HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.4 CDBG & Comm Support GrantsOF DU��� 19 Chi=; =iN) 82 04LIFOR��// STAFF REPORT CITY CLERK ©03 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ❑©®-6 DATE: March 14, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE . Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Community Support Grant and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subcommittee Funding Recommendations for Community Support Grants Prepared By: Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager'`` EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will provide direction on Community Support Grant Program funding recommendations as part of the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget process. Staff will include the City Council recommendations in the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Budget. Final funding consideration will occur at the City Council Budget Hearing in June 2011. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Community Support Grant program limit has been established at $120,000 in General Fund support. The complete financial impact will be determined at the City Council Budget Hearing in June 2011. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: (1) Receive the report; (2) Discuss the Subcommittee's funding recommendations; and (3) Support the Subcommittee's recommendations or provide alternate direction on organization funding. Submit By Revie By Budget Manager Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 4 ITEM NO. V DESCRIPTION: As part of the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget Study Session "Budget Issues" report on this evening's agenda, the City Council was asked to decide whether or not funding for the Community Support Grant Program should be included in the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Budget. In the event the City Council approved inclusion of the Community Support Grant program in the FY 2011-2012 Preliminary Budget, Staff is requesting direction about which programs/projects should be funded. The City Council's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Community Support Grant Subcommittee (referred to as "Subcommiftee") funding recommendations for the Community Support Grant program are outlined below. The Subcommittee's CDBG funding recommendations were approved by the City Council at the February 1, 2011 meeting. As discussed at that meeting, submission of the CDBG program recommendations must be completed in early February in order to comply with County and Federal guidelines for the CDBG program. A copy of the Staff Report and associated meeting minutes are attached for reference (Attachments 1 and 2). During this application cycle, twenty-two organizations presented funding requests for twenty- seven different programs/projects. Initially, eighteen applications were considered for Community Support Grant funding; however two additional applications were recommended for transfer to this category based on the Subcommittee's deliberations (additional information provided below). On January 12 and 13, 2011, the Subcommittee, comprised of Councilmember Hildenbrand and Councilmember Swalwell, held public meetings to hear presentations from CDBG and Community Support grant applicants about their program or project proposals. On the second evening, the Subcommittee deliberated and came to consensus on funding recommendations. The Subcommittee stated that the services offered by the various agencies covered a wide range of important services available to Dublin residents. They expressed gratitude to each agency for the valuable services they provide. ~ During the Subcommittee's deliberations, they concluded that in light of the unresolved state budget crisis, funding prioritization for food, shelter, and medical services would best meet the current needs of the Dublin community. Based on this prioritization, the Subcommittee recommended fully funding requests for some CDBG applicants, and recommended two CDBG applications be transferred to the Community Support Grant category. Those programs, both offered by Tri-Valley Haven, include the Domestic Violence Program and the Homeless Services Program. The Staff Report and meeting minutes from the January 12 and January 13, 2011 meetings have been attached for reference (Attachments 3 through 5). Two of the other applications received can be funded through the City's Inclusionary Zoning In- Lieu Fee Fund (Affordable Housing Fund): Eden Council for Hope & Opportunity (ECHO) - Rental Assistance Program; and Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC) - Community Stabilization Program. Housing services are allowable: expenses per the City's Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.68.080A. These programs have been supported through this funding source in prior years; and this funding option provides an opportunity to extend funding support to organizations serving the Dublin community. Page 2 of 4 This table summarizes the applications received and the Subcommittee recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Community Support Grants: ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ y y ~~ `~ ~ ~~ ` °: ~~x ^ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Fundrng Request ~ ~~~ ubcomm~ttee~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~g ~~_ , F « . ~ ~ar~~an~zat~vn ~~~~ ~s ~ s~~ ~~~ ~ `~ ~; ~ ~~ ZQ1 FY 1 2Q12 ecammendat~on ~ ' d ,j~R ~ _. ~,~ y , ~ ~ ,; s ~~~~ ~~~~,y,~~, ~r 20~ ~-~0~2 ,.~, ~ N ~ ~; ' Gener ~~..d ~ ~ . ~. al Fund .~~~ ~~ ~~` ~ s ~ _..... .. Axis CommUnity Health: Pre-Development ~ 000 $ 6 $ 4 000 Pro ect , , Child Care Links: Communit Service Pro'ect $ 25,000 $ 18,500 Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency ~ 25 000 - DCARA : Tri-Valle Deaf Services Pro ram , Dublin Hi h School: D Grad Ni ht $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Dublin High School - PFSO: Every 15 000 $ 5 $ 5 000 Minutes Pro ram , , Dublin Partners in Education: BowI-A-Rama $ 5,000 ' $ 5,000 Dublin Partners in Education: Operational $ 20 000 $ 20,000 Grant , East Ba Innovations: Connect Universit $ 4,000 - Eden I&R: 2-1-1 Alameda Count $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Ho e Hos ice, Inc.: Grief Su ort Center $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Las Positas Community College District: Tri- $ 15 000 $ 15 000 Valle One Stop Career Center , , Livermore Valle O era: O eraLive! $ 7,500 - Pacific Chamber Symphony: Music is Fun $ 12 000 Pro ram , The First Tee of the Tri-Valley: Life Skills 049 $ 3 - Ex erience , Tri-Valle YMCA: Colle e& Career Plannin $ 15;000 - _ Tri-Valley YMCA: Families in Transition $ 15 000 $ 9 500 Pro ram , , ` ~ _ ,~~„,~`:.Transfers .From . ;CDBG Pro`' ram ~ ~ .~~ ' _, Tri-Valley Haven: Domestic Violence Program ~ g,000 $ 8,000 Tri-Valley Haven: Homeless Services $ 8,000 $ 6 000 Pro ram , General Fund Total $ 202,549 $ 120,000 ~~ ... ~ , ,.. 