HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.02 AnnualRptDevImpactFee !i- "~' '. CITY CLERK File # D~~~..~~ '. . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 15,1998 SUBJECT: Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds Deposits: Pursuant to Government Code Sections 66001, 66006 and 66008 CAB 1600) ~Report Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds Deposits 2. Resolution Making Findings Regarding Unexpended Developer Deposits For Public Improvements \l ~cePt the reports and adopt the Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEMENT: All Developer Deposits are anticipated to be utilized for the purpose under which they were originally collected. Although revised reporting requirements have resulted in significant time necessary to prepare this report and monitor account balances, no administrative cost recovery has been deducted from monies held. ~ESCRlPTION: A City is authorized under State Law to require development applicants to contribute fees toward off-site improvements, which are needed as a result of the new development. The fees are charged based only upon a pro-rata share of the cost of the new improvements. The report in Attachment 1 provides information related to the status of these funds from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. Reauirements of Law The law requires the City to review on an annual basis the status of Development Mitigation fees collected. Staff has previously made available to the public a Draft copy of this report on December 1, 1998. In the event that any fees remain unexpended for more than five years, the City Council must adopt a Resolution making certain findings. In the event that the fmdings are not made to support the retention of the funds, the unexpended fees must be returned to the current owner(s) of the subject property . Funds Included The City of Dublin tracks Impact Fees in five funds: Fund 215 (park Dedication), Fund 300 (Traffic Impact Fees), Fund 310 (Public Facilities Impact Fees), Fund 320 (Fire Impact Fees) and Fund 380 (Affordable Housing). These impact fees were established to pay for the design, development and construction of projects for parks, streets, public facilities, fire capital expansion projects and affordable housing. This is the first year of collection of Fire Impact Fees by the City. Previously, the fee was imposed and collected by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. ~----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 4.,2 G:\FINANCE\AB1 600\FY98\AGENDA.DOC "."'I~1!.'..' .... Major Components of Report A liability account is established for each of the identified impact fees. The information presented in the . attachments to this report identify the status of Developer Contributions. The ending impact fee balances shown in this report match the amounts shown on the City Financial Records for its impact fee funds. The City does publish a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which contains expenditure detail on its impact fee funds. Section #1 of Attachment 1 contains an outline of the various disclosure requirements relating to impact fees and shows which attachments contain the required information. Staff has identified those contributions which have remained unexpended for more than five years, as discussed on Section #2 of Attachment 1. Two of the identified fees were collected on January 2, 1990 from the Developer of the Dublin Meadows Project. The City Council previously adopted Resolution No. 1.98 which identified the findings necessary to continue to retain these funds to be used on the projects for which they were collected, which were the Scarlett Drive / Iron Horse Trail Extensions and the Dougherty Road Improvements from Amador Valley Boulevard North to the City Limits. The Dougherty Road project is underway and the funds have been subsequently expended in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1998-99. The other identified fees collected more than five years ago total $6,377 and were collected from the developers listed below: Date Collected Firm Making Deposit Amount of Deposit 9/30/92 Taco Bell $4,652.00 . 4/29/93 My Space To Grow Preschool $1,050.00 6/24/93 Operating Engineers Credit Union $ 675.00 TOTAL $6,377.00 These fees are to be used to partially fund Traffic Signals along Village Parkway at Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive. The first phase of this project, which will utilize all of these funds is scheduled to be undertaken in Fiscal Year 1999/2000. Section #3 of Attachment 1 contains a breakdown of the accounts as of June 30, 1998. In 1997-98 interest was allocated to the impact fee funds based upon the annual average of month end cash balances in each fund. Section #4 of Attachment 1 was prepared in order to meet the disclosure requirements under section 66006 of the California Government Code. This section of the law requires that the report show the percentage of the costs of each public improvement that will be funded by impact fees as compared to other funding sources. Proposed Resolution Makin!!' Necessarv Findine:s In order to retain