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CITY CLERK File # ^~ 9^®- ~^~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 7, 2009 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution adopting revisions to the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (EDTIF) and Area of Benefit Fee Report Prepared by: Mark Lander, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution Revising the Traffic Impact Fee and Area of Benefit Fee for Future Developments within the Eastern "Dublin Area, as Previously Established by Resolution 1-95 and Revised by Resolutions 41-96, 225-99, and 111-04, including the following Exhibits: Exhibit A: Land Use and Boundary Map Exhibit B: 2009 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update, dated January 12, 2009, prepared by the City of Dublin Public Works Department Exhibit C: Traffic Impact Fee Schedule Exhibit D: Non-Residential Uses on Residential Properties Map Exhibit E: Area of Benefit/Major Thoroughfares and Bridges 2) Allocation Between Land Acquisition and Construction Costs 3) Administrative Guidelines for the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee, approved February 20, 2007 4) Written Comments From Public (six letters) 5) Staff Responses to Written Comments BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: 1) General Plan (Updated to March 2008) (to be available at Council meeting) 2) Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Updated to March 4, 2008) 3) Resolution No. 1-95 (with all Exhibits) 4) Resolution No. 41-96 (with all Exhibits) 5) Resolution No. 225-99 (with all Exhibits) 6) Resolution No. 111-04 (with all Exhibits) COPY TO: Parties Requesting Notice of Fee Changes (List on file with City Clerk) Page 1 of 14 ITEM NO. G:\TIF\Eastern Dublin\EDTIF Update 2009\agst 04-07-09.doc n RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff Presentation; 3) Receive Public Testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing, determine value of protests (to Area of Benefit Fee only); 5) Deliberate; and 6) Adopt the Resolution establishing the revised Traffic Impact Fee and Area of Benefit Fee for future developments within the Eastern Dublin Area, as previously established by Resolution 1-95 and revised by Resolutions 41-96, 225-99, and 111-04. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Fees collected are used to finance public infrastructure and improvements needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts caused by development in Eastern Dublin. The EDTIF (Fee) was last revised in June 2004, and needs to be updated to reflect the current cost of acquiring land and constructing traffic impact improvements. The cost of preparing the 2009 EDTIF Update is included in the Fee. The total per trip Fee is proposed to be reduced. DESCRIPTION: The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (EDTIF or TIF) was originally established in January 1995, and was subsequently revised in April 1996, December 1999, and June 2004. Since the last revision, some of the background data (land-use assumptions, land valuations) used in determining the Fee has changed. In addition, the cost of constructing the improvements has increased and there have been minor changes to the scope of the improvements. It is therefore necessary to update the Fee to reflect current conditions. Accordingly, a 2009 TIF Study Update has been prepared, the details of which are discussed in the body of this Report. As a result of the 2009 Study Update, a revision to the EDTIF rates is recommended for adoption by the City Council. The proposed resolution includes an automatic annual fee adjustment applicable in future years until the next update and adoption of a revised fee. The automatic annual adjustment is based on indicators measuring the annual increase in land and construction costs. The automatic annual adjustment will not apply to the BART Garage component which contains a fixed cost. Proposed TIF Rates: The proposed per trip rate utilized for residential uses located within the Transit Center is $786 per trip, while the proposed per trip rate utilized for residential uses outside the Transit Center is $863 per trip. The per trip rate for non-residential uses is proposed at $739 per trip. All residential uses are subject to the Section I Residential adjustment ($47 per trip), which allocates to the residential fee certain improvements that benefit residential uses, specifically Park and Ride Lots and the Tassajara Creek Regional Trail. This residential adjustment is accounted for as part of the overall Section I fees. In addition, residential uses outside the Transit Center are subject to the Section II Residential BART Parking Fee Component ($77 per trip), which allocates a portion of the Transit Center BART parking structure to the Fee. The Section II Residential BART Parking fee will be collected and tracked separately from the remainder of the Section II fees. Credits for improvements constructed in these categories will also be tracked separately. Page 2 of 14 The proposed per trip EDTIF rates (Section I and Section II only) are summarized on the following table: CHART 1 COMPARISON OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE RATES (PER TRIP BASIS) RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENT IAL LAND USE Existing Proposed % Change Existing Proposed % Change Section I $591 $579 -2% $591 $579 -2% Section I Residential $62 $47 -24% N/A N/A N/A Section II $172 $160 -7% $172 $160 -7% Total Section I and II (Development within $825 $786 -5% $763 $739 -3% Transit Center Section II Residential BART Parkin Fee $140 $77 -45% N/A N/A N/A Total Section I and II (Development Outside $965 $863 -11% $763 $739 -3% Transit Center As shown in the table above, the proposed rates for each component as well as the overall Fee are proposed to decrease, compared to the current fees in effect since July 1, 2008. The current rates are based upon the fees established four years ago, and escalated each year based on automatic annual adjustments to reflect increased costs of construction and land. The total a~Qre~ate of the fees paid b eY ach t}pe of development will decrease between 3% -11%. Non-Residential Fee The fee for non-residential development is determined by applying the per trip fee of $739 to the estimated average weekday trip generation of the particular development, utilizing the trip generation rates detailed on Exhibit C to the proposed resolution entitled, "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Schedule." Exhibit C has been modified under the 2009 Update to include a line item for Pre-Schools/Daycare. The trip generation rate for these uses is 2.4 trips per student per day. The trip rate is based on analysis in a memorandum dated January 15, 2009, by Fehr and Peers Transportation Engineers, which is on file in the Department of Public Works. Consistent with the previous study, commercial uses in two areas, the retail uses within the Transit Center and the retail uses within The Groves (Fairway Ranch) high-density residential development, are exempt from paying the fees. This exemption is due to the fact that these retail uses are considered ancillary to these developments, will serve the adjoining residential areas via pedestrian access, and will not generate additional vehicle trips. These areas are shown on Exhibit D of the proposed resolution. Residential Fee The fee for residential development outside the Transit Center is determined by applying the per trip fee of $863 to the estimated average weekday trip generation of the particular housing type, based on the land Page 3 of 14 designation included in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan. The fee for residential development within the Transit Center is determined by applying the per trip rate of $786 to the estimated average weekday trip generation. All residential property within the Transit Center is currently designated in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as High Density. The residential fee on a per unit basis (such as Fee per Trip multiplied by the number of trips) is summarized below: CHART 2 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PER UNIT FEE BASED ON TRIP GENERATION L d U Trips Per Fee Per Unit Type an se Designation Day Per Within Transit Outside of Unit Center Transit Center Low Density Up to 6 units/ 10 N/A $8,630 acre Medium Density 6.1-14 units/ 10 N/A $8,630 acre Medium/ High Density 14.1-25 7 N/A $6 041 units/ acre , High Density 25.1 or more 6 $4,716 $5 178 units/ acre , Sec. 8.80 Second Units Municipal 6 N/A $5,178 Code Background: The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (SP) were adopted by the City in 1994. The GPA outlines future land use plans for the 4,176-acre Eastern Dublin sphere of influence. Based on the 1994 GPA, approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 million square feet of commercial/office/industrial development are anticipated in the GPA area, in addition to parks, open space, and institutional uses. The SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies, and action programs for the portion of the City abutting the easterly City limits. A Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the GPA and SP (SCH No. 91103064) and was certified by the City Council on May 10, 1993 (Resolution No. 51-93). Two subsequent addenda, dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994, were approved. Chapter 5.0 of the SP addresses Traffic and Circulation. At the time the SP was adopted, the existing roads were generally rural in character and adequately served existing rural residential development in the area (EIR, pp. 2-3). Portions of the SP area have since been developed and new roads constructed. The transportation and circulation systems for the SP are designed to provide convenient access to, and mobility within, the SP area. The road system is characterized by three major north-south streets (Hacienda Drive, Tassajara Road, and Fallon Road) and three major east-west streets (Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway, and Gleason Drive) to accommodate traffic in the SP area (SP 5.2.1). These streets are all planned or built as major four- or six-lane streets. Other streets necessary for development of the SP are local roads that will be constricted Page 4 of 14 by developers to provide access to respective properties as development occurs. No fees are necessary to provide for such roads. The SP also identifies certain freeway improvements and interchange improvements necessary to accommodate traffic to and from the SP area (SP 5.2.12). The SP includes a policy (Policy 5 -10) that transit service should be provided within one-quarter mile of 95 percent of the SP population and also establishes park-and-ride lots adjacent to freeway interchanges on the three north-south streets (SP 5.7.2). Finally, to encourage non-motorized forms of transportation, the SP provides for a network of pedestrian trails (Policy 5-15) and bike paths (Policy 5-17 and Figure 5.3). In analyzing the traffic impacts of the project, the EIR assumed that certain improvements would be constructed and that development within the SP/GPA areas would pay its proportionate share of the cost of such improvements (EIR, pp 3.3-16 to 3.3-18). The EIR also included a number of mitigation measures to mitigate the transportation-related impacts of the development (EIR, p.3.3-19 to 3.3-29). These mitigation measures were adopted by the City Council as part of the Mitigation Monitoring Program (Resolution No. 53-93). In December 2002, the SP was amended to add the area known as the Transit Center. The EIR for this project also assumed that certain improvements would be constructed and that development in the Transit Center would pay its proportionate share of the cost for the improvements. The General Plan contains a policy that requires new development to pay for infrastructure necessary to accommodate the development (2.1.4, Implementing Policy C). The SP contains a similar goal and policy (Policy 10-1). The City Council adopted a Transportation Impact Fee ordinance on December 12, 1994 (Ordinance No. 14-94), which provided the authority for the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee ("TIF"), which was then adopted by the City Council on January 9, 1995 (Resolution 1-95). The TIF was'based on two reports: a study prepared by Barton-Aschman Associates ("Study"), and a report prepared by Santina & Thompson ("Cost Estimate Report"). The City Council adopted a revised Traffic Impact Fee at its meeting of April 9, 1996, under Resolution No. 41-96. The revised Fee was based on two reports: a study prepared by TJKM Transportation Consultants ("1996 Study Update"), and a revised cost estimate by Santina and Thompson ("1996 Cost Estimate"). A revised Traffic Impact Fee was subsequently adopted by the City Council on December 7, 1999, under Resolution No. 225-99. The revised Fee was based on the 1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update prepared by the Department of Public Works, dated November 8, 1999 ("1999 Study Update"). A revised Traffic Impact Fee was subsequently adopted by the City Council on June 15, 2004, under Resolution No. 111-04. The revised Fee was based on the 2004 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update prepared by the Department of Public Works, dated May 27, 2004 ("2004 Study Update"). 2009 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update The 2009 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update, dated January 12, 2009, prepared by the City of Dublin Department of Public Works (2009 Study Update), attached as Exhibit B to the Resolution, utilizes similar methodology to that used in the original 1995 Study, the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update and the 2004 Study Update to determine the appropriate fee rate. This approach first Page 5 of 14 estimates the cost of all TIF improvements left to be constructed, and then allocates these estimated costs to new development left to be constructed, based on the estimated average weekday trip generation of different types of land uses. EDTIF improvements are categorized in three sections: Section I improvements are those within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area which are needed solely to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin and are funded 100% through the EDTIF. Section II improvements refer to improvements within or outside the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area which are needed, in part, to support new development projected within Eastern Dublin, and the EDTIF funds the proportionate fair share by Eastern Dublin development. Section III improvements were originally necessary to accommodate new development projected within the region. Section I improvements include two projects funded solely by residential development: (1) the Park and Ride lots, and (2) the Tassajara Creek Bike Path. These residential components are accounted for as part of the overall Section I fees and improvements. The remainder of the Section I improvements are funded both by residential and non-residential development. In addition, Section II improvements also include an East Dublin BART Garage project funded solely by residential development outside of the Transit Center. The Section II Residential BART Garage Fee collected to fund this project is treated as a separate fee for the purpose of collection and accounting. The 2009 Study Update calculates the appropriate Fee rates for Section I and Section II improvements, as well as for the Section I and Section II residential adjustments. The Section III portion of the Fee was suspended with the adoption of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee (TVTDF) in 1998; thus, the 2009 Study Update does not include a Fee rate for Section III fees. In the event that the Section III portion of the Fee becomes effective again, the rate will be adjusted to account for all changes in land and construction costs since the effective date of the TVTDF. While the 2009 Study Update employs the same methodology as was used in the past, the fact that the EDTIF program is well underway complicates the calculation. The 2009 Study Update must account for EDTIF improvements that have been completed or are under construction by private developers in return for EDTIF credits, as well as for EDTIF funds that have been received to date. The 2009 Study Update also refines the aggregate trip generation estimates and determines the remaining trips upon which to base the revised Fee. Table 1 of the 2009 Study Update (Attachment 1 -Exhibit B) details the calculation of the revised EDTIF rates. The following discussion highlights specific issues that were considered in calculating revised TIF rates: Cost Estimates The 2009 Study Update relies on a number of data sources to determine the costs that must be financed by the revised EDTIF, which are listed below: 1. The Department of Public Works has prepared a new cost estimate for remaining improvements (included as Attachments 1 through 5 in the 2009 Study Update). This estimate updates cost estimates for all EDTIF improvements remaining to be funded, excluding improvements already completed or currently being constructed by private developers under existing development agreements. 2. The Finance Division has provided information regarding the outstanding balance due on prior funding advances and EDTIF credits, as of July 1, 2008, as well as the cash balance of EDTIF funds collected and unallocated as of July 1, 2008 (Attachments 6 and 7 in the Study Update). Page 6 of 14 Costs and credit estimates in Item 1 above rely on updated right-of--way values provided in the Valuation Analysis Report for Traffic and Facilities Impact Fee Study, Eastern Dublin, prepared by Associated Right-of--Way Services, dated September 10, 1999. The Valuation Analysis was updated in June 2003. and again in June 2006. Right-of--way values were based on the same methodology used in past studies, but were updated to reflect land values in the Tri-Valley area as shown in the 2006 appraisal. Cost estimates for remaining improvements were increased based on unit costs for comparable street improvement projects, in particular the Dublin Boulevard/ Dougherty Road Intersection project which was completed in 2008. Certain EDTIF improvements have changed in scope since the 2004 Study Update and are reflected in the 2009 Study Update. Largely due to refinements in street design, which resulted from more detailed traffic studies of specific developments, the changes are minor in scope and are consistent with the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The specific changes are described in detail in the 2009 Study Update. Contra Costa County Contribution The City of Dublin and Contra Costa County entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (dated June 1, 2000) whereby the Dougherty Valley development will contribute toward the costs of certain portions of EDTIF improvements needed as the result of development in the Dougherty Valley. The original amount of fees to be collected based on the Agreement was $13.5 Million. Because the rate charged contains an annual escalator, the total amount to be collected will be more. The 2009 Study Update estimates the remaining amount of fees to be collected from the Dougherty Valley development and applies these fees toward costs in the EDTIF. Trip Generation The 2009 Update Study refines the estimated trip generation (414,662 trips) from land subject to the EDTIF based on actual land use proposals. The new figure is an increase of approximately 53,230 trips over the 2004 Update Study. A history of total Trips estimated for the area covered by the fee is shown below: History of Estimated Number of Total Trips Generated In The Area Subject To The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee YEAR OF FEE STUDY TOTAL NUMBER OF TRIPS 1996 344,078 1999 356,359 2004 361,432 2008 414,662 The changes are due to differences between prior fee studies and the current update in calculating trip generations. Prior studies based trip generations at the mid-range of the densities set by the Specific Plan. However, the current update bases trip generations on the actual unit count for entitled projects (many of which were approved at the upper end of the allowable densities), along with estimates based on mid- range densities as shown in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for unentitled properties. The 2009 Study Update, with the exception of the regional County Government Center land north of Gleason Drive, excludes trips generated by and from public facility land uses, including public schools and parks, because the trips to and from these land uses are generated by new development. This information is shown in Attachments 9 and 10 to the Update Study. Page 7 of 14 Based on building permits issued in Eastern Dublin through July 1, 2008, and on construction activity pursuant to existing entitlements, the 2009 Study Update estimates the number of trips remaining by estimating the trip status as shown in the Table below: Estimated Number of Total Trips Remaining In The Area Subject To The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee STATUS TRIPS Beginning Balance Total Number of Trips 414,662 LESS: Number of Trips Where Fee Has Been Paid (115,331) Number of Tri s Since July 1, 2008 until new Fee is Effective ( 2,160) Estimated Remaining Trips Subject To Pro osed Fee 297,171 As stated above, the estimated remaining trips are based on a combination of actual unit count for entitled developments and mid-range densities as shown in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan for unentitled properties. Of the estimated 297,171 trips that will be subject to the new Fee, 64,845 are estimated to be generated from residential development and 232,326 are to be generated from non-residential development. Proposed TIF Rates Based on the updated cost estimates and trip generation rates, the 2009 Study Update proposes a revised EDTIF rate of $739 per trip for non-residential uses, $786 per trip for residential uses within the Transit Center, and $863 per trip for residential uses outside the Transit Center. The application of these per trip rates to particular non-residential and residential land uses is described at the beginning of this Report. Exemptions The EDTIF includes full exemptions for building construction that would not increase vehicle traffic to and from the site. Full exemptions are granted for reconstruction, alteration, or addition to residential structures that do not add another dwelling unit and to non-residential structures where the increased building footprint is less than 500 square feet. The EDTIF includes partial exemptions for non-residential construction based on pre-existing uses at a site. Partial exemptions are granted to replacement, reconstruction, or additions for non-residential structures which are 500 square feet or greater based on the vehicle trip generation of the building as it existed prior to the changes. Future Adjustments to the TIF Consistent with prior policy, the proposed resolution includes a process for making future adjustments to the EDTIF, either based on further study and analysis of the then-current circumstances or on an automatic adjustment. The proposed resolution provides that the City will continue to conduct further study and analysis to determine whether the Fee should be revised. When additional information is available, the Fee shall be reviewed and revised to include amounts that are reasonably related to impacts of development in Eastern Dublin. Page 8 of 14 The proposed resolution further provides that, in years in which the Fee is not adjusted based on specific studies and analysis, it shall be automatically adjusted (on July 1) based on a formula that accounts for changes in construction and land costs. The formula applies indicators of the change in construction and land costs to the Fee rates, based on the relative allocation between the cost estimates for construction and land acquisition for certain improvements included in the 2009 Study Update. This allocation is 81 % for improvements and 19% for land, and the formula will be weighted accordingly. The allocation is shown on Attachment 2 of the Staff Report. It should be noted that the Section II Residential BART Parking Fee has a fixed cost of $6 Million. Therefore, this component of the fee will be a fixed amount and will not automatically increase. Future TIF Updates will evaluate the number of residential units remaining to be built and the amount of the $6 million that remains to be collected, which may result in adjustments to the fee at that time. Area of Benefit Fee The adoption of an Area of Benefit Fee is required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and covers the cost of construction of the major thoroughfares and bridges within the Specific Plan. Exhibit D to the proposed resolution identifies the major thoroughfares and bridges included in the Specific Plan Area. Exhibit D also includes cost estimates for construction of these improvements, using the updated cost estimates included in the Update Study for improvements that have not yet been constructed or bonded. Exhibit D does not include credits due for construction of portions of these major thoroughfares and bridges, but provides that, in the event the Area of Benefit becomes effective, these credits will be calculated and the Fee will be adjusted accordingly. The improvements included in the Area of Benefit Fee are also included in Section I of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. Imposition of both the Traffic Impact Fee and the Area of Benefit Fee would be duplicative. In order to eliminate any doubt as to the validity of the EDTIF to pay for the construction of such improvements, Section 12 of the proposed resolution has been added to satisfy both the procedural requirements for the adoption of a fee under the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance (No.14-94) and the Area of Benefit Ordinance (No. 10-94). Section 14 of Ordinance 10-94 provides that the Area of Benefit Fee would be collected only in the event that the Traffic Impact Fee for the same improvements is held to be legally invalid. Thus, there would be no duplication of fees. Administrative Guidelines The City Council last adopted administrative guidelines for the Fee program on February 20, 2007. No changes to the administrative guidelines are proposed at this time. A copy of the current guidelines is attached (Attachment 3). Payment of Fees Since enactment of the EDTIF in 1995, the fees have been payable upon issuance of building permits. The proposed resolution (Attachment 1) does not alter this practice. Pursuant to City Council direction, Staff has had internal discussions regarding economic development programs, one of which could include deferral of payment of development impact fees, including the EDTIF. Adoption of the resolution (Attachment 1) will not preclude the City Council from adopting an economic development program that may include deferral of some or all of the City's development impact fees, including the EDTIF. Page 9 of 14 Fees for Residential Developments Near Transit Stations State law was amended in 2008, effective January 1, 2009, by AB 3005 (Jones), to add Government Code section 66005.1, which requires local agencies to reduce traffic impact fees on residential projects within one-half mile of a transit station that meet three criteria: (1) there is direct access from the development project to the transit station along a "barrier-free walkable pathway"; (2) there is a retail use that sells food within one-half mile of the development; and (3) the residential development provides minimum parking (no more than one space for 1-2 bedroom units or three spaces for 3-plus units). The new law is not applicable to a housing development that satisfies these three criteria until January 1, 2011 if the housing development is located within an area that is "covered by a capital improvement plan for traffic facilities" adopted before January 1, 2009. The area within one-half mile of the East Dublin BART station, which is the only,"transit station" within the EDTIF' area, is covered by the City's CIP, so the provisions of Government Code Section 66005.1 will not be applicable until January 2, 2011. Staff will include provisions in the next update to the EDTIF to address the requirements of Section 66005.1, prior to January 1, 2011. There are several projects within aone-half mile radius of the Eastern Dublin BART Station that may be affected by the legislation in 2011, dependent on whether they meet the three criteria. If any projects meet the statutory criteria, the Staff must determine the appropriate reduction to be applied. The statute itself does not provide for a specific reduction. The reduction would occur based on a determination that development within the one-half mile radius generates fewer vehicle trips that comparable development outside the one-half mile radius. If such a determination is made and, assuming the same improvements are needed, the effect would be to increase the fee on development outside the one-half mile area. Review Process for 2009 Update Study An informational meeting was held on January 27, 2009 to discuss the fee update with developers and affected property owners in Eastern Dublin. A notice of the meeting was sent to developers and property owners in Eastern Dublin, as well as interested parties. A total of 53 notices were sent. The meeting was attended by Pat Cashman (representing the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority), Jeff White (representing Avalon Bay Communities, Inc.) and Rod Andrade of MacKay and Somps Engineers (representing the Lin Family). Verbal comments received at the meeting and Staff's responses are as follows: Comment (Rod Andrade): The 2009 Study Update does not include adequate fee credits to reimburse the Lin Family for funds advanced for the construction of the I-580/ Fallon Road Interchange (These concerns were also noted in a letter from Mr. Andrade dated January 26, 2009)e Respo~ise: Mr. Andrade was advised that the cost of the interchange project and the availability of adequate credits to reimburse the funds would be reviewed with Public Works and Administrative Services staff. A subsequent meeting was held between Mr. Andrade and staff. Following review of project costs, it was determined that the credit amount listed in the Update, combined with funds received from the City of Pleasanton, was inadequate to fully reimburse funds advanced by the Lins, based on projected final project costs, by the amount of $200,077. The EDTIF fee calculations were then adjusted to show an additional Page 10 of 14 amount of $200,077 in costs to be funded by the Fee. This will allow the Lin Family to receive credits in the full amount of the funds advanced for the project. Comment (Pat Cashman): The proposed development on Camp Parks needs to be brought into the EDTIF program. Response: Mr. Cashman was advised that Staff has had preliminary discussions with the Camp Parks developer regarding mitigation of traffic impacts associated with that development. One option is for the Camp Parks development to be annexed into the EDTIF fee program, and contribute to the cost of EDTIF improvements through the payment of fees. Another option is for Camp Parks to construct a portion of the EDTIF improvements. In either case, this would result in a likely decrease in the fees paid by properties already in the EDTIF fee program. Comment (Pat Cashman): The 2009 Study Update uses the actual costs for the Dublin Boulevard/ Dougherty Road Intersection project, which is higher than the costs used in the 2004 Update. The City should treat all projects covered by the EDTIF equally, including the Eastern Dublin BART Parking Garage. The 2004 Update provided fora $6 Million reimbursement to the ACSPA, based on a $20 Million construction cost and 500 parking spaces out of 1680 parking spaces (30%) being used by new residents in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. The 2009 Study Update holds the total reimbursement for the garage at $6 Million. The actual cost of the garage was $40 Million; Mr. Cashman requests that the reimbursement be raised to $12 Million, which is 30% of the actual construction cost. Response: The Transit Center was not a part of the original Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and not subject to the original EDTIF. The Transit Center approvals required the construction of $10.7 Million (in 2004 dollars) in street improvements to mitigate traffic generated by the Transit Center. These improvements were included in the EDTIF program. The ACSPA requested that the Transit Center be annexed to the EDTIF' in order to (a) satisfy traffic mitigation through the payment of fees as an alternate to cash outlay for improvements and (b) utilize the existing $36 Million in fee credits held by ACSPA for prior EDTIF improvements in lieu of paying fees for Transit Center development. A simultaneous request was for the BART Garage fee surcharge to be created so that the ACSPA could recoup a portion of the costs associated with building the garage (which was necessary in order to remove surface parking from the ACSPA Transit Center lands before development could occur). Unlike improvements, such as the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection project, the BART garage is not an improvement that was needed by Eastern Dublin development. The BART garage was a part of the Transit Center project, rather than an improvement needed by the Transit Center project. On behalf of the ACSPA, Mr. Cashman asked the City to assist the ACSPA with the costs of construction of the garage and specifically asked for $6 Million. Even though the ACSPA has known since the construction began on the BART garage that the cost would be $40 Million (June 22, 2006, letter from Pat Cashman), Mr. Cashman did not ask the City to increase the $6 Million contribution for the BART garage until now. When the City Council included $6 Million in the EDTIF in 2004 it did so based on a parking use analysis that showed 30% of the parking spaces in the BART parking garage being used by residents of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area (EDSP). This provided a nexus for creating a fee for the EDSP development to pay a portion of the garage construction. The fee was imposed on residential development outside of the Transit Center. At the time of the update and the request from the ACSPA, the cost estimate for the garage was $20 Million. The 2004 Update did not provide for an increase in funding for the garage. Page 11 of 14 Staff does not recommend an increase both because the funding was included in 2004 only at the request of the ACSPA and in the amount re uq ested and because to do so would increase fees for the developers in the remainder of Eastern Dublin who are the persons who would pay the increased amount. If the City Council is interested in considering an increase in the $6 Million, it should retain a consultant to determine if the nexus remains for imposing the BART garage fee; if the nexus can still be found, the Council can but is not obligated to increase the amount of the fee to generate $12 Million rather than $6 Million. Because the BART garage is not a condition of approval of the