HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.8 Fin Rpt 4th QtrSTAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK File #330-50 DATE: September 20, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJECT: Preliminary Quarterly Financial Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2011 (4th Quarter) And Final Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Budget Changes Prepared by Vivian Gong, Finance Manager and Paul Rankin, Administrative Services Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will be presented with preliminary information related to the revenues and expenditures through the end of the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011. At this time the annual financial audit has not been completed, therefore, the financial reports as presented are preliminary. In order to prepare the report in some cases estimates were used which will be updated with the final information when it is received. The auditors are scheduled to be on site beginning October 17th, 2011. Consistent with prior years any audit adjusting entries will be recorded and included in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, to be presented later this year. Based on the completion of four quarters of the year the report will include analysis of significant trends and variances between budgets and actual expenditures. Final Budget changes requiring City Council action are provided. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Detailed financial information can be found within the Staff Report and the Attachments. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive the reports as authorized by Section 41004 of the California Government Code; and 2) Approve the Budget Change. Submitted By Reviewed By Administrative Services Director Assistant to the City Manager Page 1 of 8 ITEM NO. 4.8 DESCRIPTION: The focus of the financial analysis will be on the General Fund Revenues and Expenditures, which represent the most significant portion of the City's operations. The fourth quarter reports represent the reporting of revenues and expenditures for the entire Fiscal Year. Analysis of June 2011 Revenue and Expenditure Reports The Fourth Quarter report (Attachments 1-4) includes the reporting of revenues and expenditures for the entire twelve months of Fiscal Year 2010/2011 (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012). As previously mentioned because the annual audit process by the City's independent auditors has not occurred, any audit adjustments to revenues and expenditures will be reflected in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The CAFR is considered the final Fiscal Year financial report and is presented to the City Council in December. Preliminary General Fund Revenues As shown in Attachment 1, the total General Fund Revenues collected through June 30, 2011 were approximately $53.2 million compared to $49.3 million recorded in the previous Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. The total General Fund revenue recorded for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 represents approximately 106% of the total budgeted General Fund Revenues. The adopted Fiscal Year 2010/2011 budget projected increased revenue over the previous year. The preliminary results indicate that the amount of increase was larger than originally estimated. Significant General Fund Estimated Revenue Variances The Preliminary year-end revenue in the General Fund exceeded the budget estimates by approximately $3 million. This result is comprised of a combination of positive and negative deviations from the budget estimate. The following section describes the fluctuation by major revenue type: - Property Taxes: +$532,484 (2% over budget estimate) This revenue category represents approximately 43% of the budgeted General Fund revenue. Two factors contributed to the overall results 1) An increase in assessed valuation; and 2) A change in the accounting for Property Tax Administrative costs paid by the City. The adopted budget accounted for the administrative costs as a reduction in revenue. Beginning this year the $230,960 Alameda County administrative costs were recorded as an expense. Adjusting for this factor results in the total property taxes being within 1.4% of the adopted budget. - Sales Taxes: +$583,860 (5% over budget estimate) This category represents approximately 25% of the total General Fund revenue budget. The total Sales and Use Tax revenue includes an estimate for the final quarter, as the final actual collections through June 30, 2011 had not been reported by the State when this report was prepared. The 2010/2011 Budget included an increase of 2% compared to prior year. A positive variance 6% is projected for the last quarter tax receipts. Additional analysis of the sectors contributing to the increase will be conducted once the final 2010/2011 data is received. Page 2 of 8 - Property Transfer Tax: +$185,199 (64% over budget estimate) This category represents less than 1 % of the total General Fund revenue budget. The Real Property Transfer Tax revenue was over budget as a result of higher than expected sales activities. A significant portion of this activity was related to large property transactions transferring between developers for future residential development. The collections of $475,199 were $102,553 more than the revenue collected in Fiscal Year 2009/2010. - Transient Occupancy Tax: +$33,732 (5% over budget estimate) This category represents approximately 1 % of the total General Fund revenue budget. Transient Occupancy Tax is collected from hotels