HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.3 - 2366 Utility Box Art 2019 Design Selection Page 1 of 4 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: January 8, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Utility Box Art 2019 Design Selection Prepared by: Tegan McLane, Cultural Arts & Heritage Manager EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider a recommendation from the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission for artwork to be painted on nine utility boxes along Dublin Boulevard, under the Utility Box Art Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission's selections for the Utility Box Art Program. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for eight utility boxes, including artist payments, supplies and Staff time, is budgeted at $9,200. The City Council approved the budget change to appropriate $1,150 from the Public Art Fund for a ninth box during Fiscal Year 2018 -2019. Per the Public Art Ordinance, this project is eligible for funding with Public Art Fund monies and the City Council approved $10,350 for the purpose of thi s program at its July 17, 2018 meeting. DESCRIPTION: At its July 17, 2018 meeting, the City Council approved and funded the 2019 Utility Box Art program to paint nine boxes along Dublin Boulevard between Clark Drive and Park Place using the theme, “New American Backyard, with an emphasis on the history of travel through Dublin.” Staff issued a Call for Artists on September 1, 2018, publicizing the opportunity through normal City channels (website, etc.), as well as via email to a list of interested art ists, a list of past Dublin utility box artists, registrants in the Cultural Arts Database, nearby cities with successful utility box art programs, and the California Cultural Arts Council website. The deadline to apply was October 31, 2018. Two students and 12 professional artists submitted a total of 23 designs for Page 2 of 4 consideration. The Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission considered the designs at its December 13 regular meeting and voted unanimously to recommend nine designs to the City Council. In addition, the Commission unanimously voted to identify specific locations for four of the nine designs. The remaining five designs were assigned by Staff. Box A - Dublin Boulevard at Clark Drive Daelyn Cerruti’s comic book style design tells the story of ho w Dublin has evolved through the years in one utility box. Panels represent modernization of locations and modes of transportation. The color scheme also represents the journey through time with older Dublin in yellowed tones and modern Dublin in vivid col ors. Ms. Cerruti is a senior at Livermore High School and Middle College student at Las Positas College, but is considered a professional artist because she designs, produces and sells artwork for apparel. (Attachment 1) Box B - Dublin Boulevard at Sierra Court Aarthi Muthukumar’s design is inspired by a 1950s photo of Dublin that is well known to local historians and focuses on the development of the Lincoln Highway, which cut through the country and put Dublin on “America’s Main Street.” The design use s a few colors the emphasize “our home as a place filled with bright colors.” Mr. Muthukumar is a junior at Dublin High School. His supervising professional artist is Emmie Rodrigue, a digital illustrator and graphic designer who also teaches art at OAM St udios in Pleasanton. (Attachment 2) Box C - Dublin Boulevard at Dublin Court Jessica Eastburn’s design highways and automobiles as the source of inspiration. She wrote, “The idea that earlier roads (Stage Coach and Lincoln Highway) have been remade into new roads was an interesting metaphor to me of paths being blazed for future generations.” Ms. Eastburn is Precita Eyes muralist and professional artist who exhibits widely in the Bay Area. She commutes through Dublin weekly. (Attachment 3) Box D - Dublin Boulevard at Dougherty Road Theresa Muley’s “Travel Through Time” celebrates the golden age of newly invented automobiles and motorcycles and people who have traveled to Dublin to enjoy the lush green hills and blue sky. She specifically requested - and the Commission recommends - this location. Ms. Muley is a Dublin resident who has exhibits throughout the California. (Attachment 4) Box E - Dublin Boulevard at Scarlett Drive Jennifer Huber’s design, “1956,” is based on a personal photo of her father, in his Army uniform, beside his prized Cadillac. He actually drove this Cadillac on the Lincoln Highway and may have even stopped for gas in Dublin. Ms. Huber is a Dublin resident, who has taught art classes at Dougherty Elementary and Fallon Middle Schoo l. She also painted a box in the 2018 round. (Attachment 5) Page 3 of 4 Box F - Dublin Boulevard at DeMarcus Boulevard Irma Grant’s “The Wheel” celebrates the invention of the wheel, with vintage car, bicycle and child playing with a wheel, set against the colors suggesting a dry, hot Dublin summer. They felt the sunset colors would contrast nicely with the surrounding vegetation of the adjacent property. Ms. Grant is a Pleasanton resident who has previous experience painting utility boxes there and exhibiting throug hout the Bay Area. (Attachment 6) Box G - Dublin Boulevard at Iron Horse Parkway David Eisenstadt’s design celebrated the journeys people have made to arrive in Dublin, through five different maps and modes of transportation people have taken to arrive here. Staff selected this location because inclusion of a train in the design fits nicely with the Iron Horse Trail’s history as a railway line. Mr. Eisenstadt is a Middle College student at Las Positas College. Although he is a