5 , : ~.:Housin I ,. . ..,,. „~ . . . .., ~ ,.. m ... ~~~ ~ n Lieu~Fund , ~~, __... . . ~~ . , Eden Council for Hope and Opportunities: 900 $ 7 $ 6 180 Rental Assistance Pro ram , , Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center 000 ~ 25 $ 25 000 TVHOC : Communit Stabilization Pro ram , , ~ Housin In-Lieu Fund Total $ 32,900 . $ 31,180 ~ ~~ ~ .. ., . ~ ~~T'QTAL ____ALL FU i~[~S ,~~~ ~ ~ ~ 23 449~ $ ~a ss ~ 80 ~$ ~'~51;1 F ; . , , ~,. . . . ~ Staff proposes that the Subcommittee's funding recommendations for the Community Support Grant Program be supported and included in the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Budget. Page 3 of 4 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: ~. Copy of report to Fiscal Year 2011-2012 grant applicants. . Reference below Attacfiments for details of outreach efforts. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report: February 1, 2011 Community and CDBG Grants Committee Recommendations for the Use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 2. Minutes: February 1, 2011 City Council meeting relating to CDBG funding recommendations ~ 3. Staff Report: January 12 and 13, 2011 CDBG and Community Support Grant Funding Requests for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 without Attachments or Exhibits (Attachments and Exhibits can be viewed in the City Manager's Office) 4. Draft Minutes: January 12, 2011 CDBG and Community Support Grant Standing Committee meeting. 5. Draft Minutes January 13, 2011 CDBG and Community Support Grant Standing Committee meeting (continuation) Page 4 of 4 ~l ~r vU~ ' ~~~~ ~'~ lr,, ~ STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K 19 ~~~~~ ~-UBLIN CBT'Y COUNCIL File # ^(~~~]-~[Q~ ~~// ~ ~~LIFOR~~~/ I1~~ ~J' I DATE: February 1, 2Q11 ~ ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager ~ SUBJEC • Community and CDBG Grants Committee Recommendations for the Use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG} Funds for Fisca( Year 2011-2012 Report Prepared by Gaylene Burkeff, Administrative.Analysf~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On January 12 and 13; 2011, the Community and CDBG Grants Committee (Committee), made up of Councilmembers Hildenbrand and Swalwell, held two public meetings, reviewed information provided by Staff and received agency presentations on CDBG app{ications for funding. After considerable deliberations on the second evening, the: Committee concluded that in light of the unresolved state budget crisis, funding prioritization for food, shelter and medical .. services would best meet the current needs of ttie Dublin community. This year, .in accordance with tlie Committee's priorities,. certain agencies .would receive~~full funding. In addition, the . Committee recommended funding two CDBG eligible programs with $14,000 in Community Support Gcant Funding, which will be discussed at ~the City Council Budget Study Session on March 7, 2011. . ~ ~ ~ A . FINANCtAL IMPACT: fn Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the CDBG Grants totaled $88,100. Actual funding for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 is expected to be slightly less. Funding allocations from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will not be known until.mid-February o~ March of 2011. These funds will be ceimbursed by the Alameda County Housing and Community Development Departrnent. For planning purposes, the City has traditionally used current Fiscal Year aliocations. ~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Approve the Committee's ~ecommendation to fund the following_ agencies; 3) Direct Staff to submit applications to the Alameda County Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for $88,100 in CDBG funding for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. ~ Axis Communi#y Health - Medical Enrollment Assistance $10,000 ^ Bay Area Cammunity Services - Valley Creative Living Center $10,000 p CRIL - Housing Services $ 6,300 ^ Open Heart Kitchen - Lunch and Hot Meals Program _ $10,000 COPY TO: All Grant Applicants-----w---------------------`---------~ '3_ly-~l g~ ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 af 7 ^ Senior Support Program - Case Management $ 7,800 ^ Spectrum Community Services - Meals on Wheels $ 6,165 ^ YMCA - Curb Cuts and Sidewalk Ramps. $10,135 °~ ~~ 3~ ^ Housing Rehabilitation (administered by the County) $15,673 ^ Annual Contribution toward Sojourner House $ 5,427 ^ Program Administration . $ 6,600 and ' TOTAL: $ 88,100 4) Should there be an increase in funds, Staff recommends .equally funding Senior Support services and CRIL services up to their maximum amounts requested because the other service organizations have already been allocated #he amount requested in their application. Any remaining increase could go towards the YMCA curb and sidewalk~project. Should there be a decrease; Staff recommends the decrease be evenly distributed between the programs that do not have mandatory set amounts. ~ ~ . ~ ,Su6mi ed B.y ~ Community Development Director ~ ~_ ~. .~Sub itted by - ~ Budget Manager ~ ~ ~ Reviewed by ~ Assistant City Manager Page-2 of 7 3~~ ~~ BACKGROUND: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are provided by the U:S. Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment (HUD). The City of Dublin works with Alameda County's Urban CDBG Program to allocate funds and with HUD #o assure that all CDBG-funded activities are in compliance with federal regulations. ~ The City of Dublin has participated in Alameda County's Urban-County CDBG Program since 1982. The City of Dublin, along with the cities of Albany, Emeryville, Newark, and Piedmont, which do not have a minimum population of 50,000 residents, make up the Urban County Cities, along with the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. During the current Fiscal Year (FY 2010-2011), the City ot Dublin received $88,100 in CDBG funding. ~ Every year the County dedicates a percentage of each Urban County City's CDBG funding allocation to the County of Alameda's Housing Rehabilitation Program. This Program is available for residents within each of the respective Urban County Cities as well as the unincorporated County. In addition, the County may limit each Urban.County City to only 15% of the CDBG allocation for se-vice-based organizations and projects. Tfie County's past practice has been to review al1 applications received from each. Urban County City ~o determine if.the. overall request for service-based_ projects exceeds :the :15% limit. Additionally, the County of Alameda contr.acts with.two service. providers to provide Fair Housing Services throughout the. Urban County cities as well as the unincorporated Gounty area. In Dublin, the Fair Housing . .Service Provider is currently Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO) Housing. The County of Alameda Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); fiscal agent for the Urban County CDBG Program, has not yet received the 2011-2012 CDBG funding ~allocation figures from HUD for distribution to the Urban County Cities. For:planning purposes, when the amount is unknown, the City typically uses the same total funding amount that was allocated the previous year. The County has indicated to expect "sl.ightly less funding" for the upcoming fiscal year. This Staff Report wilf address the Community Development Block Grant applications and . recommendations oniy. The City Council will consider the Committee's funding recommendations for Community Support Grants at the Goals and