in the City. The increase in occupancies is due to improved economic conditions and also due to the additional rooms became available as two of the hotels completed their renovations. - Franchise Tax: -$27,916 (1 % under budget estimate) This category represents approximately 5% of the total General Fund revenue budget. The budget anticipated an increase primarily associated with the amended franchise agreement for waste management services. Taxes collected from waste management services were under budget by $80,184 which was partially offset by the taxes collected from the Gas and Electric Franchise taxes. - License & Permits: -$68,652 (2% under budget estimate) This category represents approximately 6% of the total General Fund revenue budget. A majority of the variance in this category can be attributed to Building permits revenue ($19,000), Construction and Demolition permits revenue ($17,000), and Encroachment permits revenue ($27,000). Overall development related activity increased over the level achieved in the prior Fiscal Year. A total of 463 permits were issued for residential units compared to a total of 300 permits issued in the prior fiscal year. During the last quarter of the Fiscal Year Developers obtained permits for residential tract homes that were expected to occur after July 1St. Although the permit revenue is recognized in Fiscal Year 2010/2011, the actual inspection costs for the Building Department will usually occur in the next Fiscal Year. - Interest and Rentals: +$155,941 (12% over budget estimate) This category represents approximately 3% of the total General Fund revenue budget. Interest income exceeded budget by approximately $110,000 and was due to the return on its investments being slightly higher than assumed in the budget estimate. In addition, due to fluctuations in the timing of payments for contracted services, the monthly cash flow available for investment was higher. The remaining $45,000 positive variance was collected from uses of Field and Court and facility rental income. - Intergovernmental Revenues: -$74,255 (15% under budget estimate) This category represents approximately 1 % of the total General Fund revenue budget. The majority of this category is related to the on-going revenues collected form the State of California for the Motor Vehicle In-Lieu fees and the Home Owner Property Tax Relief revenues. Prior to closing the books Staff will be further analyzing release of funds by the State after June 30t" as well as accrual of the appropriate amount of a Tree Planting grant which was not recorded in the preliminary statements. The final deviation is expected to be less. Page 3 of 8 - Charges for Services: +$1,396,930 (28% over budget estimate) This category represents approximately 10% of the total General Fund revenue budget. This revenue category includes a variety of fees for services. The primary variance in this account related to the increase in the following activities: 1) Development Services: $672,500 (48% of the increase) Engineering Plan Checking fees; $451,000 (32% of the increase) Zoning fees; $28,000 Annexation fees; 2) Public Safety Services: $21,000 Fire Alarm/Sprinkler and Fire Plan Checking fees; $15,000 Vehicle Release revenue; $14,000 Santa Rita Fire Services; and 3) Parks and Community Services $243,000 or 14% based on increased participation in programs. The charges collected from Waste Management Admin fee was $60,000 less than expected. - Other Revenues: +$370,134 (13% over budget estimate) This category of revenue includes payments that typically do not follow a specific pattern such as contributions, reimbursements and sales of properties. The deviation is primary associated with one-time revenues. The City received Community Benefit payments as provided for in Development Agreements. These payments exceeded the budget by approximately $275,000. The City has also received miscellaneous revenues such as sponsorship for the All-America City Award competition, the Farmers' Market, and miscellaneous reimbursements from various sources. As previously noted the results for revenues are preliminary and will be subject to final accruals and adjustments. General Fund Expenditures General Fund expenditures totaled approximately $50.0 million and represented approximately 96% of the total budgeted expenditures in the General Fund (Attachment 2). Of this amount, a total of $3,353,285 was related to Capital Improvement Projects expenditures, which typically do not follow an even distribution due to differences in project timing. Excluding funds programmed for the Capital Projects, the City's General Operating expenditures were $46,623,692 or $1,870,341 (4%) less than the amount budgeted for operating expenditures. - General Government: -$386,453 (5% under budget estimate) Several factors contributed to the budget savings in this category. All activities in this category were below budget. Savings occurred in all operating departments within this category. This category includes the Non-Departmental activity which exceeded its budget and was due an accounting change for the property tax collection commission expense. (A Budget change is discussed later in this report.) Non-Departmental includes the Budgeted Contingent Reserve which can contribute to budget savings when it is unused. - Public Safety: -$920,351 (3% under budget estimate) The savings in this category were primary due to the lower than budgeted contract costs associated with Police services ($352,000), Fire services ($393,000), Disaster Preparedness ($70,000), and Traffic Signals/Street Lighting ($104,000). There