funds longer than 5 years certain findings must be made by the City Council. Staff has identified the findings necessary as part of the attached Resolution (Attachment 2). Adoption of the Resolution allows the City to continue to retain the fees discussed earlier in the report, to fund the projects for which they were collected. Staff would recommend that the City Council accept the attached reports and adopt the attached . Resolution (Attachment 2). -2- . City of Dublin Annual Report of Developer Impact Fee Funds Deposits . For the Year Ended June 30, 1998 . ATTACHMENT 1 /06 ;3 IMPACT FEE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Requirement Provide the following: 1. A brief description of each of the City's impact fees. 2. The amOunt charged for the City's impact fees. 3. The beginning and ending balance for the City's impact fee accounts. 4. The amount of fees collected and interest earned. 5. An identification of each public improvement on which fees were expended and the amount of the expenditures on each improvement, including the total percentage of the cost of the public improvement that was funded with fees. 6. A description of each interfund transfer or loan made from the account or fund, including the public improvement on which the transferred or loaned fees will be expended, and, in the case of an interfund loan, the date on which the loan will be repaid, and the rate of interest that the account or fund will receive on the loan. 7. The amount of refunds made pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 66001 and any allocations pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 66001. 8. At the time the local agency imposes a fee for public improvements on a specific development project, it shall identify the public improvement that the fee will be used to fmance. 9. A detennination that there is a reasonable relationship between the fees' use and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. 10. A detennination that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the public facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. See Disclosure At . Section 2, Part A Section 2, Part B Section 3 Section 3 Sections 3 and 4 Section 2, Part C . Section 3 Section 2, Part B Section 2, Part B Section 2, Part B . G:\FINANCE\AB1 600\FY98\OUIUNE.DOC ATTACHMENT 1, SECTION 1 /I J- ~ ,'..;> . . . IMPACT FEE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Requirement 11. For the fifth year following the first deposit into the account or fund, and every five years thereafter, the City shall make all of the following fmdings with respect to those portions of the impact fee remaining unexpended, whether committed or uncommitted. a. Identify the purpose to which the fee is to be used for. b. Demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it is to be charged. c. Identify all sources and amounts of funding anticipated to complete financing in incomplete improvements. d. Designate the approximate dates on which the funding referred to in item c above is expected to be deposited into the appropriate account or fund.. e. When sufficient funds have been collected, the agency shall identify, within 180 days of the determination that sufficient funds have been collected, an approximate date by which the construction of the public improvements will commence. See Disclosure At Section 2, Part D and attached Resolution for items a-e below. G:\FlNANCE\AB 1600\FY98\OUTLINE.DOC ATTACHMENT 1, SECTION 1 ~'I" /" ,,,, "'"' l/ ./ DISCLOSURES RELATING TO THE CITY'S IMPACT FEES A. DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY'S IMPACT FEES . The City of Dublin tracks Impact Fees in five funds: Fund 215 (park Dedication, i.e. Quimby Act Fees), Fund 300 (Traffic Impact Fees), Fund 310 (public Facilities Impact Fees), Fund 320 (Fire Impact Fees) and Fund 380 (Affordable Housing). These impact fees were established to pay for the design, development and constru~tion of projects for parks, streets, public facilities, fIre capital expansion projects and affordable housing. . B. AMOUNTS CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR IMPACT FEES AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FUNDED BY THESE FEES The amounts charged for the Impact fees noted above are dependent upon the type and size of a particular development and were based upon related studies, conducted prior to the adoption of the fees. City Council has originally adopted and imposed the subject fees through the passage of the following resolutions, as well as any subsequent amendments: Impact Fee Traffic Impact Fees Public Facility Impact Fees Affordable Housing In Lieu Fees Fire Impact Fees Park Dedication Fees Resolution / Ordinance Resolution 41-96 Resolution 32-96 Resolution 33-96 Resolution 37-97 Chapter 9.28 Dublin Municipal Code . The studies adopted as part of the resolutions noted above identify the public improvements that those fees will be used to finance. These studies also show that there is a reasonable relationship a.) between the fees' use and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed and b.) between the need for the public facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. c. INTERFUND LOANS AND TRANSFERS OF IMP ACT FEES No interfund loans of impact fees are outstanding and none were made during Fiscal Year 1997-98. A ,$3,882.90 interfund transfer of housing in lieu fees was made to the General Fund to reimburse that fund for costs incurred in the development of an affordable housing impact fee study. . G:\FINANCE\AB 1600\FY98\disclosures on impact fees.DOC ATTACHMENT 1 SECTION 2 I). lid 1-' T () D: . ANALYSIS OF FEES LEVIED AGAINST DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC. 66001 OF THE (CGC) AND UNSPENT AFTER 5 YEARS . The purpose of the review was to identify monies that had been collected and held for a period of more than 5 years and to make appropriate disclosures. The City of Dublin has analyzed the balance of monies held in its impact fee funds and has determined that the Traffic Impact Fee Fund includes three projects which continue to hold funds for more than 5 years. The Projects are accounted for in the adopted City of Dublin Five Year Capital Improvement Program 1998 - 2003. In accordance with State Law the City Council has previously adopted Resolution #1-98 on 1/6/98 declaring the need to continue to maintain the funds related to Project 9686 and Project 9685 in order to complete the intended project. Details related to the three projects and funds held for more than 5 years are identified below: PROJECT 9686 - SCARLETT DRIVE / IRON HORSE TRAIL EXTENSIONS Amount Collected Liability Account # 331-006 Subject to 5 Year Limitation: $12,400 Collected January 2, 1990 in accordance with Resolution No. 33-89, which made findings that the fees were necessary to mitigate the traffic impacts caused by the Dublin Meadows project. Total Estimated Project Cost As Identified In CIP: $8,313,833 Source of Additional Monies: Additional Future Developer dedications, mitigation fees, contributions, Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees (Category 2); and/or outside grants. . Approximate Dates: It is estimated that the timing of the complete contributions will be beyond Fiscal Year 2002/2003. It is possible that phases based upon available funding could begin at an earlier date. PROJECT 9685 - Dougherty Road North of Amador Valley Blvd. to North of Houston Place Amount Collected Liability Account # 331-008 Subject to 5 Year Limitation: $7,959.51 Collected January 2, 1990 in accordance with Resolution No. 33-89, which made findings that the fees Were necessary to mitigate the traffic impacts caused by the Dublin Meadows project. Total Construction Cost (phase I) Construction Contract Awarded 11/18/97: $488,223 Source of Additional Monies: Gas Tax Funds, Federal ISTEA Grant, Local Measure B monies, and State SB 300 Grant. ;, Approximate Dates: The Dougherty Road project is underway and the funds collected in the liability account noted above have been subsequently expended in the first quarter ofPiscal Year 1998-99. . 5~ ;s PROJECT 9656 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS - VILLAGE PARKWAY AT BRIGHTON DRIVE, TAMARACK DRIVE AND DA VONA DRIVE Amount Collected Liability Account # 331-006 Subject to 5 Year Limitation: $6,377 The amount noted above was collected more than five years ago from developers along Village Parkway as listed below. Date Collected 9/30/92 4/29/93 6/24/93 Finp. Making Deposit Taco Bell My Space To Grow Preschool Operating Engineers Credit Union , Amount of Deoosit $4,652.00 $1,050.00 $ 675.00 These fees were to be used to mitigate traffic impacts caused by the development projects, as noted in a traffic studies conducted as part of the project approvals. Total Estimated Project Cost As Identified In CIP: $460,833 (phase 1 1999/00 - $150,750) Source of Additional Monies: Traffic Impact Fees and other special revenue funds. Approximate Dates: Based upon the availability of sufficient impact fees, Phase 1 of the project is scheduled to begin work during Fiscal Year 1999-2000. . . / .~ i>:')'--' . co en en 'f"" o M G) C :J CO...., ep... t"-en en en en'f"" 'f"" - ~;. 0'3 Q....., w 0:: w W LL l- . E o ... LL .?: ":;; ~ U < en C .J_ < "- I-S - G) a.C <" o c Z CIS -CO .Jen men ~'f"" Co LL'f"" o ... r:.8 (3 ~ > o Z "C G) ... 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"'" '<r "'" "'" 000 ~~~ "'" "'" "'" ~ '" o o "$."$."$. co::.:g ...."d'"l'- r--r--'<r .odai N 0\ Nl'-O 0\ "f"' "f"- \0 co '" .... "'" '<r "'" "'" "'0'" ~~~ '" "'" '" co co co- cO "'" "'" co '<r N l'- l'- '" toid..f r-- 0\ \0 ....l'- 0- ...; '" "'co.... .... "'" '<r "'" "'" ~ u '. '" --0 ... = g,= 0'" u is c .. .:: .S: Q 0 -= .. 1il 1il Cl c = c u u ~ ~ ~ .:.!tIJ~ ... 01 Q., .. C. 01 :; II .< '!J ..". Z o 1= u ~ v:l - !-< Z ~ :; - u -< !-< !-< -< ,t;., /-- RESOLUTION NO. :-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *********************************************** . 1. MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPENDED IMPACT FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 Recitals The City has collected fees for off-site traffic improvements needed as a result of new development, which will not be expended within five years after deposit. The improvements are described in the 1998-2003 Capital Improvement Program and include the improvements described in Recitals numbers 2 through 4 below. 