HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 PolicePatrolVeh e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMEHT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 31, 1995 SUBJECT : EXHIBITS ATTACHED RECOMMENDATIONS ~~ /: FINANCIAL STATEMENT . . Police Patrol Vehicle Purchase (prepared by Dublin police Services Staff) Vehicle specifications Authorize Staff to solicit bids for four (4) marked patrol vehicles. The procurement of services for the transfer/replacement of emergency equipment, detailing for four vehicles and the purchase & installation Of one fixed radar unit wi~ be handled separately in accordance with the city purchasing ordinance. . . Estimated cost per patrol vehicle - $23,600 (warranty&: tax included). Estimated cost for transfer/ replacement of emergency equipment and detailing of ~ vehicles - $15,300. (Total estimated cost - $109,700.00) The cost of replacing three new vehicles will come from the Internal Services Fund. The fourth vehicle will be paid through contribution from Annexation Agreement with east DUblin property owners. DESCRIPTION : Currently the City owns eight (8), marked, patrol vehicles. The oldest marked patrol vehicles consist of six (6) 1992 units. The annual Internal Service Fund charges collected from the Police Operating BUdget assumes that all of these vehicles will be full depreciated in Fiscal Year 1995/96. In order to receive delivery early in the fiscal year, the City must place an order next mon~h for any new vehicles. The order is proposed to include replacing three of the six 1992 vehicles. One additional new unit is to be funded from a property owner contribution in accordance with the east Dublin Annexation Agreement. Bumper to bumper extended warranties, for the 1992 model patrol vehicles, will expire August 31, 1995. The cost of all repairs i~ covered by warranty but will become the responsibility of tpe City in September, 1995. If the vehicles are not replaced, it is anticipated that after August 1995, major types of repairs could become a significant cost to the City in order to continue to have a dependable fleet of marked emergency vehicles. In order to attempt to hold down a portion of costs and to better balance the rotation of the fleet, a recommendation is made to hold back the replacement of three 1992 vehicles. These three vehicles will be included in the 1996 replacement cycle. At that time it would be anticipated that a total of five (5) marked vehicles will need to be replaced. This will minimize the city's riSk on major repair costs. 4.7 CITY CLERK FILE ~ e e page 2 As of December 1994, the following police vehicles had the mileage listed below and will be approaching 75,000 on the dates indicated: VEHICLE I MILEAGE - DEC, 94 EST. 75,000 MILES D-1 57,000 AUGUST, 1995 D-3 54,000 SEPTEMBER, 1995 D-5 53,000 SEPTEMBER, 1995 D-6 50,200 OCTOBER, 1995 D-7 58,500 AUGUST, 1995 D-8 55,000 SEPTEMBER, 1995 In accordance with the City's purchasing ordinance, the replacement of Police vehicles should be the result of a competitive bid. In addition to the vehicle itself, consideration will be given to the cost/benefit of buying an extended, bumper to bumper, warranty/service package for each vehicle. The costs will be presented along with a recommendation to the City Council -at the time the vehicle bid is awarded. The outfitting of patrol vehicles is not part of the basic bid package included in this agenda item. In accordance with the City purchasing Ordinance, emergency equipment and detailing services are obtained after delivery of the vehicles. These costs are also added to the annual depreciation charges to provide replacement funding in the future. When possible emergency lights and equipment are transferred from the existing vehicle. The cost of transferring and replacing all radio and emergency equipment will include the purchase of new radio consoles, new security screens, plastic security rear seat replacements and detailing and labor for all vehicles. The consoles are required to insure that all marked police vehicles are compatible with new dual air bag emergency system. The security screens are required to conform to new interior configuration and the relocation of the shotgun mount due to the air bag location. One replacement unit will require the purchase of a rear deck emergency light assembly and siren master control to make it uniform with all other Dublin patrol vehicles. Each vehicle will require two city decals, striping and lettering. The vehicle purchased through the Annexation Agreement contribution will increase the current fleet by one vehicle. The City will need to purchase all new emergency equipment for the vehicle. The estimated cost to purchase and install all emergency equipment for the vehicle, including a fixed radar unit, is $6750.00 " e e STATE' OF CALIFORIIA Specif lea t 10n Ye~;cle, Speei~l Service Ca 1 iforrJia HiglTway Patrol (CElP} Class .E" 2310-41J-03 September 199" .