HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.2 MayorApptsCtyCom CITY CLERK File # D[]J[1]raJ-[a][ill . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 7,1997 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS A TT ACHED: Planning Commission Robert M. Fasulkey * Ralph D. Hughes * Maxine Jennings * Tony Oravetz * Karen Jacobs Morgan D. King Edward Knight George A. Zika . Mayor's Appointments to City Commissions/Committees Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk Copy of Ads which ran in the Valley Times and Tri-Valley Herald Applications submitted by the December 10, 1996 deadline Parks & Community Services Commission Senior Center Advisory Committee Mary Lou Bielke * Mary E. Gibbert * Paul A. Silvas * Gigi Hedley Martin Sirlin Cynthia Cobb-Adams * Eric N. Swalwell * Randy B. Cahn Steven A. Jones Veda Knight Randall W. Young Heritage Center Advisory Committee Mary Beth Acuff * Russ Liggett * Angela Muetterties * RECOMMENDATIONa~' FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Confirm Mayor's appointments to the various Boards or provide appropriate direction to Staff None DESCRIPTION: Following the November 5, 1996 City election, Staff was directed to advertise openings on the various Commissions/Committees. El.annin~ Commission Sixteen people requested Applications; and 8 were completed and returned by the deadline. Subsequent to advertising for the 3 vacancies as a result of term expiration, Planning Commissioner Steve Lockhart resigned, thus creating a fourth opening on the Planning Commission. Mayor Houston recommends the appointment of Bob Fasulkey, Ralph Hughes, and Maxine Jennings to terms expiring in December of2000 on the Planning Commission and the appointment of Tony Oravetz to fill the remainder of Mr. Lockhart's Planning Commission term which expires in December of 1998. . ~----------~----~~---------~~~-~-------~-~~-~-----~---~----~- COPIES TO: Applicants HI cc-fo rm sl a gdastm t.d oc ITEM NO. 7.2 Parks & Community Services Commission Twelve people requested Applications; and 6 were completed and returned by the deadline. Mayor Houston recommends the appointment of Cynthia Cobb-Adams and Eric Swalwell to terms . expiring in December of2000 on the Parks & Community Services Commission.. Senior Center Advisory Committee Five people requested Applications; and 5 were completed and returned by the deadline. Mayor Houston recommends the appointment of Mary Lou Bielke, Mary Gibbert and Paul Silvas to terms expiring in December of 2000 on the Senior Center Advisory Committee. Herita~e Center Advisory Committee Six people requested Applications; and 3 were completed and returned by the deadline. Prior to being elected to the City Council, Cm. Lockhart served on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee with a term expiring in December of 1998. Mayor Houston recommends the appointment of Mary Beth Acuff and Angela Muetterties to terms expiring in December of 2000 on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee and the appointment of Russ Liggett to fill the remain4er of Cm. Lockhart's term expiring in December of 1998. Staff recommends that the City Council confirm the Mayor's appointments to the various Boards and direct Staff to notify all Applicants, or provide other appropriate direction. Page 2 . . ~ ~t=: , .Q. .L - bJ) ~ :Q Q.) Q.) 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'" '" ,. - ~ .. a~S'''i:'a S-5l';>~"j ....:tOus.s: $,.r::g;!J's E@:OS~~E.... - ~s ~ 0 aJ"d::<8 osCtl'~ ~1J ~ OJ 0.... ~ @~ 0 g s., P::~g-tJliJU ~ ... .. g\)' ~ ~J u-5 fa'8- u-5 g.1]] ~-5'~'8.-2~ ': ~ ~"'282 p~~ 8.o<:'b~ m& .... .:::J ~~1~~ U ... -;;:l b.O sm... oC '-'[:>'2 ~ u or.: 3 <lJ ::: - ~ :t ctl '" ~ ..,.. H aJ 0 ... '- . ..... ;,r' ~ 2 ....," -_ """ ,~~ ......U)~biJ -- aJaJ :.:jU..o..o!l)U:>, "_l~ "'~III.J.-~I' .;;.' 'S.c.=8::: J:iEil,E:.5 8E~<lJEr.: .'@1i'EE~.~O ~5~g;C?~1j" .~ v..\.:<V~/a ~ g ~ 0 ~ @ -5 '> "d ..g .S -5 C -5 @'s ~ OJ c..... g;) ~ 0 ~ c;:;..... ~ JiR~ ~ ~ ~E~0:S ~~~@a ~~~~U~ ~~(38~2 bUQ~u3~ .. 4.4.....4.4...4.4~4..4 . I IL.:\JCI V cU DEe 2 1996 i7 .. en Y Ur- UUtiLIN NAME K~bert ~ (f15ulf(p/ DATE f{ 1~1Iq~ . ADDRESS 117&1(/0//2 (c.j~ J pug L- i ty t eft TELEPHONE # (HONIE) t;'i{J. 8;2. ? - 6 ~ tf 9 PLANNING. COMMISSION APPUCATION (WORK) (&13_(;.3 - 30;< 0 ( 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? (cAd Ltc lr(puf is grow b-h. t FeeL /l l r <:JT f iol/ €cfecR /:; Lr ( fical . tc? +-Jvrf , tll-N ~ I [-Ju:Jse 2. What is your lUlOwledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning'! j fill (,ItS j,JoR;I E J of:- /4.//4 ( (S5 tteS . (l/wl1-rrlf! w ITI( L~ Ir/( ~1I5e~(!;-J(r /Ijr./O f(fG;ll'r ItV ellRtfl;R hJoRt!. f /II'( ZeJl.(i}Jq 4>> f) fFRH iT tf~~ C!(r-t/.ttE.AJ(S. 3. I-Iow do you feel about Dublin's future growth'! G /lJUrrf{ rki17 fAt' u' i /.. L fllltfliJl ;#vt/J (T ll'//;- I NC/:-6fJffJ; -tAe. e,t 6f/N'j C (1-r'- IS ctfl (1'ef1J. Ch,.qHj eS f.t-l f EJ 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? w!4t1e 5ilff' /;-)/71 Cl/'dl~;i. (5 t /lU"1/f/c!?P U rJ 6efJ1ltf'Y CAfl ;vf~c6' \ 0 f eut/eNI 6v5r'jVe.J.r~ /ftv cI r- (Ii "2 eNS I f."J 5. What type(s) of housing do we need'! . 4- JY1;Xtt~~F LJt fv&I~Y {rtt'S Iv (II , tI1 L( t' /Vf 0 J-I./C L et/El>. , 6. What do you think are the Inajor concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? 1~//e <j1'6dl 6il/t{ dii,.~~-t- f,.ofo( ~Ap . f/ IIJ. t ,-UIr of fJ, of pt'€SCN -f u (-/. 61'0I.;.r/;J. 1&7/ tof'(e ...t::inJ ~if ~ 6 t!' ~I!oj (Jtf lJ/of1e'~fv' U I V / What, if anything, should be done h) enhance Dublin's business districts'! 1<(J(:f' lIe tou-c~ N' /('/l!t",,vs of€'p -Jj,rou j J -Ii! <( f'!- flfi { F tJ f .fI{ <.f' bust}.l e ~s /eil d!/ :(4?,(.1 ?-(ift,~(Jf'./J/c>*:A5 wf/4r11//f!.r{v &WJ/t{l'f./;<9 !<f?r' 8. What, if dnytIfing, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? .4 ~1 eN /1/t'S Ju lId /.if IV ?t'f/v j 7. COI'l( //ll fl j /;.y" -/ ( c::( ;es. re'8- /A'tf't'~ Iv ( . 9. flow do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors'! 1'- er/~t:f ~)".I &h(5 1A.1{<< h/lIT~#, .:l /t'f'e iLl z: Mil 61(71(0;1,/.6/'4&- ~/ll U;:rj7;j;ldr v(~t,"'SrONS ;Ifr-t' '/I"lfft/ e- /Z,. ;4 uhl<j)er 9~~' 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? ;:::- PI'Orct'SE b V!M:l bIlLrTJ./ucI- S 1(/ III order to be considered by tlte k a r for appointmellt to the Plallllillg Cummissiull, please _ return this completedform tu the ttelltiull uf Kay Keek, City Clerk, 100 Cil'ic Plaza, P. 0. Bux 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.I1l., Tuesday, December 10, 1996. . KIIFlapptmtslappftJrms/fqrm_pc. dtJe PLANNING COMMiSSION APPUCATION HECEIVED DEe 6 1996 ,..... r r"ll f CiTY Of DUBLIN DATE \ 'L - .::> ..-VI \:J NAlVIE \(0\ ~ ~ \) \-\ UJ1h GS' . ADDRESS lSe~ Gr \q~(\ ~('- i)u- \;\ \~ TELEPHONE # (HOME) ($"( U") 8 2- <1 ~ 0 b '2. (WORK) (S-lO') vi 'L~ ct'1-CO 1. Why are you interested ill serving on the Planning Commission? L{\J 0d U\ tv~ \ \. C\ <:'\ '()ce l q e 5> O~\J \JQfG\ \ Mert'8-E? d \ ~'\. C\ ~'--\ '-to (( ,0 \.J-t\") C'- ~6\ C\~ \.1 ~ \ D~ \"(\Q \{')J- . . 2. What is your IUlOwledgc of and experience in Planning and Zoning'! \fOc.:k\C\'~ D\\-\C)\\'IQV\ 0~QC(C~\\?\{\q l'{\. hU['l(\tr;\ G~J'( r ~ CJ PC~0\--~f:+(k \'1. (Ie 61-( u (\~) Ct. (\cx l Wi C\ 0 ~''fo '1\ ) . 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth'! l\lY, P0~~J..