HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Avesta Community Benefit Project 19� 82 STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL File #410-60 O`�LIFOU�� DATE: September 1, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager J SUBJECT: Authorization of Residential Units and Commercial Square Footage from the Downtown Dublin Development Pool and Related Community Benefit Agreement Deal Points with Avesta Development Group Prepared by Kristi Bascom, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Avesta Development Group is proposing the construction of a Senior Care Facility at 7601 Amador Valley Boulevard. The project includes 40 Senior Apartments, eight High-Acuity Senior Assisted Living suites, and 32 Memory Care suites. The Applicant is seeking the reservation of 40 residential units and 9,614 commercial square feet from the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Development Pool. The Applicant will enter into a Community Benefit Agreement with negotiated deal points as described in this Staff Report. The City Council will consider reserving the allocation from the development pool and authorizing the preparation of a Community Benefit Agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. All costs associated with processing the future development application will be borne by the Applicant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the preparation of a Community Benefit Agreement with Avesta Development Group that includes the negotiated deal points summarized in this report and direct Staff to begin processing the development applications associated with the proposed project. I , Submitted By - Reviewed By �irector Community Development Director Administrative Services DESCRIPTION: Avesta Development Group is seeking to develop a Senior Care Facility project at 7601 Amador Valley Boulevard, a nearly one-acre site with a vacant commercial building (formerly occupied Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. 8.1 by a deli, a nail salon, and a legal office). This site is located in the Retail District within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan, as shown the figure below: Figure 1: Vicinity Map f • � oo( , . . C � . DA M P k � The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) identifies the number of residential units that may be constructed in the Plan area and establishes a "Development Pool" that contains these units. The DDSP also allows commercial development on each parcel at a Base and a Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR). In the Retail District of the DDSP, the Base FAR for each parcel is .35 and the Maximum FAR is .60. The difference between the Base and Maximum FAR is also kept in the Development Pool. For instance, on a parcel of land that is 100,000 square feet in size, the Base development potential is 35,000 square feet (Base FAR .35) and up to a Maximum of 60,000 square feet (Maximum FAR .60). The parcel could be developed with 35,000 square feet of building by right, but to develop up to 60,000 square feet would require square footage to be reserved from the Development Pool. As background, the total unit allocation for all districts in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan is as noted in the Table 1 (below). Wicklow Square (54 units at the Senior Center) is not included in these numbers since it was built and occupied before the DDSP was approved. Page 2 of 5 Table 1: Residential Development in Downtown DDSP District Total Number Number of Units Number of Units Units of Units in Constructed Allocated/Reserved, but Remaining District per the not yet constructed DDSP Retail 400 0 70(Trumark on Regional) 330 Transit Oriented 1,900 309 (Connolly Stn.) 379 1,212 313 (Bay West) 66 (Eden Veteran's) Village Parkway 200 0 0 200 TOTAL 2,500 309 449 1,742 A developer must request City Council authorization to pull both residential units and any commercial square footage above the Base FAR from the Development Pool and must provide a benefit to the community to do so. A Community Benefit Agreement is used to ensure that a benefit is provided and establishes a timeframe in which the developer must construct the project. Any residential units or commercial square footage is returned to the pool at the end of the established timeframe if not constructed. The developer, Avesta Development Group, has prepared a concept site plan and conceptual elevations for the development of a Senior Care Facility on the project site. The project includes 40 Senior Apartments, eight High-Acuity Senior Assisted Living suites, and 32 Memory Care suites. The 40 Senior Apartments will be independent living units that are age-restricted. Residents of these apartments have the opportunity to live independently or to utilize assisted living services in an "a la carte" fashion. The eight High-Acuity suites will be designed for seniors who need regular assistance with daily living. However, the residences will have full kitchen and bathroom facilities for independent living as well. These suites will be located on the first floor of the building in close proximity to the common areas and services in the facility. The Memory Care suites will be designed for seniors who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or other forms of memory impairment which make it impractical to live independently. The Memory Care suites offer privacy but all meals, housekeeping, activities, etc. are provided for the resident. The proposed building is four stories with the High-Acuity suites on the first floor along with the interior common spaces such as the kitchen