Transit Center, is not a City project, and was not a mitigation measure of the Transit Center EIR the City has no legal obligation to increase the funding. Comment (Pat Cashman): The City should enact the provisions of State Gov. Code 66005.1, which requires that traffic impact fees be reduced for transit-oriented development. Response: State Gov. Code 66005.1, effective January 1, 2009, requires that local agencies reduce traffic impact fees on residential projects within one-half mile of a transit station that meet three criteria: (1) there is direct access from the development project to the transit station along a "barrier-free walkable pathway"; (2) there is a retail use that sells food within one-half mile of the development; and (3) the residential development provides minimum parking (no more than one space for 1-2 bedroom units or three spaces for 3-plus units). The new law is not applicable to a housing development that satisfies these three criteria until January 1, 2011, if the housing development is located within an area that is "covered by a capital improvement plan for traffic facilities" adopted before January 1, 2009. The area within one-half mile of the East Dublin BART station, which is the only "transit station" within the EDTIF area, is covered by the City's CIP, so the provisions of Government Code Section 66005.1 will not be applicable until January 2, 2011. Even if section 66005.1 was applicable, no project within the Transit Center could meet all three criteria because there is no retail center that sells food within one-half mile. Both because the new law is not applicable until 2011 and because at least one of the three criteria does not exist (retail use selling food), Staff has not undertaken the analysis needed to justify the fee reduction due to time constraints. The analysis would require review of the 2002 Transit Center EIR and approvals, including the traffic analysis, and potentially a new traffic analysis to provide a justifiable nexus for reducing the fee within the Transit Center. A preliminary estimate of the time needed to complete this work is 4-6 months. The cost of the work has not been determined, nor has it been determined how the work will be funded. Postponing the adoption of the EDTIF 2009 Study Update in order to include anon-mandatory fee reduction for the Transit Center would delay implementation of the 2009 Update by many months. As a result, the 3-11% fee reduction (including a 5% fee reduction for residential development within the Transit Center) that would result from the adoption would be delayed until late 2009. It should be noted that the residential development within the Transit Center is NOT subject to the BART Parking surcharge, which in itself provides a 9% reduction in fees over similar development outside of the Transit Center. In addition, the EDTIF specifically exempts the 70,000 square feet of retail commercial uses within the Transit Center from paying fees. This equals 3,220 trips out of a total of 48,158 trips within the Transit Center, or a 6.7% reduction in fees paid. In summary, the current EDTIF already reflects reduced vehicle trips from the Transit Center, which is reflected in the fees. Page 12 of 14 Comment (Jeff White): The City should enact the provisions of State Gov. Code 66005.1, which requires that traffic impact fees be reduced for transit-oriented development. Response: See previous response to Comment by Pat Cashman. Comment (Pat Cashman): Since the BART parking fee was enacted in 2004, the ACSPA has been reimbursed only $1,278,000, or the equivalent of about 1,000 units. This number of units seems low for the total amount of development that occurred in Dublin during this period. Is it possible that the City failed to collect the BART garage fee for all the permits that were issued during this time? Response: The fee was enacted on June 15, 2004, but by law did not become effective until 60 days later, on August 15, 2004. During this 60-day period, permits were issued for 671 units not subject to the BART garage fee. In addition, during the four years in question, permits were issued for an additiona1674 units at the Transit Center that were not subject to the fee. In light of this information, the amount of reimbursement to the ACSPA seems to be correct. Mr. Cashman submitted two letters (January 26, 2009, and January 27, 2009) prior to the meeting, and one following the meeting (February 6, 2009), reiterating the concerns expressed at the meeting. Mr. White submitted a letter following the meeting (February 9, 2009), reiterating the comments expressed at the meeting. Mr. Andrade submitted a letter (January 26, 2009) prior to the meeting, reiterating the concerns expressed at the meeting, as well as a subsequent letter (February 18, 2009) indicating that these concerns had been addressed. These letters are included in this Report as Attachment 4 and Staff responses are included as Attachment 5. No other comments were received. Environmental Analysis The EIR and Addenda, together with supplemental CEQA documents, including supplemental environmental impact reports, mitigated negative declarations, negative declarations and addenda have been prepared for Eastern Dublin development since the EIR was certified in 1993 (collectively "the Environmental Documents") that describe the freeway, freeway interchange, and road improvements necessary for implementation of the SP, along with transit improvements, pedestrian trails, and bicycle paths. The adoption of the Fee is within the scope of the Envirommental Documents. The Improvements and Facilities were all identified in the Environmental Documents as necessary to accommodate traffic to mitigate impacts of development in Eastern Dublin. The impacts of such development, including the Improvements and Facilities, were adequately analyzed at a Program level in the Environmental Documents. Since the certification or approval of the Environmental Documents, there have been no substantial changes in the projections of future development as identified in the Environmental Documents, no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances, and no other new information of substantial importance so as to require important revisions in the Environmental Documents' analysis of impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Subsequent project-specific environmental review under CEQA of the Specific Improvements and Facilities is not required at this stage as they will be implemented over at least a 20-year period, and specific details as to their timing and construction are not presently known. Page 13 of 14 Conclusion In accordance with Government Code Sections 66016 and 66017, notice of this public hearing was mailed to those requesting such notice 14 days before this public hearing. Also in accordance with Government Code Sections 66016 and 66017, the Attachments to this Staff Report and the Background Documents (listed on page 1 of this Report) were made available for public review 10 days prior to this public hearing. The 2009 Study Update will continue to ensure that new development will pay its fair share of the improvements needed to mitigate the resulting new traffic and that those needed mitigations will be constructed. The revised fee will become effective sixty (60) days following adoption of the Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council 1) Open Public Hearing; 2) Receive Staff Presentation; 3) Receive Public Testimony; 4) Close Public Hearing, determine value of protests (to Area of Benefit Fee only); 5) Deliberate; and 6) Adopt the Resolution establishing the revised Traffic Impact Fee and Area of Benefit Fee for future developments within the Eastern Dublin Area, as previously established by Resolution 1-95 and revised by Resolutions 41-96, 225-99, and 111-04. Page 14 of 14 RESOLUTION NO. -09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RESOLUTION REVISING THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE AND AREA OF BENEFIT FEE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE EASTERN DUBLIN AREA, AS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION NO.1-95 AND REVISED BY RESOLUTION N0.41-96, RESOLUTION N0.225-99, AND RESOLUTION NO. 111-04 i' t~ ~ ~~ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dublin has adopted Ordinance No. 14-94 which creates and establishes the authority for imposing and charging a Transportation Impact Fee; and WHEREAS, the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment ("GPA") and Specific Plan were adopted by the City in 1993; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan has been the subject of various amendments, and all references herein to the "SP" are to the Specific Plan as amended to date; and WHEREAS, the GPA outlined future land uses for lands within the City's eastern sphere of influence, including approximately 13,906 dwelling units and 9.737 million square feet of commercial, office, and industrial development; and WHEREAS, the SP provides more specific detailed goals, policies, and action programs for the lands covered by it; and WHEREAS, the GPA and SP areas ("Eastern Dublin") are included on the Land Use and Boundary Map of the Eastern Dublin TIF Area, attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") was prepared for the GPA and SP (SCH No. 91103604) and certified by the Council on May 10, 1993, by Resolution No. 51-93, and two Addenda dated May 4, 1993, and August 22, 1994 ("Addenda"), were prepared and considered by the Council; and WHEREAS, the GPA and SP provided for, and the EIR and Addenda analyzed, future buildout of Eastern Dublin and identified freeway, freeway interchange and road improvements, as well as transit improvements, pedestrian trails and bicycle paths necessary to implement the SP; and WHEREAS, the GPA, SP, EIR, and Addenda describe the impacts of contemplated future development on existing public facilities in Eastern Dublin through the Year 2010, and contain an analysis of the need for new public facilities and improvements required by future development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a "Mitigation Monitoring Program: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan Amendment" by Resolution No. 53-93 which requires development within -s~-~-cq w,~c- ' AT~Ag1YlEN~ 1- :~ ~ ~ // ~" Eastern Dublin to pay its proportionate share of certain transportation improvements necessary to mitigate impacts caused by development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, supplemental CEQA documents, including supplemental environmental impact reports, mitigated negative declarations, negative declarations and addenda have been prepared for Eastern Dublin development since the EIR was certified in 1993; and WHEREAS, the SP, EIR, addenda and supplemental CEQA documents assumed that certain traffic improvements would be made and that development within Eastern Dublin would pay its proportionate share of such improvements; and WHEREAS, a Program EIR ("the Transit Center EIR") was prepared for the Dublin Transit Center project, and certified by the Council by Resolution 215-02; and WHEREAS, the Dublin Transit Center project area was added to the SP area and the Transit Center EIR identified new improvements beyond those identified in the EIR; and WHEREAS, no new improvements or changes to the improvements described in the EIR and the Transit Center EIR have been identified in any of the supplemental CEQA documents, except for the CEQA documents or other documents referenced in the 2009 Study Update, attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1-95 on January 9, 1995, establishing an "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee" for development within Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1-95 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared for the City of Dublin by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., in a document dated November 1994 and entitled "Traffic Impact Fee-Eastern Dublin" (hereafter "Study"), which was attached as Exhibit B to Resolution No. 1-95; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1-95 further relies upon a second report which was prepared for the City of Dublin by Santina and Thompson in a document dated December 30, 1994, entitled, "Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Study/Roadway Costs, Initial Level" (hereinafter "Cost Report"), which was attached as Exhibit C to Resolution No. 1-95; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 41-96 on April 9, 1996, revising the fee established under Resolution No. 1-95, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 41-96 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared for the City by TJKM ("1996 Study Update") and cost estimates prepared by Santina and Thompson ("1996 Cost Estimate Update"); and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 225-99 on December 7, 1999, revising the fee established under Resolution No. 41-96, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 225-99 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared by the Department of Public Works ("1999 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update", hereinafter "1999 Study Update"), and 2 2 ~~.~ ~ / WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 111-04 on June 15, 2004, revising the fee established under Resolution No. 225-99, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 111-04 relies upon and incorporates a report prepared by the Department of Public Works ("2004 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update", hereinafter "2004 Study Update"), and WHEREAS, Section 8 of Resolution No. 111-04 provides that the City will periodically review the fee and make revisions as appropriate; and WHEREAS, the City's Department of Public Works has prepared a revised report, dated January 12, 2009, entitled, "2009 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update" (hereafter "2009 Study Update") which is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the 2009 Update Study includes and incorporates Tables 1 and 2 and Attachments 1 to 10; and WHEREAS, the 2009 Study Update demonstrates the appropriateness of modifying the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee in certain respects; and WHEREAS, the 2009 Study Update, which includes updated cost estimates, together with a copy of the Agenda Statement and proposed Resolution were available for public inspection and review for ten (10) days prior to this public hearing; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds as follows: A. The purpose of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (hereafter "Fee") is to finance public improvements and facilities needed to reduce the traffic-related impacts caused by future development in Eastern Dublin. The public improvements and facilities are listed in the Study, the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Study Update, and the 2009 Study Update under Sections I, II, and III and are hereafter defined and referred to as "Improvements and Facilities." The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section I refer to Improvements and Facilities within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which are needed solely to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin, and such Improvements and Facilities are funded 100% through the Fee. The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section II refer to Improvements and Facilities within or outside the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which are needed, in part, to support new development projected within Eastern Dublin, and the Fee funds the proportionate fair share by Eastern Dublin development to construct such Improvements and Facilities. The Improvements and Facilities listed under Section III ("Section III Improvements") are all necessary to accommodate new development projected within the wider region, including development within Eastern Dublin. Although the City has adopted the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee by Resolution 89-98, as amended by Resolution 85-99, and Section 10 of Resolution 89-98 suspends Section III fees, the portion of the Fee attributable to Section III improvements will be adjusted if and when Section III portion of the Fee becomes effective again by any adjustments made to the cost of improvements and/or right-of--way from the effective date of Resolution 89-98 to the date the Section III portion of the Fee becomes effective. ~~, ~ /lc B. The fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used, to finance the Improvements and Facilities. C. After considering the Study, the 1996 Study Update, the Cost Estimate Report, the 1996 Cost Estimate Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, the 2009 Study Update, Resolution No. 1-95, Resolution 41-96, Resolution 225-99, Resolution 111-04, the Agenda Statement, the SP, the General Plan, the Environmental Documents, all correspondence received and the testimony received at the noticed public hearing held on April 7, 2009, the Council reapproves and readopts the Study, as revised by the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, the 2009 Study Update and the Cost Estimate Report, as revised by the 1996 Cost Estimate, the 1999 Cost Study Update the 2004 Study Update, and the 2009 Study Update, and incorporates each herein, and further finds that future development in Eastern Dublin will generate the need for the Improvements and Facilities and the Improvements and Facilities are consistent with the GPA, the SP, and the City's General Plan. D. The adoption of the Fee is within the scope of the EIR, Addenda, Transit Center EIR and supplemental CEQA documents ("Environmental Documents"). E. The Improvements and Facilities were all identified in the Environmental Documents as necessary to accommodate traffic from and/or to, to mitigate impacts of development in Eastern Dublin. The impacts of such development, including the Improvements and Facilities, were adequately analyzed at a Program level in the Environmental Documents. Since the certification of the Environmental Documents, there have been no substantial changes in the projections of future development as identified in the Environmental Documents, no substantial changes in the surrounding circumstances, and no other new information of substantial importance so as to require important revisions in the Environmental Documents' analysis of impacts, mitigation measures, and alternatives. Subsequent project-specific environmental review under CEQA of the Specific Improvements and Facilities is not required at this stage, as they will be implemented over at least a 20-year period and specific details as to their timing and construction are not presently known. E. The record establishes: 1. That there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the Improvements and Facilities and the impacts of the types of development for which the corresponding fee is charged in that new development in Eastern Dublin, both residential and non-residential, will generate traffic which generates or contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 2. That there is a reasonable relationship between the Fee's use (to pay for the construction of the Improvements and Facilities) and the type of development for which the Fee is charged in that all development in Eastern Dublin, both residential and non-residential, generates or contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 3. That there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the Fee and the cost of the Improvements and Facilities or portion thereof attributable to development in Eastern Dublin in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of trips generated by specific types of land uses, the total amount it will cost to construct the Improvements and Facilities, and the percentage by which development within Eastern Dublin contributes to the need for the Improvements and Facilities; and 4 ~~%' /% 4. That the cost estimates set forth in the Study, as revised by the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Study Update, the 2009 Study Update, and the Cost Estimate Report, as revised by the 1996 Cost Estimate, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, and the 2009 Study Update, are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the Improvements and Facilities, and the Fees expected to be generated by future development will not exceed the projected costs of constructing the Improvements and Facilities; and 5. The method of allocation of the Fee to a particular development, set forth in the Study, as revised in the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, and the 2009 Study Update bears a fair and reasonable relationship to each development's burden on, and benefit from, the Improvements and Facilities to be funded by the Fee, in that the Fee is calculated based on the number of automobile trips each particular development will generate. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as follows: 1. Definitions a. "Development" shall mean the construction, alteration or addition of any building or structure within Eastern Dublin. b. "Eastern Dublin" shall mean all territory depicted within the Eastern Dublin TIF Area on the Land Use and Boundary Map attached hereto as Exhibit A. c. "Improvements and Facilities" shall include those transportation and transit improvements and facilities as are described in Section I, II and III of the Study and as described in the 1996 Study Update, 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, the 2009 Study Update, the 1996 Cost Estimate, SP, and the Environmental Documents. "Improvements and Facilities" shall also include comparable alternative improvements and facilities should later changes in projections of development in the region necessitate construction of such alternative improvements and facilities; provided that the City Council later determines (1) that there is a reasonable relationship between development within Eastern Dublin and the need for the alternative improvements and facilities, (2) that the alternative improvements and facilities are comparable to the improvements and facilities in the Study, 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, the 2009 Study Update, and (3) that the revenue from the Fee will be used only to pay Eastern Dublin development's fair and proportionate share of the alternative improvements and facilities. d. "Low Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GPA for up to six units per acre. e. "Medium Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GPA for over 6 to 14 units per acre. f. "Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GPA for over 14 to 25 units per acre. 5 ~- ~~ ;f~. g. "High Density Dwelling Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin constructed or to be constructed on property designated by the SP and GPA for over 25 units per acre. h. "Second Unit" shall mean a dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Dublin that is issued a building permit as a second unit pursuant to Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.80 (Second Unit Regulations) of the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. 2. Traffic Impact Fee Imposed a. A Traffic Impact Fee ("Fee") shall be charged and paid for each Low Density Dwelling Unit, Medium Density Dwelling Unit, Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit, High Density Dwelling Unit and Second Unit within Eastern Dublin no later than the date of final inspection for the unit, provided that the Fee shall be payable by the date that the building permit is issued for any such Unit from and after the date the City Council approves a Capital Improvement Program for the Improvements and Facilities. b. A Fee shall be charged and paid for non-residential buildings or structures within Eastern Dublin at the time of issuance of the building permit for such building or structure, except where the building or structure will require a later stage of discretionary approval by the City before it can be occupied, in which case, with the approval of the Public Works Director, the Fee for that building or structure may be deferred for payment to the date the City makes the last discretionary approval which is required prior to occupancy. c. The Fee includes the Section I Fee Section I Residential Fee; Section II Fee; and Section II Residential BART Parking Fee. The Section II Residential BART Parking fee is a separate fee but it, together with the Section I Fee, Section I Residential Fee and Section II Fee, are referred to as the "Fee." 3. Amount of Fee a. Low Density Dwelling Units (Outside Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each Low Density Dwelling Unit shall be $8,630 per unit. b. Medium Density Dwelling Units (Outside Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each Medium Density Dwelling Unit shall be $8,630 per unit. c. Medium/High Density Dwelling Units (Outside Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each Medium/High Density Dwelling Unit shall be $6,041 per unit. d. High Density Dwelling Units (Outside Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each High Density Dwelling Unit shall be $5,178 per unit. e. High Density Dwelling Units (Within Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each High Density Dwelling Unit shall be $4,716 per unit. f. Second Units (Outside of Transit Center). The amount of the Fee for each Second Unit shall be $5,178 per unit. 6 / ~ / ,~ /~' g. Non-Residential Buildings or Structures. The amount of the Fee for each Non- Residential Building or Structure shall be $739 per average weekly trip. The amount of Traffic Impact Fees for Residential and Non-Residential Uses are shown attached hereto as Exhibit C. 4. Minimum Cash Payment a. The minimum cash payment for Section I and Section II fees shall be in accordance with the Administrative Guidelines. Developers may utilize credits for the remainder of the fee, if authorized by the Administrative Guidelines. 5. Exemptions From Fee a. Residential Alteration or Addition: Any alteration or addition to a residential structure is exempt from payment of the Fee, except to the extent that a residential unit is added on a parcel containing asingle-family residential unit or is added to an existing multi-family residential unit. b. Residential Replacement or Reconstruction: Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished is exempt from payment of the Fee, provided that the building permit for the replacement or reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished. c. Non-Residential Replacement or Reconstruction: Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished is exempt from payment of the Fee, provided that the building permit for the replacement or reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished and the use of the new or reconstructed building would not increase the trips over those from the existing non-residential structure, calculated as provided in Exhibit C. d. Non-Residential Replacement or Reconstruction (Partial Exemption): Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished is entitled to a partial exemption from the Fee if: i).the building permit for the replacement or reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished; and ii) the use of the new or reconstructed building would increase the trips over those from the existing non-residential structure calculated as provided in Exhibit C. The partial exemption from the Fee shall be equal to the square footage of the existing non-residential structure that was destroyed or demolished multiplied by the number of trips shown on Exhibit C for its previous use, which total is then subtracted as a "Partial Fee Exemption" from the fees owed based on the use and square footage of the new or reconstructed building as provided in Exhibit C. The new development shall not accrue any credit or reimbursement rights in the event that the fee for the new or reconstructed building is less than the "Partial Fee Exemption" as calculated above. e. Non-Residential Alterations: Any alteration to an existing non-residential building or structure is exempt from payment of the Fee unless the alteration includes an addition of 500 square feet or more. f. Non-Residential Additions: Any addition to an existing non-residential building or structure is exempt from payment of the Fee if the addition is less than 500 square feet. 7 ~~ :~ ~ ~ ~ g. Non-Residential Additions More Than 500 Square Feet (Partial Exemption): Any addition of 500 square feet or more to an existing non-residential building or structure is entitled to a partial exemption from payment of the Fee. The partial exemption from the Fee shall be equal to the square footage of the existing non-residential building or structure calculated as provided in Exhibit C. h. Non-residential Uses within the Eastern Dublin Transit Center and the Groves (Fairway Ranch) High-Density Residential Development: These uses are considered ancillary to the adjoining residential uses and will not generate outside vehicle trips, and are exempt from the fee. The locations are shown attached hereto as Exhibit D. 6. Use of Revenues a. The revenues raised by payment of the Fee shall be placed in the Traffic Impact Fee Fund. Separate and special accounts within the Traffic Impact Fee Fund shall be used to account for such revenues, along with any interest earnings on each account. The revenues (and interest) shall be used for the following purposes: 1) To pay for design, engineering, right-of--way acquisition and constructions of the Improvements and Facilities and reasonable costs of outside consultant studies related thereto; 2) To reimburse the City for Improvements and Facilities constructed by the City with funds from other sources including funds from other public entities, unless the City funds were obtained from grants or gifts intended by the grantor to be used for traffic improvements. 3) To reimburse developers and/or public agencies who have constructed Improvements and Facilities; and 4) To pay for and/or reimburse costs of program development and ongoing administration of the Fee program. b. Fees in these accounts shall be expended only for the Improvements and Facilities and only for the purpose for which the Fee was collected. 7. Standards The standards upon which the needs for the Improvements and Facilities are based are the standards of the City of Dublin, including the standards contained in the General Plan, SP, and the Environmental Documents. 8. No Existing Deficiencies The City Council determines that there are no existing deficiencies within Eastern Dublin and that the need for the Improvements and Facilities in Category I (Section I) of the Study, 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, and the 2009 Study Update, is generated entirely by new development within Eastern Dublin and, further, that the need for the Improvements and Facilities in Category II and III (Section II and III) of the Study, 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Update Study, and the 2009 Study Update, is generated by new development within Eastern Dublin and other new development and, therefore, the Study, as revised by the 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, and the 2004 Update Study, and the 2009 Study Update has determined the proportionate 8 share of the cost of the Improvements and Facilities for which development within Eastern Dublin is responsible. 9. Periodic Review a. During each fiscal year, the City Manager shall prepare a report for the City Council, pursuant to Government Code Section 66006. b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66002, the City Council shall also review, as part of any adopted Capital Improvement Program each year, the approximate location, size, time of availability and estimates of cost for all Improvements and Facilities to be financed with the Fee. The estimated costs shall be adjusted in accordance with appropriate indices of inflation. The City Council shall make findings identifying the purpose to which the existing Fee balances are to be put and demonstrating a reasonable relationship between the Fee and the purpose for which it is charged. 10. Subsequent Analysis of the Fee The Fee established herein is adopted and implemented by the City Council in reliance on the record identified above. The City will continue to conduct further study and analysis to determine whether the Fee should be revised. When additional information is available, the City Council shall review the Fee to determine that the amounts are reasonably related to the impacts of development within Eastern Dublin. The City Council may revise the Fee to incorporate the findings and conclusions of further studies and any standards in the GPA, SP and General Plan, as well as increases due to construction costs and land values. The City will evaluate land values through an appraisal approximately every three (3) years. 11. Automatic Increase in Fee The purpose of this section is to provide for an automatic annual adjustment to the Fee in years when the City Council does not revise the Fee pursuant to Section 10 above. The City Manager shall adjust the Fee automatically, effective July 1, 2010, and each July 1 thereafter, as follows: a. The costs of construction of the Facilities (as shown in the 2009 Study Update) shall be increased/decreased each July 1St by the annual percentage increase/decrease in the Engineering News Record's Construction Cost Index (20-city average) for the month of March over the same Construction Cost Index for the month of March of the prior year. The City Manager may round the Fee adjustment to whole dollars. b. The Land Cost per acre for the Facilities shall be increased/decreased annually by the percentage increase/decrease between the land cost per acre in the most recent land appraisal (prepared for the City for purposes of adjusting the Fee) over the land cost per acre in the immediately preceding appraisal (prepared for the City for purposes of adjusting the Fee and using the same methodology), calculated as an annual increase/decrease. For example, if the appraised land value in Year One is $10/acre and in Year Two is $11 /acre, that is an annual increase of 10% which will result in a yearly increase of 10%, until the Fee is revised by the Council pursuant to Section 10 above. The City Manager may round the Fee adjustment to whole dollars. 9 ,r . r ~ i) The Section II Residential BART Parking Fee shall not be subject to the automatic fee increase and shall remain at the amount shown in Exhibit B. 12. Area of Benefit Fee A portion of the Fee shall also be deemed to be an Area of Benefit Fee adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. 