Objectives/Budget Study Session on IVlarch 7, 2011. ~ ~ ANALYSIS During this application cycle, the City received 9 applications that qualified for the use of Fiscal Year 2011-2012 CDBG funds. Two of the applications received ~were new CDBG requests. The remaining requests came from eligible CDBG program applicants that the City funded in Fiscal Year 2010-2011. Below is a recap of the CDBG eligible projects: Axis Community Health is seeking grant support to assist residents in accessing medical care through enrollment in public insurance programs (FUNDED iN FY 2010-11) 2. Bay Area Community Services is seeking grant support for the Valley Creative Living Center which serves adults with psychiatric disabilities (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). Page3of7 3. Community Resources for Independent Living is seeking grant support to pro~ide3.l Housing Services for persons with disabilities and seniors with limitations (NEW REQUEST). ~ ~ 4. Open Heart Kitchen is seeking grant support for their Hot Meals and Weekend Box Lunch Programs (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). ~ 5. Senior Support is seeking grant support for Case Management services for homebound seniors (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). 6. Spectrum Community Services is seeking grant suppo~t for the Meals on ~Wheels Program (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). . ~ 7. Tri-Valley Haven is 'seeking grant ~support for a Homeless Shelter and: Services (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). ~ . 8. . Tri-Valley Haven is seeking grant support for a Domestic Violence Shelter and Services ~ , . (FUNDED IN FY 2010-11). ~ ~ ' . 9. Tri Valtey YMCA is seeking grant support to make required curb cuts and changes to the ; ~ , . _ : driveway ~ at ~ ,their Adult Day , Care Center at Nielsen Elementary- School. ~ (NEW ~ :-: ~ ... .. . - ;REQUEST). .:: :.., .. , . . ~ . . . . - _ The firsf new CDBG request is from Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL). CRIL provides an. array of services to individuals with various .disabilities,~ including housing = assistance: . The :City has awarded the organization CDBG and/or Community Support .Grant: funding, for: the past several years to support these activities. CDBG guidelines. mandate the ~ monitoring and auditing of grant recipient services. In the past, the City had findings during the annual monitoring process. CRIL had not maintained compliance with HUD mandated .reporting requirements, such as disability and income verification and case-file management. ~City Staff worked with CRIL to address these reporting issues, and during the monitoring in May~2010, no findings were reported. In Fiscal Year 2010-2011, CRIL was funded through the Community Support Grant Program. The second new request is from the Tri-Va11ey YMCA seeking funds for curb cuts.and sidewalk repairs to meet the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for the adult day care program located at Nielsen Elementary School in Dublin. At the time this Staff Report was prepared, the YMCA had not applied to the City of Dublin for their Conditional Use Permit to operate the adult day care program at this location. The application indicates they are in the process of obtaining the necessary approvals. YMCA has indicated that they are familiar with the reporting and oversight necessary on a capital improvement project using federal funds and understand that they would need to work with the County to assure that all required HUD rufes, reporting and regula#ions are followed for such a project_ ~ In addition to the above applications, the City of Dublin has 3 commitments for the use of CDBG funds: ~ 1. Sojourner House - a homeless shelter for women and "families. The City entered into a 10-year Jurisdictional Participation Agreement with the City of Livermore for the purchase Page 4 of 7 and rehabilitation of Tri-Vallsy Haven's Sojourner House Family Crisis Center. The City will provide funding for the 1.Oth and final year of the City's 10-year commitment. ~-~3 ~ 2. Housing Rehabilitation - this Program is run by the County of Alameda Department of Housing and Community Development and offers Dublin residents paint grants, accessibility grants for grab bars and handicap ramps and major rehabilitation loans. to homes that need new roofs, kifchen and bathroom upgrades, energy conservation upgrades and normal maintenance to older homes. This program typically has a waiting list of Dublin residents. 3. Administration - the City receives reimbursement up to $6,600 for administration of the Community Development Block Grant Program. ~ Staff has reviewed the proposed activities of the agencies to ensure the activities are in compliance with CDBG guidelines. As a requirement of funding, the City performs an annual site monitoring visit to each agency to review files and ensure compliance with HUD guidelines. Communitv and CDBG Grants Committee Review: The Committee, held a public meeting on January 12, 2011. ~ At the meeting, the Committee received the report from Staff (Attachment 1) and heard presentations outlining projects from all .. of~the agencies..; The January 12, 201.1 meeting was adjourned..to January =13, 2011:where the. Committee deliberated and made funding recommendations. The Committee stated ;that, the services offe.red by the various~ age.ncies covered a wide range of important services for. Dublin residents. The Committee indicated that they were pleased with the amount of infoirmation prov,ided by Staff and.the agencies.: The draft minutes of the finro meetings are_attached to.this ~ ,.Staff Report (Attachment 2). . : ~ ~ ~ : .. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ After. considerable deliberation on the second evening, .the Committee concluded that, in light of _ the unresolved state. budget _crisis, funding prioritization for food, shelter 'and medical services would ,best meet the current needs ~of the Dublin community. The Committee recommended funding _ two CDBG eligible programs with Community Support Grant. funds. The recommendations included Tri-Valley Haven's Domestic Violence Shelter ($8,000) and the Tri- Valley Haven's Homeless Shelter ($6,000) for a total of $14,000. - The Committee's recommendation for these agencies will be brought before the City Council at the March 7, 2011 meeting when the Community Support Grants will be discussed. On the following page, the table ~includes all of the agencies that qualified for Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 CDBG grant funding, the amount requested and the Committee recommendations. The chart reflects all of the CDBG funding requests and the Committee's recommendation for funding two programs through Community Support Grants, although tonight's discussion will be focused on CDBG funding. , Page 5 of 7. Fiscal Year 2011-2012 CDBG Recommendations Co o-~~ CDBG Community Support Grant Funding CDBG Committee Committee Oraanization Request Recommendation Recommendation Axis Community Health - Assist. to medical care ~ $10,000 $10,000 Bay Area Community Services - Day Program $10,000 $10,000 ~ CRtL - Housing Services $16,000 $6,300 Open Heart Kitchen - Hot Meal and Lunch Programs $10,000 $10,000 Senior Support - Case Management $15,000 $7,800 Spectrum - Meals on Wheels $6,165 $6,165 Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Vioience Services $8,000 Tri Ualley Haven - Homeless Services $8,000 YMCA - Curb Cuts and Sidewalk Ramps $28,000 $10,135~ ' Sojourner House * $5,427 _ $5,427 Housing Rehabilitation * $15,673 . $15,673 $8,000 $6,000 Administration $6,600 $ 6,600. . ~ < ;.'