student, he is considered a professional artist because he is employed as an art teacher and has painted murals on commission. (Attachment 7) Box H - Dublin Boulevard at Arnold Road Suhyun Park’s persimmon tree design is the only one in the series that does not have a transportation theme. However, Ms. Park requested this location adjacent to Persimmon Place, and the Commission agreed the design was perfect for that location that they were willing to disregard the transportation theme for this box. Ms. Park is a Dublin resident and freelance illustrator, designer and production artist. (Attachment 8) Box I - Dublin Boulevard at Park Place Ms. Gayle’s design, “Shamrock Skies at Night” is a companion to her previous “Dublin at Dusk” box painted on the box at Dublin Boulevard and Doug herty Road. The Commission selected this location, noting its proximity to the sister box and the fact that it is simple and vivid enough to stand up to the railing in front. If approved, this would be Ms. Gayle’s fourth box is Dublin. Ms. Gayle is a Haywa rd resident who specializes in painting murals and utility boxes. (Attachment 9). The artists' resumes, designs, and statements are attached. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A courtesy notice of this item was sent to businesses and residents within 300 feet of the proposed boxes. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Daelyn Cerruti resume and box design Page 4 of 4 2. Aarthi Muthukumar resume and box design 3. Jessica Eastburn resume and box design 4. Theresa Muley resume and box design 5. Jennifer Huber resume and box design 6. Irma Grant resume and box design 7. David Eisenstadt resume and box design 8. Suhyun Park resume and box design 9. Suzanne Gayle resume and box design Attachment 1      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  Daelyn Cerruti  Dublin    Daelyn Cerruti daelyn.corinne@gmail.com 925/960-9727 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION: Planning to transfer as a sophomore (dance and education majors)Fall 2019 Current Senior at Livermore High School Class of 2019 Current Middle College Student at Las Positas College Class of 2019 Completion of Art 1/2 at Granada High School Fall 2016 Completion of Digital Photo 1/2 at Granada High School Fall 2015 ART SERVICES Product Designing (2016-present)Designs, produces, and sells artwork for adult and children’s apparel. Artwork is done on white or colored canvas clothing and accessories (shoes, shirts, pants, tote bags) with colored acrylic paint and/or sharpies. Birthday Parties/Paint Nights Hired to teach and assist in helping children and adults (Summer 2017-present)create designs for their choice of clothing, accessories, or paint canvas. Party Goods (2010-present)Designs and produces personalized party decorations, favors, invitations, artistic edibles. Art Walk (2016)Artwork and photography featured at City of Livermore’s 2016 Art Walk Leadership (2012-2015)Designed and painted posters used for Junction Avenue K-8 School advertising and promotions PHOTOGRAPHY First place photography award at Alameda County Science Fair (Summer 2017) Headshots Shoots/edits professional portraits for children and adults. Artist Statement: This box emphasizes the uniquenesses in the city of Dublin through a display of the theme: “The New American Backyard with an Emphasis on the History of Travel through Dublin.” The comic-book theme tells the story of how Dublin has evolved throughout the years through its modernized locations and transportation. Major locations in Dublin are represented as people of Dublin explore the city at this one distinct box location. The color scheme also represents this journey, and overall, the utility box tells takes you through a fun, immersive, engaging experience of Dublin’s history and familial elements. Attachment 2      Design Proposal from Student Artist:  Aarathi Muthukumar  Dublin    A A R T H I M U T H U K U M A R aarthi.muthukumar1@gmail.com (925) 549-7305 4020 Cragford Place Dublin, CA 94568 High School Junior   Aspiring Physicist and Fine Artist Alameda Department of Education Teen Advisory Board Email Phone Address P h y s i c s O l y m p i a d S t u d i e d c o n c e p t s i n A P P h y s i c s , s u c h a s M e c h a n i c s , F l u i d s , a n d T h e o r e t i c a l P h y s i c s R o b o t i c s   V E X R o b o t i c s C o m p e t i t i o n (W o r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p p a r t i c i p a n t ) C i v i l A i r P a t r o l - U n i t e d S t a t e s A i r F o r c e A u x i l i a r y A g r o u p o f t e e n a g e r s e d u c a t i n g t h e p u b l i c o n A e r o s p a c e E n g i n e e r i n g a n d P h y s i c s u n d e r t h e t r a i n i n g o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s A i r F o r c e A s a C a d e t S t a f f S e r g e a n t , I a m a l e a d e r i n m y s q u a d r o n , b a s e d i n H a y w a r d R e s i l i e n c y I n t e r n s h i p R e s e a r c h e d t h e e f f e c t s o f t h e r a p y a n d t h e p s y c h o l o g y o f h u m a n h e a l t h a n d r e s i l i e n c e L a s P o s i t a s  C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e D u a l  E n r o l l m e n t G e n e r a l P s y c h o l o g y B r a i n , M i n d , B e h a v i o r S t a r s a n d t h e U n i v e r s e R a c i a l a n d C u l t u r a l M i n o r i t i e s A l a m e d a C o u n t y S c i e n c e F a i r - E n v i r o n m e n t a l D i v i s i o n H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n (F o u r t h P l a c e ) R e s e a r c h e d t h e e f f e c t o f t h e w h i t e r o t f u n g u s (P h a n e r o c h a e t e C h r y s o s p o r i u m ) o n t h e d e g r a d a t i o n o f o i l , a n d