HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-2003 Approved PCSC Minutes CITY O tIBL1N E ., PARKS AND COMMUNITYSER VICES COMMISSION MINU•T.ES OF ,MAY19,20) , / The May 19, 2003 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California,by Chairperson Flores. Pledge of Allegiance Chairperson Flores led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Flores, Zajac, Cain, Guarienti and Young Commissioners Absent: Hildenbrand Oral Communications-None Approval of Minutes Cm. Guarienti referred to the last page of the April 21, 2003 minutes, 1St paragraph, last sentence. He indicated that the sentence is unfinished. Adding "with option C." at the end would complete it. ON A MOTION BY CM. CAIN, SECONDED BY CM. YOUNG AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 21, 2003 AS AMENDED. (ABSTAIN-FLORES) Cm. Cain referred to Page 2, 12th paragraph, 1st sentence, "Cm. Cain stated that is it correct ...." should be corrected to read, "Cm. Cain asked if it is correct ON A MOTION BY CM. GUARIENTI, SECONDED BY CM. CAIN AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 21, 2003 AS AMENDED. (ABSTAIN-FLORES) Written Communications 5.1 Request from Dublin Little League for Sports Field Improvements Lowart reported that on April 2, 2003 Dublin Little League submitted a request for improvements/additions to the Dublin Sports Grounds and Emerald Glen Park, and summarized the improvements/additions for the Commission. Batting Cages at Dublin Sports Grounds Dublin Little League (DLL) requests permission to construct batting cages at the Dublin Sports Grounds which would encompass an area measuring 24'x60' completely surrounded by chain link fencing. Two batting cages would be side-by-side with batters boxes on the end of each cage. Access to water and electricity are necessary. With the exception of minor site preparation and supervision costs by the City, DLL intends to finance the costs associated with construction of the batting cages. She pointed out that in 1995 the City Council previously approved a request from DLL to construct batting cages at the Dublin Sports Grounds but DLL did not pursue the project. The current location proposed by DLL is not acceptable as it interferes with the layout of a soccer field. Three alternate locations have been identified. Staff met with DLL President Jim North to review the locations and his preference is the site adjacent to the restroom/maintenance building. MINUTES —MAY 19, 2003 PAGE TWO Emerald Glen Field A DLL has three requests related to this field: 1) replace infield turf; 2) install foul poles; and 3) install safety cap on outfield fence. Field A is the 60' diamond that is enclosed by fence. The intent of these improvements is to upgrade the field so that it can be used to draw tournaments to the park. Infield Replacement - DLL proposes replacing the infield turf on Field A with a new type of turf(blue/rye mix), which they believe is better for baseball games. DLL would coordinate the project under the supervision of the Parks Foreman and pay for all materials and equipment as well as provide volunteer labor to complete the project. The City would be responsible for any irrigation modifications required as part of the project and DLL would reimburse the City for these costs. The City's Maintenance Superintendent recommends that this project be undertaken in the fall. This would mean that the field would not be available for use. by DLL as once the work was done, the field would need to remain undisturbed in order for-the sod to develop new roots. Foul Poles - DLL requests that the City purchase and install foul poles on Field A at Emerald Glen Park. The cost associated with this project is $3,000. Safety Cap - DLL requests permission to install a safety cap pad on the outfield fence and they would pay for it. Since receipt of the letter, Lowart indicated that the pad had been installed. Portable Bathroom between Baseball Field 5 and Baseball Field 6 DLL requests that the City place a portable bathroom between these two fields so that the youth playing on these fields will have closer access to a restroom facility. At present, the closest restroom is approximately 500 feet away. The portable restrooms would need to have vehicular access in order to be delivered and serviced and this cannot be accomplished without driving across the fields. Lowart indicated that Staff is not in support of this request. Cm. Cain asked if the improvements at Emerald Glen Park were for all three fields. Lowart replied that DLL is only interested in improving Field A at this time. Cm. Guarienti stated that in regards to the batting cages agreement in 1995, there were liabilities and costs associated with the agreement at that time. He asked if the 1995 agreement would be dismissed and a new agreement prepared to address any changes. Lowart replied that the agreement would be in the same format, however the dates, locations and costs would be changed accordingly. Cm. Guarienti asked if the original location proposed in 1995 for the batting cages is different than the three options proposed now. Lowart replied, correct. Cm. Guarienti inquired as to the reason for the change. Lowart stated that this question could best be answered by DLL. Cm. Guarienti stated that he would like to finish the discussion on the batting cages before moving on to Emerald Glen Field A. Chair Flores asked if it is going to be feasible to include the necessary costs in the 2003-04 Budget. Lowart stated that preliminary budget has been completed and DLL's request would be considered at the City Council Budget Hearing on June 