HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.1 East Dublin SP Update A Or Do A, eVe REPORT CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL File #420-30 DATE: April 16, 2013 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Managercla_, redgo SUBJECT: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Development Update Prepared by Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive a report on the development assumptions in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the status of actual development within the Specific Plan area. This report includes a comparison of the development assumptions originally adopted in 1994, the development assumptions as of 2013, and the development assumptions with the proposed Specific Plan Amendments. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report on the development assumptions and the status of actual development within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Submitted By Reviewed By Director of Community Development Assistant City Manager DESCRIPTION: On March 5, 2013, the City Council considered a request to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designations on the northern 38.9-acres of the overall 80.1 acre Dublin Land Company property on the east side of Tassajara Road (Attachment 1). The proposal was to evaluate changing the land use designation for the Study Area to Medium Density Residential from the existing land use designations of Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, Medium High Density Residential, High Density Residential, and Public/Semi-Public. The City Council tabled the decision to initiate the requested General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Study and the request will be brought back to the City Council for consideration at a future date. Page 1 of 5 ITEM NO. 8.1 During the discussion on the proposed General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan amendment, the City Council requested that Staff provide a report on the following: • Development Assumptions in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area: o Planned in 1994 o Planned in 2013 o Proposed under the Specific Plan Amendment Studies initiated by the City Council • Status of current development activity in the Specific Plan area The following analysis will address each of the requested items. ANALYSIS: Background The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan became effective on January 7, 1994 and applies to properties located to the east of the Iron Horse trail (except for Camp Parks). The Specific Plan was developed to provide a planning framework for future growth and development that would occur over a 20-30 year time frame. Since the Plan's adoption, City Councils have adopted various amendments to the Specific Plan including changing land use designations and expanding the Specific Plan area. As a result, the Specific Plan area has increased from approximately 3,300 acres to approximately 4,100 acres of land. This increase was generally anticipated by the General Plan Amendment that accompanied the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan approval. The Specific Plan includes assumptions about the amount of development that will occur within the Specific Plan area by land use designation. These assumptions have been modified based on adopted Specific Plan Amendments (i.e. changes to the land use designations and plan area boundaries). The Specific Plan allows development to occur within a density range for most land uses (certain land uses simply have a maximum amount of development rather than a range). Generally, the Specific Plan assumes development will occur at the midpoint of the density range for the purpose of evaluating impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act. Development can occur above or below the midpoint density range provided that it remains consistent with the density range and that proper environmental review is completed. At this time, the City Council has initiated four Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Studies which Staff is currently preparing. These studies include amendments to: 1) the Fredrich property; 2) a portion of the Promenade; 3) Site 16a; and 4) The Green at Park Place. Please refer to the vicinity map (below) for the location of these properties. The following table (Table 1) illustrates the existing and proposed land use designations and development assumptions for these four properties. Table 1: Specific Plan Amendment Studies Page 2 of 5 Fredrich Existing Land Use Sq.Ft. Units Neighborhood Commercial (0.25-0.60 FAR) 49,005- 117,612 Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25 units/ac) 48-85 Proposed Land Use Medium Density Residential (6.1-14 units/ac) 43 • KB Home Promenade Existing Land Use Sq.Ft. Units Public/Semi-Public(0.5 Maximum FAR) 76,230 Neighborhood Commercial (0.25-0.60 FAR) 28,314-67,954 Proposed Land Use Medium High Density Residential (14.1-25 units/ac) 82 Site 16A Existing Land Use Sq.Ft. Units Campus Office (0.25-0.80 FAR) 155,945-499,023 Proposed Land Use General Commercial/Campus Office(0.20-0.80 FAR) 124,756-499,023 The Green at Park Place Existing Land Use Sq.Ft. Units General Commercial (0.25-0.60 FAR) 298,931-717,433 Proposed Land Use Mixed Use 20,000-40,000 450-750 Vicinity Map: Specific Plan Amendment Studies Page 3 of 5 a Camp Parks Jam' ---*"---j v Fredrich . % .r4 W411411 l 1110H ': r_ Camp Pa - - r�, . ,. .1 ' .r. I ..'