h o w i t s e f f e c t s c a n b e u s e d t o t a r g e t o i l p o l l u t i o n A l a m e d a C o u n t y Y o u t h A d v i s o r y B o a r d A g r o u p o f e n t h u s i a s t i c t e e n a g e r s w o r k i n g t o e r a d i c a t e s u b s t a n c e a b u s e i n o u r c o u n t y 's y o u t h 9 /2 0 1 7  - 5 /2 0 1 8 2 0 1 3  - P R E S E N T 2 0 1 7 - P R E S E N T 1 0 /2 0 1 7 -  3 /2 0 1 8 2 0 1 6 - P R E S E N T 1 0 /2 0 1 6 - 3 /2 0 1 7 1 0 /2 0 1 7 - P R E S E N T E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S I a m a h i g h l y m o t i v a t e d a n d p a s s i o n a t e h i g h s c h o o l s t u d e n t w i t h p r o v e n l e a d e r s h i p a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s k i l l s , a n d a p o s i t i v e a t t i t u d e . I p o s s e s s s t r o n g w r i t t e n a n d v e r b a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n , d i l i g e n c e , a n d p r o b l e m s o l v i n g s k i l l s . 2 0 1 6  - P R E S E N T 2 0 1 6 - P R E S E N T 6 /2 0 1 7 - 8 /2 0 1 7 6 /2 0 1 8 - 8 /2 0 1 8 E D U C A T I O N D u b l i n H i g h S c h o o l J u n i o r  (1 1 t h G r a d e ) C u r r e n t G P A : 4 .1 / 4 .0 H e a l t h S c i e n c e a n d M e d i c a l T e c h n o l o g y A c a d e m y P r i n c i p l e s o f B i o m e d i c a l S c i e n c e a n d H u m a n B o d y S y s t e m s C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e S u m m e r S c h o o l o f t h e A r t s G o v e r n o r 's M e d a l C a l i f o r n i a A r t S c h o l a r E n e r g y P h y s i c s I n t e r n   C a l i f o r n i a P o l y t e c h n i c S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y C r e a t i n g c o o k i n g t e c h n o l o g y u s i n g d i o d e s i n o r d e r t o r e d u c e c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s a n d e r a d i c a t e l u n g d i s e a s e i n i m p o v e r i s h e d a r e a s H O N O R S / S K I L L S C a l i f o r n i a H o n o r P i a n i s t N a t i o n a l H o n o r S o c i e t y C o n g r e s s i o n a l A r t C o m p e t i t i o n R u n n e r U p A u t o d e s k I n v e n t o r A u t o d e s k M a y a P r o g r a m m i n g L a n g u a g e s : P y t h o n Sources of Inspiration: The design I have created is inspired by the 1950s photos of Dublin. I focused on the development of the Lincoln Highway as it cut through the country, and how Dublin was part of “America’s Main Street”. The drawing is restricted to a few colors because I wanted to represent our home as a place filled with bright colors. The design depicts the intersection of Village Parkway and Dublin Boulevard before its development, and the transition throughout the years can truly be seen. Dublin is a beautiful city, and that is exactly what I was trying to capture. Supervising Art Professional: Emmie Rodriguez: Biography My name is Emmie Rodriguez. I am a digital illustrator and graphic designer. I was born into a family full of artists ranging from painters, to photographers, and to architects. Many of my influences come from video games, anime, manga, traditional Asian art, concept art, sci-fi movies and my travels. I spent my life teaching myself illustration with focus in character and weapon design, and started as a freelance graphic designer at the age of 16. I pursued Visual Communications in college under Eric Berendt and Chang Sik Kim, and also studied drawing under Bill Paskewitz. I strive to one day become a character and weapon design concept artist in the gaming industry. Between being a self-employed artist and working at various t-shirt design companies, I also spent two years as an event face painter and special effects makeup artist. I have also spent time doing graphics work and murals for some small local businesses. In addition, I have done illustrations for comics, magazines and am currently illustrating a graphic novel. In the classroom, I find it very easy to relate to the interests of my students and I take every opportunity I can find to help further their artistic abilities. I believe that each student has unlimited potential, and I’ll assist them in any way I can to help them hone and master the skills at which they strive to excel. I hope to provide a fun, energetic learning environment for the students and bring out the passion and drive they have for art. I see my younger self in them and I want to help pave the way for their creative futures. Timeline: OAM Studios Lead Artist/Manager Honey Pot Face Painting Owner/Designer Mielstrom Graphics Owner/Designer Fullerton Photographics Graphic Designer Stop Motion Designs Graphic Designer Awards Las Positas Visual Arts & Graphic Designs Scholarship Winner Las Positas 1st Place Graphic Designer Inspiracion Furiamag Featured Artist 1 Biography Jessica Eastburn is a professional artist currently living in California, though she hails from Oregon. She received her BA in Liberal Studies from Portland State University and her MFA in Pictorial Art from San Jose State University. Jessica’s studio practice primarily consists of drawing and painting, though she occassionally works in small scultpure, plywood shaped paintings, animation, and shadow theater. She was formerly the Young Artist Fellow at Gallery Route One (Point Reyes Station, CA) and her work has been exhibitied throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as Oregon and Indiana. Notable solo exhibitions include: Transmission Gallery (Oakland), Empire Seven Studios (San Jose), Totally Rad Gallery (Berkeley), SOMArts Ramp Gallery (San Francisco), and 1078 Gallery (Chico). Her work has been included in group exhibitions at the Kala Art Institute (Berkeley), Berkeley Art Center, San Jose Institute of Contemprary Art, and Luna Rienne Gallery (San Francisco). Jessica has worked on large-scale and public artworks, including: a commission for an entryway mural at John McNeil Studios (Berkeley), invitation to participate in the Festival International Street Art (Timisoara, Romania), as well as being a paid muralist on the Oakland Superheroes Mural Project (Wall #3 West Street), and a contracted artist to work on architectural façade enhancmeents projects through Artik Art and Architecture (San Jose). In her spare time, Jessica volunteers with Precita Eyes Muralists (San Francisco). 