HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Donlon Way Historic Area Design Guidelines CITY OF DUBLIN HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT MEETING DATE:September 9, 2004 SUBJECT: Donlon Way Historic Area Design Guidelines ATTACHMENTS: 1. Map of Proposed Donlon Way Historic Area Specific Plan Area RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and provide direction to Staff and Consultants on the Commission's vision for the future of the greater Donlon Way area FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: For several years, the City Council has been considering how to take a more proactive approach to building the Donlon Way area into a cohesive district to better highlight Dublin's historic resources. In August 2001, the City Council authorized Staff to prepare a Specific Plan for the Donlon Way Area, although work on the plan did not proceed immediately due to work on other priorities.. In August 2004, the City Council approved a contract with RBF Consultants to prepare Design Guidelines for the Donlon Way Area, one of the steps identified to complete development of a Specific Plan. The Design Guidelines will be used to guide the design and architecture of future development (and re- development)in the area so that it is compatible with the City's historic resources. Below is a condensed summary of the proposal's main components: Step 1: Project Initiation RBF will prepare an existing conditions and opportunities/constraints analysis for the Donlon Way Historic Area. RBF will also consult with the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission at a study session to review the Commission's vision for the future of the area. Steps 2 and 3: Prepare Draft Design Guidelines RBF will prepare Administrative Draft Design Guidelines based on input from the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission that will contain the following components: • Overview of the existing urban design characteristics; • Discussion and illustration of what is desirable and what is undesirable for the area; • Architectural design guidelines; • Site planning guidelines; • Commercial signage guidelines; • Streetscape Guidelines; and • Guidelines for Rehabilitation,Repair, and Expansion of Historically Significant Buildings The Administrative Draft will incorporate appropriate development regulations that address setbacks, views, access, open space, and architectural considerations. After Staff review and comment,the Consultants will prepare a Draft for City Council review and consideration. COPIES TO: Dublin Historical Preservation Association Property Owners in the Donlon Way Area ITEM NO. 8.1 G:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical Study\HCAC Staff Report 9.9.04.doc Step 4: Prepare Final Design Guidelines After the Draft version is reviewed and discussed, the Design Guidelines will be finalized and presented to the Planning Commission and City Council for their review. The Design Guidelines would become part of the Specific Plan, once it is approved. Since the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission plays a pivotal role in discussions regarding Dublin's historical resources, it is important that there be an opportunity for the consultants developing the Design Guidelines to talk to the group and receive their input. The consultants will be presenting the Commission with an opportunity and constraints analysis of what is possible in the area as well as a visual preference survey to determine what site and architectural features are preferred by the Commission. This meeting will be set up in a workshop-style format and will allow for a more informal, engaging discussion. Property owners in the Donlon Way Area and members of the Dublin Historical Preservation Association have also been invited to attend this meeting and provide input as well. RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and provide direction to Staff and.Consultants on the Commission's vision for the future of the greater Donlon Way area. -2- ._ _. • �monu �a-iii (A1))ei a & r .adx8 ■r � 1111■ _a /i■ 11i■EM N■11 f■ e■ \` � : 60"lH e ritag . o11■■iE�I®■■■IN ■ ■i■■■11: ■t tE Valey Oak A!■■■■■■■■■■� 11S■! ■■ ■■6 ■■1■■■S■■ Tree Amado - .. w'e■s■e■s'tnelA�11r.11t�wielle.r■ee■■ ■■I's■11■11t e $1111100 altlill, Adobe \\■■111111Lehia�WlLGIC'L°i11L�73e■■■e■■111111■■■■\� 1 �` to"$ 4., . 1 4„, Bonde d■a■■e■ mmunu ■■e■aP-iga maim �! 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Dear Property Owner or Member of the Dublin Historical Preservation Assocation, For several years, the City Council has been considering how to take a more proactive approach to building the City's remaining group of historic resources into a more unified, cohesive district. The Donlon Way area, where many publicly-owned properties such as the Heritage Center, Old St. Raymond's Church, and Pioneer Cemetary are located, is an area the City is committed to improving. - To this end, the City Council has authorized Staff to prepare Design Guidelines which will be used to guide the design and architecture of future development (and re-development) in the area so that it is compatible with the City's historic resources The first step of developing the Design Guidelines involves meeting with the City's Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission to solicit their input on the future of the Donlon Way area. As a property owner or member of the City's Historical Preservation Association, you are cordially invited to attend this meeting. - Please find enclosed a copy of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission's agenda and a Staff Report on the Design Guidelines project they will be discussing. Property owners -- please note that this meeting is scheduled immediately following another meeting we are holding on the same night in the same location. The HCAC meets at 7:00 p.m., and at 5:30 p.m. we will be discussing the development of the Donlon Way Historic Area Specific Plan and soliciting property owner's thoughts and input on possible future changes in the area. A notice was sent to property owners earlier this week. You are welcome and encouraged to attend both meetings. If you have any questions prior to September 9th, please feel free to phone meat 925/556-4555. Sincerely, V4 i 5)11 1926,_ ... . Kristi Bascom Associate Planner Area Code,(925) • City Manager 833-6650 • City Council 833-6650 • Personnel 833-6605 • Economic Development 833-6650 Finance 833-6640 • Public Works/Engineering 833-6630 • Parks&Community Services 833-6645 • Police 833-6670 Planning/Code Enforcement 833-6610 • Building Inspection 833-6620 • Fire Prevention Bureau 833-6606 Printed on Recycled Paper- -