were also other minor savings in personnel costs, training/conferences, and materials and supplies costs. Page 4 of 8 - Transportation: -$68,097 (4% under budget estimate) A majority of the savings was due to the lower than budgeted Contract Supervision costs for contracted maintenance services with the MCE Corporation. - Health & Welfare: - $100,944 (23% under budget estimate) The budget savings in this category relates to $55,000 funding for an energy audit of City's facilities which was not commenced in FY2011, as well as an unspent appropriations for the ACAP Joint Powers Authority in Social Services. Although savings are indicated these expenses and work will be performed in the upcoming Fiscal Year and acarry-over appropriation will be used to account for the expenses. - Culture & Leisure: -$506,795 (7% under budget estimate) The most significant savings in this category was in the Park Maintenance activity where costs were approximately $336,000 less than budget. Contact services for MCE services were $103,000 less than budget and water usage was $193,000 less than budget estimates. These savings were largely attributable to the timing for full maintenance on Fallon Sports Park and the Heritage Park and Museums. In addition, more rainfall during the year reduced the water consumption in the parks. - Community Development: $108,472 (2% over budget estimate) Approximately $140,000 of savings occurred in Planning/Building services and $18,000 in Economic Development were offset by the higher than expected expenditures in Engineering Services ($266,000). Reimbursable Engineering contract was over budget by approximately $308,000, however because this expenditure line item is reimbursable and charged to a developer deposit, it has a matching revenue component recorded. (A Budget change is discussed later in this report.) General Fund Capital Project Expenditures The City's General Fund Capital Project Expenditures were approximately $3.3 million as budgeted. As authorized by the City Council Staff will be evaluating the balance available for each project. For those projects which will continue in Fiscal Year 2011/2012 acarry-over appropriation will be administratively recorded. Final Budget Changes The City's financial policies require City Council approval of budget adjustments when more than one activity or funding source is involved. Based on the Preliminary Financial Statements budget changes are desirable as part of the closing of the City's financial records for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011. Attachment 5 contains Budget Changes that will be recorded as part of the closing Fiscal Year 2010/2011 entries. Some of the adjustments discussed in this report were anticipated in the estimated actual information presented in the Preliminary 2011-2012 Fiscal Year Budget and Financial Plan. Most of the adjustments relate to situations where the total spending in a particular Activity (Department) exceeded the total budget. If a budget imbalance occurred between line items within the same Activity, a formal budget change is not required. The Staff Report will describe changes by both Fund and Program, beginning with the General Fund. Page 5 of 8 GENERAL FUND (10011 SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET CHANGES The adopted Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Operating Budget, prior to these adjustments, is $48.5 million. The total additional appropriation proposed for all General Fund operating activities is $561,241, which a variance of 1.2% of the total budgeted expenditures. The impact is offset by savings in other activities, as well as additional revenue as will be discussed below. Although some items are minor, current policies require City Council approval if correcting the imbalance would involve a transfer between different activities or departments. General Government: Increase by $230,960 This relates to an expense recorded in the Non-Departmental account for Property Tax Administrative costs paid by the City. The adopted budget accounted for the administrative costs as a reduction in revenue. Beginning this year the $230,960 Alameda County administrative costs were recorded as an expense. The amount of Property Tax revenue recorded in excess of the budget fully offsets this expense. Public Safety: Increase by $63 The Crossing Guard contract services exceeded the budget by $63. Transportation: Increase by $6,488 The contract Street Sweeping budget had a minor budget overrun of $63. The Street Landscape activity (#3401) requires a budget adjustment totaling $6,425 associated with recycled water costs incurred for public landscaping. Health & Welfare: (No General Fund Change Required) Culture & Leisure: Increase by $29,730 The Heritage and Cultural Arts programs had more participation than estimated in the Budget which resulted in increased contract instructor costs. This amount was fully offset by additional revenue. Community Development: Increase by $294,000 The Engineering activity (#8301) requires a budget adjustment based on increased development activity requiring Contract Inspection expenses. This amount was fully offset by additional revenue. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The following sections summarize Budget Changes required in various Special Revenue Funds related to operating expenditures. The City financial records currently account for revenues and expenditures in over twenty different Special Revenue Funds. These funds are used when there are special restrictions on the expenditure of the funds and accounting for them separately provides a clear record for the auditors and for City reporting purposes. Assessment District Funds The following expenditures in Assessment District Funds require budget changes: Page 6 of 8 Street Landscaping Assessment District 1986-1 Fund (#2702) This fund pays for the operation and maintenance of landscaping adjacent to properties along Dougherty Road. The Landscaping activity (#3401) requires an adjustment of $5,490 due to higher than anticipated expenditures for water. Contract Service Costs in Engineering Related To Assessment Districts (#2701 - #2705) The Engineering Department coordinates the administration of the various Assessment Districts. Similar to the situation described for Property Taxes, a change was made in the accounting for collection costs associated with the Assessment Districts. The cost paid to Alameda County was recorded as an expense, which resulted in contract services in excess of the amount budgeted in Engineering in each of the five Assessment Districts. Therefore, an additional appropriation is required as summarized below: ENGINEERING BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TO REFLECT ALAMEDA COUNTY ASSESSMENT COLLECTION COSTS FUND # /NAME ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION 2701- Citywide St Light $ 4,715 2702- Stagecoach Landscape $ 1,295 2703 -Dougherty Landscape $ 1,815 2704 -Santa Rita Landscape $ 4,380 2705 -East Dublin St Light $ 3,305 TOTAL $15,510 Public Safety Fund The following Public Safety Special Fund expenditure requires a budget change: Public Safety Enforcement Grant Fund (#2111) An additional $3,915 in Police Traffic Personnel costs will be recorded as grant related activities. Therefore, the expenditure budget needs to be adjusted by this amount. Environmental Funds The following expenditures in Environmental Special Funds require budget changes: Measure D- Recvclinq Fund (#2302) An additional $2,635 in Street Maintenance expenses for storm drain filters will be funded from grant revenues in this fund. The source of the Grant revenue is State Oil Recycling funds which needed to be expended before they expired. Residential Garbage and Recvclinq Fund (#2303) Contract services for residential garbage service exceeded the budget by $37,210. Similar to the situation described for Property Taxes, a change was made in the accounting for collection costs associated with the Residential Garbage Fees, which are collected on the property tax bill. The cost paid to Alameda County was recorded as an expense, which resulted in contract services in excess of the amount budgeted. Increased revenue fully offset this expense. Page 7 of 8 Health & Welfare Fund The following Health & Welfare Special Fund expenditure requires a budget change: Affordable Housing Fund (#2901) City Attorney expenditures associated with Housing Programs exceeded the budget by $2,985 and will require a budget change. Actual expenditures in the Housing Department were less than the authorized budget. The budget changes as described above and outlined in Attachment 5 will be posted in the Fiscal Year 2010/2011 financial records, prior to the completion of the Audit. Finalization of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report The final audited Financial Statement will include the presentation of year-end changes in fund balance. The reporting of fund balances will be in accordance with the policy adopted by the City Council in Resolution 106-11 on June 21, 2011. The final Comprehensive Financial Report (CAFR) for the period ending June 30, 2011 will be presented in December 2011. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. June 30, 2011 General Fund YTD (Year-To-Date) Revenues / Budget Comparison 2. June 30, 2011 General Fund YTD (Year-To-Date) Expenditures / Budget Comparison 3. Comparison of Revenues versus Expenditures (By Fund Type) 4. Summary and Detail of All Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances 7/1 /2010-6/30/2011 5. Budget Change Page 8 of 8 City of Dublin 2010-2011 YTD Revenues and Budget Compdrison Foi• the Period Ending June 30, 2011 Total General Fund Other Revenues 11 ':.100% Charges for Services ' 100% ° 128 /° ^ FY 2010/11 FY 2009/10 Intergovernmental ~ ~ ~~°i~ from State ' '' 100% Interest 11 % 100% -~- Fines and Forfeitures 103% 100% ~ ~ Licenses and Permits 98% 100% -~ Franchise Taxes 99% 100% Transient Occupancy ~ 105° Taxes 100% Real Property Transfer Tax 100% t 105 Sales Taxes 100% 0% 30% 60% 90% .120% 150% 100% of Year Complete FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 % of FY 2009/10 Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual of Total for FY 2009/10 Property Taxes 21,386,000 21,918,484 102% 22,141,004 100% Sales Taxes 12,400,000 12,983,860 105% 12,183,267 100% Real Property Transfer Tax 290,000 475,199 164% 372,646 100% Transient Occupancy Taxes 650,000 683,732 105% 557,000 100% Franchise Taxes 2,667,500 2,639,584 99% 2,271,574 100% Licenses and Permits 2,820,980 2,752,328 98% 2,260,365 100% Fines & Penalties 120,540 124,545 ~ 103% 144,593 100% Interest & Rentals 1,322,534 1,478,475 112% 1,956,604 .100% Intergovernmental 504,860 430,605 85% 520,719 100% Charges for Services 5,046,130 6,443,060 128% 5,327,968 100% Other Revenues 2,949,200 3,319,334 113% 1,635,316 100% Total General Fund Revenues 50,157,744 53,249,206 106% 49,371,056 100% Date Pdnted: 9/122011 10:14 AM ATTACHMENT 1 City of Dublin 2010-2011 YID Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending June 30, 2011 Total General Fund 9~6% Expenses 100% CIP Projects 100°% 100 /o Community Development J 100% 100/0 Culture & Community I I 1 ( 93Q/o Services 100% Health and Welfare ,7% 100% I 9 6% Transportation ' ° 100 /o Other Public Safety 85% ° 100 /o Fire 9~% 100% Police 97% 100% General Government 9' % o 100 /o ~ ~ ~ 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% of Year Complete 100% 120% FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 % of FY 2009/10 % of Total for Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual FY 2009/10 General Government Police Fire Other Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture and Community Services Community Development CIP Projects Total General Fund Expenses 8,534,280 8,147,827 95% 8,872,290 12,859,260 12,506,750 97% 12,281,022 10,451,170 10,058,076 96% 10,203,635 1,144,275 969,528 85% 513,459 1,901,610 1,833,513 96% 1,791,083 438,169 337,225 77% 71,680 7,705,686 7,198,891 93% 7,266,829 5,463,410 5,571,882 102% 5,276,271 3,349,458 3,353,285 100% 3,429,024 51,847,318 49;976,977 96% 49,705,293 General Fund Operating Expenses 48,497,860 46,623,692 96% 46,276,269 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% ATTACHMENT 2 Date Printed: 9/1212071 70:18 AM CITY OF DUBLIN PRO FORMA COMPARISON OF REVENUE VERSUS EXPENDITURES (By Fund Type) FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2011 (Quarter 4) Prepared by the Finance Department Presented To City Council September 20th, 2011 • General Fund -Comparison of Revenue & Expenditures 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 • Special Revenue Funds -Comparison Revenue & Expenditures 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 • Assessment District Funds ,Comparison Revenue & Expenditures 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 • Agency Trust Funds -Comparison Revenue & Expenditures 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 • Internal Service Funds -Comparison Revenue & Expenditures 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 ATTACHMENT 3 . Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN Page 1 of 2 GENERAL FUND COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % BUD ACTUAL YTD ********REVENUES/SOURCE OF FUNDING*****"** PROPERTY TAXES 21,386,000 21,918,484 (532,484) 102 % 22,141,004 22,141,004 100 SALES TAX 12,400,000 12,983,860 (583,860) 105 % 12,183,267 12,183,267 100 PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX 290,000 475,199 (185,199) 164 % 372,646 372,646 100 HOTEL TAX 650,000 683,732 (33,732) 105 % 557,000 557,000 100 FRANCHISE TAXES -WASTE MGT 1,525,000 1,444,816 80,184 95 % 1,100,516. 1,100,516 100 FRANCHISE TAXES -UTILITIES 1,142,500 1,194,768 (52,268) 105 % 1,171,058 1,171,058 100 LICENSES & PERMITS 2,820,980 2,752,328 68,652 98 % 2,260,365 2,260,365 100 FINES & PENALTIES 120,540 124,545 (4,005) 103 % 144,593 144,593 100 INTEREST 867,610 976,873 (109,263) 113 % 1,576,962 1,576,962 100 RENTALS & LEASES 454,924 501,602 (46,678) 110 % 379,644 379,644 100 INTERGOVERNMENTAL-FEDERAL 97,600 92,500 5,100 95 % 180,647 180,647 100 INTERGOVERNMENTAL -STATE 407,260 338,105 69,155 83 % 340,072 340,072 100 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5,046,130 6,443,060 (1,396,930) 128 % 5,327,968 5,327,968 100 OTHER REVENUE 2,949,200 3,319,334 (370,134) 113 % 1,635,316 1,635,316 100 5UB-TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 50,157,744 53,249,206 (3,091,462) 106 % 49,371,056 49,371,056 100 TRANSFERS IN 29,730 29,730 28,648 28,648 100 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES 50,187,474 53,249,206 (3,061,732) 106 % 49,399,705 49,399,705 100 ********EXP EN DITU RES/TRAN S F ERS******"* GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 398,940 338,090 60,850 85 % 353,.408 353,408 100 CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK 1,140,650 1,120,492 20,158. 98 % 1,098,683 1,098,683 100 ELECTIONS 79,870 24,389 55,481 31 % 1,945 1,945 100 CENTRAL SERVICES/HUMAN RESOURCES 439,380 387,252 52,128 88 % 398,475 398,475 100 INSURANCE 940,780 902,515 38,265 96 % 788,886 788,886 100 CITY ATTORNEY 688,060 652,766 35,294 95 % 727,015 727,015 100 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES . 1,946,790 1,784,829 161,961 92 % 1,788,564 1,788,564 100 BUILDING MANAGEMENT 716,830 684,517 32,313 95 % 703,853 703,853 100 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2,182,980 2,252,977 (69,997) 103 % 3,011,461 3,011,461 100 GENERAL GOVERNMENT-SUBTOTAL 8,534,280 8,147,827 386,453 95 % 8,872,290 8,872,290 100 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 12,859,260 12,506,750 352,510 9T% 12,281,022 12,281,022 100 FIRE 10,451,170 10,058,076 393,094 96 % 10,203,635 10,203,635 100 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 416,535 346,664 69,871 83 % 107,025 107,025 100 CROSSING GUARDS 100,830 100,893 (63) 100 % 100,659 100,659 100 ANIMAL CONTROL 414,420 414,420 100 % 293,357 293,357 ' 100 TRAFFIC SIGNALS/STREET LIGHTING 212,490 107,550 104,940 51 % 12,418 12,418 100 PUBLIC SAFETY- SUBTOTAL. 