- ~: - : :::::-:~::. --.. 1.U SCOPE It 15 the intent of this 5pe~ification toO describe a~ automobil~ to IHi' II'se:d In h iqh sVe~d ~ igh'II'<l:,' traff ic aMi I a..... enforcement 'I'fOrL Tue Ifehie Ie w111 at ~ime~ be o~erated at speeus in e~cess ot 100 miles per hour for botb short and long .:] U T at i 0 "s , E t wi n he: dr i v-en on a 11 tY{le-s oi roa as .and roa d su-rfa.ce 5 a!lei at a 1 ~ itu~es ~an~in9 fro~ aDPro~imately 200 f~et below sea le~~l to to,~OO feet ~boye sea le~~l. ;em~e:ature5 to wtlica th~ ven~cle wi)l be e~pased ~ill range from approximately mi~u~ 2CD~ ~o prus ~20o~. !t is int~r'ldeo:J :h3~ ~he manufac:urer in tne selec"":ion of c-omoonenu wiP use- ma~e:ials and design ~ractices ~~a~ cr~ the bes~ a~ailabie in :he \ndu$~ry far ~fle ~,pe 0f oo~~ational condltlOns. to whll::n the y~h)cle wit: be suojected. ~ngin~. t:-<ln$miss,on, 1rive 1 in~, ~ifferentia\. br~ke, suspension, whe~l. tire and other component oar:s of :re ~~~\c1e she! 1 be he3vy du~~, sel~c:e~ t~ give maximu~ pe~forman~e, ~e~v:ce ~if~_ and ~af~!; ~n: ~Ct me~~~r ne~t :~e ~1~imJ~ reou:reme~t~ of th:s speci~icllioA, Th e :e~'m .. he a 'I \, du ~ I" a ~ u -se ~ if 1 t;,e se spec if: CiIt ion~ sh.a 11 rr.ean ~;'a t : hE' 1tem ~C. ....hl::1 :i1-e te:--m 'S a~'~,:'iel ~-'J.iJ: ex:~ed. "ne:1 oeelred olup1icable. tile Irsudl (lu,1nti~y. ']'Jo!' i:y. ,Jr" ':iJ.:J2.-:i~,:' S.lpclle(i wit.' S:3r.O.'."!"C nrOCU::lcn 'len~c'le5 dnc .t Shall r:-e ~c.ie to M '; ~ ~ s.: d;"! d ur.U 5 U o!.! !. :~.it '-f1, e :tPO 511 ro:. tempe" d tu re. Wl!"ar aDd Us.e. 2.0 5PtTIFK.HWlfS AND STAND.'lRDS Sr.oe-:ificiltiens and s:o!l1rJards "ehren::!:lj in :':II~ d,:'C;Jrr~~nl ir, e-f">:E":: on :r'e- open ";ng ot ~I~p. [JI'll:at'.on lor Bld Tor-'ms a par: .:i :~is ~D~c'i'c3t:on n"e~e ~~fer~nc~(. ::.:ll~f-:)nl:a :olje oT ~:~9u'at:(;-r.. -;-it:~ l~. HeloT 'leh'c'!e5 excec-t ~ti'.I~Sl':I~:; '-~rl:lld~_ 'or::.. So::-'e-:\. 0'; .klltomo~ i....e Eng'ine~r~ 5.1\[ J l)':'O. '1ctcr ',',e>hicle n'nens~.:)n~.. ~dl R E'~lln R EMEJrT S ~:"1 G-ener<ll Reou irements-; ;h~ 'Ien ic les Shdo': 1 ce new (unused!, :;lJr~€llt lTI::JCie 1 '''e~r- pr~":lLJ:::lr..:rl. itt~ ,..er.1::les ;.,'al~ be- sJpDhed wi~r-. :dI eq'Jipment an-j a(cess-orie~ -.n-Ji:':;~e.j 3.!. stan1.l;rd -e'1L!'P~r.t In C_~~ marlUfacturl!';'-: pub: i~hed literature. Ootiotla! "aui::.~enr: .a~. ne':e~':.ar~{ ~~ me~: ti1~ rono....)nr] t'equire'Jle!lts -of ~h1s we.:ifi.::aclofl sM'l -II ~~I be i n'.;t~ 11f.rL J . 2 St~C i fl C Re11t1 i re::.ents ; 3.2.1 ~nijine Tbe engine sball be a ~eavy duty dPolice Paexaqe" version eouippe~ with altituae compeDsatin~ el~Ctrofi)c fuel injection. The engine s~atl h~ ~ VB ~a~ft9uratlan, with displ~cement to be deterni~e~ bJ the maoufa~turer so tha~ a11 3erformance specifications ar~ ac~ie~ed. Ca.nce IS: 2. Sil~ers-e1fes Fcltnrary 1994 ;I~dic~tes Re~;s;ons (Excludi~ S~ec. Mo. and Date) -1- l310-4JJ-03 . -. ~.. -- .-... ............. . .' . . . .... e e' Et ~~a'l be de~ign~d to operate knoc~ free at all ~ngine and rebicle s~eds on unleaded re9u~ar fue' with a minimum octane r~ting or 91 RM and 83 MM ~itn ~ maximum le~d contefit of D.aS grams per gallon and 4 maXlmum ~nosphorus content of .005 ~rans per .;I .1 : 1 o-n , > 3..2.1.1 Illl Coole-r An auxibary enqine oil cooler shall ill!' instaraD t- n~cessarjo' (See para9rap~ 3,21.5). 3~2.1.L Fuel SU1~'Y System The fue' sup~ly syste~ shall be of SUCh a d!sign to etimifiat~ ~apor ock an~ flooding when tne engine is operating at high temper~tures or during ~ neat snak period after the hot engine is t~rned oif, 3.2.2 (colina Svst~ Th~ cooling systen ~hall be liquid pressur'zed, forc&d circulation type. The manufacturer shall provid~ the heaviest Buty CO~l'D9 5ys~em components and recovery syst~m appllcable to the nod~l offered. 1he c~Dling system ~esiqn and ca~acity lhall maintain the en~in! at opclmum safe t~mneratlre, ender al' operating ~on6i~ions specified, witnout any los~ of caola~t or overh~a,in9 0= engine anc ':DmDonenc5. ihe :001 ing system sha. i 1 be fl'e~ {)T e~mtaminiif\ts th.at may attec: :OO! i119 sys:em :omoonent longeyity aod oeriormanc!. Optinum e~gj~e temperatvrf shail be r-.aiIl1;a1I'1eci wi:h :ni!' yeflicle jo.aded to :tle {;.1f.'n'.R. ani! :antinually aperaHd ~t all ariyeaD~e a;tituues ~nd grades in .amDient :emptratur~s ran~lng ~rQ~ -2~o to 120cF, The -ec0yerv system Shdll be d ~Iosed, air ~re! liouid $!dC!. c~cl~n! le'e~ ~n~i:3t'na ~verf:ow :!c~~e~~ ana co~~ensat~no s~~:e~. Th~ sJs:~~ sna:" nd~~ ~ nent..etica1ly ;ec.