24. Chair Flores opened the meeting for public comment: , 1 ••.A MINUTES—MAY 19, 2003 PAGE THREE Jim North, Dublin Little League President (11622 Juarez Court), stated that to answer Cm. Guarienti's question regarding location, the original location proposed in 1995 would not be feasible now because it would extend into the soccer field configurations. He indicated that what they need is a piece of flat ground measuring 28' x 70', which would not interfere with any surrounding activities. Cm. Cain asked if DLL was satisfied with the options presented. North replied, yes. Option 2 is the most preferable as it would provide access to the 120V electrical outlets to run the batting cage machines. Chair Flores asked Mr. North if the original site chosen was before soccer fields were there. North stated that he was not with the league back in 1995. There are two small soccer fields outlined between field#3 & #4, but those were not on the diagram at that time. He met with Rich Jochner a few days ago at the Dublin Sports Grounds to check out positioning of the cages so that they would not run horizontally to the street. It was decided to run the cages at the same angle as the bathrooms. Cm. Jones stated that he called former DLL President Margaret Garlock to find out what was DLL's intention back in 1995 in regards to the batting cages. She indicated that it was their intent at that time to move everything down closer to the score booth. This included moving the bleachers down closer to the building, the dugout closer to home plate and put the batting cages in. He asked for clarification from Mr. North as to whether this would work now. North stated that it probably could work but it would require a lot of work and additional costs to the league,which would not be necessary in the other locations. Cm. Guarienti pointed out that there is a tree in the area in question. North stated that they would work around the tree. Cm. Cain asked if DLL would be utilizing space under the new plan that is currently either not utilized or is under utilized. North replied, correct. Cm. Jones clarified that DLL wants to put the cages in the area adjacent to the restroom storage building between the parking lot fence and the walkway. North replied, correct. Cm. Jones felt that this would be the easiest way to do it and is a better plan than what was proposed in 1995. Cm. Jones asked that with the split of DLL into two leagues next year, would both leagues be able to use the cages without any disputes? North replied, yes. ON A MOTION BY CM. GUARIENTI, SECONDED BY CHAIR FLORES AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL TO ACCEPT DUBLIN LITTLE LEAGUES PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT BATTING CAGES AT THE DUBLIN SPORTS GROUNDS AT LOCATION#2. Emerald Glen Field A Cm. Guarienti stated that he would like to hear more about the grass and what makes this field different than the other fields. North stated that the division that plays on field A is viewed as the premier division. Most of the skilled players use this field. The players are taking balls off their heads and chests because the grass is patchy. MINUTES—MAY 19, 2003 PAGE FOUR The players would be better off playing on dirt. The type of turf requested would give a smooth bed and would require less maintenance and upkeep. DLL plans to conduct a Minor League Tournament for the 9-10 year olds in June and would like to do the same for the 11-12 year olds. However they cannot do tournaments on Field "A" in the condition it is in. The project would cost approximately $1500.00 and take about 2-3 days with DLL labor. Cm. Guarienti asked Staff if there are any issues from the City's standpoint. Lowart stated that there would be a slight cost to the City for the supervision of the project. • Foul Poles North stated that this is basically an aesthetic issue. There is currently a fuzzy line painted on the back fence and in the late afternoon there is haze that comes in which is blinding. There is no way you can see where the ball went. From a playability standpoint they are just trying to get the fields up to par for tournament play. If cost would be an issue,he could go back to the Board. Cm. Cain felt that North has made a good case towards having foul poles, but did not feel that the City should pay for them. North stated that DLL would be willing to split the cost if necessary. Chair Flores stated that she understands the need for the foul poles, however does not feel that the City should pay for them. Cm. Guarienti asked what would be DLL's first priority with regards to the proposed projects at Emerald Glen. North replied, grass before foul poles. A cheaper foul pole could be used and they could certainly go out and purchase PVC pipe and paint it yellow, but he thinks that the City would want them installed correctly. Lowart pointed out that the field in question is not a dedicated field to DLL. It is very important that we make that distinction. Safety Caps Cm. Guarienti asked if the safety cap pad is complete. North stated that it is only about,3/5 done and DLL paid about$590. Cm. Jones asked if the cap would remain on the outfield fence year round. North replied, yes. Cm. Jones felt that City should pay for the safety cap because it is a safety issue. He understood the need for the foul poles,but they are really a luxury item. Chair Flores and Guarienti agreed. ON A MOTION BY CM. CAIN, SECONDED BY CM. JONES AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING TO THE COUNCIL; 1) APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF THE INFIELD TURF ON FIELD 'A"AT EMERALD GLEN