10-94. This is the portion of the Fee designated for the construction of those improvements and facilities identified in Category I (Section I) of the Study that are major thoroughfares and bridges. These improvements and the estimated cost of such improvements are listed on Exhibit E attached hereto. The "Area of Benefit" is Eastern Dublin as defined herein. The fee shall be apportioned over the Area of Benefit in the same manner set forth in Section 3 of this Resolution and in the Study, 1996 Study Update, the 1999 Study Update, the 2004 Study Update, and the 2009 Study Update, with the amount to be assessed for residential and non-residential as shown on Exhibit E. The Area of Benefit Fee shall be deposited into the City's Traffic Impact Fee Fund into separate accounts established for each of the improvements identified in Exhibit E. 13. Administrative Guidelines The City Council may adopt administrative guidelines for the fee program to provide procedures for reimbursement, credit or other administrative aspects of the Fee. The amount of any reimbursement or credit shall be determined by the Public Works Director using the costs of construction and value of right-of--way used by the City in calculating and establishing the Fee. The amount of any reimbursement or credit, once established, shall not be increased for inflation nor shall interest accrue on such amount. No credit or reimbursement shall be given unless the improvements constructed are the Improvements and Facilities described herein. Reimbursement shall only be from revenues raised by Payment of the Fee. 14. Effective Date This Resolution shall become effective immediately. The Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this Resolution shall be effective 60 days from the effective date of the Resolution and shall supersede the Fee established by Resolution No. 111-04 sixty (60) days from the effective date of the Resolution. The Area of Benefit Fee established in Section 12 of this Resolution shall be effective only if the Fee provided in Sections 2 and 3 hereof is declared invalid for any reason. 15. Severability Each component of the Fee, including the Section I fee, Section I Residential, Section II, Section II Residential Parking Garage Fees and each and every improvement financed by the Fee or any of the component fees, and all portions of this Resolution are severable. Should any individual component fee of the Fee or other provision of this Resolution be adjudged to be invalid and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be and continue to be fully effective, and the Fee shall be fully effective except as to that portion that has been judged to be invalid. 10 /, ~~ f`~' ~~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of April, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk G: ITIFIEastern DublinlEDTIF Update 20091reso 4-07-09.DOC Mayor 11 EXHIBIT A Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee -Land Use and Boundary Map 2008 Update :....: ~~~~~ Eastern Dublin TIF Area Parcels w; Right of Way Specific Plan LU Public/Semi-Public .~ Regional Park Parks/ Public Recreation - Open Space - Public/Semi-Public; PL -Semi-Public Residential Rural Residential/Agriculture (0.01 du/ac) Single Family (0.9 - 6.0 du/ac) '' Medium Density (6.1 - 14.0 du/ac) _ Med-Hi Density (14.1 - 25.0 du/ac) - High Density (25.0 + du/ac) Commercial/Industrial - General Commercial _ General Commercial/Campus Office - MU Neighborhood Commercial Campus Office _ Industrial Park r ..~, O ,~ ^ +......nuunn~ti Sn....un.nnnL ~~ ra-~"vOY~ r ..;:.:: ES NP ~~~ ~ ,.; ... : _ T'' - --•...u..nn....nnu. ~---i i ~ I ~ i ~ - ..~~E~~~~~..n.^......nn...^nn^u...n.n.^~~~~~.~..~n.n.n..u.nnn..nu...^ ~ ,a ....~ +u....^ Miles 0.5 1 2 3 ~. •.r „t e e ~/~~1~~ Exhibit B City of Dublin 2009 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update Prepared by Public Works Department January 12, 2009 The following is the 2009 update ("the 2009 Study Update") for the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee ("the TIF"). This memorandum explains the methodology used in updating the previous reports prepared by TJKM Transportation Consultants and Santina and Thompson for the 1996 fee update, and by the Department of Public Works for the 1999 and 2004 fee updates. The following documents are attached and are made a part of this 2009 Study Update: • Table 1, which summarizes the calculations of the revised per trip traffic impact fee for Section I improvements, Section I residential improvements, Section II improvements, and Section II residential BART parking improvement; • Table 2, which provides detail of total (unadjusted) improvement costs by section and project segment: • Attachments 1-5, which includes revised cost estimates for roadway improvements that have not yet been constructed or guaranteed; • Attachment 6, which provides a summary of outstanding loans, cash advances, or credits to developers for construction of improvements or dedication ofright-of--way; • Attachment 7, which provides a summary of unencumbered Section I, Section I Residential, Section II, and Dougherty Valley traffic mitigation fees which are currently on hand in reserve accounts; • Attachment 8, which provided a summary of remaining Dougherty Valley Traffic Impact Fees not yet received by the City; • Attachments 9, which provides detailed information on the estimated number of trips generated for each parcel in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area (including the parcels within the Transit Center) that will be subject to the existing and proposed fee rates; and • Attachment 10, which provides detailed information on the estimated number of residential trips generated for each parcel in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area (including the parcels within the Transit Center) that will be subject to the existing and proposed fee rates. Page 1 of 12 EXHIBIT ~ . a Summary The following Summary Table identifies the changes on the per trip TIF for Section I and Section II improvements for both residential and non-residential development projects. All Residential property located in the Transit Center is designated in the Specific Plan as High Density, and therefore only one rate is shown. Proposed TIF Summary Table -Per Trip Factors RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENT IAL LAND USE Existing Proposed ° /° Change Existing Proposed ° /o Chang (7/1/2008) 7/1/2008) Section I $591 $579 -2% $591 $579 -2% Section I Residential $62 $47 -24% N/A N/A N/A Section II $172 $160 -7% $172 $160 -7% Total Section I and II (Development within $825 $786 -5% $763 $739 -3% Transit Center Section II Residential $140 $77 -45% N/A N/A N/A BART Parkin Fee Total Section I and II (Development Outside $965 $863 -11% $763 $739 -3% Transit Center The revised fee results in the following fees per housing unit: Proposed Per Unit Residential TIF Summary Table Trips Per Fee Per Unit L d U Type an se Designation Day Per Within Transit _ Outside of Unit Center Transit Center Up to 6 units/ Low Density 10 N/A $8,630 acre Medium Density 6.1-14 units/ 10 N/A $8,630 acre 14.1-25 Medium/ High Density units/ acre 7 N/A $6,041 High Density 25.1 or more 6 $4,716 $5 178 units/ acre , Sec. 8.80 Second Units Municipal 6 N/A $5,178 Code Page 2 of 12 /S ~~ ~/~ Section I fees pay for improvements within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which are needed solely to accommodate new development projected within Eastern Dublin, and these improvements are funded 100% through the TIF. Section II fees pay for improvements within or outside the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, which are needed, in part, to support new development projected within Eastern Dublin, and the TIF funds the proportionate fair share by Eastern Dublin development to construct these improvements. Section I fees include a Residential Adjustment that is applied to all residential development in Eastern Dublin to pay for two Park and Ride lots and the Tassajara Creek Regional Trail. These improvements benefit only residential development. Section II fees include a Residential BART Parking Fee that is applied to all residential development outside of the Transit Center in Eastern Dublin to pay for a portion of the BART parking structure within the Transit Center. Residential development within the Transit Center is within walking distance of the BART Station and would not utilize the BART parking facility. The Section III fee rate was not updated, as the collection of the Section III fee was suspended with the adoption by the City (Resolution No. 89-98) of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development (TVTD) Fee. The TVTD Fee, which is collected from new development in addition to the Section I and II TIF, funds improvements formerly covered by the Section III fee. In the event collection of the Section III fee becomes necessary at some point in the future, the fee rate will be adjusted at that time for all adjustments made to the Section III portion of the TIF since the effective date of the TVTD Fee. Background The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee was initially adopted in January of 1995, and subsequently updated in 1996, 1999, and 2004. The 2004 Update included annexation of the Eastern Dublin Transit Center. Since that time, some of the background data used in determining the fee has changed, requiring that the fee be revised to reflect current conditions. Background information that has changed includes more accurate projections of land use, minor changes in the scope of infrastructure improvements to be funded by the fee and substantial increases in the land value of right-of--way needed for the construction of improvements. The revised fee also takes into account the current status (as of July 1, 2008) of those improvements that are complete, under construction, or guaranteed under an improvement agreement. The boundaries of the properties proposed to be subject to the fee are shown on Exhibit A to the Resolution. The boundaries include all properties currently within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (which includes the Transit Center) as well as remaining properties within the City's Sphere of Influence that have been annexed to the City or are expected to be annexed to the City. The 2009 Study Update Page 3 of 12 /G o~ 118 Cost Revisions The 2009 Study Update includes several refinements of improvements and improvement costs. 1. Dublin Boulevard/ Dougherty Road Intersection Improvements (Section II) -The cost estimate for this work has been adjusted to reflect right-of--way and design costs to date, as well as the actual construction bid prices, based on an estimate prepared by the Public Works Department on October 16, 2008. All right -of--way has been obtained and construction is complete. 2. Scarlett Drive Extension, Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard (Section II) -The City adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on March 6, 2007 and aRight-of--Way Line on July 7, 2007. The cost estimate has been adjusted to reflect the preliminary design for the project, as well as the adopted CEQA document and precise plan line for the road . 3. Storm Runoff Treatment (All Sections) -The cost of vegetative and/ or structural storm runoff treatment measures has been added as determined to be appropriate by the City for its Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board.. Improvements Identified Since 2004 The 2009 Study Update also includes several new projects that are necessitated by trips generated by development in Eastern Dublin: 1. Tassajara Road Eastbound I-S80 Offramp (3rd Eastbound Left Turn Lane ) (Section II) -The need fora 3rd eastbound left turn lane was identified in the Fallon Village Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, August 2005 (Supplemental Mitigation SM-TRA-2) 2. Amador Valley Boulevard/ Brighton Drive Traffic Signal (Section II)- The Dublin Unified School District certified an Environmental Impact Report for the Dublin High School Facilities Master Plan ("Master Plan EIR") by its Resolution 2005-06-17 on February 14, 2006. The Master Plan EIR describes the "Project" as expansion of existing Dublin High School to accommodate 2,500 students. It indicates the 2005 enrollment was 1,300 and historically the facilities have accommodated 2,000 students (Master Plan EIR, Section S.1). The Eastern Dublin EIR indicated the March 1992 enrollment was 741 students and projected the Eastern Dublin development would increase high school enrollment by 2,923 students. The EIR indicated one new high school was needed (Chapter 3.4). The Specific Plan, as adopted in 1994, showed a high school site in Eastern Dublin and included Policy 8-1 which provided that the school sites shown on Figure 4.1 should be reserved. In 1994, a portion of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment area was included in the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District. The Dublin Unified School District has determined - in its 2004 Facilities Master Plan -that no high school is needed in the Eastern Dublin Area (Specific Plan, Section 8.1.1) and the Specific Plan no longer Page 4 of 12 ~~~ ~i~ designates a site for a high school in Eastern Dublin (Figure 4.1). The proposed enhancement of the high school facilities is needed to serve increased enrollment . The Master Plan EIR used the level of service standard for the intersections in the City of Dublin General Plan. Applying the standard, the Master Plan EIR found that the Master Plan, plus year 2025 traffic and the development of Camp Parks would result in this intersection falling to LOS F, which is below the General Plan's identified LOS D (Impact 3.1.1). The identified mitigation is installation of a traffic signal. Resolution 2005-06-17 found that the Master Plan EIR included as a mitigation measure the construction of a traffic signal at the Amador Valley Boulevard and Brighton Drive intersection. It further found that implementation of the mitigation measure was within the jurisdiction of the City of Dublin. The City has determined that the need for the signal is generated by the increase in enrollment from Eastern Dublin development and that the cost of the improvement should be spread across all Eastern Dublin development. 3. Fallon Road/ Fallon Sports Park Pedestrian Overcrossing (Section I) -The cost of constructing a pedestrian overcrossing across Fallon Road from the Fallon Sports Park, located on the west side of Fallon Road, to the Fallon Village Open space and trail system on the east side of Fallon Road is included. The Traffic and Circulation chapter of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan "puts a strong emphasis on accommodating alternative modes of transportation", including walking and bicycles, noting that these modes of transportation will relieve future traffic congestion but also help minimize air pollution, reduce noise pollution and conserve energy. It also includes an extensive trail system "designed to encourage walking and cycling" (Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Sec. 5.1). Sections 5.4 and 5.5 address pedestrian circulation and bicycle circulation more specifically and Figure 5.3 shows the approximate location of pedestrian paths and bicycle routes. Figure 6.1 shows the approximate location of trials, parks, and open space areas. The pedestrian overcrossing across Fallon Road will enable residents and workers to walk or bicycle from the Tassajara Creek bike path to the easternmost trails in the Fallon Village area, shown on Figure 6.1, thus implementing the Specific Plan. The City identified the need for this improvement during the planning of the Fallon Sports Park and the Fallon Village Development, which were planned with more specificity than the Specific Plan. Calculation of the Fee. The following is a detailed description of the methodology used to calculate the new fee, as shown on the attached Table 1, dated November 25, 2008. Table 1, Line 1 -Cost of Improvements/Right-of-Way Not Currently Guaranteed The cost of remaining improvements and right-of--way to be funded by the TIF is shown in Attachments 1 through 5. These costs are as of July 1, 2008 . The revised cost estimate (Attachment 1, Cost Estimate Summary) includes the following changes: Page 5 of 12 ~~ of ll~ a) The costs of improvements that have already been completed or are guaranteed have been removed from the total estimate. b) The cost of right-of--way acquisition has been increased to reflect higher land values in the Eastern Dublin area. The revised right-of--way cost estimates were based on the Appraisal Report, City of Dublin Facilitypact Fee Study, East Dublin and Schaefer Ranch, June, 2006, prepared by Associated Right-of--Way Services, Inc. The appraisal is available for public review at the Department of Public Works The cost of the improvements for the remaining street segments not guaranteed under existing improvement agreements has been modified to reflect the cost revisions and to add the additional improvements listed above. The costs for the remaining improvements have been summarized in four categories: Section I Irri rovements $ 100,571,219 Section I Residential Irn rovements $2,422,183 Section II Irn rovements $ 35,905,603 Section II Residential BART Parkin $4,827,906 Total Costs $143,726,910 The Section I improvements are required solely to accommodate development of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area. This report assigns 100% of the cost of each Section 1 improvement to the Section I TIF. An exception is the portion of the Dublin Boulevard extension from Fallon Road to Airway Boulevard which is outside the City of Dublin sphere of influence. The City of Dublin and the City of Livermore will each contribute 50% of the cost of the 3,000 foot portion of the roadway. It is expected that this segment will remain in unincorporated County of Alameda lands between the two cities. The Section I Residential Improvements category includes several improvements that benefit only the residential development in Eastern Dublin. These improvements include the Tassajara Creek Regional Trail and one Park and Ride lot near Fallon Road (a second Park and Ride Lot has been constructed by the Koll Corporate Center on Tassajara Road). The costs associated with these improvements are allocated solely to fees collected from residential units. The Section II improvements are needed to accommodate development of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area, as well as serve traffic generated outside of the Specific Plan Area. Therefore, it is appropriate that the Section II TIF fund only a share of the improvement costs based on the proportion of traffic generated within the Specific Plan Area. The Section II TIF is assigned 50% of the total cost of the Fallon Road/ I- 580 Interchange, with the remainder of the costs shared equally at 25% between the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore. (The interchange project will be completed in two phases. The City of Dublin has taken the lead in designing Phase I and is funding this project largely with Section II TIF fees; the cost participation by the three Cities Page 6 of 12 ~~~~ ~P~ for the remaining Phase 2 work will be adjusted to account for Phase 1 contributions by the City of Dublin to maintain a 50:25:25 overall share between the Cities). Scarlett Drive and portions of Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard are partially funded by prior traffic mitigation fees paid by development in the Downtown area. The costs for the remaining Section II improvements are assigned at 100% of the total cost. The Section II Residential BART Parking category includes that portion of the Eastern Dublin BART Parking Garage that serves parking generated from residential development in Eastern Dublin (this is approximately 500 spaces out of 1,680 total spaces). This report assigns this cost to the Section II Residential BART Parking fee. This fee will be paid only by residential development outside the Transit Center to a maximum of $6 Million, as development within the Transit Center would not travel by automobile to access the BART Station. Table 1. Line 2 -Balance Due on Advances and TIF Credits The City of Dublin received funding advances from County of Alameda, the City of Pleasanton and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for construction of certain improvements needed to serve Eastern Dublin development ("the funding advances"). In addition, between 1995 and the present, several developers in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area constructed or guaranteed various improvements funded by the TIF. Pursuant to the TIF, each such developer received TIF credits in return. Portions of the funding advances have been repaid. Further, developers have utilized portions of their credits against TIF fees that would otherwise be due with building permits, reducing the value of the remaining credits. A summary of balances remaining as of July 1, 2008 for credits and advances by developer is shown on Attachment 6.. The three advances made by the City of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, and BART are subject to interest payments on the unpaid principal. The interest to be paid must be added to the TIF. The Administrative Services Department has prepared an estimated repayment schedule for these loans as part of the 2008-09 Fiscal Year budget. These payments will occur over Fiscal Years 2008-09 thru 2011-12, and are shown on Attachment 6. The outstanding TIF credit balances as of June 30, 2008 are shown below: Section I Irri rovements $78,488,678 Section I Residential Irri rovements $779,717 Section II Irri rovements $19,053,854 Section II Residential BART Parkin N/A Total Costs $98,322,249 Page 7 of 12 ao ~ i« The above costs must be included in the revenue to be raised under the revised TIF Section I and Section II fees, in order that adequate funds are available to reimburse the credit holders and agencies that advanced funding Table 1, Line 3 -Total Cost of TIF Improvements (Lines 1 and 2) This line, which is the sum of Lines 1 and 2, shows the total cost of all improvements remaining to be funded under the TIF. Total costs by category are as follows: Section I Im rovements $179,059,897 Section I Residential Irri rovements $3,201,900 Section II Im rovements $54,959,457 Section II Residential BART Parking $4,827,906 Total Costs $242,049,159 Table 1, Line 4 -Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Section I Fees collected from the building permits issued to date that have not been allocated to specific TIF improvements, remain in a reserve account and can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. The cash balance of Section I TIF fee revenues as of July 1, 2008 has been provided by the Finance Division, as shown on Attachment 7. The current balance is $2,335,094. Table 1, Line 5 -Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Section II The cash balance of Section II TIF fee revenues as of July 1, 2008 has been provided by the Finance Division. The current balance is $3,746,206, as shown on Attachment 7. Table 1_, Line Sa -Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Section II Non-Residential BART Pa king The cash balance of Section II TIF Non-Residential BART Parking fee revenues as of July 1, 2008 has been provided by the Finance Division. The current balance is zero, as shown on Attachment 7. Table 1, Line 6 - DoughertYValley Traffic Mitigation Fee Account Balance The cash balance of Dougherty Valley Traffic Mitigation Fees as of July 1, 2008 has been provided by the Finance Division. The current balance is zero, as shown on Attachment 7. Table 1, Line 7 -Adjusted Cost of Remaining Improvements (Line 3 -Lines 4-6~ Page 8 of 12 ai ~~ 11~ The total cost of the TIF improvements and credits (Line 3) is decreased by the current balance of fees not encumbered for specific projects (Lines 4-6) Table 1 Lines 8a and 8b -Estimated Section I and Section II Fees from Estimated Remaining Trips (2,160) Collected at Current Rate A list of remaining development projects in Eastern Dublin as of July 1, 2008 is shown on Attachment 9. Certain projects are shown as receiving building permits during the 2008-09 Fiscal Year, based on projections by the City's Building Division. These projects account for 2,160 new trips. For the purpose of developing the revised EDTIF fee, it is assumed that payment of the EDTIF will be made at the existing rate (actual payment will be at the rate in effect at the time the permits are issued). The revenue raised from fees applied to these trips can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. Estimated revenues from the remaining trips collected at the old rate are $1,276,560 for Section I and $371,520 for Section II. Table 1, Line 9a -Estimated Section I Residential Fees From Remaining Residential Trips (2,160) Collected at Current Rate A list of remaining residential development projects in Eastern Dublin as of July 1, 2008 is shown on Attachment 10. Certain projects are shown as receiving building permits during the 2008-09 Fiscal Year, based on projections by the City's Building Division. These projects account for 2,160 new trips. For the purpose of developing the revised EDTIF fee, it is assumed that payment of the EDTIF will be made at the existing rate (actual payment will be at the rate in effect at the time the permits are issued). The revenue raised from fees applied to these trips can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. Estimated revenues from the remaining trips collected at the old rate are $133,920. Table 1, Line 9b -Estimated Section II Residential BART Parking Fees From Remaining Residential Trips (2,160) Collected at Current Rate A list of remaining residential development projects in Eastern Dublin as of July 1, 2008 is shown on Attachment 10. Certain projects are shown as receiving building permits during the 2008-09 Fiscal Year, based on projections by the City's Building Division. These projects account for 2,160 new trips. For the purpose of developing the revised EDTIF fee, it is assumed that payment of the EDTIF will be made at the existing rate (actual payment will be at the rate in effect at the time the permits are issued). The revenue raised from fees applied to these trips can be deducted from the total revenue to be raised by the revised fees. Estimated revenues from the remaining trips collected at the old rate are $302,400. Table 1, Line 10 -Remaining Dougherty Traffic Mitigation Fees The City of Dublin has negotiated an agreement with the County of Contra Costa for the payment of funds to provide traffic improvements on City of Dublin streets necessitated by development in the Dougherty Valley. The original estimated level of contribution was $13,250,220. Under the terms of the agreement, these funds must be Page 9 of 12 ~~ v3 1 I ~` 1 spent on selected roads impacted by Dougherty Valley traffic, specifically Dougherty Road, Scarlett Drive, Tassajara Road, and Fallon Road. The fees are increased each year based on current construction costs; therefore, the total amount of fees received will exceed the above amount. The current fee effective 7/1/2008 is $2,012 per unit for units in the Shapell Development and $1,663 for units in the Windermere development. A summary of payments from Contra Costa County for Dougherty Valley Impact Fees has been provided by the Finance Division, as shown on Attachment 8. A total of 7533 residential units had received building permits in Dougherty Valley as of July 1, 2008, out of a total of 11,000 units. This leaves 3467 units to be permitted in the future, for which fees in the amount of $6,751,197.00 are estimated to be paid. For the purpose of the TIF update, the balance is split equally between Section I and Section II, or $3,375,598.50 for each account. Revenues are split equally between the two Sections based on the agreement between the City and the County of Contra Costa, which calls for the Dougherty Valley fees to be used for the improvement of Dougherty Road, Scarlett Drive, Tassajara Road, and Fallon Road. The Section I (Tassajara Road and Fallon Road) and Section II (Dougherty Road and Scarlett Drive) costs are approximately equal for these four roadways, and revenues will be assigned in equal amounts to each section. Table 1 Line 11 -Remaining Costs to be Financed by Revised Fee (Line 7 - (Lines 8, 9 and 10 The adjusted cost of the remaining improvements (Line 7) must be further adjusted to subtract the estimated fees to be collected under the old rate as well as the estimated remaining Dougherty Valley revenue (Lines 8, 9, and 10). Section I Im rovements $172,072,644 Section I Residential Im rovements $3,067,980 Section II Irri rovements $47,466,132 Section II Residential BART Parkin $4,525,506 Total Costs $227,132,262 Table 1, Line 12 -Total Remaining Trips Subject to Fees A list of pending and buildout projects subject to the Eastern Dublin TIF is shown on Attachments 9 and 10. Trip generation is based on General Plan land use designations and densities approved within the Eastern Dublin TIF area. Land uses for each specific property and anticipated densities were determined by the Community Development Department. For the purpose of estimating the revised fee, it is assumed that these projects will all receive building permits after the revised fee has gone into effect. The list has been revised to reflect the current status of land use entitlements. The revised total number of trips subject to the TIF is 297,171. It should be noted that the purpose of this list is to develop an estimate of trips for the purpose of calculating the fee, and should not imply aapproval of land uses or densities for specific properties Page 10 of 12 rs ) I ~ ~~ beyond any existing entitlements for those properties. Also, actual fees will be based on the trip rates for land uses shown on Exhibit C, and not the projections shown on Attachment 10. One commercial project is shown as creating no vehicle traffic. This is the retail use within the Transit Center. The retail use will serve residents within the development through pedestrian access, and will not generate vehicle trips from the outside. This retail use will be exempt from paying the TIF. There is a nominal amount of ancillary retail use within the Fairway Ranch high- density residential project, which is not shown in Attachment 9. This retail use will also be exempt from paying TIF fees, as it will not generate additional vehicle trips. A list of residential-only projects is shown on Attachment 10. The total number of residential trips is 64,845, with 58,557 trips generated outside the Transit Center. It is noted that the total number of remaining trips (297,171) is slightly higher than the estimate of total trips at the time of the 2004 Update (296,836). This is due to several land use approvals since 2004 (particularly Fallon Village and Wallis Ranch) which generated trip estimates higher than that used in the 2004 Update. A "second unit" as defined in the Resolution, would pay a fee of $5,178 per unit, which is equal to the rate for High Density Residential Units. The Community Development Director estimates that approximately 50 "second units" could be constructed within Eastern Dublin. Because second units can be no larger than 1,000 square feet (Dublin Municipal Code, Chapter 8.80), the Public Works Department estimates that the number of vehicle trips per day will be similar to the trips generated from dwelling units on property designated for over 25 units per acre, or six trips per day per unit. The total trips from the "second units" is considered de minimus and will not affect the amount of the fee. Table 1, Line 13 -Revised Fee (Cost per Trip~Line 11 divided by Line 12) The revised fee for each section is determined by dividing the cost of improvements (Line 11) by the number of trips subject to the fee (Line 12). The Section I fee will decrease by approximately 2%. There is a decrease in the Section I Residential fee of 24%. The scope of the remaining improvements remained largely unchanged. A large portion of the credits for this section have been utilized by the credit holders, reducing the overall costs that need to be financed by the fee. The Section II fee will decrease by 7%. The Section II Residential BART Parking fee will decrease by 45%. This is because the amount of fees that may be reimbursed to the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (which is the sole recipient of the fees) are capped at $6,000,000, whereas Page 11 of 12 the fee rate has been increased each year since 2004 in accordance with the annual EDTIF adjustment for construction and land acquisition costs. Since past payments have been made at ahigher-than-average amount, the remaining payments will be at a lower than average amount. The amount to be recovered from this fee is also being spread across more units in the 2009 Update. In future years, the fee will not be automatically adjusted. Payment Plan for Interest-Bearing Loans The TIF program is liable for payments on certain loans /advances by third parties for TIF infrastructure. As many developers pay the TIF with credits, very little cash is available to repay these loans. The 2004 Update used an projected eight-year payoff period in determining the interest costs for the three interest-bearing loans. In order to generate adequate cash flow to meet the eight-year payoff, the 2004 Update included the provision that the minimum Section I cash payment be increased from 3% of the total fee to 11%, and that the minimum Section II cash payment be increased from 12.4% to 25% of the total fee. The 2009 Update proposes to maintain the same minimum cash payment requirements. The City will utilize the fee revenue for loan repayment, with the remaining percentage of the fees retained for use on capital improvements funded by the fee or for administrative costs associated with the fee program, or distribution to holders of a right to reimbursement in accordance with the adopted Administrative Guidelines. G.•ITIFIEastern DublinlEDTIF Update 20091v 6StudyExB_Accepted_ehs ADDEDpsr.DOC Page 12 of 12 TABLE 1 EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE - 2008 UPDATE Calculations of the Per Trip TIF by Section Estimate as of 7/01/08: Prepared 11/25/08 y r r~ F.ri Section I Section I Residential Section II Section II Non - Transit Center Residential BART Parking TOTAL 1 Costs of Im rovements/Ri ht-of-Wa Not Current/ Guaranteed Attachment 1 $100,571,218.56 $2,422,182.82 $35,905,602.90 $4,827,906.00 $143,726,910.28 2. Balance due on TIF Credits and Advances Existin TIF Attachment 6 $78,488,678.30 $779,717.00 $19,053,853.78 $98,322,249.08 3. Total Costs of TIF Im rovements Lines 1-2 $179,059,896.86 $3,201,899.82 $54,959,456.68 $4,827,906.00 $242,049,159.36 4. Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Cate o 1, 7-01-OS $2,335,094.20 $2,335,094.20 5. Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Cate o 2, 7-01-08 $3,746,205.96 $3,746,205.96 5a. Current TIF Fee Account Balance, Non-Residential BART Parkin , 7-01-08 $0.00 $0.00 6. Dou hert Valle Traffic Miti ation Fee Account Balance 7-01-08 $0.00 $0.00 7. Ad'usted Cost of Remainin Im rovements Line 3 -Lines 4-6 $176,724,802.68 $3,201,899.82 $51,213,250.72 $4,827,906.00 $235,967,859.20 8a. Estimated Fees From Remainin Tri s 2,160 Collected at FY2008-09 Rate $591 $1,276,560.00 $1,276,560.00 8b. Estimated Fees From Remainin Tri s 2,160 Collected at FY2008-09 Rate $172 $371,520.00 $371,520.00 9a. Est. Fees From Remainin Residential Tri s 2,160 Collected at 07-08 Rate $62 $133,920.00 $133,920.00 9b. Est. Fees From Remainin Residential Tri s 2,160 Collected at 07-08 Rate $140 $302,400.00 $302,400.00 All Residential Permits for 07-08 are outside the transit center & sub'ect to Gara a fee 10. Remainin Dou he Valle Traffic Miti ation Fees $3 375,598.50 $3,375,598.50 $6,751,197.00 11. Ad'usted Costs to be Financed b Revised Fee Line 7-8-9-10 $172,072,644.16 $3,067,979.82 $47,466,132.22 $4,525,506.00 $227,132,262.20 12. Estimated Remainin Tri s Pa in Revised Fee 297,171 64,845 297 171 58,557 13. Revised Fee (Cost er tri (Line 11/Line 12 $579 $47 $160 $77 $863 Current Fee as of Jul 1, 2008 $591 $62 $172 $140 $965 Increase Decrease -2% -24% -7% -45% Existin Fee Pro osed Fee % Increase Total Fee, Non-Residential $763 $739 -3% Total Fee, Residential within Transit Center $825 $786 -5% Total Fee, Residential outside Transit Center $965 $863 -11 l~ _ 1 ~~ ~. Page 2 of 1 Table 1 - E. Dublin TIF - 2009 Update Printed: 3/23!2009 Table 2 2008 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee ~., I.1 ~; I ~ Jan-09 Detail of Total Costs (Prior to Adjustments) by Section and Project Segment Se ment 2004 Cost Estimate Credits or Advances Total g Balance at 3!10/04 CFC:TI(1N I IMPR(IVFMFNTS 8 Dublin Boulevard Extension -Southern Pacific R/W to East BART Access $ - $ - 8A Dublin Boulevard Extension -East BART Access to Hacienda Drive $ 682,297.20 $ 682,297.20 9 Dublin Boulevard -Hacienda to Tassajara Road $ 289,250.00 $ 289,250.00 10 Dublin Boulevard -Tassajara Road to Fallon Road $ 526,734.00 $ 526,734.00 11 Dublin Boulevard Extension -Fallon Road to Airway $ 26,708,151.43 $ 26,708,151.43 13 Hacienda - I-580 to Dublin Boulevard Extension (not including interchange) $ - $ - 14 Hacienda -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive $ 978,691.00 $ 978,691.00 15 Freeway Interchange -Hacienda Road with I-580 $ 9,430,212.12 $ 9,430,212.12 16 Amold Drive -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason $ 5,137,177.32 $ 5,137,177.32 16A Central Parkway - Amold to Hacienda $ 679,349.81 $ 679,349.81 17 Central Parkway -Hacienda to Tassajara $ 3,290,449.99 $ 3,290,449.99 18 Central Parkway -Tassajara Road to Keegan Street $ 264,810.00 $ 264,810.00 18A Central Parkway -Keegan Street to Fallon, 2,230 feet $ 172,120.00 $ 172,120.00 19 Gleason - Amold Road to Hacienda $ 97,500.00 $ 97,500.00 19A Gleason -Hacienda to Tassajara $ - $ - 20 Gleason -Tassajara to Fallon $ 194,610.00 $ 194,610.00 22 Tassajara Road - 5,000 feet north of Gleason to Contra Costa County Line $ 24,529,720.11 $ 24,529,720.11 22A Tassajara Road -Gleason Road to 5,000 feet north of Gleason Road $ 7,776,770.17 $ 7,776,770.17 23 Tassajara Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Road $ 1,304,023.01 $ 1,304,023.01 24 Tassajara Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to I-580 (not including interchange) $ 261,046.52 $ 261,046.52 25 Tassajara Road -Freeway Interchange $ 2,812,216.94 $ 2,812,216.94 26 Fallon Road -Tassajara to Gleason $ 7,039,841.00 $ 7,039,841.00 26A Fallon Road -Gleason to Dublin Boulevard Extension $ 6,486,458.07 $ 6,486,458.07 27 Fallon Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to North of I-580 $ 1,461,509.87 $ 1,461,5Q9.87 Report Update $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Other Costs $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 Existing Credits $ - $ 78,488,678.30 $ 78,488,678.30 TOTAL SECTION I IMPROVEMENTS $ 100,472,938.56 $ 178,961,616.86 SECTION II IMPROVEMENTS 1 Dougherty Road -City Limits to Amador Valley Widening $ 7,162,101.79 $ 7,162,101.79 2 Dougherty Road -Amador Valley boulevard to Houston Place $ 5,976,042.27 $ 5,976,042.27 3 Dougherty Road -Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard $ 1,331,099.00 $ 1,331,099.00 4 Dougherty Road -Dublin Boulevard to North of I-580 Off Ramp $ 1,678,050.00 $ 1,678,050.00 5 Dublin Boulevard -East of Village Parkway to Sierra Court Widening $ - $ - 6 Dublin Boulevard -Sierra Court to Dougherty Road Widening $ 2,256,638.40 $ 2,256,638.40 7 Dublin Boulevard -Dougherty to Southern Pacific Right-of-Way $ - $ - 12 Freeway Interchange -Dublin Boulevard Extension with I-580 (Airway Blvd) $ - $ - 21 Scadet Drive -Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension $ 13,996,645.00 $ 13,996,645.00 28 Fallon and I-580 Freeway Interchange with Signals $ 509,986.44 $ 509,986.44 Other Costs $ 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Existing Credits $ 19,053,853.78 $ 19,053,853.78 TOTAL $ 33,410,562.90 $ 52,464,416.68 SECTION I RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS 29 Tassajara Creek Bike Path $ 903,864.00 $ 903,864.00 30 Park and Ride Lots $ 1,518,318.82 $ 1,518,318.82 Existing Credits $ 779,717.00 $ 779,717.00 TOTAL SECTION 1 RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS $ 2,422,182.82 $ 779,717.00 $ 3,201,899.82 SECTION I I RESIDENTIAL BART PARKING IMPROVEMENT Fixed Amount per Agreement $ 6,000,000.00 $ 4,827,906.00 TOTAL SECTION I RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS $ 6,000,000.00 $ - $ 4,827,906.00 GRAND TOTAL ALL IMPROVEMENTS $ 142,305,684.28 $ 98,322,249.08 $ 239,455,839.36 TABLE 2 TO EXHIBIT B. ~~ b,} Ilk` Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Eastern Portion, 4300 feet to be widened $ 4,923,753.69 Intersection Im rovements $ 600,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa None $ - Subtotal $ 5,523,753.69 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uisition, 20.0% $ 1,104,750.74 Contin enc Im rovement, Ri ht-of-Wa , 10.0% $ 552,375.37 Subtotal $ 7,180,879.79 Traffic Miti ation Contributions er Finance, Reserve Account as of 7/01/07 $ 425,730.00 $ 6,755,149.79 Zone 7 Fees $ 406,952.00 Total $ 7,162,101.79 Dou he Road - Se ment 2 4,150 feet, 104 feet curb to curb Amador Valle Bouldevard to Houston Place Portion of Existin Im rovements to be Re-Used Cit Ca ital Im rovement Pro'ect Number 98850 Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 3300 feet to be widened $ 3,754,376.36 Intersection Im rovements $ 704,200.00 Ri ht-of-Wa None $ - Subtotal $ 4,458,576.36 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uisition, 20.0% $ 891,715.27 Contin enc Im rovement, Ri ht-of-Wa , 10.0% $ 445,857.64 Subtotal $ 5,796,149.27 Traffic Miti ation Contributions er Finance, Reserve Account as of 7/01/07 $ 190,204.00 $ 5,605,945.27 Zone 7 Fees $ 370,097.00 Total $ 5,976,042.27 Dou hert Road - Se ment 3 Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard 900' Dou hert Road - Se ment 4 Portion Dublin Boulevard to North of I-580 Off-Ramp (500') Dublin Court to Dou hert Road 700' Dublin Boulevard Extension - Se ment 7 Dougherty to Southern Pacific Right-of-Way (1650') I Citv Capital Improvement Project Number 98852 I Widen ~ Totals for TIF Share Final Estimated Total Costs, October 18, 2008 $ 17,408,345.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum ATTACHMENT ~ • Attachment 1 -Cost Estimate Summary Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 5 1,800 feet, 108 Ri ht-of-wa , 6 Lanes East of Villa a Parkwa to Sierra Court Widenin Under Construction Cit Ca ital Im rovement Pro'ect Cit Ca ital Im rovement Pro'ect Number 96920 Com lete Totals for TIF Share Total $ - Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 6 Sierra Court to Dublin Court 1300' Cit Ca ital Im rovement Pro'ect Number 96930 ' Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Sierra Court to Dublin Court, er Ci CIP $ 1,763,748.00 Ri ht-of-Wa Sierra Court to Dublin Court, er Cit CIP Se ment 6 $ 556,511.00 Subtotal $ 2,320,259.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uisition $ 376,837.00 Contin enc Im rovement, Ri ht-of-Wa 0% $ 57,858.00 Subtotal $ 2,754,954.00 Zone 7 Fees $ 181,035.40 Traffic Miti ation Contributions er Finance, Reserve Account as of 7/01/07 $ 679,351.00 Total $ 2,256,638.40 Dublin Boulevard Subtotal to Southern Pacific Ri ht-of-Wa Se ments 5 and 8 $ 2,075,803.00 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 5 and 6 $ 181,035.40 Subtotal $ 2,256,638.40 Dublin Boulevard Extension - Se ment 8 1,950 feet, 6 Lanes Southern Pacific Ri ht-of-Wa to East BART Access Com fete Totals for TIF Share $ - Subtotal $ - Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistion, 20% $ - Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ - Subtotal $ - Zone 7 Fees N/A Total $ - Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 3 of 16, 3/23/2009 Dublin Boulevard Extension - Se ment 8A 2,650 feet, 6 Lanes East BART Access Iron Horse Parkwa to Hacienda Drive Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Path on north side no other roadwa im rovements $ 307,824.00 Intersection Im rovemnts w/o ri ht of wa $ 172,500.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none $ - Subtotal $ 480,324.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 96,064.80 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 48,032.40 Subtotal $ 624,421.20 Zone 7 Fees $ 57,876.00 Total $ 682,297.20 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 9 4,600 feet, 6 Lanes Hacienda to Tassa'ara Road Com lete Exce t as Noted Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements $ - Intersection Im rovements w/o ri ht of wa $ 222,500.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ - $ - Subtotal $ 222,500.00 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 44,500.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 22,250.00 Total $ 289,250.00 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 10 6,320 feet, 6 Lanes Tassa'ara Road to Fallon Com lete Exce t as Noted Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Overla 900 feet use $1.50/sf x 48' x 900' $ 64,800.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Stri in , Markin s 900 feet use $2/lf x 6 x 900' $ 10,800.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Median Landsca in 900 feet use $4/sf x 30' x 900' $ 108,000.00 Lockhart Wa to Fallon Road: Median Landsca in 38,520s :use $4/sf x 38520sf $ 154,080.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 67,500.00 Subtotal $ 405,180.00 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uisition, 20% $ 81,036.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 40,518.00 Subtotal $ 526,734.00 Zone 7 Fees $ - Total $ 526,734.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 4 of 16, 3/23/2009 o ~~ ~~ Dublin Boulevard Extension - Se ment 11 8,000 feet, 6 Lanes Fallon Road to Airwa All New Roadwa Included Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements $1750/If; TIF =center 50% for 5,OOOIf w'/in Dublin; TIF = 100% for 3,000 If w/in Alameda Count $ 9,625,000.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 725,160.00 Bride $ 2,400,000.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 11.57 acres $ 150,413.22 Habitat Miti ation $ 1,500,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 9,099,040.00 Subtotal $ 23,499,613.22 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 4,699,922.64 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 2,349,961.32 Subtotal $ 30,549,497.19 Ci of Livermore Contribution Civil Im rovements -Livermore Contibution for 3,000 w/in Alameda Coun $1750/If, TIF = 100% for 3,000 If w/in Alameda Coun x 50% $ 2,625,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 1,344,000.00 Cit Administration and Contin enc 30% $ 787,500.00 Total Ci of Livermore Contribution $ 4,756,500.00 Subtotal $ 25,792,997.19 Zone 7 Fees $ 915,154.24 Total $ 26,708,151.43 Dublin Boulevard Extension SP RNV to Airwa Subtotal without Freewa Interchan e $ 27,233,402.39 Subtotal $ 27,233,402.39 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 8, 8A, 9, 10 and 11 $ 973,030.24 Subtotal $ 28,206,432.63 Freewa Interchan e - Se ment 12 Dublin Boulevard Extension with I-580 Airwa Boulevard Com lete Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements n!a Ri ht-of-Wa n/a Subtotal $ - Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% n/a Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% n/a Total $ - Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 5 of 16, 3/23/2009 ~_ ~ ~~ ~~ Hacienda - Se ment 13 1,525 feet, 6 Lanes I-580 Not includin interchan a to Dublin Boulevard Extension Com lete Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements $ - Intersection Im rovements $ - Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ - Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ - Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ - Total $ - Hacienda - Se ment 14 2,640 feet, 6 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 800 ft and 1800 ft len the $ 660,459.23 Intersection Im rovements $ 37,500.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none $ - Subtotal $ 697,959.23 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 139,591.85 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 69,795.92 Subtotal $ 907,347.00 Zone 7 Fees $ 71,344.00 Total $ 978,691.00 Hacienda Road Subtotal Without Freewa Interchan a Se ments 13 and 14 $ 907,347.00 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 13 and 14 $ 71,344.00 Subtotal $ 978,691.00 Freewa Interchan e - Se ment 15 Hacienda Road with I-580 Widen Offram sand Overcrossin er EDPO EIR Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements E/B Offram Additional Lane $ 2,152,500.00 W/B Offram Additional Lane and N/B Overcrossin Additional Lane $ 6,397,500.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 3200' x 12' Lane lus 100% Contin enc $ 22,920.11 Subtotal $ 8,572,920.11 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, Included in Above $ - Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa Included in Above $ 857,292.01 Total $ 9,430,212.12 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 6 of 16, 3/23/2009 Arnold Road - Se ment 16 2,640 feet, 4 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Cam Parks is on one side of Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements $ 3,248,418.86 Intersection Im rovements $ 573,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ 3,821,418.86 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 764,283.77 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 382,141.89 Subtotal $ 4,967,844.52 Zone 7 Fees $ 169,332.80 Total $ 5,137,177.32 Central Parkwa - Se ment 16A 1,400 feet, 4 Lanes Arnold to Hacienda Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements one 12ft lane and 16 ft median $ 461,556.78 Intersection Im rovementsw/o ri ht of wa $ 37,500.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none $ _ Subtotal $ 499,056.78 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 99,811.36 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 49,905.68 Subtotal $ 648,773.81 Zone 7 Fees $ 30,576.00 Total $ 679,349.81 Central Parkwa - Se ment 17 4,575 feet, 4 Lanes Hacienda to Tassa'ara Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 2500 feet of remodeled median $ 542,936.03 2000 feet of median and #1 lane in each direction; no ark im rovements $ 994,404.28 Storm Runoff Treatment 2000' x 2 Lanes x 12' lane x $13,000/ acre $ 14,325.07 Intersection Im rovements $ _ $ 112,250.00 Brid e $ 800,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none, aid b ark fees $ _ Subtotal $ 2,463,915.38 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 492,783.08 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 246,391.54 Subtotal $ 3,203,089.99 Zone 7 Fees $ 87,360.00 Total $ 3,290,449.99 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 7 of 16, 3/23/2009 ._f ~` ~_- 11 ~ :~ Central Parkwa - Se ment 18 4 Lanes Tassa'ara to Kee an Street, Western 3,640 feet All New Roadwa Com lete Exce t as Noted Totals for TIF Share Civil Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Overla 900 feet use $1.50/sf x 24' x 900' $ 32,400.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Stri in , Markin s 900 feet use $2/If x 6 x 900' $ 10,800.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Median Landsca in 900 feet use $4/sf x 30' x 900' $ 108,000.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 52,500.00 Subtotal $ 203,700.00 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 40,740.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 20,370.00 Total $ 264,810.00 Central Parkwa - Se ment 18A 4 Lanes Kee an Street to Fallon, 2,230 feet Com lete Exce t as Noted Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Lockhart Wa to Fallon Road: Median Landsca in 1,600 feet :use $4/sf x 16' x 1600' $ 102,400.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 30,000.00 S orts Park $ - Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ 132,400.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 26,480.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 13,240.00 Subtotal $ 172,120.00 Zone 7 Fees $ _ Total $ 172,120.00 Central Parkwa and Arnold Drive Subtotal Se ments 16, 16A, 17, 18 and 18A $ 9,256,638.32 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 16, 16A, 17, 18 and 18A $ 287 268.80 Subtotal $ 9543 907.12 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 8 of 16, 3/23/2009 ~` ,~ . 1 ! + `.~ Gleason - Se ment 19 1,600 feet, 4 Lanes Arnold Road to Hacienda Roadwa Com lete, Future Traffic Si nal at Arnold Drive Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements none $ _ Intersection Im rovements $ 75,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none $ _ Subtotal $ 75,000.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 15,000.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 7,500.00 Total $ 97,500.00 Gleason - Se ment 19A 4,650 feet, 4 Lanes Hacienda to Tassa"ara Com lete Totals for TIF Share Total $0.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 9 of 16, 3/23/2009 Gleason - Se ment 20 4,800 feet, 4 Lanes Tassa'ara to Fallon Com lete Exce t as Noted Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Overla 900 feet use $1.50/sf x 24' x 900' $ 32,400.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Stri in , Markin s 900 feet use $2/If x4 x 900' $ 7,200.00 Tassa'ara Road to Branni an Street: Median Landsca in 900 feet use $4/sf x 16' x 900' $ 57,600.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 52,500.00 S orts Park $ _ $ - Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ 149,700.00 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 29,940.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 14,970.00 Subtotal $ 194,610.00 Zone 7 Fees $ _ Total $ 194,610.00 Gleason Drive Subtotal Se ments 19, 19A and 20 $ 292,110.00 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 19, 19A and 20 S - Subtotal $ 292,110.00 Scarlett Drive - Se ment 21 2,400 feet, 52 feet curb to curb, 80 ft R/W Dou hert Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension All New Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements er BKF En ineers Estimate, 6-15-06, $ 4,437,000.00 Estimate Ad'ustment, 2006-2008, 5% er ear $ 443,700.00 Intersection Im rovements included in BKF En ineers estimate $ _ Miscellaneous Costs $ 1,300,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 4,916,220.00 Subtotal $ 11,096,920.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 15% $ 1,664,538.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 1,109,692.00 Subtotal $ 13,871,150.00 Zone 7 Fees $ 232,960.00 Traffic Miti ation Contributions er Finance, Reserve Account as of 7101/07 $ 107,465.00 Total $ 13,996,645.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 10 of 16, 3/23/2009 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 22 5,660 feet, 6 Lanes 5000 ft north of Gleason to Contra Costa Count Line All New Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements median and 2 lanes, each direction $ 7,799,097.47 Intersection Im rovements $ 446,563.00 Miscellaneous Im rovements $ 1,237,563.00 Brid e $ 4,072,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 4,933,440.00 Subtotal $ 18,488,663.47 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 3,697,732.69 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 1,848,866.35 Subtotal $ 24,035,262.51 Zone 7 Fees $ 494,457.60 Total $ 24,529,720.11 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 22A 5,000 feet, 6 Lanes Gleason to 5,000 ft north of Gleason All New Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 1 lane, each direction, Gleason to North Dublin Ranch Drive (1300'); median and 2 lanes, each direction, North Dublin Ranch Drive to north (3700') $ 4,441,261.90 Intersection Im rovements $ 53,250.00 Miscellaneous Im rovements $ 402,288.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 868,611.00 Subtotal $ 5,765,410.90 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 1,153,082.18 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 576,541.09 Subtotal $ 7,495,034.17 Zone 7 Fees $ 380,016.00 Total $ 7,875,050.17 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 11 of 16, 3/23/2009 TMs; ~.~~ 11 ~ Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 23 2,470 feet, 6 and 8 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Road All New Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 1 lane in each direction $ 760,352.62 $ - Intersection Im rovements $ 159,750.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ 920,102.62 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 184,020.52 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 92,010.26 Subtotal $ 1,196,133.41 Zone 7 Fees $ 107,889.60 Total $ 1,304,023.01 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 24 800 feet, 8 Lanes Dublin Boulevard Extension to I-580 not includin Interchan e All New Roadwa Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Add 1 12foot lane; $1750/ If x 12'/ 128' x 800 If $ 131,250.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 53,250.00 Ri ht-of-Wa Storm Runoff Treatment $ 2,865.01 800' x 12' Lane x $13,000/ acre $ - Subtotal $ 187,365.01 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uisition, 20% $ 37,473.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 18,736.50 Subtotal $ 243,574.52 Zone 7 Fees $ 17,472.00 Total $ 261,046.52 Tassa'ara Road Subtotal without Freewa Interchan a Se ments 22, 22A, 23 and 24 $ 32,970,004.61 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 22, 22A, 23 and 24 $ 999,835.20 Total $ 33,969,839.81 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 25 at Freewa Intersection Freewa Interchan e Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements E/B Offram Additional Lane $ 2,152,500.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 1500' x 12' Lane lus 100% Contin enc $ 10,743.80 Subtotal $ 2,163,243.80 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 432,648.76 Contin enc 10% $ 216,324.38 Total $ 2,812,216.94 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 12 of 16, 3/23/2009 ~ ~. ,.~ t'~f J~F' I Fallon Road - Se ment 26 8,080 feet, 4 Lanes Tassa'ara to Gleason Road is Existin From Si nal Hill Drive to Gleason Drive, Remainder is New Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Antone Wa to Gleason Drive: Median Landsca in , Stri in , Markin s $ 20,907.00 Lin Pro a 2000' , $1500 er LF x 38% $ 570,000.00 Silveria Pro a 1700' , $1500 er LF x 38% $ 1,140,000.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 1700' x 12' Lane x 2 Lanes $ 12,176.31 Intersection Im rovements South Le at Tassa'ara Road $ 84,500.00 Brid a Includes Storm Runoff Treatment for Lin Se ment Estimate er MacKa and Som s $ 3,463,359.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Subtotal $ 5,290,942.31 Cit Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 1,058,188.46 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 529,094.23 Subtotal $ 6,878,225.00 Zone 7 Fees $ 161,616.00 Total $ 7,039,841.00 Fallon Road - Se ment 26A 4,840 feet, 6 Lanes, 128-140' RNV Gleason to Dublin Boulevard Extension Gleason to Bent Tree Drive: Street is Com lete Exce t for Median Island Landsca in Under Construction Bent Tree Drive to 300' S/O Positano Parkwa Under Construction 300' S/0 Positano Parkwa to Central Parkwa :West 20' of Street is Com lete Central Parkwa to Dublin Boulevard: West 34' of Street is Com lete, Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements Positano Parkway to Central Parkway: 128-140' R/W; Remaining TIF Portion = 64' (Center 64'); Use 64/128 x $1750/ If x 11001f $ 962,500.00 Central Parkway to Dublin Boulevard: 140' RNV; TIF Portion =Remaining TIF Portion = 62' (Center 76' - 14' existin avement); Use 62/76 x $900! If x 1270 If $ 1,655,280.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 105,060.00 Pedestrian Overcrossin at S orts Park era roved Sta e I PD Zonin Plan $ 2,000,000.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 155,580sf $ 46,431.13 Ri ht-of-Wa Jordan Pro e $ 2,500.00 Subtotal $ 4,771,771.13 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW Ac uistition, 20% $ 954,354.23 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 477,177.11 Subtotal $ 6,203,302.47 Zone 7 Fees $ 283,155.60 Total $ 6,486,458.07 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 13 of 16, 3/23/2009 '+~ w~~~ I I ~/ Fallon Road - Se ment 27 680 feet, 8 Lanes, 166' RNV Dublin Boulevard Extension to North of I-580 Im rovements are Existin on Westside Median island, Northbound Lanes and Fronta a Im rovments on Eastside do not Current Exist Totals for TIF Share Civil Im rovements 166' RM/; TIF ortion = 100' 6 lanes lus 28' median ;TIF cost = $1150/ If Stn. 18+02 to Stn. 30+91: Median 28' lus 3 N/B Lanes (36'): Use 64/100 x $1150/ If x 1289' $ 948,704.00 Intersection Im rovements $ 96,720.00 Ri ht-of-Wa $ - Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 1289' x 12' Lane x 3 Lanes $ 13,848.76 Subtotal $ 1,059,272.76 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 211,854.55 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 105,927.28 Subtotal $ 1,377,054.59 Zone 7 Fees $ 84,455.28 Total $ 1,461,509.87 Fallon Road Subtotal without Freewa Interchan a Se ments 26, 26A and 27 $ 14,458,582.06 Zone 7 Fees Se ments 26, 26A and 27 $ 529,226.88 Total $ 14,987,808.94 Fallon & I-580 Freewa Interchan a with Si nals - Se ment 28 Totals for TIF Share Freewa Interchan a includes ri ht-of-wa new 6 In Br; Ph1=$16,134,825 er CIP & Ph2=$16,774,499 2004 U date Estimate lus 50% $ 32,909,324.00 Subtotal $ 32,909,324.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% included Zone 7 Fees $ 380,298.88 Total $ 33,289,622.88 Dublin a s 50% of cost; Livermore and Pleasanton will contribute the remainin 50% $ 16,644,811.44 Dublin Phase 1 Contribution $ 16,134,825.00 Ci of Pleasanton/ DSRSD Phase 1 Contribution $ 2,294,963.00 Dublin Phase I Contriubtions $ 13,839,862.00 Remainin Phase 1 Construction Costs and/ or Credits Due Not Funded in Current CIP $ 200,077.00 Remainin Dublin EDTIF Costs $ 3,005,026.44 Tassa'ara Creek Bike Path - Se ment 29 6,000 feet EBPRD Sta in Area to Contra Costa Count Line Totals for TIF Share Bike Path 12ft $8/st 100% $ 576,000.00 Ri ht-of-Wa none $ _ Subtotal $ 576,000.00 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 115,200.00 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 57,600.00 Subtotal $ 748,800.00 Zone 7 Fees $ 155,064.00 Total $ 903,864.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 14 of 16, 3/23/2009 /' I ~.y ~ , *,. Park 8~ Ride 40,000 sf for 150 cars Totals for TIF Share Fallon Road Park and Ride 40,000 sf $10.00 im rovements $ 400,000.00 Storm Runoff Treatment = $13,000/ acre x 40000 sf $ 11,937.56 Ri ht-of-Wa $ 700,000.00 Subtotal $ 1,111,937.56 Ci Administration, Desi n, Construction Mana ement, ROW A uistition, 20% $ 222,387.51 Contin enc Im rovements, Ri ht-of-Wa 10% $ 111,193.76 Subtotal $ 1,445,518.82 Zone 7 Fees $ 72,800.00 Total $ 1,518,318.82 Transit Center BART Parkin Structure Cost Allocation for 500 S aces Totals for TIF Share Parkin Structure 1680 S aces $ 20,000,000.00 Alameda Coun Contribution For Re lacement of Existin 1,180 Parkin S aces in BART Lot $ 14,000,000.00 EDTIF Cost Pro ortionate Share of Cost for Additional 500 S aces Used B Eastern Dublin $ 6,000,000.00 Fees Collected to Date $ 1,172,094.00 Remainin Cost $ 4,827,906.00 Re ort U date Totals for TIF Share Re ort U date Total $ 50,000.00 Totals for TIF Share OTHER COSTS Section I Ci Entrance Si ns at Hacienda Drive, Tassa'ara Road, Fallon Road $ 100,000.00 Eastern Dublin Travel Demand Model U date $ 200,000.00 $ - Total of Other Section I Costs $ 300,000.00 Section II Villa a Parkwa /Amador Valle Boulevard S/B left Turn Lane Modifications $ 150,000.00 Amador Valle Boulevard/ Bri hton Drive Traffic Si nal $ 350,000.00 $ - Total of Other Section II Costs $ 500,000.00 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 15 of 16, 3/23/2009 '.~ ~ ~ ~ Table 1; Cate o One Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCIAL FEE Dublin Boulevard Extension; SP r/w to Airwa Boulevard $ 28,206,432.63 Hacienda Drive; excludin I-580 Interchan e $ 978,691.00 Hacienda Drive I-580 Interchan e; 100% of cost, excludin $3.762M Alameda Count Loan $ 9,430,212.12 Central Parkwa and Arnold Drive $ 9,543,907.12 Gleason Drive $ 292,110.00 Tassa'ara Road $ 33,969,839.81 Tassa'ara Road I-580 Interchan e; 100% of cost $ 2,812,216.94 Fallon Road $ 14,987,808.94 PSR Re orts included in se ment take-o Re ort U ate $ 50,000.00 Other Costs $ 300,000.00 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 1 $ 100,571,218.56 Table 2; Cate o Two Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL FEE/COMMERCIAL FEE Dublin Boulevard/ Dou he Road Widenin CIP Pro'ect 96852 $ 1,331,099.00 Dublin Boulevard; Villa a Parkwa to Southern Pacific Ri ht of Wa $ 2,256,638.40 Scarlet Drive; Dublin Boulevard to Dou her Road $ 13,996,645.00 Dou her Road; I-580 to CCCo $ 14,816,194.06 I-580 Fallon/EI Charro Interchan a 50% of cost to reflect Dublin's share after PH. 1 construction $ 3,005,026.44 I-580/Airwa Boulevard Interchan a COMPLETE $ _ Other Costs $ 500,000.00 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 2 $ 35,905,602.90 Table 3; Cate o One Ad'ustment Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE FEE Tassa'ara Creek Bike Path $ 903,864.00 Park and Ride Lots $ 1,518,318.82 SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 3 $ 2,422,182.82 Table 4; Cate o Two Ad'ustment Costs used to determine RESIDENTIAL BART PARKING SURCHARGE FEE Transit Center BART Parkin Structure 500 S ace Cost Allocation $ 4,827,906.00 $ - SUBTOTAL OF TABLE 4 $ 4,827,906.00 Summation of Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 $ 143,726,910.29 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 1-Cost Estimate Sum Page 16 of 16, 3/23/2009 ,~ 4~ ~ ~ ~~ (Attachment 2 -Cost Estimate Detail l ---- it - _ - -- Dougherty .!Dougherty 'Dougherty Dougherty - -- Road Road Road Road SEGMT 1 SEGMT 1 SEGMT 2 _SEGMT 2 DESCRIPTION PRICES LF ITS~UANTI4,300 COST $8 604 ,QUANTITY COST _ _ __ _ _ 9900___ $19810 ELF 17,200 $51,600 0 $0 Grand ut $ 3.00 I ~ $60,200 - 46,200 Remove Ex Pvm'Usw $ 2.00 SF 30,100 $92,400 FuIlPavemtSection $ 8.00 SF 189,200 _ $1,513,600 10.8,900__ $871,200 -- -- -- - - Curb & Gutter _ $ 25.00 LF 4,300 $107,500 L. 3 300 $82,500 Sidewalk _ , $ 6.00 SF 34,400 $206,400 26 400 $158,400 Median Curb Std ! $ 20.00 LF 8,6001 __$172,000 _ _ 6,600. $132,000_ - - _ . Median Curb Glue $ 8.00 LF ~- -$~ _ --~ i p $0 - - Overlay_ - _ $ 2.00 ~ SF _ 189,2001 $378,400 r 184 800 $369,600 Earthwork . $ 40.00 CY f 6,667., _ $266,680 5,452 $218,080 Drop Inlets & MH's (1) ! $ 4,000.00 I EA ~ 14~ $56,000 ~ 11 $44,000 - p _ Storpmg (a~ Pi e _ I $ 125.00 LF ~ - 4~ $562,500 _4_ 5001 $562,500 Storm Runoff Treatment $ 13,000._00 AC 5.13 $66,731 3 11 ~ $40,379 9 _ _ _ $64,000 25 600 $51,200 g () LF 32,000 Markin s $ 200.00 _ EA_ _ 32~_ $6,400 28 r _ $5,600 Sinns 3 2 _ }} $ 1 0.00 IEA 40~ $4,000 i 32 $3,200 Electroliers (4) - - '~, $ 6,000.00 ' EA _ 14 - $84,000 ' 11 ' $66,000 Signal Interconnect_ $ 30.00 LF I 4,000' $120,000 }r 3 200 $96,000_ New Utilities $ LF Ofi $0 _ - 9 _ ---I _~. - t _ --_ _ f 0~ $0 Existm Utilities ~ $ LF 0~ $0 Ot _ $0 Landscape & Irrig (5)~ + _ ~ $ 5.00 SF - - 103,200. $516,000: 79,2001 $396,000 --- Grading Depth T 1 - $~ 1%_ - $0 - -~ - _ -- - Signal Legs - 1 ~ _ $0 Si nal Pnce not included _- ~ 0~ $0 _ 0 $0 Brad es- not included 0~ 0{ $p g ~ 0 - -- 0• - - $0 De Build nn not included-~ EA 0. $0 Median Gut II $ _ 3.00 SF 0 _ _ $0 _ 0 $0 - _ __ 0 $0 -- LF 0~ - - -- - Ot erlst curb $ 7.00 i -- - - $0 Y- -- $o - 0 R/W CosUSF t included) _ - i SF - ' -- __ 0 $0 _ - - - - -- - ~ ~ -- Length - ! 4,000_ 3,200 Curb-to-Curb Width 104' ~ 1041 - -- - _- - - wi _ ~ - n/a $32,089 Subto~ I - +_ ~ $4,$42,446 ~ _ r _- _ -- T ~ _-$3,208,869 Surve .. _ -- 1 /oll - _ _ ---- MobiUzation - - -_ - -~ - 10%~ $424,462 r - $320,887 - ra is on ro _ - 3% $127,338 ~ $9_6,266 --- - -- Clear ~ Grub _ 2% __ ~- - - _-- y ~ - ~ --_ ~ $4 923,8754 $0.00 $96,266 Total avil oral ~ $3,754,376 -- t- - _.- - -- COST/LF + - - - - _ - E - Footnotes: ~ - _ (~) P 2S0 P Intervals alon len th of roadwa ~ - - --- g -~_ Y~- ~ - _ _. - - - - (3) @ 50 ft. intervals along all lanes -- _. - _ -- - - - _ (4) @-150 ft. intervals along all lanes, including-conduit - j I - - - - - - - r_ _ _ -- _ 5 16'+4'+4' and/or area of fronts a restoration ' Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail ATTACHMENT ~~ TO EXHIBIT B. ~~ ~~ i~ _-_ imate Detail ~ I - - ~ _ _ - - _ ~- -! - - - - T- _ - ttac ment - ost Es~- ,_ -_ _, -_~-_ - _- _ -_ enda Hacienda Arnold 'Arnold Arnold Arnold - -.. ~ Road Road Road Road Road Road _ _ .- _ - - - _-- -- - _ --- _ _ SEGMT 14 _SEGMT 14 SEGMT 16 SEGMT 16 SEGMT 16A SEGMT1_6A_ DESCRIPTION PRICES UNITS QUANTITY COST_ QUANTITY Saw Cut $ 2.00 LF - 2,600 - $5,203 2,326 COST ANTITY iCOST Remove Ex Pvm t/sw _ $ 2.00 ~ SF _~ 17_600 - $35 200 32,564 $65,6 8 0. _ _0 0 Full Pavem't Section $ 8.00__ SF 39,_200' - Curb & Gutter $ _ 25.00 LF _ 800~I -$313,600'. 74,432 $595,456' 16,800' 1.34,400 -_ -- $ 6.00 ~ _ - $20, $0 2,326 $58,150 0; 0 Med anlCurb. Std 20.00 LF - OI, 18,608 $111,648 0~ 0 $ _ 1,800 $36,000 4,652_ $93_,040' 1,400 - ____2_8_,0.00 Median Curb. Glue I $ 8.00 lF ~ $Oi 0~ _ $0 0_' _0 Overla 1 $ 2.00 SF ~ - ~ $O see x sect $43,000 - -0! Y Earthwork - $ 40.00 CY ~ 2,119_' 0 -- - - _ $84,7601 __ -~ _ $0 - - ~ - _' - - ~ - -_ 1,452 58,080 Drop Inlets & PH's (1) $ 4,000.00 EA 5 $20,000 s_ee x-sect $1 500,000 _ 0 0 Storm Drain Pie $ 125.00 LF _ 100 _.. __ ~ _ ____$11,699'{ 2.1~ $27,767fi 0.39' O 5,014 S~~rm R ~ off Treatment $ 13,002.00 LF 6 600 _ P 9 O _ -+ _ - _ - _ ~ $13,2001 18,608 $37,216 2,800_ 5,600 Markm s ___ $ 200.00 EA I 6 _ 9 O - _ $2,80 4 Si ns 3 $ 100.00 EA 26 - - ~ - L_ .~ - ~ 24 _ $2,400 0 800 _ O - -- --- $2,6001 $48,000 9 0 Electroliers 4 $ 6,000.00 EA 0', 54,000 New U9 t esonnect_ I $ 30-00 ~~ - O- _ $0 - _ 0~ -- $ _ O' 0 g _ ~- I -- _ - _. I - - - LandscaUell~erri 5 $ 5.00 SF 0~ $OT 112,000 P $0 32,564' $162,820 22,4001 -o 9O r - _ Grading Depth - - - -- ~ _ ~' _ $0 0~ $~ 1: _ 0 Signal Les ( - ~ - _~ 0 - - $0', _ of - $0 - 0 - 0 Si nal Pnce not included) 01 $0 0 $0 Brd es not included SF I 0 -- - - -- - r -- - $ t 0 0 DeBwld nn not included ~ EA _ i 0, ~ 0 9( -- ) 1 Median Gut $ 3.00 SF __ 0 0 - - - _ _ - ~ 0 -- $0 _ 01 - _ I 0 - rExist curb - $ 7.00 LF ~ 800^ $0j - 2,326 _ $16,282 0 - 0 - --- - ~ _ $5,600 - I - - R/W Cost (not included) ! ISF Oln/a 74,432 n/a ' Ofn/a - __r _ ~ __ , - _- - _ - -- - - rt - - -- -- ---- Other _ _ _ _ RNV CosUSF _ _- n/a - - II _ 20, -- i - 1-~ - 1,400 9 , - _ _ 800 2,326' - - , Curb to-Curb Width n, /a - - I_ I - ~- 104 _ - -- - - - - f -- TIFwidth i - 281 -- _ _ -- -$5$ $56 936 ~ - $2,$ $280,036 - -- Mobifzation ° ,'~ ~ - ~ $397,893.77 Survey-- 100 _ - - _ 1 - $3 978.94 10/0 _ ~ - - - - - --. , -- $39,789 - - - -- ~ - f - - - Traffic Control __ - 30°~- - - $11$,3870.23 -_ ~ $56 070.22 I - ~ $11,937 Clear & Grub _ 2 /o __ $7,957.88_ -- ---- Total croil only ~, -_ ~ ~ $3,248,418.86 COST/LF ~ - - --fi-$660459.23 -_ --- I ~ - '__ $461,556.78_ __. _- 1 _, -_ i - --. -- - - - Footnotes: _E- - (2) pe?s0 ft. Intervals alon len th of roa ~ - T p 3 - - waY- -- - + -- - -- ( ) @ 50 ft. intervals along all lanes ~ _ - - (4) @_150 ft. intervals along all lanes, including con ~ ~ t _ - _ -- - ~ - 5 16'+4'+4' and/or area of fronts a restoration Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail Page 2 of 6, 3/23/2009 "'. ' ~~. ~~I I Attachment 2 -Cost Estimate Detail i - - - - - _ _ +Central Pkwy__ Central. Pkwy CentraLPkwy Central Pkwy Scarlet !Scarlet ~ _ 2250 2250 _ ~_ 2000 ft 2000 ft I Drive- Drive _ - -- - _ SEGMT 17A SEGMT 1.7A ~S_EGMT_176 SEGMT 17B -- - i ~SEGMT21 SEGMT_ 2 DESCRIPTION !PRICES - - - UNITS:QUANTITY COST ~QUANTITY~ST IQUANTITY irnsT Saw Cut - '' $ 3~ ._~ _ 4,500. _$$3 5$0 _- i -- - - 0 $0 2 800 0111 0 1 400 Grind _ ' ~ $0 _ 0 ~ _ _ Remove Ex Pvm'Usw $ 2.00 SF 0 Full Pavem t Section _ $ 8.00 SF i 36,000 $288,000 48,000; $384_,000 120,000 $ 25.00 LF 0 Curb & Gutter ~ $0' - 3,400 $ 6~F - Sidewalk $ -20.00 LF ~ _ 0 $0 4,0 0 $80, 00 4,800 Median Curb Std - Median Curb. Glue $ 8.00 LF ~ 0 $Oy - 0~- $~ - p verlay - Earthwork - 1 $ 40.00 CY ! ~ ~ 0 ~ $~~ 0 _ 1,778 $0 _ $71 120 - - 60,000 ; _ -_ 7 000 Drop Inlets & MH_'s (1) ~ ! $ 4 000.00 EA ~- 0 _ $0' 0~ , $0 _ , 20 Storm Dram Pie p Storm Runoff Treatme St 2 $ 125.0 nt $ 13 000.00 AC y ~ ~ 0.83 $0~ $10 744 ' _ ~ 1.10 0 $14,325 _ _ 3 4001 2.94 -' n in _ P 9 O - - $ 2.00 LF ~ 9,OOOI r $18 000 8,000 $16,000 12,000 - a ins _ _ - -- 4 $800 10' Si ns 3 9 O Electroliers 4 O _ ~ 00.00 EA _~_ - $ 6 000.00 EA ! 