~2,\ fl.\) {\)~t0 r(! (~C0LJ-\~. C-~D\ <2vrL({'c'\\{\~l '\,~~ . ., \ \ L, .1" r- .', '," ^ '." \ I ", '1'\ \'0 \" \.) ~ \ \ \ \ ~-; l (,,\ \. \. U. \. TI '\ 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? T(\,{ C'\Al-! ~+~ u'1 0\ CD ~H)~\,'Q~'\-(: pd lc CtJ C ~ CC.r~' ( (oj' vi Clx( - (\.~oJ\ cf Q(}~ \W,l,I) /f6'tQC:t-' O\\c{J QO'\,'(\)\JQC\/\\\Q. C\.-\\..j - \ ' ~\\.-:-U \d dD ,"0~~~- \\-- \:C~\\ ~u \'EJ'\~G\}{ ~ ~-.QC\_\~C\~~ G(')O~ <2~~ ? \ CA-+{~ -t 1'-..1. ~ ('O~ 12 (;f . 5. What type(s) of housing do we need'! . \'\J ~\ ~ \ +2 ,rhL \ \\ 00 tt\cQ \ Q \J e \ \ ~O~J (' \ t'/i \\~G0 \ d' l\ ~ ~~ (,-tJ \ ' Q\JG\\\C1J\D ~0 {\~'-\ G\\Q \.J~D tJ~\l~~ .-\t) ~1~ \~ C\J~\~\\ 6. Wbat do you thinl{ are tbe nlajor concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? ll~CD~()\l Q (;~ 0\ ~b~\. \ \)\ Q ~(Q M10l rtfQa1r(\~(\}- ([\ O\\Q (}{e~ --\0 -nu C~'\,\\QM ar (}VNf Q(VQ( (\_~ \ Ii GLJ ~ W ~ 0. p(7 Q") . 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts'! ; 0,+1.1\, '~\j9+ 6.X>rJ-(~ W\~~ hU\l"'Q~C Gt~c/I h~ t Q ('> e ' ('\ ZA \ -d \1, \l Q\)\>\ Lj \ ~Ci [) f d \ ('iHv Q r 0. ()6l \' ~?\ \.J \ a-tlDi\,r I ~. ~, ~ 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? ?((y\~'c)-> W~\c1. h~\\.Qf1t ,~ ~",~(-f ~~J't.1 G~C\ - J G~ \ \ \'\') GO \\),Q \ Q\i~\ g ~-J"\ \-~ \ I\') -t"fI.Q C,:\-q. J . 9. How do you feel about Iuaking a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors'! rj\J\_Q 0--~V) \~Q~' Q"" Q~10\\j\~ C\\Jr\~ + '~(~'(-f C\Q () C\Gi\\~ \ lJ \--,) 0\. k"'JI (:,)- 1-\\<2 ~tr\\C-Q Q,D ""N\,0\"i~ \ QJ~~ \ (:"' \ lA.~ ~,() ~ \.A\ 0-, 01" QV~ \1 d ~ \ f\\ Q~~Q.\ ,-to \' 0 ,,~Q 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission'! \ CO-,<Q db/.m} Ci u b l \ '" Q \1e\ \~ I' fu--}v r .((, Q \\el w ) } h. ft, t-j , ~\rJy-~Q.'" LI~C\\(, 0v:: Q)tQ ~)CQ \~ \\~-\ C\C,()\O~ Gd')(i /~rQ \")(' c: un 0 ~/'! 0 t,;"r\ ~,~\ l ~ CD ~\ m I 0(\u 1) N'--o. \(~ s;'Du j\61 ~I~AW~ f =--./)1) tiA0 \ OCCUPATION O-W;.[\\Dv! . . J I III order to be cOllsidered by the lYfayor for appoilltment to tile Plallning Commissiun, please returll this completed Jorm to the attentioll uJ Kay Keek, City Clerk, 100 Ci vie Plaza, P. 0. Box 2340, Dublill, CA 94568 by 4:00 JJ.Jn, Tuesday, December 10, 1996. K'/F/al'ptmts/al'l'forms/j'orm-pc. doc " ..~'I)'""", FROM; DUBLIN \=IF.J.1GR _OEE.::_.~!.0..:.~=:2.:?- f,651 . 1'.__ __ ... TO=~"ra 8291219 F'Fi~~:01 C~1?6 96 1?:43 PLANNiNG COMMllSSlON APPL,ICA TION .. ;"rf.. .-.;i.u:'..:t',....,.. ij!/._1...,.'.,.. _~"..... I . ~ ; NAME MAXINE JENNINGS DATE AUJDItESSl1717 SILVERGATE DRIVE~ DUBLIN, CA. 94568 Decembe-r6,1996 TELEPHONE # (HOME) 51 n!87F\-"IfLM (WORK) 5101 829-8100 I, Why UI.e you interested in sCI'ving 011 the Plnnning COlUlnissiuu? I am v9ry int~r~st~d in serving ~ full term as a planninR commissioner. I completed the term of a p~eyious apointee. There are certain crite~ia ~equired to serve rnfHH' ::Ir~ r;mPJ A"0l~1,,1..,.;1-it-:r, "(lnn-j11Agffiont"al "'t-t-iru.d,Ql Ani1-it-y to tnOlkp ~ decisions that may be unpopular, but be able to justify your dicision with facts!. -SuljIeritTr- commuRicatioR s-kiJ,-ls ;;L.(... ..... must! IU\owi1\~ lllat I.:hc abil":'LJ to li~~cn- is a skill in communitation is vital. 2. 'Yhat Is your kllowl~lIgc of nuu experience In P'laullillg anti ZUlliug'! . I have ~ttended the California League of Cities workshop for New plann~rs and fee.l that only gave all elementary overview of the planning process. "A little K Knowledge can be dangerous" that's wbere I think r. am, however being a student of rapia :l:-e<).d':..g I .......11 c.erlainly efB:1:111~ to ~<,::qui.,c ml1Ch lJN{G knvwlcJoe re~r(jiITS zoning and planning. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's futUl'~ gl'owth? Dublip cp.-rtain+~eeds to eXP~~Lt-.aX bas~..J..f......tha:t c;an ~ a~l1€!ive_d.....9.YJhe orderly, safe. growth of Eastern Dublin then as a long time citizen of the City I am in favor of Growth that will be designed with young families in mind eg.Farks, ~h~walkway~,ecc. 4, \Vhat should the City's position be regarding growth'! Tt WWt1d depand on camprlign promise~ made by p'e~te~ n;f1~i~'~._ ~hp r.ity'~ position should be based upon safety, quality education~ quality ?arks, If those can be provided in an orderly fashion. then we should encourage growth of the right kind. What is th~ Right Kind? Aesthetically Pleasing whether it be conm18rcla~ or resldentlal. . 5. -----.!!~JU S fug for \Vhnt type(s) of housing do we need'! Seniors: 4ffordahlp. F.ntry-]<>uol houoing .,' Single Fa.mily Homes Duetst DEC-06-96 FRI 05:38 PM HOMET9WN.BROKER~~BHG 510 82'91219 P.03 .' ...... lEC-06 96 16: 43 FROM; DUBLn~ CITy MGR OFFC SU?.l-833-6651 To;S10 ee912j.~ EAG)~,: ~~ ' ,___ __w _ G. " \Vhat do you thinl\: 31'C the uudor couccrllS of Dublin residents l-egunling futuJ.c planning? .:l. \ a4.n.s-rH r iOIl . 3, Poor de6f Il of Buildings (Design Review) II h in-But it i6 "too late"" ~ T1..at b,v -t;-h~ ~~,..c LL~ "orJinary e.itise:na" aye. - Thi~pr~c~1ved die en franch~sm~~may be caused by apathy-on the part of t he eft iz enry . 7. What, if anytbing, should be done to enhance Dublin's busjuess districts'! Axe Uil pa.rt of ~y'RoA~l1ela.vwE'nt- Agpnl"Y? Tf nnr,r.hen the Business' ~hould be , e~courd~ed to apply for low-interest loans to enhance landscaping. exterior paint T~o major parcels need re~ itali~ing(they happen to be th~ oldest) Corner of 5~n ~~~nn PoP~ ~~d ~mQ~nr V~llpy (M~ Fru~al ete .) Amador Valley/Village P~rkway North West Corner( Fandago's Bike Shop etc) 8. What, if 3nythh12, should the City Council demand of developers in futUt'e developments'! "Demand?? If we are allo~ved to do this, tb.en I would strongly suggest: they speak witn the Dublin Unified School DistrrcC~to Dialogue . w~tn respect co actenaance areas. This collabrative process may speed up the discu~~ion per~od curr~ntly . p.L~v~ll:l11L III ;::.uu1t:: vI Ll.G 1'''Vl'O~d. dlt...('ll~!lHli!nt:S. ~l?hoQl:!t. P.Arl~g. ope.;;;, space. should be given top priorities in Residential/ D~sign/parking/land6cape/ in Commercia~ developments. 9. l-low do you feel about making a decision for the ovcl'nll good of the cOlnnlunity, but unpopular with some neigbbol'S'! Decisions made for the community should be made with the premi3e that what is good for the many can be tolerated by t:he few. if our neigh:1'mr~ HI l:l UULllrULlll""J,. they may ~onsider a decision unpopular. It has beeu my experience that information and--e?l1'luil8tlons i"Ih-5t11d- m.ako an unfOI:iH'icd neighbor 1lJ,XQTnl..."l II Serving on the Planning Commission should not be considered as a popularity contest It --6-~Vflr. be~~eo ::Ii ..D opportnn1ry tn g1yP inpnt on Whn.t w~ll eventually be "What's Best" for our c:ity, 10. \Vhat is tlle tltost importunt conh'ibutioll you can tllukc as u member of the Planning Commission? Hone8ty~ Fairness, The abil~ty to become familiar with printed m~terial now. r can add some experienc~ r have no hidden agenda, theref~re I am able to examine all components of a project.Make art informed decision, ask questions germain to toe project & most of all be ta~r.!! - ' ~O 'It 1..t~7S ~'l.-1~ ----- OCCUPATION Realtpr wkA; . 111 order tv be cOlIsld<!