~illg Dres.sute 'tadiator' cap, ~;th SDrlTlog-loacreu 'le~ll yal',e, and a \'enHo un~r~a~aD;e :rans1u~2ni reser~c;- ril:h c~noe~:il'lg hD~e. Hoses ~. I ra~ldtor. bypass dn~ heater ~a5es sDd'l be DaDe af re:n~Dr:2C ~~ :i~~ne ruDo~~ or ~PDM. The "DSeS 5~a: I not collaDse under any ooeratinq co~dit~on. ~ t!:e"1 !he 1~S~ :1~~05 ~n :h~ ~ngire ~~ollng a~d f!rlc~e heating 3y~:!9 Sh.il ~e ~~e .eta I DM,d. po~ 1 t .\','! - DSl.!re t.:rpe _ -n'ire- S,Jrl.'; :y0e nc.t 3G:eptd[ if.'. :~.2.3 [lec:rical S\.<;tem ihe ,'eni.:il: sh,'1l' have a 1'.8.1":,.' d~lty ~le-.:~r'.c.2! 5yH8m .'13'.'109 :he ;:_:.i.;ov.'i"~q iTllllllnUm caDa.:;i:y. .....11 un!B snaIl h-il'Ve drl electrcn.,c ilJe. manageme~t;~gn.t'on sy~:em whict will 10t ~~ dfte~:!d 9y d 100 wa!t, l~-50 HHl, or a ~SO ITIl' l....,~:':, L5C-174 t.II'Z i.3d! (I :,o.';::em lnSH: led in tn! :a1' or d f.. w3tt. : ~8.: 7'- .I1HZ (I.~,":.j D .;I~ - ad 1 0 i~l ~ I: e i rrme d ~ III ~ e .....c -,n it." ,wd in tl'! :1- a~sm i -: mLI(] e, A;.1 '10' H sn~ l. rH" f.' ,; ~:. e 1 r:'--iln d'~e ~enT. ~ ,":. ~ ~lT- ..,'n h I) n :mar d d~ ognc sr:;c ~ W.3~ d Hie s. " J.~.2.1 8~ttery I~cte~;es proviaed sha:l be :he optjon3l hea~ies: lUCy :ype ,l"'d'laDle. ::ompacble l,.,.;(h tlte ,'eh,cle char~ing S)'SIeI1 and InteJldet! po'licl: ~.~nice. .:J.a".:t!?~'ie$ SJld:l ha',e d min;l!lJ.lT. of 650 cold :ranking dmp~ and l'JO ~eser'le nlrJut':'S.. with ~ 'UL\l1lJ:'.'lc:llrinl] 1~C1t!3 not {~,;ce~':liflg si:, fll) m::mti'"ls rtri(]f to ','ehicle dell'/ery. iJacte~'it'~ .....i: I nor ~L' .lG.l!pt~~d with Ii:s~ HIMI '.W per c~nc (d rull .::hflT'Je i1( :ime ~,f .:It- ""~~l>~', J.Z.3.2 Alternator The alternator shall be the hi9hest capacity opt1Dnz" alternatar l;s~ed in the manufae~~rer5 :urre~t police pa~kage brochure aoplicDble to trE v~fii~le b\d, ] ~ $.ha.ll tla'/6 a min imun 115 amp output. ho.t. at .it noai na 1 unaerhooc! ocerati I)g temperature of 93 de9rees -centignde. and a Clniml.lm C:llrll- idle out-put -of 45 ar.D-S hat, with the transE1ission In part. position withGlJt t.h~ U5~ of an ilIdd:)n iitl!l- spe-ed lncr~a~lng de~ice. -2- Z31']-41J-1i3 e e The aa:essory dr i'\'-e be Its sha 11 bll o-f a be-.:I''''j' aut)', serpeflt ille tJ'P~ with il 51?]S adju~~ing tensiolle~ that will drlye a:1 accessories wit~ D~~ belt. . _ .'a ~ ~ ....-.-.-...-- ,;... ..- . -... 3.2.J.3 Radio :SlJnp~sion All el~ctrica.] eiJuipl!.el1t shan b-l!' shielded to minimiz'f' rad'D interier~ce In the 3S tn 50 megahertz ran9~ ~nd tne 138 to 174 me~ahertl ran~es. The entire electl"iCill ~ystem ~na11 ce de-sil';lned so that not more than 2.5 mier~volts ;npu~ to tn~ receiver wL11 be reQuire-d to produce at leilst 20 dB Quieting at the r~'::e i,,'er. ~ell te-stefl tl'l accOrdilnC! witr. attaclled Figures Land 2. for alll e-ng irH! 5D~P.~$ frnm idl~ t~ full throttle and with the radi~ and antenna ~ount~d and con~erted q$ on current C;P alJtomobile~ in ser~ice. This requirement $ha11 be met withovt the use af any ~e~eiver e~tender, nois~ blan~e~ or impuls~ noise ~u~pre$s'on type circuitry. wi~h ~Ie eRQine stapoed, the ~adio receiye~ us~d in th~ Ces~ sh~l! reauire not mare :han D.35 l1icro'fc,lt f.;)r 20 d8 Qu'etin~ measured as s.11~f1 on Figure 1, Step ~. .l,jan~f.a:tl}",;!!"S of 'Ieh ic les not prev ious 1:0 tE'5ted by the -':HP sha 1 ~ he re<tu 'n~d ~c' ~el:ver to tne CHF a ~enic~e eq~lDo~d wi~h their ~~anJaTC n~i\c~ raOlO sup~re5~'o~ Dac~aQ~ ~e: ~.:. The vehicie ~il 1 De :ested to show eomDlidnce wi~~ ~h~ aoov~ '--:-f.'1J I t''!!me nt , r-as:. e_,:(:o~.'i~nce has sh<;:l'!jl ~h3r ::lle follo....I~Q grOtintl steaDS 3~e ~'~a~ired a~ a mif~iml!m ~-::, 'T!eet ~i':E- reDL"r'-3meHS cf :~;'5 sD~~:'::i(H:~'rl: 2 - ~e~r oum3er to frame o~ DOC' jof)I);; : =, ~,~ d', 2 - i ru n t; I i:l t.o b(llj~.. .. :-:J1TI~:0 ~~Jd'i . f ~:ame end O)co',' .::':ns~--'J(~. ',(1:' - ;~~m etC1 ~~rau~: ~l~e :J ~o1f ~r ~~arre a: r~ar 2 :ngine ~o ~:ame - :: r~ -:rm~ to Jr.;-Ij ',: .:j t .. -,~ :.rrr 1 : :]"t~;$ i;: 3. _:. ] '",hee I ba 5 p. 'It:? .....(lI'~lb.i1',.' ',,',.1: :Il? l:J 'rC.1i?:o, rr"'II;UUli., 1:6 'nch.e:; -~:~;mum. -.. -, ... .j . ~: .'. Su<:;~'ef1~ ioJn- The :ror-t .1.113 rn.dr ~I.: ~:.e!'s H:.n ';nc lu~ i 1;) ~i'o(k ,lDSG-r'Oe'-s Slid l! be 1"0"'. ~,..,: -' ....IJ. ::-'l;;-':-:-:-r ---;.- r-- IJ"'"' 1 ' r", - "r' I'''' -' '.... .J ,- r" J r,-,,"T 'n -, r p , ~ ;. - , '1 .- 1 " , e r' I"d- r'~ -.;0 I'IJ i ~ ro G .. ... . ~ ... '.. I . _ "." ".".... f1.. .... lr.;J ~ .. _ .. -'." I...... __..... .J .......... _ . J _ ... '" ~ /'I()l:; ~,~lIJ:;!: ~roer "'I?' ;)(1 '.n.; JD'1rl):( llHrlt~'j., ~i':: ;:::)ur.d~ ". i' L't' JT':'!i.1:e.:J or, ~~:'n: .:;; :-hf: :Jr. ~DDroxim~t!jy 2UG lGs. of ea~l~~eot. w1 11 be ~ar.ie1 :~ :be :.lJn~ at di! ~lmes, '::,-3.3 U~ffen:nt~ill -,"Ie ci:i'~-~~ua' one',] ~e :he ::;.n\'e-n:-iol'i!.: ;-~lPf.". ~'n9 .'il';d f:"'-oI()f1 :)eLl"-~, .... tr, -:t r,n'.D ::le~i[1n-e-,j:o gl'lE' be:;;: oven]] perf.:;r'marlc!!