE I DATE I 08/03/93 08{03{93 08/03/93 We, the und~rsi9ncd contractor, haY; given careful coneideratlon to the chango p~opoled and herel:>y agree, if thU proposal is approved, that we w1ll provide tlll equipmel\.t, !urn~eh all mat9rial8, ~xcept 45 may otherwige ~e noted abovo, and perform all aervioea noc:~uary for the work above spec if Led, .!lnd will aocept &8 full payment ther.tor the price. shown ahove. Ace_peed, ,04tO 8/3/'73 By ~JP~~j/I;_ Contr~etor __LtS /J1t. brJVA/..J ~{)NjTlCvt-TI {}) &, Title 77i!A.JU,t ft It the eQntracto~ doeo not Bign acceptan~e of thLe ord9r, hiB~ attention is dirgoted'to thQ requiroment. of the sPQoiHcationll U 'to proceeding with the Ordel:'6d work &nd filJ.nQ d written protQs~ within the time therein ep~cifiQd. r r EXlil ~lC~ L T1 ~ :~l ~ ;ii .~~ ~.~, #. .. ' e - CI:I'Y OF DUBLIN - EXHIBIT "B" CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 Page 2. Description of Work on Contract Change Order No. 11: ITEM #1: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE irrigation system. Contractor Contractor shall pay for and pad and Wilkins YSRB. A water meter is required for the shall install necessary water service. install protective enclosure, concrete ITEM #2: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Existing pull box and associated conduit shall be relocated so pull box does not end up in ultimate traveled way. Contractor shall relocate existing pull box and associated conduit at the intersection of Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road behind proposed curb. ITEM #3: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Existing concrete improvements on northwest corner of Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road deteriorated and broken-up. Existing handicap ramps not configured correctly for new improvements. Contractor shall recon- struct concrete handicap ramps to align ramps with proposed crosswalks. ITEM #4: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Median curb and associated sub-grade near station 26+20 placed approximately .3 feet too low. Error due to incorrect survey control. Contractor shall correct street section (but not concrete median curb). ITEM #5: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Original construction contract required Contractor to install monolithic curb, gutter and sidewalk. Sequencing of proposed utility construction by others mandated curb and gutter be constructed before and separately from sidewalk. Sidewalk that is installed separately shall have steel reinforcing dowels installed in the previously constructioned curb and gutter. The following work shall be deleted and added: Schedule A, pay item #14; delete 358.1 (1400 If - 1041.9 deleted by CO #10) lineal feet of monolithic sidewalk. 358.1 If @$5.22 ($1,869.28) Schedule B, pay item #14; was deleted by CO #10 and lineal feet of monolithic 919.53 If @ $5.22 = delete 919.53 (1380 If - 362.47 If that -98 If that was installed monolithicly) sidewalk. ($4,799.95) Schedule A, add 208 (1608-1400) lineal feet of curb and gutter. 208 If @ $11.00 = $2,288.00 Schedule A, add 1364 lineal feet of separate sidewalk. 1364 1f @ $10.00 = $13,640.00 Schedule B, add 145 lineal feet of curb and gutter. 145 If @ $11.00 $1,595.00 LS $4,421. 40 LS $ 707.32 LS $ 270.41 LS $2,756.26 TOTAL #5: $10,853.77 e - IT~M #6: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Two advanced traffic induction loops damaged during monument installation in westbound lanes of Dublin Blvd. approaching Dougherty Road. Contractor shall instzll replacement loops and all necessary conduit and conductors for a complete and operating traffic signal. ITEM #7: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Irrigation controller needs 120 volt power to operate. Contractor shall splice into power for street lighting system and install all necessary conduit, conductors and appurtenances to energize irrigation controller. ITEM #8: EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE Thirty-seven (37) feet of curb and gutter must be removed and replaced with driveway approach near Dublin Blvd. and Chabot Court. Contractor shall remove and replace 37 feet of curb and gutter. ESTIMATED COST INCREASE: LS LS LS $ 922.96 $ 339.19 $ 672.85 $20,944.16 e DATE: August 3, 1993 (11) PROJECT NAME: PROJECT CIP #: ENGINEERING CONTRACT #: PERCENT COMPLETED: CONTRACTOR: APPROVED BUDGET AMOUNT: CONTRACT AMOUNT: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER FORM e Dublin Blvd. Extension 9690 92-01 % Les McDonald Construction $ 1,222,004.06 * $ 1,084,925.60 * Sprint contribution included CHANGE AMOUNT (+/-) $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,826.43 384.66 28,585.06 (9,906.65) 9,508.00 23,051.78 7,154.59 8,898.75 9,359.09 2,556.81 20,944.16 TOTAL OF ALL CURRENT AND PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS: ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT NO. 1 PAYMENT NO. 2 PAYMENT NO. 3 PAYMENT NO. 4 PAYMENT NO. 5 PAYMENT NO. 6 PAYMENT NO. 7 PAYMENT NO. 8 PAYMENT NO. 9 PAYMENT NO. 10 PAYMENT NO. 11 PAYMENT NO. 12 PAYMENT NO. 13 PAYMENT NO. 14 PAYMENT NO. 15 TOTAL PROGRESS PAYMENTS: REMAINING BALANCE ON CONTRACT: RECOMMENDATION: \/-.; APPROVED DENIED $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 26,865.00 39,258.00 253,952.37 138,095.10 1,366.37 198,897.85 241, 072.39 38,674.56 82,446.80 38,099.07 18,957.25 10,540.25 APPROVED DENIED City Manager (approved by City Council) ** ** Revised per ** corrected extra work reports $ 102.362.68 $ 1,187.288.28 $ 1,088.225.01 $ 99,063.27 APPROVED DENIED Mayor ~~<~,ff~ ~Zi~~ ~l\"~ ~: _ 'i;~~" ~ ~j Pef ~\~ .~!~. .~1 '~ ' t~ ~.~ .~'~'f ." E: ,~;., ',f',J rJ i.'. ;.~.. ?_; -,,~ ",\; !o;]'''':_\ ~E, ~ ?, e e EXPLANATION OF NEED FOR CHANGE ORDER #11 Item #1. When DSRSD installed the water main in Dublin Blvd., they installed two laterals. It was assumed that one of the laterals was for the City's irrigation service. It turned out that both laterals were for private property and that a separate one needed to be added for the City's need. Item #2. One of the existing traffic signal pull boxes would have been located in the street pavement area after the widening of the intersection. The pull box needed to be relocated into the new sidewalk area prior to the pouring of sidewalk. Item #3. This item included some broken sidewalk, as well as the need to relocate the handicap ramp at the northwest corner of Dougherty Road and Dublin Blvd. The ramp needed to be moved to match the new striping plan. Item #4. Afield staking error of a median island on Dublin Blvd. near the Southern Pacific right-of-way required additional base rock to be brought in and regraded and compacted. This is to be reimbursed by the consulting engineer who field staked the work. Item #5. Mr. John Moore had contracted with PG&E to add underground conduit to his Tract 5900 site after the ci ty proj ect was awarded. This required some of the curb, gutter and sidewalk to be split into two concrete pour operations. The extra cost in this item is offset by the deletion of sidewalk along the Moore property frontage. The cost of this item is paid for as part of the assessments to the Moore property. Item #6. Two of the traffic signal loops were cut and needed to be replaced when a survey monument was drilled into an area where loops were previously placed. The loops were not visible as they were set into a lower course of asphalt. Item #7. The plans called for the irrigation controller service to be provided "by others," presumably by PG&E. As the street lighting system will belong to the City, PG&E would not do the work, requiring the City to run this service. Item #8. A driveway depression was inadvertently directed by the City not to be put in when the sidewalk was eliminated along the John Moore property. This item replaces the curb and gutter with a driveway approach. EJrI~i ~~if !; ,~, :tl ~ ~ ;J 3.