1 4I _ $24 000''__- 10 _ _ 15 - ~ $1,000 90,000 _ - 40~ - 15 -_ - Si nal Interconnect 9 - $ 30.00 !LF ~ ___ ~ 0, $0 ~ 2,000 -- --- $60,000'. -__ 1,000 _ ~ New Utilities - -- $ _ LF - p~- _ $0 0 } $0 0 Existin Utilities g Landsca e & Irn 5 P 9 O _ ~ $ ~ l $ 5 SF 00 _ 105001- $0' $52 50 _ 0 _ $0~ 0 -_ __ _ _ 1 -_ . _ ~_ - , 0 28,000 $140,000 40,000 9 pth _ Si nal Le ~ - ~ 1 O+_ _ $0 - 1 ~ $0 _ , _ --_ 1 rt -- s g g - --_ I -- ' $0 - 0 $OI -- 0, ~ Si nal Price not included ) - ~ p $0} - 0! $0 . Brdges(notincluded) p SF -- - ' - - - _ _ $Oi - ~ ~ - $O,n/a - - - _ _ n/a _ _- $0 - $0 $0 emolihon ~ - ~ - ~ I, g ( ) LL $50,000 i --- $0 I $0 - $I _ Median Guit included $ 3.00 SF 0, _ $0 -- __ $0 $I - ~ - - - $ Existcurb $ 7.00 ELF 0~ $0~ - - -- - - -- - R/W Cost (not included) I3F i 0 n/a _ ~ _ n/a ~, n/a n/a ~ $oltrail - ~_ $( Other ~ - - R/W CosUSF _ - -- -_ --- ~- $48,001 - - ~ - -_i 5 Len th ~ 2,000 2 4001-- ~ - Curb-to-CurbWidth_ ~ ~ + _ - -~ - - - - ~` $468,048.30 . -- -' - -~ - TIFwidth -- ~ - r ~~ - $8,572.45 25 414.02 Subtotal ~ _ °0° - - - ~ - $46,805 $85 $85,725 $2 2540140, Mobilization _ 10 /° -- - - ~~Traffic Control --- 3 /°!; _ - ~ $ $14 04$ - - ! -- - ~ $ $ , ! °_ f ~ $25,717 7 ~ $76,242 -= - - ear ru { _ 2% I $9,360.97_ $17,144.9 _- $50,828.03 Total civil only ! } - - ~ _ _ ~- - _ $542,936.0__ _ _$994,404.28 I -- - - - $2,948,025.84 - -- COST/LF ! -- _-~-._ ~_ l Footnotes: -- h 2) @~ SO ft Intervals alon~ength of roadwa ~ - ~ -- t~~ - t - - - - 1 -- - 3 ( ) @ 50 ft. intervals along all lanes 1 ~ ' - ~ - ---- (4) @ 150 ft intervals along all lanes, including cor~ ~ ! r- -- - ~ - -- ~5) 16'+4'+4 and/or area of frontage restoration I - - -_ I Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail Page 3 of 6, 3/23/2009 ~l~ ~~ IIg Attachment 2 -Cost Estimate_Detail ~ f -~ - - + + - Tassa ara Tassa'ara Tassa ara Tassa ara Tassa ara Tassa ara L - - _ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 _~_ 1 __ 1 _ ~ J - ~_-Road Road Road .Road Road .Road __ - - - _ _ SEGMT 22 SEGMT 22 I SEGMT 22A SEGMT 22A I SEGMT 23 SEGMT 23 _ DESCRIPTION PRICES UNITS QUANTITY Grind ~_ COST __ _ QUANTITY COST `QUANTITY COST Saw Cut - ~ 2A0 LF } ~~ $~0 0~ _$0~4,94~ - - _ - - __ - $ 300'LF _ Or -$pll ___._ 0 _ _ $~ 0 __ $9,885 - $14,820 Full PavemXt Sect~on _ $ 8.00 SF 271,680 $2,173; 40~ _ 208,800 $1,670,400 59, 80 - - $0 $474,240 Curb & Gutter I $ 25.00 LF _ I 0 $0 0 $0 - 0'; $0 Sidewalk _ _ ~ - 6.00 SF 0', $0,- - 0~ _ $0 ~ - $0 + $148,000~ 0_ _ - -- - LF _ 0 I $0 Median Curb. Glue $ 8.00 LF 11,320 $226,400 7,400 _ _OverayCurb Std $ 20.00 SF o _ ~ _ ~ -_ _ -- ~ $ ~- _ 0 Earthwork _ ~ $ 40.00_ CY 80,498' $3,219,920', - _ 30,934' $1,237,36[) 2,927 - $0 $117,080 ro Inlets & MH's 1 $ 4,000.00 $p $0 0~ --- Storm Runoff T eatment i, $ 13,000.00 'AC _ 6.24 $81,080, _ _ _ $0 P 9 ( )__ _p- ~ $ _ 2.00 LF 33,96 $67,920'1 - _$62,314 - --1.36_ $_19,760 Stri in 2 _ - ~ - - 30 0 $60,000' 9,880 $17,691 Markin s _ ---- -- $ 200.00 EA - _ 160', -_ - $32,000- -_ 18 - ~ $800 $3,6001 4 Si ns 3 - ' - - -- 0 _ - $0 12T 9 O - ` $- _ 100.00 EA~ _ O i - - $0 40 _ ~- _ I - - ... 1 _ $240,000 0~ $1,200 _ ectro iers 4 New Utildies) -- - $ 6,000.00 EF I 500 $300 0$000'' OI 0 0l --$0 Si nal Interconnect $ 30.00 LF 5,660 $169 800! 3,700 $111,0$0 $0 _9 _ $0' 0 Landscape'I&errig (5) --~ -5.00 SF ~ -90,5601 - 452 800 59 200 $0 0; $0 - - i ~~ _ - $_ ,~- . - I --_ $296,000 Oi $0 Grading Depth - _ 6', $0 1.0 -- ~- - $0, - ~- $0 - g ~ - _ ~ - _ - _ I - i na e s _ 0 _ 0_ _ Si nal Pnce not included 0 I $0 _ 0 Bnd es not included ~F 2 - T ~ -- $0~- pj Demolition - _- ~ _ - - t -- _ 1 -~ Median Gust included {_$ 3.00 ,EA 2 houses ~ ~~ - -- - - - 9 ) SF f OI $0i _ 01 -$0 - OI $0 iExist curb - - I $ 7_.00 LF-- , - 0 $~' 0 ~ $0 0 $0 _ o RNV Cost (not included) r- SF -~ - ~~ - ~ _~-_ - _ $0~ - -_ pi $0 Other i - - _ - ~ -- RNVCosUSF _ ~-~-_-- - -- - __--- ~ -_ ~ _ Len th i 5,660_ - - -I Curb-to-Curb Width 1 2,470 Tl F wdth_ - - 1- - ---~ _ 1 - - 5,00 i - - - --- - __ T Subtoy L _ - i I- II -_ I $6$67,233 60 i $_3$38 286.704 -----, $655,476.40 Surve r 1%~ - - ~ ~ - $6,554.76_ 1 - - - -- Mobilization 10% __ t i _ _ _ $382,867 $65,548 _ 672 336 Traffic Control 3%~ ~- $201,701.: - ~ - ~ -- Clear & Grub _ r 2% -T L $134,467.20 j - - -- $761573.48 j - - $19,66_4 Total, evil onl - ~ ~ $13,109.53 - -- COST/LF $4,441,261._90 - $760,35.2.62 y -- t- _~ ~ $7,799,097.47 - _ ~ - 1I -_ Footnotes: - -- (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway- I --__ ~ i - (2) per stn --- - ~ ~--- - (3) @ 50 ft. intervals alon all lanes i - - (5) 6 +40 4' and oalarela of frontaee restoration ~ ~ '- - 1 - - -- Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail Page 4 of 6, 3/23/2009 ~~ ~ I~~ Attachment 2 -Cost Estimate Detail i ~ I ~ I~4 inside lanes 4 inside lanes - _ __ - _ ~ 1 of typica~of typical _ t 4 Lane Rdwy 4 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy 6 Lane Rdwy ;6 Lane Rdwy - - l-- - - ~~ YP ! YP _ ~ YP -~Yp~ _-- ,I w/28ft median --- DESCRIPTION PRICES UNITS QUANTITY COST I _ QUANT_ ITY COST I QUANTITYan COST Saw Cut _ $ 2.00 LF I O __ $0- 0~ _ - ~- __ ~- _ ~ - $0 0- -- - -$0 Grand - - 0 $0 _$ 3.00 LF 0 $0 0 $0 $0 0; $Oi 0 Remove Ex Pvm'Usw ~ $ - 2.00 SF ~ _ ~, Y -- f - oa nnn~ - - Full Pavem't Section ~ e~aa n$~n C $ 8.00 SF fi 128.0001 $1.024_nnnt 17R nn~a~ ana nnn Curb & Gutter - Sidewalk _ $ i 25.00 LF 6 00 SF 4 000 32 000 _ 100,000 - -~ 4,000 $100 000 0 0 '- $0 . _ _ .._ $ _ _ 3.2,000 $192 00 0 $0 Median Curb Std Median Curb. Glue $ $ k 20.00 LF ~~ 00 LF I 8 - 4 000 p k- $80 000 $~ 4,000 ~ $80 000 - - _ 4,000 _ $80,000 $o - y _ EOarthwork $ . 40.00 ~ - CY 7,704, _ -- $308,160' ~ _ ~ _ ~ 5 6 30 - $o $225 200 Drop Inlets ~ MH's 1 -_ Storm Drain Pi O $ $ 4,000.00 125 00 EA LF _ ~ 10~ __ , $40,000 - T _ 10 - $40,000_ - , . 0 _ $0 e - p- . 4,0001 $500 OOO - 4 000 - - $500,000 - 500 $62,500 Storm Runoff Treatment ! $ 13_,000.00 A --- 3.67 $47,750 ' 4 78 $62 075 2.20f $28,650 Stn in 2 $ _ - - ) 2.00 LF -; 12,000 ~ $24 000 } 12,000 ~ .. -- $24 000 12,000 Y $24 000 Markin s $ 9- ~ __ 200.00 EA . _~_ 80 - -~ _- $16,000 - 1 - ~- _ g -~ _ $1,6001 0 6 _ , $1,200 - Signs (3) $ 100.00 EA i -- 40 $4,000T 401_ $4,00 20~ $2,000 O e r~ __ ~ 6 0 ~ 141 $84,000 14T $84 000 - - + Si na l terconnect $ 9 N U 30.00 LF ~ -~ 2,000 - $60,000. _ 2,00 0 _ -- $60,000 _ 2 OO O - $60 0$ 0, I ew g LF O $ 0 $0 O I 0 e eS ~ t i $0 0 1 $0 _ _ 0~ - $0 Landsca a 8~ n 5 9 O ._$ P 5 00 SF ~ - 48,0 Oi $240,000 ~ 48,000 $240,000, 56,000 $280,000 Gradin De th 9 P_ - - - I -- - 1 - ' $0 - - Signal Legs - - . --'~- - - 0- - - _ $0 --- -~ 0 - -- - $01 ~ ~ - $0 Signal Price (not included) I - - ', _ 0 $0 0 -- $0' _ _ 0 $0 Bnd es not included F _ O ~ I - -- - $0 0 $0 Demolihon _ - - - i Build n not included r ) ` EA r O _ p I 0 -- 0 $0 $ Median Gut - - t u T 3.00~SF_ ~ - - 0 ~ $0~ 0 _ $0 -- 0 $0 _ IExist c rb _ $ - t 7.00 I LF ~ _- - 0~ - $0, - 0; $0~ - Ol - -- $0 - os no inc u e _ ( ) SF `_ O I $0 _ - $0 Other - - -_ - R/W CosUSF -- - _~ - _ i ~_-_ - -- - - - - - - - _ -_ { _ ~_ -- t -- ~ _ ~_ __ __ 041.._.- _2,0 -- --_ - 2,000 - -_ - - -- $0 - -- 1 2,000 - Curb to-Curb Width 0 ~ -- 140 h 401 __ - _ 64 _ 76 Subtotal - _ I r - $2 7 19,910 23 $3 - 174,915 30 ~ $1,615,550.14 - Surve Y.__ I ~ /o o __ ± _$27,199.10 ~ - -~ -$31,749.15 - - $16,155.50 - I _ -- l l -_ __ 1 $271,991 $317,492 ; $161,555 Traffic Control 3 /o ± -~ -~- - ~ $95,247 $48,467 Clea r & Grub - ~- - 2% $54 398 20 ~ ~ _ $63,498 31 _ ~ - r --- $32 311.00 Total civil oral ! -_. Y _ _ 4 $3,1 II 55,095.87 75 $1 874 038.16 COST/LF -_ - .__ ~ r _, $1,577.55 -- _ ~- _ _ $1,841.45 T , $937.02 ootnotes: ~ iuse $ 600_ se $ - - ~ - 1850 , - use $950 (1) @200 ft. Intervals along length of roadway -- ~ - - _ - _ - - - ~ -__ I (?) Per strip J- _- I i -_ 3 5 - g l l I ~ - I--- (4) @ 1 0 ft I rat rvals a ong a ll la ~ - _ nes, including con _ _ ~- - + ~ . - - (5) 16'+4'+4' and/or area of frontage restoration ~ }- -- - - ___ Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail Page 5 of 6, 3/23/2009 ~~ ~ ~~~ Attachment 2 -Cost Estimate Detail _ ___ i 6 inside lanes 6 inside lanes _ _ i _ ___ I _ _ of typical of pica) ~ _ _ 1 8 Lane Rdwy 8 Lane Rdwy ~ _ DESCRIPTION - w/28ft media _ 28ft median PRICES UNITS QUANTITY COST Saw Cut _ - $ 2.00 LF -~ $0 - _ 0 - Grind _ - - $ 3.00 LF _ ~ ~ _ 0 $0 - Remove Ex Pvm'Usw $ 2.00 ~ SF 1 0 ' $0 - Culrb & GutteSection '~ $ 25.00 LF ~ 144,0000 ___ $1,152,00 l l _ ~ ._ $0 M ed an Curb. Std __ ____ $ 20.00' LF ~ 4,000' _ _- $80,000 Median Curb. Glue - ~ $ _ 8.00 L _ 0 $0 Overlay k $ 2.00 ~ NSF - __ 0 _ $0 Earthwor 40.00 CY 7,407; $296,280 Drop Inlets & MH's (1) Storm Drain Pie -i $ 4,000.00 $ 125.00 EA l LF -~ 500 _ $62,500 Storm Runoff Treatment $ 13,000.00 : AC _ 3.31' $42,975 Stnping (2) _ ~ 2.00 LF 18,000 $36,000 Markings _ -- Signs (3) 'i $ 200.00 EA ~ $ 100.00 EA ~ -- - - _ 6 _ $1,200 20 $2,000 - Electroliers (4) _ T ~ $ 6,000.00 EA - 14 _ $84,00_0 Signal Interconnect New Utilities -- - - f $ _ 30.00 LF $ _ _ - LF ~ _ 2,000 $60,000 0 $0 Existing Utilities $ - LF _ _ 0 $0 P 9 O hrn 5 - - - $ 5 00 SF ~ _ - 56,000'. $280 ,000 Grading Dept - __ _ Signal Legs - _ I i 0~ $0 - Signal Price (not included) r ~ -_T _.- _ 0' $0 _ Bridges (not included)_ I SF - _ _- 0~ $0 Demolition ~ gp Budding (not included ) EA i ~ $0 Median Gut - f $ 03 0 SF _ 0 $0 _- Exist curb _ - $ 7.00 LF _ - - 0', - R/W Cost not included _ SF $0 0 Other I - RM/ CosUSF - -~ Length } 2,00 - -- Curb to-Curb Width - - __ _ T -- - ~ t - I --- 140 - - TIFwidth - - 7g! Subtotal - T ---- _ L -_T $2,096 955.21 __- Survey 1 /°, ', o $20 969 55 ~ Mobilization - ~ 10 /° ' _ ---~ $209 696 } Traffic Control 3% _ - $62,909- Clear & Grub - _ ~ - 2% - _ ~ ~ _ - $41 939.10 ~ Total civil only _ ` - $2,432,468.04 COST/LF -- --- $1,216.23 - Footnotes: ~ use $1250 (1) @200 ft Intervals along length of roadway _ (2) Per strip In l l I (4) @ 150 ft ntervals a ong a ll lanes, including core ~ _ ~ 5 16'+4'+4' and/or area of fronts a restoration Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fees/Attachment 2 -Cost Detail Page 6 of 6, 3/23/2009 ~~~ ~ -~ ~ Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 Page 1 of 14 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee, 2008 Update Intersection, Bridge and Miscellaneous Costs A. Intersection Costs: Signal Costs: The 2004 Update used $250,000 per intersection or $62,500 per leg; add 20% (5%/ year); use $75,000 per leg or $300,000 per traffic signal R/W Costs: The 2004 Update used $5,560 sf per leg; use adjoining R/W cost to determine cost Civil/ Grading Costs: The 2004 Update used $22,000 per leg; add approximately 35%; use $30,000 per leg; for retrofit projects, curb and gutter, drainage, landscaping, etc., needs to be replaced, use $60,000 B. Bridge Costs: The 2004 Update used $135/sf for bridges; add approximately 50%; use $200/sf C. Miscellaneous Costs Miscellaneous costs include all additional costs not included in TIF cost spreadsheet and are detailed by each road segment In some cases, an allowance has been provided in the TIF for construction of frontage improvements that would normally be constructed by the abutting property owner upon development of the property. In these cases, the abutting properties have limited development potential and it maybe necessary for the City or other developers to install some or all of the frontage improvements in order to provide for the safe and orderly development of the roadway. Inclusion of these costs in the TIF does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility for these costs or obligate the City to install them at public cost, nor does it prohibit the City from recouping these costs at a later date. Segment 1 -Dougherty Road, City Limits to Amador Valley Boulevard Traffic signals are existing at Amador Valley Boulevard and Willow Creek Drive (a traffic signal exists at Willow Creek Drive); modification will be needed to accommodate street widening from four to six lanes; allow 100% of full signal costs per leg at each intersection for modification Costs = 2 x $300,000 = $600,000 ATTACHMENT ~ TO EXHIBIT B. J-?J 6~ ~ ~ Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 Page 2 of 14 Segment 2 -Dougherty Road, Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place Intersection improvements exist at Scarlett Drive and Houston Place. Intersection modifications are needed at the Scarlett Drive intersection to accommodate a second southbound left turn lane. The northbound approach will need to be modified to accommodate the lane shifts; the existing northbound right turn lane will also need to be modified. Both legs will require signal modifications. The 1999 Update used $24.20/sf for right-of--way; add 40%; use $35/sf. The standard civil costs have been inflated to account for traffic control on an existing street. Cost: 21egs x $75,000 per leg for signals x 50% _ $75,000 21egs x 5,560 x $35.00 = $389,200 2 legs x $30,000 for civil costs x 400% _ $240,000 $704,200 Segment 3 -Dougherty Road, Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard Intersection costs are included in the City Project. Segment 4 -Dougherty Road, Dublin Boulevard to North of I-580 Off-Ramp Intersection costs are included in the City Project. Segment 5 -Dublin Boulevard, Village Parkway to Sierra Court (Widening) The project is complete. Segment 6 -Dublin Boulevard, Sierra Court to Dougherty Road Intersection and miscellaneous costs are included in the improvement costs for the City CIP project. Segment 7 -Dublin Boulevard, Dougherty Road to S/P Right-of--Way Intersection costs are included in the City Project. s~ ~ ~i~ Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 Page 3 of 14 Segment 8 -Dublin Boulevard, S/P Right-of--Way to Iron Horse Parkway Street improvements exist; no intersection improvements are necessary. Segment 8A -Dublin Boulevard, Iron Horse Parkway to Hacienda Drive Street improvements exist; no intersection improvements are necessary. A second eastbound left turn lane is needed within the existing landscaped median at Arnold Drive; work will require civil and signal modifications. Civil costs have been inflated to account for traffic control on an existing street. Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per leg for signals x 50% _ $37,500 1 leg x $30,000 x 200% _ $60,000 Landscaping $75,000 $172,500 Segment 9 -Dublin Boulevard, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Street improvements exist. A right turn lane is needed westbound at Hacienda Drive. Right-of--way for the turn lane exists. Signal modifications will be necessary. Civil costs have been inflated to account for traffic control on an existing street. Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per leg for signals x 50% _ $37,500 1 leg x $30,000 per leg x 200% _ $60,000 Landscaping $75 000 Demolition $50,000 $222,500 Segment 10 -Dublin Boulevard, Tassajara Road to Fallon Road Partial improvements are needed on west leg of the Dublin Boulevard/ Fallon Road intersection (civil and signal modification). Partial improvements are needed on the east leg of the Dublin Boulevard/ Tassajara Road intersection (civil) Cost: Attachment 3 Page 4 of 14 ~Z ~~:') November 14, 2008 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% for modification = $37,500 2 legs x $30,000 per leg for civil work = $30,000 $67,500 Segment 11-Dublin Boulevard, Fallon Road to Airway Boulevard Complete improvements are needed at Fallon Road (east leg), and Doolan Road (four legs). Cost = 5 legs x $75,000 per leg for signal = $375,000 1 leg x 5,560 x $12.00 = $66,720 41egs x 5,560 x $6.00 = $133,440 5 legs x $30,000 = $150,000 $725,160 Abridge is needed at the Doolan Canyon Creek crossing. Bridge will be 100' long x 120' wide. Cost = 100 x 120 x $200.00/sf = $2,400,000 Mitigation will be required for loss of habitat at the bridge crossing. Mitigation is presumed to be required on a 3:1 ratio. Additional r/w will be required for mitigation. Cost = 100 x 120 x 3 x $12.00/sf = $432,000 Habitat Improvement Costs: _ $500,000 Habitat Design, Permitting, Monitoring $500,000 $1,432,000 Use $1,500,000 for mitigation. Civil costs are based on construction of the TIF improvements (64') from Fallon Road to the east edge of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area (5,000') and full street improvements (128') easterly to the Livermore city limit (3,000'), to the current west end of North Canyons Parkway. This presumes that no developer will be build the abutting frontage improvements for the easterly portion, and this cost will be borne by the TIF. Segment 12 -Airway Boulevard/ I-580 Interchange Ili Interchange improvements exist; no additional improvements are necessary. Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 Page 5 of 14 Segment 13 -Hacienda Drive, I-580 to Dublin Boulevard Street improvements exist; no intersection improvements are necessary. Segment 14 -Hacienda Drive, Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive Street improvements exist except for interior traffic lanes. Signal modification is needed on the south leg of the Gleason Drive intersection to conform to the added lane. Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% for modification = $37,500 Segment 15 -Hacienda Drive/ I-580 Interchange Interchange improvements are complete. Per Eastern Dublin Property Owners' (EDPO) EIlZ, further interchange improvements are needed to (1) widen the eastbound off-ramp approach at Hacienda Drive to provide a third eastbound left turn lane, (2) widen the northbound Hacienda Drive overcrossing from 3 lanes to 4 lanes, striped to provide three through lanes and an exclusive auxiliary lane for the westbound on-ramp, (3) modify the westbound loop on-ramp as needed, and (4) widen the westbound off ramp approach to provide a third westbound left-turn lane. Costs used in the 2004 Update are as follows: 1) Widen EB Offramp: $1,435,000 2) Widen WB Offramp $1,245,000 3) Widen NB Overcrossing: $3,020,000 4) Modify W/B Onramp Loop: (Costs included under overcrossing) 2004 Cost: $5,700,000 Escalation cost (2004-2008) @ 50% $2,280,000 $8,550,000 Segment 16 -Arnold Drive, Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive Street will be widened to provide two additional lanes on west side; east side is existing; widening will require replacement of signal on north and south legs of Central Parkway and new signal on north and south legs of Gleason Drive. A separate southbound right turn lane will need to be added at Dublin Boulevard, requiring right-of--way, civil, and signal work. ~~~~II~ Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 Page 6 of 14 Cost: 41egs x $75,000 per leg for signal x 100% for replacement = $300,000 Arnold Drive S/B Right Turn Lane @ Dublin Blvd.(2004 Update) _ $195,000 Escalation cost for civil work(2004-2008) $78,000 $573,000 Segment 16A -Central Parkway, Arnold Drive to Hacienda Drive Street improvements are existing except for inside lanes; intersections and signals are existing; signal modifications will be needed on the east leg of the Arnold Drive/ Central Parkway intersection. Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% _ $37,500 Segment 17 -Central Parkway, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Street improvements exist except for inside lanes; intersections and signals exist; signal modifications will be needed on the west leg of the Tassajara Road intersection. A new signal is needed at the entrance to the second phase of Emerald Glen Park (TIF pays for north leg only). Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% _ $37,500 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 100% _ $75,000 $112,250 The Tassajara Creek bridge will need to be widened from two to four lanes. The bridge is 100' long; two 12' travel lanes and a 16' median will be required. Cost: 100 x 40 x $200.00/sf = $800,000 Segment 18 -Central Parkway, Tassajara to Keegan Street Intersection improvements exist at Tassajara Road. Partial improvements are needed on the east leg of the Central Parkway/ Tassajara Road intersection (civil and signal modification) Cost = 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% for modification = $37,500 Attachment 3 Page 7 of 14 S-~ 6~ ~~ November 14, 2008 1 leg x $30,000 per leg for civil work = $15,000 $52,500 Segment 18A -Central Parkway, Keegan Street to Fallon Road Street improvements exist. Partial intersection improvements (civil) are needed on the west leg of the Fallon Road intersection. Costal leg x $30,000 = $30,000 $30,000 Segment 19 -Gleason Drive, Arnold Drive to Hacienda Drive Street improvements exist. A future signal is needed at Gleason Drive and Arnold Drive; right-of--way and civil improvements are existing Cost: 1 leg x $75,000 per signal leg x 100% _ $75,000 Segment 19A -Gleason Drive, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Street improvements are existing Segment 20 -Gleason Drive, Tassajara Road to Fallon Road Improvements are existing. Partial improvements are needed on the east leg of the Gleason Drive/ Tassajara Road intersection (civil and signal modification) Cost = 1 leg x $75,000 per leg x 50% for modification = $37,500 1 leg x $30,000 per leg for civil work = $15,000 $52,500 Segment 21- Scarlett Drive, Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard Miscellaneous Costs The construction of a box culvert construction will result in the loss of an existing open channel. If the channel is determined to be a jurisdictional wetland, construction of replacement wetlands maybe required. An estimate of $300,000 is allowed for permitting Attachment 3 Page 8 of 14 s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ November 14, 2008 and construction. Cost: $300,000 An existing oil pipeline, fiber optics line, and recycled water line are located in the railroad right-of--way. Relocation of these utilities may be needed at the new culvert crossing, and/ or additional protection maybe needed if the lines are to remain as longitudinal encroachments under the new road. In addition, an existing pole on an overhead 60kv transmission line is in conflict with the road extension. Portions of an overhead distribution line may need to be relocated. A number of existing pole line guy wires are located in the right-of--way. These utilities have prior rights and any relocation costs will be the cost of the project. A cost of $1,000,000 is allowed for the various utilities. Total Miscellaneous Costs: Wetland Mitigation: $300,000 Utilities: $1,000,000 $1,300,000 Segment 22 -Tassajara Road, 5000' North of Gleason Drive to CC County Line Ultimate street improvements do not currently exist. Full intersection improvements are needed on the south and north legs of the Fallon Road intersection. Right-of--way costs for the intersection are included in the total right-of--way quantity. The fourth (eastern) leg of the intersection is a local road into the Mission Peak property and will be the responsibility of that developer. Intersection improvements include afree-right turn lane southbound on Tassajara Road through the intersection. The lanes are 34' in width and 400' long. Cost of street improvements is $1850/ if for the 128' wide street. Cost: 400 x (34/128) x $1850 = $196,563 A pedestrian/ bicycle bridge is needed to carry pedestrians and bicycles over the free-right turn lane. The bridge is 8' wide by 60' long. Cost: $250,000 Total intersection costs: $196,563 $44 6,563 Several properties have limited development potential and may not develop. An allowance Attachment 3 Page9of14 ~~ ~~~ ~~~ November 14, 2008 is needed in the TIF to pay for the cost of frontage improvements that maybe necessary for the orderly construction of the road. Bragg-Silva Property: 11001f Tipper Property: 6001f Kobold Property: 3001f Nielsen Property: 6001f 26001f Frontage improvements include curb and gutter, a 12' travel lane, an 8' shoulder and a 6' sidewalk. Cost of improvements is $1850/ if for a typical 128' wide six-lane street. Sidewalk cost is $6.00/sf, or $36/lf for a 6' sidewalk. Total Frontage Costs: 2600 x ((1850 x 20/128) + 36) _ $845,163 A Class I bicycle/ pedestrian trail is needed along the Bragg-Silva frontage. The trail is 8' wide by 1100' long. Cost is $8.00/sf (consistent with the Tassajara Creek trail, Segment 29). Cost: 1100 x 8 x $8.00 = $70,400 Sidewalk is needed along the Tipper, Kobold, and Nielsen frontages. Sidewalk width is 6'; total length is 2000. Cost is $6.00 sf (consistent with detailed cost estimate) Cost: 2000 x 6 x $6.00 = $72,000 A retaining wall is needed along the west side of the road at the border of the Lin and Bragg-Silva properties, with a second wall needed at the south end of the Tipper property. The walls are needed to avoid placing fill within the creek setback zone. The approximate length of the walls is 500', with an average height of 10'. Cost: 500' x 10' x $50/ sf = $250,000 Total Miscellaneous Costs: $845,163 $70,400 $72,000 $250,000 $1,237,563 Abridge is needed at the Moller Drainage (Moller property). The bridge is 128' wide and 120' long. Cost is $200/sf Cost: 120 x 128 x $200 = $3,072,000 Attachment 3 Page 10 of 14 s ~ ~~ i ~ ~ November 14, 2008 Streambed stabilization work (drop structures or other provisions) is needed at the northern bridge to prevent upward channel bed downcutting after the existing culvert is removed. An allowance is needed for stabilization work and possible habitat mitigation. Right-of--way needed for the stabilization downstream of the Tassajara Road right-of--way is located within the Vargas-Fredrich properties; an allowance is included under right-of- way costs in the event this land needs to be purchased instead of being dedicated. Cost: $1,000,000 Total bridge costs: $4,072,000 Segment 22A -Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive to 5000' North of Gleason Drive Existing improvements include one TIF travel lane and a landscaped median in each direction from Gleason Drive to a point 1300' north; full frontage improvements on the east side of the street, and full frontage improvements along the west side of the street from Gleason Drive to a point 1300' north. Future improvements include the construction of one TIF travel lane in each direction from Gleason Drive to a point 1300' north and full TIF improvements from this point to a point 5000' north of Gleason Drive (the Northern Drainage creek crossing). It is anticipated that frontage improvements will be obtained along the Adams property (west side) as a result of future development. Intersection improvements at Gleason Drive will include modification of the traffic signal and installation of a second left turn lane on the north leg; right-of--way is existing. Cost: 1 leg x $62,500 per leg x 50% for modification = $31,250 1 leg x $22,000 for civil work = $22,000 Total Intersection Costs: $53,250 Several properties on the west. side have limited development and/or are publicly owned; an allowance is needed in the TIF to pay for frontage improvements that maybe needed for the orderly development of the road. EBRPD Property: 1701f Goodwin Property: 215 if United States of America (Camp Parks): 1001f Spferflage: 5201f Total: 1,005 if Frontage improvements include curb and gutter, a 12' travel lane, an 8' shoulder and a 6' sidewalk. Cost of improvements is $1850/ if for a typical 128' wide six-lane street. Sidewalk cost is $6.00/sf, or $36/lf for a 6' sidewalk. Attachment 3 Page 11 of 14 .S ~1 a°~~ I I ~ November 14, 2008 Total Frontage Costs: 1005 x ((1850 x 20/128) + 36) _ $326,688 Repair of the existing pavement along the east side of the road is needed. In addition, a asphalt conform and overlay is needed to provide an interim lane in the ultimate median pending widening of the road from four lanes to six lanes. Cost: 1400' x 27' x $2.00 = $75,600 Total: $402,288 Segment 23 -Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive The north leg of Gleason Drive intersection will require signal and civil modification to accommodate second left turn lane. Both legs of Central Parkway intersection will require signal and civil modifications for second left turn lanes. Cost: 3 legs x $62,500 per leg for signals x 50% for modification = $93,750 3 legs x $22,000 per leg for civil work = $66,000 $159,750 Segment 24 -Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard to I-580 A northbound right turn lane is needed at Dublin Boulevard (existing right turn lane will become #3 travel lane). Cost: 1 leg x $62,500 per leg for signal x 50% for modification = $31,250 1 leg x $22,000 per leg for civil work = $22,000 $53,250 Segment 25 -Tassajara Road/ I-580 Interchange Interchange improvements are complete. Per the Fallon Village EIR, further interchange improvements are needed to widen the eastbound off-ramp approach at Tassajara Road to provide a 5th lane. Costs used in the 2004 Update for similar work at the Hacienda Drive interchange are as follows: Widen E/B Offramp: $1,435,000 Attachment 3 Page 12 of 14 t ~~. ~~' `.,~ November 14, 2008 2004 Cost: $1,435,000 Escalation cost (2004-2008) @ 50% $717,500 $2,152,500 Segment 26 -Fallon Road, Tassajara Road to Gleason Drive Street is existing from Signal Hill Drive to Gleason Drive. Intersection improvements are needed on south leg of the Tassajara Road intersection. Cost: 1 legs x $62,500 per leg for signal x 100% _ $62,500 1 leg x $22,000 per leg for civil improvements = $22,000 $84,500 A bridge is needed at the Northern Drainage crossing. Per plans and estimates prepared by MacKay and Somps, the bridge is 83' wide by 125' long. Grading for the approach fill and the slide repair to the north of the bridge requires 120,000 cy of material. MacKay and Somps has estimated the cost of the bridge and grading as follows: Bridge Structure: $2,424,828 Stitch Piers: $591,531 Bioswale $219,000 Habitat Mitigation: $231,000 Cost: $3,463,359 Segment 26A -Fallon Road, Gleason Drive to Dublin Boulevard Extension Street improvements exist on the east side of the street from Gleason Drive to Bent Tree. Frontage improvements are existing on the west side of the street from Bent Tree Drive to the Upper Loop Road (700'); the existing improvements on the east side of the street need to be reconstructed per the new alignment. Frontage improvements are existing on the west side of the road from the Upper Loop Road to Central Parkway (1350'). Frontage improvements plus 14' of the outside S/B TIF lane are existing between Central Parkway and Dublin Boulevard (1270'). A traffic signal is existing at Central Parkway (3 legs) along with a SB right turn lane. The SB right turn lane is existing at Dublin Boulevard. ~/ d Iii` Attachment 3 November 14, 2008 ;J Page 13 of 14 Partial intersection improvements (civil, R/W) are needed for the south leg of Central Parkway . Area BSb (south leg Central) _ $3,000/acre (use $13.50/ sf) Cost: 1 leg x 5,560 x $13.50 = $75,060 1 leg x $30,000 per leg for civil costs x 100% _ $30,000 $105,060 Segment 27 -Fallon Road, Dublin Boulevard to I-580 Street improvements are existing on the westside. Improvements are needed for the median island, northbound TIF lanes (three) and frontage improvements on the westside. Partial intersection improvements (civil and right-of--way) are needed on the south leg of the Dublin Boulevard intersection. Area A-4 (south of Dublin Boulevard) _ $12.00 Cost: 1 leg x 5,560 x $12 = $66,720 1 leg x $30,000 for civil costs = $30,000 $96,720 Segment 28 -Fallon Road/ I-580 Interchange Interchange costs are based on the CIP cost of $11,694,458 for Phase 1 and the 2004 Update estimate of $11,182,999 plus 50% for Phase 2 Under a current agreement between the Cities of Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore, Dublin will pay 50% of the cost and Pleasanton and Livermore will each pay 25% of the cost. Segment 29 - Tassajara Creek Bike Path There are no miscellaneous costs. Park and Ride Facility Attachment 3 Page 14 of 14 ~ ~. ~- i ~ November 14, 2008 The Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road lots are existing. Cost of the Fallon Road lots is estimated at $10.00/ sf. Cost: 40,000 x $10.00/ sf= $400,000 Other Costs A cost of $6,000,000 is allowed for construction of a new parking structure at the BART station to replace the existing parking lot, which will be developed as part of the Transit Center. The structure will provide a total of 1,680 parking spaces and will cost $20,000,000. The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority will pay for replacement of the existing 1,180 spaces on the surface lot, at a cost of $14,000,000. The TIF fee will pay for an additional 500 spaces, intended to serve new growth in Eastern Dublin, at a cost of $6,000,000. A new fee section, the Section II Residential BART Parking Surcharge Fee, will pay this cost to be paid only by residential development. An allowance of $50,000 is provided for the fee update. This will be a Section I cost. These costs include staff time (salaries, benefits and overhead), legal review, and consultant costs for traffic studies or other technical work. A cost of $100,000 is allowed for three City entry signs at the I-580 interchanges on Hacienda Drive, Tassajara Road, and Fallon Road. These will be a Section I cost. A cost of $100,000 is allowed for miscellaneous traffic and alignment studies associated with TIF improvements. These are Section I costs. Traffic studies indicate that the existing southbound left turn lane at the intersection of Village Parkway and Amador Valley Boulevard will need to be lengthened to provide 210' of storage (plus a 90' taper) to accommodate increased left turns utilizing Amador Valley Boulevard to reach Eastern Dublin. Cost is estimated at $150,000. This will be a Section II cost. Traffic studies indicate that a traffic signal is will be warranted at the intersection of Amador Valley Boulevard and Brighton Drive to accommodate additional traffic between Eastern Dublin and Dublin High School. Cost is estimated at $350,000. This will be a Section II cost. Attachment 4 Page 1 of 8 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee, 2008 Update Right-of--Way Costs ~-~ ~~~ November 25, 2008 Note: All right-of--way costs are for planning and estimating purposes only, and are not a commitment to reimburse property owners or provide TIF credits in the amounts shown in the estimates. Reimbursements or credits will be based on actual square footages of R/W, which are acquired or dedicated. Segment 1 -Dougherty Road, City Limits to Amador Valley Boulevard