1 Jessica Eastburn b. 1982 Education 2018 Digital Art Foundation Certificate (in progress), City College of San Francisco 2010 Master of Fine Arts Pictorial Emphasis, San Jose State University 2007 Bachelor of Arts (cum laude), Portland State University Awards, Grants & Residencies 2014 Gallery Route One Artist Fellowship Point Reyes, CA 2011 SJSU Student Research Competition Winner San Jose State University 2010 Willis Nelson Memorial Scholarship San Jose State University Randall Sadler Scholarship San Jose State University 2009 Graduate Equity Fellowship San Jose State University Alumni Association Dean’s Scholarship San Jose State University Elizabeth Heil Scholarship San Jose State University 2006 Piancentini Scholarship Portland State University Creative Activity Grant for Undergraduates Portland State University Solo and Two-Person Exhibitions 2018 Send Pics Transmission Gallery, Oakland, CA 2017 Factotum Gearbox Gallery, Oakland, CA 2016 Flim Flam 1078 Gallery, Chico, CA Screen Test Totally Rad Gallery, Berkeley, CA 2015 Channel Surfing Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA Day Trading San Francisco Mint, San Francisco, CA 2014 Catch A Wave Empire 7 Studios, San Jose, CA Mutatis Mutandis Gallery Route One Annex Gallery, Point Reyes, CA SpaceCase Cañada College Art Gallery, Redwood City, CA Bitter/Sweet SOMArts Ramp Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2013 Jessica Eastburn and Dan Tellep Saratoga Library, Saratoga, CA Jessica Eastburn: Paintings Stanford Art Space, Palo Alto, CA 2012 Skip Cullen & Jessica Eastburn: Paintings & Wall Reliefs Mohr Gallery, Mountain View, CA Super Sweet Phantom Galleries, San Jose, CA 2010 Brain Drain San Jose State University—Gallery 3, San Jose, CA Hyperspace Gavilan College Gallery, Gilroy, CA Formal Logic San Jose State University--Gallery 3, San Jose, CA 2009 Bart Art San Jose State University--Gallery 3, San Jose, CA 2 2007 Nitty Gritty City Portland State University--MK Gallery, Portland, OR Group Exhibitions 2016 ME/DIUM Space B, San Jose, CA Anne & Mark's Art Party Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San Jose, CA Spirit of Shokunin Empire Seven Studios, San Jose, CA First Edition 1AM Oakland, Oakland, CA Home is Where the HeART Is Art Ark Gallery, San Jose, CA Screaming Hand: Jim Phillips Tribute Show Empire Seven Studios, San Jose, CA 2015 Group Show Totally Rad Gallery, Berkeley, CA Women and Money Spare Change Artist Space, San Francisco, CA Locals Only Redux Studios and Gallery, Alameda, CA Everybody’s Ocean Santa Cruz Museum of Art, Santa Cruz, CA 2014 Member’s Show Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA Faculty Exhibition Fort Mason Coffee Gallery, San Francisco, CA Here and Now City College of San Francisco Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA Artik Art and Architecture Anniversary Exhibition Artik Art and Architecture, San Jose, CA Gavilan College Faculty Exhibition Gavilan College Art Gallery, Gilroy, CA 2013 CCSF Faculty Exhibition Fort Mason Coffee Gallery, San Francisco, CA Risk Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA Annual Open House Artik Art and Architecture, San Jose, CA 2012 Personal Made Space Empire Seven Studios, San Jose, CA Flights of Fancy Fabric8, San Francisco, CA Summer National Juried Exhibition MarinMOCA, Novato, CA Math + Art Collaborative Moreau Center Art Gallery, Notre Dame, IN 2011 Holiday Group Show Sandra Lee Gallery, San Francisco, CA Spectrum Fabric8, San Francisco, CA Cashing Out Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA The Abstract Sandra Lee Gallery, San Francisco, CA Lift Off San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA Monster Drawing Rally Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA 2010 Where I’m From Art Ark Gallery, San Jose, CA A n Exploration in Color and Design LH Horton Jr. Gallery, Stockton, CA 2009 Small Works Royal Nonesuch Gallery, Oakland, CA 2008 Group Show The Life Gallery, Portland, OR 2007 Exit 07 Portland State University--White Gallery, Portland, OR Worm Food Autzen Gallery, Portland, OR 2006 Scholarship Recipient Show Portland State University--MK Gallery, Portland, OR Bibliography 3 2016 "'Ephemeral Media Flotsam'", by Robert Speer, Chico News & Review, August "Jessica Eastburn Makes Sense of the Digital Age with Art", by Leila Rodriquez, Chico Enterprise-Record, August “Jessica Eastburn’s Solo Show Brings a Fresh Style of Contemporary Art to North Berkeley”, by Ashley Villareal, SF Station, February 2015 "An Explosion of Art in West Marin Galleries", by Claudia Chapline, Point Reyes Light, May 2013 “Structure: Exhibition Catalogue”, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, October “risk”, by Todd Kerr, Berkeley Times, July 2012 "'Math + Art' at Saint Mary's", South Bend Tribune.com, February “Empire Seven Studios Highlights Nine Female Artists in Show Called ‘Personal Made Space’”, by Heather Zimmerman, Mercury News, January "'Math + Art' Exhibit + Installation = 2 Reasons to Visit Galleries", by Gwen O'Brien, saintmary's.edu/newsandevents, January 2011 “Place Your Bets”, by Keith Bowers, SFWeekly, June “Lift Off” Catalogue, San