/"ctl by tJu iHayor fur apPQiutJlzent to the Plalllling C<1Iltmissit.lI', pieas<J rciHn' 1/,;s completedform to the attl!Jttio/J of Kay Keek, City CierI" 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Bax 2340, L>uhlin, CA 94568 by 4:00 1'. ilL, Tuesdtly, December 10, 1996, . . . "'. Name: Tony Oravetz Date: 12-8-96 Address: 7748 Squirrel Creek. Circle Dublin, Ca 94566 Telephone # (HOME) 829-7139 (WORK) 423-6974 RECEIVED DEe 91996 CITY OF UUBLIN 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Their are a variety of reasons that I am interested in the Planning Commission position. The first is my feelings regarding civic pride. I enjoy living in Dublin and I would like others to have that same pride in their city. I have always been interested in using my education and Work experience towards a civic goal. I am willing to spend the extra time and effort to make Dublin a community that all of us can be proud of. I also believe that every citizen, in some part, should do volunteer work in their community. By giving of my time I have had many rewards such as making many new friends and helping improve organizations in Dublin. My resume refers to the different volunteer work that I have completed in the past years. Serving on the Planning Commission would be "my" outstanding contribution to the City of Dublin. 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? I have been a Senior Supervisor at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) since 1982. I have supervised a variety of groups in the Engineering Department. My current assignment is in the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (A VLIS) Program. This program has drawn on all my organizational planning skills in support of this technology transfer project. Facility, safety, design and operations issues our daily events. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? I support the City Councils views/opinions on growth in Dublin. Growth should be planned "one step at a time" taking into consideration all citizens concerns. 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? Well planned, controlled growth should be our position. We should always take into consideration the effect growth will have on city services Le., Police, Fire, Maintenance, Water, Parks etc. 6. What do you thinl{ are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? .-.. -.. . 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts'! 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? . 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors'! 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? SIGNATURE ~ J;;;; (f M OCCUPATION ENG SviV iI-AIL . In order to be cOllsidered by the AIayor for appointmellt to the Plallllillg Commissioll, please return tltis completed form to the attelltion of Kay Kcck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublill, CA 94568 by 4:00IJ.lIL, Tuesday, December 10,1996. if'; Flapptmts/appforms/form-pc. doc PLANNING COMMISSION APPUCATION RECEIVED NOV 14 1996 DATE /1!.~J9snY Vi UUtjLIN I . . NAME ~U#~f)M~ ADDRESS r~3Cl5 /ffAoria- {}jA& rx!J I/h/, n TELEPHONE # (HONlE) &0 8 d- 9 .3 /:5 tj (WORK) / 8IJO 3/0 8000 4 f bc78-/ 1. Why are you interested in serving On the Planning Commission? ~ ~ ~l-- (/1 / h l!a..i? ,~ .1, hi- ./.k,U~'v rbAA.L/O~ /7vd- i/ vi d u,c#-{,d-r/" a.k h .LL-- ~ ~4 /(--,v JiL. ;<?-7~ ? / .' C7.t ?h?'L..-- . 6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? 1 (,/w, . A/t:~ 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts? c9r/rlt-&, ~/ ~ ~0f- ChL.~/ ~ (/ 6L y~ I I / /1)-& /?7It/l il' J~V00 r.-1 brU/V /2 ;!u)'V(/:J ah-d cr /f1"lAAj/ !!u./f;/)./ /(1 .I /2.J 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? WI:", /J[,t(d! /r, ..4-'11./}'a/ ~?~l-;{a fltd-z /~/h;4 /?Z( lclVll1J t4/Xd? uU 7 /!1.A:Cf ~ r'"cr'-ru//rb; / ~lPt: /14.40'- ..J!:/(! r-rL/{-~ I~, /1 d.d/ /J--y[/~ aY F, /}7 dt_~ d// v/ l2-yt/LI? -r' . ~ . 0 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? ~-'1/I/ t' a-?1/1/W -T' K'JLe~41 ,kZ,'LVt (>1 ht-L- (/ / (/ 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? i) . a tfNd~1 //Q/Q k Aftiwtu <J-i:{, IO-a4W~ ~t P j}' " ,u, {I, , /71J ~/ /&-vt J~LAAfl r-c,.( /{' A,-(//I-jf7l<2/ I / SIGNATURE~_.?tl/a(!fflL /' / In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to tlte Planning Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.nt, Tuesday, December 10,1996. OCCUPATION ~I!?a--' . KJIFlapptmts/appforms/form-pc.Joc ~,. PLANNING COMMISSION APPUCATION DEe iJ 1996 en '( \Jr UUt3LIN 19, 1996 N~ Morgan D. King DATE November . ADDRESS . 8348 Creekside Drive Dublin, CA 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOME) (510) 829-281:6 0NORK) (510) 829-6363 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Please see attachment 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? 5. What type(s) of housingdo we need? . . NAlVIE \::.bu)f'~D -KrJ \Gt-\T ADDRESS ~ (.0 9:, '1 R Cllj6T 0 I\J C"T _ [)u ~LI N CJ\\-\ F _ 945 (') 6 , TELEPHONE # (HOlvIE)CS 10) ~3-?- Olc;CO 1. RECEIVED DEe 1 0 1996 I cl- 't-glc CiTY OF UUBLlN PLANNING COMMffiSliON AP]?UCATION DATE (WORK) (800 ) I 964-2345 Why are you interested in serving On the Planning Commission? I have lived in Dublin for 12 years and have watched the population double, while city s=rvices SEem to have kept pace under a balanced city government.My primary interest is that this balance continue while we grow east & west, and to maintain our strong economic base. 2. What is your IUlOwledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning'! A plan is something that you work out befcrahand. As a independent businessman I am familiar with planning process, both short and long term, and planning for a . cities continued healthy growth should be a matter of common sense zoning & vision . 3. I-Iow do you feel about Dublin's future growth'! I am an advocate of planned sustainable growth. 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? The city should take a proactive approach to growth insuring that $~rvices and resources are maintained at there current or higher levels, while keeping an open line to it's citizens. 5. What type(s) of housing do we nccd'! " Housing should refelect the current needs of it's citizens, while antictPating the desires of it's future citizens- 6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? Adaquete resources (water,2s.ewagI51 Ijic,Nd:-schools, parks & recreation, increased traffic, a strain on services -(police..fire) and of course who is going to pa. for all of this growth. Safeguards need to be put in place. 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts'! The business districts need definition, charm & character. Unfortunately the dye is cast for most and short of starting over the best we can do are cosmetic. I don't think any other city in the valley would have allowed the cutting down of that beautiful tree at R.'egional and Dublin Blvd. to acconnioda1;e Bur.ger.Kingi'. 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? They should understand that the high standards that we have created for our, future developements will not be compromised. . 