Right-of--Way is existing Segment 2 -Dougherty Road, Amador Valley Boulevard to Houston Place Right-of--Way is existing Segment 3 -Dougherty Road, Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard Right-of--way has been acquired. Segment 4 -Dougherty Road to North of I-580 Off-Ramp Right-of--way has been acquired. Segment 5 -Dublin Boulevard, Village Parkway to Sierra Court (Widening) Right-of--Way is existing Segment 6 -Dublin Boulevard, Sierra Court to Dougherty Road Right-of--way costs of $549,477 are used from Sierra Court to Dublin Court per the City CII'. Right-of--way has been acquired from Dublin Court to Dougherty Road. Cost: $556,511 ATTACHMENT , `• TO EXHIBIT B. ~ ~{ ~~ I ~ ~ Attachment 4 November 25, 2008 Page 2 of 8 Segment 7 -Dublin Boulevard, Dougherty Road to S/P R/W Right-of--way has been acquired. Segment 8 -Dublin Boulevard, S/P R/W to Iron Horse Parkway Right-of--Way is existing Segment 8A -Dublin Boulevard, Iron Horse Parkway to Hacienda Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 9 -Dublin Boulevard, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Right-of--Way is existing Segment 10 -Dublin Boulevard, Tassajara Road to Fallon Road Right-of--Way is existing. Segment 11-Dublin Boulevard, Fallon Road to Airway Boulevard Costs per ARWS Impact Fee Study (June 2006) unless otherwise noted Southside, Fallon Road to 4300' east R/W = $25.00/sf Southside, 4300' e/o Fallon Road to City limits, 740' R/W = $12.00/sf Northside, Fallon Road to 900' east R/W = $0.25/sf Northside, 900' e/o to 3520' e/o Fallon Road, 2620' R/W = $25.00/ sf Northside, 3520' e/o Fallon Road to City limits, 1520' R/W = $12.00 / sf City Limits to Airway Boulevard (3000'): use $7.00/sf per ARWS Study TIF = 16' median plus four 12' lanes = 128' (64' each side) (six lane roadway, City of Livermore will contribute 50% of cost) Right-of--Way Costs = 4300' x 32' x $25.00 = $3,440,000 740' x 32' x $12.00 = $284,160 900' x 32' x $0.25 = $7,200 ~ ~ ~ wr ~ Attachment 4 November 25, 2008 v Page 3 of 8 2620' x 32' x $25.00 = $2,096,000 1520' x 32' x $12.00 = $583,680 3000' x 128' x $7.00 $2,688,000 $9,099,040 Segment 12 -Airway Boulevard/ I-580 Interchange Right-of--Way is existing Segment 13 -Hacienda Drive, I-580 to Dublin Boulevard Right-of--Way is existing Segment 14 -Hacienda Drive, Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 15 -Hacienda Drive/ I-580 Interchange Right-of--Way is existing Segment 16 -Arnold Drive, Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive Right-of--way is needed along the west side of Arnold Drive. It is anticipated that Camp Parks will dedicate the needed right-of--way at no cost to the City as a condition of redeveloping the southerly portion of the property. Segment 16A -Central Parkway, Arnold Drive to Hacienda Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 17 -Central Parkway, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Right-of--Way is existing Attachment 4 Page 4 of 8 ~~~~-~j r~~+ November 25, 2008 Segment 18 -Central Parkway, Tassajara to Keegan Street Right-of--Way is existing Segment 18A -Central Parkway, Keegan Street to Fallon Road Right-of--Way is existing Segment 19 -Gleason Drive, Arnold Drive to Hacienda Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 19A -Gleason Drive, Hacienda Drive to Tassajara Road Right-of--Way is existing Segment 20 -Gleason Drive, Tassajara Road to Fallon Road Right-of--Way is existing. Segment 21-Scarlett Drive, Dougherty Road to Dublin Boulevard BKF Engineers, working for the City's Scarlett Drive Capital Improvement Project, has estimated the needed right-of--way for the project as follows: Camp Parks: 43,341 sf County of Alameda: 138,829 sf Scarlett Homes, LLC and SP Transportation Company: 10,495 sf Scarlett Place LLC: 53,146 sf Total: 245,811 sf The 2004 Update used $20.00/sf, based on recent acquisitions along Dublin Boulevard. Right-of--way cost: 245,811 sf x $20.00/sf = $4,916,220 Attachment 4 Page 5 of 8 ~,~ i-~' November 25, 2008 ~` Segment 22 - Tassajara Road, 5000' North of Gleason Drive to CC County Line The ARWS Impact Fee Study (May, 2003) was used as the basis for costs in the 2004 Update. The 2007 Update uses the 2004 Update costs, with an escalation of 23.00% as of July 1, 2005 and 17.61% as of July 1, 2007, or a total escalation of 45% over the 2004 prices. Area F-1 (westside, 5000' n/o Gleason to CC County Line, 5660') R/W = $17.00/sf x 145% _ $24.65; use $25.00/ sf 1999 Update (eastside, 5000' n/o Gleason to Silveria, 2500') R/W = $11.00/sf + 10% _ $12.10/sf x 145% _ $17.54; use $18.00/ sf Area F-2 (eastside, Silveria and Mission Peak frontage, 1500') R/W = $6.00/sf x 145% _ $8.70; use $9.00/ sf 1999 Update (eastside, Mission Peak to CC County Line, 1660') R/W = $11.00/sf + 10% _ $12.10/sf x 145% _ $17.54; use $18.00/ sf TIF R/W is existing (TIF width = 64', existing R/W = 66'); TIF R/W needed for portions of road which shift from existing centerline; non-TIF R/W will need to be acquired along frontages of property without development potential (six lanes total) Wallis Ranch Frontage: Total /W needed 132,376 sf (per RJA Precise Plan Alignment) Non-TIF : 32' x 2300' (73,600 sf) Net TIF R/W 58,776 sf x $25.00/sf = $1,469,400 Bragg/ Silva Frontage: Net TIF R/W (per sales agreement) _ $402,312 Fredrich Frontage: Total R/W needed Non-TIF : 32' x 685' Net TIF R/W Vargas Frontage: Total R/W needed Non-TIF : 32' x 325' 32' x 600 x %2 Net TIF R/W Tipper Frontage: Total R/W needed Non-TIF: N/A, will need to acquire 13,039 sf (Parcel 1 per RJA) 10,614 sf (Parcel 2 per RJA) (21,920 sf) 1,733 sf x $25.00/sf = $43,325 21,488 sf (per RJA) (10,400 sf) (9,600 sf) 1,488 sf x $25.00/sf = $37,200 18,995 sf (per RJA) Attachment 4 Page6of8 November 25, 2008 `~: ~ ~~~ I ~ ~. Net TIF R/W 18,995 sf x $25.00/sf = $474,875 Mission Peak Frontage: Total R/W needed 21,680 sf (per RJA) Non-TIF R/W 32' x 400' (12,800 sf) Net TIF R/W 8,880 sf x $9.00/sf = $79,920 Moller Frontage: Total R/W needed 78,756 sf (per RJA) Non-TIF R/W 32' x 1200' (38,400 sf) Net TIF R/W 40,356 sf x $18.00/sf = $726,408 Right-of--Way Contingency (to be used in the event $800,000 property needs to acquired in the absence of or in advance of dedication through development) Right-of--Way Contingency for Creek Stabilization: 36,000sf x $25.00/ sf Total R/W Costs _ $900,000 _ $4,933,440 Segment 22A - Tassajara Road, Gleason Drive to 5000' North of Gleason Drive TIF 1Z/W is existing (TIF width = 64', existing R/W = 66'); non-TIF R/W will need to be acquired from parcels without development potential (six lanes total) The ARWS Impact Fee Study (May, 2003) was used as the basis for costs in the 2004 Update. The 2007 Update uses the 2004 Update costs, with an escalation of 23.00% as of July 1, 2005 and 17.61% as of July 1, 2007, or a total escalation of 45% over the 2004 prices. 1999 Update used $18.00/ sf on east side of road; add 10%; use $19.80/sf x 145% _ $38.71, use $29.00/ sf EBRPD Frontage: 31' x 170' 5,270 sf x $29.00 = $152,830 Goodwin Frontage 31' x 215' USA (Camp Parks) 31' x 100' Sperfslage: per RJA 2006 Acquisition for Bridge Net 6,665 sf x $29.00 = $193,285 3,100 sf x $29.00 = $89,990 17,114 sf (2,200 sf) 14,914 sf x $29.00 = $432,506 Attachment 4 Page 7 of 8 ~'`~ ~ I ~ ~ November 25, 2008 ,~' Total R/W Costs $868,611 Segment 23 -Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 24 -Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard to I-580 Right-of--Way is existing Segment ZS -Tassajara Road/ I-580 Interchange Right-of--Way is existing Segment 26 -Fallon Road, Tassajara Road to Gleason Drive Right-of--Way is existing Segment 26A -Fallon Road, Gleason Drive to Dublin Boulevard Extension Right-of--Way is existing from Gleason Drive to the Upper Loop Road, and from Central Parkway to Dublin Boulevard. Right-of--way is needed along the Jordan property frontage between the Upper Loop Road and Central Parkway. The majority of the needed right-of way falls within the existing 30' roadway easement and/ or the 32 `frontage improvements, and is not eligible for TIF credit. There is a portion of the right-of--way opposite Central Parkway that will be eligible. The right-of--way is approximately 6,000 sf in area; an allowance of 10,000 sf is provided in the TIF. Costs per ARWS Impact Fee Study (June 2006) eastside, Old Fallon Road to 2000' south) R/W = $0.25/ sf Right-of--Way Costs: 10,000 sf x $0.250 = $2,500 $2,500 ,/ j r Attachment 4 November 25, 2008 Page 8 of 8 Segment 27 -Fallon Road, Dublin Boulevard to I-580 Right-of--Way is existing on the westside. Additional right-of--way needed along the east side; thisright-of--way is located within the existing 30' roadway easement and/or within the 32' frontage improvements, no TIF credit will be given for the dedication. Segment 28 -Fallon Road/ I-580 Interchange Right -of--Way costs are included in the overall project cost estimate. Segment 29 -Tassajara Creek Bike Path Path is located within Tassajara Creek setback open space parcels; no TIF credit will be given Park and Ride Facility Hacienda Drive and Tassajara Road lots are existing; Right-of--way is needed for Fallon Road lot (east side of road); per 1999 Update, lot is 40,000 sf The ARWS Impact Fee Study (May, 2003) was used as the basis for costs in the 2004 Update. The 2007 Update uses the 2004 Update costs, with an escalation of 23.00% as of July 1, 2005 and 17.61 % as of July 1, 2007, or a total escalation of 45% over the 2004 prices. Area A-4 (eastside) R/W = $12.00'sf x 145% _ $17.40; use 17.50/ sf R/W costs = 40,000 x $17.50 = $700,000 ZONE 7 FEES TIF AREA Attachment 5 -Zone 7 Fees Road Segment Price per ft2 Length in ft TIF width in ft Quantity in ft2 Cost: Zone 7 Fee Dou hert Road - Se ment 1 $1.820 4,300. 49 223,600 $406,952.00 Dou he Road - Se ment 2 $1.820 4,150 49 203,350 $370,097.00 Dou he Road - Se ment 3 $1.820 900 49 0 $0.00 Dou hert Road - Se ment 4 $1.820 550 49 0 $0.00 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 5 $1.820 Com lete Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 6 $1.820 2,030 49 99,470 $181,035.40 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 7 $1.820 0 $0.00 Dublin Boulevard Extension- Se ment 8 $1.820 1,950 0 $0.00 Dublin Boulevard Extension- Se ment 8A $1.820 2,650 12 31,800 $57,876.00 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 9 $1.820 4,600 0 Com lete Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 10 $1.820 1,975 49 0 $0.00 Dublin Boulevard - Se ment 11 $1.820 9,500 49 502,832 $915,154.24 Freewa Interchan e - Se ment 12 $1.820 0 $0.00 Hacienda - Se ment 13 $1.820 0 Com lete Hacienda - Se ment 14 $1.820 2640 12 39,200 $71,344.00 Freewa Interchan e - Se ment 15 $1.820 0 Com lete Arnold Drive - Se ment 16 all TIF $1.820 2640 28 93,040 $169,332.80 Central Parkwa - Se ment 16A $1.820 1400 25 16,800 $30,576.00 Central Parkwa - Se ment 17 $1.820 4575 25 48,000 $87,360.00 Central Parkwa - Se ment 18 $1.820 3640 0 Com lete Central Parkwa - Se ment 18A $1.820 1430 25 0 $0.00 Gleason - Se ment 19 $1.820 1600 0 Com lete Gleason - Se ment 19A $1.820 4650 0 Com lete Gleason - Se ment 20 $1.820 4650 0 Com lete Scarlet Drive - Se ment 21 $1.820 - - 128,000 $232,960.00 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 22 $1.820 5660 49 271,680 $494,457.60 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 22A $1.820 5000 49 208,800 $380,016.00 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 23 $1.820 2470 25 59,280 $107,889.60 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 24 $1.820 800 12 9,600 $17,472.00 Tassa'ara Road - Se ment 25 $1.820 0 18,000 $32,760.00 Fallon Road - Se ment 26 $1.820 8080 25 88,800 $161,616.00 Fallon Road - Se ment 26A $1.820 4840 49 155,580 $283,155.60 Fallon Road - Se ment 27 $1.820 680 49 46,404 $84,455.28 Fallon Road & I-580 Freeway Interch. W/ Si nals - Se ment 28 $1.820 - - 208,955 $380,298.88 Tassa'ara Creek Bike Path - Se ment 29 $1.820 7100 12 85,200 $155,064.00 Park & Ride $1.820 - - 40,000 $72,800.00 Total 2,578,391 $ 4,692,672.40 ATTACHMENT TO EXHIBIT B. 3/23/2009 Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Zone 7 Fe 7 z ~ i ~~ Attachment 6 20-Nov-08 Summary of Outstanding Credits and Advances Existing Credits as June 30, 2008 Pending Credits as November 20, 2008 Developer Section I Section II ACSPA $ 20,486,279.46 $ 1,604,592.93 DR Acquisitions I, Fallon Road $ 2,736,612.00 DR Acquisitions II, Dublin Ranch Area G R/W $ 4,402,221.77 DR Acquisitions III, Fire Stn. 18 $ 82,448.00 Lin Famil $ 6,270,321.99 $ 10,704,056.14 MSSH Development $ 1,615,547.50 Toll CA II $ 49,806.90 $ 91,290.00 Toll Dublin LLC $ 456,477.52 Triad Dublin $ 336,663.01 Braddock and Logan $ 1,046,941.98 $ 272,309.75 Standard Pacific $ 463,986.37 Dr. Sabri Arac, Tassajara Road Interchange $ 135,098.75 General Motors, Tassajara Meadows $ 284,059.29 Pfeiffer Ranch Investors $ 473,799.54 Regent Land investment, LLC $ 2,878,877.66 Sorrento at Dublin Ranch $ 359,242.37 $ 227,353.50 Subtotal Miscellaneous $ 42,078,384.11 $ 12,899,802.32 Interest Bearing Advances ACSPA Advance $ 2,546,712.43 Future Interest $ 613,705.00 BART Advance $ 2,781,727.03 Future Interest $ 212,107.00 Ci of Pleasanton Advance (7.75%) $ 1,636,853.21 Future Interest $ 81,535.00 Subtotal Loans $ 1,718,388.21 $ 6,154,251.46 Subtotal Existing Credits/ Advances S 43,796,772.32 $ 19,053,853.78 Pending Credits (Work Is Guaranteed Under An Improvement Agreement And The Credit For The Work Has Been Determined; A Credit Agreement Is Not Yet In Place But Will Be Processed Upon Adoption Of The 2008 EDTIF Update Kobold, Tassajara Road RM/, Segment 22 $ 62,455.02 Lin Family, Gleason Drive, Segment 20 (" ") $ 4,804,441.00 Lin Famil ,Fallon Road, Segment 26 (" ") $ 172,081.00 Lin Family, Fallon Road, Segment 26A (" ") $ 369,777.00 Lin Famil ,Central Pkwy., Fairway Ranch, Segment 18A (" ") $ 1,009,226.00 Lin Family, Dublin Blvd., Fairwa Ranch, Segment 10 (" ") $ 1,369,155.00 Avalon Bay, Dublin Blvd., Median landscaping, Segment 8 $ 194,875.20 Toll Bros., Central Parkway, Overlay/ Striping, Segment 18 $ 81,322.20 Toll Bros., Central Parkwa ,Overlay/ Striping, Segment 18A $ 22,334.10 Lin Famil ,Central Parkway, Lockhart to Fallon, Segment 18A $ 6,250,149.48 Lin Family, Dublin Blvd., Lockhart to Fallon, Segment 10 $ 8,055,206.19 Lin Family, Dublin Blvd., Southern Frontage, Segment 10 $ 191,871.48 Lin Famil ,Fallon Road, I-580 to Dublin Blvd., Segment 27 $ 4,971,503.37 Lin Family, Fallon Road, Dublin Blvd to Central, Segment 26A $ 4,610,880.70 Lin Family, Fallon Road, Central to Bent Tree, Segment 26A $ 2,327,723.92 Pulte, Gleason Drive, Median LS, Segment 20 $ 166,400.00 Braddock and Logan, Fallon Road, Segment 26A $ 812,221.32 ATTACHMENT ~ . TO EXHIBIT B. ~~; iii Total Credits $ 79,268,395.30 $ 19,053,853.78 Grand Total $ 98,322,249.08 ~ ~~ I f Attachment 7 Eastern Dublin TIF November 24, 2008 Credit/ Fee Balance Summary TIF Category Account Source Balance 7/01/08) Section 1 Fee Administrative Services $2,335,094.20 De artment Section 2 Fee Administrative Services $3,746,205.96 De artment Section 2Non-Transit Center $1,172,094.00 Administrative Services Residential BART Parkin De artment Dougherty Valley Traffic $0.00 Administrative Services Mitigation Fee Department ATTACHMENT TO EXHIBIT B. Attachment 8 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2008 Update Dougherty Valley Traffic Impact Fees Remaining Fees, 7-01-08 25-Nov-08 Develo er Sha ell Windermere Total Approved Units 5830 5170 11000 Units From FY97-98 Through FY00-01 Under Gale Ranch AOB 1164 1164 Units From FY01-02 Through FY07-08 1842 4527 6369 Total Through 6-30-08 3,006 4,527 7,533 Fee/Unit Total Fee Fee/Unit Total Fee Total Fee 07/08 FY) 07/08 FY) Remainin Units 2,824 $ 2,012.00 $5,681,888.00 643 $ 1,663.00 $1,069,309.00 3467 $ 6,751,197.00 Section 1 Allocation $ 3,375,598.50 Section 2 Allocation $ 3,375,598.50 y O td y H y x z y I• ~-'~ 1 Attachment 9: APPROVED PROJECTS IN DUBLIN (As of July 1, 2008) -EASTERN DUBLIN TIF PROJECTS ~y ~ '~ W ~z y ~O Permits Remaining Remaining Development Name Land Use Size issued Permits Permits Units Prior to Prior to Following Trips Trips 7/01/08 2/28/09 3/01/09 Subject to Subject to Daily Trip 2008-09 FY Updated Rate Fee Fee 15A ACSPA Cam us Office 433.50 0.00 0.00 433.50 ksf 20 0 8670 16A ACSPA Cam us Office 428.50 0.00 0.00 428.50 ksf 20 0 8570 DiManto DiManto Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 261 0.00 0.00 261.00 d.u. 7 0 1827 DiManto DiManto General Commercial 902.56 0.00 0.00 902.56 ksf 33 0 29785 Dublin Ranch B General Commercial 38.12 0.00 0.00 38.12 ksf 26 0 991 Dublin Ranch B Medium Densi Residential 313 0.00 0.00 313.00 d.u. 10 0 3130 Dublin Ranch B Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 172 0.00 0.00 172.00 d.u. 7 0 1204 Dublin Ranch Fairwa Parcel 3 B Hi h Densi Residential 304 0.00 0.00 304.00 d.u. 6 0 1824 Dublin Ranch C General Commercial 628.14 0.00 0.00 628.14 ksf 33 0 20728 Dublin Ranch C Cam us Office 809.56 0.00 0.00 809.56 ksf 20 0 16191 Dublin Ranch D Sin le-Famil Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Dublin Ranch F PubliGSemi-Public 37.64 0.00 0.00 37.64 ksf 9 0 339 Dublin Ranch (Sorrento N-1) F Medium Densi Residential 75 55.00 15.00 5.00 d.u. 10 150 50 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-2 F Medium Densi Residential 117 52.00 26.00 39.00 d.u. 10 260 390 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-3 F Medium Densit Residential 66 42.00 10.00 14.00 d.u. 10 100 140 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-4 F Medium Densit Residential 64 48.00 16.00 0.00 d.u. 10 160 0 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-5 F Medium Densi Residential 96 48.00 24.00 24.00 d.u. 10 240 240 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-6 F Medium Densit Residential 75 0.00 0.00 75.00 d.u. 10 0 750 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-7 F Medium Densit Residential 94 0.00 0.00 94.00 d.u. 10 0 940 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-8 F Medium Densit Residential 148 0.00 0.00 148.00 d.u. 10 0 1480 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-9 F Medium Densit Residential 117 0.00 0.00 117.00 d.u. 10 0 1170 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-10 F Medium Densi Residential 260 0.00 0.00 260.00 d.u. 10 0 2600 Dublin Ranch F-1 Single-Family Residential 119 40.00 40.00 39.00 d.u. 10 400 390 Dublin Ranch F-2 Sin le-Famil Residential 121 121.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Dublin Ranch G PubliclSemi-Public 20.26 0.00 0.00 20.26 ksf 9 0 182 Dublin Ranch Town Center VC G Nei hborhood Commercial 230.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 ksf 46 0 10580 Dublin Ranch Grafton Station H General Commercial 179.00 48.00 0.00 131.00 ksf 33 0 4323 Dublin Ranch Lowe's H General Commercial 139.00 139.00 0.00 0.00 ksf 33 0 Dublin Ranch H Cam us Office 860.53 0.00 0.00 860.53 ksf 20 0 17211 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Low Densit Residential 58 0.00 0.00 58.00 d.u. 10 0 580 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Medium Densit Residential 629 0.00 0.00 629.00 d.u. 10 0 6290 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 248 0.00 0.00 248.00 d.u. 7 0 1736 Dublin Transit Center ACSPA Cam us Office 1,700.00 0.00 0.00 1700.00 ksf 20 0 34000 Dublin Transit Center Site A Hi h Densi Residential 343 0.00 0.00 343.00 d.u. 6 0 2058 Dublin Transit Center Site C Hi h Densit Residential 405 0.00 0.00 405.00 d.u. 6 0 2430 Dublin Transit Center Site E-1 Hi h Densi Residential 300 0.00 0.00 300.00 d.u. 6 0 1800 East Count Government Center ECGC Office 435.60 0.00 0.00 435.60 ksf 20 0 8712 East Count Hall of Justice ECGC Hall of Justice 13 0.00 0.00 13.00 c.r. 334 0 4342 Fallon Villa a Anderson Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 108 0.00 0.00 108.00 d.u. 7 0 756 ttachment 9, Trip Genration, Approved Projects ~..1"' Attachment 9. Approved Projects Page 1 ~.~ Attachment 9: APPROVED PROJECTS IN DUBLIN (As of July 1, 2008) -EASTERN DUBLIN TIF PROJECTS Development Name Land Use Size Permits Issued Prior to 7/01!08 Remaining Permits Prior to 2/28/09 Remaining Permits Following 3/01/09 Units aily Trip Rate Trips Subject to 2008-09 FY Fee Trips Subject to Updated Fee Fallon Village Anderson General Commercial 291.99 0.00 0.00 291.99 ksf 46 0 13432 Cam us Office 125.14 0.00 0.00 125.14 ksf 20 0 2503 Fallon Villa a B&L Sin le-Famil Residential 204 0.00 0.00 204.00 d.u. 10 0 2040 Fallon Villa a Branau h Industrial Park 372.00 0.00 0.00 372.00 ksf 8 0 2976 Fallon Villa a Branau h Medium Densit Residential 67 0.00 0.00 67.00 d.u. 10 0 670 Fallon Villa a Croak Low Densi Residential 469 0.00 0.00 469.00 d.u. 10 0 4690 Fallon Villa a Croak Medium Densi Residential 104 0.00 0.00 104.00 d.u. 10 0 1040 Fallon Villa a Croak Semi-Public 43.56 0.00 0.00 43.56 ksf 9 0 392 Fallon Village EBJ Partners General Commercial 9.39 0.00 0.00 9.39 ksf 26 0 244 Cam us Office 4.02 0.00 0.00 4.02 ksf 20 0 80 Fallon Villa a Ilon Enter ris Sin le-Famil Residential 839 28.00 50.00 761.00 d.u. 10 500 7610 Fallon Villa a Jordan Low Densi Residential 230 0.00 0.00 230.00 d.u. 10 0 2300 Fallon Villa a Jordan Medium Densi Residential 234 0.00 0.00 234.00 d.u. 10 0 2340 Fallon Villa a Jordan Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 542 0.00 0.00 542.00 d.u. 7 0 3794 Fallon Villa a Jordan Hi h Densi Residential 96 0.00 0.00 96.00 d.u. 6 0 576 Fallon Villa a Jordan Nei hborhood Commercial 20.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 ksf 26 0 520 Fallon Villa a Jordan Semi-Public 43.56 0.00 0.00 43.56 ksf 26 0 1133 Fallon Villa a Monte Vista Industrial Park 113.43 0.00 0.00 113.43 ksf 8 0 907 Fallon Village Pleasanton Ranch Investments General Commercial 3.42 0.00 0.00 3.42 ksf 26 0 89 Cam us Office 1.46 0.00 0.00 1.46 ksf 20 0 29 Fallon Villa a Ri hetti Medium Densi Residential 81 0.00 0.00 81.00 d.u. 10 0 810 Fallon Villa a Ri hetti Industrial Park 262.23 0.00 0.00 262.23 ksf 8 0 2098 Fallon Villa a Ri hetti Cam us Office 225.64 0.00 0.00 225.64 ksf 20 0 4513 Fallon Village TMI Chen Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 130 0.00 0.00 130.00 d.u. 7 0 910 Semi-Public 54.45 0.00 0.00 54.45 ksf 9 0 490 Fallon Villa a TMI Chen General Commercial 785.17 0.00 0.00 785.17 ksf 33 0 25911 Fallon Village TMI Chen General Commercial 157.95 0.00 0.00 157.95 ksf 46 0 7266 Cam us Office 67.69 0.00 0.00 67.69 ksf 20 0 1354 Ford of Dublin Site General Commercial 33.50 0.00 0.00 33.50 ksf 26 0 871 Greenbriar Phase 4 Medium Densit Residential 164 0.00 0.00 164.00 d.u. 10 0 1640 G i Medium Densit Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Herrera "Frederich" Medium Densi Residential 37 0.00 0.00 37.00 d.u. 10 0 370 Koll Dublin Cor Center Ph. 1 Office 3.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 ksf 20 0 60 Koll Dublin Co Center Ph. 2 Hos ital 100 0.00 0.00 100.00 beds 12 0 1200 Lifestyle Center Sit-Down Hi h Turnover Restaurants 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 ksf 33 0 1155 Sho in Center 270.00 0.00 0.00 270.00 ksf 33 0 8910 Mission Peak Sin le-Famil Residential 106 0.00 35.00 71.00 d.u. 10 350 710 Moller Medium Densit Residential 298 0.00 0.00 298.00 d.u. 10 0 2980 "~ ~~ a~ Attachment 9. Approved Projects "`° Attachment 9, Trip Genration, Approved Projects Page 2 ~-, Attachment 9: APPROVED PROJECTS IN DUBLIN (As of July 1, 2008) -EASTERN DUBLIN TIF PROJECTS Development Name Land Use Size Permits Issued Prior to 7/01/08 Remaining Permits Prior to 2/28/09 Remaining Permits Following 3/01/09 Units aily Trip Rate• Trips Subject to 2008-09 FY Fee Trips Subject to Updated Fee Moura "Ti er" Medium Densit Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Neilsen Sin le-Famil Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Rale "Kobold" Medium Densit Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Silvera Ranch Ph.1 Sin le Famil Residential 35 35.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Silvera Ranch Ph.1 Medium Densit Residential 28 28.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Silvera Ranch Ph.2 Medium Densit Residential 45 45.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 Silvera Ranch Ph. 4 Sin le-Famil Residential 44 0.00 0.00 44.00 d.u. 10 0 440 Silvera Ranch Ph. 3 Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 102 102.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 7 0 0 Var as Medium Density Residential 33 0.00 0.00 33.00 d.u. 10 0 330 Total 2160.00 297171 Attachment 9, Trip Genration, Approved Projects `~ Attachment 9. Approved Projects Page 3 ~ Attachment 10: APPROVED RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS IN DUBLIN (As of July 1.20081 - EDTIF PROJECTS ~y h '~ [x a~ dz y • Development Name Land Use Size Permits Issed Prior to 7/01/08 Remaining Permits Prior to 2/30/09 Remaining Permits Following 3/01/09 Units aily Trip Rate Trips Subject to 2008-09 FY Fee Trips Subject to Updated Fee DiManto DiManto Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 261 0.00 0.00 261.00 d.u. 7 0 1827 Dublin Ranch B Medium Densi Residential 313 0.00 0.00 313.00 d.u. 10 0 3130 Dublin Ranch B Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 172 0.00 0.00 172.00 d.u. 7 0 1204 Dublin Ranch Fairwa Parcel 3 B Hi h Densit Residential 304 0.00 0.00 304.00 d.u. 6 0 1824 Dublin Ranch D Sin le-Famil Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Dublin Ranch (Sorrento N-1) F Medium Density Residential 75 55.00 15.00 5.00 d.u. 10 150 50 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-2 F Medium Densi Residential 117 52.00 26.00 39.00 d.u. 10 260 390 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-3 F Medium Densi Residential 66 42.00 10.00 14.00 d.u. 10 100 140 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-4 F Medium Densit Residential 64 48.00 16.00 0.00 d.u. 10 160 0 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-5 F Medium Densi Residential 96 72.00 24.00 0.00 d.u. 10 240 0 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-6 F Medium Densit Residential 75 0.00 0.00 75.00 d.u. 10 0 750 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-7 F Medium Densi Residential 94 0.00 0.00 94.00 d.u. 10 0 940 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-8 F Medium Densi Residential 148 0.00 0.00 148.00 d.u. 10 0 1480 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-9 F Medium Densi Residential 117 0.00 0.00 117.00 d.u. 10 0 1170 Dublin Ranch Sorrento N-10 F Medium Densi Residential 260 0.00 0.00 260.00 d.u. 10 0 2600 Dublin Ranch F-1 Single-Family Residential 119 40.00 40.00 39.00 d.u. 10 400 390 Dublin Ranch F-2 Sin le-Famil Residential 121 121.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Low Densit Residential 58 0.00 0.00 58.00 d.u. 10 0 580 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Medium Densit Residential 629 0.00 0.00 629.00 d.u. 10 0 6290 Dublin Ranch West Wallis Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 248 0.00 0.00 248.00 d.u. 7 0 1736 Dublin Transit Center Site A Hi h Densi Residential 343 0.00 0.00 343.00 d.u. 6 0 2058 Dublin Transit Center Site C Hi h Densi Residential 405 0.00 0.00 405.00 d.u. 6 0 2430 Dublin Transit Center Site E-1 Hi h Densi Residential 300 0.00 0.00 300.00 d.u. 6 0 1800 Fallon Villa a Anderson Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 108 0.00 0.00 108.00 d.u. 7 0 756 Fallon Villa a B&L Sin le-Famil Residential 204 0.00 0.00 204.00 d.u. 10 0 2040 Fallon Villa a Branau h Medium Densit Residential 67 0.00 0.00 67.00 d.u. 10 0 670 Fallon Villa a Croak Low Densit Residential 469 0.00 0.00 469.00 d.u. 10 0 4690 Fallon Villa a Croak Medium Densit Residential 104 0.00 0.00 104.00 d.u. 10 0 1040 Fallon Villa a Ilon Enter ris Sin le-Famil Residential 839 28.00 50.00 761.00 d.u. 10 500 7610 Fallon Villa a Jordan Low Densi Residential 230 0.00 0.00 230.00 d.u. 10 0 2300 Fallon Villa a Jordan Medium Densi Residential 234 0.00 0.00 234.00 d.u. 10 0 2340 Fallon Villa a Jordan Medium-Hi h Densi Residential 542 0.00 0.00 542.00 d.u. 7 0 3794 Fallon Villa a Jordan Hi h Densi Residential 96 0.00 0.00 96.00 d.u. 6 0 576 Fallon Villa a Ri hetti Medium Densi Residential 81 0.00 0.00 81.00 d.u. 10 0 810 Fallon Villa a TMI Chen Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 130 0.00 0.00 130.00 d.u. 7 0 910 Greenbriar Phase 4 Medium Densit Residential 164 0.00 0.00 164.00 d.u. 10 0 1640 G i Medium Densit Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Herrera "Frederich" Medium Densi Residential 37 0.00 0.00 37.00 d.u. 10 0 370 Mission Peak Sin le-Famil Residential 106 0.00 35.00 71.00 d.u. 10 350 710 Moller Medium Densi Residential 298 0.00 0.00 298.00 d.u. 10 0 2980 Moura "Ti er" Medium Densi Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Neilsen Sin le-Famil Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Rale "Kobold" Medium Densit Residential 1 0.00 0.00 1.00 d.u. 10 0 10 Silvera Ranch Ph.1 Sin le Famil Residential 35 35.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Silvera Ranch Ph.1 Medium Densi Residential 28 28.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 0 Silvera Ranch Ph.2 Medium Densit Residential 45 45.00 0.00 0.00 d.u. 10 0 Silvera Ranch Ph. 4 Silvera Ranch Ph. 3 Sin le-Famil Residential Medium-Hi h Densit Residential 44 102 0.00 102.00 0.00 0.00 44.00 0.00 d.u. d.u. 10 7 0 0 440 0 attachment 10, Trip Generation, Residential Approved Projects Attachment 9. Approved Projects Page 1 C~a_~ ~~ Attachment 10: APPROVED RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS IN DUBLIN (As of July 1.20081 - EDTIF PR[).IFrTS Permits Remaining Remaining Develo ment Name p Land Use Size Issed Permits Permits Units Trips Subject to Trips Subject to prior to Prior to Following 7/01/08 2/30/09 3/01/09 Daily Trip 2008-09 FY Updated Rate Fee Fee Var as Medium Density Residential 33 0.00 0.00 33.00 d.u. 10 0 330 Total Residential Tri s Transit Center Tri s 2160.00 64845 6288 Total Tri s Outside Transit Center 58557 t v~ Attachment 9. Approved Projects Attachment 10, Trip Generation, Residential Approved Projects Page 2 0`-~ 1 Exhibit C EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE Effective May 3, 2009 3/23/2009 Residential (Within Transit Center) High Density Dwelling (more than 25 units per acre) $4,662/unit Residential (Outside of Transit Center) Low Density Dwelling (up to 6 units per acre) $8,470/unit Medium Density Dwelling (6.1-14 units per acre) $8,470/unit Medium/High Density Dwelling (14.1-25 units per acre) $5,929/unit High Density Dwelling (25.1 or more units per acre) $5,082/unit Second Units per Sec. 8.80 of the Municipal Code $5,082/unit Non-Residential Development Other Than Residential $ 730/trip LAND USE ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE (Non-Residential- TRIP GENERATION RATE* HOTEL/MOTEL OR OTHER LODGING: 10/room OFFICE: Standard Commercial Office 20/1,000 sf RECREATION: Recreation Community Center 26/1,000 sf Health Club 40/1,000 sf Bowling Center 33/1,000 sf Golf Course 8/acre Tennis Courts 33/court Theaters: Movie 220/screen Live 0.2/seat Video Arcade 96/1,000 sf EDUCATION Private Schools 1.5/student Daycare/ Pre-school 2.4/student HOSPITAL: General 12/bed Convalescent/Nursing 3/bed Clinic 24/1,000 sf CHURCH: 9/1,000 sf INDUSTRIAL: Industrial (with retail) 16/1,000 sf Industrial (without retail) 8/1,000 sf * Sources of information for Trip Generation Rates: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAL). These trip generation rates are based on averages. Most retail uses are given a 35% pass-by reduction. ~\~ ~ !l~' g.IEDTI EXHIBIT c, ~~ Tn +ho Rn~~l~ i+inr, Page 1 of 2 Exhibit C EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE Effective May 3, 2009 LAND USE tNon-Residential) RESTAURANT: ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE (WITH PASS-BY) Quality (leisure) See appropriate Shopping Center Rate Sit-down, high turnover (usually chain other than fast food) See appropriate Shopping Center Rate Bar/Tavern See appropriate Shopping Center Rate ,. as v .. grit .. .: h.or tkia~. . d~r~ tl€au AUTOMOTIVE: FINANCIAL: Bank/Savings and Loan COMMERCIAL/RETAIL: Super Regional Shopping Center (More than 600,000 SF; usually more than 60 acres; with usually 3+ major stores) and not biscted by a public arterial street See appropriate Shopping Center Rate 22/1,000 sf Regional Shopping Center 33/1,000 sf (300,000 - 600,000 SF; usually 30-60 acres; w/usually 2+ major stores) and not bisected by a public arterial street Community or Neighborhood Shopping Center 46/1,000 sf (Less than 300,000 sf; less than 30 acres; w/usually 1 major store or grocery store and detached restaurant and detached restaurant and/or drug store) and not bisected by a public arterial stre et Commercial Shops: Retail/Strip Commercial (no major store) 26/1,000 sf Supermarket 98/1,000 sf ,: Conv~M~ ~9oti~~t ..... ;> 325i+i,gOQ ~f Discount Store 46/1,000 sf Land uses that are shaded will always pay at the individual trip rate as these uses tend to generate destination trips. Commercial/retail and certain recreation uses will pay at the individual trip rate if the site is a stand-alone land use; if the land use is part of a larger shopping center, the appropriate shopping center trip rate will apply. ~/~ ~;~~f 3/23/2009 Page 2 of 2 g:IEDTIF UPDATEIExhibit C -Fee Rates 2009 Update Exhibit D Non-Residential Uses On Properties Designated Residential (Exempt From Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee) Exempted Parcels I Parcels Right of Way ~~nu ~~~ ~ ~ Eastern Dublin TIF Area _,_~ . „_ ,. _....- • ,,~= _. ` , <. a F r ~ ~~~ ~~ ,i' i ._ ~~ ,. • ~; ~._- .. ~- ' +nununn~~~n ti, y ~ i i ~ ~ - - ~ ~ i _ _~, ,. -~ . ~ ~ ~ /.. .z...~ i ~ 1 f ~ ~ ~+ ~ -. ~ . T, ~4.r -~ ~ 7 • a t u , }: ~ " ~ ~i _ -, r ~ f-_-r rr S . E ~ a ~ / A~ ~;Y ~' ~~ ~Sr"~ s ~,v.,5,,, ~+ u 7~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ 1 k ~~~ ~ ~ f"°'° i ~' ~ a ~~~ -1 7 1 ~ < :c ~ ,~; i ~ +~ ~' ~ 1......_.,......~ ................. . r ~ , ~ $~ ~ ~ 7 J ~ _ _ _ ~ ~, ~, ~ '~ ~, ~^~ P ~ ~ ~t~~~ 1 It'~ I I 1 it ~~ ,~ ~~~ ! { , iw I ~ { k?a,~ 9 ~ ~ {'~w?a"~'f ,, y; r~ ~ r ~ I ` ~ _ a te ~ & ' ~ \ ~ ~ t` = i r...-. "~ :ied~.tirt:,'" y~ i M 1 e r" } ~, „ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ a # h_: - ~~ i~ ~ ,~ a ~ ~~~. . 7 r ~ ~Y _ ~,~ ~ ~> ~ , { F3~ (~ I ~ ~ _. • ~~ . j f ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ , ~ ~, , - _- -1 r ~ ..; ~~ ~ - ^ A °~~ ^ i ~ ~{ ~- I 4 ~ ~+~, a , ~~ _ ~y rya . ,. ~ A~_ ~ ~~.~ ~ N ~, ~ ~, ......... ~ ~ ~ .......................~~ ~.