Jose State University Art Department, June Media Appearances 2016 "Weekend Showcase: Artist Jessica Eastburn & Blue Room's 'Tales From the Crypt'", NSPR, 5 August, 2016 Lectures/ Presentations/ Panels 2016 Artist Talk for “Flim Flam” exhibition, 1078 Gallery, Chico, CA 2011 25th Annual California State University Student Research Competition Fresno, CA, Presentation: Brain Drain: Thesis Exhibition Projects 2018 Contract Artist at Artik Art & Architecture (for commissioned architectural façade enhancement), Pipe Trade Training Center, San Jose, CA 2016 Contract Artist at Artik Art & Architecture (for commissioned architectural façade enhancements), Andrew Hill High School, San Jose, CA 2015 Mural Assistant Oakland Super Heroes Mural #3 Oakland, CA Artist Participant Festival International Street Art (FISART), Timisoara Romania Exhibitions Curated 2014 Gavilan College Student Exhibition Gavilan College Art Gallery, Gilroy, CA Gavilan College Faculty Exhibition Gavilan College Art Gallery, Gilroy, CA 2013 Time and Place Gavilan College Art Gallery, Gilroy, CA 2013 American Ideals Gavilan College Art Gallery, Gilroy, CA 2007 Worm Food Autzen Gallery, Portland, OR 4 Collections Google (Mountain View, CA) Paypal (San Jose, CA) Applicant: Jessica Eastburn Artist Statement As a weekly commuter to Stockton I gravitated toward the idea of highways and automobiles as a source of inspiration for the imagery in my proposal. I am interested in the history of the Lincoln Highway and its evolution into Dublin Boulevard and I-580. This idea that earlier roads (stage coach routes, the Lincoln Highway) have been remade into new roads was an interesting metaphor to me of paths being blazed for future generations. The style in which the imagery is painted varies from more realistic and illustrative to flat, comic inspired in order to evoke that sense of history. Attachment 4      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  Theresa Muley  Dublin    THERESA MULEY  7620 Ashford Way ● Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone (925) 833‐8500   Email: muleylaw@yahoo.com  Website: www.theresamuley.com  RESUME  EDUCATION:   Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA          Major: Fine Art    2011‐ 2018    Las Positas College, Livermore, CA         Major: Fine Art  2009‐2011   Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, CA                            J.D.       June 1991   California State University, Northridge                                    B.A.        June 1987    AWARDS AND EXHIBITS:  Alameda County Art Commission East County Hall of Justice Public Art  Project Finalist           2018    Alameda County Fair                      Pleasanton, CA               June‐July 2017  Award: Best of Class, Watercolors – Sea Shore       Watercolor    San Francisco Women Artists  San Francisco, CA April‐May 2017  Natural Wonders       Infrared Photography    San Francisco Women Artists  San Francisco, CA November 2016  Neighborhood Arts Collaborative Banner Project             Public Art     Village Theatre Art Gallery  Danville, CA                     August 2016           A Walk in the Park      Infrared Photography    Gearbox Gallery  Oakland, CA              August 2016  Wild Mind         Infrared Photography    THERESA MULEY  7620 Ashford Way ● Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone (925) 833‐8500   Email: muleylaw@yahoo.com  Website: www.theresamuley.com  Art Attack          San Francisco, CA      March 2016  Exhibit: Hello City             Photography    Art Escape                     Sonoma, CA    December 2015     –   January 2016  Exhibit: Winter’s Shadows       Paintings    The Wall 1920c  San Francisco, CA   November   –    December 2015  Exhibit: What it means to be human                                    Photography    Gearbox Gallery                              Oakland, CA____July 30‐Aug. 22, 2015            Exhibit: Terra Infirma: All Things Unsettled            Entry: Love vs. Godzilla    “We Can” Las Positas College Art Show and Food Drive for   Alameda County Community Food Bank                                     Oct. 2014  Donated and sold ‐ Geisha Oranges     California State Bar Art Exhibit  San Jose, CA Oct. 10‐13, 2013  1st Place – Portraits and Figures – Christmas Morning  Honorable Mention – Portraits and Figures – At the Beach  Honorable Mention – Photography Black & White – Mother & Child    California State Bar Art Exhibit  Monterey, CA Oct. 11‐13, 2012  1st Place – Drawings, Prints and Watercolors – Portrait of the Artist  1st Place – Oil & Acrylic – Representational – How I Spent My Saturday   2nd Place ‐ Oil & Acrylic – Representational – Aftermath  2nd Place – Portraits and Figures – Jazz Dancers  3rd Place – Portraits and Figures – Two Dancers  3rd Place – Mixed Media – Love vs. Godzilla  3rd Place – Photography Black & White – Sunshine Streaming        THERESA MULEY  7620 Ashford Way ● Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone (925) 833‐8500   Email: muleylaw@yahoo.com  Website: www.theresamuley.com  California State Bar Art Exhibit  Long Beach, CA         Sept. 2011  2nd Place – Oil & Acrylic – Representational – Early Morning Tequila  2nd Place – Portraits and Figures – Figure I (Ink Gesture)  2nd Place ‐ Drawings, Prints and Watercolors – Baseball: Team Muley    California State Bar Art Exhibit  Monterey, CA          Sept. 2010  1st Place – Oil & Acrylic – Representational – April on Japanese Bridge  2nd Place – Portraits and Figures – Natsu in the Rose Garden    California State Bar Art Exhibit  San Diego, CA          Sept. 2009  3rd Place – Mixed Media – Girl Standing  3rd Place –Photography Black & White – Japanese Garden    ● Alameda County