9. I-Iow do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with SOllIe neighbors'! No decision is going to be popular with all of the citizens. I will have no problem making an unpopular decision if I beleive it is for the overall good of the connnunity 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? Fresh perspective and insight, with a strong business background and a . - desire to see the city in which I live gro~ and prosper SIGNATURE ~~ OCCUP ATION ~-,.,- <'~ , . hz order to be considered by tlte ftIayor for appointment to tlte Planning Commission, please return this completed form to the attelltion of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublill, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10,1996. xJ IFlapptmts/app!ormsl/orm_pc. doc . . I1ECclVED DEe 3 1996 0/"' Y Ur LJ - //-,j 7- 7'(, Ui:JL/N PLANNING COMMISSION APPUCATION NAl\1E DATE TELEPHONE # (HOME) R ~ p- C/, ~SZ) (WORK) f 'I/~) t:j'o~ -.2 Os 2- 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? ~~dt co.u;;/ tA.tfL 1] A~ ~ ~ ~ flA;t.e/' ~~~ 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? ~~ --1~ ~ C<A CL ~ C ~ -<frV\ JA-A-rJ./0 ~AW/~ ~~,~ ~ k,vP (f~' ". . ~ ~~.~ ---t~ -' ;(jQ:, (jW~J ~. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? ~ ~A"A-n ,jdJ ~ 5. What type(s) of housing do we need'! 6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding . future planning? rJ ~ ~ C--1.-h-tAr- aA..- ~ JA. . ~~~F~~'~ 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts? 0~'f'~P' O~7tLI~ .hf .-d" ~ ~,..,,~~ ~ .x:tu...A'~ ~ ~ C,~~f y~k, 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? ;::'~L d.."'1...r""'lAA:f? ~ ~~./j .L;f ~ ~ ~-<-- ~A~'.tf' ~ 4 ~ ~4 ...G-v11A.-LL-J ~ ____ A.L4~ . 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? . _. ..J' jJ rJ...J.J. r)p~.AAI__'L~^, ~A~ ~ ~() ~) do. C.JrY>UYV'M~'7.' <<A_ ~L .' 'l.LJR_ ~ ~. . o 1M" ~AJ ~ ~ ~d,~ ~, 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? xI~ O~. "I ~ -'<A;;u" ~. n . I /?. f iA.~~,~ ~~'a- ~ -g-h>'(f JAA~ q'V' rf7 /f -~CX~_'L~:VvJ. ' . SIGNATURE OCCUPATION ~ . In order to be considered by tlte llyor for appointment to tlte Planning Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10, 1996. X'IFlapptmtslappjormsljorm_pc. doc e NAME C'j (111''"ll Cv Cob 6.' A:L:UthS ADDRESS II Y'1 '1 C;"G+-u. L;...J D u..bG. V) TELEPHONE # (HOME) 8J.. tQ - '1 ( 1', PARKS &. COMMUNIITSKRVICES COMMISSION RECEIVED AlPlPUCATION DEG ~~ 1996 CITy u~ UUBLI1\i DATE DeceM txv '-I. ICjq0 -" (WORK) __.___._n-__n- 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? -- . \ C1Ji\.r\ \ !f1 "'R.\( C>Y\ -tine.. ~(~ '~G\"Y\.Vv\L\.V-:~ .jei,,,'\c{,? Cof\'1.W1'I~lOn b!o;"ub€.. :I. , ., bJLtt ~~ j,evu,r;d r1e-it h w( hDOcL. r s wnlLi1 .r tV\ + .iI\V\/:J c:;J;{~1d..hL, ~~()(1?, pilL ((;uMd. ~ ~(4)~ v1--fllVlll ylCtl \l1 ~e/(t.';;f'~ SV\(\",,\.~\cv'\ Csuf'..,t-J..'v} &V1.iO( (L(,d-;2'v o.vt~l ? (l(ltt -(1I1U ~ l-1...tJ/I ....l..h~ x ,,/ cti5ff.a: 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? lr L.'tOLv\.e-a e.- ~ ~-h€ . rJ( (axn~ JWUpLl((}lA. h .-Hu tf.rtlJ ~ (\ei'llfl'11111'1~ , t (. VY\U,t ..-th (OLL . \r1 -if. bf ud'1 u.. ;r ~. -H1 e- 6 --k QA.ts cut: \!f? l..0L \rt~l,L pvf,crtnt.eJ \\"\ 0 cv'....:y\e ()~ co--ecl (,,~C'V(c:J(ClVYl:S ({,hGt cJ,I.'\ \ d'{ tillS '\J( .0C\ {CL iN\'<' . I J 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. eu..., -.\~V\:L c', ,{,)u.)(~_ ~o 1....3.\\ \ \.... fH:'('d? o~ -\\."\e- "\'^u~ V"i d'1 -\v \J[ 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and . park/facility reservations? 'j. ~i'~\ ~* --t\r\etL ::Jh()il i (L be- OOVYl&--h...JP< ()~ ~.{e d-(u d-urv ~\\.., ylCic.e. -fOr recreatlcYlaJ 'j)(U.9(Clvns ()..Vlct pt(t~e.;~~ r..fse rJa.-hOn6, lk,e.f~ 'j(-OLLp:> 6hoLll ct- be. ceJ.v30r;ucL UJ;~ ~P(OP(IClt--t ~+eb, ~c1eVlt-:J 0. Ill&. ~{ou..'?=, V'r'l&CA.e lAp ~~ more -\t)O.Yl ~\.p 0.(: re-?'6\ivtb 0-~\YI~ ~\'V\'A 'fvV:\.\ ~-f~'-7' ()-'?Scc...irJ.fed. w\..\.h d'(Fd cost-~. \'nere ~hcul'cl also be... 0- \=,(Cce.-;s 'L;Y"\ ?\o,(L.. *-r W~v~,.'r",j. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? . .:r do ("0\- 'rt::tlX., D- '-pfobleVY\ w'~ rno...t:..v:9 0- de~~\Oh --\}y<-+ l~u-vri???ildu.v wi% ncijhtvG or Or:JtU1atL+'~716 bettU00 CtlJl de~I--'/'loy):, oXr& baSt7J em yVhcc~ be'~i-\- -Qr ~..e [Dn'\)Yh.U"l~~' 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? COM " huTIon 1= ow" vYUte.. 0. ~ 0- mew,bz.r cl -\lne. %;f'u., 't:: GVv\'lN'I\,L.Y;1 :::)ifu'j Ce<;;, c..Q.JV\I\..VV\-, -::6~ov"'\ '1'5 m . D~ :x..Vi cOl~u l~ . ~ MLit 6t.hc<J I ~e C:lf-u Pj',JrIJ with ()1 u i vlVDhl LV11-e tilt CJ1t\ xhcCJl &.o-rclTr l-tb tc" ,. /' SIGNATURE !JrfJ:i1-LtU d. 1!-(;'t{~dctL;7110CCUPATION ChrkSk tVt3inecr In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the' Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed forn; to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.III., Tuesday, December 10, 1996. K'IFlappfmfs/appforms/appL_pcs, doc ; lL-vt:1 V t:u PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION ;:~iI:I~.j ]996 APPUCATION CITY vr UUBLiN . NAME ~/c. /!/ cYtJ.4 N~/-L ADDRESS //~t?9' ZET.:fe:-""'/ ~dE"" ;Q~SL-.~I ~ 99"060' TELEPHONE # (HOME) <:.5/0 -82.8-$0 9 Y DATE o1)E~h.s~ "7; /'79t:. (WORK) ~o13~ .;lV.3-77<:BS 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? ::z:k.e6 /IJ eohHt:/A.J/7-7 $~....eL//ce:r fi7.;€E /A./v~.Lu.r96u ~ 7--1E ~"'~ YouT7/ Cr:- .A 6'W.. ~.-i'77/ ~ 4c77d~ -s.o..u5 J ~~ ///5- /If-- ~p:?o~&/?;/ 5' -;4 ---kr~:et. ?%~ ~~- 7':. ~2J ?1(c.~ .o~x.s; ~ ~2:",e~~ t7rfE!2",--rv#/7--/?;:r" or::' W?N.{ /,(!&I,LJd d i.!if-~ GlcJ9.L/77' .:r;C- ..,c/r~. ' 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . ,/??j' A"~c-.L/e;;Uc~~A./od~C: a,c ;;?:)4'~...? ~U~6'-:r h"As ~ . ~ / ~ . CM?~"'; abYj'.4 ~c r44~-;l'c./p3?7';}...J /',u/ 8~ f'AY ...-ec.~79-~,.rrK-- /9C7?t4 ner-. 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Depart~ent? I ~ u~--:;ey M...4'/L/A-2 N",/4 ~--I4..fe- /~~~ 27'/.k.c~ de7A-~ h 7:;;b---}-bu?;Y~,rC ;?:>,:'/~U-.JI ~1'-vt=VE,:;~ ,-<-/7' 4S~o,~CLA/?J / ,:;/ <..../"9:r /7 PdJb'a: ~,,;...-/:J/:;/ -;r;?....-r?Z'J'L h"1'?'::J #//dY.-vQ ~~c/P.4r:/d:; /p~~,u/:r~ ~ / v / / P/L ,,c-?fk/t:-/7/r2f h/- ~4'C-7J"' /7A./~ ";;;;-€7J'j~~ C/77~-;;N;. 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . ,---.v'o/'o?/7~~ ." ') ~C:/77e<:r ~- ,,?/A//9'%'J A c::J::9~;:::)e?e~77;;-<.J , ~.2) / A//77( ;J-;t!~~77/ c.v_~':L --9- ~L:J~-:2J. ~c:..-~p) -7::~ *' PE ...7'23A:cff/f 7f::uc /~ &60' - g<7fk~)('/ '? 7>",Y, ~"'rY W//b! / ..t. -::r:::: I 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? 2~..vh..e C~ ~-s= JL:)~~ h V,fE!74/"" /9.n!!t7 .,,(/~ /*"~~~.- d"h~-;:; n; #~ ~~ r4!Je/L ,,-if 4 ..ee-T/".</.r/acc- ''.h~~- . Ob7V-Je" ~.AJ ex- tV Fc..L d~ ,,/'9~e-~7J qj.e-u-€:"""7I'!H //y. ~~A.O)"T..evb?Y C/ or a.r<E'7L~ P,;t2'!aL<l'23~ ,...."-,"-,, .D~~ /' A/9 , ./ ?/L~ "tJtH'N~'J ~#.:?~- 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? 1214~ ~ d)C d<7' ~h'vN'/~" /0 ,r'9-cct!:~/7;#~, /7??7Y~~?' A ~ ~.0ne H--;ri/u/...~~/ ..,.y /..&r~ /:.v-- /7- >>.r'k~.7.7c ~Cb<Y~~0 ~...J~. ~#/9d~~ ~~/t/I;;- ~J"""J~c/,..,....J btlh4I C!..f)~~t./IV~ --- ~.eo~J' - ~/'7~ v~~t/1t"..-?-7 /rt1&Vb./~/ WAc,./' A-.h"~ k H//c.':--2l I ~p/i1'~-/~ /..)' ~..4"Ad~-2) - '" ;Y ~ 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? . '7>l r> ~c.Lq ~O'^"~ /:,;..J c/ ~ 6A./rD/ECE/-''f=-...''70~ ~"C/2-c: cA/e-<, / r ~ u&U4/U / .seF;V'd~ C./~ ~~c/;;;/~, ft;><.I2J P~a.....-A c:: / " , ,29ev<...-h/..........~~- ~ ce:J,I"4"...,v ^,/---;:ry p~&-~... ~r t? pfF--- . /~ /?7€' ~ ~.:?.s..;:e:rs //Vt/I"fJ4,A..esL"~- ..e)<'/~:-e/&vcc- .w...f/4 .....z- LJOvU ~d/~ ~bC/.J' 6R~/?:.<2J <$;4'~'--:;r 4./~ & CZLJ_'-VA../W ,r:;; Li,,,.J447v'CG /~~~ ;::r-e/k-JT.J-/. -r . ~cr $.~C~/...rll..e..... SIGNATURE ~~c!'