2. Scarlett Drive / Iron Horse Trail Extensions. Proiect #9686 - Deposit #1000-331-006 (Amount Unexpended after five years $12.400.00 collected 1/2/90) This project would provide both an extension of a public street as well as the Iron Horse Trail. The roadway element is a connection between Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard (parallel to the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way). The Iron Horse Trail is proposed to be completed from Dougherty Road to the Dublin-Pleasanton BART Station. This road is included in the Dublin General Plan and would serve to relieve the Dougherty Road/Dublin Boulevard intersection of much of the southbound to eastbound turning traffic, especially for the future BART Station-bound traffic. A total of$142,164 in traffic mitigation fees has been collected for this project. The balance of the project costs ($8,171,669) will have to be funded by additional developer dedications/contributions, Traffic Impact Fees and/or outside grants. . 3. Dougherty Road Imorovements (Amador Valley Boulevard North to City Limits) Proiect #9685 - Deposit #1000-331-008 (Amount Unexpended after five years $7.959.51 collected 1/2/90) This project consists of constructing the ultimate northbound lanes from Amador Valley Boulevard north to the Dublin City Limits. This would make Dougherty Road a six-lane facility. It would also construct landscaped medians and a traffic signal at the Willow Creek Drive intersection. A portion of the improvements required were undertaken with a construction contract approved in Fiscal Year 1997/98. This included widening north of Amador Val1ey Boulevard. The Dougherty Road project is underway and the funds collected in the liability account, which are subject to the five year limit, have been expended in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1998-99. 4. Traffic Sie:nals - Villae:e Parkway at Brighton Drive. Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive Proiect 9656 - Deposit #1000-331-010 (Amt. Unexpended after five years $6.377 col1ected between 9/30/92 - 6/24/93) This project would provide for the installation of three traffic signals at the intersections of Village Parkway with Brighton Drive, Tamarack Drive and Davona Drive. These signals would be interconnected to the other existing traffic signals on Village Parkway south of this project. A total of $93,517 in developer traffic impact fees has been col1ected to date. The City has previously applied for outside funding for this project, but has not been successful as yet in obtaining these funds. The first . phase is proposed to be undertaken in Fiscal Year 1999/2000 as shown in the 9urrent ClP. 5. The three projects described in Recitals 2 through 4 above, are referred to as the "Three Traffic Improvements. " ATTACHMENT 2 IcJ ~ / S , 6. . 7. . The fees described in recitals 2 and 3 above were collected on January 2, 1990, and subject to this resolution, were collected from Dublin Meadows Partners for the Dublin Meadows multi-family housing project. A fmding was made at the time the Dublin Meadows Project was approved, by Council Resolution No. 33-89, that the fees were needed in order to finance the construction of Traffic Improvements noted in recitals 2 and 3 above. Resolution No. 33-89 further found that the pwpose of the fees was to mitigate the traffic impacts caused by the Dublin Meadows project by construction of the These traffic improvements. The fees described in recital 4 above were collected during the period from September 30, 1992 to June 24, 1993 from development of the following projects: Taco Bell, My Space Pre School, and Operating Engineers Credit Union. In each case a traffic. study determined that in order to mitigate traffic impacts caused by developments it was appropriate for them to contribute a proportionate share towards this project. Findine:s The Council finds, on the basis of the foregoing Recitals, that: A. B. .c. D. The fees which have been collected for the Three Traffic Improvements will remain unexpended in Fiscal Year 1997-98; The fees which have been collected for the Three Traffic Improvements will remain committed for construction of the improvements identified in the adopted Capital Improvement Program; The purpose to which the fees will be put is for construction of the Three Traffic Improvements, as described above and in the 1998 - 2003 Capital Improvement Program; The fees were collected to make the Three Traffic Improvements, which improvements will mitigate traffic impacts caused by the new development projects which paid the fees; and E. The fees which have been collected for the Three Traffic Improvements are needed for construction of the Three Traffic Improvements: . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED TIllS 15TH day of December 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: .TTEST: City Clerk Mayor G:\FINANCE\AB1600\FY98\rcsolution on findings for impact fees.DOC /.: / /5.!) ,/j , ,-, l-