~_: ~ ~ 3 fl ..~+`u-= n ` ~e"m°S`~~: ~, t, .. ~~~ ~E ~~~ fi .~~~~~4+'«z~-'' # - , ~ ~r~ , ,, ,• „ :~~:. . \~` ~~ .~>,~ ~`r ~:~}~~~~0~~., ~~ % ~~ ~a ~ ~t ~;$ ~..~. ~ ~~$; ~ ~~ ~~,;., ~ ,...m;~~~~~ ~~~QQ~. .,,,,..,w..w_.~.~. ..._,. _ .~,... ~ *Capital Improvement Pro~ects ~ Next Steps: Following the City Council's action on how the City's CDBG pr.oject funds will ~be distributed; the approved applications will be submitted to the Urban County CDBG Program. Wfien Alameda County reviews and approves Dublin's project applications, a Program Agreement between the City and the County will be drafted, which the City Council will be requested to authorize. The final City-County Program Agreement will be submitted to HUD before July 1, 2011. As mentioned earlier, the County of Alameda Housing and Community Development (HCD) has not yet received the Fiscal Year 2Q11-2012 CDBG funding allocation figures from HUD for distribution to the Urban County Cities; therefore, the recommendation equals this year's funding allocation amount of $88,100. ~ _ Noticinq Requirements and Outreach Efforts The following is a brief overview of actions taken for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 funding cycle: In May 2010, the City Council high priority objective to develop a procedure to combine the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the Community Support Grant processes into one was complete. In early November 2010, a Request for Proposal was advertised for Grants, with an open application period set between November 8 and December 10, 2010. Announcements on the City website about the open application period with links to the Universal Application on the home page and also on the Housing and City Manager's Office web pages. Page 6 of 7 A On November 10 and 18, 2010, City Staff held Grant Application Workshops with community organizations to review the new Universal Grant Application, instructions~ and rating criteria. ~ ~ "~o ~?j) o In December 2010, the City Council appointed two City Councifinembers to the Grants Standing Committee: o On December 7 and 8, 2010, the City participated in the Tri-Valley Grant Workshops with ~ the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton. . . ~ • On December 16, 2010, an orientation was held for the new Committee members. o Letters were sent on Decerriber 17, 2010, to Fiscal Year 2011-2012 CDBG and Community Suppor~ Grant applicants providing information about the mandatory presentation date/time and presentation guidelines. • On January 12 and 13, 2011, the Grants Standing Committee met. ~ ATTACHMENTS: 1: . January 12, 2011 Community and CDBG Grants Committee . Staff Report without Attachments or Exhibits (Attachments and ~~ Exhibits can be reviewed in the Community Development , Department) ~: ~ 2. Draft minutes from the January 12 and 13, 2011 Community.. . ~ and CDBG Grants Committee meeting ' K:\CDBG~2011-20I2~.SR February 1 2011 (3).doc Page 7 of 7 DRAFT ~`o~- 3 i On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Swalwell and b nanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8 -11 CERTlFYING A FINAL ENVIRONM AL IMPACT REPORT, . , ADOPTING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING , A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS AND MITIGATION M ITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM UNDER CEQA FOR THE DO TOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN A 07-036 and ~ ' SOLUTION NO. 9 -11 ADOPTING THE DOWNTO DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN TO ENSURE C4NSIST C'~( W1TH THE DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN, AND REPEALING THE WE DUBLIN BART SPECIFIC PLAN, VILLAGE PARKWAY SPECIFIC PLAN, DOWNTOWN RE SPECIFIC PLAN, DUBLIN DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN, AND SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN ,PA 07-036 and introduce an Ordinance Approving Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Create a New Chapter: 8. (Downtown Dublin Zoning District), Rezone All Properties within the Downtown Dublin S ific Plan Project Area to the Downtown Dublin Zoning District, Amend the Zoning Map to entify the Location of the New Zoning District, Amend Zoning Ordinance Chapter 8.12 (Zo ' g Districts and Permitted Uses), and Amend Chapter 8.104 (Site Development Review). ~G' . UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community and CDBG Grants Committee Recommendations for the Use of Communitv Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 8:06:43 PM - 7.1 (480-30) Administrative Analyst Gaylene Burkett presented the Staff Report and advised that on January 12 and 13, 2011, the Community and CDBG Grants Committee (Committee), made up of Councilmembers Hildenbrand and Swalwell, held two public meetings, reviewed information provided by Staff and received agency presentations.on CDBG applications for- funding. After considerable deliberations on the second evening, the Committee concluded that in light of the unresolved state budget crisis, funding prioritization for food, shelter and medical services would best meet the current needs of the Dublin community. This year, in accordance with the Committee's priorities, certain agencies would receive full funding. In addition, the Committee recommended funding two CDBG eligible programs with $14,000 in Community Support Grant Funding, which would be discussed at tfie City Council Budget Study Session on March 7, 2011. - DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ` 8 ~ VOLUME 30 REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 2011 ATTACHMENT 2 1.:;^k~~ ~ DRAFT . . ~o~ ~1 Vm. Hart asked why the City. was considering using CDBG funds for the Concrete Curb Cuts and Sidewalk Ramps. ~ . ~ Ms. Burkett stated it was an eligible ase of CDBG funding. It was a Capital Improvement P,roject. City Manager Pattillo stated the City had trouble in the past getting structural projects and this was one of the areas that was most applicable to CDBG funding. ~ . ,~, ~ Vm. Hart asked if this would be taking funds away from other uses. Ms. Burkett stated there was a balance befinreen the number o.f Capital Improvement Projects and Service Based organizations that the City could fund. The percentage was 15%. By funding a Capital Improvement Project, it would help the City to not exceed that amount. The County would look at all applications for CDBG from the urban County Cities to see if they exceeded that 15%. The City did not know that yet. Funding a Capital Project would help the City not exceed that percentage. ~`~~ Cm. Hildenbrand stated she and Cm. Swalwell, when.considering funding, focused on housing, food and basic needs for the community. The Capital Project funding made sense s,ince YMCA was moving here and providing these types of services. ~~ ~ k3. Mayor Sbranti asked how long the City would be eligible for these funds. "`'C~~ ~ City Manager Pattillo