Fair Art Exhibit          Annually 2011 ‐ 2016  ● Livermore Art Association Spring Art Show                  March – April 2012  ● Pleasanton Art League – Imagination Expressed 2012   March –April 2012  Museum on Main, Pleasanton, CA  ● Las Positas College Art Festival, Livermore, CA     May 2009, 2010 & 2011  Award: April on Japanese Bridge  ● Third Biennial Ekphrasis Exhibit of Art & Poetry, Livermore, CA       2010  ● The Essential Nude: A Figurative Fine Art Exhibition       May 2009   Bothwell Art Center   ● Livermore Art Association Spring Art Show      April 2009  ● Chabot / Las Positas College District Offices Exhibit      March – May 2009    THERESA MULEY  7620 Ashford Way ● Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone (925) 833‐8500   Email: muleylaw@yahoo.com  Website: www.theresamuley.com  REFERENCES    Janice Rumbaugh‐Coddington      Neighborhood Arts Collaborative   San Francisco Women Artists    Banner Project 2016  Public Art   647 Irving Street  San Francisco, CA 94122  (415) 556‐8550  sfwomenartists@sbcglobal.net                     Ruth Santee      Exhibit: Terra Infirma: All Things           Gearbox Gallery      Unsettled     770 West Grand Avenue  Oakland, CA 94612  (510) 859 – 5208  info@gearboxgallery.com      Pamela Fletcher, Esq.    “I Can” Art Project  (925) 284‐1479  pam.fletcher@hotmail.com        ARTIST STATEMENT OF THERESA MULEY  “Travel Through Time”, created by long‐time Dublin resident and artist Theresa Muley, will wrap one  lucky utility box in the lush green hills and clear blue sky of Dublin, California, while celebrating the  golden age of the newly invented vehicle, by depicting classic automobiles and a motorcycle together  with the people who love to travel to Dublin as a destination, thus paying homage to both the people  who traveled here before us, as well as the present day automobile and motorcycle businesses that  grace our town.    Attachment 5      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  Jennifer Huber  Dublin    Artist Qualifications: Jen Huber 7694 Topaz Circle,, Dublin, CA 94568 858.361.5724 ​JenHuberette@gmail.com​ JenHuberette.wordpress.com SUMMARY Jen Huber creates acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media paintings and ink drawings from life and from her head. Inspired by her three sons, mythology, zoology, and paleontology creep into her otherwise classically representational works. ART SHOWS 2018, ​​November Pleasanton Art League Member Show​​ (Forthcoming), Harrington Gallery, Firehouse Arts Center, Pleasanton, CA “The Iceberg”, ​​24” x 36” acrylic on canvas. 2018, ​​October Pleasanton Art League’s Mixed Media Exhibit,​​ Livermore Community Center, Livermore, CA “Coffee”​​, Watercolor, acrylic, ink, and mixed media “Livermore”​​, Watercolor, acrylic, ink, and mixed media 2018, ​​June “Kite Day”, ​​Utility Box Art for City of Dublin, Dublin, CA Designed, prepped, painted, and finished the utility box, “Kite Day” at the corner of Glynnis Rose and Dublin Boulevard. 2017​​, October Pleasanton Art League’s Mixed Media Exhibit,​​ Livermore Community Center, Livermore, CA “Water, Coffee, Wine”​​, Watercolor, acrylic, ink, wine and coffee. 2015, ​​June Fresh Works,​​ Firehouse Arts Center, Pleasanton, CA “Winter Morning in Dublin” Acrylic on Canvas 2013 Urban Landscapes, ​​Lisa Coscino Gallery, Pacific Grove, CA Four oil on canvas paintings depicting urban life in Baltimore, MD, from the artist’s current residence, including MacDonald’s, Target, and a 7-11 gas station at night. 1996 Summer Work​​, Coffee Society, Cupertino, CA One person art show displaying 22 paintings generated during a three month endeavor, featuring portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. 1995 “​Cornucopia”​​, Chez TJ’s, Mountain View, CA Since destroyed by a fire. Artist painted Renaissance-style mural over the fireplace in prestigious French Restaurant in downtown Mountain View. 1995 Sites​​, Hobee’s, Palo Alto, CA One person art show featuring over 25 works of art, primarily oil on canvas with a few framed watercolors of landscapes around Mountain View, CA. Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 2 1994 More Coffee​​, Hobee’s Palo Alto, CA One person art show featuring over 20 works of art, centering on the popular hot beverage, using coffee, watercolor, and pen. 1993 Coffee Art​​, Hobee’s Palo Alto Over 30 framed watercolors, oils, and drawings depicting the Artist’s obsession with the addicting hot brew. Every piece in this show sold. 1990 Squid Art​​, India Joe’s, Santa Cruz, CA Mixed media monotype of squid for the show celebrating the annual Squid Festival. 1989 Nothing in Common​​, University of California, Santa Cruz Partnered with fellow artist to display Senior Art Show. Created, framed, and hung over 30 works of art including etchings, lithographs, watercolors, and oil paintings. INSTRUCTION 2015-16 Art In Action​​, Dougherty Elementary School, Dublin, CA Taught 4th and 5th grade students following the Art In Action curriculum combining Art History and 2-hour projects. Worked as a team with other parents to provide consistent, quality instruction with minimal supervision. 2016-2018 Painting Parties.​​ Led groups of adults in light-hearted but instructional courses using acrylic paint on canvas for entertainment in homes. 2016-2018 Splash of Art​​, Fallon Middle School, Dublin, CA Inspired by Art In Action, wrote curriculum, purchased supplies, and led after school Art classes for middle school students at cost of supplies only. Covered a range of styles, media, and cultures throughout the year. EDUCATION University of California, Santa Cruz Bachelors of Fine Art, Emphasis on printmaking Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 3 Design Rendering: Box One, 1956 Front, back, sides, and top design for Box One, titled “1956.” Please note, this is a sketch, the final painting will be produced with much more care paid to figures, details, and proportions.. Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 4 Box One, “1956” Front Panel: My father, in army uniform, and his cadillac. Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 5 Box One, “1956” Rear Panel: Gas station and car from that era There will be more people in and around the station in the painting. Box One, “1956” initial sketch. Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 6 . Painting Style, Color and Mood for both Boxes One and Two. A gradual blend of Raw Umber and Ultramarine transitioning to golden light, framed by cool, turquoise skies. Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 7 Artist Statement: Box One 1956 My inspiration for this Utility Box is the following photo: Photo of my father, Private First Class in the Army in 1956. I rarely work from photo: I prefer from life or from my head. However, this is history: my family’s and Dublin’s. Camp Parks now resides in the very center of Dublin: the army base helped this city become what it is today. Men, like my father came from all over the country and served here before being shipped abroad. My father, raised in Minnesota, fell in love with California being stationed at the Monterey Post Naval School. He loved driving the backroads of California, even after he married my mother and they had five children. He drove his Cadillac on the Lincoln Highway and, conceivably might have stopped for gas, in Dublin. My painting will romanticize the era by starting with a dark, earthy base in raw umber,, blending to cool, cobalt shadows and up to golden light, crowned by the turquoise skies. I add a gas station from that date, tucked between oak trees.. I painted a canvas in a similar style, featuring a California Live Oak with a tire swing on the south side of North Dublin Ranch Drive, just east of Tassajara Boulevard (See page 7). Jen Huber ━ Box One “1956” & Box Two “1930”, Any Utility Box., Page 10 CHECK OUT MY WORK EDUCATION Université Paul Valéry, France University of British Columbia, Canada Simon Fraser University, Canada VISUAL ARTIST irmawgrant@gmail.comwww.irmagrant.com(919) 460-5301 ARTIST / ILLUSTRATOR (2002 - Present) • Oil Paintings • Artful Animals / Portraits Alive: Multiple Private Pet and People Portrait Commissions • Children’s Picture Book, “The Red Lantern” published December 2017 • Utility Boxes: “Children at Play”, “Hummingbirds” and “Pedals in the Wind” • Alviso Adobe Nature Center Storage Boxes • Private Murals: Birch Trees, Dancers • Public Murals: Casbah Mediterranean Restaurants ART TEACHER (2015 - Present) Valley View Elementary School, Pleasanton, CA • Implement and teach the entire art program for TK – Grade 5 classes CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER (2014 - Present) Ascarya Labs, Saratoga, CA • Develop STEAM educational apps “Ascarya’s Adventures” available on the apple app store • Manage and direct a creative team • Work with the CEO to develop short and long term creative goals • Implement the company's artistic vision PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SKILLS ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Animate MICROSOFT OFFICE PRODUCTS Excel, PowerPoint, Word LANGUAGES Fluent in English, Dutch and French Drawing, painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor, dye), photography, layout, creating NEW BIG ideas! Travelled extensively through the African, Asian, Australian, European, and North American continents Lived in the Netherlands, Canada, France, Sweden and USA EXHIBITIONS SOLO 2018 - The Red Lantern, Firehouse Arts Center, Pleasanton CA 2016 - Variety, Nonni’s Bistro, Pleasanton, CA GROUP 2017 African Portraits, Soul Searching: The Spirit of Africa and the Diaspora, Harrington Gallery, Pleasanton CA 2004-2008 Mother and Child, Indian Raja, Masked Dancer I, Indian Girl, and African Goddess, Fine Arts League of Cary Annual Members Shows, Cary NC JURIED 2018 Maasai Walking, Alameda Fair, Pleasanton, CA - Silver Award 2017 Boat I, Fresh Works VII, Firehouse Arts Center, Pleasanton CA 2003 Mbuti Pygmee, Fine Arts League of Cary Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Cary Ballet Conservatory, Cary NC 2002 Chili Mama, World Quilt Competition, Greensboro NC COLLECTIONS/COMMISSIONS “City of Pleasanton” Casbah Cafe and Mediterranean Kitchen Works held in private collections in Canada, the United States and South Africa (Public, Corporate, and Private) PUBLICATIONS “Firehouse, Towne Center Host New Year’s Festivities.” The Independent News 1 February, 2018 Whitney, Autumn. “Splash of Color.” Pleasanton Weekly 9 August, 2015 Jensen, Beth. “Pleasanton Painting the Town Red - and other Colors.” East Bay Times 16 June, 2015 Jorgensen, Doug. “Artwork on Display on Utility Boxes in Pleasanton.” The Independent News 10 January, 2015 SPECIAL INTERESTS “History of Travel through Dublin.”    Artistic Statement: “THE WHEEL”    I decided to focus my proposal for the “History of Travel through Dublin”  utility box design on “the wheel” and place it in the time of when cars first  made their appearances here in Dublin.     The wheel is arguably one of the most important inventions in history. It  took a long time for the wheel to be invented and the first wheels were  created not for transportation but to serve as potter’s wheels. The ancient  Greeks eventually invented the wheelbarrow, a one wheeled, hand drawn  vehicle.    