HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 Winter Quarterly Rpt AGENDA STATEMENT DCITY OF HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION UBLIN MEETING DATE: May 8, 2014 SUBJECT: Winter Quarterly Report Prepared by Ann Mottola, Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cultural Arts Classes Registration Report—Winter 2014 RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The Heritage and Cultural Arts Division strives to develop quality programs that strengthen community image, preserve the City's heritage, provide cultural experiences and encourage appreciation of the arts. This is accomplished by providing diverse program of offerings for youth and adults in the disciplines of music; dance; fine arts; and visual and performing arts. The Division also provides a variety of programs at the Heritage Park and Museums to support education and stewardship of the City's historic collections. The following report is a summary of programs conducted during Winter 2014. CULTURAL ARTS CLASSES Cultural Arts Classes provide a unique social setting for meeting new people or sharing cultural arts experiences with friends and family members. The variety of classes offered provides opportunities for community members of all ages to attempt new experiences or refine current artistic and performance skills. Classes are taught by contracted specialty instructors and are typically offered from four to eight weeks in duration. A total of 266 participants registered for Cultural Classes during Winter 2014. There was a small decrease in overall registration as compared to Winter 2013, largely due to fewer ballroom classes as compared to those held in Winter 2013; however, overall class enrollment in other classes increased slightly. The sculpture classes in particular have continued to grow in popularity and enrollment since last year. Youth dance programs including Irish Dance, Pre-Ballet and Tap, continue to be mainstays of the cultural arts classes offered. COPIES TO: ITEM NO: 8.1 GACOMMISSIONS&COMMITTEES\HERITAGE COMMISSION\AGNDSTMT\2014\05-08-14 Item 8.1 Winter Quarterly Report.docx Attendance •e 2014 2013 1 1 2010 Resident 210 226 168 223 305 Non Resident 56 56 37 78 105 Total Registration 266 282 205 301 410 Classes Held 38 41 27 35 51 AVG Registration per Class 7.2 6.9 7.6 8.6 8.0 Classes Offered 81 84 36 62 60 Cancellation Rate 53% 51% 25% 44% 15% PUBLIC ART PROGRAM CITY— Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex • On February 22, 2014 the Public Art Selection Committee, comprised of members designated by the City Council, convened to review public art proposals for the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex. Todji Kurtzman's proposal, "The Spirit of Alamilla Spring," was selected for recommendation to the City Council and Commission by a consensus. CITY—"Dubliner" • The City has completed extensive re-wiring of the data lines required to operate the lighting at the "Dubliner." The repair has been a highly technical and complex process, involving the efforts and coordination of multiple product vendors and contractors. Seven of the eight lights are functional and operating.The final aspect of the repair before the lights can be re-programmed is the diagnostics of one of the lights that remains inoperative. PRIVATE DEVELOPER—Essex • The public art by artist Eric Powell for the Essex property, Connolly Station, was approved by City Council at their January 21, 2014 meeting. Installation is scheduled for June of this year. CULTURAL PROGRAMS In the past quarter, two exhibits were held in the Little Classroom of the Murray Schoolhouse: • "Dublin CRUSH," an exhibit of love letters, hand-crafted valentines, short stories, photographs, poems, and essays about the people, places and things that are loved within the City of Dublin, was held February 9 — March 3, 2014. The exhibit included a total of 50 unique works from 43 contributors, ranging in age from 5 to 79. An opening reception was held on Thursday, February 13, 2014 with approximately 108 guests in attendance. • The Dublin San Ramon Women's Club exhibited a Student Art Contest March 5 — 19, 2014. This was the 22nd year of the contest which was open to all students in the cities of Dublin and San Ramon. The artwork exhibited that presented a variety of mediums including oil, watercolor, chalk, pencil, crayons and photography.Approximately 100 visitors viewed the exhibit. 