.; O. ..,k--, ig.' _: r 4-12:–.; 1 ii 4/ '',.... - • iii y , Ilk 1 ! IiiL. 1a i trap —1111.,,' r - • ... • L i , *ii � 11 11. '4" Site 16a trir PM, ' CI—( a ...900, , 40' `` ■ �- i• L , Park Place �4 KB Home/Promenade p.r . f �' III - �,. ,.A 1111 o Pleasanton �l —__ . ,.c Development Assumptions The following table summarizes the development assumptions planned in 1994, 2013, and proposed under the Specific Plan Amendments noted above. The table also includes the amount of actual development that has occurred to date in the Specific Plan area. Please refer to Attachment 2 of this Staff Report for a complete list of current development assumptions by land use designation. The General Plan Land Use Map depicts the location of land uses and is included as Attachment 3. Table 2: Development Assumptions 1994 Planned 2013 Planned Actual Development Proposed Amendments Land Use Sq. Ft.or Units Sq. Ft.or Units Sq.Ft.or Units Sq.Ft.or Units Commercial (Sq. Ft.) 6,469,096- 15,161,493 7,566,416- 19,991,535 3,607,308 7,178,997- 19,346,949 Industrial (Sq. Ft.)* 1,917,947 Max 934,580 Max 0 934,580 Max Public/Semi-Public(Sq. Ft.) 2,147,508 Max 2,232,450 Max 28,750 2,156,220 Max Residential (Units) 7,141-15,460+ 7,542- 17,805+ 10,494 8,078- 17,869+ *Specific Plan Amendments in 1996 and 2000 changed land use designations within the Hacienda Gateway Planning Subarea (northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Hacienda Drive)from Industrial to Campus Office to provide greater flexibility of uses. These tables provide a snapshot in time as to the development assumptions and actual development that has occurred to date. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area has not yet been fully built out and it is anticipated that there will be future commercial, industrial and residential I development but that development will remain within the density range permitted by the Plan. Page 4 of 5 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). Section 15061(b)(3) states that CEQA applies only to those projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. This report provides an update on the status of development and does not allow the construction of any building or structure. Therefore, there is no potential for significant physical change in the environment as a result of this report. This project is also categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15306 for information gathering projects. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A public notice is not required for the City Council to receive this report. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Council Staff Report dated March 5, 2013, without attachments 2. Development assumptions by land use designation 3. General Plan Land Use Map Page 5 of 5 ,doe . 1\d041re. Z STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK 0 CITY COUNCIL File #420/30 DATE: March 5, 2013 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager cla,... r�fl I2 SUBJECT: Summerhill Homes Residential (Dublin Land Company/Summerhill Homes) General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study Initiation Request Prepared by Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider a request to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designations on the northern 38.9-acres of the overall 80.1 acre Dublin Land Company property. The project Study Area is located north of Dublin Boulevard between Tassajara Road and Brannigan Street, including the property along the north side of Gleason Drive. The Study would evaluate a proposal to change the land use designation for the Study Area to Medium Density Residential from the existing land use designations of Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, Medium High Density Residential, High Density Residential, and Public/Semi-Public. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact to the City. All costs associated with preparing the General Plan Amendment/Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study would be borne by the Project Proponent. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Deliberate; and 3) Adopt a Resolution approving the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designation of a 38.9-acre area located north of Dublin Blvd. between Tassajara Road Brannigan Street to Medium Density Residential; or 4) Adopt a Resolution denying the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designation of a 38.9-acre area located north of Dublin Blvd. between Tassajara Road Brannigan Street to Medium Density Residential. <-- - 7 Submitted By Reviewed By Director of Community Development Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 6 ITEM NO. 8.2 DESCRIPTION: The 80.1 acre Dublin Land Company property is located north of 1-580 between Tassajara Road and Brannigan Street and extends to the north of Gleason Drive. The property is located in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) area. The