HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 RFP PhoneMaintContrCITY CLERK File # EEN�K-1401 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 17, 1999 SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Distribute a Request for Proposals for Telephone Systems Maintenance Contract ��,(Report prepared by: Nick Stevens, Information Systems Manager) ATTACHMENTS: �1) Request for Proposals (RFP) RECOMMENDATION: \� 1) Authorize Staff to Distribute RFP FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Distributing a Request for Proposals will initiate the process to hire a contractor to maintain the Civic Center phone system. There are sufficient funds in the Building Management fund for award of a maintenance contract. DESCRIPTION: The Request for Proposals will begin the process of awarding a contract for maintenance of the City's telephone systems. The purpose of a Request for Proposals is to solicit proposals for a vendor to maintain the City's telephone systems. BACKGROUND: The City owns a 198-port NEC NEAX 2400 IMS switch and a NEAXMail AD-40 voice mail system. On October 1, 1999, the City's current maintenance contract for these items with NEC expires. While NEC has provided telephone maintenance for the last ten years, there are several other vendors certified on our systems that are qualified and are interested in providing the City service. PROCESS: The Request for Proposals (RFP) has been designed to solicit proposals from vendors to provide a two year maintenance agreement with the City. The RFP will be circulated on August 20, 1999 and proposals due to the City on September 10, 1999. Once the vendors are ranked according to the responses, negotiations have concluded and references checked, Staff will return to the City Council for the award of the contract. It is anticipated that the award of the contract will be at the September 21, 1999 City Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize City Staff to distribute the Request for Proposals (Exhibit 1). COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ' 4,*Af a City of Dublin, California Information Systems Department Request for Bids for Telephone SyStems Maintenance August 20, 1999 Attachment 1 City of Dublin Civic Center Telephone Systems Maintenance Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, subject to the conditions named herein and in the Specifications therefor for the City of Dublin Civic Center Telephone Maintenance Contract addressed to the City of Dublin will be received at the City Clerk's Office, I00 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor, Dublin, CA 94568, up to September 10 at 4:00pm, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. For further information on this bid contact Nick Stevens, Information Systems Manager, at 925- 833-6604 or nick.stevens~ci.dublin.ca.us ' NiCk cS-~e~,~ns, Information Systems Manager Page 2 of 10 1.0 General Information The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide interested vendors with sufficient information to prepare and submit proposals relative to the selection of telephone maintenance services. In fiscal year 1999-2000, the City of Dublin will be awarding a maintenance contract for all its Civic Center telephone systems. The current system is a NEC NEAX 2400 IMS, NEAXMail AD-40 Voice mail, 198 active ports with NEC Dterm Series II and E phones. The two-year agreement will begin October 1, 1999 and end September 30, 2001. 2.0 Proposals Instructions In order to receive consideration, all bid proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions! 2.1.1 Proposals shall be made upon the forms provided therefor, properly executed and with all items filled out; the signature of all persons signing shall be in long hand. 2.1.2 Blank spaces in the forms must be properly filled in, and the phraseology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to the items mentioned therein. Any unauthorized conditions, Iimitations or provisions attached to a proposal may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasures or interlineation must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the vendor. 2.1.3 No FAXED proposals will be considered. N° proposal received after the time fixed for receiving them will be considered. Late proposals will be returned to the vendor unopened. 2.2 Proposal Format 2.2.1 Signature: proposal shall be signed by an authorized corporate officer. 2.2.2 Bid Forms. Each vendor shall fill out completely and accurately the proposal forms supplied with this invitation to respond to the bid. Failure to use the forms provided will invalidate the proposal. Failure to answer any of the questions or provide any of the information requested in the bid specifications may subject the entire proposal to rejection. The inability to meet a specific feature or item of equipment requested or any specific general condition will not invalidate your proposal, but will be weighed in the finals selection of the successful vendor. It is the vendor's responsibility to point out those items and or conditions that can not be met. 2.2.3 Valid Period. Include a statement that the terms of the proposal will remain valid for 60 days. 2.2.4 Qualifications. Firms relevant experience, responsiveness; ability to perform; anticipated manpower allocation. Provide three references of agencies where similar work has been performed in the past. In each case Page 3 of 10 briefly describe the project scope and indicate a contact person and phone number. 