HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.04 MortgageCrCertifPrgm .~ e e , , CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 26, 1993 SUBJECT: Agreement with Alameda County regarding Mortgage Credit certificate' (MCC) Program EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ~ Dennis earrington, Senior Planner A. ~opy of eity/eounty Mee Agreement B. /eopy of Program III-N of Housing Element. REPORT PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: QAf .q- FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Authorize the eity Manager to sign the City/County MCC Agreement. The cost to the City of participating in the program will be $4,000 which was included in the 1993-1994 budget. DESCRIPTION: The eity has participated in the MCC Program since 1989. This program enables the eity to provide assistance to first time home buyers of new and existing single family dwelling units in Alameda County. Program III-N of the Housing Element (Exhibit B) directs that the eity continue to participate in the Mee Program. Participants in the program may receive up to a 20% credit of the annual interest paid on the mortgage against income taxes. During 1992, 9 certificates were issued and 1 certificate was committed and likely to be issued. If the program is funded at its current level, it is anticipated that 10 certificates would be issued in Dublin during 1993. staff recommends that the eity Council authorize the eity Manager to sign the eity/eounty Mee Agreement (Exhibit A). / --------~--JI----------.-----------~----------------------- ITEM NO.~ COPIES TO: General/Agenda File . Senior Planner HCD Fit"'" /MCC1993 C IT Y C L E R K 1 ~IIJ:~I e e ... COOPERATIVE AGREE"illIT BE11qm~ lI,{E, coUNTY or l\lJ\.\1EDA MID ll-IE CITY OF UUA L /1.../ into as of polit~~al sUlJ<Iivlslon of V<<..8L / N , (the "Cl ty"). THIS COOPERATIVE AGREE"tENT (this "Agreement") l is made and entered , 1993 , by and bet\.Jeen the County of Alameda, a at the State of California (tnc"County"), and tne City a political subdivision of the State at California \'/ I TNf:SS ETH : WHEREAS, the County has detenni ned ..to provide assi stance in the financing of homes for persons in the lo\.;er end of the home purchasing spectrwlI in the County and the City Hith a program to issue mortgage credit certificates and single family mortgage revenue bonds (the "Program") pursuant to Part 1 and Part S of Division 31 of the Health and'Safety Code of the Stace of California (the "Act"); and wr-lERE<\S, the County ]1.2.S established t:"1.e Program pursuant to the .1.ct and has detellilined to coooerate h'ith the City in the exercise of its Dowers under the Act for purposes oE tne Program; I . . NOI'/, THEH.EFORE, in consideration of the fi1utual covenants hereinafter provided, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. The County agrees to undertake the Program and to issue mortgage credit certificates and single family mortgage revenue bonds thereunder pursuant to the Act. County agrees that issuance of single f2:nil; . mortgage revenue bonds with respect to property located within the geograpnic boundaries of the City will be only for those projects approved by the Planrling Director of tile City or his/11er designee. SECTION 2. City hereby agrees to cooperate with tne County in t~e exercisc jointly or otncl',.iisc of U1cir po\.;ers for the purpose of assisting in the financing of homes purs\J2.nt to the Act by agreeing tnat the County shClll exercise its po\;"ers under the Progral!l, all as more specifically set fortn in the Act, wi th respect to pro~e rty located Hi thin the geographic boundaries of the City. In particular, and h;itnout limiting the foregoing, the City agrees, on the request of the County, either to apply or to authorize the County to apply on behalf of the City, in accordance Hith Sectiori 8869.8S of the Government Code, for an allocation of the state ceiling to issue mOrLgage credit certificates and single family mortgage revenue bonds and to transfer any such allocation received to the County under the tenns of Section 8869.8S(d) of the Gover~ent Code. SECnm! 3. The City agrees to undertake sucn furtner proceedings or actions as may be necessarj in order to carry out the tenns and the inte~t of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent tne County from entering into one or more aoreeii1ellts \~itn the other political subdivisions \~ithin the County, if deemed n~ccssJry and advisable to do 50 by the Count;. EXHIBIT A to ': e e ... SECTION 4. This Agreement may be amended by one or more supplemental agreements executed by the County and tne City at any time, except that no such amendment or supplement shall be made ~hich shall adversely aHect the rights of the holders of the bonds or citizens ...;no purchase a home ~ith assistance from the Program. SECTION S. This agreement shall continue in effect tnroughout the period during IVI1icl1 tIle County is empow'ered to engage in the Program pursuant to the Act, provided ho\{ever, tnat the City may decline to cooperate with the County under this Agreement, in connection ~itn any SUCh Program of the County, upon notice to the County to that effect within 15 days of receipt of notice from the County of its intention to engage in the Program. Such notice from the County shall be give:1 to the City at least 31 days prior to tne establishment of any such Program. IN \'iI1c-r.cSS WHEREOf, the parties hereto have caused tnis Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereunto affixed, all ,.as of tne day first above ~ri tten. COlMfY 0 F ALAMEDA CITY OF OUL8L/N .BY .BY CITY MANAGE'. Ti tle ATTEST: ATTEST: llY 1.\Y CITY CLERX Ti tIe APPROIfED .^S TO FOR..\l: APPROIfED AS TO FOr,""1: llY bY CITY ATTORNEY COUi'ITY COLJ~S EL 2096H/7 -8 "" Ptz.O~fZA-M m-, f~GH "DUeLLN. l..tc::>VS. ~l~;H.c.~-r , N. participate in the Alameda County Mortgage Credit certification (NCC) program. Through the use of a MCC, eligible first-time home buyers increase their eligibility to qualify for a mortgage loan and reduce their effective mortgage interest rate appro;<imately 2 percentage points. MCC recipients may take 20% of their annual mortgage interest payments as a dollar for dollar tax credit against their federal income taxes. The home buyer adjusts federal income tax withholdings, increasing income available to pay the mortgage. Under the program, the city currently has two reservations issued worth $230,900 and seven HCC'S remaining worth $769,100. Policy Objective: Increase the eligibility of first time home buyerS to qualifY for mortgage loans Actions Undertaken: On January 23, 1989, the city indicated its interest in participating in the MCC program. Two reservations for Dublin residents have been issued. Actions to be undertaken: continue participation in the program Financing: Minor administrative cost Implementation Responsibility: Planning Department Time frame: ongoing implementation 6.4 CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS (65300.5) Government Code section 65300.5 requires that the general pl.n and its eiements comprise an integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies of the City. The other elements of the General Plan are being revised in conjunction with the preparation of the revised Housing Element. Revisions will be required to section 1.0 (BaCkground), 2:0 (Land Use Element) and 6.0 (HOusing Element Summary) of the Dublin General plan. EXHIBIT B 61