property has Planned Development Zoning adopted with the EDSP and no development plans have been approved for the property. The Project site is vacant land and is generally flat with a slight slope from a higher elevation at the northerly boundary to a slightly lower elevation towards the southerly boundary. At one time the property was used for agricultural purposes and has remained vacant for the past number of years (except for temporary seasonal uses) with low lying native and non-native grasses turned periodically for the purposes of weed abatement. A small group of trees and shrubs is located in the southwest portion of Block A near the corner of Tassajara Road and Central Parkway. No grading for development purposes has occurred to date. Properties surrounding the proposed Study Area are: • North • along the easterly half of the northerly boundary (facing Brannigan Street) - a recently approved, Medium Density Residential project of 19 single-family detached homes • along the westerly half of the northerly boundary (facing Tassajara Road) — an established Medium Density Residential project of detached single-family homes. • South of proposed Study Area. — a vacant 15.13-acre area, also owned currently by Dublin Land Company. The site is designated for a combination of General Commercial, Medium High Density Residential, and High Density Residential uses. • West (across Tassajara Road) • Emerald Glen Park • Waterford Place, an apartment community • Tassajara Meadows, a single-family detached residential neighborhood • East (across Brannigan Street) • Sorrento West, a Medium-Density Residential project of 432 units • The Cottages, a Medium High Density residential project of 200 units within Area G of Dublin Ranch. • 19 single family detached homes known as the Sonata neighborhood (Tract 7282) designated as Medium-Density Residential. Page 2 of 6 Vicinity Map ..i ,,±1;t 1 i ,r Nittsi i.._C ; * . . t _ f° - 4Rr ' 415 • .'--"- i Gleason Dr. - A r .. IA fr:.:...„,...2 • entral Pkwy. :- ,, Dublin Land Lc _ e 1 � ,`t µ Company Property Tassajara Rd. -I - ' ti V, , * ! 1, ■ Dublin Blvd. t, �, .i. ,.., 'fib �� F�. , i I ,.,.„ 1.7 h:, s► I __.. ______10.1„...:_‘ . , ., 580 1 CI of Pleasanton Summerhill Homes is currently working with the Dublin Land Company to purchase the northern 38.9 acres of the Dublin Land Company property generally located north of Finnian Way. Summerhill has submitted a letter (Attachment 1) requesting that the City Council initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate the change of land use designation within the proposed Study Area from the existing various land use designations shown on Table 2 to Medium Density Residential (MDR), defined as 6.1 to 14.0 dwelling units per acre. Table 2: Existing Land Use (acreage is approximate) Land Use Designations Block C Block D Block E Acres Units GC - General Commercial 9.63 _ 15.20 -- 24.83 -- NC— Neighborhood Commercial 4.00 _ -- -- 4.00 — MDR—Medium Density Residential -- _ -- 1.00 1.00 6- 14 MHDR— Medium High Density Residential -- 4.00 -- 4.00 56— 100 HDR— High-Density Residential 1.50 - 1.50 -- 3.00 75— 105 P/SP - Public/Semi-Public -- -- 2.07 2.07 -- Total 15.13 20.70 3.07 38.9 137 —219 Page 3 of 6 Existing Land Use Proposed Land Use Public/Seml Public iI1 ti General I� xi �:1.- Commercial ti., . +e° ; r-J I le —�rsasms • MDR - . Block NO Aani ,,11- Nom Owed Oirmell.Maim 2i 9F HIR Daft 1YCnrq W 4. BlockC 15.13 Q.w Aces HDR .cka Maw Dar* 1 Neighborhood -- Nea.'ea,r,ya.d Commercial ce°ee~'�=U S A _ ANALYSIS: It is the City Council's practice to initiate all General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment Studies prior to Staff accepting an application and beginning work on such a request. The Applicant's letter/request to initiate a GPA/EDSPA Study is included as Attachment 1. Any development of the site would also require a Planned Development Rezone with a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Site Development Review Permit. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan anticipated 261 residential units and up to 900,000 square feet of commercial development across the entirety of the Dublin Land Company property. The development potential for Blocks C, D and E currently includes approximately 151 residential units and up to 425,093 square feet of commercial development. The applicant has requested a Study to evaluate changing the land use designation of these blocks entirely to Medium Density Residential (thus eliminating the commercial component on Blocks C, D and E). The applicant's proposal to change the existing land use designation of these blocks to Medium Density Residential could result in up to 303 residential units. Blocks A and B of the Dublin Land Company property would not be affected by this proposal. Block A is approximately 26.07-acres designated as General Commercial and is anticipated to include approximately 363,394 square feet of commercial development. Block B is approximately 15.13 acres and is designated for High Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential and General Commercial uses. Development of Block B is anticipated to include approximately 110 residential units