2.2.5 Identify the personnel to be involved in the project and their background. Include information relative to any subcontractor. 2.3 Deadlines. 2.3.1 Walkthrough. Contractor may attend optional walkthrough on Friday, August 27, 1999 at 10am. 2.3.2 Due date for response: September 10, 1999 2.3.3 One copy of the bid proposals should be submitted to City of Dublin City Clerks Office 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor Dublin, CA 94568 2.4 Bid clarification upon receipt of your proposal. You may be called for additional information and/or detailed discussion of the proposal. - 2.5 Addenda or bulletins. Any addenda or bulletins issued by the City during the time of the bidding performing a part of the documents provided to the bidder for the preparation of his bid shall be covered in the bid and shall be made a part of the contract. 2.6 Withdrawal of bids. Any bidder may withdraw a bid by written request, at any time prior to the scheduled deadline for submission of bids. 2.7 Economy or preparation. The proposals should be prepared simply and economically, provided a straight forward, concise description of the bidder's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of these specification. The bidder shall be responsible for costs incurred in the proposal preparation and delivery. 2.8 City Right to Accept or Reject Proposals~' The City of Dublin reserves the right to accept or reject any proposals, and all subsequent material, either verbal or written, exclusive of an executed written contract. This invitation to respond to the bid in no way obligates the City of Dublin to any company, supplier, manufacturer, or respondent to the RFP. 2.9 Award and Execution of the Contract 2.9.1 The award of the contract, if it be awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements prescribed. Page 4 of 10 2.10 Errors and Omissions. The City of Dublin shall not be held responsible for errors, OmisSiOns' overSights brOUght to the attenti°n of the City of Dublin subsequent to the due date of this propOsal which alter or modify the information which form the basis for evaluation of the submitted bid response, shall remain the responsibility of the vendor. Additionally, any errors, omissions, or oversights of a material nature maY constitute grounds for rejection of the submitted proposal. 3.0 General Background Information 3.1 The City of Dublin's Civic Center telephone system consists ora 198-port NEC NEAX 2400 IMS switch install in 1989 and a NEAXMail AD-40 voice mail system installed in 1998. Phones consist of NEC Dterm series II and E. 4.0 Maintenance Agreement 4.1 The City of Dublin will provide and maintain a suitable environment as specified by contractor for system and products. The City will provide contractor full and safe access to premises, systems, and products so that contractor can perform its obligations. 4.2 Contractor agrees at its expense and at its option to either repair or replace all defective hardWare and software related to the NEC NEAX 2400 IMS, NEAXMail AD-40 voice mail, and telephones. 4.3 Contractor's obligation under this section is conditioned upon the hardware or software not having been altered or repaired by an party other than the contractor or by parties not authorized by the manufacturer of the system to perform maintenance, and the defects not being the result ofmishandling, abuse, misuse, theft, connection to foreign electrical current, or improper storage, installation, maintenance, or operation by other than contractor. And upon the hardware not having been damage by fire, explosions, power failure, water, lightning or failure to provide suitable operating environment, any act of God, or any other cause whatsoever not attributable to an act or failure to act by contractor. The City has the right to contract third parties authorized by the manufacturer of the system to perform maintenance. The City may obtain such third party maintenance without liability, without Penalties, and without voiding any warranties. Conditions to contractor's obligation under this section not withstanding, contractor is obligated to offer maintenance service to City regardless of the events leading to City's call for maintenance. 4.4 It is desirable to have "one source responsibility" for all maintenance and service associated with the telecommunications systems. Therefore, the contractor shall assume total responsibility for all maintenance of the system. Should a malfunction prove to be the fault of the local utility or any specialized common carrier, the contractor shall initiate and oversee all corrective action necessary. The contractor will at all times work closely with the local utility to insure the highest level of service. Page 5 of 10 4.5 In the event the local utility diagnoses any trouble other than in their service, and subsequently bills or levies charges to user for maintenance services, the charge, or bill for services will be forwarded to the contractor for full payment. 