HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-10-2005 Approved HCAC Minutes CITY OFDUBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF:FEBRUARY 10 2005 The February 10,2005 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California by Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold. Pledj'e ofAllejiiance Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Fasulkey,White,Acuff,Lussie,Halket,Mack and Vonheeder-Leopold Commissioners Absent: None Oral Communications None Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2005 Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold directed the Commission's attention to page two, paragraph two, wherein the minutes state that Cm. Mack nominated Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold for Chairperson. The minutes of the January 13, 2005 meeting should be corrected to reflect that Cm. Fasulkey nominated Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold as Chairperson and Cm. Lussie seconded the nomination of Cm. Vonheeder-Leopold as Chairperson, Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. ON A MOTION BY•CM. ACUFF, SECONDED BY CM. MACK, AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE,THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 13,2005 AS CORRECTED. Written Communications-None Public Hearing -None Unfinished Business-None New Business 8.1 Heritage and Cultural Arts Objectives Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor John Hartnett advised that the City Council has scheduled the Annual Goals and Objectives Study Session for Monday, April 4, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. This Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to reach consensus on the primary direction and allocation of City resources for the upcoming year. As has been done in past years,the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission has been asked to provide input on the preliminary Goals and Objectives for Heritage and Cultural Arts. The adopted 2004-2005 Goals and Objectives included 17 objectives that were assigned to Heritage and Cultural Arts. Of those objectives, 13 objectives were given a high priority and four objectives were given a medium priority. Since the adoption of the Goals and Objectives Program, two additional objectives were initiated by the City Council. Hartnett indicated that Staff has prepared a status report that outlines the level of accomplishment for the 19 objectives assigned to Heritage and Cultural Arts (Attachment 1). Of the 19 objectives, 6 are complete or will be complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2005), nine are underway and will be carried over to next fiscal year, and four have had no progress, as they were not funded in fiscal year 2004-2005. Hartnett advised that Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 2005-2006 Objectives for Heritage and Cultural Arts (Attachment 4). Staff has identified two new objectives for 2005-2006. The remaining thirteen objectives carried 1 • over from the prior year have been consolidated into twelve objectives. Of the 14 objectives, eleven relate back to the Strategic Goals in Attachment 3 and will be instrumental in the accomplishment of the goals. Hartnett asked the Commission for their comments or questions regarding the 2004/2005 Adopted Heritage and Cultural Arts Goals and Objectives. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked what the actual intent of Priority#13 is;Develop a Public Art Master Plan. Parks and Community Services Director Diane Lowart advised that staff would be using part of the preliminary Master Plan already created, as a model towards a permanent Master Plan. Lowart felt that the preliminary Master Plan was good conceptually but the funding portion of the plan was inadequate. Lowart advised that they would be reconvening the task force and present a revised version of the Public Art Master Plan to City Council for approval. Hartnett directed the Commission's attention to Attachment 2, 2004/2005 Strategic Plan Update, which illustrates the status of current goals and objectives and specifies how they relate back to the Strategic Plan. Hartnett then directed the Commission's attention to Attachment 3, 2005/2006 Preliminary Strategic Goals,which provide input on development of a preliminary strategic plan for the 2005/2006 fiscal year. The Strategic Plan provides a focused framework to accomplish the City's goals and objectives program and the ultimate allocation of resources over the next ten years. Hartnett directed the Commission's attention to Attachment 4, Preliminary Goals and Objectives-Heritage and Cultural Arts 2005/2006. Hartnett indicated that Staff has listed each objective in order of importance and each objective is also ranked in order of staff priority by issuing the objective a high, medium or low priority level. Hartnett advised that objective #4 and #10 are new objectives. Hartnett recommended deleting objectives #13 & #14 as these two items would be added into the Historic Park Master Plan. Hartnett asked the Commission if anyone would like to add a new 'objective to the Preliminary Goals and Objectives for 2005/2006. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold stated that she would like to encourage the Dublin San Ramon Water Services District to have a piece of art installed in front of their building,where the old Cypress Tree used to be. Cm. Halket asked if the City would be expanding our performing arts program or establishing a performing arts event. Hartnett advised that they would be discussing this issue under Agenda Item#8.4. Cm. Acuff asked if Goal#5,the Dublin Transit Center Art Project, was complete. Lowart advised that a decision on artwork for the site has been delayed and that artwork for a second location needs to be selected for this project, as well. This project is a few years away,but Staff wishes to keep it on the Goals&Objectives list Cm. Halket asked if there is somewhere to display school-aged artwork for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Hartnett advised that currently we can display school-aged art in the Civic Center Lobby and at the Dublin Library. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked about the "re-opening" of Murray School House. Lowart explained that in order to complete Goal #1; Refurbish Exhibit Space within Murray Schoolhouse, the location would need to be closed for a period of time. Upon re-opening,the City wishes to showcase the new exhibit space and celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Murray School House simultaneously. Hartnett asked the Commission to take a vote by show of hands in order to officially add the new objective of working with Dublin San Ramon Water Services District to install art at the main entrance of Dublin San Ramon Water Services District, where the old Cypress tree used to be. By a unanimous show of hands, the Commission agreed to add the following goal to the Preliminary Goals & Objectives Heritage Cultural Arts 2005-2006; Encourage the Dublin San Ramon Services District to install artwork in place of the deceased Cypress Tree at the District Offices. 2 • Hartnett advised that he would like to go through each objective and have Commissioners rank each objective according to their priority preference. r ' Objective #1; Refurbish exhibit space within the Murray Schoolhouse to provide a fresh setting that will optimally highlight Dublin's History. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#1 as a"high"priority Objective#2; Undertake a site master plan,programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#2 as a"high"priority. Objective#3;`Explore with DHPA land/cemetery extension feasibility study. By majority vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#3 as a"medium"priority. Objective #4; Coordinate the grand re-opening of Murray Schoolhouse to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Schoolhouse upon completion of exhibit restoration project. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#4 as a"high"priority. Objective#5; Work with the developer to locate significant works of art in two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green Center and the Iron Horse Plaza. By majority vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#5 as a"high"priority. Objective #6; Work with BART to incorporate high quality artwork as part of the West Dublin BART Station Project. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#6 as a"high"priority. Objective#7;Install lighting at approaches to the 1-680 Freeway Underpass Art Projects. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#7 as a"high"priority. Objective #8; Complete the process of placing Old St. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse on the National Register of Historic Places. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#8 as a"high"priority. Objective #9; Investigate the possibility of obtaining accreditation for the Heritage Center through the American Association of Museums. By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#9 as a"high"priority. Objective#10;Develop a Regional Arts Brochure By majority vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#10 as a"high"priority. Objective #11; Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the Parks projects for Bray Commons Neighborhood Park 3 • By unanimous vote,the Commission voted to rank Objective#11 as a"medium"priority. Objective#12;Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter Project. Cm. Lussie asked if the new bus shelters would have the same design as the existing ones. Hartnett advised that the new bus shelters would have a different design than the existing bus shelters. The existing bus shelters will remain as is. Cm. Lussie stated that she was not happy with the final outcome of the latest bus shelter as it does not provide adequate coverage from inclement weather and, the shelter seat is too small. Cm. Lussie believes that bus shelters should be more user-friendly in design. Cm. Fasulkey asked if there was a way for the Commission to "boycott" the bus shelter project. Lowart advised that this would be a good topic to discuss with the City Council during their workshop on February 26"'. By majority vote, the Commission voted to rate Objective #12 as a medium priority. However, later in the meeting, Cm. White advised that she wanted to change her vote for this objective from "medium" to "low". This caused a majority change in the ranking of this objective from a"medium"priority to a"low"priority. Hartnett advised the Commission that staff is recommending Objective#13 and Objective#14 be deleted from the Preliminary Goals & Objectives as these two objectives are going to be combined with Objective #2; Undertake a site master plan,programming and financial feasibility study for the Dublin Historic Park. Objective.