- :"~,r :;'alls:ni~~,':jn iJflo:; : i.~ '; i;::e i;Jst,~ i' ee: on '/ej:-i ~ ].~ _ -,'I~ -;je.3r ra: io ';JI.1.1 ~ ~€ :he ~aml? :m (j 1: ,'{:n' C ~~~" J.3.4 TriUlsm~s::,icm The ~;an:.mis5ion shall ~e nea'lY dutj', flJll:l autDmat'ic ,..ith a mln~~n of rour 5DeeQ$ forMard ~na one ~eV~"se, The ~ransni$s;~n ~nal 1 be eQui~De~ with interDd' and ~xter~al transmission fiu~d cOQle~s 1f necessary to me~t tn~ ~~quiremen;s of paragrach _3.21.5. 3,~ ~teer;:aa: T~e st-eerino :;hal1 be pO'rl'~~ assiste41 ~""firm' :ype or- ,'ar;aiIle rat~o. A po~er.steer;n9 &luid cDoler, if n~e~e~ ,0 meet the criterioo ~f JOOoF lT~~:lIl)JlJ per 3.2:.5, shall be installerr. -3- 231O-41.i-03 e e > 3.5 Srakes: lite braY-E!S sh..!l be pG'",er assisted dflti-lock i..B.S., witn {j~sc br,~~:e~ or. d 11 four whee h. Frict iOf\ materia 1 sha 11 De hed....i. oIhrty "for po 1ic~ ..-ork. The br~ke system ~hg~l meet brake perioroance tests oi thi~ spe~ificat'on as detai1ed under 'Performance". p~ra9raph 3.21.4." > 3.6 ~eels and Tires: Eden v~hicl& shall h~ supplied with tiye (5) matc~in9 whee~s 3na tlres. The wne~ls shall be 15 inches 1 c.D ;~ch~s minimuD ~nd sDQll hav~ e sDfe~r ridge rolled into ~im or otherKlse ~esi9ne~ tG prevent the tire fr~ se~arat;n9 from the wheel in ttl~ e....~nt of a flat. Ih~ sp.der slla.l1 be bea',y duty. JlulJ caps shall be bolt on ~ype. > lhe tires ~h&~l coaply with State of Californi~ Iligh 50eed lir~s, The vehicle manufacturer sball certify manufacturer' 5 tires to ne compatible with th~ir y~hicle. the fa 11()-....inQ wa~'s: . lhe yehicl~ manufae:ur~~ will test an~ c~rtifv the tir~s, subj~c~ to a(:::~ptaj}i;itJ' testin'!J by the ::,aliforll-i.a Hignwcl.)I ~d.tro'. in acc;oraance with ~ 0::'1 , -"... '-... ... '" .. :, The :aii~ornia Hionwdv 03trol wi~l tes~ ~he tir~$ i~ at:1rda~c~ with 3.21.1 a~d ncti~y tne vehi[;; ~a~"fa:turef Qf the P!sults. Speciiic~t;on 2610- XXX~03, a~ many ~s ~ossibl~ tire lhis mny be accomDl~shed in ~.. . ; ..". :: . ~ ~::-:-::::. ..... :> _ ' _I~ on'y ~ne ~i~e cer:ified by :he.!~biCle nanbf~c~ure~ is Droveo ac:eotlble to "'_ne :..dii-;:)"'~!"'.;c 1~lcn~c" L.1lc:--"ei. CI'n: ~.tate w1:1 3,:::e~!t :ne I,'enlc.es "'ilt., :":Id"l :1~4e install!d, For 3~ceD~aole ~eDla:em!nt t:r~s. tne vehlcle md~ufacturer s~all ac~ept the ,:~.',-;;)-;.,;u ~'IO!l"".a'.. ~ocrc! teH .ar..o d!I.:)'M an'.- (IT those :~r~~ to be lr.s:al;IH: ...'l<:r. no cr,aoge in ~ i ther. .~arnll1t;.. ';)1. I iat.,: ',t:o" . ~h~ ,,',rll~e;~. and tir':s -'nsu,.,e:l on :he "~n'cle (i:'1ciud'iny ~c.,],re:1 sna:~ prry~ide " I!--in HHJIt. 'resen-e lO<ld" of 3..(:, percent 35 ~ef irled ill t_~~ ::oC!e of feder,~.1 P.~gu; at .,{:.r!S , -.t.e .l~. :::r_i'Ic.t~'. 'i, Pa": :7~.l02, .j . " !!.Ol1y~ The :;'i.I,J-.' ,,'11~ 1] !I~ :! ~:,ur doer se,jilfl '... ith :::e-mer- pes to ;, ~.i'IY :::p~ i.'r.cte~-::i\'l" mol:1i;1~' shall D~ ~r;'s~al'le[ ~:(Ct:ot (In ~he ~""(Int :)OOfJ. ,t11 C, " :0 o(+r:r' t ins ~~ 1 ..~:: -ion :,f ::1~ :>l' -ins i I}fl .,,; : .:::;.' ]fJr:g b:~ 2'~" nl ~i, i wi :n::tu: ::- WI f1:_e~T.~"'~n::e, The :.~,,'" ~m~e-! ..-el-I$ sho.,l bp. ~(I :i);']s(:~cte~ :hat 5tandlH':j sq"'E' :ire ~hdlr~. ::_~:" b:; in,~dl-p',j ;f' ~ ::-or,-.'ef,T.'~'nill nanne~, ...'.il.'1:.'Jt ;:lear.wc~ p:'d,l~m) ~nd ....ithGL~ :~u~'n~ :n~J ~r ~~ruc~urJl aJmase to ~he ~en)c)e. :'1e ~ro~t aOD"' ~ide mold~r9 snal! De supplIed wit~ mountin~ hardwd~~ fOf :r:S:',;;,-';~.'(;f1 ~I;" :11~' :.KF' ...-He'l :llo:! ,'~hl:ie is ta~:en OlJt :,f :.~n'ic~. P.~ar :Je~~: .-icl emc,',ems ,~r"j :~lm nu~: N~ '"e'llO'le{), i-:" !le'::~~~d;'Y, to permit :he in:,:ao.lilti,;;.n oi ~HP ae{;a;s, ":,-iQflwdy::atrol'. .lil ~rr:!lle~s dOJ ~:.'im remoyt"': ~ha'ol iie hwnishe-:: :-:;, ~he CliP iCl b1JI>: pact. 3.n E~ter;ar CDlor~ Thp. ~ody and ~ne~ls shatl Oe painted blacl, Oitzler IDQE 9QOC or comparabLe. lhe ~oaf panel Qnd ~o~r ~rtion of both front doors below the belt molding slit'll] b-e painted rlh:ite, Citzler ,;DQE BOOO or carr-narabl-e. Pa.int ml1st be factory aoolied dur;n9 the manufacturer's assembly ooeratlQns. Dealer a~plietl paint to ach;e~e ~h~ t~~-tone scheme spec;fie<< above is not acceptable, Ful 1 w~eel covers s~nl 1 be acceptable in lieu of paintee whe~ls, Ditzler DOE 9000, ]""' full whe-el co'..ers are installed, Hanc1ard :Clad paint as suppl ied by t.he '/IIi'1-eel mafiu=a~tur~~ shall be acceotabl~. Full wheel r.overs (def1ned is cover1ng tne entire 1'.