HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-2004 Approved HCAC Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN HERITAGE AND`.CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF:.THURSDAY,DECEMBER 9, 2004 The December 9,2004 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center, Dublin, California,by Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold. Pledge of Allegiance Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Acuff,Fasulkey,Lussie,Mack,Muetterties,Vonheeder-Leopold and White. Commissioners Absent: None Oral Communications Parks&Community Services Director Diane Lowart introduced John Hartnett,the new Heritage and Cultural Arts Supervisor. Hartnett stated that he was thrilled to be here with the City of Dublin and he looks forward to working with the Commission on heritage and arts projects. John advised that in the past he has worked for the City of Fairfield and the Town of Danville working on various art projects and programs. Hartnett stated that he has a passion for the arts•and has been an actor most of his life. Hartnett stated that he appreciates the opportunity Lowart has given him and he looks forward to working with the Commission in the future. • Approval of Minutes Cm. Muetterties stated that she was present for the November 18, 2004 meeting but her attendance is not noted in the Roll Call of the minutes of November 18,2004. The Roll Call of the November 18, 2004 Heritage and Cultural Arts minutes will be corrected to reflect that Cm. Muetterties was in attendance at that meeting. ONA MOTION BY CM.ACUFF,SECONDED BY CM.MUETTERTIES AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18,2004 AS CORRECTED. Written Communications-None Public Hearing-None Unfinished Business 7.1 Dublin Village Historic Area Design Guidelines Lowart advised that at the November 18, 2004 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission the Commission received a presentation from RBF Consultants on the Draft Design Guidelines for the Dublin Village Historic Area. The Design Guidelines will be used to guide the design and architecture of future development(and re-development) for the Dublin Village/Donlon Way area so that it is compatible with the City's historic resources. At that meeting, the Commission was asked to review and comment on the Draft Design Guidelines but no formal action was taken to recommend approval of the Guidelines to the City Council. The minutes of the November 18, 2004 meeting reflect the comments of the Commission. Lowart asked the Commission to make a recommendation to take action to recommend approval of the Design Guidelines to the City Council. ON A MOTION BY CM. MUETTERTIES, SECONDED BY CM. FASULKEY AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO APPROVE THE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA AND RECOMMENDED THAT THESE DESIGN GUIDELINES BE FORWARDED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. New Business 8.1 Fallon Sports Park Master Plan Lowart advised that one of the projects included in the 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program is the development of a master plan for the 60± acre Sports Park that will be located on Fallon Road between Central . Parl&vay and Gleason Drive. The City Council approved the formation of a Community Task Force to provide input and direction on the development of a comprehensive master plan for the Fallon Sports Park. Connie Mack is the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission representative on the Task Force. At the November 18, 2004 meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission, Chair Vonheeder-Leopold requested that the Commission have an opportunity to review the Draft Fallon Sports Park Master'Plan. The City's Parks and Recreation Master Plan, March 2004 Update, states that the Fallon Sports Park will be developed as a park facility to accommodate the majority of the competition ball fields in the City. The Sports Park will also create linkages to adjacent open space, establish a focal element for the Dublin community, and provide competition fields for tournament play. Lowart reviewed the final list of park elements that has been developed based on input received from the Task Force and Parks and Community Services Commission meetings. Sport Facilities 4-60' Little League fields 4 softball fields(2 lighted) 4 soccer fields(2 lighted) 2 natural turf fields with a cricket field overlay 2 natural turf fields with synthetic turf option 1-90'baseball field(lighted) 4 tennis courts (lighted) 4 basketball courts(lighted) 4 bocce courts (lighted) 2 additional courts optional (lighted) 4 sand volleyball courts BMX course Other Park Facilities Activity hubs Restrooms Concessions Picnic plazas Play areas Art and water features(optional) Loop jogging trail(one mile) Family picnic areas with barbecues On-site parking for 459 cars(259 upper terrace-parking spaces, 200 lower terrace parking spaces) Lockable bicycle parking distributed throughout the park Shade structures Sport Field Lighting 1 baseball field 2 softball fields 2 soccer fields 4 tennis courts 4 basketball courts 4 bocce courts(2 additional bocce courts optional) Other Lighted Facilities Vehicular entry lighting Parking lot lighting Pathway lighting Security lighting . Arrival/Drop-off lighting. Activity hub lighting Pedestrian bridge lighting She pointed out that there are two public art opportunities in the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan. One is on the upper terrace and one is on the lower terrace. At this time these are identified as "optional" in the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan Report as there is not funding included in the park budget for public art at this time. In the past, the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation has taken the lead in the placement of public art in City Parks through the "Art in the Parks Program"with the City contributing one quarter of the cost. Once the Master Plan is approved and park development moves forward, it will be necessary