HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01 Draft Minutes 3-6-95 ~,~~"': :.t~\ e - ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - March 6. 1995 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, March 6, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt, and Mayor Houston None .. ..............'T~........... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (610-20) The Mayor led the Council, Staff, and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the Flag. .............uuuuuu.~ 1995 Goals & Obiectives (100-80) Mayor Houston announced that anyone who would like to speak to the City Council should fill out a blue speaker slip. Tom Ford, 7262 Tina Place, Dublin, indicated he was representing the Briarhill Board of Directors. The Briarhill Development is 25 to 30 years old and was developed in a time when no parks had been developed in the area. Today, there are still no parks in the immediate area. He felt there should be a neighborhood park. Shannon Park is over a mile away with Mape & Dolan both being more than half a mile away. This area pays taxes to support the other parks, but they felt they were disadvantaged in regards to parks. He apologized for approaching the City Council before going through the Parks & Community Services Commission and the Planning Commission with his request, but he had just learned of the Goals & Objectives meeting and felt his request should be made at this planning session. Another concern the Briarhill Board of Directors had pertained to the Barracuda Swim Team. This particular swim team uses their swimming facility. The Association does not have any requirement in regard to living in the area to use the cabana club. The Association has been subsidizing the swim team for years. Since they were not a rich club, he would like to see what sort of City support could be given to the swim team. The swim team was open to anyone who wanted to join the team. It was a major budget item for the Association to support the team. Over half the members of the swim team do not live in Briarhill. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 141 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM NO. 4.1 COPIES TO: ....::.~ . \ e e Cm. Howard asked if the members were all Dublin residents. Mr. Ford responded as far as he knew, they were. Betsy Chapman, 11579 Circle Way, Dublin, requested that the City provide a new gym for the residents of Dublin. She had circulated a letter through the schools asking for support for a new gYlT!nasium. 179 families had returned letters supporting the idea. She presented the letters to the Secretary. Cm. Moffatt asked how she proposed the gymnasium be funded, perhaps through an assessment district. Mayor Houston responded that a liaison committee had been formed to look into ways of funding the cost of the gym. Linda Jeffery, 7604 Arbor Creek Circle, requested that the Council have the Civic Center Fountain repaired and turned back on. She indicated that a petition was being passed in the community asking residents if they wanted the fountain turned back on, but she had put the wrong date to have the petitions returned to her so she could present them at the meeting. She did turn in what petitions she had. She felt the Civic Center Fountains were a showpiece for the City. The drought was now over and she asked the Council to please restore the fountain. Cm. Burton asked if she was aware that the cost of turning the fountain on would be $25,000 to $30,000, in addition to the costs to maintain the fountain on a regular basis. Ms. Jeffery realized it would cost to have the fountain restored, but she felt it was worth the money. Les Duman, 7567 Olive Drive, indicated he was representing the Children's Theatre Workshop. He felt CTW provided many good positive things to the community. It was working with several agencies in the City. He felt it could help bring new businesses into Dublin. It could work with the Teen Task Force as an outreach program. It could work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation. CTW had received inquiries of serious interest from three Dublin residents since the last Council meeting. em. Howard stated she had planned to put CTW on the Goals & Objectives. Mayor Houston replied that Councilmembers could add items to the Goals & Objectives for discussion. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 142 e e Karen Dyer, 6829 Sage Court, appreciated the high rating the Council had given the library. As a member of the Alameda County Library Advisory Commission and a member of the Friends of the Dublin Library, she wanted to offer her services to help in any way. Mayor Houston felt using library volunteers was a good idea. Cm. Moffatt explained his suggestion was to combine the Cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, and San Ramon into one library system and pull out of the Alameda County Library System. He felt the Cities could pool their resources and have better service. Mayor Houston suggested the use of volunteers to keep the library open more hours. The volunteers would man the library to allow the doors to be open, but they would not check out books. Cm. Moffatt would like to see the schools and Cities combine services. Burt Hadlock, 4718 McHenry Gate Way, Pleasanton, spoke in regard to the City working with the U.S. Army and Little League to facilitate development of additional ballfields at Camp Parks. He belonged to a hardball league for men over 30. He felt there was a need for more adult size ballgame fields, especially for use by hardball teams. In Sacramento there had been fund raising to build a complex of hardball fields. There were eight team in a valley league and he felt these men would be willing to lend support to building fields at Camp Parks. Mayor Houston indicated the City was acting in a liaison capacity. The ultimate decision would be made by Lt. Col. Bain. This was not City land. Cm. Burton asked how many baseball fields were in the Valley. Mr. Hadlock responded 8 in Pleasanton, 4 in Livermore, and 4 in Dublin. Cm. Burton asked how many more were needed. Betty Heller of the Mini Gourmet Restaurant, 7473 Village Parkway, Dublin stated she has lived in Dublin for 18 years. She was in favor of a facade enchantment program. She has had a business for six years and she felt the shopping center where her business is located is a disgrace to the town. It is owned by an absentee property owner. There are only two big businesses, Kelly Moore and Domino Pizza. The rest of the businesses in the shopping center are small business owners. The small business owners do not have the money that *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 8,1995 PAGE 143 - e the corporation or franchise business have. Veronica's and Crazy Curly's had been in the shopping center, but they left. The small business owners are fighting to make it day to day. It seemed that the City does not care for the small shop owners, but only about the big shopping centers. Mayor Houston indicated he had added Facade Enhancement Program to the Goals & Objectives. The new Economic Development Manager will be looking into such a program, but he was not sure how long it would take. Janet Lockhart, 8136 Creekside Drive, wanted the Council to substitute taping and televising of the Council meetings in place of the City Newsletter. The City Newsletter was received once a year. It was glossy and lovely, but she felt it did not make much of an impact. It was difficult for seniors to participate in evening meetings. Young families had a hard time getting sitters for the children. This would be a way to get the information directly from the Council. She felt it would be a valuable service to the community. Mayor Houston reviewed the exhibits attached to the agenda statement and asked if the Council had any questions regarding the exhibits. He then asked Mr. Ambrose to go over Exhibit 4 which was a supplemental memorandum regarding intergovernmental relations. Mr. Ambrose indicated that more and more valuable staff time was being used to monitor what our neighbors are doing and Staff was not able to get all the 1994 Goals & Objectives accomplished. The valley was experiencing a lot of growth. Last year 7/10 of one full time Staff person was used to monitor activities. This year although the exact amount had not been determined, more time had been spent. Staff was working with our neighbors, but it was taking a lot of resources. During the last year, Staff monitored the following projects and agencies: PLANNING PROJECTS - Dougherty Valley, Gale Ranch, Tassajara Valley, East County Area Plan, Speaker Partners Project in Pleasanton, San Francisco Water Department Project, Pleasanton General Plan Update, North Livermore General Plan Amendment, Gateway Project in San Ramon, Country Club Village Project in San Ramon, Rosa Villa Project in San Ramon, and Mountain House Master Plan Project; SUBREGIONAL/REGIONAL ACTIVITIES: ABAG, East Bay Regional Park District, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission, Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Zone 7; TRANSPORTATION: EI Charro Road Project, Alameda County Congestion Management Agency, Alameda County Long Range Transportation Plan, Livermore/Amador Valley Transit Authority Short Range & Long Range Transit Plans, Tri-Valley Transportation Council (including Technical Advisory Committee), CAL TRANS Freeway Improvements, Bay Area Rapid Transit District Extension, Metropolitan Transportation Commission; PUBLIC SAFETY: Alameda County Emergency Medical Care Committee, Regional/Subregional Fire Studies, Tri-Valley Animal Shelter *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 144 e . Project; OTHER: Dublin Unified School District Planning Projects including Master Facilities Plan & Developer Impact Study, Dublin San Ramon Services District Planning Projects, Alameda County Community Block Grant Technical Advisory Committee, Alameda County Economic Development Council, Alameda County Waste Management Authority. In addition to the activities identified above, the City has met jointly with representatives of other agencies such as Tri-Valley Council, Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee, Dublin Unified School District, East Bay Regional Park District, United States Army, Contra Costa County, Alameda County, City of Pleasanton, City of San Ramon, and Dublin San Ramon Services District. Cm. Burton asked if there were any alternatives. Mr. Ambrose replied it was up to the Council to determine. Cm. Burton realized more and more was being stacked on the Staff. He suggested a lower qualified person be used to report to the Department Head. Mr. Ambrose indicated there were 34 City employees. One third are professional Staff so there was not a lot to spread around. Cm. Burton asked if there was another way to handle the problem. Mr. Ambrose stated that other Cities were also impacted by the need to monitor, but their Staffs were larger. With such a small Staff in Dublin, it was a major impact for our City. Cm. Burton felt not a lot was accomplished in many of the meetings he attended. Mr. Ambrose stated that in Public Works alone, the Senior Civil Engineer spent one third of the time outside the office at meetings so he was not always able to complete other work. Mayor Houston indicated the work would get done, but it would take longer. Cm. Burton suggested the City hold down on the number of committees. Mayor Houston asked if the Council had any comments regarding the General Government Goals & Objectives. On #5 under Administration, [Undertake the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self evaluation of Facilities], Mayor Houston changed his rating from a "2" to a "3". *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 145 e e Cm. Burton explained he had rated #8 under Administration [Report to Council on development of a strategic plan] as a "3" because he felt it was important for Dublin to establish an image. With BART coming, the City needs to establish a direction. What are the priorities and a long range plan. It should not just be jobs and homes. There needs to be a direction. Cm. Barnes replied that she had given the item a "0" because it had been on the Goals & Objectives since 1990. If it hadn't been accomplished as yet, it should be deleted. Cm. Howard felt it was important, but was not a priority. She agreed the City needed an image and a plan of what the City would look like. Cm. Moffatt stated it was an important concept, but it would just be another committee and more Staff time. Cm. Burton indicated now that the City had an Economic Development Manager perhaps a strategic plan would be developed. In regard to #11, under Administration, [Review financial commitment to Channel 30, implement plan to phase out subsidies], Mayor Houston felt CTV should be self-sufficient. If the City participates in a particular program, then the City should pay for that program. Cm. Howard explained that CTV was working on a plan, but she cautioned that the City couldn't just drop support to CTV. Mayor Houston wanted to see a 5 or 10 year plan from CTV. Cm. Howard indicated that the City was paying less to subsidize CTV than in the past. The City was now paying a portion based on the number of subscribers. Cm. Burton complimented Cm. Howard in negotiating the change to charge by number of subscribers. He was willing to pay for services we received. Cm. Howard cautioned if the City said it would not pay for certain programs such as "Valley Forum", it would affect all the other cities. This change could not be done overnight. Mayor Houston stated he agreed with her 110%. Cm. Burton preferred a user fee approach. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 146 e e Cm.'s Barnes, Burton, and Mayor Houston gave a "2" rating with Cm. Howard a "0" and Cm. Moffatt a "1" on [Review financial commitment to Channel 30, implement plan to phase out subsidies], which is a "medium" objective. #12 under Administration, [Team Building Session for Council] was presented by Cm. Barnes and Howard. Cm. Barnes thought the Council really needed to have one with a facilitator. Cm. Howard indicated when she had been a member of the School Board, they had not been communicating, so a team building session had been held and it had helped. Cm. Barnes stated the Council owed it to the residents to work together. She felt at the start of every term, a team building workshop should be held. Cm. Burton indicated he had already been to so many. Cm. Moffatt asked why the session couldn't be held during a council meeting. Mayor Houston felt a joint meeting with Dublin San Ramon Services District and the Dublin Unified School District was not a bad idea. Cm.'s Barnes and Howard gave a "3" rating while Cm. Burton and Moffatt gave a "1" and Mayor Houston gave a "2", which made the objective a "Medium." Cm. Barnes felt Monday night was a rotten night to hold the City Council meetings. It was right after the weekend. She proposed #13, under Administration [Revise Council meeting day, time & agenda]. Mayor Houston asked the Staff to make up a chart of other night meetings that the Council had to attend due to their various committee assignments. Cm. Moffatt asked what the timeframe was to post the agenda. Mr. Ambrose responded 72 hours prior to the meeting. Cm. Moffatt asked if weekends counted. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6. 1995 PAGE 147 e e Mr. Ambrose replied that they did count. Right now any item from the public that is to be on the City Council agenda has to be in the City Clerk's Office by the Tuesday before the City Council meeting at 11 :00 a.m. Mr. Ambrose suggested the chart include meetings held by Dublin San Ramon Services District and the Dublin Unified School District. #13 under Administration, em. Barnes, Burton, Howard, and Mayor Houston gave a "3" rating while Cm. Moffatt gave a "1" which made the objective a "high" priority. Cm. Barnes requested that an additional item be placed on the Goals & Objectives List. This would be review the sound system. She has received several phone calls from residents complaining that while attending Council meeting, the residents cannot hear what some of the Council and Staff say. Mr. Rankin responded that the equipment was directional type microphones. The speaker needed to be facing the microphone to get the maximum benefit. Ms. Jeffery stated that in choosing the microphones, the Council had considered elevated microphones. Mayor Houston suggested lapel mics. Mr. Ambrose indicated rewiring may be necessary for lapel microphones and the Council and Staff would have to remember not to walk off with the microphones after each meeting. #14 under Administration, the Council unanimously gave a "3" which made the objective "high." Mayor Houston asked how much it cost to design and publish the City Newsletter. Mr. Ambrose replied $3,500 to $5,000. Mayor Houston stated it would cost between $7,000 and $8,000 to televise the Council meetings. He felt televising the Council meetings would get more information to the community. Cm. Barnes asked what is would cost to televise. She had heard a lot of different figures. She wanted firm facts. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 148 e e Mr. Ambrose replied $356 per meeting for 3 cameras. Ms. Daria Stephens from CTV stated it would cost $356 per time including three cameras. CTV was providing such a service to the City of San Ramon. This would also include titles of Councilmembers' names and the topic as the Council discussed it. Mayor Houston estimated for 24 meetings the cost would be $8,544/year. Ms. Stephens indicated this would be for taped Council meetings rather than live meetings. Mr. Rankin stated there was a charge of $150 for taping costs per meeting and in 1994 the Council had conducted 28 meetings so the cost would be approximately $10,000. Cm. Barnes expressed her concern of providing taped Council meetings to the residents. She felt it was extremely important for people to actively participate at the Council meetings. People can't talk back to the Council if they are watching on T.V. She felt $10,000 was a lot of money. Cm. Moffatt preferred the newsletter. He had seen a copy of the Arroyo Vista Calendar. It had articles and pictures of staff and was not what he considered political. His wife used the calendar at home all the time. It has when the special garbage pick-up and street sweeping occurs. It can be hung up and used every day. Mayor Houston stated it was 24 to 28 televised City Council meetings vs. 2 newsletter. He felt the televised meetings would get a lot of information to the public. Cm. Barnes felt the calendar was a good reference tool with all the phone numbers. Cm. Burton preferred a calendar rather than a newsletter. Mr. Ambrose indicated televising the Council meetings would not require a lot of Staff time, but one calendar or newsletter would take a lot of Staff time to create. Cm. Barnes asked what a video newsletter was. Ms. Stephens replied it was a half-hour program. The City of Pleasanton has used it. One time the program covered recycling as well as a visit to the aquatic center. Another time the program was based on the Neighborhood Watch Program. Cm. Barnes asked how much it would cost. *********************************************************************************************************** . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6. 1995 PAGE 149 e e Ms. Stephens responded $250 to $500 depending on whether 2, 3 or 4 segments were used. Mr. Ambrose indicated such a project would required a lot of Staff time in putting it together because someone would have to plan the program. Cm. Burton felt it was a good idea. #4 under Public Relations [Televise City Council meetings] was ranked a "3" by Cm. Burton, Moffatt, and Mayor Houston with Cm. Barnes giving it a "2" and Cm. Howard a "1" making the objective "high." Cm. Barnes changed her rating from a "1" to a "2" and Cm. Moffatt changed his rating from a "2" to a "3" for #2 under Public Relations [Investigate feasibility of televised video newsletter] to make it a Medium objective. Cm. Barnes felt Dublin Pride Week has lost its punch. Service groups should be encouraged to come down and plant flowers at'the Civic Center. Kids could help older people with projects around their homes. She felt it needed a boost. Cm. Burton agreed. He felt service clubs should become involved. Ms. Lockhart indicated the City used to go to businesses and check up on them. Certificates were awarded to the businesses that had tidied up. Mayor Houston stated it was too late for this year, but next year the City should work with the Chamber of Commerce. Cm. Burton felt it should be a community effort. All five Councilmembers rated a "3" to #5, under Public Relations [Promote & expand Dublin Pride Week]. Mayor Houston indicated the City of Pleasanton had studied creating their own Library Services, but discovered it would cost $800,000 more to be on their own. He felt the County has resisted the idea of using volunteer help. He felt it made more sense to use volunteers to enable the Library to be open for longer periods of time. Cm. Howard stated that in using volunteers, it was the same people who volunteered and they would become burned out so they could not be relied upon. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 150 e e Cm. Barnes responded that school libraries had been staffed by volunteers. She felt the volunteers should not be sold short. Volunteers find a need and they are there. She was concerned by the resistance to use volunteers by the County. On #8 under Contract Administration, [Consider combining Library Service with neighboring City], Cm. Burton and Moffatt gave it a "2" while Cm.'s Barnes, Howard, and Mayor Houston gave it a "1", which made it a "Low" objective. On #10 under Contract Administration, [Investigate use of volunteers to open library for more hours], Cm.'s Barnes, Burton, Howard, and Moffatt gave it a "2" while Mayor Houston gave it a "3" which made it a "Medium" objective. Mr. Ambrose indicated that consolidation of the Fire Services is already being looked at by Staff. #9 under Contract Administration [Fire Service Consolidation], Cm. Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt gave a "2" rating while Mayor Houston gave it a "3" which made it a "Medium" objective. Cm. Burton asked what was happening in regard to the Eastern Dublin Detailed Planned Development District Rezonings, which was #13 under Planning. Mr. Tong, Planning Director, responded that additional resources needed made this item a "medium" objective by the Staff. As plans come in with the actual development, multi- implementations and mitigation measures will be reviewed by Staff. Cm. Burton asked if this would be paid by the developers. He felt it had to be done, that it was important. Mayor Houston agreed that new development would pay for itself. Cm. Burton wanted to keep things moving. Cm. Moffatt changed his rating from a "2" to a "3" which kept the objective as "high: He also withdrew a request to increase Planning Staff. He had felt with all the studies that there would be a need for one or two more Planning Staff. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCJL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 151 e e #2 under Building & Safety [Provide seminars for business community related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impact on new construction], Cm. Burton and Mayor Houston changed their rating from a "2" to a "3" which made the objective "High." em. Moffatt expressed concern that until the Federal Government comes out with a better description, requirements could change. Mayor Houston felt the City had to be pro-active in looking at ADA so that someone could not come back and sue the City. Mr. Ambrose explained that the Business Task Force was concerned about the handicap regulations in relation to the small businesses. . People did not always understand those regulations. The City was planning to hold a workshop for the small business owners to help them understand their obligations in regard to ADA. Mr. Taugher, Building Official, indicated the City was required to enforce the State requirements. It becomes a construction requirement when someone is building a new building. If the project is certified, then the City is saying the building is in compliance. Mr. Ambrose explained that people who make modifications to their property need to know before they make the modifications what type of modifications would kick in the ADA regulations. Mayor Houston added #7 under Economic Development [Facade Enhancement Program] to the Goals & Objectives. Cm. Barnes stated she had a big problem with it. Cm. Howard did not think the City needed to put money into the program right now, but should allow the Economic Development Manager to come back with ideas for the Council to consider. Cm. Barnes did not feel a facade enhancement program would fill that building in that shopping center. The place was not big enough for the type of grocery stores people expect today. She questioned whether giving money to the businesses in the shopping center was really going to fix the problem if the place is not kept up. This would be the City's bucks going into the shopping center. If the program did not involve giving money, then she would be in favorite of it and give it a "2". *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 152 e e Cm.'s Burton, Moffatt, and Mayor Houston gave it a "3" while Cm. Barnes gave it a "2" and Cm. Howard gave it a "1" to make the objective "High." #10 under Recreation [Work with U. S. Army & Little League to facilitate development of additional ballfields at Camp Parks], Mr. Ambrose explained that the City does not have direct control of the property. The City can only act as a mediator. Lt. Col. Bain, from Camp Parks, cautioned about putting a lot of money into the project. The government holds the property as its own. An offer to use the property was made by Camp Parks to assist the young people. This should not be considered a permanent facility. The money put into the project will not be able to be recuperated. Mayor Houston stated that the Little League and Soccer League have the money. Using the Army's land allowed having fields for use in a minimum amount of time. No structures were part of the project. Lt. Col. Bain asked about scoreboards and bleachers. Cm. Burton changed his rating from a "3" to a "2" which made the objective "medium." Cm. Moffatt explained that he had rated #4 under Recreation [Coordinate construction of scorebooths and batting cages by Dublin Little League at the Dublin Sports Grounds (DSG)]as a "2" because he had inquiries from some local businesses to donate scoreboards. Ms. Lowart, Recreation Director, indicated the construction of scorebooths and batting cages was in a holding pattern due to the weather. A lady in the audience from Little League said the money and volunteers were ready and waiting. There was a need to get rid of the ground squirrels at Camp Parks because they made the outfields dangerous. In regard to ADA regulations, Mr. Ambrose explained that a good faith effort needed to be made. Mr. Rankin concurred that the law says a City needs to have a plari/survey in place. #14 under Recreation [Playground Compliance with ADA requirements] was withdrawn and would be deferred until an evaluation could be made. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6,1995 PAGE 153 e e Cm. Burton explained that there were capable people who were members of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. He did not see them in the cemetery business, but they should be part of the operation of the museum/school. DHPA wanted to present a plan on how the museum/school should be run. Cm. Barnes stated that DHPA had had control over both the school building and old St. Raymond's Church and had asked the City to take over. What is in the building belongs to the entire City. There had been a Heritage Center Task Force with two members from DHPA on it. The City is not throwing them out, but the City is the one paying the bills. Cm. Burton responded that the DHPA had run the museum for many year and it was an insult to not include them. Cm. Barnes replied that DHPA Board had been asked if they wanted to run it and in a vote of 11 to 1 they elected not to run it. Cm. Howard indicated that the Council did not want to turn out DHPA. Mayor Houston agreed that the Council wanted to encourage DPHA to get on board. There is the Heritage Center Commission. No one is trying to kick anyone out. DHPA should take advantage of the opportunities presented. Ms. Lowart indicated that she had met with a representative of DHPA. He had agreed to work with the Director and the Commission in a cooperative effort. Mr. Ambrose cautioned that there were restrictrons with the money received from the grant. Cm. Burton stated there was a perception in the community so he wanted to make it a public issue. He felt it was a serious matter from the standpoint of cooperation. Cm. Moffatt asked Cm. Burton to communicate with DHPA as the vice-president of DHPA. Cm. Howard concurred that Cm. Burton should go back to DHPA to communicate the Council's position. Mayor Houston concluded that the City would not put DHPA in charge of the Heritage Center, but was willing to work with them. #15 under Recreation [Determine best use of Dublin Historical Preservation Association in operating Heritage Center. They are greatest resource of historical knowledge & *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6,1995 PAGE 154 e e deserve opportunity to operate museum & church], Cm Burton gave it a "3", Cm. Howard and Mayor Houston gave it a "1" while Cm Barnes and Moffatt gave it a "0" which made a "Low" objective. Cm. Howard asked that request for help from Children's Theater Workshop be added to the Recreation Objectives. She would like to see the City support this group. CTW could work with the Teen Task Force. Ms. Lowart gave an update on CTW's negotiations with the Dublin Unified School District. The School District Board has given its conceptual approval to use school facilities, but the actual agreement will be presented to the Board on March 15th. Mayor Houston asked that Staff continue to monitor what the school district was going to do and present a report back to the Council. ' Cm. Howard indicated that she wanted to keep the issue alive and not have it get lost. Mayor Houston responded if the goal was to give CTW money,_ it was not a high priority. Cm. Howard felt CTW was good for our kids. Not all kids were into sports. Cm. Barnes stated she was not eager to spend money. CTW's money problems were not very clear. She felt they needed some help to see how serious things were. She agreed that only half our kids were interested in sports so CTW can be a provider. But if CTW wanted the Council to just provide money, she did not think that was the answer. Mayor Houston asked the Staff to analyze the agreement between CTW and DUSD and see where the City could fit in. Cm.'s Barnes, Burton, Moffatt, and Mayor Houston gave [Request for help from Children's Theater Workshop] a "2" while Cm. Howard gave it a "3" which made it a "Medium" objective. Cm. Burton stated that #5 under Police [Develop a Secret Witness Reward Program], made sense especially in regard to graffiti or vandalism. The reward would be paid on conviction and the parents or kids would be responsible to pay the reward. He still gets $50 occasionally from the kid who shot at his van. Jim Rose, Police Chief, indicated the City had been a member of "WeTip", but had never used it in the 4 years they were a member. Right now there was not a program in place. To *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETlNG March 6, 1995 PAGE 155 e e initiate such a program would require Staff tim~ and some equipment ,such as an answering machine. Cm. Burton felt this could be used as a deterrent. Chief Rose did not feel that rewards were a big deterrent to stopping crimes. Cm. Barnes stated that she had sat in on the first Graffiti Task Force meeting and had discovered that rewards were not a deterrent. The emphasis should be at the court level. Mayor Houston felt it also depended upon the type of crime committed. Chief Rose stated that rewards were a good tool in helping to solve some crimes, but that rewards did not stop crimes. He also cautioned how the reward was advertised. It could hurt the police effort rather than help it. Mayor Houston felt the Chief had to have the final say on whether to use a reward system or not. Mr. Ambrose reported that the City had got the OK for the Cops FAST Grant, but Staff was going to evaluate whether the City should follow through. He had heard the City of Sunnyvale was going to turn down the grant and that the Republicans were going to try to change certain aspects of the program. Cm. Moffatt withdrew his objective to increase Police Personnel. Mayor Houston stated he had been contacted by citizens asking why Dublin did not have a DARE Program so he had added evaluate DARE Program to the Goals & Objectives. Chief Rose indicated that the DARE Program was an excellent program which was very effective as far as education and awareness, but he was not sure how effective the program was down the road. The City of Dublin already had an excellent program which he felt was better for our community. The program went from Kindergarten through high school in all of Dublin's schools. The DARE Program was specific to one school and one grade. It was a Staff intense program. For Dublin to have the program would mean losing one police officer. He favored the present program in Dublin. Mayor Houston wondered if the DARE Program and the present Dublin Drug Awareness Program could work together and requested that a presentation of each program be brought back to the City Council. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6,1995 PAGE 156 e e Cm. Barnes, Burton, Howard and Mayor Houston gave the objective a "3" while Cm. Moffatt gave it a "2" which made it a "High" objective. Mr. Rankin stated that the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore provide their own Animal Control Services while the City of Dublin contracts with Alameda County Sheriff's Department. Because all cities were doing the same services, there was a possibility of establishing a joint cooperative area. The problem with the City contracting with Alameda County was the City could not increase the service level in small increments. Staff had examined the possibility of providing the Animal Control Services ourselves, but in the past it was not financially feasible. Cm. Barnes and Burton changed their rating from a "2" to a "3" on #1 under Animal Control [Prepare a report and identify any potential opportunities for a regional approach to Animal Control Patrol Services], which changed the priority from a 'Medium" to a "High." On #6 under Waste Management [Be prepared to bid Garbage Franchise within time schedule], Cm.'s Barnes, Burton, and Mayor Houston ranked it a "3" while Cm.'s Howard and Moffatt gave it a "2" which made it a "High" priority. Cm. Burton had asked that Investigat~ having drop boxes on separate contract be added to the Objectives. He would like to see options be provided to help the commercial service. Mr. Rankin indicated that the Consultant had already received a bid from the Garbage Company and negotiations would be beginning before the end of the month. If the City now pulled out an item, it would change the whole negotiations. Cm. Burton felt the costs to commercial was a sore spot and he felt it was worth looking at including some options to help their costs. Mr. Rankin replied that it had cost $3,500 for the consultant to prepare a report based of the previous guidelines. If items were pulled out now, it could create a Pandora's box. City Staff did not have the resources to make such a report that had been provided by the Consultant. It was decided to delete Investigate having drop boxes on separate contract as an objective. Cm. Moffatt felt operating the Civic Center Fountain was a good idea. He felt it was a showpiece. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 157 e e Cm. Barnes said that although she talks about how much items are going to cost the City, the City had to pay to have the lawns mowed. More people talk about our fountain. She was for having it repaired and turned on. Mayor Houston felt there were other items like the Library, CTW, more ball fields that were a higher priority. This was not a high priority to him. #4 under Maintenance [Repair Water Fountain & operate part-time] was given a "3" rating by Cm. Barnes, Howard, and Moffatt. Cm. Burton gave it a "1" and Mayor Houston gave it a "0" which made it a "High" priority. Mayor Houston stated it was important for Staff to be able to make copies in a timely fashion. Cm. Burton suggested that the agenda packets be duplexed to save on the amount of paper. He felt the copy machine was the curse of civilization. On #5 under Maintenance [Upgrade copy equipment] received a unanimous "3" ranking to make it a "High" objective. Mr. Ambrose indicated that the current copy machines had been fully depreciated. The money was already there to replace the equipment. If the Council chose to upgrad~ the type of copier, more money would be needed. Right now Staff would have to find time to find a copier. Five Year Capital Improvement Program Update Mr. Thompson, Public Works Director, stated that T JKM had done a study and the City's hardware was getting old. Cm. Moffatt asked if an upgrade would improve the traffic flow. Mr. Thompson replied maybe. Mayor Houston proposed purchase street lights from General Fund and reduce assessments to property owners. He asked for a status report. - Mr. Thompson replied that the City was involved with eleven other jurisdictions in purchasing street lights from P G & E. The preliminary studies indicate it would be cheaper to purchase the poles. An offer has been submitted to P G & E. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 158 e . Mayor Houston felt it made financial sense to purchase the poles. Because it could lower the taxes, it made sense. #4 under the CIP Upgrade, Cm.'s Barnes, Burton and Mayor Houston gave it a "3" while Cm. 's Howard and Moffatt gave it a "2" which made it a "High" priority. Cm. Barnes would like to have underground utilities in the Downtown area. She realized the City would have to start small. Perhaps it could be started in the Downtown Area where they are widening the roads. Mr. Ambrose indicated underground utilities was very expensive. It had cost over one million dollars for less than a mile. Cm. Barnes felt it was more aesthetically pleasing. Cm. Moffatt cautioned that the undergrounding would just go up to the property lines. It could cost businesses a lot of money to get it into their store. Mayor Houston agreed that it was expensive. In Novato, the program had been done incrementally. Incremental financing was also possible. This would definitely be a long term project. On #5 CIP Upgrade [Underground utilities in Downtown area], Cm.'s Barnes, Burton, and Mayor Houston gave it a "3" while em. Howard gave it a "2" and Cm. Moffatt gave it a "1" which made it a "high" objective. By Consenus of the Council, the 1995 Goals & Objectives were adopted as attached. ........--.................+......................--.... OTHER BUSINESS Citizen of the Year and OrQanization of the Year (610-50) Cm. Howard announced that presentations to the Citizen of the Year and Organization of the Year would be made at the March 13, 1995 City Council meeting. There had been five nominations for Citizen of the Year and eight nominations for Organization of the Year. .........................+......................--...' Teen Task Force Meetina (950-80) *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETJNG March 6, 1995 PAGE 159 e e Cm. Barnes indicated that on March 16, 1995 at 6:30 p.m. at the Dublin High Cafeteria will be the first Teen Town Hall Meeting. Teens will be prioritizing a list of items of what they would like to see for teens in Dublin. Mayor Houston asked how the meeting had been publicized. Ms. Lowart, Recreation Director, replied there had been two display ads in the local paper, as well as notifying service clubs, the principal and leadership classes at the High School. .' ..,..,u,.+._,u Tri-Vallev Plannina Committee Meetinq Cm. Barnes announced that the meeting of the Tri-Valley Planning Committee will be held March 13, 1995 at 7:30 a.m., at the Dublin Civic Center in the Regional Meeting Room. " __ummum'''... +..,,'__. m____u'..., ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m. uuuuu"..,.....+. __u____u,'........ Minutes prepared by Sandie Hart. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ."""..'....-----------..+'."...".".'......-'.'.--. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES I VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 . PAGE 160 e COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL e CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES 1995 +G ENERA12~QYJ;R~IVIE:",T~4bI\llINIS"('Jti\tI9f.j.>/..... ............... .... ... High 1. 95 High 2. 95 High 3. 95 High 4. 94 High 5. 95 High 6. 95 Medium 7. 93 Medium 8. 95 Medium 9. 95 Medium 10. 95 Medium 11. 95 Medium 12. 90 Medium 13. 95 Low 14. 91 Support Graffiti Task Force in the development of recommendations to City Council to address the graffiti problem Review sound system in Council Chamber Develop & Implement a Customer Service RefresherfTraining Seminar Complete Brown Bag Training for Development Services Staff Develop and implement Fingerprinting program for all volunteers and employees who have with direct contact with minors Revise Council meeting day, time & agenda Undertake Americans Disability Act (ADA) Self Evaluation of Facilities Update Performance Evaluation Process and provide in-house training for supervisors Team Building Session for Council Develop Records Retention Program Evaluate cost/benefit of multi-jurisdictional mapping project Report to Council on development of a strategic plan Review financial commitment to Channel 30, implement plan to phase out subsidies Complete Employee Handbook Medium 5. Medium 6. 95 94 95 the selection by the City Council of Independent Auditors Implement policy and procedure for administering the City's Fixed Assets Improve Follow-up on Accounts Receivable Identify Means to Recover the cost of implementation associated with the' Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Update Purchasing Ordinance (incorporates policy on purchase of recycled products) Revise Accounting Procedures 91 94 ....................................................... ............ ... ...,.""". ,... .......... ...... .....IN. ....l'...E. ...R......G.....O......v.....e.....R......N. ...M.... .E. .N.....T.. At. .....R".E. UA..........T..'..O.. .N.. ..5.... ... .. ... . , . ",. .. .. ... . . ... ,.. .. .. .. . . . .. ".... .... ... ". ..... . ... ... ... . .", .... . . . . .. . ... ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . . .. ... . .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. .... ... ... ... ... .. , . . . . . .. ... ... .... .... . .... , , .. ....... ... .... . High High 1. 2. .............. ................ ,." ."... ............................ ..,... ." ,.. ........................... .. . . '"'''' ....................... .....,... ",,,,,. .., ......................... ""."" ....................... ....." "" " ...................... .... .. .................. ....,. ..,., ............ ............ ., , ......................... , .... ........... ...." " . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. . . ************************************************************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 161 e e COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL ......................... . ......... ........, . ...... ..,.. .. ... .. ......U.....S......U....I..C........R.....e.....L. ...A....T. ..IO.N"..S.. .. ...... " '. ... .. .... ... ... . .. . ... . .. .. . .... .,. .....8... ..... ...... . ...... ..., ...,,,. .. .. .. ..... .... , . .. . . . .. .. .. ... . , . .. ... . .. . .. ... ... ... ... ... .. . . ,... ... ... ..... .. ., ..., .. ........ ..... . ...... . . ............... ........ ............ ......... ,.., , . High 1. Promote & expand Week High 2. Televise City Council Meetings Medium 3. Investigate feasibility of televised video newsletter Medium 4. Design and Publish a City Newsletter Low 5. 93 Hold Quarterly informal town meetings .....OONTRACr..AoMINISTRJ\TIQ"'.....Hi.......\.....}.............................. High 95 Medium Medium Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 95 95 95 Perform Contract Evaluations On the Following Service Contracts: Police Services Animal Control Crossing Guard Services General Engineering Traffic Engineering Building & Safety Library Services Fire Service Consolidation Investigate use of volunteers to open library for more hours Consider combining Library Service with neighboring City ..... .. ... ......... ...,.... ,,,,... .,.., , , ... .............. ... .......................................................................... .....COMMUNJTY',DEVELOPMENT..L.,Pt.AN.NING../.t........................................... .. .... ........ . .. . . ........... ......... . ....... .. .. .. ...... ... . ... , High 95 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 93 9 85 10. 95 11. 95 12. 90 13. 94 14. 95 15. 94 16. 95 17. 93 18. 91 High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Carry out Eastern Dublin Implementation Program by undertaking the following major projects: Scenic Corridor Policy Kit Fox Habitat Management Plan Stream Corridor Restoration Program Grazing Management Plan Schcollmpact Mitigation Plan View Shed Analysis Develop a Noise Impact Mitigation Monitoring Fee Zoning Ordinance Amendment RE: Outdoor Sales Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Revision Hansen Ranch Phase 2 General Plan Amendment Eastern Dublin Detailed Planned Development District Rezonings Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other Housing Element Implementation Programs Schaefer Ranch General Plan Amendment Develop Sign Ordinance Handout Unified General Plan Map Participate in ABAG Comprehensive Subregional Planning pilot project Establish site specific land use data base Conduct land use study for Southern Portion of Camp Parks ************************************************************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 162 e COUNCIL PRIORITY e # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL High 1. High 2. Medium Medium 3. 4. 95 Adopt 1994 Uniform Building, Plumbing & Mechanical Code & 1993 National Electrical Code 95 Provide seminars for business community related to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) impact on new construction 95 Provide 2 homeowner improvement education seminars 94 Develop process for recovery of property from earthquake damaged buildings High High Update City's Subdivision Ordinance Reinspect 100% of industrial sites as required under the NPDES permit by June 30, 1995 Revise Ordinance High 2. 93 High 3. 95 High 4. 95 High 5. 95 , High 6. 95 Medium 7. 95 Update building survey and compile results in new data base to be used as key component of City's Business Retention & Attraction Program Pursue the development of a major commercial center in Eastern Dublin Develop economic development marketing brochure Establish a Business Retention Program focused on personal outreach to approximately 300 businesses/year Organize and implement a pro-active business attraction campaign to targeted industries. Goal is to contact 50 new companies per month Facade Enhancement Program Identify opportunities to install major City Entrance Signs along 1-580 .H9U~T4RE:~:,gEI$Q~~;,~~~K~lgQMMJ.lt~~~~~a\,:19~$""":\..,:'....i ........ ... High 1. 93 High 2. 94 High 3. 95 High 4. 94 High 5. 94 High 6. 95 High 7. 95 Complete renovation of Heritage Center Update the Agreement between the City & the School District regarding use of school facilities Implement the recommendations of the Teen Task Force regarding programs/activities for teens, provided funding is available Implement the recommendations of the Heritage Task Force regarding the best way to operate programs at the Heritage Center Coordinate construction of scorebooths and batting cages by Dublin Little League at the Dublin Sports Grounds. (DSG) Work with the School District to identify a location, funding mechanism and design for a City/District gymnasium/recreation center Complete study to establish a Public Facilities Fee Program for the City of ************************************************************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEI;TING March 6, 1995 PAGE 163 e e COUNCIL # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL PRIORITY Dublin High 8. 