PARK BY DLL; 2)ALLOW DLL TO COMPLETE THE SAFETY CAP PROJECT WITH THE COST REIMBURSED TO THEM BY THE CITY;AND 3) ALLOW DLL TO INSTALL FOUL POLES ON FIELD "A"AT EMERALD GLEN PROVIDING THAT DLL ASSUMES THE COST. Portable Bathroom at Dublin Sports Grounds Cm. Jones stated that it doesn't look like we can get portables out at the Dublin Sports Grounds. Lowart stated that we can get the portables, it is just that there is no way that we can service them without driving across the fields. A MINUTES—MAY 19, 2003 PAGE FIVE North stated that it is difficult for the younger players to make it to the restrooms at the Sports Grounds because they are so far away from the playing fields. Cm. Guarienti stated that placing a portable in the parking lot near Field #5 would not really work, because it would still be too far away. Cm. Jones asked how far is the library from the parking lot? Lowart stated that she didn't have the exact dimensions but it is close. North did not feel that the Library is going to want kids walking in and out of the library with their cleats on. Cm. Jones stated that the best location would be close to Field#5. North stated that the season is going to end in about six weeks, so if we need to readdress this issue next spring, we can do that. Cm. Cain suggested that Staff re-evaluate the portable toilet issue over the next six months. Lowart pointed out that there would be ongoing costs associated with a portable toilet. ON A MOTION BY CM. GUARIENTI, SECONDED BY CM. JONES AND BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, THE COMMISSION VOTED TO RECOMMEND TO THE . COUNCIL DEFERING THE PORTABLE BATHROOM ISSUE FOR SIX MONTHS, DURING WHICH TIME STAFF WILL SEEK OTHER OPTIONS BY NEXT SPRING. Public Hearing-None Unfinished Business-None New Business-None Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks & Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Cm. Cain reported that the "Step Out for Seniors" event was conducted last Saturday with a pancake breakfast. Mayor Lockhart led the walk and a total of 50 seniors participated. The Commissioners Dinner last Thursday night was an outstanding success and he felt the Commission should extend a vote of thanks to Staff. Cm. Cain asked if there was a firm date for the demolition of the old library. Lowart replied, no. The start date for construction of the new senior center is this fall. Cm. Cain stated that the Bylaws of the Parks Commission, Section 7,General Responsibilities, states that all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of parks, recreation and community services is the responsibility of the Parks Commission. However notices were mailed to residents informing them of a meeting on May 6 to discuss the Alamo Creek Bike Path. The Council conducted a field trip on May 12 and is now scheduled to make a decision on this matter on May 20. In reading the Parks and Recreation MINUTES—MAY 19, 2003 PAGE SIX Master Plan, it seems that this is something that would fall under the Parks Commission for recommendations. If this item had been brought before the Commission, the Commission could have clarified some of the issues. Cm. Guarienti stated that he attended the Council Meeting on May 6 and spoke in support of the bike path. He looks at trails as linear parks because they are used for recreation and transportation. There is a trail in Martin Canyon now that has the same signage as parks. If the Alamo Creek Bike Path is approved, there will be another trail in a major area that he would like to see treated differently than parks. There are certain issues that should be addressed differently for these types of trails. He would like to see something put on the agenda for the future to discuss operation of trails. Lowart indicated that she would attempt to include this item on the July agenda. Cm. Guarienti reported that he attended the Bell Tower Dedication. The event was well done and was a very nice venue for the Heritage Center. He appreciated Staff arranging the facility tour for the Commissioners. Chair Flores stated that in regards to the Alamo Creek Bike Path, it was her understanding that it fell under Public Works and that is why it was not brought before the Commission. She thanked Staff for the fabulous Commissioners Dinner. The facility tour was great. After seeing what there was in the city, she doesn't think other cities realize what is in Dublin. Chair Fibres asked when the Day on the Glen Festival would be on the agenda. Lowart stated that this item is scheduled to be on the Commissions next agenda. Staff Reports 4The reception for outgoing Commissioners is scheduled for Thursday, May 29. ARegistration on-line began last Monday,May 12. Staff is preparing for a busy summer with heavy registration for the camps and programs. •The Classic Affair was conducted Saturday, May 17 and approximately 75 people were in attendance. Chair Flores stated that she would like to see the event geared more towards her generation. Cm. Guarienti stated that the event still needs something. Lowart stated that perhaps it is not an event we want to continue. Staff will bring this item back to the Commission for future input. Cm. Jones asked if the use agreement for the Community Room at the Library has been completed. Lowart stated that Staff anticipates that a use policy will be forwarded to the City Council in June. The use policy for the Community Room will be similar to the Civic Center use policy. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m. MINUTES—MAY 19, 2003 PAGE SEVEN Respectfully submitted, Char J. Young Administrative Technician APPROVED: UULWI Chair