24,454,705 23,534,354 920,351 96 % 22,998,117 22,998,117 100 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 876,660 833,733 42,927 95 % 784,658 784,658 100 STREET MAINTENANCE/SWEEPING 136,280 134,967 1,313 99 % 143,562 143,562 100 STREET LANDSCAPE/TREE MAINTENANCE 888,670 864,813 23,857 97 % 862,864 862,864 100 TRANSPORTATION-SUBTOTAL 1,901,610 1,833,513 68,Q97 96 % 1,791,083 1,791,083 100 HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 (3) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 55,000 55,000 13,755 13,755 100 CHILD CARE 18,500 18,500 100 SOCIAL SERVICES 383,169 337,222 45,947 88 % 39,425 39,425 100 HEALTH $ WELFARE- SUBTOTAL 438,169 337,225 100,944 77 % 71,680 71,680 100 Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN GENERAL FUND COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % $UD ACTUAL ********EXPEN DITURES/TRANSFERS**"***** CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY TV 152,067 LIBRARY SERVICES 522,940 PARK MAINTENANCE 2,309,330 HERITAGE & CULTURALARTS 712,400 RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES 3,732,119 PARKS/FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT 276,830 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES -SUBTOTAL 7,705,686 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 3,587,570 ENGINEERING 1,539,350 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 336,490 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -SUBTOTAL 5,463,410 SUB-TOTAL OPERATIONG EXPENDITURES 48,497,860 TRANSFERS OUT 3,349,458 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 51,847,398 REVENUES (SOURCE OF FUNDS) OVER/(UNDER) (1,659,844) EXPENDITURES Page 2 of 2 2010 2010 YTD 145,326 6,741 96 % 83,659 83,659 100 518,077 4,863 99 % 815,019 815,019 100 1,973,357 335,973 85 % 1,753,494 1,753,494 100 742,129 (29,729) 104 % 768,932 768,932 100 3,611,897 120,222 97 % 3,625,582 3,625,582 100 208,104 68,726 75 % 220,144 220,144 100 7,198,891 506,795 93 % 7,266,829 7,266,829 100 3,447,252 140,318 96 % . 3,578,842 3,578,842 100 1,805,904 (266,554) 117 % 1,397,678 1,397,678 100 318,726 17,764 95 % 299,751 299,751 100 5,571,882 (108,472) 102 % 5,276,271 5,276,271 100 46,623,692 1,874,168 96 % 46,276,269 46,276,269. 100 3,353,285 (3,827) 100 % 3,429,024 3,429,024 100 49,976,977 1,870,341 96 % 49,705,294 49,705,294 100 3,272,228 (4,932,072) (197%) (305,589) (305,589) 100 R Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN Pale 1 of 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % BUD ACTUAL YTD ********REVENUES/SOURCE OF FUNDING****''*** PROPERTY TAXES 144,300 148,590 (4,290) 103 % 145,206 145,206 100 SALES TAX 422,920 430,739 (7,819) 102 % 398,611 398,611 100 FINES & PENALTIES 170,000 178,980 (8,980) 105 % 168,187 168,187 100 INTEREST 292,500 264,008 28,492 90 % 476,977 476,977 100 LOAN REPAYMENTS 371,000 477,039 (106,039) 129 % 861,769 861,769 100 INTERGOVERNMENTAL -FEDERAL 344,683 389,633 (44,950) 113 % 2,278,199 2,278,199 100 INTERGOVERNMENTAL-STATE 1,580,477 1,191,502 388,975 75 % 1,861,987 1,861,987 100 INTERGOVERNMENTAL-COUNTY 1,054,054 1,113,262 (59,208) 106 % 1,564,180 1,564,180 100 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,258,870 2,310,676 (51,806) 102 % 1,772,435 1,772,435 100 OTHER REVENUE 1,364,640 1,709,610 (344,970) 125 % 2,064,566 2,064,566 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 8,003,444 8,214,040 (210,596) 103 % 11,592,116 11,592,116 100 TRANSFERS IN 6,600 6,600 100 % 445,844 445,844 100 GRAND TOTAL REVENUEISOURCES 8,010,044 8,220,640 (210,596) 103 % 12,037,959 12,037,959 100 ********EXP EN DITU RES/TRANS FERS"******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY ATTORNEY 57,430 56,447 983 98 % 85,455 85,455 100 GENERAL GOVERNMENT -SUBTOTAL 57,430 56,447 983 98 % 85,455 85,455 100 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 128,880 122,252 6,628 95 % 160,299 160,299 100 FIRE 318,860' 327,613 (8,753) 103 % 380,012 380,012 100 TRAFFIC SIGNALS/STREET LIGHTING 156,400 165,068 (8,668) 106 % 293,604 293,604 100 PUBLIC SAFETY- SUBTOTAL 604,140 814,934 (10,794) 102 % 833,915 .833,915 100 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 15,571 12,642 2,929 81 % 8,770 8,770 100 STREET MAINTENANCE/SWEEPING 571,205 408,779 162,426 72 .% 310,127 310,127 100 Others 3,861 3,861 100 TRANSPORTATION -SUBTOTAL 586,776 421,421 165,355 72 % 322,758 322,758 100 HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 2,429,930 2,449,915 (19,985) 101 % 1,847,767 1,847,767 100 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 255,060 234,299 20,761 92 % 245,145 245,145 100 SOCIAL SERVICES 104,240 104,235 5 100 % 55,435 55,435 100 HOUSING PROGRAMS 13,248,270 9,679,841 3,568,429 73 % 1,432,282 1,432,282 100 Others 22 (22) HEALTH & WELFARE- SUBTOTAL 16,037,500 12,468,313 3,569,187 78 % 3,580,629 3,580,629 100 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES • PARK MAINTENANCE 6,220 6,220 1,964 1,964 100 CULTURE $ LEISURE SERVICES -SUBTOTAL 6,220 6,220 1,964 1,964 100 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 6,000 4,855 1,145 81 % 6,000 6,000 100 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -SUBTOTAL 6,000 4,855 1,145 81 % 6,000 6,000 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATIONG EXPENDITURES 17,298,066 13,565,970 3,732,096 78 % 4,830,721 4,830,721 100 TRANSFERS OUT 4,969,042 3,447,738 1,521,304 69 % 7,477,808 7,477,808 100 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,267,108 17,013,708 5,253,400 76 % 12,308,529 12,308,529 100 REVENUES (SOURCE OF FUNDS) OVER/(UNDER) (14,257,064) (8,793,068) (5,463,996) 62 % (270,570) (270,570) 100 EXPENDITURES Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN P~g~ 1 of 1 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % BUD ACTUAL YTD ******'''*1EVENUES/SOURCE OF FUNDING******** PROPERTY TAXES 886,810. 