-JlI~el) do not roa....e tD be "bolt-no" type. -4- 2310-41J-D3 e e J.9 tnteriorr Front seats snall be either 40/40 or ~5/45 bucket type, The dri~er-s seat snall be 6-way po~er adjustable a~d sha11 be ~eavy duty, de~lgned for ~a~im~m confort, S~ppD~~ an~ durability" The uuho~stery shall he nylon or ~o~en s_"n-trlet'c fabric and "'inyi trim, Other material is subject to CHP appronl. 3.9.1 St~rinq Wh~l A t1 lt ~teering wheel i~ re~uired. . .. - ..- .- .._- ....- -.' ..... ~.10 Sp~dameter~ T~e ~~hicle oe~crihed in thlS sp~cifi~atia~ will be used in la~ enfnrcement ana e~treme spee~omet~r accura~y ;s ~~~~ntial. The $p~edo~ter shall be calibrated an~ be accurate within -Z m.les per hnur at speeds from IS to 100 m~les per how!" of tne true vellid~ s;.eed, within the- elwiroMenal a.peratil\9 range sp~c:fied in ~,O. lhe dial f3~e sh~ll be ftar~efl u~ to a minimu~ ~f 14G miles per hour. 1ne- ~esi9n of the SDee~ome~e!" shall be such to insurf a~curacy througnout tn~ lif~ of the ~eh\cle, ~ne face ma~k~n9s shall n~t b~ in inc~tments 9T~at~~ th~n 2 miles p~r hour. The face shail contain tn~ wording ~Certifie~ 5~ee~or.6ter., or other wording to ingicatt thal SD~ed~meter accura~y is certifi~d, or a letter of certificatiofl of accuracy shall be ()rO''''CE'-::l ....ith eClcn unit. The '.'~ni1or ~.i1al" $6~dh t:,oe siz~. b'rilntS ilnd !rode 1 of ~ires ~or ~nich ~hft spee~ometer is ~ert)fiftd, 1he pointer shall nGt coyer "Dr~ than & ~~ mi"fr ~~~ nour Se~:~D~ of ~he sc~ler J.Il O~shboClrd: T~e d3s~bDarc ~hail :e suc~lted ~lth or wi~~o~t :~e .~dio ~Deci~~ i: ~ne o~tion D~ :he ~H~. Rad~DS are not reaulred, ~ll oashooara5 snall De .:~"11 :)-I'-I:e. Dec-si,::.n rlS t.o:. "~~lPe ...'11 De lIade af'.:~:" a sdmDl~ ~ashooMa is insoe::tec. 3_12 SDot 1 iqhts: Th~ :H~I ',_i: 1 HI~:a 11 two ~:::':. scotl i9ht".., IJnity .\o!e-do!! i 22~. one 01 eac" wlro~r,'!i:~ P(:s.:, ihe "-e~ic;~ '3~';If;n nus. in.:iuct 0 f.:sCT.c.n ins~ai;eo] 'i~I':!: 1 '~n ~ )c:.::mr.o I; a: 1(: r. ~ &0 ,31)(: in.:: j;J ~ h~ 0 re'3r j 'h::: ";'..' p:'j: ars ~ nd 00'::;'1"'" (JOC r .....e:1 ::l~ .-~. -: - . 0 i:")I~.d ~ s. : : 1. : . Dn S . J.]3 Floor [overill'l: .Th:- f-Ic~,r' ::o'~~r-ir,q of.UlI: ent':"p' !k-Ol' fl'::,": and re3r st\all :a~! : d.... ~ e: 'j "-:IJ . 7;"1.e::;. ; IJr $.'d: ~ tu:~ ~ l.~.:~: ~ r :,;.!~~'.ed w l:h :he u~.nl:::.1 S t.e:;." .::) 10 r . (.l{o I}EH t CIJ',torr fir., deep :;pik,], carpet fl~or mat m,,~ be p~'(}'1ided t.a meC't this reqllir;:;nent,} nlf. ::'.'1roe!_~r'~1 stH I': r.a'fe !ll'. IP':'~;: ,:)r1 :h-e< '];"Ie"'; ~Hlf> to p,..:.t~.:-: ttle n~~i ",'!::3r ~~~~ ~~~m J~mrlg~. j. !4 Hood Lilt,:h fie ~ea:;e: -::'10: ':O-:r. '-dt:!. ~e -;E'.~~,e ~h.J.1 - 3'" lTIoljnT.~d IllS iw' ~I-e ::-~,n~ lEl:-~~:lqer ::om[lar;:me~[ so :h3t the ~o:::lIj c3nnc-~ ~'f :>penF.:d l:om l)u:::,'de th~ \'~n-,cie. - '1 ~ ,-~; ~ e.: ~!:! ) II.} ~': ::.e ~'.f:: j 0 ; "I ~I' a c: e ~ S . b 1 e i..C '=7II~ ~r' "ie r . 3.t5 Rear Deck Lid Releas.e: i:~e !"'ear dec:,: :',d re'lease sn.alllte pro\'ilJed or the ::c~nDCil'-C ::) :r,e -'9n~ or ',e": ~id~ d .~ne Heerirl<j .:x'~un:m, or [11.': l]r"/er'S si,:1!: :lOGr :J1:~~. :a~e :0 oermlt ~hb ~~enl~g ~T :he ~edr aeck 1:0 ~y a~ ele~:T1C oper~ted '>o'~no-,a, j:'le ,>",'it~h -iDC,'tiGO -;_~a':l lit? dPrro~~d oy the :H~I_ Oeilier modlfico.clon at the ',!j,:a: Ic-n t.O lTIe'!!t this. spec~f;c.at';ml i~ accef.,table ho-...e'/er no holes. md:.:f be left oi~ (j re~~lt of the mDdifica~iGn. 3.16 Trunk: Co.ro.a:rtment~ The :iunf: COffi(}artment sno 11 ha'le a usab le lug~ag~ :ao~~ity of :4.0 :U~IC fe~t, mi~imum. l.17 Spare Wheel an~ Tire: A full s;z~ wheel and spare t,re snall b~ f~rnis~ed. The space saver type s~are tire is not accePtable. -5- l310-41J-Q3 e e > 3.1B Radio Sp~4ker~ TBere shall ~e mounting pO$itions far two (2~ f~Gnt radiG speakers, CliP....i 11 pro~' idl!' and lnstilll the actual speakers. 3.19 Fuel Tank: The fuel tank furnis~ed snal) be the largest tapacity a~ai14ble. .. '... ....-.-.-.-. ..:- ... .. J.20 Hi s ce 1 bllel:lus Equ f pIIe1lt: eifllipment: Heater and defr~sterr fresn air type, incarpcr~tin~ refrigeration air cond\tl~ni~g of a size and type r~commended an~ installed by th~ manufacturer of the ve~icle. An auto~tic high SDs!d at bfg~ nead pressure compr~ss~r cutwout to be installed nr ~ther means provided to protec~ the compre~sor from e~cessi~ely hiqh head pres.svri!'. Each vehi(l~ shall h~ furn\sh!d with the following > Inter~ittant win~sh;eld wip&r system. A fuel ga~ge, ~n~i~e oil pr~~sure, water temperature 4nd ana or volt ~ ndi ta tor. Cigarette lighter in front ~o~~ar:~ent, Ou~l ei~c~~jc horns or duai no~e norn. Hologen he~dlamps, high a~d low b~am, Stan1Jrr. mdC or :ourtesy ligBt. Door p~~~ ~witc~es shall ~e inoperative, OU1C~ ~~le~sl!' style drl~er! sld~ ~nside doo~ ndncl~ ~o allow t~e dr~~e~~ d~or to D~ ~ntocr.ec ~y pu1ling O~ ~~e insi~~ Randle. ~lo~e box witn leek, Orlver and passenger sioe 3!r oag. ,;11 T:)ur (~; 'Jc,on S,1ij~'1 ::Oi'lU.1r. po...'