and up to 111,513 square feet of commercial development which is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (EDSP) land use designations for that site. Therefore the applicant's proposal would result in a net increase of 152 residential units (413 proposed units - 261 EDSP anticipated units = 152 units) and reduce the commercial development potential by up to 425,093 square feet. Page 4 of 6 If the City Council determines that a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study should be initiated, Staff will prepare a study and return to the City Council with an analysis of the following: 1. Fiscal impacts of the proposed land use changes; 2. Circulation as it relates to the functionality of the project site; and 3. Project interface with the surrounding neighborhoods and appropriate buffering. The City Council would then have the opportunity to direct Staff to further process the Amendment Study or conclude the study at that time. If the City Council decides to proceed with the Amendment Study, Staff would then: 1. Evaluate the proposed land plan; 2. Evaluate the proposal for consistency with the Housing Element; 3. Evaluate any associated environmental impacts from the land use change such as traffic, noise, or view impacts, and prepare the appropriate environmental documents; 4. Perform any additional studies that may be required; and 5. Prepare a project analysis for consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council. If these tasks result in a recommendation to amend the existing land uses, Staff would then present the Planning Commission with the proposed General Plan and Specific Plan land use amendments for recommendation to the City Council. The City Council then could take action on the General Plan and Specific Plan Amendment. Any development on the site would require application materials which would be presented concurrently with the requested land use amendments, including: a) the Planned Development Rezone consistent with the proposed land use amendment, b) Site Development Review, c) Vesting Tentative (Tract) Map, and d) any required environmental determination under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff has prepared draft resolutions for both approval and denial to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to change the entire 38.9-acre study area to Medium Density Residential. The draft resolutions are included as Attachments 2 and 3. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Although a public notice is not required to review a request to initiate a General Plan or Specific Plan Amendment Study, the City mailed in excess of 2,000 notices to residents and businesses in the following neighboring communities: The Terraces, The Cottages, The Villas, The Courtyards, Sorrento West, Sonata, a portion of Tassajara Meadows, and the Waterford residential and commercial developments. Also, as is practice, notices were sent to an expanded list of potentially interested parties. A public notice was published in the Valley Times and posted in the designated posting places. A copy of this Staff Report was distributed to the Project Proponent. Page 5 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306, Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Information Collection). ATTACHMENT: 1. Project Proponent's Letter of Request dated January 18, 2013 from Marshall Torre. 2. Resolution approving the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designation of a 38.9-acre area located north of Dublin Blvd. between Tassajara Road Brannigan Street to Medium Density Residential. 3. Resolution denying the initiation of a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designation of a 38.9-acre area located north of Dublin Blvd. between Tassajara Road Brannigan Street to Medium Density Residential. Page 6 of 6 2013 EDSP Development Assumptions Land Use 2013 Planned -9 ActalTDevel'opment Commercial Sq.Ft. Units Sq.Ft. Units General Commercial(0.25-0.60 FAR) 3,885,552-9,325,325 1,499,079 General Commercial/Campus Office(0.20-0.80 FAR) 633,362-2,533,450 171,238 Neighborhood Commercial(0.25-0.60 FAR) 668,646-1,604,750 0 Mixed Use(0.30-1.0 FAR) 60,113-200,375 0 Mixed Use 2/Campus Office(0.45 FAR) 496519 0 Campus Office(0.25-0.80 FAR) 1,822,224-5,831,116 1,936,991 Total Commercial 7,566,416-19,991,535 3,607,308 Industrial Industrial Park(0.35 Maximum FAR) 934,580 Max 0 Total Industrial 934,580 Max 0 Public/Semi-Public Public/Semi-Public(0.5 Maximum FAR) 2,073,456 Max 28,750 Semi-Public(0.5 Maximum FAR) 158,994 Max 0 Total Public/Semi-Public 2,232,450 Max 28,750 Residential High Density Residential(25.1+units/ac) 1,713+ 3,519 Medium High Density Residential(14.1-25 units/ac) 2,056-3,645 1,398 Medium Density Residential(6.1-14units/ac) 2,887-6,625 2,373 Single Family Residential(0.9-6units/ac) 852-5,678 3,204 Rural Residential(l unit/100ac) 5 0 Estate Residential(0.01-0.8 units/ac) 0.3-24 0 Mixed Use(6.1-25 units/ac) 29-115 0 Total Residential 7,542-17,805+ 10,494 1 I► DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN (Figure1-1) Dd t L A N D U S E February 2013 i 99 o f San a n R a m o n f illitp.,_,_ ..„.,.. i ... 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