stated when the City signed on with the County for a three year agreement, which would end in 2012, the City did not know where it would be with population projections. There was a subcommittee formed by the, City Council as an exploratory component. With #he census data now, the City might still look at a cost benefit analysis to see if the County should still oversee the City's program. The funds associated with CDBG have been on the decline. That would be a decision point that would come back to the City Council. There would also be a community component. Mayor Sbranti stated when he was in Washington.D.C., there was talk of ending out the CDBG program altogether. The City needed to monitor this and the results of the Needs Assessment. The City might want to consider the Human Services Task Force. On motion of Vm. Swalwell, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council approved the Committee's recommendation to fund the following agencies; directed Staff to submit applications to the Alameda County Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for $88,100 in CDBG funding for Fiscal Year201 i-2012; Axis Community Health. - Medical Enrollment Assistance, $10,000; Bay Area Community Services - Valley Creative Living Center, $10;000; CRIL - Housing Services, $6,300; Open Heart Kitchen - Lunch and Hot Meals Program, .$10,000; Senior Support Program - Case Management, $7,800; Spectrum Gommunity Services - Meals on Wheels, $6,165; YMCA - Curb Cuts and ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNGL MlNUTES ~ 9 ~ VOLUME 30 G`,~.~oeo~e~y REGULAR MEETING . n~ ~ FEBRUARY 1, 201'i '~~~~~`f ~~~~R~~~ DRi4FT ~ 10 0~- 3~. Sidewalk Ramps, $10,135; Housing Rehabilitation (administered by the County), $15,673; Annual Contribution toward Sojourner House, $5,427; Program Administration, $6,600; TOTAL: $88,100; and should there,be an increase in funds, Staff recommended equally funding Senior Support services and CRIL services up to their maximum amounts requested because tlie other service organizations had already been allocated #he amount requested in their application. Any remaining increase could go towards the YMCA curb and sidewalk project. Should there be a decrease;. Staff recommended the decrea.se be evenly distributed between the programs that do not have mandatory set amounts. ~i PIEW BUSINES.S Grant Aqreement with the YIIACA of the East Bay - 8:29:17 PM 8.1 (600-30) Economic Development Director Linda Maurer presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council was being asked to approve a multi-year grant agreement in the total amount of $400,000 for the YMCA of the East Bay to assist in defraying costs associated with the operation and administration of programs and activities at their new Dublin location. Kelly Dulka, Executive Director of the .YMCA, stated this space was~ significantly larger than where they were now. This new space would allow for more programs. The City Council welcomed the YMCA to Dub(in On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Biddle and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION MO. 10 - 11 APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE YIIACA OF THE EAST BAY and approved the Budget Change . ~i - - . .. Jordan Ranch - General Plan Amendment and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study Initiation Request 8:37:18 PM 8.2 (420-30) Planning Consultant Mike Porto presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider whether to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Du61in Specific Plan Amendment DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTE& 10 VOLUIUiE 30 ~~oP ~ . REGULAR MEETIPIG n; ~ . FEBRUARY 1, 20'i 1 '~\~~~/~ , Gc~ N~° STAFF REPOFtT CO~VIMUNITY SUPPORT AND ~ ~ n~" 31 COII~NiU1VITY DEVEL~PMENT BLOCK GRANT - ClTY COUNCIL STA-NDINC SUBC(JMMITTEE . DATE: January 12, 2011 TO: Councilmember Hildenbrand and Councilmember Swalwell FROM: ~ Joni Pattilio, City Manager SUB.lE T~ommunity Devefopment Block Grant (CDBG) a ommunity Support Grant __ Funding Requests for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Prepared By: Ga tene Burkett, Administrative A yst and Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager~ EXECUTIVE SUM~fIARY: Staff i~as reviewed the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 applications received during the Request for Proposal periad,1 November 8 through December 10, 2010. All applications have been ranked according to rating criteria approVed by the City Council. The Standing Committee will hear Staff and organization presentations and make funding recommendations for consideration by the full City Council. FlNAPICIAL 1MPACT: In Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the CDBG Gran#s totaled $88,100. Actual funding for Fiscal Year 2011-2Q12 may be different as funding allocations from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will not be known until mid-February or March 2011. These funds will be reimbursed from the Alameda County Housing and Community Development Depar#ment. In Fiscal Year 2011-2~12, the Cornmunity Support Grant funding cap is $120,000, with $25,OOd maximum per application (project). Community Support Grants are supparteci entirely by the City's General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Standing Committee: 1) Receive Staff presentation; 2) Receive CDBG applicant presentations; 3) Receive Community Support Grant applicant presentations; 4) Discuss funding optians; and 5) Support Staff's recommendation for CDGB and Community Support Grants; or provide alternate direction for funding. ~ Submi~ ed By Sub itted by Reviewed by Community Development Director Budget Manager Assistant ~ Manager COPY TC~: All Grant Applicants ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 10 BACKGROUND: ~ 12.0~~~ The following is a briefi overview of actions taken for the Fiscal Year 2011-2Q12 funding cycle: m In early~November 2010, a Request for Proposal was advertised for Grants, with an open application period se# between November 8 and December 1 Q, 2010. • On November 10 and 1$, 2010, City Staff held Grant Appfication Workshops with community organizations,to review the new Universal Grant Application, instructions and rating criteria. ~ In December 2010, the City Council appointed Councilmembers Hildenbrand and Swalwell to serve on the Grants Standing Committee. • On December 7 and 8, 2010, the City Staff participated in Tri-Valley Grant Workshops with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton. CDBG Backqround: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG} funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City of Dublin works. with Alameda County's Urban CDBG Program ta allocate funds and with HUD to assure that all CDBG-funded.activities are in compliance with federal regulatians. The City o# Dublin has participated in Alameda County's Urban-County CDBG Program since 1982. The City of Dublin, along with the cities of Albany, Emeryville, Newark, and Piedmont, which do not have a minimurn population of 50,000 residents, make-up the Urban County Cities, along with the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. During the current Fiscal Year (FY 2010-2011), the City of Dublin received $88,100 in CDBG