HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.02 Accept Gifts "-_._,~ ..'~ '. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 9, 1891 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Gifts to City. Report Prepared by: Diane Lowart, Paries & Community Services Director EXlDBITS ATTACHED: Budget Change Form :~ ~COMMENDATION: .A. r/ 1. AcceptGifts ~;, '. f -I/,P - 2. Direct Staff to Prepare Formal Acknowledgment 10 the Donors 3.AWrowBoogdCWm~Fmm (' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Discussion Below DESCRIPTION: The City has received several gifts which arecleScribed below: 45" Colo~ Televjsion The Parks and Community Services Department received a donation of a4S".M;itsubishi Color Television from Carol Fuller, 8139 Brittany Drive, Dublin. The television will be used for viewing instructional ^. videotapes for leisure classes and other department programs. Shannon Center Preschool The Shannon Center Preschool recently conducted a T -shlrtsaie fundraiser. The funds raised totaled $582 mid will be used to purchase play equipment far the presQhool courtyard. . Per Government Code Section 37354, it is recommended that all gifts atldcontributions be formally accepted by the City Council. Therefore it is the recanun.endationof Staff that the City Council accept the gifts and direct Staffta prepare a formal acknowled8J11ent to the donors. Fu.rtker, itis recommended that the City Council approve the budget change form recognizing the unanticipated revenue and appropriating the expense. ' .'-------------------------------.-----.----------,------_...:.'-,-..;.--------- COPIES TO: . Donors lTEMNO.~ F:\CCMtgs\Oift49.doc ., CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # . New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080.799.000) Within Same Department Activity X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other WttJjE01UW$..v.D.GE.1'i!A.C..~ttMl@HWmOtlN1fJ%qrflW(tKCltl(aID..Q.}ACe.QU't1tlMlWPMtMduffitflfl . .:.:.:.:.:...............,...............................................:.......:.............:.:............:.......:............-:.......:.......:...........:...;.....;.-.;.;,;..;..:.:. .'." --'~'~'~'---'-'.'. ...,.,...... .....:.. '. ..-....:.. ...... .:.:.:.......:.:.:..-:.:.:.. ,".-:':':', ........:. :.......................... '.'. '.' ...,.,.................. ..................... .............................. . . " - '.'.' . ----.... -..:-.-....-.-.-.....-................................................-...-.. .......-.. Name: Name: Contributions from Others $582 ~ccount #: Account #: 001-1000-570.002 Name: Name: Preschool Furniture & Fixtures $582 Account #: Account #: 001.8055.750-060 Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: The Shannon Center Preschool recently conducted a T-shirt sale fundraiser. The funds raised totaled $582 and will be used to purchase play equipment for the preschool courtyard. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the unanticipated revenue an4.budget for the expense. ~~. City Manager: Date: Signature ...<:.:.:.........:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..;.:.:.;,;, ............................................"......,','.' ......................,.."", .......<,,'..:.:::....',.!\~t\PJ#;1y~:~.~!.~~,Qfty.@Qjffis~fM~.~f~#g9p.:..:~~Da.t~f..~:':'::::'::\:::::/. . Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature gftln.doc