95 Coordinate construction of Snack Bar by Dublin Swim Team Parent's Committee at Dublin Swim Center Medium 9. 95 Develop a Parks Implementation Plan for Eastern Dublin Medium 10. 95 Work with U.S. Army & Little League to facilitate development of additional ballfields at Camp Parks Medium 11. 95 Request for help from Children's Theater Workshop Medium 12. 94 Secure outside funding & implement Recreation Department Fee Assistance Program Medium 13. 95 Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation on 1995 projects, provided funding is available Low 14. 92 Work with EBRPD & County to complete development of unbuilt portion of Iron Horse Trail Low 15. 95 Determine best use of Dublin Historical Preservation Association in operating Heritage Center. They are greatest resource of historical knowledge & deserve opportunity to operate museum & church High 2. 95 High 3. 94 High 4. 95 High 5. 95 6. Medium 2. 95 Increase the number of active Watch groups Implement a police beat system Implement policy & procedure to increase capacity for police storage of criminal records Evaluate the cost/benefit of the Cops FAST Grant Evaluate DARE Program & Dublin's existing Drug Education Awareness Program a Secret Witness Reward Prepare a report and any potential opportunities for a regional approach to Animal Control Patrol Services Undertake on-going role as Committee member overseeing the operation of the Animal Shelter .....01. .S....A.'.....'S.'.. ..t....E... R":P' 'R' 'E.. p.' ..A.:....:..R.. E. ..0.. ..N...'....e. ..8......'8... .,.,.,.,.,., ....,.......,.,.,.,.,.,.".. ..,.,...." . .. .. . . ......... .......... ... . ... .. . ....... .......... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . ... , . . ......... . ...... . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. ..... ..... -:. .... .-::..;......:...::. ,':,,'::' ,:,,: .,'... ... .:-... ....:-. .:::::::-:-....... High 1. 93 High 2. 93 High 3. 94 High 4. 94 High 5. 93 Medium 6. 91 Complete Basic Emergency Preparedness for all Departments Present revised Multi-Functional Hazard Plan for City Council approval pursuant to SB 1841 Complete Operational Plan for use of Amateur Radio Equipment Undertake table top disaster simulation exercise Prepare a report on the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Preparedness Program & identify alternative means to provide the information Complete Public Works Tri-Valley Mutual Aid Agreement ************************************************************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR ME~ING March 6. 1995 PAGE 164 e COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL VVAs,.SIVIANAGEMEN] i.. . High 1. High 2. High 3 95 High 4. 95 Low 5. 93 e Negotiate a new agreement Coordinate with the garbage service provider the implementation of services under the new agreement. Coordinate Necessary Revisions To Source Reduction & Recycling Element to respond to revised laws on the calculation of diversion completed Be prepared to bid Garbage Franchise within time schedule Conduct a survey on the participation in curbside/multi-family recycling programs ..'J"...RA.......'.....'.'.N..'. .S... P'O.. ..'.R....'J"......A....'."J..O.....'N.... .... .M.. .AIN.T....E...N...A.N.....CE . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. ... ... ..... ... . ...' , . ....:~...:.. ..:.. ... :-...:..:. -:.... ....<:-.::::-::...::-..\..::::.::<> .::...:"::::.:::..-:. .::: t:.. .... .. -:-: : .....::.) . . .::-.... -::.. ... ... ..:.. ..... .:.:., : High 1. 95 High 2. 95 High 3. 95 Medium 4. 95 Low 5. 92 Upgrade copy equipment Implement four new community volunteer projects Repair Water Fountain & operate part-time Develop long-range plan & funding mechanism for replacement of large equipment or major maintenance projects for all City buildings Undertake Corp. Yard Facilities Study High 2. 95 High 3. 95 High 4. 95 High 5. 95 High 6. 88 High 7. 94 h/doclcmoff/3695ag&O Work with CalTrans and Alameda County Transportation Authority to complete design of 1~58011-680 Interchange Improvements and Downtown Hook Ramps Work with Tri-Valley Transportation Council to develop a Regional Transportation Impact Fee Ensure BART Station/parking lot design is compatible with City Street network Prepare Alignment Study for Eastern Dublin major arterials Update review of Heindel Study to reimburse Pleasanton for 1-580 Improvements Report to City Council on the Downtown Traffic Impact Fee Conduct roadway realignment study for road parallel & south of Dublin Blvd. ************************************************************************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 6, 1995 PAGE 165 e e STUDY SESSION MEETING - MARCH 7, 1995 A Study Session meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Tuesday, March 7, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. ,.. .....+ ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None . uu +........u.uu PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. .+.... .. 1995 BUDGET STUDY SESSION (330-20) City Manager Ambrose stated the purpose of this Study Session was to identify those areas that the Council would like Staff to analyze as part of the development of the City's 1995-96 Annual Operating Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Ambrose referenced the attachments to the Staff Report which provided an historical perspective of the City's Expenditures, Revenues, and Fund Balance. An additional attachment provided a mid-year projection of the amount revenues are anticipated to exceed expenditures. Staff also prepared an Analysis of Estimated Future Impacts on City's General Fund. Mr. Ambrose stated Public Safety is increasing at an exorbitant rate compared to other program areas. Cm. Burton asked questions about the Attachment 1 figures and noted between 1990 and 1993 there was a significant drop. Mr. Ambrose advised that the property tax take by the state, the recession, and reduced sales tax, were part of the reasons. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 166 e e Cm. Burton commented on Attachment 6 Contingent Reserve Budget figures for 1994- 95. Mr. Rankin advised that the Contingent Reserve is included in the budget and if unexpected things come up the City Council typically transfers from this account. $5,7 56 is what's remaining in the budgeted Contingent Reserve. The City Manager has the authorization to transfer this amount to the accounts. Mr. Ambrose stated it typically varies over the years and goes from the Contingent Reserve to operating accounts. Cm. Moffatt asked if the Attachment 2 figures were per year, per month or what? Staff advised they were per year. Cm. Moffatt asked about the difference in revenues and expenditures. Mr. Ambrose explained that this chart shows the revenue divided by the population. We are generating less revenue today than in the past. We are also spending less per person. That was all this particular chart showed. Mr. Rankin reviewed Attachment 9, General Fund Balance. With regard to using reserves, if you use them for a specific project, this will affect revenues because we are generating revenue off the reserves. It appears we will be able to generate about $70,000 from our reserves the balance of this fiscal year. Mayor Houston asked about our weighted interest rate. Mr. Rankin stated it is about 5.642% year-to-date. Mayor Houston commented that Attachment 11 is important to show mid-year adjustments. He asked if the holiday revenues had been reported yet. He felt we should be pretty happy with these figures when they come in. He commented that he thought the report was very well laid out. Mayor Houston commented that Attachment 12 goes into the revenue sections with some unknowns. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7,1995 PAGE 167 e e Mr. Ambrose reviewed the analysis of estimated future impacts on the City's General Fund. He advised that he had attended a meeting on the Governor's Budget and it is looking a little more positive this year than in previous years. As part of the Governor's projections though, he is predicting a major recovery in the economy. If this doesn't happen, we may be looking at a number of other circumstances. The Governor has stated he is planning a middle class tax cut. Mr. Rankin stated the League of California Cities feels the current proposal represents a little more reality than previous years budgets. Mr. Ambrose stated another items we are aware of is that we are absorbing a graduated increase in dispatch costs. We experienced the first 20% increase last year and this year we will be hit with another 20%. The new County Animal Shelter Agreement will require debt service payment of about $56,000 which is a little less than they projected. Mayor Houston asked if there had been any response from the County over the controversy over the costs. Mr. Rankin advised that the final report has not yet been prepared. They say they will respond to some of the comments. The Board is interested in hearing whether there are be,tter ways to do business. Mr. Ambrose stated the other major expense we anticipate is the proposed increases in service levels to the Fire Department. One of the things we need to be concerned about is fire service implementation. Should .something happen to derail the Homart project, we could be substantially impacted. We are working carefully to make certain we minimize the risk in getting service out there. We estimate $343,000 in operating costs for the station out there the first year. Cm. Burton asked if the animal shelter money was in addition to what we've been paying. Mr. Rankin responded yes, the figure was basically a purchase figure. Each year everyone will contribute based on their use of the facility. They will look at the total debt payment to determine percentages. It's measured by the number of animals. Mr. Ambrose advised that Library Service shows a graduated increase in cost of overhead. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 168 e e Mr. Ambrose stated Homart's schedule has slipped beyond what they initially proposed. There is also the issue of the statute of limitations that runs on their approval. They are planning fairly conservatively. Mayor Houston felt it appeared the increase is $279,505 built in for the 4 items. This seems to be a given. Mr. Ambrose stated these figures were based on the base figures of 1994-95; $331,000 is this year's excess revenues. Mayor Houston felt if everything remains the same we will still be on the plus side by $61,000. Mr. Rankin stated $331,000 of this was made up by some one-time events. The costs will remain from year to year. Mayor Houston felt an evaluation might need to take place to determine whether it is better to stay with the County Sheriff's Department or go with our own dispatching service. Mr. Ambrose advised when we last reviewed this, it was determined that it would be about $600,000 to go on our own. Chief Rose stated it was about $1/2 million for the equipment. Cm. Moffatt asked if there was a possibility that we might be able to share some of the dispatch costs. Mr. Ambrose stated with regard to the Fire Department issue, the basic problem is Pleasanton and Livermore have their own dispatch service for police and fire. It's not likely that they would jump out of their current dispatch situation. This is probably one of the biggest issues. Police Chiefs don't like to give up their dispatch. Mayor Houston felt that a 300% increase over time is quite a bit. Worksheet Question A. Should the 1994-95 level of service be used as the base level for developing the 1995-96 Budget? ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 169 e e Mayor Houston stated he would like to see us use our current service levels as a base and then other levels could be added. This would be easy for the City Council to look at and for the public to see where the increases are. Cm. Burton felt there usually isn't enough money to do everything that everybody wants. Mayor Houston felt the community groups should all be separate items and then the City Council could include them if they want. Cm. Moffatt suggested picking a percentage and make decisions within the percentages. He referenced community development. Mayor Houston stated this is what they do in Washington and this is a terrible system. He would rather see any increases shown separately. Cm. Moffatt stated he was thinking primarily with regard to some of the social issues. If limits are set, it would be easier to decide who gets what. Mayor Houston felt if it is all laid out on what the alternatives are, this makes it easy to see the costs associated with each program. We should not build in any increases tonight, but this should be done in June at the budget hearing. It doesn't make any sense to add in any increases now; either dollar figures or percentages. Cm. Howard referenced Library Services and stated if would be beneficial to allow so much for allocating discretionary services. Mr. Ambrose clarified base level and stated Staff was talking about providing the same level of service as we are providing today. Mayor Houston stated last year, any dollar increase was called out. Choices were given for the discretionary funds. He restated he felt the community group requests should be separate so the City Council can make those choices. Mr. Ambrose advised that the City Council had already obligated the CDBG funds. The 3 groups (Dublin Substance Abuse Council. Dublin Fine Arts Foundation and Community Television) were in the base last year. The Council determined that the 1994-95 level of service should be used as the base level for developing the 1995-96 Budget. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 170 - e Worksheet Question B. If the Council is desirous of accomplishing all high priority objectives during Fiscal Year 1995-96, should the cost of funding those high priority objectives be included as additional budget increments to current service levels? Cm. Burton stated he circled the word "all". Mr. Ambrose reported that Staff had prepared an updated list of the high priority items as ranked by the Council the previous night. Mayor Houston stated he would like to see costs associated with all the high priority items. The City Council can then make choices. The highs will probably exceed the excess revenues by a large margin. Mr. Ambrose stated high priority goals will be listed individually. As part of the justification, Staff will reflect back on the goal. Cm. Burton felt the Council may have a champagne appetite. Worksheet Question C. Should Community Group requests be placed in the base budget at the same funding level as 1994-95, or identified in a separate budget increment above the base level? Mayor Houston felt they should be set aside and they will be looked at in light of discretionary funds. Community Groups funded from the General Fund in 1994-95 included: 1) Dublin Substance Abuse Council $ 4,500 2) Dublin Fine Arts Foundation $10,000 3) Community Television $21,393 Mr. Ambrose stated the City Council can look at these fresh. There may be more people coming in with requests. Cm. Burton asked when the citizens could come in and make their requests. Mr. Ambrose stated this is typically done at the budget hearing. Mayor Houston felt the Council will start getting letters from now until June. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 171 e e Worksheet Question D. What additional services (if any) should Staff evaluate as part of the 1995-96 Budget? Mayor Houston felt the high priority items should be looked at. Worksheet Comment E. On June 30, 1995, the following service contracts will be expiring: 1 ) Police Services 2) Animal Control 3) Crossing Guard Service 4) General Engineering 5) Traffic Engineering 6) Building & Safety 7) Library Services For any of the above contract services, are you interested in having Staff focus on any particular issue other than the cost of providing the service by the current service provider for 1995-96? Mr. Ambrose stated Staff had done a complete evaluation on each of these services in the past and it involves quite a lot of work. Any particular areas of concern would make this review more beneficial. Cm. Barnes questioned how many total contracts we have out. She asked if it is unusual that they all come due at the same time. She asked if they can be staggered. Mr. Rankin stated this has been done. Mr. Ambrose pointed out that some of the contracts are annual. Mayor Houston commented with regard to crossing guards, he thought most of them on the Council had gotten complaints. He asked if we are looking at a new provider? Mr. Ambrose stated Staff will give this service some serious review this year. Mayor Houston stated he had seen a great improvement since the holidays. Mr. Ambrose advised that it has been a lot more work for City Staff. We will be reviewing this carefully. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 172 e e Mayor Houston commented on the medium priority ranking of using volunteers at the library and asked if Staff could see what the County might be thinking. Mr. Ambrose advised that Ms. Lowart is already working on this. We will be reviewing our options. Cm. Burton asked about the options with Building & Safety. There will be an awful lot going on in the future. Mr. Ambrose stated the City could look at another service provider or an in-house operation or a combination of the two. San Ramon contracts out plan checking. We have been teetering for the last several years on whether it makes sense to continue the way we've been going. Cm. Burton commented that he wanted to make sure with all the new development coming on line that we have flexibility and don't hold things up. Mr. Ambrose stated this flexibility has been there in the past. We've been able to work effectively. We will review the options and look at this a lot more closely. One inspector certainly will not be adequate. Worksheet Question F. In recent years a very limited amount of General Fund Operating Revenues have been allocated for Capital Expenditures. Should Staff continue to rely primarily on special revenue funds for funding Capital Expenditures? Mayor Houston stated hopefully it looks like we will have more activity in the future. Mr. Ambrose stated the issue is from the CIP perspective. This current year we had to budget about $107,000 out of the General Fund. If the City Council wants to approach the CIP financing as in the past, there's a limited amount allocated. The $107,000 was primarily data processing and the sidewalk repair program. Mayor Houston felt they always have the flexibility to change from year to year. There's a perception that we'll be having revenues coming in this next year so we should stay out of the General Fund. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME ]4 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 173 e e Mr. Rankin pointed out that it had shifted to special revenue funds significantly over the years. The Council felt that primarily, special revenue funds should be used. Worksheet Question A. How should the Citywide Assessment District Fees be set for 1995-96? 1 . Reflect actual increases in costs? 2. Reflect only the increase in the CPI and subsidize the difference from the General Fund? 3. Freeze Assessments and subsidize difference from the General Fund. Mayor Houston stated he voted for #3. He doesn't believe these costs should go up. Cm. Burton asked how we would justify freezing assessments if actual costs go up. Mayor Houston stated last year when we had the citywide lighting fee and the storm water fee we had some very large reserves and we should look at using those. Mr. Ambrose advised that the storm water fee will possibly have to be subsidized by about $30,000 this year. With regard to street lighting, .there are a couple of options. Should Staff plug in actual costs or not? The actual costs will still be less than what they will pay. Mayor Houston requested that the City Council be provided with a couple of options. Mr. Ambrose explained that we are trying to negotiate the purchase of 1.400 street lights from PG&E and if we buy them and we own them and maintain them the cost is about $47,000 per year. There are 2 approaches as discussed last night. One approach is we keep the rates at the same level and take the savings and repay the General Fund for what it costs to buy the lights. The other option would be to take the money from the General Fund and immediately drop the rates. Maintenance costs are less for the City than for PG&E. Mr. Thompson stated the poles being discussed are the metal ones with lights on them. The newer sub-divisions have these kind of poles. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff will identify these options. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 174 e e em. Barnes stated she was against using the word "freeze". Mayor Houston stated everybody in the City expects lights. We could use money from the General Fund to make up the cost of an increase, but if it is put on the tax bill, this frees up money from the General Fund so then the debate is whether to provide lights or a fountain. He felt people want lights more than other things. Cm. Barnes felt the options should be left open. Mr. Ambrose stated a fourth option would be to take it from the reserves to pay for the light pole purchases. Mayor Houston stated rather than #3 above, Staff should list all alternatives. Mr. Thompson stated we usually try to figure as additional subdivisions come on line how many lights they will have and we plug in these numbers. We never know for sure. We balance out the account at the end of the year. Mayor Houston asked if we will have some resolution related to Camp Parks by budget time? Cm. Burton asked if in all the new subdivisions the light poles will be ours. Mr. Ambrose responded yes. Cm. Burton asked if they will be talking about sidewalk repair as part of the budget? Mr. Ambrose responded Staff will once again put forth a proposal that the sidewalk repair program come out of the General Fund. The City Council may want to make some tradeoffs. Mr. Ambrose commented with regard to where the source of revenue will come from, Staff will work something out. Worksheet Question B. What additional revenue issues (if any) would you like to have Staff evaluate? Mr. Ambrose stated if the Council has any major capital improvement projects and there isn't adequate special revenue sources we may want to review other things. Staff could evaluate other things as part of the CIP on some of the high priority projects. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 175 e e Mayor Houston discussed hook ramps and stated the Transportation Authority has indicated they will try to match some of the short term funds or we may have to put some debt service together. He doesn't know if we would have an assessment district or what it would take. Cm. Moffatt stated he was hoping some of the mitigation fees put into East Dublin would take care of some of this. Mr. Ambrose advised that out of the Homart project we won't see any cash for 1-580/1-680 improvements because of Alameda County Right-of~Way credits. Mayor Houston felt we need to work with the Transportation Authority to find a match for Measure B funds. Mr. Thompson stated if they have extra money, maybe they could decide to put it in these other projects. Mayor Houston felt all the jurisdictions are going to have to come up with matching funds, and we need to look at how we are going to come up with these funds. Mr. Ambrose stated a major issue will be how we treat these funds. We won't be able to build everything. Mr. Thompson stated the flyover was $10 million short and they did some other projects to get credit. We still have the Enea matching money. Mr. Ambrose stated we are still a long way from the $5.6 million. Mr. Thompson pointed out the fact that we are not the only ones benefiting from the flyover. Cm. Moffatt stated as part of the TVTC recommendations, they have the flyover in there, and the 5 cities and the 2 counties will participate. There's a fee study going on right now and who knows how this will turn out. Mr. Rankin stated even if there is an agreement on a regional fee there has to be some agreement on where the first funds will go. Cm. Moffatt stated it had been suggested that each city would manage their own funds and that it be put into an escrow account. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 176 e e Mayor Houston stated we need to work with the Transportation Authority and build on that. Worksheet Comment Please review the 1994-95 Preliminary Budget document and identify format changes (if any) you would like to see Staff make in 1995-96. Cm. Howard commented that she felt it was very good last year. The Council agreed that the document was put together in an easy to understand format. The Council determined that the Budget hearing should be scheduled for the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday, June 28 and 29, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Both nights should be scheduled with the understanding that an effort will be made to get it done in one night. Cm. Burton complimented Staff for putting together a report for this meeting that was easy to understand. Staff did a very good job. .~...... ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. .........+,..................u.u. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ...........+. ***************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 STUDY SESSION MEETING March 7, 1995 PAGE 177 e e REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 13, 1995 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Monday, March 13, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., by Mayor Houston. ........~H.. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Barnes, Burton, Howard, Moffatt and Mayor Houston. ABSENT: None .....HHHH..H... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Houston led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. . . .. "'V~ PROCLAMATION (610-50) Mayor Houston read and presented a proclamation to the Dublin High School Mock Trial Team for winning the Alameda County Championship on February 28, 1995 and wishing them the best of luck when they compete in the statewide competition in Sacramento. Ellen Gray accepted the proclamation and the City's congratulations. Christine Liu representing the Prosecution and Ryan Schrader representing the Defense presented the closing arguments in the case they will be presenting in Sacramento. Mayor Houston asked if there would be a new case at the state level and also if every county in the state participates. Ms. Gray stated everyone in the nation is working on the same case. There will be 26 California counties represented in Sacramento. .....~' *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 178 - e PRESENTATIONS (610-501 Mayor Houston announced that Certificates of Appreciation had been prepared for presentation along with Quill writing pens to: Val Hatheway for service on the Senior Center Advisory Committee from March, 1991 to May, 1993 Bob Cocilova accepted the award and gift for Mr. Hatheway. Frank Zagarella for service on the Senior Center Advisory Committee from December, 1990 to January, 1995 Mr. Zagarella was not present. Randy B. Cohn for service on the Parks & Community Services Commission from January, 1991 to January, 1995 Mr. Cahn was not present. Barbara Donnell for service on the Parks & Community Services Commission from October, 1983 to January, 1995 Ms. Donnell was not present. Steven L. Lockhart for service on the Parks & Community Services Commission from December, 1990 to January, 1995 Mr. Lockhart accepted the award and gift. Bill Burnham for service on the Planning Commission from January, 1986 to January, 1995 Mr. Burnham accepted the award and gift. Le Roy A. North for service on the Planning Commission from January, 1991 to January, 1995 Mr. North was not present. Ralph R. Rafanelli for service on the Planning Commission from December, 1990 to January, 1995. Mr. Rafanelli was not present. .~.... ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR (610-50) The nominees for Organization of the Year for 1994 were: Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, Dublin 4-H, Girl Scouts, Dublin Historical Preservation Association, Dublin Lion's Club, Dublin Little League, Women's Club of Dublin, Soroptimist International of Dublin and South Valley Youth Football. Mayor Houston announced that the winner was the Women's Club of Dublin. A framed proclamation was presented to Leila Nikischer, President. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 179 . e The City Council extended its best wishes to the Women's Club of Dublin on their thirtieth anniversary and expressed appreciation to the dedicated volunteers who have given so generously of their time and effort for the betterment of our community. HH~"HH CITIZEN OF THE YEAR (610-50) The nominees for 1994 Citizen of the Year were: Nancy Eggers, Mark & Jeannie King, Karol Ruppenthal, John Schmitt and Peter Snyder. Mayor Houston announced that the winner was Peter W. Snyder. A framed proclamation was presented to Mr. Snyder, who received a standing ovation. The Council congratulated Mr. Snyder for setting a fine example of one who truly cares and unselfishly gives to others with no concern for receiving glory or accolades for himself. Everyone sincerely appreciates the many ways that Mr. Snyder has impacted and improved the quality of life for all in our community. Mr. Snyder stated he did not come here expecting this tonight. There are so many hard workers in this community. He stated he humbly accepted the award on behalf of all those who serve in so many ways. -+. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES TASK FORCE (110-301 A total of 9 people expressed interest in serving on the Community Facilities Task Force. Letters were received from: M. E. Bischoff, Bob Fasulkey, Betty Heller, Ronald Koutz, Neil McLean, Robert Miller, Karol Ruppenthal, Richard Stein and Yolanda Weaver. Mayor Houston requested confirmation of the appointment of 5 people to the Task Force: Bob Fasulkey, Ronald Koutz, Neil McLean, Robert Miller and Richard Stein. Cm. Moffatt stated he hoped the others would go to the meetings and participate. Mayor Houston stated the teen task force will be meeting soon also. ******************************************************.***************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 180 e e Cm. Barnes expressed concern that one of the people is on one of the City's other task forces. She hoped this could be spread around. She also noted there were no women on the list. There were three women who applied. She hoped the Council would say one per task force and have a woman on the task force. Mayor Houston indicated that the task force is temporary in nature, but her point was well taken. Cm. Barnes commented that people already are wanting to send the Mayor to sensitivity school. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by majority vote, the Council confirmed the Mayor's appointments. Cm.'s Barnes and Howard voted against the motion. "~'H Children I s Theatre Workshop (900-40) Janet Lockhart 8136 Creekside Drive stated she was present to give what she hoped was good news. The Children's Theatre Workshop is assimilating very well in our community. Residents are interested in becoming board members and helping to provide leadership to the young people. They will be coming back later this month and talking about the support they want to see from the City. ...".0. Garbaqe Service Requlations (810-201 Ron Nahas stated he was present representing Amador Lakes, Parkwood and Cottonwood Apartments related to renegotiating the garbage franchise for the City. He spoke at prior meetings and protested the fact that garbage rates have increased by 55% over the last 2 years. He requested that they be allowed to be free of the franchise agreement and they would like the opportunity to do this privately. He understood that this came up during the Goals & Objectives session and Cm. Burton brought up the subject but there was not a majority vote to reopen the subject. Mr. Nahas commented tha.t people in the community who do not have the luxury of having a monopoly should be able to consider other contractors. They hope they will be allowed to be a part of the process. This is a very important issue to the business community. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 181 e e Cm. Burton asked if there was any reason why we could not have in situations where they compact the garbage on site, to take the smaller collections directly to the dump sites and registered for us. Is there any reason we can't do this? Mr. Rankin stated there is no reason we could not structure it this way. He discussed the City Council direction which was approved a couple of months ago. The City Council wanted negotiations wrapped up and we are scheduled to have the first sit down meeting in one week. The impact of changing this will have a major impact on Staff's timing and will require additional work. Cm. Burton stated he understood since he was on the losing end he can't bring this up again before the City Council. He asked when it will come before the City Council. Mr. Rankin stated he anticipated it would be in mid-April. Cm. Burton felt this would still give the City Council a chance to consider this. Cm. Moffatt stated he understood that the City Council will have a whole menu to look at and he saw no reason why Mr. Nahas' request could not be considered. Mr. Rankin explained that their costs are spread over all the services. Everyone contributes to the overhead of providing garbage serviced within the community. There would be a smaller base and the numbers would have to be reworked. Cm. Burton felt all of this was speculation. We aren't going to bid so we will just have to take somebody's word for it. Mr. Nahas pointed out that other communities do have multiple providers. The situation here is very similar. What they are asking for is not unusual. They would like the opportunity to bring in a proposal to the City Council to do it themselves. Mr. Rankin explained that this situation is somewhat different because it is petrusable waste. City Attorney Silver stated the City's current ordinance provides that everyone is to have garbage service and the franchiser is to handle the whole City. Mayor Houston stated until you have numbers to talk about, you just don't know. ...+-.. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 182 e e Social Services - Senior Citizens 1595-50) Bruce Fiedler, 6589 Hemlock Street stated he was present as an advocate for seniors here and in the tri-valley. He wanted to discuss the money; the last dollar that an elder person has and when there is still time left in a month. In our area we have a major problem with the high cost of housing. He discussed nutrition programs, Meals On Wheels, case management, and elder assistance programs. Since our County has grown to the south and to the east, major numbers of the elder population has moved from the big cities to other areas. The Board of Supervisors set up a committee to review this several years ago. A document they produced showed that there aren't near enough services. A group of agencies in Oakland want all the money to go to low income persons in Oakland. This has come down to strict and dirty politics. He urged the Councilmembers to talk to their peers on the Oakland and Berkeley City Councils, and pass the word on to their Supervisors. The services are not here and now the agencies headquartered in Oakland don't want to bother to give services to the other areas. Cm. Moffatt asked who controls the federal funds.? Mr. Fiedler stated the path is through the state to each area through their Commission on Aging. The Board of Supervisors decide where the money will go. Some of the agencies are enormous and we have only 3 people representing this area. Cm. Burton advised that he thought Tom McCormick used to be in charge of the County programs. Mr. Fiedler stated he thought Mr. McCormick was in charge of programs which came under Title 3 and which are not a part of this program. Cm. Moffatt clarified that the decision makers are the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Fiedler stated yes, Supervisors Steele and Campbell would like to see the money spread out. Supervisors Carson and King apparently take the other position to concentrate the funds in Oakland. Supervisor Chan may be the swing vote. Input from the other cities may be important. Cm. Burton thought it might be helpful to have Tom McCormick give an overview at a future City Council meeting. Mr. Fiedler stated at a recent Supervisors meeting, they brought in people to explain the guidelines. **************.********************************.~~********************************************************* CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 183 e e Cm. Moffatt asked when the decision was going to be made. Mr. Fiedler stated possibly at the beginning of April, but who knows? A ...............'T'.... Teen Task Force 1950-801 Mayor Houston asked Cm. Barnes to talk about the Teen Task Force Cm. Barnes stated they would be having a meeting on Thursday evening, March 16, at 6:30 p.m., at the Dublin High School cafeteria. They would like any number of teens. Adults can observe. They will be breaking into small groups with facilitators. Dr. Mathews and Cheryl Beaks will be the moderators. H-+' CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Cm. ,Moffatt, seconded by Cm. ,Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council took the following actions: Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 27, 1995; Cm. Burton asked that the discussion on Page 133 related to metering be clanfied. He felt Cm. Moffatt's comments were not clear. After a brief discussion Cm. Moffatt stated he did not feel a need for the minutes to be changed. Received the City Treasurer's Investment Report (320-30) as of February 28, 1995, showing the City's investment portfolio totals $19,855,322.74 with funds invested at an annual average yield of 5.824%: Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 27 - 95 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR CITYWIDE STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 (360-50) *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 184 e e Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 28 - 95 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 83-2 TRACT 4719 (360-20) (Cm. Burton abstained on the vote on this item.) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 29 - 95 DIRECTING PREPARATION OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-1 TRACT 5511 (360-20) Approved the Warrant Register in the amount of $387,350.28 (300-40). Cm. Moffatt pulled Item 4.6 related to gifts from the Consent Calendar and stated he wished to acknowledge the gifts: 1) $100 was received from Setsuko Inami for use at the Senior Centec 2) $357 was received for the Shannon Center Preschool as a result of a pizza fundraiser, $10 from the Newbegin Family, $22 from the Rebitz Family, and $10 from the Winter Family,' and 3) $600 was received from ;ytiller Brands of the East Bay for on additional tent and stage for the City's St. Patrick's Day Celebration. On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by unanimous vote, the Council accepted the gifts (150-70) for the Senior Center, Shannon Center Preschool and St. Patrick's Day Celebration and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgments to the donors and approved the Budget Change Form; 'HHHH'._ PUBLIC HEARING HANSEN RANCH DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT PA 94-054 (600-60) Mayor Houston opened the public hearing. The Hansen Ranch project is located west of Silvergate Drive, north of Hansen Drive and south of Winding Trail Lane. This is the second reading of an ordinance introduced at the last Council meeting which will amend the Development Agreement and allow several modifications to the approved creek access road/hiking trail. ****************************************************************************************A****************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 185 . e Associate Planner Huston presented the Staff Report and advised that the Tentative Map Resolution adopted by the Council on February 27,1995, will allow minor modifications to lot lines, street configurations, and pad elevations. It would also allow construction of an 8' wide creek hiking trail on the south side of the creek for public use, and a 12' wide creek access road on the north side of the creek for City vehicle use only. The revised text included adding a statement excluding certain lots from any pad elevation changes, and a specification of the hiking trail width. The Council did not include a requirement for a cul-de- sac at the martin Canyon Road stub street, as was recommended by Staff. Ms. Huston explained that the Development Agreement Ordinance will allow the creek access road widths as described above. It will also allow for the creek access road to be constructed in phases, and eliminate a previous requirement to construct a creek access road off-site. The Ordinance was also modified to clarify that the Applicant, California Pacific Homes, was formerly known as the Bren Company. Cm. Moffatt asked if it would be a minor change for the trail to be eliminated. Ms. Huston stated she did not consider this a minor change. There would be significant repercussions. Cm. Moffatt asked if it could be delayed 3 or 4 years. Mr. Ambrose stated the problem is they will be grading this site and if it is delayed, how will you grade it in the future with the residences there? Cm. Moffatt stated there was discussion previously that it could be put in at a future date. Mr. Ambrose stated this was not what was proposed. Staff merely advised the City Council about the impacts of delaying. Cm. Burton asked if we got rid of the path if this would mean you have to go back through the Planning Commission and the EIR process? This would be a significant change to the Tentative Map. City Attorney Silver responded yes. Cm. Burton discussed the concept of leaving the trail in, assigning the money to a trust and the City then taking the responsibility of building it. In his opinion this would not change the Tentative Map but we would have control over it. We take the responsibility of building it, *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13,1995 PAGE 186 e e whenever. There would have to be an easement. He asked if this would be a significant change that would cause delay. Cm. Barnes asked if homes would back on to the trail, how could you go back in 4 or 5 years and make a trail? It requires a lot of land to get to it and you cannot do it after the fact. Without doing creek work, she thought we would be in more trouble. It would cause problems later unless it is done at the time of development. Mr. Tong stated the dedication of the creek to the City is to occur at the time of building permits. The City is responsible for providing maintenance services at that time. From Staff's standpoint, it is important to have the trail available when the City accepts the creek area. Tom Ford Tina Place, Briarhill stated he had spoken before as this is an attractive area and he is in favor of the enhancements. This area is very limited when it comes to recreational neighborhood facilities. He found it incomprehensible that when the City argued for a road for a number of years, it is now willing to completely delete the road. He is amazed that this is being brought in at this point. If the developer has to put it in, we are assured that it is put in at very little cost to the City. Retain the agreement we have so far. He stated he is not in favor of the 12' wide road. Sherry Hickox 11427 Winding Trail Lane thanked all the Councilmembers who came out last week and met with the neighbor? She urged the Council to look at the concerns, one issue being parking. At issue is whether this will be a neighborhood or a City park. Their neighborhood has no way of knowing how many people will be coming in to use this park. The City has not provided for any parking in this area. Silvergate already handles the overflow from California Vista which is a private street. Should Silvergate Highlands choose to enforce their program, they will be forced to park overflow vehicles on Silvergate. A second issue is noise. Can we really control the hours that a park can be used even with signs posted. They are a quiet neighborhood. How can this be controlled? She spoke to Cm. Moffatt and he told her about some City land where we are having trouble with motorcycles. They are worried about this also. All the positives have been outlined, but no one wants to address the negatives. Safety, fires, pollution, etc., are issues they have to deal with day in and day out. They would like for the City to delay the start of this project until these issues are resolved. We can't go back once the trail is in. Cm. Moffatt stated one of the things discussed was that this would be a park and it will be open to all who want to come in. He stated he understands the park being a passive park but feels that in the long run there will be a trail there whether the City puts it in or not. **************~***********************************~******************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 187 . e Ms. Hickox stated the Dublin Police Department has gone in there several times over the last few years. The City putting in a park there encourages usage. Opening it up encourages positive and negative. It's very dense with trees now and there is not an obvious entrance. Marjorie LaBar who lives around the corner stated she had worked on this project for almost 10 years. This started when the City Council used to meet in the Library. The neighbors do have some legitimate concerns however, there are some folks the City can call upon who have worked on trails who simply have not had the problems the neighbors are concerned about. She stated she hopes Diane Lowart and her Staff will take advantage of the information available from the EBRPD showing that neighborhood trails can work very very well. Pleasanton has several. Good gating at night. limiting motorcycle access, good litter receptacles are important and it's also important for neighbors to know when the Parks & Community Services Commission meets. These are not insurmountable problems. The Gleason development is also coming in and if you leave this little corridor there, you become an attractive nuisance. We can put together a safe, well located trail. The information is available to the City from EBRPD for nothing This is Joycelyn Combs' job. If we let this opportunity go by, it won't be there when our kids need it. Marti Buxton, representing the Applicant clarified that at the last meeting she made an emphatic statement that with the trails there would be no trees removed because of the construction. She clarified that they have to do improvements to the creek because of requirements of Zone 7 and there will be trees lost as a result of this requirement. Improvements to the creek will result in some tree loss. It has nothing to do with the road that Public Works wants, however. She addressed the concept of not putting in the hiking trail at this time. The project has always had this requirement. They absolutely have to be grading by May. Condition 3 of their Tentative Map was referenced She has been told if it isn't completed this evening or a different approval of the development agreement, it could cancel the approval they have of the tentative map. She questioned if this meant they couldn't submit their SDR. Would they come back at the next meeting or do they have to start from a new application and noticing. The second aspect Ms. Buxton discussed related to the physical. How would they define it if they don't know exactly where the 8' hiking trail will be. How will they define where this is if there is a lag in construction. What impact does this have on other departments that have responsibility. Do the Police feel they can adequately police it? It seems that the City has now become the Applicants. They want to work with the City, but she relayed earlier experiences where they agreed with delays and it became very complicated and there were a lot more issues than they anticipated. em. Moffatt stated at one time it was going to be a road and he thought there was going to be some housing there. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME U REGULAR MEETING March 13,1995 PAGE 188 . . Ms. Buxton stated no it was always going to be a hiking trail. The discussion was whether the trail would be 8' or 12' wide. If it were dedicated, it was to have been a combination 12' trail/road. It got the road designation in 1989 because public safety was going to drive on it. After this was reviewed, they came back and presented another option, an 8' trail. It was always supposed to be a hiking trail, initially just to serve the Hansen Ranch development. Cm. Moffatt asked about Martin Canyon Road as he thought that was going to cut across from the north side to the south side. Ms. Buxton explained that was during the EIR process but this was never a part of their consideration. They are going through Valley Christian Center for their secondary access. Fay Garriente, stated she had hiked on a lot of trails, none of which was ever 12' wide. Even in the EBRPD system, the trails are only 8' wide. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people have worked on building trails in the Bay Area. Trails encourage positive things like getting outdoors, and enjoying the environment. The negative things happen because people don't appreciate the environment. She would be more concerned about fast food places. They cause more litter problems than people who tend to use hiking trails. It was inconceivable to her that the City Council would even consider postponing building the trail. This would be like putting in streets last. You get all these things in first and then you put houses in. You don't not have schools because a few bad people don't appreciate it and spray graffiti on it. Tom Carr spoke stated he also spoke on February 27, and summarized his comments. He agreed with Councilmembers Moffatt and Burton that we have nothing to lose by putting the money in escrow and take a look at the plan. Hansen Hills project means we will get new tax revenue with 180 homes. It will gain interest and we don't need to rush in now with a half plan. Most of the East Bay trails are 8' wide. Let's pick one good road. Scaring the land twice doesn't make sense to him. Staff needs to do a better job and look at Phase I and Phase II and we need to figure out how this will happen. We have had a 100 year flood this last year and the creek is doing fine. The arguments have been well presented. Dennis Wakaluk, Rolling Hills Circle felt everyone would like to see a hiking trail and the benefits. He brought up the loss of trees. Anybody that wants to use the trail will have to park on Silvergate Drive. The area then becomes a parking lot. We need to look at the long term and do it right Possibly there could be another area with adequate parking. Christine Davis Winding Trail stated she was puzzled by why it is necessary to restructure the creek bed which will potentially take out trees for a creek or dry stream bed. This area is bone dry a vast majority of the time so what ore we worried about restricting it and losing a *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 189 . . lot of trees. She would not choose to go hiking along a dry stream bed and with particularly with the many houses along the area. To go hiking means to go into an area where you can feel more in the country. There really isn't a draw for this particular hiking trail. Ms. Buxton stated the area next to the townhouses is not open to the public. The closest homes to the proposed 8' hiking trail would be the first 2 houses in their development. After that it gets further and further away. The trees that stay are quite dense and heavily treed and you won't even see the hiking trail. The type of work that has to be done on the creek has always been there. It isn't that flooding could happen in that area, it's the downstream flooding. They are going to restrict the flow so there won't be downstream flooding and so the road won't erode close to the houses. They have revised their plan from 5 years ago and are going with a much more natural look. Hans Heydorn, 11430 Winding Trail Lane questioned if this additional service road is built. if a fence will be part of the project? The townhomes come in clusters of 4 or 5 and if no fence is there someone could park and meet someone along the trail. There is a rusty barbed wire fence there now. Mr. Tong showed a slide illustrating where the meadow area is and stated the K&B townhouses are to the north. The access for public vehicles only which will be on the north side of the creek will be fenced and gated at Martin Canyon Road and this will restrict access by the general public. With regard to the parking issue, the access trail will not actually link up to Silvergate Drive, but through the interior of the project. There will be hundreds of feet at the head of the trail. Anyone parking would probably park in the cul- de-sac and the new neighbors would probably help enforce this type of a situation. Ms. Buxton stated they will build a fence. Karol Ruppenthal 11416 Winding Trail stated she had heard the dispute about where the property line is, and asked if any part of the culvert that runs right under the decks was part of the Hansen property? Ms. Buxton stated they think the culvert is on the townhouse properties. Ms. Ruppenthal stated there is a giant oak tree just below Ms. Kasdan's property. She asked if this in jeopardy? Ms. Buxton stated the maintenance road would not cause any trees to come out. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 190 e e Mayor Houston stated he felt the tree would not have to come out. There are a couple of limbs that might have to be trimmed. He also felt this to be a very nice tree. Mayor Houston closed the public hearing. Cm. Burton stated he personally would not approve the trail, however, on the other hand he does not want to jeopardize the project. He felt it was worthwhile to study it and cover some of the concerns. After 6 years, we are down to the final strokes. We aren't able to satisfy everyone. We should go ahead with the project as presented. It's a shame that it has been so long since we've built new homes where people could move into Dublin. Mayor Houston stated he had an idea regarding the cost restrictions of building this trail later on. This really isn't feasible. The big problem is that originally this was to link up with a larger system at some time in the future. His main objection is that there is no parking for a stand alone park. What's wrong with the idea of building the trail and restrict its access until such time as some of the others up above can be connected to it? We could gate it off and in the future when we have proper staging areas, it would make more sense to open it up. em. Moffatt asked if the cul-de-sac island area is this fairly steep or if it could be transformed into some type of parking area. Mr. Tong stated the island was supposed to be a landscaped area. He showed the main loop road that will connect to Valley Christian Center. They anticipate that most of the users will be residents of the area and will walk. He showed where others would be able to park. The island could physically be changed to a parking lot. There are a number of trees, but he wasn't exactly sure whether the island was heavily wooded or not. Cm. Burton felt that as an option this could be reviewed. Mayor Houston asked about how many parking spaces were on the street. Ms. Buxton stated she thought there was no parking allowed in the area Mayor Houston questioned. They specifically planned this for no parking. Mr. Tong stated on Silvergate Drive, about 10 to 15 vehicles could be accommodated. Cm. Barnes stated she went up and took a look and heard concerns. We have some situations now in the area. When they hiked up there more than 6 years ago, they saw a lot of problems even at that time. She likes the idea of a hiking trail for all residents of the *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 191 e e community. We have 26,000 people and a lot of those would like to have a hiking trail. She hates to see us take a NIMBY attitude. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Barnes, and by majority vote, the Council waived the reading and adopted ORDINANCE NO.4 - 95 APPROVING AMENDMENT TO PA 91-099 HANSEN RANCH PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Mayor Houston voted against the motion. """""..""""~.., SALE OF EXCESS PROPERTY SAN RAMON ROAD @ DUBLIN BOULEVARD AND REVIEW OF CONDITIONS OF SALE (670-80) Public Works Director Thompson presented the Staff Report and advised that at the February 27, 1995, City Council meeting, the Council determined to postpone action on this item until after approval of the PETCO project by the Planning Commission. In response to concern regarding a large evergreen tree on the excess City right-of-way, City Staff is proposing that the City retain the portion of the property surrounding the trees and continue to maintain the trees themselves. Mr. Thompson explained that the sale price is proposed to be $8.71 per square foot. The total sale amount would depend on the total square footage ultimately sold to Thomas Properties. On March 6, the Planning Commission approved the PETCO store project, with the large tree to be retained in a parking lot island. Under the project as approved by the Planning Commission, the City was to retain ownership of the large evergreen tree and to be responsible for its maintenance. The decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by Cm. Barnes on March 7, 1995. The appeal will be considered by the City Council at the March 27, 1995, City Council meeting. In order to proceed with the project within time frames, the Applicant must have an indication from the City that it will sell him some property. Mr. Thompson stated this item would set the amount of money to charge the developer if he buys the property. A revised resolution was distributed. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 192 e e em. Moffatt asked if the property is to be sold includes the cedar tree? Lee stated if in fact the CC approves that plan at the next meeting, the City would hold onto that and maintain it. The corner would remain with the City and we would only sell the part they need. Eric Hasseltine, representing the developer and applicant discussed the site plan approved by the Planning Commission last week which was displayed. This involves the sale of approximately 10,000 square feet necessitated by the size of the building and parking requirements, plus access/egress. Concern about the trees arose. They did propose to save the large cedar. They propose to add about a dozen trees but they do propose to remove the 10" and the 12" trees on the corner. It is of some importance and consequence to the owner/applicant related to the prospect of closing the deal with UNOCAL this week and not having a firm deal of approval of the project on March 27th. He feels the frontage property is important to the current project on the site. They want to compromise and take as little as possible away from the site, but at the same time take enough to preserve the trees. They are, once again, adding a number of trees to the site. Without jumping the gun on the appeal, the City Council almost has to make 0 decision about how much they want to sell. The San Ramon Road Specific Plan allows for a 25% decrease in parking if evidence is warranted. The Planning Commission found that the reduction was warranted. They would appreciate knowing exactly what the City intends to do on the sale of this property. Mr. Hasseltine advised that the architect and owner were also present. Mr. Thompson clarified that both of the plans displayed have 40 parking spaces, but they are just configured in different locations. Mr. Hasseltine stated they are concerned about losing 1 or 2 of the spaces. Cm. Moffatt stated the trees were more important because this is one of the gateways into the City of Dublin. He would like to soften this up and not have 30' signs of dogs wagging their tales. He doesn't want to see Las Vegas type signage. He wants to make sure the ambiance is not interfered with. Mr. Hasseltine stated they are very flexible on this and the Planning Commission okayed a sign. They need to go through the appeal hearing, but they still need to know what the City will do with regard to selling the property. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 193 e e em. Burton stated selling the property is one issue and the tree saving is another issue. He asked why they didn't take the part north of the entrance and use this as tradeoff to keep the corner? Mr. Thompson stated in the past, other properties that have been sold were a part of the property. The Springs might object to losing part of their frontage. Cm. Burton felt it was not likely that people will use the parallel parking spaces, but they are satisfying their requirements by having these. Mr. Hasseltine stated this was correct. They feel they have ample parking for the use but they are coming up against the maximum variance allowed by the code. Cm. Barnes stated she liked the appearance of the corner. Her problem is with the sign, but that will be discussed at the appeal. Mr. Hasseltine stated it would be helpful to know if there were concerns related to where the sign is to be located. Mr. Tong stated if the City maintains the property on the corner, a private sign would not be allowed for placement at that location. Mr. Ambrose pointed out where the sign would have to be if the corner is not sold to the applicant. The one sign would be above the driveway on San Ramon Rood. Mr. Hasseltine stated they will also have signs on the building. Mr. Ambrose explained that one of the reasons for the City to retain the property would be to prohibit a sign from being located on it. Concerns about the City's sale of the property were appropriate to be discussed at this time. Cm. Barnes asked if on the drawings the light green represented existing trees. Mr. Ambrose stated this was correct and showed the path area and the proposed new path on the drawing. Mr. Hasseltine stated they can live with the designs. Cm. Barnes commented that the sign cannot, by our current ordinance be on that corner. *********************************************************************************************************** ClTY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 194 e e Ms. Silver stated the sale does not approve the location of the sign. Mayor Houston pointed out that they don't want to buy and not be able to put a sign there. Mr. Thompson showed where the property line would be Richard Garriante, Rhoda Avenue expressed his appreciation for the City Council being available. He expressed concerns with the project. There are really no neighbors here, but we should really consider the future for the City with regard to this piece of property. They use the trail a lot. We should consider that this is a gateway entrance to the City. This is a treasure right now. It has some historical value and has some beauty value. Livermore just turned one of their little rose gardens into a peace park. He felt this was like trying to put a square peg into a round hole. He was surprised that they had gotten as far into this as they have. The City should go back and look at what they really want to do for the future of Dublin. He is bothered by calling this excess property. If this were put to a vote, how would people feel about selling this land? He has only lived here for 3 years but takes great pride in the community. The building is just too big for this site. Don't sell the property. Think about what could fit on that property. The Springs apartments there really have a nice setting. He likes the look because it is natural. He would like to see an area with a bench and a sign saying, "Dublin welcomes you". This could be right next to the business. What's driving this is the parking. Tom Ford, Tina Place Briarhill, stated this is the entrance to his home area. He is very sensitive about this. Vision is very important. Aesthetics and beauty are important. Landscaping enhances business. Years ago, a lot of walnut trees were removed when San Ramon Road was widened. The service station across the street when it was remodeled removed a very large tree. A bank facility which was beautiful and which had several large trees was removed and a fast food restaurant went in with much less landscaping. He discussed delayed City landscaping projects. A lot of vegetation has been lost and has not been replaced. A key point is Dublin must remain competitive with surrounding cities. We definitely have an image problem here in Dublin. Let's keep the green in Dublin, particularly with St. Patrick's day coming up. Janet Lockhart spoke as President of the Chamber of Commerce and commended everyone here for the effort of compromise. Do the best for residents and do the best for the business community. New business can support all our efforts to make Dublin a better place to live. She also commended the people from PETCO in working with the changes to maintain the aesthetics of that corner. With progress comes change and it's not always bad. Corners where there are healthy thriving businesses as well as trees are important. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 195 e e On motion of Cm. Moffatt, seconded by Cm. Burton, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 30 - 95 APPROVING SALE OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY (NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAN RAMON ROAD & DUBLIN BOULEVARD) TO THOMAS PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS Mr. Hasseltine stated there is some soil work going on on the site and the soil needs to be recompacted on the site. He wanted to make sure no one misinterprets the activity going on at the site. """'.~' HERITAGE CENTER RENOVATION CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER #2 (600-30) Parks & Community Services Director Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that a severe leaking problem has been discovered in the bell tower of the old St. Raymond's Church, due to improper past repairs. If the situation is allowed to continue, the Church interior and structural support will be severely compromised. The estimated cost increase as submitted by Skyline Construction is $21.833.96 and 20 additional working days are required. Additionally, Staff recommended that a 5% contingency be added to the amount to allow for additional inspection costs associated with the increased work and the additional working days. Consequently, this will increase the cost of the Heritage Center Renovation to a total of $241,175. Cm. Moffatt asked about the old historical siding and if it could be saved and reused? Ms. Lowart explained that if you look closely, the bell tower has shifted over the years and it would be a lot more cost effective to use the siding in the church and purchase additional siding. Cm. Moffatt asked if you mix the new and the old could you still use it and cut down some of the costs? Ms. Lowart advised the architects and contractor don't feel this could be done. Cm. Burton asked if the cost includes getting rid of the bees? Ms. Lowart stated there are no bees there anymore, just honey. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 196 e e Mayor Houston felt we are in deep, so we have to do it. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council approved the Change Order and Budget Change Form. .At:. .,y" AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN REGIONAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH PROJECT (600-301 Management Assistant Barker presented the Staff Report and advised that the City of San Ramon has acted as the lead agency for coordinating a regional photography project. The approach was structured in a manner which attempted to provide a cost sharing arrangement for all participants. The City of San Ramon has extended an opportunity for the City of Dublin to participate in the project, which will potentially provide information at a lower cost than the City would incur if the information were gathered solely for one agency. Mr. Barker advised that the total cost for Dublin's portion of the project is estimated to be $41,031, assuming that all agencies identified with interests similar to Dublin participate. This funds a full set of printed aerial photos in addition to the electronic conversion of the photos. Without the multi-jurisdictional cooperation, Staff estimated that the same project would cost approximately $97,080. A budget adjustment for $6,613 is necessary for Fiscal Year 1994-95 to fund initial phases of the project. The remainder of the project $34,400 will need to be budgeted in Fiscal Year 1995-96. Mr. Barker advised that the data collected by this project is only one element of data which could be applied to a Geographic Information System (GIS). The Master Plan assumed that permit tracking and other parcel related data would be implemented prior to the implementation of GIS software. The GIS implementation is scheduled for Fiscal Year 1996- 97. The ability to manipulate aerial photography on the computer is done through GIS applications, thus, the GIS program must be purchased prior to implementing full use of the electronic maps. em. Burton felt that every time we get a new computer, the old one is obsolete. He asked about #2 on second page. Mr. Barker stated we have the GIS software projected in 1996-97, so aerial photography works in conjunction with that. The benefits that we receive out of our $40,000 will be quite a tremendous customer service tool. Mr. Ambrose stated our current base mapping system was done in 1983. If you go to a counter and are looking at a piece of property, everything that has occurred since then is *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 197 e e not on the maps. At some point, we have to update those maps. We did successive overlays on that base map up until about 1986. A lot of the agencies around us are saying they are not going to the old paper maps. By getting this on the computer we are able to get a lot more accurate information and an inventory to see what's on specific sites. There are also some other applications. Last year, we didn't even think this was in the financial ball park. The other agencies are going to be moving at this time so we have a window of opportunity to participate. Cm. Burton asked how we update this? Mr. Ambrose stated the developers these days are designing their projects on computer. They will design it in a format compatible with our system. The information will go into the data processing system. Mr. Barker stated it is possible to overlay them because the City is being surveyed Cm. Burton questioned why we will have to pay $41,000 when we could get our own system for about $100,000. Mr. Ambrose stated it depends on what areas we want to fly. Each agency decides what areas they want flown. Mr. Barker pointed out that all of us share in certain areas. Mr. Rankin advised that San Ramon has coordinated the whole thing and in the case of Cable TV, the numbers they are participating in is much fewer for their purposes. Mr. Ambrose advised that Staff recognizes this is a lot of money, but Staff felt it was an opportunity that needed to be brought before the City Council. Mayor Houston asked when they are going to fly? Mr. Barker stated they wanted to fly yesterday. Mr. Ambrose advised that if a number of other agencies drop out, we may come back and say don't participate. They are trying to fly right away to beat the tree bloom. Cm. Moffatt asked if there is a chance we can spin some of this map off and sell the developers some of it. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 198 e e Mr. Barker stated they are discussing this as it relates to the Public Records Act. There are some issues we need to nail down in the agreement. Do we own it exclusively? It may come down that we don't want to own it, but just be licensed to use it.. We will work with the City Attorney to hammer out some of the issues. On motion of Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council conceptually approved of the City's participation in the project and directed Staff to finalize an agreement with other jurisdictions for approval by the City Council at a future meeting. """" "'.......+........ REVIEW OF PROCESS BY WHICH PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR AND PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES CHAIR APPOINT PEOPLE TO COMMITTEES (610-201 Mayor Houston commented under the Other Business section of the February 27, 1995, agenda that he felt the Planning Commission and the Parks & Community Services Commission should be subject to the same rules as the Mayor and City Council with regard to making appointments. Mayor Houston stated he brought this up and was surprised to learn that the Chair of these other groups can just make appointments. A confirmation of the majority of the body is important. Mayor Houston asked with regard to the Heritage Center Advisory Committee if the 2 DHPA members would be voting members? Ms. Lowart responded yes they would be able to vote. Cm. Barnes stated she sat on the Planning Commission for almost 9 years, some of that time as Chair, and asked when she ever appointed anybody? Mr. Tong confirmed that the Planning Commission has not appointed anyone. Mayor Houston felt there could be a situation in the future with any of the groups. There may be opportunities in the future. It won't happen nearly as much as the City Council, but it should be the same all across the board. It should follow the same regulations as the City Council. Cm. Burton read from the bylaws and stated he felt minor modifications could be made. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 199 e e Mr. Ambrose stated he felt in the bylaws there were some areas for interpretation. Some of the language seems to be a little vague. Cm. Moffatt questioned if the City Council should make the bylaws rather than the groups themselves. City Attorney Silver stated that the Planning Commission Ordinance says the Commission shall adopt bylaws. If the Council wanted to adopt the bylaws, the Ordinance would have to be amended. Cm. Moffatt stated he felt the bylaws should be brought before the City Council for approval. Mayor Houston felt whatever we need to do to change the bylaws, they should be changed to say the Chair makes the appointment with the approval of a majority of the group. This just makes sense. Cm. Burton pointed out that the Chair rotates by a consensus of the group. Cm. Barnes stated she was uncomfortable because she felt there was a separate agenda going on. Cm. Moffatt suggested that the City Council go through the bylaws and make any changes. The City Council can create the changes or concepts in the bylaws. em. Burton felt that all that is needed is a change in one or two sentences. Mayor Houston stated he was in favor of reviewing the bylaws. Mr. Ambrose stated if you look at some of the other agencies such as DRFA, the City Council adopted the MOU and then the group adopted their own bylaws. The City Council approved the Parks & Community Services Commission bylaws, but the Planning Commission adopted their bylaws. Cm. Burton suggested some wording changes on page 2 of the Planning Commission bylaws and also on page 2 of the Parks & Community Services Commission bylaws. You could say, "the chairperson. . . upon approval of the commission". Maxine Jennings felt some word smithing was what was needed. She was under the impression that it takes more to change bylaws than rules and procedures. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 200 e e Mr. Ambrose explained that it is set by the Council's previous actions. The terms bylaws and rules of procedure are used interchangeably. The City Council would need to modify the ordinance for the Planning Commission and the Resolution in the case of the Parks & Community Services Commission. Cm. Moffatt felt it would be good to standardize all the documents. Ms. Silver stated the Municipal Code would have to be amended. Currently the code gives the Planning Commission the authority to adopt bylaws. Cm. Burton suggested letting the Planning Commission change the wording. Ms. Silver confirmed that the City Council could suggest that the Planning Commission change their bylaws. Mayor Houston asked if the Council was conceptually in agreement? Cm. Barnes stated she did not see this as a problem. Mayor Houston felt with the Parks & Community Services Commission, we may have other committees and he felt it should be standardized to say the Chair makes the appointment and the others must confirm. He felt the City Council should be making the rules and bylaws and not the commissions. Mayor Houston made a motion, which was seconded by Cm. Moffatt to just make that portion of the bylaws conform to the same guidelines that the City Council now has. This motion was defeated due to NO votes cast by Cm.'s Barnes, Burton and Howard. "..""'..,..".."-~.... OTHER BUSINESS Upcominq Meetinq Reminders (610-05) Mr. Ambrose advised that the Graffiti Task Force would be meeting tomorrow afternoon. The Pleasanton liaison committee will meet at 6 p.m., on Wednesday. The Dublin Unified School District liaison committee will meet on Wednesday afternoon. """"",.".......,...,.."...".... *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 201 e e ABAG Subreqional Pilot Proqram Meetinqs (140-10) em. Barnes stated she was asked by Millie Greenberg several times to attend the ABAG Pilot Program meeting this mornings. She was concerned that the meeting should be noticed. Mr. Ambrose advised that Staff notices these meetings. Cm. Moffatt asked if the other agencies notice these? Staff responded that they did not know how the other agencies handle noticing. Cm. Barnes advised of a problem at the meetings, and asked if we can get a 30 cup pot of coffee. Ms. Lowart stated someone would have to make it at 7 a.m. We don't have a pot that large. Mayor Houston asked if Staff could get another coffee pot down in the Regional Meeting Room. '" 'HH'~' City Reception (610-50) Cm. Barnes thanked Kay Keck and Diane Lowart for putting together the reception tonight just prior to the City Council meeting. It was good to see a hometown young man given the business. Joe Rodrigues, Valley Catering catered the event. It was very well done. Cm. Burton commented that it is nice to have a person like Cm. Barnes on the Council. , ",... St. Patrick's Dav Sidewalk Sales ((450-50) Cm. Burton stated the City sends out a zoning clearance application form for people who are going to put things out at St. Patrick's day. The form doesn't define what they are applying for. Maybe we should look at this a little differently. *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 202 e e Mr. Ambrose and Staff advised that we have a whole packet of information that typically goes out with the form that Cm. Burton had. There was reference in the Chamber of Commerce newsletter to this form. Cm. Burton suggested that "Sidewalk Sales" be put sales across the top of the form. Mr. Ambrose stated Staff can work closer with the Chamber to make this a little more understandable. Ms. Lowart reported that the City made a separate mailing so that businesses were informed about everything. ,..'" Leaque of CA Cities Maqazine Article (140-20) Mayor Houston brought up the subject of an article in the LOCC magazine about deep cuts in the Block Grant program as part of cost cutting back in Washington. He asked if Staff was following this? There might be something coming down the pike that we need to look at. Mr. Ambrose stated they propose to take about a dozen different programs and pare them down. Staff is getting information the same way the City Council is. We will make sure we are in c lose touch with Alameda County Community Development staff. Some programs might not impact us as much. Staff is aware of this. Cm. Moffatt advised that he is on the policy committee of the League and there will be a meeting on March 31. They are aware of this also. ,.. "",..".,.......+ ..........--------........ CLOSED SESSION At 10:37 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed session to conference with Legal Counsel 1) Anticipated Litigation (640-30) - Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) and (3)(A) - One potential case and 2) Government Code Section 54957, Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Title: City Attorney (600-30). *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13,1995 PAGE 203 e e REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTION City Attorney Silver announced that no action was taken. ..~' ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. 'HH."..._+................... ' Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk , H H H~' *********************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNClL MINUTES VOLUME 14 REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1995 PAGE 204