funding. Every year the County dedicates a percentage of each Urban County City's CDBG funding allocation to the County of Alameda's Housing Rehabilitation Program. This Program is available for residents within each of the respective Urban County Cities as well as the unincorporated County. fn addition, the County may limit each Urban County City to anly 15% of the CDBG allocation for service-based organizations and projects. The County's past practice has been to review al! applications received from each Urban Coun#y City to determine if the overal! request for service-based projects exceeds the 15% limit. The County of Alameda Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD}, fiscal agent for the Urban County CDBG Program, has not yet received the 2011-2012 CDBG funding allocation figures from HUD for distribution to the Urban County Cities. For planning purposes, when the amount is~ unknawn, the City typically uses the same total funding amount that was allocated the previous year. Past experience has shown that the HUD budget for CDBG funds will be different than the amount allocated in Fiscal Year 2010-2011. Should there be an increase ar a decrease in CDBG allocations; Staff recammends that the percentage of the increase or decrease be distributed evenly across all the programs that do not have mandatory set contributions; up to the maximum funding request by each agency. CDBG funds are ultimately Federal funds, therefore, strict reporting and .monitoring for compliance is required. To comply with the County's CDBG timelines, the City Council Grants _ Standing Cammittee's CDBG funding recommendations must be considered at the City Council meeting on February 1, 2011. Page 2 of 10 Communitv Support Grant Back rc~ound: ~~~~ 3l This will mark the fifth fiscal year of a City Council approved Community Support funding process. There are several key elements that make up this process: 1) a standardized grant application paclcet; 2) a requirement that grant applicants make presentations outlining services provided to the comrnunity and discuss how the additionai City funding would further benefit Dublin residents and businesses; and 3) the establishment of a maximum request per project of $25,000 and a funding cap of $120,000 for the Fiscal Year 201'1-2012 Budget process. Last year, the City Council's high priority goal of combining the CDBG and Community Support. Grant processes into ane in anticipation of the City becoming a CDBG Entitlement City in the future was completed. Merging ofi the two processes resulted in changes to the Community Support Grant process; most significantly, the application timeline for the Community Support Grant process was accelerated to match the timelines required for the CDBG process. Similar to last year; the City Council Grants Standing Committee will hear organization presentations prior to making recommendations to the full City Council. The City Council will consider the Standing Committee's funding recommendations for Community Support Grants at the Strategic Planning/Budget Study Session on March 7, 2011. City Council recommended Community Support Grant funding requests wili be included for final consideration in the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Budget, with final grant awards to be con€icmed as part of the City Counci~ Budget Hearing held in June 2011. Outreach Efforts As in past years, there were many points of contact with organizations as part of the CDBG and Community Support Grant application processes. These outreach and education effor~s included: . o In earfy November 2010, a Request for Proposal was advertised 3#imes in local newspapers for Grants, wi#h an open application period set 6etween November 8 and December 1 Q, 2010. e Announcements an the City website about the open application period with links to the ~ Universaf Application on the hame page and also on the Housing and City Manager's OfFice web pages. o On November 10 and 18, 2010, City Staff held Grant Application Workshops with community organizations #o review the new Universal Grant Application, instructions and rating criteria. o In December 2010, the- City Cauncil appointed two City Councilmembers to the Grants S#anding Committee. / e On December 7 and 8, 2010, the ~City participated in the Tri-Valley Grant Workshops with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton. . m On December 16, 2010, an orientation was held for the new Committee members. ~ Letters were sent on December 17, 2010, to Fiscal Year 2011-2012 CDBG and Camrnunity Suppor# Grant applicants providing information about the mandatory presentation date/time and presentation guidelines. Each organization wiil be provided three (3) minutes to highlight the success or impact of past funding; the need for this funding request; and the number of Dublin residents served by the program/p"roject. The City Council Standing Cammittee has allocated an additional two (2) minutes for questions and answers. Page 3 of 10 This was the first year t~e City Council app~roved Rating Criteria was used for a!i the grant applications. As the CDBG and Community Support G~ants do have some variation in appiication requirements, these differences were taken into consideration during the application review process. Further information about how #hese differences were applied is discussed later in the report. The rating criteria are anly one of several factars used in recommending funding. ~ ~'~o~~~ ANALYSIS During this year's application cycle, the City of Dublin received 27 applications from 23 organizations or groups. Of the 27 applications received during this year's application cycle, 9 met the CDBG criteria and 18 met Community Support Grant criteria. Five organizations submitted more than one application: Axis Community Health (2), Dublin Partners in Education (2), Dublin High Schoo! (2), Tri=Valley Haven (2) and Tri-Valley YMCA (3). Upon Staff review, all applications were cleemed complete or near complete. The breakdown of applications eligible for CDBG funds and Community Support Grant funds is outlined below. CDBG Of the 27 applications received during this year's application cycle, 9 applications qualified for the use of Fiscal Year 2011-2012 CDBG #unds. Two of the applications received, Community Resources for independent Living (CRIL) for Housing and Independent Living Services and Tri- Valley YMCA for curb cuts and sidewalk repair, are new requests this year, although CRIL has been funded through CDBG funds for these service in the past. The remaining requests are from applicants that the City funded in ~'iscal Year 2Q10-2011. Staff reviewed the CDBG applications and rated them according to the following City Council approved criteria: • Organization and Management - Evaluates the agency's ability to run and manage its operations; • Needs and Benefits - Assesses if the request meets the targeted population, goals and/or policies established by HUD guidelines; • Funding and Budget - Evaluates the agency's ability to leverage funds, reviews fees and current audits. Staff has reviewed past program performance and new proposed activities of the service providers to ensure the activities are in compliance with CDBG guidelines. As a requirement of funding, the City