HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.05 Award of Bid 93-05 CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: April 12, 1993 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract 93-05 Street Subdrains Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) 2) Resolution of Award Spreadsheet of Bid Results RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution awarding bid to Betchart and Norwood Authorize Staff to increase the Scope of Work to include work that was tentatively programmed for 1993-94, not to exceed the 1992-93 Budget. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Budqetsd Expenditures Design: $ 2,500 Inspection: 4,600 Improvements 95,215 Misc.(legal/print) 180 Budqet by Fund Source Gas Tax: $ 102,495 TOTAL: $ 102,495 $ 102,495 Estimated Improvements for Alternate "1" $71,729 Estimated Improvements for Alternates "1" & "2" $93,707 Low Bid received from Betchart and Norwood - Alt. 1 $55,266 Alt. 1 & 2 $72,378 DESCRIPTION: At the meeting of March 8, 1993, the city Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for Contract 93-05 Street Subdrains. The subdrains are being placed in locations where water is seeping under the street sections, causing asphalt pavement failures. The water is originating from median irrigatloh and from sprIngs. These subdralns will intercept the water before it gets under the street and will carry it off to a storm drain system. The result of installing these subdrains is to extend the life of the street pavement section. Streets to be included in the project are: Village Parkway (Dublin Blvd. north to Kiraball Avenue), Amador Valley Blvd. (East of York Drive), Stagecoach Road (end of median near Stagecoach Park), and San Ramon Road (Dublin Blvd. to Amador Valley Blvd. and near Bellina Street). A total of seven bids were received for the work (see attached spreadsheet). The low bidder, Betchart and Norwood, has satisfactorily completed similar projects for other agencies. The bid package for this project was set up for alternate bids so that a portion of the work could be eliminated if bids were high or included if bids were low. The low bid received for the project, $72,378, is considerably less than the Engineer's Estimate, as noted above. Staff therefore recommends that the contract be awarded on the basis of Alternate 2, and that the City Council authorize Staff to extend the scope of work to include subdralns tha= would have been proposed for next Fiscal Year (not to exceed the 1992-93 budgeted amount). The 93-94 subdrain locations proposed to be included in the current project are on Village Parkway between Amador Valley and Dublin Boulevard (1900 lineal feet). The longer these preventive measures are delayed, the more expensive these street repairs will become. The fact that the City has received a very low favorable bid makes the extension of the scope of work very cost-effective. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution awarding the bid to Betchart and Norwood on the basis of Alternate 2. ITEM NO. ~.,' / COPIES TO: Bidders . . RESOLUTION NO. -93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING CONTRACT 93-05, STREET SUBDRAINS TO BETCBART AND NORWOOD, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did on April 6, 1993, publicly open examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract 93-05 street Subdrains, authorized by the City council on March 8, 1993, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to determine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City council of the city of Dublin does hereby award Contract 93-05 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Betchart and Norwood, Inc., at a bid of Seventy-Two Thousand Three Hundred and seventy Eight Dollars ($72,378), the particulars of which bid are on file in the office of the City Engineer. P4SSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1993. ........- AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City clerk a: (projects) \overlay\resoawrd r ETREET BDRAINS, CONTRACT 93--05 BID RESULTS, PAGE 1. ALTERNATE ~1 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION MEAS 1. TRAFFIC CONTROL 2. SUBSURFACE DRAIN 3. 3" PVC PIPE 4. CONNECTION TO STORM DNAIN/DROP INLET ALTERNATE #2 5. SUBSURFACE DPJ~IN 6. 3" PVC PIPE 7. CONNECTION TO STORM DRAIN/DROP INLET ENGR'S ESTIMATE UNIT TOTAL QTY PRICE PRICE LS 1 2,800.00 2,800.00 LF 5,786 ~1.50 66,539.00 LF 69 ,/10.00 690.00 EA 17 100.00 1,700.00 ALTERNATE #1 TOTAL $ 71,729.00 LF 1,812 11.50 20,838.00 LF 74 10.00 740.00 EA 4 100.00 400.00 ALTERNATE #2 TOTAL $ 21,978.00 ALTERNATE ~1 AND #2 TOTAL ~707.00 BETCHART & NORWOOD LES MC DONALD CONST UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 2,500.00 2,500.00 8.50 49,181.00 15.00 1,035.00 150.00 2,550.00 $ 55,266.00 8.50 15,402.00 15.00 1,110.00 150.00 600.00 17,112.00 2,164.00 2,164.00 10.00 57,860.00 10.00 690.00 150.00 2,550.00 $ 63,264.00 10.00 18,120.00 10.00 740.00 150.00 600.00 $ 19,460.00 $ 82!724.00 ALTERNATE #1 SAROTT CONST. R & E CONST. LEWIS & TIBBETTS ITEM UNIT UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION MEAS QTY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE 1. TRAFFIC CONTROL 2. SUBSURFACE DP~IN 3. 3" PVC PIPE 4. CONNECTION TO STORM DRAIN/DROP INLET ALTERNATE #2 5. SUBSURFACE DRAIN 6. 3" PVC PIPE 7. CONNECTION TO STORM DRAIN/DROP INLET LS 1 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 LF 5,786 10.00 57,860.00 10.50 LF 69 12.00 828.00 25.00 EA 17 410.00 6,970.00 300.00 ALTERNATE #1 TOTAL $ 67,858.00 LF 1,812 10.00 18,120.00 LF 74 12.00 888.00 EA 4 850.00 3,400.00 ALTERNATE #2 TOTAL $ 22,408.00 ALTERNATE #1 AND #2 TOTAL ~ 10.50 25.00 300.00 2,000.00 60,753.00 1,725.00 5,100.00 $ 69,578.00 19,026.00 1,850.00 1,200.00 $ 22,076.00 $ 91,654.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 10.50 60,753.00 50.00 3,450.00 458.00 7,786.00 $ 77,789.00 10.50 50.00 458.00 19,026.00 3,700.00 1,832.00 $ 24,558.00 STREE ~BDRAINSt CONTRACT 93-05 EID RE~gLTS, PAGE 2. ALTERNATE ~1 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION MEAS 1. TRAFFIC CONTROL 2. SUBSURFACE DRAIN 3. 3" PVC PIPE 4. CONNECTION TO STORM DRAIN/DROP INLET V & M CONST. BAY CITIES PAVING UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL QTY PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE LS 1 5,700.00 5,700.00 12,860.00 12,860.00 LF 5,786 .12.75 73,771.50 17.30 100,097.80 LF 69 ~ 12.75 879.75 27.50 1,897.50 / EA 17 125.00 2,125.00 173.00 2,941.00 ALTERNATE #1 TOTAL $ 82,476.25 $ 117,796.30 ALTERNATE #2 5. SUBSURFACE DRAIN LF 1,812 13.75 24,915.00 17.30 31,347.60 6. 3" PVC PIPE LF 74 13.75 1,017.50 27.50 2,035.00 7. CONNECTION TO STORM DRAIN/DROP INLET EA 4 125.00 500.00 173.00 692.00 UNIT PRICE ALTERNATE #2 TOTAL $ 26,432.50 ALTERNATE #1 AND #2 TOTAL ~108,908.75 $ 34,074.60 TOTAL PRICE