~ OCCUPATION ~^".:5.r ~-r ~E-4-- In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City CierI" 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.IIl., Tuesday, December 10,1996. KlIFlapptmtslappfonnslappl-pcs.doc -~' PARKS &. COMMUNITY'SERVICES COMMISSION APPUCATION RECEIVED DE1~ 1 ',1 1996 err Y Ur- UUbLiN . NANIE ADDRESS RIJ MO ''( 6, C/lII;J //t );) hJ1aJ/~k AileE. &UAL-/p c;;:; pC/')" ti TELEPHONE # (H01\1E) :);0 -.733. /6/(,' ' DATE la/;oAb . (WORK) :;-/0* ~;}7* ?Y'yt 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? ' /f-tt/!{ G S- E IE ,4 7//1 c'11 ~o h/\- /JL ( ;t'ESF/l)#f ,i,S, 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parl{S & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member . participated in a program sponsored by the Department? 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. .1 . . NAME Sr-e1 la.J A. J6;..l(?:S ADDRESS iLCd2- -rA-MIta./4CIL ~t\j~ .ViA ~l /oJ. eA- . Of 4!Jfc6 TELEPHONE # (HO:ME) 510 - BZ-o-2S/'-i PARKS &. COMMUNrn'SERVICES COMMISSION RECEIVED . APPUCATION DEe s 199B CITY Ur- UUbLIN DATE B "'bEL. 9t.o (WORK) Sfo- 533-3333 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? .' To 1tG.-P )o/lft-IN,It-IN ;'t-0'D Pt2.D\j([}E' B~ -peo6rb.VYl5 ~If '1/t6' ~ nVYt W1 (%/~ , 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . .{5k7^/;.s -4 (h'YJr71/~5c.-")/0(:rL; ,cnL- ~ //'1$7 Byb9a-5 IT J-A4S b/VQL..) /-rJe: A./ l/i)LJa2.. 5'J/JnI(}I;1~ .oF 7J-/G ~YJ1Mc:JA')'-Iy!.5 ;U/~ 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? ..tOg '77IE" &r .2~) L/~S / 6"c:: '0/ ~C:z?~A..)T iJz.D6r/rrn "5 h1 ~f ~I 4-/ /~5 L/,5CZJ /1i.LJ7 / , Ik.o ~'/~en 77M/:Jt:.!6H 77fE" ;tJ~_-s "'eI- ~#1IY7 f.,/ L ),-)/ S"c-J?-LJ!;6 ~ 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . 4- M6?LJ 5C:-A//.DL.- C~~ /5 A/~v /..</ ~1'~.- amiY/ Vv/y /N 77.1c7 A/6-")'i .::r 7Z) ,-S- y~_-s 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? 70 /k~ _A1~8"/A/rA7:J T7k,=- #/6# 5.77:P-/o/r:#/7 ~~ ~.aK6 rhtL/J ~?/H&? ..4-I~ .~4'LJSI' 1~/~ z;'"hh.-rLD C~~ ff ~, . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community b~t unpopular with neighbors or organizations? /l5 .4- aA?/?1/65/L:>A/~ ~/OLl" t-UCK:.IL-.O Li /LE To 6VC72~.o/.o..v~ ~p1~1 '&~r ~/P1G T7/??e"".zs 7?h5 , / PD5S/ htr:=-. 50 {/L'JU ~~ /4 'Dt.=-Z/:S/~A/ &--6T .Z}J~"5T /.::>~ 77fG" C ~V 4Mo 4'ifOF' . . UAlIJbZ.$77hj0.5~/frl'.d- VcL/5/;~N ' )jJ~ /$ AJoT /"7hr IS /A/ ~~ 77IG rhmJ?:}un/~ 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? /J .-r L.iILE 72) /41.':/ ~E6;LZE u./ t3t//2 t-CVIJ/f1i?#'/Y .r-- L 1&7bJJ 70 hi Y ?dLJ/dcr-n5 /)~ "(/6325' 77/c-3" V /J'JI <$~f':I 7J;LE. / 7~-</.7 ~-c~~ /F ~ /~6 /'WOavM/ff1U"g? ~O/CC-5 W~~, . SIGNATllR!J:-~ OCCUPATION ..:5~5 )11/N~ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay _Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10,1996. KIIFlapptmtslappfQrmslappL_pcr. doc PARKS &. COMMUNIIT SE.RVICES COMMISSION RECEIVED APPUCATION NAME --L-~J t::..QPI t\r~ \ (JHT ADDRESS ~ (c Q'l .Ro"'~5TO~\. _ CT - U \) B LI ~J ' CAk \ \-' ~ <1 Lf Sl.o ~ I TELEPHONE # (HOME)(? \..)) 1, 33-- ulc20' (WORK) (Y IS J 5 to C; -Grtso 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? DATE DEe 1 () 1996 ClTY Ur uuBLiN );;L-g-ll" . . , '-U.L-~ 0_"" ~__ rv:-" C!, ~ -A CVL'-!Cj )AJJ-J cL. jUn_f2bJrtA-~; -/((1", 1LL-t:L0-<<,?..J t/ 2. 1.1- rVVJ' Ct.-hC{ V j-P--2J ,~f ..-Cd jI/)7l../_ jtc Q .L~l o I. i U t (:"'r-llft--4/TeJ.t..t CI,/';i:-;! .1((; -02/ it; ci,2,;tJ I) fLU r r d What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? /)orJl2 tAb"<~1 /r:r (" k hi i).J2..- t . o'/L/ iAiJ ~m(~t?L'_ . ~ (l.11/\...-' __,-'7(-"('n-z L.J~?{ll~ -/:!Lfllt.lA::':"-L {LLC~ t;Z.v pCdk:J CI,11?1.. /l./(/ud,L:j"'\J _ ,il I - A)..(/ctic;.c. :A.tt.(.~.(-1-<::' ()jl./?__r.r:in/J ,L1C'CJ:7..-'\J dJnc,( OCl.-.:2--l.__&'<< (!-'1-J-rrJ!) I CIne!..... () I rJ (j f ,i)(LJU.-c--',-C.) j~l2.y_ic ,...<,l~ ,.tA.z.- '-SA <:'.----11...11 ('f'J'.--- Ce q."iY./L, / 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parla; & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? "Q Q 7/,..~_1 !).4;'l."Xt ~.. L L'c~.;{_, j/uz.; JlA..J..f!.-1'L~U (' CA,i -;'~fj'CI a.11 c)___ - 0 J '. -XCLc.o...-L. -C6k~/;v c'lc/-<_H'oI1,.la..Av (~ .../....-It(..u I7lc../ "J.i.J ,c1'-'!\~'1 11/cunu....q {t'L{LA..LL U ! I, 'I - i '. _ _ (] , ;, 1-, t.- (' ,i/ I J ell 12./'J.r(l'l'vC ~/t. ;Ja.fuckJ ;JetL ra"iCIC(O.J;' CU.;; 0,1'",,-- f1tri';vi'!lt.:- c--I;rArL tf' 1 t. i1u-6~e{ ~.~. \S:L~; /y~~_ eX'.-1 O..0)G\.c.(~~._t~",/ c'./[1d (/..('1 L~.(';--<-,r, ti.~:[ 6.1('}/(' ~':::.,\ 2/!fU;r;y/.:7 rJ.f ,. L;~l.J --z./"-:"-i..-'-f{~1CL:J.- (. 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . I)~'L..l<{,c:\._ ',/[vl.t' :,li, c.\.(')J ,( cL. "laC a..~ v~ c'<. Z} L LLi!..-' ILCi!. it;: O--L.)./ 'll..., dl {'~{ pJ/-'V.:__ ,2.1:-1.'(, c-u i.'Lie. z-A(_ 'j t / ---I /' -'.. ("-t /:\ 6;J' (' I " ,--..- ..J, ~.. ./.'" __ t-(.;1- ~ ~'i./<'-L-C c,.<-: 71--..!.. ~L --,- 01' lA_I- )--cl_,,!____ (l)',,;: L,j(t./21i\.-/ }'1( {(';^-- ",('7; '-'--' _' .Lt' ,1'--lLL,._,- . ". '. I'~;~I : "l ~ '-. r) :., ,'_ . ,1 ','. -l;-l~ 1"::1: <f~_"._-;~/1_,,~, It,,:,_"- ,(;~\' i", ;,_-,'.. .. I', \ __ , /; (/ '- / ~ 'j - " 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? ~'c" fJ -CAL~ k j.t .,c~.:; i',c Y:f_ () , .,tAn./t i-u-t.-iP .it> /uu? C!1CL1CU', t.1..., f! n (llH~ AJ f j]d-7L'/J..fLJ II (J1YLIJ1a..f! i.1 P , (j . ,lC1L l) I I ().r, (A. i>,jJ jJ o_oJ jA.i6 ~~j .h (J (~1 ti lA_i Cl- V--'-{ c41 {)a/l(QtL f . t: (~~i!J Ia- ILL ~ 1-1 01.(0 C141C ti , . , /", ir'~' ~ 1/ {/, L/ _' /"" '-.\. f, ( Cvr-~-v- I~ L) ~ ": f o-LJ if, ()~ c..tl1 ().j)~o./. b I '. ..;itLP-P. oy--feJ-<.u a CC144 C'f1C;( i...,LCLlJ_4J~ tk ~cu. tI How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ,,0. ~n-UJ.... .fi1 t) cJ~4I'J ct,'ufAJ tA(~ Ci.P' _1--6'/7 Cr QY-7 _~,(.A{/./I.-L H_2 tJ}\J / . V -tAL, C(';-l:LlJ71,L<hLL:"1''- _..uv (Lvd!iZ ..1/}'1./c'l-j;ud, ;"-:.; 0 (Jp rJl~) C,-, C{I.~CLt.,;;J4l.cl)-~_.J U / I Cd1fi cJnci 11.1(;" C'/).c ci aq/hL{i,~j;A/f..0 {t/U. / I (j J ('~ () l'i;--.:J2? Cvtl0( C:'1.:" ,;::~__'-~ t2, f..I),)t-..z.J t!\J!.('( 1 6. /. 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? . JJ ('C. /i) 0':"'-1._ A,-f j7 1'1/'.,} .,--:1 .). '--Uz-<../ if I JLL-i-2.-l_ ecl /i1..t"M__061c./!c-L'~ o.,~ r.,vC.-f..t..i;. C':1...{j!,.., 7f~,,-..1' c:~ fcL.~ ;I", /l7Cl41Qa.(J ,2 C 4..1U t-}~4h j'-{.c~-t-1.~ ~ .,4):;.li?.o (n C,.J~2_ It>\. C {:11 ~ ,c;c:.1..- lz('v1,-, .; , 1 1/ -r'f,. ;J LU':~Lfcl__ ----t..L.10 t/4?j () l}(j./I1.?(!' . Lv~J7..)L othhlfJ r1Lt!lILi !l{J41-ilt cVly.;:l..___ / I ('1~U'. [J-I!/Lut OO---s-<J jU-t.-'-f! /lo..-!l_ 1- ,1 /U).L&/!;t'(/(.x., SIGNATURE (~//r;t C f~l(')..l, u OCCUPATION f!jt~{:dIi1Jlt{, Il-iUUU.,.., /thi1Ci(fY..../ . U I..-.~ /. In order to be considered by the frfayor for appointment to the Parks & Comlllunity Services Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 jJ.III., Tuesday, December 10,1996. Kl/F/(1pptmts/appfQrms/appl~pcs,doc · NAME Rand" ~(P.~~d,J [)J. YOoJ.fl3 ADDRESS / 8, I D ,l etr1 It. ~ itVl e Dah i,'V) ; e,4 C(1/'i{F TELEPHONE # (HOME) G0fJ) 819, g '7 D 7 . PARKS &. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISRlp~EIVED APPUCA TION :\\0 if 21 1996 ell '{ vr wut3LIN DATE -Jlo v. (CD fer r h (WORI<){9""to ) gZ3 ~ Jt' '1 2 f" 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? ., ,;L,TI <...... Ns,deVl+ cf- i~,s e,f.. 4a..oIe hierl S'1l.e 19R' ttl1 J' hod .' I-- ;5 +"M,(.. +0 y 1'1 SC;.l1e..i-4,';.,.10 I'll€... (c.n",,,,..,-/- .tL-l\. ketLv'1y ,\ <.Ie ("'f t ,'''' 1(.....:.lA ./- ,t ?