{'~' lo.::~:inl~ ar:d uniock1n9 .r.ec~an!slTls contr0lle~ ~: sw't:hes lo~~~e~ OR ~otn ~he left dn~ ri~nt ~ront joor :Jn~~ol i1<l ni: 1 s . ~11 four windOWS shal: ~e paw~~ 3c:uated and cont~ol\!d from tn! drlvers 5~de aoor contro; panel ~itn a locko~t feat~re to pr~venc other windows trom bei~a ODer3teu ~ne~ locked Q~( ov :n~ a;i~er_ Aear winaow 1efog~er!defrGster on d seocrate ~witch. Sin':Jle key for 19:1ition, aoor, crull\: an,:) 9'ID~e bc-:;_, bur (~) ~:ey~ f01' -eolCI' 'II; r i ~ ! ~ _ ~ .!lC:l 'ie n i :: 1 e k ~ v'~d 1 ~O' " i (l'J a " 't, "ym r'e5t~ 01'1 ~a:h of ~hp. .i ooor'~ fflrifl ~e5:'S 'In re,H :I,l~ ~'fn,:H~: C(lrr;[li'lrtr.Jent ITI~,:' ~e ffi8Ur.t{!lj ;)n o~l1e!' :h,tn :hl.' ,:oor !7 ye,'lC'l" ::; $0 oeslq(}e':l). oJUB id€ mi-rrors. rem8t! ::ontr,~,l. driv~r dc::e'S~ ib 'It: I $ H'li LH in dpoeardn-:.e mounted on lei::: and r'ont :"0n: .jco"s, Belt:] m'rror;. S;'1c.:', ~e :on,:~'.::l':atle f"om :h~ :::r- i"'f:~ ,.~ seat, . Two co~t hooks ~n'Stalied i~ ~ea~ co~partment, Tinted 9:dSS, ail wina~~s 3nd ~indshitld, L i'Jn: Il'l ::"!Jn~ ".itll :rlJnk : id aCLOate!l- swi :cn. Ligh~ iD ~ngifie comDar..~ent w~th hood dctu~ted 5witch locat~d so as ~o i 1lumin~te ~nqine oi 1 ~;~ s.ick an~ filler, Standard :001 ~it including whee} changing tools and jacx adequate to safely lift the vehicle. Owner I s. lIIiInua 1 . Harranty cer~ificate and card. OPerlOl"'llaOC~ :- J~21 > 3~Zl.1 Performance acceptance of the vehicle will be evaluateu by drlvers s~lected hy th~ CHP for acceleration, top s~eed, vehicle dynamics ~nd braking. Performance criteria listeu in J.21.Z, 3.21,3, 3.21.4 and 3.21.5 shall be ~t with the ve~icle )oa~ as to'loillls; 4S- 2310-nJ-a3 e e 60 Ibs. O~ t~~ front bumpe~ 200 Ibs. in the tr~nk 185 lb. dri 'fer - - ,'.. . _... "....a-. ...... .... ..... 3.21.2 D~r;ng 'f~hltle dynanics testing O~ the rc!d ~Durse, the vehicle s~dll dis~lay e~c~ptional handling c~aracter;~tics. ihe ~ehic'~'s sus~nsion sys~em shail be desiqn~ to prQ\'id-e a firm Cl'1[f )tab-le rid~ with a m;n;lTI81 arrount of bod}' ri>ll. The suspensiol1 snail provide the rl~~ necessary far a vehicle ~sed in pursuit QP~llcation. Each vehicle delivered against this s~eciii~aciGn sball ~e ~apable aT sustained hig~ sDe~d oo~~ation at full open throt:le for a minim~m dis~ance of 25 nile~ without ~a~a~e to the (}OWeT tTa in, 3.21.3 Speed and ~cceleration Th~ foll~King test ar~ tD ~e perfonne~ ~n \e~~~ 9rou~o at nomInal S~d level ~Ievatlon. (! ::c." 6C ni l~s o~r I1I'}IU' in LO.1 Se~DJ1fJS ma:dmllta. o to :oe Ili les poeT l10ur In 29.0 seconas lIla:omum. 50 ~v ja0 m\le$ p~r Dour ~n 2~.C s!conds maxinum. -,:>p spe~n :22 n.i1es pe~ hoar minirrrUrri ,....ithir. 2 m',les or less. -? 1e','~:: ion: EleYdt ion 1ests: Th~ .Q1~orl'n; test ~ill be performeo dt 6,000 8 ~o 60 mii~5 De" ~our !r &~,J se~cnds mdI~TIU~- ::'_2:.~ Bra)::ng ~,~u'- ;::' $t:.05. O' imoe1cir.o sho ':-vr.e sn.<tl". be ~4de f,orr d sCIi!'e~:)f ;0 lli"es ;:.er h'Jl.'1', :nf stC[l~ .'lrO:: ~o be ao:: ~'mir.uce ~n~_e:'YcI5. n~ :It.!1i:~' :e, StGp ir. 3 ~7_!-,~ ::;nt '- !ne 3nd ."i:nln ,:5 :J"r, dne ,.,-'.i. De :;;:'/ciuoiced. Appro):imatel~" 5 mlr.u~es af~er ~est ha~ befrn comp;e-ted. ir.:....,l1 be '-eDe3ted, Th", ,~!; i' i:-.. d ~~€ -'-E",';: ie ::J ,.:;)) ~n.:. s<:~.~"9r.;- '1,1!: iIrllj .......'.,n '.:_~ own :,;!1p. "..iil dqa.n be ~~rt!~ateJ. 11..~!.":: ~.s ~QL'i'::[:.e':~ #I"::h .] ;el:--1{.~I:$: :ng n~~,l~:'2 f~:~':J~";: ".I,'.j' ::Ie SL'c.:E'''::elJ ...1...: ~nc rei'::,...i:lI} :a.-",.: lrm,~oiHeh- :l'~e~ :orciL'~icn Dr aC'D'''E :~$-:. F,:::.ur- f~-' $torl~ .,.;11 D~' mlille ",ni',e ~he C:"H' 'I~- be':n'J d,-noen HI re'ie,:;e. If Ue ~e-i-~tl!u~:i~9 :!~lJr! .~ :DJn9 :: 3~juS: :he Dr3Kes :: :he extent :hat ~he ~neei! drag ,n; '_e~ :h,' ,::'-:;m~ p.~vo!! cno 'Ie~: :ne ',E",' c; L' .... -1' I!O~ :Jo!! -j::;:~pca[): E. N,: -:If' i', -i~,~' rr~::,df' ....i' I -'r1:jl,.:-:e ~)r 13~::e : lJ I l.:"~. 3.21..5 :) \ 1 C:)o I er" ~f19i11! :)1 . ::',)rr:;ml~"H::r: ;1u'( Iln.~ p;;Jl"I"e'- s~~e'''.n'~ -",ui,~ ,::)c.l~r's ne:essarv tc ffi~ln:a'n Dil one.lt:ng temoeratu-~s nct :D e1c~e~ the ~tl,l i' Q!! '!ns::C.' ie:: .j~l '(I i ow 1 ~ 9 1 i m i : s- : 1. CJlgi III!' I)i I 2, Transmission r 'UfO ), f}ower Ste~ring Fluid 2750F, maxinum 275oF, maxitlUm 1000 F I max i:ll..lm ie~: cond~tlons to check mQxim~m 0'1 GPerat1ng ~e~eratures: 1. Ambie~t temperatur~: .ll~Of, mifiimum. 2. E'eyation: -20 to .6000 feet, J. ${}eell and Distance: 80 miles per hour for 5 mil-e-s fo11clie1 b~' ~ac. miles per BOUT for 5 mi les. -7- 2310-41J-U3 e e 4.0 QUALlTY ASSURAICE PROYlS]O~S -....:- . - .:.