~,~ ....... r=-~i ~~ i ..............::.:............. . .. ~............. ~ ,~ ...:......::. : '~ ~ ~ E ......... -.......... ..,.... c rn ~_ .. ~ ~ ~~~ -~,-. ~ / ~' 0.5 ~ 2 3Miles March 2 ~ ~ 7 Exhibit E AREA OF BENEFIT ~ ~ ~ ~~ MAJOR THOROUGHFARES AND BRIDGES WITHIN EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA *Cost of Roadway "Cost of Bridge Improvements Improvements Dublin~Boulevard Extend and widen to 6 lanes from the Southern Pacific Right-of-Way to Airway Boulevard (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on pages 1 and 2 of the $ 23,136,432.63 $ 5,070,000.00 DKS revised report form December 15, 1992 and mitigation measure 3.3/10). Hacienda Drive Widen and extend as 4 lanes from Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive and to 6 lanes from I-580 to Dublin $ 978,691.00 $ - Boulevard (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). Central Parkway Construct four-lane road from Dublin Boulevard west of Hacienda Drive to Fallon Road (from the EIR future road $ 8,503,907.12 $ 1,040,000.00 improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). Gleason Drive Construct new 4-lane road from west of Hacienda Drive to Fallon road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). (The $ 282,110.00 $ - project does not require extension of Gleason Drive to Doolan Road due to no development proposed in the future study area.) Tassajara Road Widen to 4 lanes over a 6-lane right-of-way from Dublin Boulevard to the Contra Costa County Line, and to 6 lanes over an 8-lane right-of-way from Dublin Boulevard $ 28,577,959.81 $ 5,293,600.00 to I-580 from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3.3/14.0 Fallon Road Extend to Tassajara Road, widen to 4 lanes over a 6- lane right-of-way from I-580_to Tassajara road (from the $ 12,018,272.24 $ 4,502,367.00 EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). Street Alignment Study A study is required to specify the exact street alignments $ 100,000.00 in the Eastern Dublin area. Right-of-Way Contingency Funds are required to acquire land in the event that right- of-way must be obtained through condemnation and 0 value of land is greater than the appraised value. Total $ 73,607,372.80 $ 15,905,967.00 The Area of Benefit Fee for roadway improvements based on 66,865 related trips for residential and 232,086 trips for non- residential is $2,460/unit for Low Density (1-6 units per acre) and Medium Density Residential (7-14 units per acre), $1,723 for Medium/High Density Residential (15-25 units per acre), and $1,477 for High Density Residential (more than 25 units); and $246/trip for non-residential. The Area of Benefit Fee for bridge improvements for Low and Medium Density Residential is $530/unit, for Medium/High Density Residential is $372/unit, and for High Density Residential is $319/unit, and non-residential is $53/trip. The eastern Dublin Specific Plan area has 3,916 Low Density units; 4,863 Medium Density units; 2,680 Medium/High Density units;and 3,952 High Density units. * These cost estimates do not include credits due for construction of portions of these major thoroughfares and bridges. In the event that the Area of Benefit Fee becomes effective, the appropriate credit amounts will be calculated and the Area of Benefit Fee will be adjusted accordingly. ~~~ I ~'~ ~'y ~ i i ~' Attachment 2 Allocation Between Land Acquisition and Construction Costs en~c~r 2. ~ ~-~ ~! Attachment 2, Staff Report 2008 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Update Allocation Between Land Acquisition and Construction Costs Se ment Descri lion Ri ht-Of-Wa Land Including Overhead Total Pro'ect Cost 1 Dou he Road - Ci Limits to Amador Valle Widenin $ $ $ 7,162,101.79 2 Dou he Road -Amador Valle boulevard to Houston Place $ $ $ 5,976,042.27 3 Dou he Road -Houston Place to Dublin Boulevard $ - $ $ 1,331,099.00 4 Dou he Road -Dublin Boulevard to North of I-580 Off Ram $ $ - $ 1,678,050.00 5 Dublin Boulevard -East of Villa a Parkwa to Sierra Court Widenin $ $ $ 6 Dublin Boulevard -Sierra Court to Dou he Road Widenin $ 556,511 00 $ 723,464.30 $ 2,256,638.40 7 Dublin Boulevard -Dou he to Southern Pacific Ri ht-of-Wa $ $ $ 8 Dublin Boulevard Extension - Southem Pacific R/W to East BART Access $ $ $ SA Dublin Boulevard Extension -East BART Access to Hacienda Drive $ $ $ 682,297.20 9 Dublin Boulevard -Hacienda to Tassaara Road $ $ $ 289,250.00 10 Dublin Boulevard - Tassaara Road to Fallon Road $ - $ $ 526,734.00 11 Dublin Boulevard Extension -Fallon Road to Ainva $ 9,099,040.00 $ 11,828,752.00 $ 26,708,151.43 Prior GranU Loan Revenue for Dublin Boulevard $ 12 Freewa Interchan a -Dublin Boulevard Extension with I-580 Airwa Blvd $ $ $ 13 Hacienda - I-580 to Dublin Boulevard Extension $ $ $ 14 Hacienda -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Drive $ $ $ 978,691 00 15 Freewa Interchan a -Hacienda Road with I-580 $ - $ $ 9,430,212.12 16 Amold Drive -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason $ - $ $ 5,137,177.32 16A Central Parkwa -Arnold to Hacienda $ $ $ 679,349.81 17 Central Parkwa -Hacienda to Tassa ara $ $ $ 3,290,449.99 18 Central Parkwa -Tassa ara to Kee an Street, Western 3, 640 feet $ $ $ 264,810.00 18A Central Parkwa -Kee an Street to Fallon, 2,230 feet $ - $ $ 172,120.00 19 Gleason -Arnold Road to Hacienda $ - $ $ 97,500.00 19A Gleason- Hacienda to Tassaara $ $ $ 20 Gleason - Tassaara to Fallon $ - $ $ 194,610.00 21 Scarlet Drive -Dou he Road to Dublin Boulevard Extension $ 4,916,220.00 $ 6,391,086.00 $ 13,996,645.00 22 Tassaara Road - 5,000 feet north of Gleason to Contra Costa Coun Line $ 4,933,440.00 $ 6,413,472.00 $ 24,529,720.11 22A Tassaara Road -Gleason Road to 5,000 feet north of Gleason Road $ 868,611.00 $ 1,129,194.30 $ 7,776,770.17 23 Tassaara Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to Gleason Road $ $ $ 1,304,023.01 24 Tassaara Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to I-580 $ $ $ 261,046.52 25 Tassaara Road -Freewa Interchan e $ - $ $ 2,812,216.94 26 Fallon Road -Tassaara to Gleason $ - $ $ 7,039,841.00 26A Fallon Road -Gleason to Dublin Boulevard Extension $ 2,500.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 6,486,458.07 27 Fallon Road -Dublin Boulevard Extension to North of I-580 $ - $ $ 1,461,509.87 28 Fallon and I-580 Freewa Interchan a with Si nals $ 509,986.44 29 Tassaara Creek Bike Path - Greenbrier Pro Line to Contre Costa Coun Line $ - $ $ 903,864.00 30 Park and Ride $ 700,000.00 $ 910,000.00 $ 1,518,318.82 Transit Center BART Parkin Structure $ $ $ 4,827,906.00 TIF U date $ - $ $ 50,000.00 Other Costs Section I $ $ $ 300,000.00 Other Costs $ - $ $ 500,000.00 TOTAL $ 21,076,322.00 $ 27,399,218.60 $ 141,133,590.28 Ri htof-Wa 19% Im rovements 8100 ~~,~ ~ yi d Attachment 3 Administrative Guidelines For the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Approved February 20, 2007 ~n~rt ~ a ~ ~ iig RESOLUTION NO. 20 - 07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REVISING ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES RELATED TO THE EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE WHEREAS, the City Council has established a Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) applicable to development occurring within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area; and WHEREAS, the current TIF was adopted on June 18, 2004, via Resolution 111-04; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously adopted Resolution 221-04 on November•16, 2004, Adopting Revisions to the Eastern Dublin TIF Administrative Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the intent of the Guidelines is to provide procedures for reimbursement, credit, or other administrative aspects of the TIF Program; and WHEREAS, the adoption of Resolution 111-04 established a TIF category for Section II entitled "Residential BART Garage Fee" that will be collected by the City and paid to Alameda County Surplus Property Authority; and WHEREAS, revisions to the Administrative Guidelines are necessary to address the disbursement of BART Garage Fees and to incorporate other minor updated wording in order to maintain conformance with the TIF Program; and WHEREAS, the revised Guidelines, as prepared, are consistent with the requirements of Resolution 111-04 and existing laws and regulations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the revised Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and by reference made a part hereof to supersede all prior versions of the Guidelines. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of February, 2007, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, Oravetz, Sbranti and Scholz, and Mayor Lockhart NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ~, Mayor City Clerk Reso No. 20-07, Adopted 2/20/07, Item 8.4 Page 1 of 1 ~~ ~~ ll ~' EXHIBIT A CITY OF DUBLIN EASTERN DUBLIN TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES Revision Adopted Resolution # 20 - 07 (2/20/2007) I. Introduction/Overview These guidelines apply to the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees (hereafter known as the `Fee' or `Fees') adopted by the City of Dublin through Resolution 111-04 and any subsequent replacement resolution. The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee includes three categories of improvements and facilities. • Section I improvements and facilities are those located exclusively in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. • Section II improvements and facilities are those projects to which Eastern Dublin developers contribute a proportionate share, including projects located in other areas of the City. • Section II Residential BART Garage improvements include 500 spaces in Phase I of the Eastern Dublin BART garage ,necessitated by residential development outside the Transit Center. • Section III improvements and facilities are those of a regional nature. (NOTE: Section III Fee suspended effective September 12, 1998, as long as Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee remains in place.) The administrative guidelines provide procedures for calculation of the Fee, calculation and use of credits and reimbursements, and other administrative aspects of the Fee. In addition, the guidelines include procedures for construction of designated facilities by developers. The administrative guidelines establish the authority for providing credits and/or reimbursements to developers who construct and/or dedicate any of the improvements and facilities for which the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee is imposed (TIF facilities). When such public improvements and facilities are constructed and/or dedicated by a developer, the developer shall be given a credit to be applied against the Fees due for the development project. The amount of the credit shall be determined pursuant to Section VI of these guidelines: If the amount of the credit is greater than the Fees due for the development project, the developer may use the credit toward the Fees for another development project or transfer the credit to another eligible developer in Eastern Dublin in accordance with these guidelines. If the developer cannot use or transfer the credit within ten years, then the credit will convert to a reimbursement right. At the end of the ten-year period, the developer may elect to extend the credit for an additional five years. The combination of credit and reimbursement rights will terminate twenty-five years after the effective date of the agreement creating such rights. The administrative guidelines also establish the authority for the distribution of monies collected under "Section II Residential BART Garage". EXHIBIT A To the Resolution ~9 ~ l~~' Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 2of 13 The application of these guidelines will at times refer to various reference documents adopted by the City of Dublin. These documents include the City's General Plan, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, the most recent Traffic Impact Fee Study, and various other fee studies and updates. Such reference documents are subject to change and may affect the application of these guidelines. II. Authority of City Manager To Interpret Situations Not Covered Should situations arise not covered by these guidelines, the City Manager will have the authority to determine how the resolutions, ordinances, guidelines and agreements will be administered. Such interpretations by the City Manager will be in writing. III. Fee Calculation A. Imposition of Fees Except as exempted under subsection D. of this section, Fees are imposed on all development in Eastern Dublin as described below: 1. All new development, including new construction of any building or structure (residential ornon-residential); 2. Additions to non-residential buildings or structures which result in an increase of 500 square feet or more; 3. Additions to residential buildings or structures which increase the number of units (i.e. construction of a "granny unit"). The Administrative Services Department serves as the lead department to gather and coordinate the information necessary to calculate the Fee. The Community Development Department is responsible for determining the intended land use. The Public Works Department is responsible for determining the number of vehicle trips assigned to the project. Unless otherwise provided, the Fee will be collected with the payment for the building permit for the development project. B. Effective Fees The Fees owed by a development project will be those in effect when the building permit is obtained. This section shall be applicable whether the fees are paid in cash or a credit is used. C. Basis for Calculating Fees The Fees for residential development projects will be calculated based upon the per unit fee for each of the categories noted in Resolution 111-04 (i.e. Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, High Density Residential) and/or any subsequent replacement resolution. The Fees for non-residential development are calculated on a per average weekday vehicle trip basis. The number of average weekday vehicle trips for each type of ~~~ ~ , ~ ~ Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 3of 13 development is determined by the land use categories specified in "Exhibit C" of Resolution 111-04. However, if the Public Works Director determines that the land use of the development project is not appropriately reflected on "Exhibit C" of Resolution 111-04, then the Public Works Department will undertake a specific traffic study, to be paid for by the applicant, for the purpose of determining the estimated trip generation of the proposed development project. Fees for non-residential development will be charged for any addition to an existing building or structure if the addition exceeds 500 square feet. For mixed-use non-residential development projects, the Community Development Director, upon consultation with the Public Works Director, will determine the projected percentage of each use at the time the Final Map or other appropriate entitlement is approved. The Fee will be calculated on a pro-rata basis among the various rates stated for each different use (For example, a large single building could be divided between commercial office space and industrial warehouse space). If the uses are unknown at the time of obtaining a building permit and the building permit does not include adequate interior details to determine the intended use, the use for the initial Fee calculation purposes will be assumed as "Industrial without Retail". Any additional Fees owed as a result of a different final use of the property will be calculated and collected at the time that a building permit is issued for interior tenant improvements. This fee calculation shall be at the rate in effect at the time the building permit for tenant improvements is issued. No refund of Fees will be given if the resulting uses are different from the projected land use. The average weekday trip generation rate for quasi-public uses, which is not appropriately reflected on the "Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate" schedule that was adopted as part of the Traffic Impact Fee Resolution (Exhibit C to Resolution 111-04), as determined by the Public Works Director, will be established by a project specific traffic study. This study will be conducted by the City (Public Works Department) and paid for by the project applicant. Affordable housing projects developed by government agencies and non-profit entities will be subject to the same Fees that are assessed on private residential development. D. Exemptions 1. Total Exemption. The following types of development will be exempt from the collection of Traffic Impact Fees: a) Any alteration or addition to a residential structure, except to the extent that a residential unit is added to asingle-family unit, or another unit is added to an existing multi-family building. b) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished, provided that the building permit for reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished, unless the replacement or reconstruction increases the square footage of the structure 50% or more. 9/ ~~ (I~ Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 4of 13 c) Any replacement or reconstruction of an existing non-residential structure that has been destroyed or demolished provided that the building permit for new reconstruction is obtained within one year after the building was destroyed or demolished and the reconstructed building would not increase the destroyed or demolished building's trips based on the "Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate" as applied to the original building. 2. Partial Exemption. A partial exemption may be granted based on prior Fees paid in the situation of a change in the type of use as described below: If within 10 years of paying Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees for a specific development project, the project is demolished and replaced by a new type of development, an exemption may be given for up to the amount which was paid by the prior development project. Proof of payment shall be obligation of the individual/entity requesting the exemption. The new development shall not accrue any unused credit or reimbursement rights, in the event that the replacement project would result in a lower Fee. Any change in use outside of the 10 year period stated shall be obligated to pay the entire Fee. IV. Fee Collection A. Payment of Traffic Impact Fees for_Non-Residential Development The Traffic Impact Fee for non-residential development will be due and payable at the issuance of a building permit and will be collected by the Building & Safety Division. The number of estimated average weekday vehicle trips, determined as described in Section III.C., above, multiplied by the non-residential fee per trip, will be the basis for the collected Fee. The square footage or other appropriate measure as identified on the building permit will be the basis for determining the number of trips on "Exhibit C" of Resolution 111-04. Following is an example: Non-Residential ~'ee Example: Assume that the development project is a 15,540 square foot standard commercial office building. The estimated weekday vehicle trip generation rate for this type of development is 20 trips per 1,000 square feet, and the Fee is $360 per trip for non-residential development. FEE CALCULATION: 15,540 square feet/1,000 square feet = 15.54 x 20 trips = 310.8 trips x $360 per trip = $111,888 Traffic Impact Fee. Amendments to anon-residential building permit which result in 500 additional square feet or more shall result in additional fees owed based on the added area. B. Payment of Traffic Impact Fees for Residential Development If the City incorporates the facilities described in Resolution 111-04 into its annually adopted long-term Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), then the Traffic Impact Fees for residential development will be due and payable at the issuance of a building permit. Prior to the incorporation of these facilities into the CIP, the Fee will not be due until the I~6~ 1~6 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page Sof 13 dwelling is issued a certificate of occupancy. The developer may voluntarily pay the full fee when the building permit is issued or as otherwise appropriate under applicable law. C. Payment of Fees in Excess of $50,000 When the amount of payment for Traffic Impact Fees exceeds $50,000 on any given day, payment shall be made in one of the following ways: 1) paid by check drawn on a bank within the State of California, 2) paid by cashier's check, or 3) if paid in same day funds by a wire transfer, the wire transfer must be pre-arranged with the City's Finance Division. D. Payment of Fees in Conjunction with Development Agreements The Traffic Impact Fees can be collected at an earlier point of time than what is noted in this section if agreed to by a developer within the terms of a Development Agreement. E. Payment Records The Administrative Services Department will record the payment of the Traffic Impact Fees. Records will be maintained to comply with refunding requirements as prescribed by State Law. The Administrative Services Department will obtain a mailing address from each payee, as well as the applicable Assessor's Parcel Number, and will note the payee as the entity or person whose name appears as the applicant for the building permit. The Finance Division will maintain the records for a period of ten years from their collection, unless a legal mandate exists for a longer retention. V. Allotment of Developer Fee Credits The City understands the practicality of having developers construct and/or contribute some of the TIF facilities described in Resolution 111-04 and any subsequent replacement resolution. For this reason, the City will allot fee credits against the collection of Fees for constructing or contributing TIF facilities. A. Fee Credit /Reimbursement Agreement Required The allotment of fee credits and/or provision for a reimbursement will only occur in accordance with a written credit/reimbursement agreement between the City and the developer responsible for the construction of the TIF facilities or dedication of TIF right of way. 1. All fee credits will be granted by use of a standard agreement approved by the City Attorney. 2. This credit/reimbursement agreement will be entered into at the time the improvements are secured and/or the right-of--way is accepted for dedication. The terms of .this agreement may, at the City's discretion, be included in the agreement entered into with the City to secure certain public improvements as contained on a Final Parcel Map or Final Subdivision Map. 3. The developer will pay an administrative fee, due on the effective date of the credit/reimbursement agreement, to be established in the City's Master Fee Schedule. The purpose of this administrative fee is to cover the administrative =~~ ~~~ Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 6of 13 costs associated with establishing and monitoring the credit/reimbursement agreement. 4. Any credits, which are unused tan years following their creation, shall convert to a right to reimbursement. The right to reimbursement terminates fifteen years after it is created. Alternatively, credit holders may elect by providing written notice to the City Manager to extend the term of the credit for an additional five years. Notices of the election to extend the term must be received no sooner than one year prior to and no later than six months prior to the conversion of the credits to a right to reimbursement. If the credit holder elects to extend the term of the credit for five years, then any credits remaining at the end of the five-year extension shall convert to a right of reimbursement. The right to reimbursement terminates ten years after it is created. All rights to reimbursement shall terminate twenty-five years after the effective date of the agreement creating such rights. Neither a credit nor the right to reimbursement shall be increased for inflation or accrue interest. 6. Credits are transferable, with the written approval of the City Manager, provided the credit is transferred to a person/firm having a legal interest in real property within the area subject to the Fee and provided that the administrative transfer fee is paid, as specified in Section IX.A. of these guidelines. 7. The developer will sign a certificate attached to the fee creditlreimbursement agreement attesting that it obtained a copy of these administrative guidelines and they were read and understood. 8. No fee credits shall be established for "Section II Residential BART Garage component of the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee. Payments from those monies shall be made in accordance with a separate section of these guidelines. B. Applicability of Administrative Guidelines to Pre-Existing Credits Allotted to the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority These guidelines do not apply to existing fee credits to which the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority is entitled under the terms of the Agreement between the City of Dublin, the City of Pleasanton, the County of Alameda and the Surplus Property Authority regarding coordination of certain Freeway Improvements dated March 12, 1991. These guidelines do apply to existing fee credits to which the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority is entitled under development agreements entered into between January 1, 1995 and the effective date of these guidelines, to the extent provided for in a ~ ~ I ~J Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 7of 13 specific fee credit/reimbursement agreement to be entered into between the City and the Alameda County Surplus Property authority. VI. Calculating the Fee Credits For calculation purposes, the fee credits will be segregated into the following categories: Section I: Eastern Dublin Traffic Improvements Section II (Excludes Section II Residential Bart Garage): Citywide Traffic Improvements Section 1II: Regional Transportation (Note: Section III Fee suspended effective September 12, 1998, as long as Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee remains in place.) A. General The fee credit/reimbursement agreement will identify the total credit by category for TIF facilities constructed or right of way dedicated for a particular development project. The contributed land or improvements must be the facilities described in Resolution 111-04 and/or any subsequent replacement resolution. There must be a minimum value of $50,000 in improvements and/or right of way dedicated before credits will be allotted to a developer. B. Determination of Value The Public Works Director will determine the value of the contributed facilities based upon improvement plans submitted by the developer and approved by the City, which plans shall quantify the size of the TIF facilities to be constructed or dedicated. It is recognized that in some cases the scope of construction or dedication will not exactly match segments shown in the TIF Report. The credits will be the lesser of the following: a) the estimated cost of the improvements as noted in Resolution 111-04 and/or any subsequent replacement resolution; or b) the pro-rated value of the improvement using the standard cost measurements in Resolution 111-04 and/or any subsequent replacement resolution. The fee credits cannot exceed the cost estimates of the improvements in the most recent fee study and resolution. In no case shall the fee credits include facility fmancing costs. Illustrative Example 1: Assume that a developer dedicates land for the partial widening of a major street to offset the Traffic Impact Fees due from a development project. To qualify for a credit, this roadway widening project must be included in the TIF. The land dedication to be applied for a fee credit shall not include improvements immediately adjacent to the development project, as these improvements are entirety the responsibility of the developer and are not to be funded by the Traffic Impact Fee. Resolution 111-04 used a standard cost measurement of $7 per square foot for right-of--way dedication in calculating the Traffic Impact Fees. The fee credits due to the developer can be calculated by ~,~~_~ ~~ Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 8of 13 determining the square footage of the land to be dedicated multiplied by this per square foot cost measurement. Illustrative Example 2: A developer constructing single family homes contributes traffic signal improvements (Category 1 improvement) valued at $200,000. Assume that the Traffic Impact Fee totals $6,950 per home, which is comprised of the Category 1 portion of $4,700 and the Category 2 portion of $2,250. The credit of $200,000 can only be used against the developer's Category 1 Fee of $4,700 per home, which will cover approximately 42.55 homes. When the building permit is issued for the a3ra home, the developer will have used up the credit and will have to begin paying the Category 1 Fee. The Category 2 portion of the Fee must be paid at the issuance of each building permit for all homes included in the development, as the Category 1 credit cannot be used to offset these portions of the Fee. VII. Use of Fee Credits A. Credits expire when used or ten years from the date of the credit/reimbursement agreement (unless extended an additional five years at the request of the credit holder), whichever occurs first. B. In the event the fee credits are unused following ten years from the date of the credit/reimbursement agreement (or fifteen years if extended at the request of the credit holder), the fee credit shall convert to a reimbursement right as provided for under Section X and XI of these guidelines. C. The value of the credits in each category will be listed in the agreement and tracked by fee category as they are used by the developer. The City's Finance Division will keep record of the unused credits and provide this information to the Building Safety Division at the time fee credits are used. D. Credits earned by constructing or dedicating a certain category of improvements can only be used to offset fees for that category. The balance of the Traffic Impact Fee, which is to be used for other categories of improvements, will be paid by the developer as specified in Section IV of these guidelines. Fee credits will not be mixed between the fee categories. For example, unused credits from Category 1 portion of the Traffic Impact Fees cannot be used to offset amounts due for Category 2 and Category 3. E. Only the developer who builds or dedicates the TIF facilities will be entitled to the original or initial credits, until such time as they may be transferred in accordance with these guidelines. VIII. Use of Fee Credits requires Completion of Facility or Performance Bonds Fee credits cannot be used by the developer until the developer has either: 9G ~ iii Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007} Page 9of 13 1. Dedicated the land or improvements representing the credits to the City; or 2. Provided the City with a performance bond and labor and materials bonds or other adequate security to insure that the improvements will be constructed prior to the first Certificate of Occupancy for any building that is a part of the project. The performance bond or other security shall be in an amount equal to 100% of the engineer's estimated cost to construct the improvements and the labor and materials bond shall be in an amount equal to 50% of the engineer's estimate. The bonds shall be written by a surety licensed to conduct business in the State of California and approved by the City's City Manager. Illustrative Example: Assume a developer is in the midst of completing certain street improvements, which will be dedicated to the City to offset a portion of the Traffic Impact Fee. The developer supplies the City with aright-of--way conveyance, a performance bond and a labor and materials bond for the completion of the street improvements. Fee credits can be used in advance of completing the improvements, since the City is assured that the land will be dedicated and the improvements will be completed. IX. Transferring of Credits A. The original holder of credits can request a transfer of credits to a person owning an interest in property that is subject to the same category of Traffic Impact Fee. Such transactions shall be subject to an administrative transfer fee, which shall cover the City's administrative costs associated with the credit transfer. The administrative transfer fee shall be established in the City's Master Fee Schedule. B. There is no limit on the number of times that credits can be transferred between developments. X. Reimbursement Rights (Sections I & II -Excluding Section II Residential BART Garage) Reimbursement rights are created from the conversion of fee credits, which occurs ten years after the initial date of the credit/reimbursement agreement creating the fee credit (unless the credits have been extended an additional five years at the request of the credit holder). Reimbursement rights are subject to the following specific guidelines: A. The reimbursement rights shall expire twenty-five years after the initial date of the credit/ reimbursement agreement creating the fee credit. B Reimbursement will be only from funds collected as Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees or from fees collected by Contra Costa County and paid to Dublin for any improvements ~~ ~ iig Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page l0of 13 also included in the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee, and will not come from the City's General Fund. G The City will determine the amount of funds available for reimbursement in each of the categories on an annual basis. D. The procedure for prioritizing reimbursements is described in Section XI of these guidelines. XI. Process for Reimbursement of Reimbursement Rights A. Determination of Funds Available for Reimbursement Within 180 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Administrative Services Department will make an accounting of all Traffic Impact Fees collected for the fiscal year that just ended. The Administrative Services Department will also determine the amount of Traffic Impact Fee funds that are unspent and unencumbered as of the close of the fiscal year. For funds that are unspent and unencumbered in each fee category, the City will allocate the necessary amount to be used to finance needed TIF facilities for the upcoming fiscal year and/or to repay amounts due on outstanding loans for previously constructed TIF facilities. The remaining funds (the reimbursement set-aside) will be used to reimburse holders of reimbursement rights for facilities already contributed, if any such reimbursement rights exist. B. Allocating the Reimbursement Set-Aside to Outstanding Reimbursement Rights In the event that the City designates that a reimbursement set-aside is available, fifty percent will be used to pay the oldest reimbursement right outstanding. If the oldest right is paid off before this portion of funds is entirely consumed, then the balance of the 50% will go toward the next oldest right. This portion of reimbursement set-aside funds will be allocated according to this method until it is exhausted. The other half of the reimbursement set aside will be allocated to all reimbursement rights on a pro-rata basis according to their amounts outstanding, including the remaining unreimbursed portion of the oldest agreement. Unused reimbursement set-aside funds will not be carved over to another fiscal year. The following example illustrates this allocation: Illustrative Example: During one fiscal year, the City collects $88,000 in Fees for a certain category of improvements. The total outstanding reimbursements owed are $100,000 to the following developers: Developer A (the oldest agreement): $50,000 Developer B: $20,000 Developer C: $30,000 For the upcoming fiscal year, the City retains $44,000 for improvements not built by developers and allocates $44,000 as the reimbursement set-aside to reduce current reimbursement obligations. $22,000 (50% of the $44,000) of the reimbursement set-aside is used to pay Developer A, who holds the oldest agreement.. Developer A now has $28,000 of outstanding reimbursements (Beginning balance of $50,000 less the $22,000 payment). The other half of the reimbursement- set-aside ($22,000) is allocated proportionally to all three parties who currently hold reimbursement rights as follows: ~~ ~-~ iii Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 11 of 13 Holder of Current Value of Percent of Total Amt. of $22,000 Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursements Reimbursement Balance Owed Outstandine Distributed Remaining Developer A $28,000 35.90% $7,898.00 $20,102.00 Developer B $20,000 25.64% $5,640.80 $14,359.20 Developer C $30,000 38.46% $8,461.20 21 538.80 TOTAL $78,000 $22,000.00 $56,000.00 XII. Payment to Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA) For $6 million of BART Garage Costs (Section II Residential BART Garage) Payment of Section II Residential BART Garage Fees can occur upon completion of phase I of the parking garage and surface parking immediately adjacent to the new garage at the eastern Dublin / Pleasanton BART Station, consisting of approximately 1,706 parking spaces, and the availability of the BART Garage for public use. Payment shall be made to the Alameda County Surplus Property Authority (ACSPA), which is responsible for the parking garage construction and will dedicate the improvement to the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District for public use upon its completion. Except for interest earned on Section II Residential BART Garage fees prior to distribution, the maximum amount to be paid to ACSPA shall not exceed $6,000,000 (six million dollars). Payment to Alameda County Surplus Property Authority is subject to the following specific guidelines: A. The maximum to be disbursed from fees collected, as described in XII subsection B, shall be six million dollars ($6,000,000) and this amount shall not be increased for any reason including inflation. In addition, any accrued interest pending disbursement shall be disbursed to ACSPA. B. Disbursement will be only from the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fees Section II Residential BART Garage fee, and will not come from any other source including the City's General Fund. C. Once the BART Garage is completed, the amount disbursed will depend on the payment of fees by development subject to the fee. There is no guarantee that ACSPA will receive a total of $6,000,000. D. The City will determine and report on an annual basis to ACSPA, the amount of funds collected from the Section II Residential BART Garage fee and the amount available for disbursement, including interest accrued prior to disbursement, if any. E. The procedure for distributing the disbursements to ACSPA is described in Section XIII of these guidelines. XIII. Process for Payment to ACSPA erection II Residential BART Garage Fee Funds A. Initial Distribution of Section II Residential BART Garage Fee Funds i. Once the BART Garage has been accepted by BART and made available for public use, the ACSPA shall provide to the City a written certification of the completion of the BART Garage. 