904,738 (17,928) 102 % 868,349 868,349 100 INTEREST 10,670 13,350 (2,680) 125 % 17,973 17,973 100 OTHER REVENUE 2,500 4,584 (2,084) 183 % 6,119 6,119 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 899,980 922,872 (22,692) 103 % 892,440 892,440 100 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES 899,980 922,672 (22,692) 103 % 892,440 892,440 100 ******** EX P E N D IT U R ESR RAN S F E RS******** PUBLIC SAFETY TRAFFIC SIGNALS/STREET LIGHTING 408,890 363,532 45,358 89 % 367,039 367,039 100 PUBLIC SAFETY- SUBTOTAL 408,890 363,532 45,358 89 % 367,039 367,039 100 TRANSPORTATION STREET LANDSCAPE/TREE MAINTENANCE 468,740 430,182 38,558 92 % 376,187 376,187 100 TRANSPORTATION-SUBTOTAL 468,740 430,182 38,558 92 % 378,187 376,187 100 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 16,850 32,351 (15,501) 192 % 17,942 17,942 100 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT-SUBTOTAL 16,850 32,351 (15,501) 192 % 17,942 17,942 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATIONG EXPENDITURES 894,480 828,065. 68,415 92 % 761,168 761,168 -~ 100 TRANSFERS OUT 123,930 33,465 90,465 27 % 10,773 10,773 100 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,018,410 859,530 158,880 84 % 771,941 771,941 100 REVENUES (SOURCE OF FUNDS) OVER/(UNDER) (118,430). 63,142 (181,572) (53%) 120,499 120,499 100 EXPENDITURES Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN Page 1 of 1 AGENCY/TRUST FUNDS COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES - FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % BUD ACTUAL YTD ********REVENUES/SOURCE OF FUNDING****'`*** PROPERTY TAXES 551,285 531,728 19,557 96 % 363,193 363,193 100 INTEREST 2,683 1,485,244 (1,482,561) 55,358 % 758,153 758,153 100 OTHER REVENUE 1,862,493 (1,862,493) 601,719 601,719 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 553,968 3,879,465 (3,325,497) 700 % 1,723,064 1,723,064 100 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES 553,968 3,879,465 (3,325,497) 700 % 1,723,064 1,723,064 100 ******** E X P E N D I T U R E S /TRANSFERS ******** GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL 551,533 1,048,309 (496,776) 190 % 534,977 534,977 100 GENERAL GOVERNMENT -SUBTOTAL 551,533 1,048,309 (496,776) 190 % 534,977 534,977 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATIONG EXPENDITURES 551,533 1,048,309 (496,776) 190 % 534,977 534,977 100 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 551,533 1,048,309 (496,776) 190 % 534,977 534,977 100 REVENUES (SOURCE OFFUNDS)OVER/(UNDER) 2,435 2,831,156 (2,828,721) ~R% 1,188,087 1,188,087 100% EXPENDITURES Printed on: 09/12/2011 CITY OF DUBLIN Page 1 df 1 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS COMPARISON OF REVENUES /VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 7/1/2010 THROUGH 6/30/2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE % BUD ACTUAL YTD ********REVENUES/SOURCE OF FUNDING***'`*"** INTEREST 125,730 174,075 (48,345) 138 % 191,490 191,490 100 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,015,270 1,998,730 16,540 99 % 2,114,478 2,114,478 100 OTHER REVENUE 2,307,860 2,339,146 (31,286) 101 % 3,327,235 3,327,235 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4,448,860 4,511,951 (63,091) 101 % 5,633,203 5,633,203 100 TRANSFERS IN 2,032,302 2,032,302 100 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES 4,448,860 4,511,951 (63,091) 101 % 7,665,505 7,665,505 100 ********EXPEN DITU RES/TRANSFERS**"***** GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4,304,706 1,523,999 2,780,707 35 % 3,891,331 3,891,331 100 GENERAL GOVERNMENT -SUBTOTAL 4,304,706 1,523,999 2,780,707 35 % 3,891,331 3,891,331 100 SUB-TOTAL OPERATIONG EXPENDITURES 4,304,7,06 1,523,999 2,780,707 35 % 3,891,331 3,891,331 100 TRANSFERS OUT 134,856 125,822 9,034 93 % 2,032,303 2,032,303 100 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,439,562 1,649,821 2,789,741 37 % 5,923,634 5,923,634 100 REVENUES (SOURCE OF FUNDS) OVER/(UNDER) 9,298 2,862,130 (2,852,832) 30,782 % 1,741,871 1,741,871 100 EXPENDITURES CITY OF DUBLIN PRO FORMA MONTHLY FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2011 Prepared by the Finance Department Presented To City Council . September 20th, 2011 0 SUMMARY -All Funds Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balances 7/1 /2010 - 06/30/2011 m DETAIL -- By Individual Fund Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balances 7/1/2010 - 06/30/2011 ATTACHMENT 4 N d V tSf R m _ ~ r C O ~ N ~ O 'a M C ~ ~ ~ L ~ o ~ ~a O Q ~ ~ .~ >C_'' UWO~ ~ O ~ N C N r ~ O d ~ A ~ ~ N ~ Q C7 W cD t0 u7 c0 c0 N CO O c0 O O I~ ti M e0 co O c0 cn f~ Z U N 00 O M d' ~ ~Y ~ M f0 ~ ~ O O O a0 ~ M ~t Q Z ~ 'd' M~ N N M~ ~' N m O ~ ~ O ~~ ~ O Q a0 OD 6i ~' r W M d' r N r N M C'1 (O N OD ~ ~7 Z J cD c0 V M M O M M M O r ti ~ N N ~ M M ~ W Q (~ f~ tI) r 00 .-- OD M N O t~ ti ~ M O M <Y O N m N N N v ~ O M O r r a0 Qi N CO tD r ~ 00 r r O N r ~ to b O N et O t!') M O M O O O o0 N N O O O O p W N ~ ap N CO N N CO a0 CO 1~ O r to 0 ct '7 (O O N m r 01 m M N CO N N N N LL p M M N O N M CD (O r o0 00 M ~ b m f/) M to tp M O a0 M r `-~ CO oD 0~ ~ N N V' ~ M M vv cY N -N r N ~ p M v M .~ v M N N O W F ~ O O ~ 0 O M O O W p ' ~ N 0 CD ~, j M ti O ~ N W O Q. N CO O W O W O M O O M n to O~ O O N M W ~ p M ~.~j a0 N CO t0 a0 N ~ ~ M M ~vj aD O ~ ~ I--' M N N ~ M N M O tf) tt~ O N N N M r ... ,d. m ~ t0 M t0 ~ .~... r O M M N M v t0 M ~ ~ O ~ O Z O Cfl tD v W ~ ~ O O ~ r ~ r M v n. x W U f/J W W a M M O N O~...O O t~ O 1 " b M t~ S O M !L n N tD N cD ___ M O N M __ c7 c-... cD F- ~ C! M [] O c ) (D r O (D fD ~ f") V M t!7 1~ 4 ~ [D ~ ~? ~ ~1 r N t"1 ~ In W J ~7 F- r ~ h v yi ai o o _m ti o_ h rn v N ui m v~ uS v o v ~n r~ ~ ai r~ oS ~ - o v r ~n ro h Q Q N CO (D O ~ O O N V N ~ ~- O r- <Y V lf] ~ r 7- Z <- r M M r Cn M r h N ti d '7 N . m w '. lfl ~ N N ~ O d X W U1 W M M 1~ O M CO M 00 OD `7 CO O m O m M O CD ^ J (O tO O N I~ N d' O M O ~ O N N O M 'C' I~ Z m 'cY st N (O CO h M O M V m r t0 (O M M N a0 O O ~ Q ~ b W 00 M V M N O CD 00 O M M <!' N 1~ m LL J V 'at N I~ N OD M N to (D 00 f~ t~ O V' M O _ J ¢ ~ (_ r ~ O (O I~ V r 00 N 'R t0 N N N Cfl '7 r (D Q N r r V' V' r ~ N m r N M ~ O O ~ - Q F ~ O r r H ~ ~= O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N O N N O O 0 0 O N W N O tD (O t0 N N ~ p CO t0 V 7 '7 V' N N N N O O O~ O m H O 0 r N O M ~ N W p N N O N 0 I~ to N ( N O N O M !