---,:.:, --. :~::::::::: after > 4_1 Ins~ecti~~ of Sa~le Car: ~ithio 5 working days/the iss~an~e of a ~~rchase or{JeT, the successful bi(Ja-!r -stl.a 11 del i'l'er t-o th~ C~ 1 if-ornia 1t1qhway Patro 1, J30(l ll;e-ed A~enue, ~e5t 5acr~men~or CA 95505, a loaner sample yehlcie. The loaAsr s~mple ~ehicle shall be r6pres~ntative of the v~hi~les tn ~ delivered to California ~1~hway ~!trol and sh~ll ~eet o~l performance test requir~nts at the ~peclfication as detail~~ vnder "Perforllliince" , paragraph 3.21. Et will be lIse~ a~ ~ prototype tor determining the method of attac~ing the variou~ 1tems ~f po'ice eQu\p~nt ~uch ~$ s~otlight$, Gutside radio speaker, radio, etc. It may b~ ~ecfssary to drill ho~es in order t~ determine the ~roper length for the s~otliqht control Tods. .. - - . ~~.. :> ~'~e-ry '9ffart will be made to k<te~ from Dril1in9 holes in the yehicle bo4iy, !~i5 ~ehicle will be r~tain~d by t~e CHP until d~liveries against tn~ tDntra~t b~gin. [~ tJIP, miirlUl'dCWrer daf!'m~ it Ju!cessar\' for a CHP in'Slli!cti<H'I of,~ pro~llC~iol1 yp.hicle at tJIF!' ~oiflt of as.sollfil01Yr all costs. associaten wit:! the ~ra..'el will be borne by t41.e manurac~~r~~ or ~Baler, > 5.D OELI~~Rr Of CARS ) 5.1 The ~~hl:les sha:l be eeli~ered tc ~n~ ~c;~owi~D lo~ation in ~es: Sdcrame~to, :c'lfun-a: :.al'fornla -:!Ip.....a,. Pa.trol. "IO~Dr' -;-"3nsDon )e~:"op.. 23(1\) Ree'J ;..\'e:lue. ",est ~a(r3merlto, ~A 9550S. S.1.1 ~Jr'a','dn:>r' dri';-e-3W~Y me:n,:}d of d.e-li','e~:, ;!'"OlTl the tilc~or~' tc.~ dec'.er '~ nc,t a c : I;~ : 11 b ~, 5.1.2 ~ehlcles delivered frDm a ~ealer w1tn r.o~e t~3n 50 mi~es on the odorreter w~l~ Je :~ar~ec 50 :!n:S for eac~ mi:e exc€ed'ng 50 ni:~s. This charge ~~all &e oeduc:~d from :I'e j)ur:r,ase o~dt':' O:;:'1ce for e3C~ '.'eh]~ie oe:"II~~~d a'3ainst E:aC:I O!Jr::h.a~e orde-!". ','.f!'n' c i.;!s =e<Ju ',:'"'ed :'0 re:urr. :0 ::he Je,j ':e~ ;'(Ir SDee:J.~,ne:er rl:';I iac.emenr. .~ '_1: G-P. C:1c.;t;'e1j ~or ~a:d: m~;es J~l~en ~nc~u~irQ :i~~~ dn~ suo~eaue~t :~io~. ~.2 :)-'Or :C. :Je-,I"e:....', ea-::tl ,'f!':llc:e ~~1,1~1 t'e Sf'!'\,..ced ,HId ins.J€-c:ed b'.' :.h~ ~eaie:~', ~,~ ,~ ~ IlIlm~m :h' s vr~-oe (i \'e:-y inSDect Ion ~{I~ 1: ':o,';;r :rl~ .::~,er.3t i~ns " i:, :E:~ N' t.ile d1::,K~II>':J ":;'.-".-De I i 'Ie~ ',' Sct,el]u Ie'. ,; COIn' oT t1lf 'Jeil ier' S . r.~I:"~~: iar dnd ser-,. i(fr check Sll~':': "Ie; J(] H1Q :rl€ ':led I er Mil] ',-en lC 'Il? i;jent 'j i ::.n l(:.n. ':I!eo:ot:' 01 se:-'ii::e cr."j ln~Cle~: -:;'w; ~'e-.,:)rm!:'J anlj :h~ ~er-"':c~ JTIan,jr,'er' s <;l'J!1dtur~ ;~ill1 tie ':urr,isrled ....n !:a::.n vericie :eilVere~. ~he ~enicle's :!"anK:dse, oi~~e-€nt:al a~d tra~~misSlon ~ha;l be ':;' -,e:: :::: :h.e malltddCtu:'er-s re::or.:m!:!1()e'~ :ap.3ci::' .~:l;: :l1e~ds tan~: aT. le:i5.: i....~ fu:~ .....h.en :he ..'erne'le u:-"..e~, at the de-; i\'e-'{ des::inatiofl. fllt: 'leI'.i~le shall be ::I~i\r. iLnt: "ree ~rom ~e~e~ts wnen de~i~ered. . 5.2.1 7yplcal new sar iecei~in~ check s~e~t(sj ar~ at:achea. The CHP ~~11 ~evelop a ,:ne~k snee~ (s J for :hf!' un] ts j)urchasetl. Tl1fr ched: ~Met(s.J 'foIi 11 be eQua.lly jiS c~mprehenSlYe as the sample L989 sheets and ~)11 be the basis for acce~ting or rej~ctin9 each Yf!'h~cle. -8- 2.310-41J~03 '.-:;: . : ::=..:~::::. ~. e e 5.J The vehicle~ ~ill be inspected oefore accepta~c~ bv an autnoriz~d rear~sentGtl~e of tne CHP for ~~rk~nship. a?pear~nce. proper f~nction;ng of all eOUlpnent and systems and cGnfo~nce to all ~tber requi~ement5 of this specification. If tne d~fic;encies fo~nd ca~not be corr~cted witt an on~ (1) working day of d~l;v~rYJ ~Re yehicle(s) will be d~l~ted from the jnvoie~ ard the dealer shall provide Q 5uos~itute vehjcle{s), ~nich is ac~eptable, befDr~ the ~nd of the delivery day to ~et tne delivery rate as r~qu;r~d by the contract. Pcyment and/or co.men~ement of ~ disco~nt perl~d (if i~plicabl~) will not be .ad~ Lntil cDrrectiy~ actlon is made, and the vebicle ~einspected and acc~~te~. . It saall b! tn~ resp~nsibility of the d~aler to Diet UP the veh1cle{$}, make nec~~s~ry correction~ a~d r~-deliv~r tne Y~h'cle(s} for relnspection and acceptance of all vehi~les rej~cted. 5.4 The ori9inal dealer's Re~r~ of Sale snall be f~rnishe~ to the consignee at the :ime of del~yery of the vehicle. 6" (} HGTE5 ~.l W~rrantv: The ~ehicle5 ourcnased to ~r.is sDe~ifi:ar.ion shall ~dve ~h~ :: d nd iP'd ~d nu i il ~:-~re:s ....a r- a.n t:,' 0 f ~~ ":)00 m"ile s l :iTr-e-f' yea:'" par::. and ~abQr. [n ~dd i ~ ){1rI :-~~ ,'er 1:: Ie sna. I :.:r;~- af": e:r.~e!'lC]-ed Tll.:::.or:i -...a.rr3IT':?' on tne ,:Jr ".'e :~~ 10 as st ~pu la!eo in :~~ =;~- :he (:i~ of :ne "~qG;r~c war-a.nt} ,nali je in(iud~d :n tge bie pr)c~. J,E' :::8r,--" -:~ N_~:ll,!:' a(:.~r~'" 'S ....'i!.