2of5 HERITAGE PROGRAMS EXHIBITS "Exhibit Attendance" captures the number of individuals who visit an exhibit as part of a formal tour, as a walk-in guest, and those who visit during special events when the Museums are open to the public. For this reporting period, "Keep Calm and Merry On: Holidays on the Home Front," which opened on December 1, 2013, was on display through January 12, 2014. The Museum also hosted the "Dublin CRUSH" and San Ramon Women's Club exhibits. EXHIBIT ATTENDANCE Tours N/A N/A ; N/A 389 N/A 65 454 ` Walk-In 246 246 N/A 193 N/A 618 811 Special Events N/A N/A 100 457 N/A *32 589 s Total Visitors 246 1 246 1001 1,039 0 1 715 1,854 N/A No City-sponsored exhibits during this time. VISITORS "Visitors Comparison" records the number of people who visit the Heritage Park and Museums as part of a formal tour or as a walk-in guest. This measurement also includes those who experience the Heritage Park and Museums as a participant in one of the many community events hosted at the site by the City. Tours are also tracked to differentiate between those tours that are a school group or those that are for some other formal or informal community group. New to the grid is a line to separately indicate the visitors and participants who attend the Music Jams that take place six days per month. A line has also been added for the Cultural Programs and exhibits that are located at Heritage Park. VISITORS • • � e • • • • Adult—Tour 47 47 59 78 49 10 196 Child—Tour 201 201 161 311 30 55 557 ' Walk-In 516 516 455 ` 915 349 618 2,337 Special Events N/A N/A 0 1,100 50 1,058 2,208 Total Visitors 764 7641 675 2,4041 478 1,741 5,298 School Tour 6 6 6 13 0 0 19 Community Tour 3 3 1 2 4 4 7 Total Tours 9 9 7 15 4 4 26 3of5 VOLUNTEERS Museum Volunteers. There are 66 people who are actively volunteering at the Heritage Park and Museums. Volunteers are grouped by interest and may choose to participate in a variety of specialized work groups including: Docents/Greeters, Collections and Archives, Gardeners, Walking-Tours and Tractor Volunteers. Museum Volunteers are coordinated by Staff and contribute approximately 54 volunteer hours per week during regular Museum hours. Also during the Winter quarter: • Museum Volunteers provided 74 hours of volunteer service for the Tea Room at the St. Patrick's Day Festival. This venue is coordinated annually by the Heritage Museum Director and hosted by the Heritage Park and Museum Staff and Volunteers. • The Garden Volunteers, led by Jim and Sue Farr, have organized a number of work parties where they have given the rose garden new life,weeded and pruned throughout the park. • Rich Guarienti has been researching the historic district surrounding the Heritage Park and Museums over the past year and has developed a "Historic Walking Tour." The walking tour, which is on paved level ground, takes about one hour and the loop is less than one mile. Walkers will visit the site of Michael Murray's and John Green's homes, the Rasmussen and Neidt ranches (where the Tee-Pee Diner once stood),to Mape Memorial Park and onward. Student Volunteers. The Heritage Park and Museums receives regular volunteer service from Dublin High School, and Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon. Students provided 70 hours of volunteer service for the Tea Room at the St. Patrick's Day Festival and an additional 30 hours assisting with documentation of the collection. Interns are also coordinated on a regular basis to work for school credit on a variety of projects to enhance the Museum. However, there were no intern projects this Winter. VOLUNTEER • • 2014 2013 Oct- Oct- YTD TOTAL Volunteer Type Mar Jun Sep Dec • Museum Volunteer 531 531 622,,-: S3 69x 853' 2 '' Student Volunteer 100 100 4 T4 309 2 669 Intern N/A N/A 0 33 12 Via'. Total Hours 631 631 6651", 6 7;?65 FACILITY RENTALS St. Raymond Church has been available to the public for private rental since prior to the expansion of the Heritage Park and Museums. The Sunday School Barn became available for private rentals on May 1, 2012. In the Winter quarter, there were 8 rentals at the Sunday School Barn and 19 rentals at St. Raymond Church. 4of5 -FACILITY RENTALS Comparison • Wig 1• • • St Raymond Church 19 19 20 16 21 17 74 Sunday School Barn 8 8 3; 0 8 3 ' 14 Total Rentals 27 27 23 16 24 2(} 88 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission receive the report. 5of5 CULTURAL ARTS ACTIVITY REGISTRATION WINTER 2014 TOTAL DUBLIN NON- ACTIVITY REGISTRATION RESIDENTS RESIDENTS Acoustic Guitar Mix 5 4 1 Animal Kingdom, its a jungle out there! 3 1 2 Argentine Tango 3 3 0 Ballet 1 7 7 0 Beginning Ballet I &Tap 9 9 0 Beginning Irish Dance 14 11 3 Boogie with Your Baby 3 3 0 Combo Ballet/Tap 9 9 0 Creating Ceramic Sculptures 4 4 0 Creating Ceramic Sculptures 5 4 1 Creative Movement 5 5 0 EverPro Kids-Magic of Acrylics on Canvas 1 1 0 EverPro Kids-Realistic Drawing and Painting 6 6 0 EverPro Kids-Realistic Drawing and Painting 5 5 0 Fun Sculpting for Kids 6 5 1 Fun Sculpting for Kids 2 2 0 Fun Sculpting for Kids 9 9 0 Fun Sculpting for Kids 3 3 0 Give me a "C"for Cheerleading 10 6 4 Guitar& Bass 1 7 6 1 Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 8 8 0 Hip Hop Dance for Children and Tweens 7 6 1 Intermediate Irish Dance 8 7 1 International&American Latin 1 1 0 Irish Dance-Teens/Adults 11 4 7 KinderDrama 8 4 4 Kindermusik(TM)Wiggle&Grow with Siblings 10 6 4 Kindermusik(TM)Wiggle &Grow with Siblings 6 3 3 Kindermusik(TM)Wiggle&Grow with Siblings 8 4 4 Kindermusik Village-Feathers 10 9 1 Kindermusik Wiggle&Grow: Up in the Sky&Wild Animal Park 13 9 4 Little Hands Art Class 5 4 1 On Track To Diablo 15 12 3 Pre-Ballet 9 5 4 Pre-Ballet and Creative Dance 8 4 4 Pre-Ballet I &Tap 12 12 0 Twist and Shout with Your Tot 6 4 2 Young Rembrandts- FUNdamental Drawing 5 5 0 TOTAL REGISTRATION 266 210 56 ATTACHMENT 1