~}"'i"f 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . 1 ef.- iC"'''' 'he J2Vl..!>..... "till. V~Yl'" {:rJ.......;I~ir ..1J,'1- '~.t>1..... ()-t~t!1' _ It> r.;,~ - I ~a./r:. :~L(id.."," fit!'. t~ ~ t"U1 L /Ltilc11:1l-1 Oh~ u- j e. ~ ~ 'i-KL j.' ( ~ ro I "'7 V I) 1,..>'1 d) - .:/ 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? t) v.-;....J f.".lt/ JCY/;'Ovi tP. {-/-ev .f (' LI vC ( (.H'1'j ;1 '" \ , .11 _ ~ ",(J(: 7-"1 -;,,'f1- KJl". /"7 {, t:w--, ha.v-l.- u$el .J-!td ./ . ~ rk tit '-, f. 1...,!i.0 .4", /Oi't.Uf-it:.t' ltvl L l4.:.M.e'? ('-_f ,I I ~v . \1(1\/ f~l JjJ,,) I' j 7 V (u/l"),!, d, 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . '4~j. we. yJa J VCOH1.. ~~v {.i W'~ . l' ,1-1. ,(0 lVl Ci.iJ1'f-- ,1.:,....;(' , ~, ' I dA/-( ~ 'l"'J.. )"\ ~o./ , , '1 .5 (Ie v'Y-J .. J 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? r ~t!.L' ! ~;/ {..a ,,' ;-1- uJ; .~~ t(}'eJ -?-;I U ;'1 i' ^ r ...'I,../L:/v ':.J . ~ y (td~/rJ- vue , d .JI}V YJ~1/'- tl'e.$) P'l~ t-lJe I 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? (;-iic; MI be tA..f,(JC,. t 100 It 'i-o Oveva-!l c..c~ t:J v t1y () Y" a ~. ze J / ivc It fy; Jt! /"l t~y l11.n' e fYtpl-\ live.. PI e Jf i./. v-e. h-r i1e i'~ , be)") f I" ~ ( ~J "- . J h ,:'6 j' 1'1 -i-- f) f- if{ 'E. lon, ' 1. \ ' j 1 \ \ M({ 1'[..' ....... 'f' n.e. ,j l:..- Cle c of ,'tIr7). , 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? . fil ':V )el~,"'n-p" ( i '" u.... ! VC'h-/1>~11--- tA;,:L~ -t- ~ l(iJ.-~:;"~ i v-e. ( \ I ^ [17 cu- r W' . ./ n- 2 icp o ~t frl ' r (' , ,j "I . h~~ b"f~ bp , "- ,"'/l./,{," I'd.ed ahjt<.'f-- ,iL vc/oeL '1.>, I /1 \ Ic'i-- t~ r- p }<-h <<... iVi oJ ... P r 1\ 11"-<.-" f) ",,"-v 1~ 1. (I" ;f-1. {.IU:' '/'.J-/ e,d.y/.' . uJj I ,.... en, 111-""/1 ~ ~/ d" ~"'fJ '/--0 ''"''- ~l r,.""-, -."~ lJ (,:;, C( eV- OCCUP ATION Mlt.-v) u.....p3tv. "fIt ,;'4 i/)~ J t fctu"(:,\/ f5el' In order to be considered by the Nfayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Services Commission, please return tltis completed form to tlte attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10, 1996, KIIFlapptmtslllppfllrmslappl_pcs. doc H/"';CEIVED SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dt:C 8 1996 APPUCATION CITY vt' uUBLiN . NAME l1:hev .lll /3/EL Vb DATE ~ -J -ff ADDRESS 11~ BV~i/+M //f-l 2J t/ A//i~ -tJ-k- 9457f. TELEPHONE # (HOME) ~iJ~f;-< p_ 3Od~ (WORK) ~. 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee? \ ~ ,...~ (r) . ( i) ./ r , . ~ __ ~,_, :--<-<\. C---v1 t:/'v,-, '-~-V'~' ,. ,\ .' ~J, ~. ,\ :/'", "I' ') ~(' ~) " .' n, h ,'" () "'I (L-t;-, 1\.2 ~ "~~- -'. T--"-\..Llt,~ ~,--.:t ~ \ e, _:~ ~\ .,,:~,y \J--'_~_.!c '- ><-'- \J \ -- " h.>_tl.,) I t\ 2. C-' What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? . 'v I ~ ~(~'...c_\ J-_, ,i,': ~'d . tt. . \......----"'"\ """r.. I " / " -', L_, \.\ / :i------t.....,I....'". \/" ,,<, 'I --' - ~~ V-----c...-\.J.I.Q.L4Q" A- f'/ ,--l_n, ,.)-<:",/l,Qv-v~i ~ :~ \ \\ ' \) \ ... 3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center? ) 1 ~ C (I - (" -L' ,) Q - 1\ r.' ~. 'I" t .' ....... , \'/\ J\ . (I [) j' r .1.- _ ( J,_Q..""-",, j I-----'~_,', --V (l. ..l.. ./ \........L "--' ---\/\____1 "f""-" ~l'- , , y. I . 0 / / ~ -:-~j" '-\-..., , / {) .~_., \~~';~ ' '~~"~d. .' Y <>--""-~-v~ \....L(\ 4. Are there additional programs and services needed for elder adults in our community? Please describe. /( )j , Y ,-::;:,--~,) . \ ' -' I,~ \, 6. 5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society? ~-JJ~j:~ ~~~~ ~aj=d,,~ ~~:.. . How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? LJ~~C ~LQ_ rA {J JL d. rA~ ~L{::----<~~L - ~ Cl~_A^ -Lfu~~~~ do r ~ r-; :\_ ~-<--,~ \.,_~_..'..~..Y.jLJ7 . . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? (~ ~ "> T"\", Q--::x.......-e ~'---C.t:~'----" _,oJLl\.-. ~"-~ LJ-..-~ ~ SIGNA~L L ~~ OCCUPATION W' 3; " ~ IJ ~ \ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Senior Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attelltion of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza,P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10,1996. Kl/F/apptmts/appforms/formscac. doc . SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY' COMMITfEE. RECEIVED Ii F e 41996 '.,J __ J ~... b CITY vr" UU8Lii\J APPUCATION NAME l,t!7 ,t2.. '-j [.' {;" ! 8 r3 f R-;- ADDRESS 6514 j-/ .S"/7 <;;: c-r ,;7 j / f,'1- I ('I , ,,-. 17,- ':-7,::; {/; & TELEPHONE # (HO:ME) A~ 5{ - If )-.!.j.l - : i DATE ;' L~;--diYhv!il{A..... .-;.' I -"/" I /V~1 // d-. it; .' (WORK) 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee? 1 ~ -2/ ,i/j/vi.(?-1 ll.r---Z-i..--l.vy~'9.- .--fA ;-vTl.,~ ) LvVl,.d' I (Y (Q.J/lJ~l(/;( 0 v U d'~VT . ... ".,j- . "' (;:.r ~ CV~~V'U L{tr...UViti ((..ti&'WJ.6-/U. CrfiLiytCJJ,l-crr"./)J'J l.(,/r I ; VI .1 ;; .. "1 t'l ./ -{llZ-Lfe. " /;iL ./J'i-t-{-r.ti./ Illite L 7Ju.. dltv}1L(/U,--} /"), (","1 . i"io J '. I . ILd.- [lAt-CL ..("&>a--/'1U j~t, n&;lt:t/.!..- ;. -' ". 2. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? . .j' '/', 'UI I ' . -r~ .' t,V" v 1--;;( i )L( L.i..>_ '{C7..'( I, t/ " ;. --1-/ I O-i.l /v/&..' .(1J,~,,)....,:(./n:"ll-' (i'.),.:.:',{ /:.Jjl/,J'l.t'!.C [/ ! A ~,' i ~ . . /) /, ~., .',' /'~ '11 ;,! ,"~ _' / .1 "":" ,.' ...,) [7JtJ,j~'h_ L.LL 0'7t-t.- G....jL(..1 ,.J:::: AU . I (-'-1:..J.:.._ '\1 , 'J,(J;.. I. I ., . f>'- .;' , . t-; n" /, ,.~, --r- 1 ....-;, .?(..,"-/ ,(_I/! I~. ...,? '1 11.'e "~I ;l_t. 1f.Z >!-k/;-"'r0:.:. ,d,i".J Yi,i1 "{.' ""/f,.,."r...,, '-"'/> ",'\"..- /L~f it..~{;~ O:~f:~~ ';~beft~Ii~t;d~tage o~ t'e programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center'! L' . .. r .! ..:-. ' . '}Lit . aLl. tft....( !>.i11~-:. {.-" J v ~ O.! I)' ':J, ;. ('"/-L..1&.tC:J C0 ",lL"i.':A' f)c.....2.,::rCu..Yw.. J. " _J P ; --L'd, . "" -k:. 0./1 J..I_/' U'__/ It" . ~\.JLJt,,- ( .' ',_i.", ".4 J ~') .....(./ /t-IC.../I........ ;;;) c&.:~ u t/ r>....-f.ry..,.~.,r{" I' 'I> t - j I \! "/ I I r / .V ,;' ~,' . L ()-cl--~{:'{...' ';.)< ;' ~/ 'I G i -jLrtr;,'\... .'" 1.0 '2. r.h:U.vNJ).H...- ;I , (~ I.' / ,. ,1 I . "'. "(' 'jJ _ 1:\ ,! ':~ [{)---tiX: (z.... -[.'-O'7r}!..' iL>vr..c '.J':-'-YfJ:YLL/dL( I~bv ,1.h-.uIYLl/r'w ;.J6'fJX...f v, , y j:....L'---C..~IL;L , 4. Are there additional programs and services needed for elder adults in our community? Please describe. . II ~ -['5.-..1.;, C. e~'7'rr?/(J.{Zt.VI, -'171, C'oL ,1.(. ~ '\ l' v u 1/';' t',~),' (::(" ,~, ,\ " ~'" ...,~ ,'. <, ./~--,' f /'.-..- "' II ., .... -- . /.. J J) ./ I . ,:.....: ' 1..1)...- "..- ,,.,f f.,.... f .(-:-", ~ tl._I" f ,", . . .;' -- I ; >&-1. '--- : <...; i<. 'f'e, :,' (.1!.1:..l) , ,.. I...... i ,r~~-:;' ~ ~./~ ~w<i~ .. /. j t " -- ( f -.:!-.- I , ,./" t',--, ,,~ '~",:.V'h..!)- _./:, L.Ct'.(L(,-"(,:~'/\, 5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society? A--r,vntf;. - Lzt?n (;'t'f/U..., , 0 fu-iL-t!.-CA '(.,~u?-41 1;/011 /!f,fJ-1U ,~ . 1~ ,NYL l-k, liil/u, . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? d ,/0...{/ ,Ukvt 'tlu, q'-;ii-v-z;( 0/ /;/?( ~/;7/f,fA/f~.:~ f 0 () C!YJ11Jz/l_ L;7 /1--7. ) {-<,m-c~-td .,~,c ~~ t~, /)11/1-/& 0 {/ /,P.. /- 11 ~ / . Ii _ , --I vI..(; \..A/......"t..-r9!....-t..--t-D /Yhl_( _ (' Irnv1:1/....