Most people recognize the vintage car as an historical image of  transportation. I added an old bicycle to highlight the fact that it was a  bicycle mechanic, Henry Ford, who invented the first car using advanced  bicycle technology.     To humanize the history of the wheel, I adding one person into the image: a  child playing a game with an old tire.     It was the wheel that led to the first bicycle that in turn led to the first car.  All three (tire game, bicycle and car) represent a common time period in  the history of travel through Dublin.    Dublin has dry, hot summers and is bordered by Mount Diablo and the  Ridge. I used the colors purple, burn sienna, yellow, and red against a  mountainous background.    The silhouettes provide a sense of bygone days.       Attachment 4      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  David Eisenstadt  Dublin    David B. Eisenstadt 7379 Shadow Pl. Dublin, CA 94568 | 925.719.1897 | david.anim8s@yahoo.com EDUCATION Current 12​th​ grader → Sep. 2017 - Present → Middle College/ Las Positas College → Sep. 2015 - June 2017 → Dublin High School EXTRACURRICULARS School Years Hours/Weeks Positions/Responsibilities Boy scouts 5 2 hrs./ Week Volunteer work, community service COMMUNITY School Years Hours/Weeks Positions/Responsibilities Logo design 2017 2 hrs./ Week design a logo for the 150th anniversary of education in Dublin Utility box design 2018 6 hrs./ Week Design and submit art and paint onto utility boxes SUMMER EXPERIENCES School Years Hours/Weeks Description California State Summer School for the Arts 2017 All day/ month Intensive animation instruction and creation AWARDS/HONORS School Years Description of Award Internationally recognized film festival award recipient 2017- Present Various prizes for my film in film festivals around the world COLLEGE ACADEMICS Semester/Year Title of Courses Taken Las Positas College 3 Semesters (will be 4) Philosophy, Psychology, History of Photography, History of Rock and Roll, Pre-Calculus, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Geography, English 1A EMPLOYMENT School Years Hours/Weeks Positions/Responsibilities Art Instructor (YoungArt) Feb. 2018 - Aug. 2108 15 hrs./ week Instruct students, handle transactions, answer calls Product Design 2014 - Present On Commission Designing t-shirts images, symbols, etc. Mural Painter 2018 On Commission Designing mural and applying design to wall HOBBIES School Years Hours/Weeks Notes Music 2011 1 hr. / week I was in my school’s orchestra, marching band, and jazz band for 5 years, but now practice for personal entertainment Artist Statement “​The New American Backyard with an emphasis on the history of travel through Dublin.” I wracked my brain as to how I might illustrate this, and I thought of the journey so many Dublin residents have made from all around the world to be here. Through 5 different aged maps that zoom in on a highlighted Dublin, we see the different means of travel people could take to arrive in our city, The New American Backyard. Attachment 8      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  Alice Suhyun Park  Dublin    SUHYUN PARK Dublin, CA Illustrator & Designer www.aliceartstudio.com psuhyun5@gmail.com Production Artist (Seasonal) - Paperculture - Millbrae, CA 2017 • Assisting customers with edits to their products after they’ve personalized, and crafting final vision. Helping carry out adjustments to orders to make sure products are optimal for printing. Illustrator,UI designer - Blurred Whisper - Palo Alto, CA 2013-2017 • Created all art assets including GUI, icons,backgrounds,characters, and Props also helped setting prototype for children’s application Freelance Illustrator-Intuary (Farfaria.com) - San Francisco, CA 2012-2015 • Created story boards for Children’s Book (ipad) • character and narrative design Web & Graphics Designer – Deo graphics and IBSPOT.com -San Francisco, CA 2006-2009 • Created website layout designs according to client needs • Brand Identity Design and collateral • Client’s Business brouchure, pamphlet and annual reports • Design presentation layout, images and annual reports Web & Graphic Designer – Crossmap.com Inc - San Francisco, CA 2005-2007 • Created desktop background art and designs • Designed newsletters and advertisement banners • Created unique E-cards through illustration techniques • Design presentation and annual reports Freelance Illustrator, Designer 2012-Present • Creating Logos, Flyers, Poster, Graphic art, Web graphics, Marketing graphics • Illustrative design Education Academy of Art University San Francisco, CA Master of Fine Art, Illustration 2008-2010 Ewha Womans University South Korea Visual art & Design 1999-2004 Skills Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Dreamweaver Traditional art material (water color, Gouche, oil, Acrylic) ARTIST STATEMENT Going outside is good for the soul. Although I normally bring the outside life indoors,this time, I am displaying my artwork outside to be in harmony with people and nature. I aspire to portray actual living things and I do want my creations to look like they could have lived or grown somewhere. Living with beautiful objects that pay tribute to the natural world reminds us to slow down and helps us reconnect with nature. My subject matter is nature, whether it is a traditional land- scape or a bird and flower painting. I use traditional materials, ink, gouche and brush on any paper, to capture movement and life, while occassionally getting help from digital equipment like a camera. Everything is captured in the spontaneous dance and movement of the brush as it meets the paper. I look forward to meeting this persimmon tree art in a public place in Dublin. Attachment 9      Design Proposal from Professional Artist:  Suzanne Gayle  Hayward