HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-1989 Approved PCSC Minutes � t CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 10 , 1989 The January 10, 1989 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7 :30p.m. at the Shannon Community Center , Dublin, California, by Chairperson Dan Downey. Roll Call Present: Commissioner Downey, Hernandez , Hudak, Donnell and Schmitt Oral Communications - None Approval of Minutes IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER HUDAK AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SCHMITT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13 , 1988 AS SUBMITTED. (UNANIMOUS ) Old Business: Teen Programming Survey Results Tracy O' Shea, Recreation Supervisor, reported that of the "23" organizations receiving the survey, "19" responded. She briefly reviewed the survey results for the . Commission. Of the "19" departments responding, "17" offerred programs for teens , and "4" operate Teen Centers . In reviewing successful activities , the common element is teen input. The activities they suggest and help plan seem to have the best success rate. Seven of the "19" departments had previously offered a drop-in center in the past, but no longer do so. Half indicated that there were drug related problems that forced them to shut down their Teen Drop-In Centers . Staff recommended planning a field trip to the four departments that offer drop-in centers to see what they offer. The Commission was in favor of touring the drop-in centers. Commissioner Downey asked if it would be advantageous to have the active teens included in the tour? Tracy replied that she would like to do an initial tour with the Commission first, and then do a tour with the students that show interest in other department sponsored teen programs. Commissioner Hernandez pointed out that in the agenda statement, Ms . Myers indicated the ages of 15-20 . Commissioner Hernandez felt that thirteen and fourteen year olds should be included, and that that she thought twenty was too old. She also indicated her concern regarding drop-outs attending. Diane stated that she did not think there was anyway that we could limit their attendance. Also drop-outs have the need for recreational activities as well as those attending school , and their attendance could be a positive influence to encourage them to continue their education. � r MINUTES - January 10 , 1989 Page Two Commissioner Schmitt indicated that Commissioner Hudak and herself would like to discuss with staff the possibility of tieing in the pool program with the teen program. Tracy reported that approval has been received from the District to do the lunchtime program at Wells on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays . Several calls are being received each day in regards to the Recreation Leader position for this program. Commissioner Donnell asked if sports will be included in the program. Tracy replied that it is a possibility that we will be pursuing. Commissioner Hudak complimented Tracy on the survey and felt that it was well coordinated and well done. New Business : 1989 Recreation Department Goals and Objectives The City Council will be conducting a Goals and Objectives Study Session in late February. The purpose of the study session is to review the progress made to date on the 1988 goals and objectives and to develop goals and objectives for 1989. Staff has prepared a year end report on the 1988 Recreation Department Goals and Objectives for the Commissions review. Of the 17 identified by the Council, six have been completed and significant progress has been made on eight others. It is recommended that the Commission review progress made on 1988 Goals and Objectives and provide input on the proposed 1989 Goals and Objectives. Commissioner Hudak referred to item #10 , Develop Adult Sports Programs , and asked if the City will be taking over the adult softball leagues this year? Diane replied that funds were not budgeted for this purpose, and the recommendation was that no additional staff . would be added to the department this fiscal year. With current staffing, this would not be possible to do. Additionally, in meeting with Colonel Spidel and two captains from Camp Parks , they have indicated that they are very anxious to reinstate the lease with the sports consortium of Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin. Commissioner Schmitt asked what the status is on the Task Force. Diane reported that she will present a report to the City Council at their next scheduled meeting. Diane briefly reviewed the 1989 Goals & Objectives for the Commission. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER HUDAK AND SECONDED BY COMMISSONER DONNELL TO' ACCEPT THE 1989 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AS PRESENTED. (UNANIMOUS ) • MINUTES - January 10 , 1989 . Page Three Winter 1989 Schedule of .Recreation Classes and• Programs The Winter 1989 Schedule of . Recreation Classes and Programs was delivered to the post office on December 22 , 1988 and was mailed to every business and resident .address- in Dublin. Registration for Winter classes and programs is currently underway. There are over 50 classes available for all ages. In addition. to the regularly scheduled classes , four new classes have been added' for children and six new classes for teens and adults. The trips and tours ' section has been greatly expanded to include three new trips , and two ski trips for teens , including . one overnight ski trip. The Dublin Senior Center programs are also listed in the brochure. Election of . Officers At the October 24 , 1988 meeting of the Dublin City Council the Council adopted a resolution amending the Bylaws and Rules of _Procedure. This resolution changed the election month from October to December of each year. At the December 10 , 1988 meeting of the Commission, the election was not held, as all five members were not present. Therefore; it is necessary to conduct elections for a Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson. It is the. recommendation of staff, that nominations be accepted and elections held for the Chairperson and the' Vice- • Chairperson to serve for the next 11 months. . Nominations were opened, for. Chairperson. ` Commissioner Hernandez nominated. Commissioner Schmitt for Chairperson.. Vote: Aye - 4 Nominations were opened .for ViceChairperson. Commissioner Hudak nominated Commissioner Donnell for Vice- Chairperson. Nomination was declined. Commissioner Donnell nominated Commissioner Hernandez . Nomination was declined. • Commissioner Hernandez nominated Commissioner Hudak. Vote: Aye - 4 . • Commissioner Downey congratulated Liz Schmitt on her nomination. He asked the Commission for a continued vote of confidence for Diane and her staff for ' the excellent job that . they do. He added, that the Commission would like to go on record saying . that the. Commission feels very comfortable working with them. Commissioner Hudak stated that he would like to thank -Char for her well presented minutes. Commissioner Downey passed the gavel to the new acting Chairperson, Commissioner Schmitt. MINUTES - January 1 0 , 1989 Page Four Staff Reports: Diane Lowart, Recreation Director, reported that the City Council has appointed Georgeen VonHeeder as a representative to the East Bay Regional Park District. A representative from the Commission is also needed. Commissioner Schmitt appointed Commissioner Hudak. Commissioner Hudak felt the Chairperson should automatically represent the Commission to the BAPRCBMC. The Commission concurred. The City Council authorized the acceptance of bids for the Shannon Center renovation which is scheduled to begin in mid - February. The consultant report on the Dublin Swim Center will be submitted to the City Council at their next meeting. Other Business: Commissioner Hudak indicated that he would like to have another adult dance. Diane stated that staff will look into the possibility of having another dance after the renovation is completed in June. Commissioner Schmitt asked if a certificate has been given to Ron Young for Santa? Diane indicated that he is out of work with a bad back now, however she will pursue the matter. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00p.m. Respectfully submitted, Char J. Young Recreation Secretary