HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 P&CS Work Plan, 2014-2016 19 PrI 82 !1� AGENDA STATEMENT ttJl HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: March 13, 2014 SUBJECT: Parks and Community Services Department Work Plan, 2014-2016 Report by Paul McCreary, Parks and Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: None RECOMMENDATION: Receive report FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: In December 2010 the City Council approved modifications to the Strategic Plan and Goals and Objectives process. The result is the development of an annual work plan with activities that are generated in a way that is mindful of the City Council's adopted Strategic Plan, and the City's Mission, Vision and Values. Funding for the identified strategic goals is then incorporated into the annual budget. This approach ensures the Strategic Plan is driving the budget and that funding allocations are aligned with the City Council's overarching strategic priorities. Those priority initiatives that are more routine-in-nature and do not fit into the Strategic Plan are incorporated into the City Manager's Annual Work Plan, from which the City Departments derive individual Work Plans. These work plans are in addition to the existing operational and programmatic responsibilities for the Department. This report contains a review of the Department Work Plan items proposed for the two- year budget cycle. Public Art Collection:Inventory and Maintenance In the next two-year budget cycle, Staff proposes to develop an Inventory and Maintenance Plan for the City's Public Art Collection. As the City's collection continues to grow and age, the plan will provide adequate documentation of the artist responsible for the artwork, concept of each piece, fabrication and maintenance requirements. The plan will also develop a timeline for catch-up repairs requiring immediate attention and an ongoing maintenance plan for the collection as a whole. Additionally, Staff will capture and record information for each artwork and enter into the Past Perfect Collections Data Base currently being used for the Kolb and Camp Parks collections. This project will be achieved by using existing consulting services funds to retain a contract conservator to develop a maintenance plan, and recruiting an intern or volunteers to develop the archival database. COPIES TO: ITEM NO.: 8.1 G:\COMMISSIONS&COMMITTEES\HERITAGE COMMISSION\AGNDSTMT\2014\3-13-14 Item 8.1 Parks and Community Services Work Plan.doc Department Marketing Plan Implementation In FY 2013/2014 Parks and Community Services Department completed a Department Marketing study to evaluate the effectiveness of the current methods of marketing its programs, and develop a tactical execution plan to identify various ways to improve communications to its customers. Some of the strategies in the execution plan were no cost and are in the beginning stages of being implemented. These include restructuring the website navigation and Activity Guide sections and subsections to better target the primary market segments. As part of the next two-year budget, additional strategies to be implemented include: • An update and new installation of the recreation software, CLASS, which will allow the department to better capture demographics of its customer base. • Program Specific Marketing and Promotions Campaigns to developed by a Consultant: • Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex Marketing and Promotions Plan • Summer Camps • Heritage Park and Museums Cultural Arts In the past year, the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission has had several discussions regarding visual and performing arts. In the visual arts discussion, which was a part of an agenda item to address the Public Art Master Plan, the Commission prioritized the need for gallery space within the City. The performing arts were discussed over two Commission meetings that resulted in a prioritization of performing arts with the top five performing art program types as: • Multicultural Performance/Showcase • Partnerships with Local Arts Groups • Arts Festival or Event • Grassroots Partnerships • Musical Theatre There have also been frequent inquiries about the new Center for the Performing Arts and Education at Dublin High School and the potential for the City to facilitate use of that facility. In an effort to support the arts as prioritized by the Commission, Staff proposes the following actions: • Develop a local arts resource bank of individual artists and arts organizations that will be compiled into a database so that as space becomes available for performances or exhibits, the City is prepared to make a "Call to Local Artists" for participation. This will also be an effective tool to identify the Grassroots arts profile within Dublin. Additionally, when the new theater becomes available to the community, there will be an existing resource available to pursue partnerships. With regard to the performing arts priorities, while funds are not available to create a new event, splatter, which features "art as entertainment," will address the following: • Feature multi-cultural performances: This was the theming for the Main Stage entertainment throughout the day in splatter 2013 and was well received by the community. Staff is committed to continuing partnering with multi-cultural arts groups to provide a diverse line-up of entertainment for this event. • Engage local art groups in partnerships to provide arts experiences: Tri-Valley Young Performers is a Dublin-based performing arts group that has produced the Back-seat Theatre in partnership with the City. 2of3 Camp Parks Collection In August 2011, the City received the Camp Parks Collection on permanent loan. Since that time, the City has prioritized preservation and exhibition of the collection. Recently, Camp Parks extended an invitation to the City to enter into a partnership agreement to develop an exhibit in a building at the new gate at the base. The City is currently engaged in developing a partnership agreement for use of the Visitor Center to house a permanent Camp Parks exhibit, using items from the collection. The City will also be retaining a museum consultant to develop the exhibit plan and content for that space. Conservation Assessment Program Summary—Heritage Park In July 2013, the Dublin Heritage Park and Museums was visited by two conservation specialists through the nationwide nonprofit Heritage Preservation's Conservation Assessment Program (CAP.) The program provides museums with funds for professional conservation and advice on how to care for their collections and historic buildings. During the two year budget, Staff will be developing an implementation plan and identifying funding sources. Development of a Focused Business Plan for Operation of Emerald Glen Recreation &Aquatic Complex The opening of the Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatic Complex is anticipated for summer 2016. As part of the preparation for the operation of the facility, the Department is working with a Consultant to prepare a focused business plan that addresses operational and organizational efficiencies, operational priorities, staffing, and enhancements to programs, services and delivery models. In addition, the Department will identify opportunities for maximizing cost recovery. Expand Picnic Area Rentals The City has several picnic areas available for use by the community. The majority of the picnic areas are available on a first come, first served basis. Currently, the City has one large group picnic area at Emerald Glen Park which can be reserved for small and large gatherings, which is governed by the Emerald Glen Park Group Picnic Area Facility Use Policy. It has been observed that to claim a first come, first serve picnic table someone needs to hold the space early in the morning to ensure the space is held until the start of the event. To offer a better solution, Staff is proposing to add an option to reserve group picnic areas at additional park sites, including Schaefer Ranch Park, Kolb Park and an additional picnic area at Emerald Glen Park. Expanding the number of picnic areas that can be reserved will allow residents greater ease in advance planning and preparing for a picnic event thereby providing a more pleasant picnic use experience. Coordinate the following Capital Improvement Projects The Commission will review the recommended project priorities and make a recommendation to City Council on those projects in April. Tentatively, Staff anticipates completing the following Capital Improvement Projects as part of the upcoming two-year work plan. • Complete design and construction of the neighborhood park in Jordan Ranch • Complete design and begin construction of the Recreation and Aquatic Complex • Complete the design and construction of the lower terrace of Fallon Sports Park • Complete design and construction of the Cemetery Phase at the Heritage Park • Begin design of Phase I of the Dublin Crossing Community Park • Complete design and construction of the Youth Phase of the Dublin Library Expansion Project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission receive the report. 3 of 3