performs an annual site monitoring visit to each ag~ncy to review files and ensure compliance with HUD guidelines. If the agency received CDBG funding in Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the results of the site monitoring visits are inciuded on the Exhibit cover page for that agency in Attachment 1. Page 4 of 10 In an effort to reduce the volume of paper used for duplication of this report, application attachments (such as tax documents, organization bylaws and administrative policies, etc.) are not included, but are avaiiable for review at the City offices if desired. All applicants have submitted the necessary supporting documentation in their applications. The first new CDBG request is from Community Resources for lndependent Living (CRlL). CRIL provides an array of. services to individuals with various disabiiities, including housing assis#ance. The City has awarded the organization CDBG and/or Community Support Grant funding for the 'past several years to support these activities. CDBG guidelines mandate the monitoring and auditing of grant recipient services. In the past, the City had findings during the annu~l monitoring process. CRIL had not maintained compliance with HUD mandated reporting requirements, such as disability and income verification and case-file management. City Staff worked with CRIL to address these reporting issues, and during the monitoring in May 2010, no findings were reported. ln Fiscal Year 2010-2011, CRIL was funded through the Community Support Grant Program. The second new request is from the Tri-Valley YMCA seeking funds for curb cuts and sidewalk repairs to meet the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirernents for the adult day care program located at Nielsen Elementary School in Dublin. At the time this staff report was prepared, the YMCA had not appfied to the City of Dubli~ for their Conditional Use Permit to aperate the adult day care program at #his location. The application indicates they are in the process of obtaining the necessary approvals. YMCA has indicated that they are familiar with the reporting and oversight necessary on a capital improvement project using federal funds and understand that they would need to work with #he County to assure that all required HUD rules, reporting and regulations are followed. for such a projec#. In addition to the above requests, the City has other CDBG commitments: . A 10-year cammitment to provide funding of $5,427 to the City of Livermore per the Jurisdic#iona! Participatiar~ Agreement entered into for the rehabilitation of Tri-Valley Page 5 of 1 Q Below. is a chart. listing. the applications received, funding requests, and Staff's recommendations for CDBG funding for Fiscal Year 2Q11-2012: `~„~~~~ l Haven's Sojourner House Family Crisis Center. This will be the tenth and final year of the City's 10-year commitment to pay this amount to the City of Livermore; ((p ~~ ~ The County of Alameda administers the.City of Dublin's rehabilitation program. In Fiscal~L Year 2010-2011, $17,104 was allocated to that program, approximately $15,673 is anticipated for Fiscal Year 2011-2012; . Administration fees in the amount of $6,600 to adminis#er the CDBG program. Of the 27 Community Support Grant and CDBG applications received, Staff recommends funding 9 of these programs through the CDBG process. Because the request for funds exceeds the anticipated allocation amount, Staff spread the anticipated balance everily among the various service agencies with the exception of Spectrum as their requested allocation is less; the remaining $10,135 is allocated to YMCA's capita! project request to assist in meeting the HUD ratio as discussed in the CDBG Background section above. The programs as recommended meet the CDBG program's national objectives of benefiting income qualified persons, homeless ~ersons or persons with disabilities; and all qualify as eligible uses of CDBG funds. If approved, the City would enter into mandatory contracts with the funded organizatians. The submitted CDBG application packets (A#tachment 1) are provided in the order listed in the Attachment section at the end of this report. If an agency has been funded in the previous fiscal year, it wi~l be noted on the coversheet haw much money was funded to that agency. If they are new applicants, the previously funded amount will be listed as zero. Not included in the above calculations is a$5,068 carry-over from Fiscal year 2009-2010 for Kidango Playground Equipment. The $5,058 was budgeted in CDBG far Fiscal Year 2009- 2010; however, not expended by June 30, 2010; ther.efore, it was carried over to Fiscal Year 2010-2011. - Community Su,~port Grants Of the 27 applications received during this year's application cycfe, 18 applications met Community Support Grant funding criteria. Attachment 2 of the Staff Report includes . a summary sheet for FY 2011-2012 funding requests; ratings which are one indicator of the organization's compliance with the application requirements; and Staff funding recommendations. Similar #o the format for CDBG applications, the summary sheet is followed by a cover sheet (Exhibit) for each application which summarizes the organization's reques# and provides summary information about the organization's submitted grant application. Cover sheets and applications are provided in alphabetical order as appearing on the Attachment summary sheet. Page 6 of '10 Below are charts listing the applications received, funding requests and Staff's recommendations for Community Support Gra'nt funding for Fiscal Year 2011-2012: (~ ~,~ 3 l : Organ~za~Er~~~`E1'~~i~~e ~a~r ~ ~~~~'c~r~ec~ ~un€~~~~ ~~,. S~a~ ~~mmune~ Su~~v~rt ~~aR~:Fundm~ ~ ~und~ng ~ ; ~~:eq~e~~~'~r ~e~crmme~cfi~fi~n .: ,. .: : : th~rci~ ~i~~a~~~~ral.~uric~ ...~.:'_., ._ _, . F'Y,~~'~t1:~~Q~t.~ .: ~`i~~1~1.r~a~~_:~ . .. .F'1~;~f~:~,~.=~,Q~1~`..,.~,: Child Care Links - Communit Service $18,500 $25,000 $18,500 Dublin Partners in Education - Bowl-a- Rama $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Dublin Partners in Education - O erational Grant $15,000 $20,000 $15,aao Eden I& R, Inc - 2-1-1 Alameda Count ~ $1 Q,000 $10,000 $1 Q,OQO Hope Haspice, Inc - Grief Support Center $15,OQ0 $15,0~0 $15,000 Las Positas Community College District - Tri-Valle One Sto $15,000 $15,000 $1~5,000 Pacific Chamber Symphony - Music is Fun Pro ram $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 Sub-Total FY 10-11 Reci ients $90,50a $102,000 $90,500 ~ ~ _= ~-p~prarr~+~ ; Fundr~~g S~a~' -., ,,. ,. ~ , , A~e~nr l~eque~~,s far , Fund~ng ~ _ ~tequest,for ; Recomm~ndafi~an " : .. Commuri: Su ~ o~E~Gr~ant Furtdin ~- ~; F1f~2Q~0-2019 : . . EY 20'i~1 20'12 = . ~ ... . FY 2F}1.1-ZO'i.2~ :. .