to determine if the Dublin Fine Arts Foundation intends to extend this program to the Fallon Sports Park. Lowart advised that Fallon Sports Park is set back from the residential housing to minimize glare from the lights. Lighting will be installed within the complex to again minimize the glare into the neighborhood. Lowart explained that when the Emerald Glen Master Plan was created, it was with the understanding that no lights would be installed at Emerald Glen. Instead, the City agreed to look towards creating a competitive, lighted sports park complex at Fallon Sports Park. After Lowart's presentation to the Commission on the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan, she asked•for the Commission's comments on the proposed public art opportunities presented in the plan at this time. Cm. Lussie asked if the Fallon Sports Park project would affect the Dublin Sports Grounds. Lowart answered that the City's Master Plan document calls for a certain amount of recreational facilities/fields according to the projected population in our area. This particular park will help Dublin meet the standards needed within the community. Cm. Acuff asked if anyone had looked into designing "canvas baffles" on the west side of the park to alleviate glare from the lights for residents in that area. Lowart advised that state of the art lighting is highly directional and gives off very little glare. Noise may be a bigger issue than lighting for the residents of this area. However, the residents in the area now were originally invited to participate in the task force for this project and some residents did take advantage of this opportunity. Lowart explained that Fallon Road would ultimately be 4 to 6 lanes wide, which will create quite a distance as a buffer between the homes and the sports park. There are also plans for an elementary school,which would provide another buffer between the sports park and residents. Cm.Acuff asked if we were ready to discuss the art for this project. Lowart advised that we are not ready for art at this time. Lowart advised that the Fallon Sports Park Task Force felt that it was important to identify opportunities for art, within the Master Plan. However, the task force's primary goal was to decide on what type of uses would be built into the Master Plan. Specific details such as the art selection for this project would be reviewed and decided upon as each phase of the project begins. Cm. Fasulkey asked if there is an elevation,difference within the sports park. Lowart advised that there is an elevation difference,which actually worked out better and provides the ability to develop some unique elements to the park. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked if a dog park would be included at Fallon Sports Park. Lowart advised that there would not be a dog park at Fallon Sports Park. Lowart explained that Dougherty Hills is going to include a large dog park. This project has been approved by City Council. This project is to be included in the Fiscal Year 05/06 Update to the CIP. Cm. Acuff stated that there are actually three art opportunities noted on the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan. Cm. Acuff noted that the third art opportunity designation is noted on the west side of the park near the parking lot. Lowart agreed with Cm. Acuff and advised there are three art opportunities in the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold asked how soon before the art portion of this project started. Lowart estimated that the earliest the art portion of this project would start would be with the first phase. Cm. Muetterties asked how many phases this project would be completed in. Lowart advised this project is proposed for three phases. Cm. Lussie asked if the City had planned for sufficient parking. Lowart advised that according to the traffic study, 500 parking spaces will be needed to accommodate this area during "peak" operating times. There are also an additional 70 parking spaces on the street around the park and, if needed, overflow parking would be available, at night, at the elementary school. Lowart advised that the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan will be going to City Council for approval in February 2005. Lowart advised she would update them periodically as this project moves along. No further questions or comments were made by the Commission on the Fallon Sports Park Master Plan. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Heritage and Cultural Arts Commissioners and/or Staff Cm. Acuff stated that the Dublin Transit Center Art Selection Committee has chosen the dragons for this project. There were several reasons for this decision. Cm. Acuff explained that the fountain piece submitted was too similar to another project in this area and the cost of maintaining the fountain was too high. The Selection • Committee liked that the dragons were unique and made out of found materials. Cm. Acuff explained that the Selection Committee would be meeting with the artist to see if he would be willing to make some modifications to his submission to tone down the piece. Lowart advised the Commission that although the County has the ultimate authority to select the art for this project,they have stated that they would not put something in of which the City Council did not approve. Cm. Lussie stated she recently went to two exhibits; the Lichtenstein exhibit and an exhibit about the Vietnam War and how it affected California. Cm. Muetterties advised that this would be her last meeting of the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission as her term is complete. Cm. Muetterties stated that it has truly been a pleasure to serve on the Commission and she enjoyed working with everyone. Chairperson Vonheeder-Leopold stated that nominations are now being accepted through December for the Women's Hall of Fame. She has nomination forms if anyone is interested. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (114)14 .. Christie Marks • Senior Office Assistant APPROVED: Chairpersi,