((/HA-,t.J (j (I U . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? S-e/t: t >t-n.~ ~,(\o .: '/L"I- '0r.:--tL f71.:L- ,,/ . / ;7>.'.. .r-;{;:cl.l' i~l., I/..ii;t;t'" .. "I , f./' /, -.- "1,i.1.. Ji -HW' _'/c.;-r'J"l.-1}1/, n:..L -tk1' U -$/tL L ," SIGNATURE ~/lld./>U t I1l-kj'f/f 0' OCCUPATION 02t:,.iIU.d' :;'.,ve-/tuV In order to be considered by tlte ftilayor for appointment to the Senior Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City (Jerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.I1L, Tuesday, December 10, 1996. K1IFIllppfmislappforms/formscac. doc NAME flltJl-. J1 <J)L V /J5 ADDRESS 77"93 '7 ~ /J J1 LLJi.&' to A y PV ;;.J../ AI) e /7.. 9'1 !7-6 9 -) 1/9 TELEPHONE # (HOME) 5'/0 ?};2, 9 7/9.1 (WO!)!) RE71xE/;? FMtj /J1 ql? (5/.EeT,,(bA/) C 'Y5- TEMV 1. Why are you interested in serving 011 the SenIOr Center Advisory Committee? SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY' COMMITTEE RECEIVED :)te 1 \} 1996 CITY (Jt-' UUBLIN DATE :;,....- psc -- 'fb A.JP'.JP'LICA TION . ;let u iwcr tJ~ Y f /C;;34 fC"'~ C!~ 5- 4. tZ~?rt' ~o 'R/;';--y ~ern t eJ; l?t -' f / .' ,- g e 7f /0 Y (? e-F' Te Y c1 C ~)/ J tr (?..>- ...l' JF ee) l' C- &. 71" ~t' ~ ke a... 11::dr - j e ",-n +rib'" 7/'0 7l fc tJ;: eo -;;;y -17';1/ e d J;" p r t? [/e/Ot?7f 7 CZ--;11d d-c'V'elpfC'?-T/e?7'7 ~/ ?e I/"CJ9'id?P'1. " 2. 'Vhat knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center'! . T h6L V t':' fJ& Y ~iCf -fe- d J ~ Y"'4! Y; t'9 V 5- c /~ 7-;;'C?:7 C( 7ta! frbl?Yo.--ul.s d?t:a! h/ftve L-e/r9rkel up/j) -!)e 7~/~ vJ d 7- c:c -y'cY Iv ?J' r.. e e r. .rCJ Y '7-/ ee-( ce I r r 0 i E'C- 75 - 3. Have you or a family member takcn advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center'! '(135.) f/ece)e rept" tW61 . -r& 1 ve~-hV7( ;:::juPn t.E'/ . 4. Are there additional programs and services needed for cIdcr adults in our community? Please describe. Ft-'f'th~,. upclu ca Z2a.'-naJ j?rCJ:J yo. '7Y1 5 11/~ f U-?L9cY be- d-.z:=- 've7).~;.L~r ~ o/r/er f."~T/~P?/7r / -;r-' 5. What do you feel arc some of the most prcssing issucs facing eldcr adults in our society'! feV9,:r7101f he<e/-fi oc?t:d Eco71:07'1/'c5 "'!?Cd .5"'CI~ /St?/ctJ n~71 r! '-' e To ) "7-PI/f-ej -t-ra 7r '5 #LSJ vrcr2 j-;-O?(, . . v 6. How do you feel about maldng a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with ncighbors or organizations? 7'77 "?P'\;-; f YtP/Fc?97;07r 4.7 47?" flee -rYe '71/ C <~ I~ 5 f.rL>J~a::-rn -n;~?t/P yf?r J --;q-?ade -thl-$ Type CJF de c/ 5/071':7 i!> /'( a d ce //y b-.ce> t?s. Th t? YSFP ye J' Lv ,;> C/ J c{ h t5'- V e "Z!J2~-.1<;'12r 7r? ,eN) ~J 1-); I'> If' pe. o7dec/7;0-?1~ . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisoll' Committee'! J kY ~ u.j d _h r ) '-J-z' f ._-W__y e -X ? <e y.l '.e7C CP cSJ.?[ cI ex ;pel'f; ~ e ce, '7 "'-- Prr? J ra 7YL--Z:1a UctL;J r? r' ) tf r"E' ? (:J e'-P( ;I- ce?( d F~677d "7r7cPut b-BY OJ:: t/ r77e ). e LJ<> ?ve q '7cd /0 p /ffcs, Y' -xey ~ #.61/. I J I ;fT-e a. b,; ~~'-r -1-0 C9YcfJar-" lie t;?eOiJ)e .t;-6'r C( e o7P7 7t':1~~ ./ ...) / I J {}' D ~) c;z?l d --.P7l.te-K d:J~ -;)7 e r? ro Y' YQ 77( Ten Q./ 5' cPC< ~ '7 '7 rLf I c.~""7Pt P / e i I 0 7t" . SIGNATURE ~e"e~1fI::/,t~LT?d _ OCCUPATION ~ e-hyed Eke Iro7fJc dY7r~7 PyoJ/cP-?VL /J/fdz(~c; In order to bc considcrcd by tltc IHaj'or for appointmcnt to the Senior Cellter Adl'isOlY Committce, please return this completed/orm to the attcntioll of Kay Kcc!l, City Clerk, 100 . Cillic Plaza, 1'. O. Box 2340, Dublil1, CA 94568 by 4:00IU1I., Tuesday, Dcccmber 10,1996. KII FI"p plmlsl,,1' ,>ji'rm.<I!orm -' cllr. d" c . . . SENIOR CE.NTE.R ADViSORY COMMliTIEE Rr- -- .. -'- ( " r: j \ 'j- "" L~ '-../ r" , \/ ;- 1 J - , '-" .'-..J A.JP,PllJCA TION NOV 2 '11996 en Y Vi i..)uald\i NA1\.1E GIGI HEDLEY DATE 11/25/96 ADDRESS 11885 WEST VOMAC ROAD DUBLIN, CA 94568 TELEPHONE # (HONlE) (510) 828-2542 (WORK) (510) 462-4000 C/O BSK & ASSOCIATES 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee? YOU ADVERTISED IN THE NEWSPAPER AND PERHAPS NEEDED VOLUNTEERS. I AM A 62 YEAR OLD (BUT VERY YOUNG AT HEART AND ENERGETIC) AND MY VISION AND ENERGY MAY BE OF VALUE TO THE SENIOR CITIZENS IN THE COMMUNITY. 2. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? NOT MUCH EXCEPT WHAT I SEE IN THE YEARLY PROGRAMS. 3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center? NO, BECAUSE I WORK FULL-TIME WITH MY HUSBAND. ALTHOUGH, I WILL BE ENROLLING IN THE BALLROOM AND/OR SQUARE DANCING SCHEDULED SOON SINCE I LOVE TO DANCE. 4. Are there additional programs and services needed for elder adults in our community? Please describe. A GERONTOLOGY CLASS. 5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our society? LEARNING AND FOLLOWING GOOD NUTRITION; FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN; WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF "ME" WHEN I AM NOT ABLE TO. . WILL MY CHILDREN BE THERE FOR ME? WILL THERE BE SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS IN THE y~ LUUU? AM I ABLE TO PAY FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES WITH WHAT I HAVE? AND OTHER ISSUES NOT MENTIONED HERE. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ONE CAN ALWAYS TRY. SUCCESS ON ANYTHING IS BASED ON FAILURES., IT IS A MATTER OF CONVINCING THE GROUP AND TRY. 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? . MY ABILITY TO LEAD AND PURSUE A VISION. NOT ONLY FOR MYSELF BUT FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY_ SIGNATURE ~Cj<91~) ~ OCCUP ATION OWNER/OFFICE MANAGER BSK & ASSOCIATES (IN PLEASANTON In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Senior Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, 'P. o. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.nL, Tuesday, December 10, 1996. KJIFlapptmtslapl'formslformscac. Joc . . . ht:GEfVED SENIOR CENTER ADVISOR'! COMMITTEE ~:EC .:~ 1996 APPLICATION CITY (J,(- DUBLIN NAME ADDRESS /vll;r1 1>1'1 _~i:Z/.- /1/ DATE fll-f/9Cc, 7-5-24- 5/ L ~/ 1:3- i<- 11:<: cc:.. .L Hit. c:.j) (.8.1-0": C;.t/ TELEPHONE # (HONIE) :SIt fl- <) I-~ -4 ? ' (WORK) 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Senior Center Advisory Committee? 1 ;.:7/{J5.5E-"-'IL/ 5{:;'<- t/c c>,~ '-;/-fC J.c"/v';(/r2 C::;;:~72~iL-- I ' r/ (/ ~. /'..5('/< y C;':, ,h('l/t; T7'Z[ ;9i</;J ),'Y 1:5 /-1 /(1 c:. /.,1";>;//./6 2. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? J /1 Iv"! /1 .J.7d 7" jC L7d' 7 /1 c:~ 7i L.-- /..::: ;'/'-! I:::" II C / Pd .(7- 3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center? /65 4. Are there additional programs and services needed for elder adults in our community? Please describe. 5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults' in our society? CA' / IV} ~ - ;z.lc DIC,q L - ~, C. ' H L-- 5e ,c'u IZ 1 -ry - r-/ e.t? /,c ,4/2 l ~ . ,~/;f6V/-C"'/~/ 4 575P/ /fc..olcH7/0A.;~. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? /\/ (.:7 ~ t/ /3 L /5/1.1 . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? _ c--:/ VI':: /1)"./ '1 'I c' 1/ t./IZ /1 I ---r /'-//c 55 A,./ / c "--- Cd; ",/ TEfL SIGNATURE-7T!o~ ~ I ---:/ OCCUPATION 17c /ifC cD In order to be considered by tlte AIayor for appointment to the Senior Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza,P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 fJ.nL, Tuesday, December 10, 1996. K1/F/npptmts/appforms/formscnc. doc CiNiME'UH.!ti1 6e ~ ADDRESS fOVf: , I;"" \ '-1 \ f 1-'--". ,. "",-yr-1" \c:n-, -.... R E ct: IV mIDT AGE CENTER ADVISORY' COMMrrfER APPUC.Nn'ON' 1996 NO \j 2 7 '1996 elf Y ( , . -r UUdLfN /1/c;A(P / f0, / / J)u~ If~ . 