#13;Replace fencing in front of Murray Schoolhouse on Donlon Way with fencing similar to that in the Old St.Raymond's church courtyard;modify and upgrade frontage landscaping as needed. Objective #14; Install a small, old-fashioned schoolyard playground adjacent to the picnic area at Murray Schoolhouse to reflect the era of the Schoolhouse By unanimous vote, the Commission voted to delete Objective#13 &Objective#14 from the Preliminary Goals& Objectives Heritage&Cultural Arts 2005/2006. . Objective #15;Encourage the Dublin San Ramon Services District to install artwork in place of the deceased Cypress Tree at the District Offices. By majority vote,,the Commission voted to'rate Objective#15 as a"medium"priority. Hartnett asked the Commission to have a formal vote on the rankings for the Preliminary Goals & Objectives Heritage&Cultural Arts 2005-2006. Lowart advised that'the only objective changed in priority was Objective #3; which,was changed to a medium priority. Commission would like this objective to be the first "medium" objective and the new Objective #15 would be added to the bottom of the"medium"priorities. ONA MOTION BY CM.ACUFF AND SECONDED BY CM. WHITE, THE COMMISSION UNIANIMOUSLY AGREED TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY GOALS& OBJECTIVES HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS 2005-2006 AS CORRECTED. Hartnett advised that in preparation for the City Council Goals & Objectives Study Session and in order to have a dialogue with the City Commissions, the City Council has scheduled a Council/Commission Workshop for Saturday, February 26, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The purpose of the workshop is to provide the Commission with an opportunity to the discuss Goals and Objectives under their purview and the reason for their respective Goals and Objectives rankings with the Council. The Council will take no action until the City Council Goals and Objectives Study Session. 4 • 8.2 Dublin Historic Park Lowart advised that one of the City Council Strategic Goals for 2004-2005 is to "Expand and enhance Dublin Historic Park". In order to accomplish this goal, a number of objectives were identified by Staff and adopted by the City Council including: III B-2 Commission a land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center. III B-3 Undertake a site mater plan and programming study to determine the ultimate boundaries and uses of the.Dublin Historic Park III B-7 Undertake a financial feasibility study to determine development and operational costs of the Dublin Historic Park. 111B-9 Explore with DHPA land/cemetery extension feasibility study. Lowart indicated that the land appraisal for the Dublin Square Shopping Center is complete and the City Council has advised Staff to move forward with the preparation of a site master plan. The purpose of the master plan is to develop long-term options for the development of the Dublin Historic Park, which may include acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center and expansion of the cemetery on to the land owned by the Dublin Historical Preservation Association. In addition to design options, the master plan will also include costs related to property acquisition, design and construction, and operation. Consequently Staff is developing a Request for Proposals to solicit to design professionals that specialize in master planning for historic sites,. Lowart advised that Staff is recommending that three options be studied for development. Option 1 contemplates acquisition and development of the entire 4.22 acres for public use; Option 2 contemplates public uses on approximately one-half of the site or 1.8 acres; and Option 3 contemplates public uses for approximately 1.2 acres of the site. Staff anticipates City Council approval of the Request for Proposals (RFP) on March 1, 2005. Following circulation of the RFP, interviews will be held with the most qualified firms. It is anticipated that consultant selection will be confirmed by the City Council in May. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold advised that the map was incorrect and that DHPA owns a small portion of land left off the map. Lowart confirmed that there is a triangle piece of land missing which belongs to DHPA. Staff is asking the Commission to concur or decline staff's recommendation to have a consultant look at all three options for the Dublin Historic Park site expansion. ON A MOTION BY CM. LUSSIE, SECONDED BY CM. MACK, THE COMMISSION UNIANIMOUSLY APPROVED THE DECISION TO MOVE FORWARD AND OBTAIN A THREE-OPTION PROPOSAL, AS DESCRIBED,FOR STUDY AS PART OF THE DUBLIN HISTORIC PARK MASTER PLAN. 8.3 Summer Concert Series Hartnett advised the Commission that the City is sponsoring Dublin's 9th Annual Summer Concerts series this summer. Five free concerts will be held on Friday evenings, beginning July 8th and ending August 5th, 2005. The concerts are held from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. outdoors at the Dublin Civic Center in the plaza area and are free to the public. Hartnett indicated that Staff is beginning the process of selection of artists for this summer's series and would like to obtain some direction from the Commission on the different types of music they would like to see performed. Typically, the summer series features a variety of musical styles including country-western, rhythm & blues, Motown,classic rock and popular music from the past four decades. For the Commission's review, Staff compiled a list of bands that performed at the summer concerts over the past three years,including attendance figures. 5 Based on the Commission's input on styles of music desired, Staff will attempt to contract with individual music groups for the summer series, taking into consideration availability and budget limitations. Staff will also consider summer concert offerings in surrounding cities such as San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Danville, in order to avoid duplicating bookings of the same bands. Cm. Fasulkey stated she would like to see a tribute band perform. Cm. Mack stated that the Jazz band that played at last year's volunteer dinner was really great. Cm. Mack stated that she would also like to see the JazzMasters summer class open for a professional Jazz band as part of the summer concert series. Cm. Halket stated that she would like to see a local swing club or big band perform. Cm.Halket also suggested having a Beach Boys Tribute band perform or have a beach party with a Beach Boys tribute band. Cm.Halket thought it might be a good idea to offer dance lessons to make it more fun and interactive for everyone. Cm. Acuff would like to see a Latin or Caribbean or Afro Cuban band participate in the summer concert series. Hartnett summarized the input,of the Commission as wanting to see a diverse group of performers at the Summer Concert Series. The Commission also agreed to try and encourage a local dance group to offer dance lessons to the public at one of the Summer Concert Series this year. The Commission suggested offering the following styles of music for this year's series; Latin, Latin-Salsa, Afro-Cuban, a rock tribute band, Caribbean, a Beach Boys tribute band(Summer Beach Party),Tango,R&B, or Swing. _ 8.4 New Cultural Arts Event Hartnett advised that as part of the.goals and objectives for the fiscal year 2004-2005 Staff proposed the following objective: "Identify a new cultural arts special event to replace the Classic Affair at the Civic". In April of 2004, Staff approached the Commission with ideas for a new cultural arts special event to replace the Classic Affair at the Civic. Subsequently, funding in the amount of$4,146.00 was provided for in the FY 2004-2005 budget for a new arts festival. In light of the fact that there has not been a Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor for most of the fiscal year and other priorities now need to be addressed in the coming months, Staff feels it is not feasible to offer a new event before the end of the fiscal year. Staff would like to re-visit this item with the Commission in order to adequately budget for a new cultural arts special event for FY 2005-2006. Staff has put together a few opportunities for the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission to consider as possible events, including.ideas previously reviewed by the Commission. They are as follows: Art Festival; Senior Follies; Poetry Reading; Senior/Youth Art Show; Independent Film Festival;Holiday Production; and One-Act Play. Cm. Lussie stated she would like to do an adult event like a film festival or a one-act play. Cm. Halket stated that she doesn't see anything unique to the Tri-Valley in the suggestions provided by staff. She would like us to offer something more creative. Cm. Lussie and Cm. Halket stated that Dublin is really lacking in the performing.arts category. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold stated that the problem is Dublin-does not have a facility large enough to hold a significant performing arts event. Lowart advised that Hartnett has been meeting with the Imagine Performing Arts Theatre Company and Valley Shakespeare performers about getting these types of activities and special events to the City of Dublin. Cm.Halket asked Hartnett if there is a venue he had in mind for these types of activities. Hartnett advised that facilities are really limited right now and that the new Senior Center and the large room at the Dublin Library would be our best options to hold these types of events. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold likes the Senior Follies idea. It recognizes that the seniors are valuable members of our community and gives people an opportunity to enjoy the senior talents that exist in our City. It will give the City the opportunity to showcase the new Senior Center. This idea is unique and creative and is not being done by anyone else in our area. Cm. Fasulkey likes the Senior Follies as well. Cm. Halket and Cm. White asked if this would be a one-time special event. Lowart advised that it could be a one-time event or an annual event, depending on the level of interest from the seniors and our community. 6 • Hartnett asked the Commission if they would like to offer a Senior Follies Talent Show at the new Senior Center, when it is complete. By unanimous agreement,the Commission directed Hartnett to offer a Senior Follies Event at the new Senior Center as the new cultural arts event for the 2005/2006 fiscal year. 8.5 JazzMasters Workshop Hartnett reported that this past summer, a JazzMasters Workshop was offered to Dublin youth for the first time. The program was very well received, with full participation by students, and a number of guest artists visiting weekly. The JazzMasters Workshop was designed as a 10-week long program for middle school and high school age youth. A mentor ran the entire summer program and each week an additional mentor would feature a particular instrument. A recital was held at one of the last classes for parents, sponsors, family and friends and the general public. • It has been the policy of the Parks and Community Services Department to develop programs and classes in which registration will at least cover direct program costs where possible. The fee from JazzMasters for this program is $3,500.00. Last year, the City obtained$1,000.00 each in sponsorship from Hacienda Child Development and Pinn Brothers Fine Homes to offset part of the costs for the program. Participation fees of$100.00 per student were charged to cover the remaining costs. Hacienda Child Development and Pinn Brothers Fine Homes have once again agreed to provide a combined $2,000.00 in sponsorship so that the program may continue in.2005. In addition, a $500.00 sponsorship from David Kriozere with a matching grant of$500.00 from the Schwab Fund have also been donated. Mr. Kriozere introduced the concept of the JazzMasters program to the Commission in 2004. Staff proposes to continue to charge a $100.00 fee per participant for the program, and use the $1,000.00 in additional funds for a combination of three potential purposes: 1. Embellish the quality of the program with additional guest artists. 2. Provide an expanded recital at the end of summer. 3. Offer scholarship(s) for needy students. Hartnett asked for the Commission's direction on use of this extra revenue. Hartnett thought we might be able to offer a combination of all three options. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked Hartnett how we could get the word out that we are offering scholarships to needy students for this program. Hartnett indicated the City could advertise scholarships are available in class write-up and through contacts at the schools. Cm. Lussie stated that she liked the idea of tying the JazzMasters student recital into this year's Summer Concert Series. Cm. Halket suggested contacting Jennifer Parks, the new music director at Dublin High School. She could get the word out to her students about the scholarships available. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked if this year,the recital could be held after normal business hours. Lowart stated that we could,now that we have extra revenue. Hartnett confirmed the Commission's decision to use the extra revenue to offer a combination of all three options for this year's JazzMasters workshop. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Heritage and Cultural Arts Commissioners and/or Staff Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold stated that the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation would be holding a retreat/workshop on February 24th to try and look at future planning and opportunities for their organization. DHPA contracted with the design shop at Los Positas College where 87 student participants developed logos for DHPA. DHPA has chosen the final selection. They will make a few minor changes to the logo and go to print with it. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold stated that if we ever have any design needs in the future, she would like to give the students at Los Positas a try again. It was a great experience. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold showed the Commission copies of two examples of visitor's brochures for the Tri-Valley area. The Convention and Visitors Bureau generated one brochure and the other brochure was made by the Historical Society. Chairperson Vonheeder- Leopold advised that DHPA is looking into funding for seat cushions for the pews at Old St. Raymond's Church. 7 • Hartnett reminded the Commission that the last winter concert series event would be held at Old St. Raymond's Church on Saturday,February 12th at 7:00 p.m. featuring Gordy the Banjo-ologist. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • Christie Marks Senior Office Assistant APP#OVED: / hairperso" Aire_6 6r D d dr 8 •