-~-anr:', ~'o' '.r:::, and ~-')::ed:.Jn:~s M"nu.i 1 Sh.:. '1 t.e JTC~laeo to CHP D-'or to star: of de'i~ery_' 'ien!:: lof:; 1Ct cd 3ce,j if. se,'.'I::= 'mrre-jic.c-e '1'\' u~ml re':-e io: sn.! 1; be ....llr'-an~ed ';~orTl :.,,~ .:.,=::~ :h~ ,:n:: :~ (.l,~.::e': '0 ::.f."~,,'i(e. The re':~"',in9 a'~e'":~.- :-.H'j r.o:i~~l t/'le '"erOOT i~ ,~-':-:n.] 0" :he ~:::'U.i1': .'In-se;'.-'ce" cace. ::"~ Guar~nte-e: ~, lTI,jnuf.'lc:t:-er ':1~ I i ,'~~i na ::~n <IJd j ~s~ :h' -: 'i3er. i"' j.:accf ~.~d 1 ' :~:i~-:ln~.o;- :rrdt ~:Ie ::ar me~"!:s :i'l!!' :JllnllT~:TJ r~!:L'1r!!'~.e!1:S sei- '-::'r':~ qe,€,'ri. [f~: '-os ~:)u:nc - - . . . _ 4. -.",aT ::-11:" -.'en'c !!,',. ~eJ ;o.."",~d de ~O: mee: trtoe ~lnH!ui, ,e'~JH'e!1le:'l::. 0:" ~hlS sO~C"f'CZl~l(I:'1, :1e -:,3rl.!':.~':::IJ:'~r 1"\,-;1 :Ie r~aL'r~d :0 ::::Jr"t":: ::I-e ;.:::~ il( n's -:!:':pensE'. r,.~ :::e,: if iC:f".: ion: .~ i - e:JU-nmenl ~ :.t. ~'e ::r:JCer',. :e~~'':iCJt~d b'i 3Dorc::rla:e --..-1~'~:- .~~o ~.~.:.:e .j]p.n("~~, .~: :ne :HTIe 'J* ooer-i1;)f :he :~,..U:-It'n fot". E;:,j. ':I.~ Te'~hn.1(~1 [nrflllnatiol1: ,he :uc:e~~tc; ::-r.d!c'" ~t.,~': SU~D':r' ::11: ::H:: ....~t_1 ~ne -(,- '~',n'.:r :!~::..1r.l:~; ':r'i:)~1a:':):'1 ::r~.:,r':o :~ie :irr:e :he- "]:5: ,'p.n'c.:e i:;. cieiwe!"ec:D the ::;r.. _ 5e~~ic! manUd'S :o~ering a'~ :onOQ~ents OZ :he ~ecic:~s pur:hased, 120 ~opies, I}ne ':O()V to Of" se'1: to eo,:h f~e;d comnalH; ","~_h ".:he ~alance to be sniODe{ :0 w--e.tor -rdr.$OOr~ Sec:ion. -Od~~S 'is: aivinq ser~;ce par~ nu~oer anD ~omDlete in !!'~e~y detail cove~ing the .ehicle5 nurcnased. five t5) copies. Ele~t~icdl/wirin9 ~idgram manuols - ten {lO) '~op "es.. ;. Oriveability/Did9nostic ma~uais - ten (101 co~;es, [n addition t~ the reg~lar par~s list for ~he vehicles, ~ s~ec;al parts l~st g;~ing service part ~umbers s~all be preDare~ sh~'~~ the ~arts and assemblies t~at are pe~Lliar to the ~ehic~e purchased. ~n~ 1;5t shall ~e broke~ down by cnass;s, engine, Dotly, ~tc" and shall ~ontain a brief descri~tion af the part :ogether with its eorrect 'j en ice pa r~ number r 10 ':;01>; es . -9- 231O~lJ-03 ... e e OealsT's Service 8ul1et;n~, ID copies of ~QC~ b~ll~tin ilTf~dy publisb~d a~p'icab\e to the ~~el y~~r caT being p~rchased. The CHP sh~ll be place~ on the ~i~ing list tG r~cei~e a like n~~fr Df dealer's service bul'etins for each t\~ they are pub 1 1. sh.~i1. A statement of tne o~tane res~areh wethod {Researc~ Metnod f-1) and .otcr eethod reouirements of the enq;ne-. It is als~ ;nt~nae~ that tne ibGve infQ~t;a~ shall be i~ the hands of all dealers in t~~ State of California who-~y T~asanabl~ ~e expected t~ r~pajr or service __.;: _: x.:::<:_.. <:::::;:: .on~ of the ye-h k lilts :pur-en ased. 6.5 Reca;r Parts: it sila": be the responsibi lit)' {)f thf ~nufdctlJrer supplying the venicke purchased to maintain an ad~quatf stock cf all re9~lar and spe~ial parts to meet the contlnuin~ service !nc re-pdlT parts n~ds of the Department witho~t undue a~\ay, A spe~ial system shall be set U~ for expe~it;n9 t~ prGcure~nt of 'har~ to qe~A item~ needed to re~air ~n inoperati~e vehicle i"cluding a system tD ~ir freight par:s at fac:ory exoense I'llher, PllIr:s are not in $toc:k in :a~iforn;o oeoots. Par:s l1'IJS~ be ~vailaole witnin :nre~ (3} ~vrking days ai~e, ttleDhone not~fication. 6.0 Dealer Net'PlOrk:: Since :ne :::Hf-' m~s:: rely cr 'IDca' ser'.-i-:e for ~he \'eh~cle being p~rCRaseD dg~inst :his ~D~ci~icaticn for mai~tena[ce and re~a;rs, ;t is a r~au1remen: ~f ~his SCeCi7)Catico :ro: ;er~i(~ ~ac;:':i~s docro~e1 an~ a~t~~r]zec ~v ~he factor..' fiJr main:-en3nc~ and reD.ah.s of tne 'lenicle be';n(J bi,{r.ust be ,l','ail.acle ....itnln ~.5 :n I i-::s :,f oi mn irwm -:::: aOj. cf :he ::-1; o';f '.ces ':DC.lUO ',n' :h~ :: 11: \-e~ 3hc....n :)0 ~hf .iJ!:.:lC:le<l lIst OT af;ice loca::ions. :he ~ODa~~Dt 10.... ~iaoe~ wi~' Je ie~uired to furnisn ~ !,st of SEr',"c~ ;ocd:ic.n~ ce":'f'ed :J', :ne- ;nanuf.~::-:ur'er. ~e'''..i':e :O(HIOn~ l1s"e,j ~,~d:l :~ re<<u'~!a :0 $ep~ic! ~he ~enlc~~s wi~nou~ ~noue aelay. -10- Z3 1 0-41 J-tl 3 " e e OPTIONS LIST DOOR LOCKS, POWER (REAR DOOR SWITCHES AND INSIDE HANDLES TO BE INOPERATIVE) GAUGE PACKAGE POWER WINDOWS - 4 DOORS OPERATIONAL BY DRIVER ONLY SPOTLIGHTS - RIGHT & LEFT SIDE W/6" CLEAR HALOGEN BULB. LOCK SYSTEM - SINGLE KEY (ALL VEHICLES KEY- CODED ALIKE) AM/FM RADIO WITH INSTALLED ANTENNA HEAVY DUTY, BLACK, RUBBER MATS (FRONT & REAR) SEATS - REAR SEAT TO BE HEAVY DUTY VINYL. BODY SIDE MOLDING - TO INCLUDE FRONT DOORS PAINT - FACTORY WHITE WARRANTY - BID PRICE ON EACH OF FOLLOWING WARRANTIES: 36 MONTH/IOO,OOO - FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN, MAINTENANCE WARRANTY OR EQUIVALENT. 36 MONTHj85,OOO - FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN, MAINTENANCE WARRANTY OR EQUIVALENT.