4 c.,t1 ~-r J I tt.. / CL}Oa.:I-t:- I tf'tj ~&~ DATE TELEPHONE # (HONIE) J/O 0- J- ~ 0 r ~ :L.. (WORK) 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? . T uwdd /i((~ +0 to//Ir<< 'd-wOQ'ik {)7;/ ~ kbh;!,,;{'I 7t" !b.'~Q_ Gi<l+VI- Ci4 o..-U/bV'uvl+ cd{)('a-h~oJ/ fr"JUVI~fYl f2hI.d C-6711ml{ft{'fct 5ervL'c.J.... -f"-iLU~1 j."JI l),<-biJ~. W e.- ~ 0>>1' /.1IlP-k. tL S Itu.:t I ~ 7l..e /<<fT yea r C? nd Vl-o-w flud -to f(ICl~ovaT€- a.wd MaJ'-L e (,LV' p/ctYlj f1 CLjJf.eJ1 . 2, What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse, Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery? ~ S e ftJ e-d cry( !-k-V'~ -R..r~ ~frlLttf:-Z~. 1tu / CLS -r- ~ mncl am L~ll,~ ~ w;'fL" !ttlJ l4--d~ 3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City (Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do you envision these groups working with the City for the bettennent of the Heritage Center? - fJIq 1515/0.,.1 ole,) elo/JS ])t-IPft as cz. J6u"JaJ~.~( ~Ti ~ /k~ GM~ '~Y'D~(d'~1 (J/anY//~r nrDClrtlmrrt;ytr y) -ftvl~n~/~ ("~tJ(~r+~ / I / / / . . CCfavvjlJus' );!tA Cli&Jvl r .ffi11:t..-UZ t/-o () f'OU~P~ LdeM aHd- () dLLv~ -- / PAl 'Ayt Jb~ #~ to 'f-c-b1 r /. '. 4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse once renovation of the structures is completed? (JIJ JI-. 'KJ~ ~ fo~ -1tr.e ~.~ ~ rVOl("IHllMI'rJ . 4~~ ~ J't1U(5J 0.0 AJ~J ~ ...kJ Cl4 wdf CM '1&.e. f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. tJIL ~ ~ In MJ /-0 ~ ~enJH)~ L<Jft4 Maiiy I ~~/~ tI~~~ I 5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ~ c&:w,~ ~ he- lMtf6fDaLvv LV / it. G /JrIU ~. W.Q. /, a ".~ ~!'rlJ-p/,~ p~ k q~ ~ /v(t(},daM.Pl wdJ (j /'- lt9tA1GiuQ~ Jo ~ 4D ~ we- aUo k Jo ~~,~ W-dL, ~ L.b>vvm11~ -k c,;v'j .~ ~. tb~ Joe ~Q)A". (bVL.a k C67~4vct- I . 6. What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? ,}.1,$Vt ~~ '1L... ~l'~ ~15{;Ji. 'tLe 'U-uaUu/U<uJ ~ ~ ~ j~J ~ ;jlaJl-' a+t.e/ ~ ~ Jo ~,.w. In do./U). ,) ~ n,Ji. lJiSiWt J ~ y~Ttu.... ~ 1/1 ,,+r~ if-1J~ ~~~" l-o~cJ.Mf, J IG~ Yj'VU4--Ut..vrL-: ~ L P ~ veia.:k-D'Go :.e..y/J..Q) <lj ~ ' e0.-ff*~cu~ ~ LJ ~. /) . SIGNATURE /11; {)'u0 U~( OCCUPATION rpfrred, I In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civi. Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10,1996. K2/F /apptmts/appForms/formhcac,doc HEIDTAGE. CENTE.R ADVISORY' COMMfITEE APPUCATION NAME Ku.s J J / C (; G:-7!' DATE · ADDRESS /)0 1)-3 J; ) veyri-e J);Z d)OJJJltU CDv_ CjLJ56-B TELEPHONE # (HOME) cfz 9-- 2 g 'J () (WORK) p.lo /9/ritC"" , . , / c:lvED iltr 1 n i~96 ...... ..J. -J' J . CITY Ur LJU8t/N tf1'?- 7()5~ 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? ;; iJ e ~ rJY2/l -G- p;t) /fc 71 u c;/ ;V /(l271 a-{ P /(V I ) A.J -rA-e C UL-;u;Zlrt- jJf:.VL!:LCfJ/VlEii.J1 O~ -jtfP (J,/Zv-u.) / fJ {;; (l[/YV1 w1 U IV I ~ 2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse, Old 81. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery? . tU;2<5tFlfj 1- SfL-r jJ1-U6/1/'J r ;-kue: R~ / /)1/ t::}-f LM L G i ) J' &LA--/Ut€ (;: {) IV --rf}-e' }/VJ L)f2l2t/3 j frrVCJ 4vvv It-() 0-/:5 ' 3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City (Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clarnpus Vitus)? If so, how do you envision these groups working with the City for the bettennent of the Heritage Center? 77/'c DffPIl 1 ~ev tv / vi H (' A-- t--/ IV . 1/ A l- td.~ fJ"*1 -j 0 ....,--/ -----" - ;VlLJ -.S ) Co L--L--- A:13 fJ72.kTC::: \' v1 ;V1 AtfGl.(ej ;H'2 Dc;6P fb S ;!512-- 01 U j0 P j2) Db" AfvV C LJ L IV j2-?L- k c/tI LJ ) '11 6 5 /l/i? {}I)q J I~ of L J Ie fA} J '!1l -. . 4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse once renovation of the structures is completed? "3 Crt5 ti ~ f/eL-J 6IaV~) C!J/t}u~/) [;;pucach?/YLa( ;:rrv:n 6tS;...Jeo)of/c-J 6kJPeJ2lbtJ~ FcsK fl.f"{::? G1200 ~b C~MUp.J }~~ 5, How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? vJ II of !-D(~ 12bfLb j!fB" wJ~ () jJ ) IV / C'iI/-5 (tf)Vl E~ hKu;" of S[/~-f2uUjI;JD)n 0 C iYY1It Wl U U771 &s . krvD SfGelA1.-- IAJ/tfflGSj- G!2ouP-s ;VI tJOI/ [j U C077~/1J6(2ev) 8U0 v 0" 71lb<.Dl2lUiYJcS M-eC& 6. What is the most nnportant contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? /l.s kf\J II} ~ Kr::'6 I fJ 6-;U // 'S- -I J1 rW J< v\ r7 / S j1/l (Jj22 1l~ ItJ1) :Ej2r:stf v tYJ;vLG' · cDvDL);CJ /-l; .s'JV12/ CI1 1- e-Jb0 @:U[-17l-,u c ~ SIGNATURE J/Y1I1f freG ;4-" VJ~ . / OCCUP AnON }/l1l12t:-t:'TM'; Is I/:1-E<5 / . In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory Committ'?8, olea~8 r'?hJrn this t::omol",+"",-j f0r'T1 +1'" t~o ",t+""rt;0r> "f V..,'/ ',<",,-.I( ,-..;+.1 ""'o~', -'f'(' r:";,, r" RECEIVED HERITAGE CENTER ADVISORY' COMMlTIEE APPUCATI~~G 101996 /1--. /7 /- L CiTY U' UUB' : , .AME L4'7,rP'.L- /~;;-;zt7~<<A2.-v DATE /ri- 7 -Cj{... r Llfll ADDRESS ~/<\"/ ilo?71/:t/. (~/A~ ~iJ(LM~J 4~}Z, .r TELEPHONE # (HOME) 5?' () 3 ,- '7 7 cJ S- (WORK) '7 ?c; - /2,,-\? 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? II/~ h/!u'. _ .b-Z'-f!J, ~4.c. ~"--, Am <-.: (9AM.>("fL :Jk?.A..... OJLd- ;;~. ~LIA~/L/)--cd_-::t~~/llj"4,,-:;/J-/4/Z1/. //k2:?~ -L .L!.. '. /1 1 ' ;:17... / -4// ,j 1/ ~ f:;r, /.'t4Y0;L/~ ,!7-,<HL~. ('fr7/Z1/I.//~/-{1 QL~. LA',{r;J'bc ~/ Ie d_ a') / {l' -:t....I. 1 ." /J ,1//_ ;/... V'.1.-1J!fi./!/' ~4f<>!1?:I;:1' ;')/ ,Y11/.('J,'/il ~ //~/,..t~/i----eEf, L?#./P..--f!C?,-r 7' '-. ::tf_ ~ C/ "'"'I Co , ~ ..... "-' ~ ' 2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse, . Old St~ Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery? . ;} " ,/::' /J.' /J /7 /Jiy- 4!--1UA/Lh'z,,;/C' /d4t.e':J' Y/';nt/.pc/' EL,d '-c{~';7ri f/i -"'3 z~ ;:/f; hfi~.;7( ..J , ?7 3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City (Dublin Historical Presef\Tation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do you envision these groups working with the City for the bettennent of the Heritage Center? -' . " "- 4. What uses do you envision for Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse once renovation of the structures is completed? ...;) L;U,-t, &//71 , /6/h"~-,/'/ .M, (~d-c,t( 1,;--:/:., <hI, - . bctZ''7i./1E;L~ ~L LLW//~~Ai?c/.J) ~>iV ../<f!I~( 1/ 4/;;d-d- 1 . -L - ~ 5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ,-Di,1. (:tJ~itC1'r~ d;r/ v;"t'A ;:b /?)',dr 4. ~4~)J)G U /_ /J ,,/J --tL '/! _;q7~~~!Hdcl/~l" _:Le~YT7-<-Yd~~~~j: L V:::~M' ale ;:;C;1!., 0, ~ ~fi;j':!/l,"t/ Cr~ /?~ --?7'd/4, , ;rfL,-H:::,~, (Uhf'? ,(t')L- '..It J/ /1 ' , .?? /J /1 , d)A-.1cJ /J,~ (I -I'0( i:--I/LI!-?l:;Jr 71"(, LL.~i'/ f~.(,- 4Yr./'-' (/:-z4_ J -V.J-i.Yv dtfJ;Lil . {/' . 6. What IS the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? ~ A ,~ .~ /'c:>it1~ ;L/.d,C:cr,.{~ ,d; d36,., r~7< + _,c,i..{'/t,' UAe.. , ~. . .~ /} / i .~ (1- Je" !jJ2[7/ /,J;//2.'; '. \ (~4d-?U:' <::11 c,' tf:/U4q>-; .,-' ;h L " J /1 ~ /,'... , " ~ . ~ #' ~ .L, ~~ -1:cr-)'J'{ - ./LL/'--A'-L; ~ d'/7~ ~fJ~/d,..4t., ~t ./ - f' - - - - . -- / n: -d ___ e)~JA.) SIGNA~/~:'0~~?~:;(~;d~cUPATION / 0 . ,d,' #;?:-~.j . , // / C-~J/ t.? 0 14" ;(cYz,;r @ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civi. Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 10,1996. K</F /applmls/appforms/formhcac,doc