~ (D O V h V 1~ a N O ( CO ~ O N ~ M M O tD 'V_ a O O Z ~ O Oi W W O> 'ct N CO In t0 N N oO ~- r O oO O> O W M '7 ~ W to V' A N O N M N N O r m W n O N N I~ a0 to O O r N r M M I~ ~ ~ ~ N OD W O r N N Ol M 00. ~ V' 'a' M M ~ u'1 O _U ~ m V 7 O O u'i Q~ O 0 0 ~Y cD O CO c'J O O N O c0 d' l1J W h h N (O 1+ !~ 'A N c0 N V O ~Y V cD cD Q~ h cJ h F- ~ V ~ M T Q~ I") Q~ V G7 O 'A M cD N b r h Ol 'Q'" LL. 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Q } ti ~ U Q ~ ti in o Z ~ Z o r rn o ~ o 0 ~ W I- ~ F- ~n u~ ~n ~ C7 ~ ~ ~ z Q CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 SUBMITTED WITH AGENDA ITEM 9/20/2011 CHANGE FORM #: New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): From Unappropriated Reserves Various Funds x From New Revenues (Current Yr Resources) Budget Transfers: x From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other DECREASE BUDGET -~CCOUi1~"I' AMOUN"I INCREASE BUDGET ACCOUNT AMUUN"f GENERAL FUND EXPENSES FUND ED BY A TRANSFER FROM BUDGETED CONT INGENCY General Fund -Non-Departmental - Name: Budgeted Contingency* General Fund -Crossing Guards - Name: Contract Services Account: 1001-1901-81101 $6,551 Account: 1001-2601 - 64001 $63 *Contingency Transfer General Fund -STREET Name: SWEEPING -Contract Services Account: 1001-3202-64001 $63 *Contingency Transfer General Fund -STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE- Name: Utilities Recycled Water Account: 1001 - 3401 - 63302 $6,425 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES OFF-SET BY CURRENT YEAR REVENUE Property Tax Administrative costs were recorded as an expense. In the past they were recorded as a reduction to revenue. The additional cost General Fund -Non-Departmental - Name: Contract Services was offset b Pro e Tax Revenue. Account: 1001.1901.64001 $230,960 Class Registration and Participation in Cultural Activities exceeded the level assumed for budget purposes. The additional revenue General Fund -HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS-Cultural Name: Activities - Contract Services collected offset additional contract instructor ex enses. Account: 1001.7621.64001 $29 730 Engineering Plan Checking activities exceeded the level assumed for budget purposes. There was additional revenue collected in excess of General Fund- ENGINEERING - Contract Services Inspection Priivate Name: Development the budget to offset the additional contract inspection/review ex enses. Account: 1001.8301.64093 $294,000 Reason for Budget Change: To reflect General Fund budget changes to Operating Budget Departments proposed as part of the City's year end adjustments to close the financial records for 2010/11 -per the report to the City Council 9/20!2011. ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 2 CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 SUBMITTED WITH AGENDA ITEM 9/20/2011 CHANGE FORM #: New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: x From Reserves Various Funds From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) X From New Revenues Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) AMOUNT INCREASE BUDGET ACCOUNT AMOUNT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BUDGET CHANGES Funded by restricted Special Revenue Fund Reserves. Dougherty Landscape Assmt Fund - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - Name: Utilities -Water Account: 2703-3401-63301 $5 490 Increasedrevenue will fully offset expense Citywide St Light Assmt Fund - Name: Engineering -Contract Services Account: 2701 - 8301 - 64001 $4,715 Funded by restricted Special Revenue Fund Reserves. Stagecoach Assmt Fund - Name: Engineering -Contract Services Account: 2702 - 8301 - 64001 $1 295 Funded by restricted Special Revenue Fund Reserves. Dougherty Assmt Fund - Name: Engineering -Contract Services Account: 2703 - 8301 - 64001 $1,815 Increased revenue will fully offset expense Santa Rita Assmt Fund - Name: Engineering -Contract Services Account: 2704 - 8301 - 64001 $4 380 Increased revenue will fully offset expense East Dublin St Light Assmt Fund - Name: Engineering -Contract Services Account: 2705 - 8301 - 64001 $3 305 PUBLIC SAFETY -SPEC IAL REVENUE FUNDS Grant funds are available to offset the additional expense. Police Enforcement Grant Fund - POLICE (Traffice) -Contract Name: Services Account: 2111 - 2103 -64021 $3,915 ENVIRONMENTAL -SPE CIAL REVENUE FUNDS California Used Oil Grant funds were available for special storm drain filters and needed to be used or they would expire. Measure DFund -Street Name: Maintenance -Drainage Maintenance Account: 2302.3201.64076 $2,635 Fees collected for garbage and recyling services are handled on the Property Tax Roll. A change was made to account for the collection costs as an expense. Additional revenue offsets the expense. GARBAGE SERVICE FUND - Name: Waste Management- Contract Svcs Account: 2303.5101.64001 $37 210 AFFORDABLE HOUSING F UND BUDGET CHANGES Funded by restricted Special Revenue Fund Reserves. Affordable Housing Fund -Legal Services -Professional Services Name: Housing Account: 2901.1501.65110 $2 985 Reason for Budget Change: To reflect non- General Fund (Special Revenue Fund) budget changes to Operating Budget Departments proposed as part of the City's year end adjustments to close the financial records for 2010/11 -per the report to the City Council 9/20/2011. ~T-rw~+u~eCAczm~ ,-n.r Page 2 of 2