9~ ~ ~~ ~i Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2/20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 12of 13 ii. Within 45 days of receipt of the certification described in Section XIII(A)(i) City shall calculate the balance of funds available in Section II Residential BART Garage fee, as of the first day of the month preceding the date of the notice. City shall also calculate and account for accrued interest based on the quarterly balance of Section II BART Garage Fees and the earning rate applied to pooled funds managed by the City. City shall remit to ACSPA the funds as calculated along with a report showing the maximum remaining fees that may be paid to ACSPA. iii. Thereafter, funds shall be distributed on an annual basis as described in subsection B below. B. Annual Determination of Section II Residential BART Garage Fee Funds Available for Payment i. Within 180 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Administrative Services Department will make an accounting of all Section II Residential BART Garage fees collected, and not previously disbursed, for the fiscal year that just ended. This shall include accrued interest. ii. The City shall distribute to ACSPA, Section II Residential BART Garage fees available, to the extent that the total distribution including previous payments, excluding any amounts paid as interest, does not exceed the maximum amount described in Section XII. iii. The Administrative Services Department shall annually report to the ACSPA the current balance remaining Section II Residential BART Garage fees that may be paid. XIV. Other Miscellaneous Administrative Guidelines A. Procedures for Construction of Designated Facilities by Developers The improvements to be constructed or dedicated must be submitted for approval in writing to the Public Works Director no later than thirty calendar days prior to the approval of the Final Map on the development project. The submittal of the improvement plans and/or description of area to be dedicated shall be in sufficient detail as determined by the Public Works Director. The Pubic Works Director will attempt to respond to the request within twenty business days. The developer constructing or dedicating improvements in lieu of paying a portion of the traffic fee must post a performance bond before the issuance of any grading and/or building permits for the construction of the improvements. B. Refunds Refunds of withdrawn applications will be done in accordance with existing procedures for paid building permits. • Payable to entity making payment or property owner of record. • Payable in accordance with State Law. • Not applicable to letters of credit, surety bonds or other instruments taken to secure payment. ~~ ~ r~~ Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Administrative Guidelines Reso #20 - 07 (2!20/2007) Exhibit A (2/20/2007) Page 13of 13 C. Annual Review of Fee Collection The City has existing procedures for complying with State Law in regards to accounting for developer fees. The Administrative Services Department will maintain records to provide the following items: • A brief description of the Traffic Impact Fee; • An identification of the improvements and the percentage of cost of the improvements which the Traffic Impact Fee will be expended upon; and • For improvements which are funded and yet to be completed, an identification of an expected date by which construction of the facilities will commence. D. Funds and Accounting The City will incorporate the following. items into its accounting procedures, which are the responsibility of the Administrative Services Department: • The City will maintain separate funds for the collection and expenditure of Traffic Impact Fees as follows: Section I: Eastern Dublin Traffic Improvements Section II: City-Wide Traffic Improvements Section II Residential BART Garage • The City will allocate interest to fees collected in the funds based upon cash balances at the end of each quarter. • The City will identify in accordance with State Law the beginning and ending balance of the funds held for the Traffic Impact Fee as of fiscal year end. • The City will identify the amount of fees collected and interest earned in each fiscal year for Traffic Impact Fees. • The City will provide a description and accounting of any interfund transfers made by the Traftc Impact Fee Funds. Although it may be authorized by State Law, it shall not be City policy to loan TIF monies for another public purpose. • The City will calculate reimbursements annually within 180 days of each fiscal year end. • The City will file an annual accounting of all development impact fees, including the Traffic Impact Fee, with the City Council and for public inspection within 180 days of each fiscal year end. /~l ~ ll~' Attachment 4 Written Comments From Public (Six Letters) AIiAL^YBIf 4 AI~111~t~Dt1 CtJtI~TfiY C©MtviUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGEI~ICY 3{3RP#,U3 PROPERTY AUTHBRiTY JaIIUary 26, 2Qf}~ otitis 9azaK 99~ rL1CxC~C~~*~Gfdx` I~iark Gander City En~itteer Fa~,:a~,~""~~ .City of Dublin ~~z ~~~~ I ft4 Civic Plaza =~ Dublin CA 9458 t Sub,~ect' Revisions to the Eastern. Dublin Traffic Impact F'c~e and I~r~RT TIf ~~. ,~; ~~nl ~ re u _;~; ~ , , , ; p Qear Mark, ~'J`' ~ I request drat the City not reduce the I3AItT C;ara~e ~ lI= as prolx~sed itr the draft ,,, ,:,;, ED'I'LF revisions. I propose that it lae increa~d, I do nr»t understand hrru the pier -,,'~ ^ r''~a trip rate could ~o from the initial rate of S Ib I, in ?t~C~ try ~ I4t1, in 2tl~f to S`~tJ, .. , ~., in 2~(?9. I r~QUId li~c ica see the .math laehind the c~ri~inal calct.sla~ion and the prs~posl chan~e~ s The fact tt#'the mattes is thai in the four years between Iune 2t7 anti lurks 2~t}8„ rite Gcaunty has been reimbursed only ~I,?I1~9~4, pr the t~,uivalcnt €~fabout a 3 Dt}t~ Io~v or medium density units of I3r~RT a Fees.., `hat was bet`care the current economic slorr~ down. I ha~~~ never unde~rstcxad the Iow numbers ttnd ttm irun~med that there may have been kynits not a~es~cd; Could you please verify' tlic numbers ofNon Transit Center residential permits for EYs ~, ~05~, fib~f}?; aed t~7-fl$. "I~he outer fact is that the City~s impositicm of the BART Garage TIF ryas based rark the City's study that IStern Dublin residential would use 3fl% ofthc then estimated ~'~~ ri~tillic-n ~rara~e and taus the EDTIF share of ~+~ million, The actutil cost of the fiara.~e, r~rdht~ut srty land w~lue, was ~ million_ The City shquld consider inr~ing its 1~DTIF share to BIZ t~illinn, tis it would da iF is Iwd financed and co~truct+~d the Garage. E ' ZknL' i ~'`~'.~r Patrick c~hr~a~ Director Attachments Ce: Stuart Cockle, AC`SPA, wta attach ~u ~. ~ ~~~. Al,.~s'11+i~i)r1 cc~u~-i"Y (,:(lhl~'~t[J[Vt"I'~' a~v~~..t~l~~i>urr ~~ ~c~F~tvc~J SkfRPtUS iikIJl~Eft7Y AUTNOAITY 7anuary 27, 2Qb9 ChrisBar~r +tycrorrGa«ctttw l~lark t,.asutet' Citx City of IhYblin ~'atriek treshmrn E ~ (~ Cirr~c Playa S~ laursrra+ z Ihihllrl ~~ ~~?~ ;'<t a "~'~ 14 ~~ `~ ~ .'~-",~~ „~~ ~i~,~ Sub ect: R+evis'cons tv the Eastern t~ublin Traffic Im act Fee and BART TIF ~t ~ r=~ti~.,~~;~~i Deal' 141ark> !„ ~!i'F r n.„ Thank you Fiar the quick respatise. i soli have mare ccan+rns. x,t;~ r~r ~ .. Rc~,artlin~ the I3AtiT' Garage TIF, t sti11 need. tcs better understar~cl tl~e rnait~ T't~ere ,~,',', a is an outstanding taalance clue of S~t,S?3?9Qb which. if divided by ~7E}i trig means .,,,.. , ,,;,,, ,;.,;,; brat there are 68,~?Q residential. trips, Qutside of the Trarnsit Center. uw, S years after the 2QQ4 update, are almost 10~~€3{} mare. trips"t Regartiin~ the BART +~rage TIF, please e~+`plain why= the ~~ty can ni;rcasc the T1T-' costs far the I~ublztll~ouphtery intcrsectc~n Impr'o~rertteants, h~se~i on aetuaJ. casts and not increase the BART ~e TIF, based. i~rr its a ctual c>~? T'he BART y C'iara~;c CC3st ~'~ rrrcllFOn knot counting our land CAnfifilJilttOTi}, ~~` the ongittally projected S20 mittit7n_ The city's share for St)t} T`IT' Funded spac+~s should he S12 million, l~gardng the new law Gov Cade tiGt145. t, t tltinl ll~e City should I`otto~v the %ntent of the law and., in conjunction with the ~rc~pQSetl ~~'~` r~visiotts, adopt. Transit Genter trip diseaunt Factor. The Transit Center 1llt r-n page 1 ~#G, idcntifred a ZS°~9 seductit~n in residential trip generation, itj contparisan to ~ Hein transit I location. tf yoeu nta•pr~ation oFthc code is tl-at tt~c City ~~not adapt such a Truest Center Factor, b~ausc there is atrcady g'1'It' in ply, t think the pdin,g ~~~ rCY1si4R tlpi~n~ the d+~ot' f'or the Transit Center trtp rCYlsicn. ~~ya~r interpretatit~n is that the City need not corttply t+ritlt the code unti12011, t tvcauId ~~ that the City rirconsid+er its priaritir.,s and do alt it can #c- encourage transit oriented dcvetopmcnt. Since-ret~, ~~ M . ~~ f patrclc Cas?ft~Ttan i)irecir~r ~_ Cc: Stuart Cook, ACSPA, wlo attach 3e1~'4Vhite, Avalvtt~ay Communitii~s Eric t;~enny, T t-raver Gorupany Chris Bazar Agency Director Patrick Cashman SPA Director 224 West Winton Avenue Room 110 Hayward California 44544-1215 phone 510.670.5333 fax 510.670.6374 www.acgov.org/cda ~o~ ~~~~ ALAMEDA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY S U R P L U S PROPERTY A U T H O R I T Y February 6, 2009 ~..-tr~.u~ - 9~ya-s~_ Mark Lander ~ f-~~~ ~ ' ~' ~`~ ,~„ < < r City Engineer ~~ ;, ~U ~. City of Dublin ~ 3~; ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ y `~, 100 Civic Plaza Dublin CA 94568 Subject: Revisions to the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee/ Transit Center Residential Dear Mark, This letter is a follow up to that portion of our discussion, at the January 29th EDTIF Workshop, that concerned the application of Gov. Code 66005.1 to the contemplated 2009 EDTIF revision. The new law requires that a municipal traffic impact fee, given certain necessary criteria, discount the traffic fees assessed a residential project in a transit center development. In the case of Dublin's Eastern Dublin TIF, the application of the law is mandatary by 2011 but can, at the discretion of the City, be applied prior to that time. The Alameda County Surplus Property Authority and its three active residential developers in the Dublin Transit Center request that the City implement the Transit Center Residential TIF reduction, as a component of the currently contemplated 2009 EDTIF revision. It is most appropriate to make the Transit Center TIF reduction now. There is no need to perform additional traffic analysis to justify the reduction. The Transit Center EIR, on page 146, identified a 25% reduction in residential trip generation, in comparison to a non transit location. That assumption in the Transit Center EIR was used as the basis for sizing the roadway improvements for the Transit Center and it would be environmentally and mathematically consistent to use the same number as the basis for a reduction of the TIF for residential in the transit Center. Another reason that it is appropriate that the Transit Center TIF reduction be incorporated now is that it can then be assessed in the context of other costs and savings that may impact TIF projects outside of the Transit Center. Everyone is pleased that the 2009 TIF revision is contemplated to result in a reduction of the TIF for all types of development. I am sensitive to this issue because the majority of the outside the Transit Center residential TIF savings is the result of the proposed changes to the BART Garage TIF, which is going to slow down the flow of those TIF reimbursements to the County. I do not think that the outside the Transit Center residential developers would begrudge a special, law mandated, benefit to the Transit Center residential, as long as it was more than offset by a reduction of the BART Garage TIF. ~~~ ~~ ~~ Mark Lander Feb 6, 2009 Page 2 The numbers support the conclusion that the impact on the other TIF categories would be minimal. The EDTIF update identifies a total of 297,171 tata~;,trips for all uses and locations. It also identifies a total of 6288 remaining tripsfor the Transit Center residential. If those 6288 Transit Center residential trips were reduced by 25% it would mean a reduction of 1572 trips. This would result in an increase in the TIF of all other uses by'/z of 1% E.0053). The City, the County, BART and the developers have worked together for years to get the Transit Center to where it is today. But today we find ourselves in very trying times and it is important that we continue to do all we can to encourage transit oriented development. Sincere Pack Cashman Director Cc: Stuart Cook, ACSPA, w/o attach Jeff White, AvalonBay Communities Eric Kenny, The Hanover Company ,Mlts, DR Horton ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ AvalonBa 400 Race Street, Suite 200 ~ San Jose, CA 95126 ~ Tel (408) 983-1500 ~ Fax (408) 287-9167 y COMMUNITIES,~NC. February 9, 2009 Mark Lander City Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dubiin, CA 945u`o Re: Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Dear Mark, b ~"" q 9 ~ e"~' ~ r ~~a , ., ~.~~ ~. , This letter is in follow-up to the discussion at the January 29, 2009 EDTIF workshop concerning the implementation of a lower traffic fee for TOD projects in advance of the 2011 mandatory implementation date for this adjustment pursuant to Government Code 66005.1. There should be no question that a lower traffic fee is appropriate given the documentation contained in the Transit Center EIR and the substantial body of research that has been done on this topic since the EIR was issued. Many cities throughout the country have adopted or are considering adopting planning regulations that recognize the obvious fact that TOD projects generate less traffic than non-TOD projects. To not recognize this difference at this time would be inconsistent with the City's stated policy of supporting transit oriented development and the intent of the many years of planning that created the Transit Center. Sincerely, ~J 'te Sr. Development Director cc: Pat Cashman/ACSPA Stuart Cook/ACSPA Dean Mills/DR Horton Eric Kenny/The Hanover Company macKarB~somPs ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS January 26, 2009 Mr. Mark Lander, City Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 RE: TIF Update Fallon Road / I-580 Interchange Project Dear Mark, ~. ~-~~ K ,I,~ .._ ~~~~~ ~:A y;~ r s . C ,. M 1 ';~ $, ~; This is a request to provide additional funding for the Fallon Road / I-580 interchange project in the upcoming TIF update and to arrange for the Lin family to receive additional TIF credits for their funding of the construction of this project. In September of 2008 Ferd Del Rosario prepared an updated construction cost analysis for this project (attached) which reflects contributions made by the Lins and funds that have since been returned. The current amount funded by the Lins for construction is $10,827,758. $1,176,021 of this funded amount is for a portion of Pleasanton's share of the project for which cash reimbursement to the Lin's is expected and for which no TIF credit is due. This leaves $9,651,737 in funds that are "TIF creditable". Currently the Lins have received $8,858,991 in TIF II credit and $150,000 TIF I credit (Lin016) for their $10.8M funding. The certificate (Lin013, attached) for the TIF II credit explains that the funding agreement for this project limits the TIF II credit available to this amount which was the estimated cost of the project at that time. Additional TIF II credit appears to be due the Lins in the amount of $642,746 ($9,651,7371ess $8,858,991 less $150,000) at this time. The following is our request: That the upcoming TIF update provide additional funding to cover the cost of this project and allow the appropriate amount of TIF credits to be given the Lins. 2. That whatever "paperwork" need be done to allow the additional TIF credits to be awarded be prepared. - SINCE 1953 - 5142 ~f}1~1f~Jl~(~l,~s ~i~der~'~~~I'IF I~~at~~~~~o~CALIFORNIA 94588-3368 PHONE (925) 416-1790 FAX (925) 416-1833 OFFICCES: PL ASANTON ROSEVILLE SACRAMENTO www.msce.com Since the final cost of the Fallon / I-580 interchange project is not yet precisely known and assuming that construction funding agreements will need to be revised, it would be our proposal to leave the amount of TIF credits to be awarded in the revised agreement flexible so that the credits can match the funding amounts (initial funding less cash rebates) at the end of the project without having to process additional amendments to the agreement in the future. Kindly let us know your response to our request. Best regards, Jim Tong L:\R T A\Correspondence\2009\TIF Update (Lander).doc cc: r erd llel Kosano Marty Inderbitzen Debbie Millichichi Paul Rankin ~d~ ~ ~~~ Hwy F~~ ~k ~ =~ ¢, _ Y~somps mAC~ ~ I ~ .I~ ~~~~ ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS k - ~ ~ d "~ February 18, 2009 Mark Lander, City Engineer City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 RE: TIF Update Fallon Road/I-580 Interchange Project Dear Mark, Thank you for your consideration of my January 26, 20091etter on this subject. It is my understanding that the City's analysis has concluded that $200,000 should be added to the draft TIF update for the Fallon/I-580 project. This is acceptable to the Lins. Hopefully this addition will be adequate to allow for the Lins receiving either TIF credit or cash rebates for the full amount of their funding of this project. Should currently unexpected additional project costs be experienced that require TIF credits in excess. of either that described in the TIF or the construction funding agreement, we will reinstate our request for TIF or contract amendments at that time. In meetings on this subject I have learned that significant amounts of interest have accumulated in the fund for this project, that money has been (or is anticipated to be) collected from other developers for the construction of this project, that some amount of additional construction expenses have been encountered, and that the Pleasanton share of the construction cost for the project has been revised. We request an updated summary of the construction funding and anticipated costs for this project (including all of these items) be provided at your earliest possible convenience. Best regards. - SINCE 1953- 5142 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE C, PLEASANTON, CALIFORNIA 94588-3368 PHONE (925) 416-1790 FAX (925) 416-1833 OFFICES: PLEASANTON ROSEVILLE SACRAMENTO L:\R T A\Correspondence\2009\TiF Update (2-1 ~-09).doc www.msce.com cc: Debbie Millichichi Paul Rankin Jim Tong /io ~~ iii Attachment 5 Staff Responses to Written Comments /// ~ 11~ Attachment 5 Staff Responses to Written Comments (Three Letters) ~~~ ~. ~~~ J ~~/ti ~ i z ~ i~~ CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 Website: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us March 23, 2009 Pat Cashman, Director Alameda County Surplus Property Authority 224 West Winton Avenue, Room 110 Hayward, CA 94544-1215 Subject: Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update Response to Comment Letter Dear Pat: The City has received your letters of January 26, January 27, and February 6, 2009, regarding the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update. The specific requests contained in the letters and a response to each request are listed below: 1) The City should provide additional accounting backup showing the fee calculations and confirming that the Section II BART Garage fees have been collected for all building permits processed since 2004. The fee was enacted on June 15, 2004, but by law did not become effective until 60 days later, on August 15, 2004. During this 60-day period, permits were issued for 671 units not subject to the BART garage fee. In addition, during the four years in question, permits were issued for an additional 674 units at the Transit Center that were not subject to the fee. Completion of a detailed listing of all fees collected in Eastern Dublin since 2004 would be an extremely time-intensive task. Hopefully, the above discussion helps to put the fees collected to date in a better perspective in terms of the total number of permits issued. 2J The City should increase the EDTIF share of the Eastern Dublin BART Parking Garage from 30% of $20 Million, or $6 Million, to 30% of $40 Million, or $12 Million, based on the actual cost of the garage. The Transit Center was not a part of the original Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and not subject to the original EDTIF. The Transit Center approvals required the construction of $10.7 Million (in 2004 dollars) in street improvements to mitigate traffic generated by the Transit Center. These improvements were included in the EDTIF program. The ACSPA Area Code (925) City Manager 833-6650 City Council 833-6650 Personnel 833-6605 Economic Development 833-6650 Finance 833-6640 Public Works/Engineering 833-6630 Parks & Community Services 833-6645 Police 833-6670 Planning/Code Enforcement 833-6610 Building Inspection 833-6620 Fire Prevention Bureau 833-6606 n.:~a.. ,.i .._ n,. _.,~i_a n,. requested that the Transit Center be annexed to the EDTIF in order to (a) satisfy traffic mitigation through the payment of fees as an alternate to cash outlay for improvements, and (b) utilize the existing $36 Million in fee credits held by the ACSPA for prior EDTIF improvements in lieu of paying fees for Transit Center development. A simultaneous request was for the BART Garage fee surcharge to be created so that the ACSPA could recoup a portion of the costs associated with building the garage (which was necessary in order to remove surface parking from the ACSPA Transit Center lands before development could occur). Unlike improvements, such as the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road intersection project, the BART garage is not an improvement that was needed by Eastern Dublin development. The BART garage was a part of the Transit Center project, rather than an improvement needed by the Transit Center project. The ACSPA requested that the City assist with the costs of construction of the garage and specifically asked for $6 Million. When the City Council included $6 Million in the EDTIF in 2004, it did so based on a parking use analysis that showed 30% of the parking spaces. in the BART parking garage being used by residents of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area (EDSP). This provided a nexus for creating a fee for the EDSP development to pay a portion of the garage construction. The fee was imposed on residential development outside of the Transit Center. At the time of the update and the request from the ACSPA, the cost estimate for the garage was $20 Million. The 2004 Update did not provide for an increase in funding for the garage. Staff does not recommend an increase, both because the funding was included in 2004 only at the request of the ACSPA and in the amount requested, and because to do so would increase fees for the developers in the remainder of Eastern Dublin who are the persons who would pay the increased amount. Because the BART garage is not a condition of approval of the Transit Center, it is not a City project and was not a mitigation measure of the Transit Center EIR. The City has no legal obligation to increase the funding. 3) The City should invoke the provisions of State Gov. Code 66005.1 to provide a fee reduction for residential development within the Transit Center, based on the generation of fewer vehicle trips from residential dwellings adjacent to the Eastern Dublin BART Station. As you are aware, State Gov. Code 66005.1, effective January 1, 2009, requires local agencies to reduce traffic impact fees on residential projects within one-half mile of a transit station that meet three criteria: (1) there is direct access from the development project to the transit station along a "barrier-free walkable pathway"; (2) there is a retail use that sells food within one-half mile of the development; and (3) the residential development provides minimum parking (no more than one space for 1-2 bedroom units or three spaces for 3-plus units). ~~ ~ °~ f e ~ The new law is not applicable to a housing development that satisfies these three criteria until January 1, 2011, if the housing development is located within an area that is "covered by a capital improvement plan for traffic facilities" adopted before January 1, 2009. The area within one-half mile of the East Dublin BART station, which is the only "transit station" within the EDTIF area, is covered by the City's CIP, so the provisions of Government Code Section 66005.1 will not be applicable until January 2, 2011. Even if section 66005.1 was applicable, no project within the Transit Center could meet all three criteria because there is no retail center that sells food within one-half mile. Postponing the adoption of the EDTIF 2009 Study Update in order to include anon- mandatory fee reduction for the Transit Center would delay implementation of the 2009 Update by many months. Both because the new law is not applicable until 2011 and because at least one of the three criteria does not exist (retail use selling food), staff does not recommend that the Study Update be revised at this time to include atrip/fee reduction for residential units within the Transit Center. This issue will be addressed as needed with future EDTIF updates to ensure compliance with State law. Please call me at (925)-833-6635 if you would like to discuss this further. Very truly ,afk'Lander, P.E. ity Engineer G:\TIF\Eastern Dublin\EDTIF Update 2009\Pat Cashman ,Response to EDTIF 2009 Update Comments, 3-04-09.doc ins ~ i~~ CITY OF DUBLIN 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 Website: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us March 23, 2009 Jeff White Senior Development Director Avalon Bay Communities 400 Race Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95126 Subject: Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update Response to Comment Letter Dear Jeff: The City has received your letter of February 9, 2009, regarding the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update, specifically your request that the City invoke provisions of State Gov. Code 66005.1 to provide a fee reduction for residential development within the Transit Center, based on the generation of fewer vehicle trips from residential dwellings adjacent to the Eastern Dublin BART Station. As you are aware, State Gov. Code 66005.1, effective January 1, 2009, requires local agencies to reduce traffic impact fees on residential projects within one-half mile of a transit station that meet three criteria: (1) there is direct access from the development project to the transit station along a "barrier-free walkable pathway"; (2) there is a retail use that sells food within one-half mile of the development; and (3) the residential development provides minimum parking (no more than one space for 1-2 bedroom units or three spaces for 3-plus units). The new law is not applicable to a housing development that satisfies these three criteria until January 1, 2011, if the housing development is located within an area that is "covered by a capital improvement plan for traffic facilities" adopted before January 1, 2009. The area within one-half mile of the East Dublin BART station, which is the only "transit station" within the EDTIF area, is covered by the City's CIP, so the provisions of Government Code Section 66005.1 will not be applicable until January 2, 2011. Even if Section 66005.1 was applicable, no project within the Transit Center could meet all three criteria because there is no retail center that sells food within one- half mile. Area Code (925) City Manager 833-6650 City Council 833-6650 Personnel 833-6605 Economic Development 833-6650 Finance 833-6640 Public Works/Engineering 833-6630 Parks & Community Services 833-6645 Police 833-6670 Planning/Code Enforcement 833-6610 Building Inspection 833-6620 Fire Prevention Bureau 833-6606 Pnnto.! (,n L7or-~~nlor! Po.,or iii ~ ~~ Postponing the adoption of the EDTIF 2009 Study Update in order to include a non-mandatory fee reduction for the Transit Center would delay implementation of the 2009 Update by many months. Both because the new law is not applicable until 2011 and because at least one of the three criteria does not exist (retail use selling food), staff does not recommend that the Study Update be revised at this time to include atrip/fee reduction for residential units within the Transit Center. This issue will be addressed as needed with future EDTIF updates to ensure compliance with State law. Please call me at (925)-833-6635 if you would like to discuss this further. Very truly ~f'~rk Lander, P.E. City Engineer G:1TIF\Eastern Dublin\EDTIF Update 2009Weff White, Response to EDTIF 2009 Update Comments, 3-04-09.doc ii 7 ~ ~~ g C;r1~Y oj~ ~U~3Ljl~1 "Celebrating 25 Years Of Cityhood 1982-2007" 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 91568 March 23, 2009 Rod Andrade MacKay and Somps 5142 Franklin Drive, Ste. C Pleasanton, CA 94588-3368 Subject: Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update Response to Comment Letter Regarding Fee Credits Dear Rod: Website: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us The City had received your letter of January 26, 2009, regarding the Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 2009 Update, specifically your concerns that the Update does not provide sufficient funding to credit the Lin Family for funds advanced to date for the project. Following the review of expected project costs, along with the total funding expected to be available to the project, it was concluded that the project costs as shown in the Update were not adequate to provide full credit to the Lin Family, in the amount of $200,077. Accordingly, the Update has been revised to provide an additional $200,077 in unfunded costs for the interchange project that will be provided by future collection of fees. Since the full project costs are now included in the fee calculations, it will be possible to grant the Lin Family full credit for funds advanced to date. A copy of the project cost and funding analysis is attached for your review. I understand that you have previously discussed the analysis with Paul Rankin, Administrative Services Director. You have indicated in your subsequent letter of February 18, 2009, that you concur with the analysis. Please call me at (925)-833-6635 if you have any questions on this material. Very truly yours, Lander, P.E. City Engineer Attach. G:\TIF\Eastern Dublin\EDTIF Update 2009\Rod Andrade, Response to EDTIF 2009 Update Comments, 3-04-09.doc Area Code (925) City Manager 833-6650 City Council 833-6650 Personnel 833-6605 Economic Development 833-6650 Finance 833-6640 Public Works/Engineering 833-6630 Parks & Community Services 833-6645 Police 833-6670 Planning/Code Enforcernent 833-6610 Building Inspection 833-6620 Fire Prevention Bureau 833-6606 Printarl nn Ranvrlari P~n~r ~/~' ~~ /~ DRAFT Project Sources & Uses FY 2008/09 to Estimated Completion 96430 I-580 & Fallon Road Freeway Interchange Improvements Phase 1 (Prepared 2/11/2009) SOURCE OF FUND5 FUNDING Balance As of 7/1/2008 FY 2008/2009 Estimated Activity Refund Portion of Funds Advanced 1021/2008 P_ RO,TECT EXPENSES SERVICES& SUPPLIES (Design / Inspection/ Construction Mgt /Misc.) IMPROVEMENTS TIF 2 OTHER IMPRVMNTS 300 TIF I IMPROVEMENTS 300 PLEASANTON OTHER IMPRVMNTS 001 DSRSD OTHER IMPRVMNTS 001 ACCMA -Budget Rev sayas MOU 5/20/08 001 Total Improvements SUB-TOTAL 2008/09 Project Expense Estimate Estimated Contributions DSRSD / Pleasanton FUNDING Balance Est) As of 6/30/2009 FY 2009/2010 Estimated Activity PROTECT EXPENSES SERVICES& SUPPLIES (Design / Inspection/ Construction Mgt /Misc.) TIF 2 OTHER IMPRVMNTS TIF 1 IMPROVEMENTS PLEASANTON OTHER IMPRVMNTS DSRSD OTHER IMPRVMNTS ACCMA -Budget Rev sayas MOU 5/20/08 Total Improvements SUB-TOTAL 2008/09 Project Expense Estimate Estimated Contributions DSRSD / Pleasanton FUNDINC~ Balance Est) As of 6/30/2010 300 300 001 001 001 Fallon Advance Fund TIF 1 Fund General Fund TOTAL 13,009,240 150,000 0 13,159,240 (866,700) (1,003,222) (140,633) (1,143,855) (5,302,253) 0 (1,570, l85) (150,000) 0 (5,302,253) 0 (1,720,185) (7,022,438) (6,305,475) 0 (1,860,818) (8,166,293) 1,860,818 5,837,065 150,000 0 5,)87,065 (555,763) (111,368) (667,131) (3,539,509) (150,000) (149,815) (88,000) (92,238) (3,539,509) (150,000) (330,053) (4,019,562) (4,095,272) (150,000) (441,421) (4,686,693) 441,421 1,741,793 0 0 1,741,793 As of 2/11/2009 Lin Funds Advanced Without a Credit Issued 1,941,870 Application of Estimated Project Ending Balance 6/30/2010 (1,741,793) AMOUNT ADDITIONAL CREDIT REQUIRED $200,077