and dining facilities, activity room, and gathering spaces. The Memory Care suites are on the second floor along with another dining area, common living space, and exterior balcony. The independent Senior Residences are on the third and fourth floors with an exterior patio and common spaces for these units. The concept plans are included as Attachment 1 to this staff report. ANALYSIS: In accordance with the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the independent Senior Apartments are considered residential uses while the High-Acuity and Memory Care suites are considered a Page 3 of 5 Community Care Facility, which is a commercial use. The proposed building size (encompassing all uses) is 69,217 square feet. Of this, 44,627 square feet is devoted to the 40 Senior Apartments (residential uses) and 24,590 square feet is devoted to the High-Acuity and Memory Care suites (commercial uses). Based on the size of the parcel, the amount of commercial development allowed by right (Base FAR) is 14,976 square feet. Therefore, the Developer is requesting the reservation of 40 residential units from the DDSP Development Pool as well as 9,614 commercial square feet (the difference between the Base FAR (.35 or 14,976 square feet) and the proposed commercial space FAR (.60 or 24,590 square feet). In order to construct the project, the applicant will need approval of a Community Benefit Agreement, Site Development Review, and a Conditional Use Permit for both the Community Care Facility and a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Parking Reduction for this specialized use. Avesta Development Group and City Staff have discussed the terms of the proposed Community Benefit Agreement, as follows: • Avesta Development Group would receive an allocation of up to 40 units from the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Development Pool for the Senior Apartments. In exchange for the allocation of development capacity, Avesta will pay a Community Benefit payment of $10,000 per unit, for a total of $400,000, or will construct physical improvements in the Downtown area of an equivalent value. Potential improvements include the construction of streetscape improvements along Amador Valley Boulevard (including bike lanes), installation of a Storm Drain Trash Capture Device to treat the larger watershed area, improvements to Fire Station 16 on Donohue, or a combination of the above. • This is the first project to utilize commercial square footage from the DDSP Development Pool. The City is in the process of determining the value of the 9,614 square feet requested from the Pool. This amount, once determined, will be reflected in the Community Benefit Agreement that will be considered by the City Council at a later date. • The applicant will have two years from approval of project entitlements, which in this case will be Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permits, to utilize the reserved units and commercial square footage. Under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations, the proposed project would require the construction of five units of affordable housing (12.5% x 40 units). However, Staff and the Applicant are still in discussions regarding the most appropriate means in which the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations should be addressed given the unique nature of the proposed residential units (age-restricted in a full care setting). The determination on whether the units will be provided on-site or whether compliance will be addressed by paying an in-lieu fee per unit will be reflected in the Community Benefit Agreement. City Council authorization to prepare the Community Benefit Agreement does not imply any endorsement of the development project. The applicant will need to submit a Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit application for complete review. If the City Council authorizes the reservation of the units and square footage from the Development Pool and directs Staff to proceed with processing the above applications, Staff will work with the Applicant on the following items: Page 4 of 5 1 . Design and architectural review, including a complete review of the building elevations, site plan, and driveway location; 2. Review of a parking analysis to ensure that the reduced parking standard proposed for the project will meet the demands of the users and ensure no spill-over parking into the adjacent neighborhoods; 3. Finalizing the value of the commercial square footage reserved from the Development Pool, the means of complying with the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations, and finalizing the terms of the Community Benefit Agreement. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize Staff to prepare a Community Benefit Agreement that contains the deal points as described in this Staff Report. The Community Benefit Agreement will be brought to the City Council for consideration after the Planning Commission approves the Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit for the project. If the application does not move forward, or the project is not approved, the 40 units and 9,614 commercial square feet will not be reserved from the Development Pool and the Community Benefit Agreement will not be approved. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Conceptual Project Plans Page 5 of 5 YK IN _.III Q J LU LU 1 f m LU 1-u < 0 CL Lu 171 ��'! I — -� - ;~`' •s. � J _ Q Uo LL zLU 0 LU U ' Iva 1 X111 r 'llllfll 11111 — � I jll 7 , �Inllril �I fr k• it L� i 1 1 _ err V l l _ w � LJJ CC) _ � 'J Lr) �. 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