4.6 Trained and certified technicians dispatched by the contractor, shall arrive at the site to perform service on a request for either: 4.6.1Routine service within 24 hours (excluding weekends and City holidays); or, 4.6.2 Emergency service within three hours (24 hours per day, seven days per week), of request therefore. Conditions constituting "emergency service" are defined as follows: percent (20%) or more of all direct in lines, trunk lines, etc, are inoperative. Twenty percent or more of the telephone instruments are unable to either call out, receive calls, distribute calls, or receive or transmit inter-office calls. Consoles deemed not able to process calls in a normal manner. Voice Mail not able to process calls in a normal manner Special consideration for the Police Deparhnent shall be given. Anyinstmment or system failure which interrupts critical police functions shall be considered an emergency. The City Manager's or Police ChieFs phones are inoperative. The number of persons who can declare a telephone system emergency will be limited to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Police Chief, and Information Systems Manager. 4.7 Th6 City of Dublin expects preventative maintenance performed quarterly 4.8 Sixty days prior to the termination of initial two year a~eement, contractor agrees to offer the City an agreement, on an annual basis, for maintenance services. Acceptance of such an extension is at the sole discretion of the City (in writing). 4.9 The City of Dublin shall have the sole right to cancel the maintenance contract upon 30-calendar day's notice to contractor. 4.10 Contractor guarantees the availability of spare-parts for all equipment covered under this a~eement for not less than five years following the date of this contract. 4.11 Only new standard parts or serviceable used parts equal in performance to new parts will be used in effecting repairs. Page 6 oflO 4.12 Contractor agrees to allow City personnel to maintain and update backup disk or tape of the system's memory for the purpose of restoring the system's memory in the event of a total system loss. 4~13 The contractor is expected to train qualified City of Dublin personnel to perform routine tasks on the system. 4.14 Contractor must sign in and out during each visit. '4.15 The City reserves the right to let other contracts incidental to the system (for example: the installation of electrical circUits, backboards, conduit, air conditioning, etc) and the contractor shall afford any such other contractors reasonable opportunity for the installation and eXecution of their work. 4.16 Contractor shall bill the City for maintenance agreement on a monthly basis and per incident for all billable, time and material items. Extraordinary costs incurred by the contractor must be billed within 90 days of incurring such costs. 4.17 Contractor may not assign or transfer maintenance agreement of any rights hereunder without the-prior written consent of the City. 4.18 Any changes to agreement requested by either the City or contractor may only be effected if mutually agreed upon in writing by duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto. Page 7 of 10 5.0 Bid Form 5.1 Is your company willing to provide liquidated damages for inability or unwillingness to respond to a request of the City for emergency services as defined in section 4.6.2 above? Yes No 5.2 If yes, what is the maximum liquidated damages available on a per hour basis for every hour beyond the two hour emergency response time? 5.3 Where is your dispatch center located? 5.4 Where is your warehouse or storage located for spare parts and stock? 5.5 By what method is maintenance and technical help dispatched once the service call has been place for service call or repair on the system? 5.6 On what basis will increases in yearly maintenance rates be made after the initial two- year contract? 5.7 On what basis will maintenance charges be calculated as the system is expanded beyond the initial configuration? 5.8 What are the costs associated with moving, relocating and installing the following equipment? 5.8.1 NEC Series II telephone? 5.8.2 NEC Series E telephone? 5.8.3 Analog telephone? 5.8.4 Operator console? 5.8.5 Speaker chip? 5.8.6 Assignment of voice mailbox, voice mail tree 5.9 Attach a price list of all current NEC Series II, III and E phones, both new and refurbished. 5.10 What is the warranty period for new equipment? 5.11 What is the warranty period for refurbished equipment? 5.12 State the makeup of your organization. At the office that will service the City account, indicate the number of technicians certified: 5.12.1 The number of service technicians fully trained on the NEC NEAX 2400 IMS and NEAXMail AD40 voice mail systems 3.1.1The number of NEC certified engineers available onsite Page $ of 10 3.1.2 The number of NEC certified engineers available for remote support 3.1.3 The number of fully equipped vehicles available for service 5.13 What is the present location of the maintenance forces that will be associated with the all components of maintaining of the system? 5.14 What is the ratio of installed lines of equipment to the number of full time technicians who can provide service to the City of Dublin? 5.15 What are the components covered with your preventive maintenance routine? Page 9 of 10 6.0 Proposal Form 6.1 Company name: 6.2 Bid for maintenance October 1, 1999 to September 20, 2001 This signature certifies that the prices listed in the response to this RFP document represent the "best price" offered by our company of the system(s) specified by the City of Dublin. Company Name Address Signature of Authorized Person Date Title Page I0 of l0