` Axis Community - Pre-Development Pro'ect - $ 5,000 $2,930 Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency (DCARA) - Tri-Valley Deaf Services Pro ram. - $25,000 $2,930 East Bay Innovations - Connect Universi# - $ 4,000 $2,930 Livermore Valle O era - O eraLive! - $ 7,500 $2,930 The First Tee of the Tri=Valley - Life SkiNs Ex erience ~ - $ 3,049 $2,930 Tr.i-Valley YMCA - Families in Transition Pro ram - $15,000 $2,930 Tri-Vailey YMCA - College & Career Plannin - ~ $15,Q00 $2,930 Sub-Total - New A licants - $ 75,549 $ 20,510 'Total All General Fund Grants - $186;549 ' $120,010 Page 7 of 10 Eden Council for Hope & Opportunity - Rental Assistance Pro ram $6,1$0 $ 7, 900 $ 6,180 Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center - Communit Stabilization Pro ram $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Total Grants from Housinq In-Lieu Fund $31,180 $32,900 $31,180 Similar to the CDBG appiications, Community Support Grant application attachments (such as tax returns, certificate of insurance, etc.) are not included, but are available for review at City offices if desired. Most applicants submitted the necessary supporting documentation in their appiication attachmen#s. This was the fiirst year the City Council approved Rating Criteria sheet was used for Community Support Grants. Organizations attempting to start a new program (never implemented in Dublir~ or another Bay Area community) did not receive a point for providing a praject/program with a "successful proven track record". Additionally, as submission of an organization's annual audit is not a requiremen# for the Community Support Grant program, each applicant, whether they provided an audi# or not, all received one point for this item. The following two projects were submitted for consideration as part of the FY 2011-2012 funding process and received a grant award in years prior to FY 2010-2011. The detaiis of these projects are further discussed in the attached exhibits: • Dublin High School - Dry Grad Night; ~ Dublin High School and PFSO - Every 15 Minute Program. The following seven new projects were submitted for consideration as part af the FY 2011-2012 funding process. The details of these projects are further discussed in the attached exhibits: • Axis Community Health - Pre-Development Project; • Deaf Counsefing Advocacy & Referraf Agency (DCARA) - Tri-Valley Deaf Services Program; • East Bay Innovations (EBI); o First Tee ofi the Tri-Valley, The - Life Skills Experience; • Livermore Valley Opera - OperaLive!; 0 Tri-Valley YMCA - Families in Transition Program; • Tri-Valley YMCA - College & Career Planning. All new grant applications comply with the funding guidelines established by the City Council and afl have submitted fundamentally complete applications. Historically the City Council has decided to award grant recipients from prior years at essentially the. same level when the program or project has had a successful impact on the community. All the Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 recipients have proven successful #hus far; therefore Staff is recammending that these groups be awarded funding at a similar ~eve! to Fiscal Year 2p10-2011. The two applications from years prior to Fiscal Year 2010-2011 were also successful programs; therefore these are also recommended for funding at prior award levels. Page 8 of 10 Staff suggests that ali new General Fund grant applicants receive an equal portion of the balance of the funding available after awards to previous year grant recipients have been ailocated. Throughout the grant process, organizations are strongly advised that the success or implementation of their program or project should not be solely dependent on receipt of grant funding from Dublin. Organizations are always encouraged to leverage any grant award with. other revenue sources. l~ n,F3~ FY 2010-2011 Grant Reci ients Total $90,500 Previous Grant Reci ients Total $ 9,000 New Grant Applicants: Balance available $20,500/ Remaining. Groups 7 $ 2, 928.57 $20, 510 Recommendation: $2,930 er rou rounded Total General Fund $120,010 Should the Grants Standing Committee recommend funding Eden Council for Hope & Opportunity - Rental Assistance Program and/or the Tri-Valley Housing OpporEunity Center (NHOC) for the Community Stabilization Program, Staff recommends that these programs be funded through the Cify's Inclusionary Zoning In-Lieu Fee Fund (Affordable Housing Fu~d). Hausing services are allowable expenses per the City's Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.68.080A. These programs have been suppor~ed through this funding source in prior years. Staff recommendations for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 are reflective of the previous year's grant award. In total $151,190 in funding requests are recornmended for inclusion in the Community Support Grant program for FY 20~ 1-2012. Gerieral Fund support to organizations is recommended at $120,410; this recommendation is ten dollars over the program funding cap to allow for rounding in the funding distribution. The Affordable Housing Fund support is recommended at $31,180. The submitted Gommunity Support Grant application packets (Attachment 2) are provided in alphabetical order as- shown the Attachment listing belaw. If an agency was funded in the prior fiscal year, the funding level will be noted on the exhibit coversheet. The previously funded amou~t column will list "n/a" for all new grant programs. , Page 9 of 10 ACTIOid REQUESTED Staff recommends t~e Standing Committee take the following actions: • Receive Staff presentation; ~~ p~ 3 ~ Q Receive CDBG applicant presentations; • Receive Community Support Grant applicant presentations; e Discuss fur~ding options; and ~ Support Staff's recommendation for CDGB and Comrnunity Support Grants; or provide alternate direction far funding. ATTACHMEMTS: 1. CDBG Application Summary Sheet with application caver sheets and grant applications: A. Axis Community Health - Medical Visits B. Bay Area Community Services - C. CRIL - Housing & Independent Living Services D. Open Heart Kitchen - Ho# Meal and Week-end Lunch Programs E. Senior Support - Case Management F. Spectrum - Meals on Wheels G. Tri-Valley Haven - Domestic Violence Services H. Tri-Valley Haven - Homeless Services . I. Tri-Valley YMCA - Curb Cu#s & Sidewalk Repair J. Other CDBG Commitments 2. Community Support Grant Summary with application cover sheets and grant applications: A. Axis Community Health - Pre-Development Project B. Child Care Links C. Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency D. Dublin High School - Dry Grad Night E. Dublin High Schoal - PFSO - Every 15 Minutes Program F. Dublin Partners In Education - BowI-A-Rama G. Dublin Partners in Ed~cation - Operational Grant H. East Bay lnnovations - Connect University I. Eden Information & Referral - 2-1-1 Service J. Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO) - Rental Assistance P'rogram ~ K. First Tee of the Tri-Valley - Life Skills Experience - L. Hope Hospice - Grief Support Center M. ~as Positas - Tri-Valley One Stop N. Livermore Valley Opera - OperaLive! \ ~ O. Pacific Chamber Symphony P. Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center - Community Stabilization Program ~ Q. Tri-Valley YMCA - Families in Transition Program R. Tri-Valley YMCA - College & Career Planning Page 10 of 10 ~~ ~ ~f~ CO/1~1MU1!l/TY SUPPORT AND COMMUN/TY ~- ~ -if~ ,s2 ~ DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS ~ ~ ~ ~~ COMM/TTEE M/NUTES ~~FOR~1~ ,JANUARY 12, 2011 ~ALL TO ORDER ~ - A meeting of the Community Support and Community Development Block Grants Committee ("Committee") was held on January 12, 2011 in the Dublin City Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. Councilmember Kasie Hildenbrand called the meeting .to order at 6:01 p.m. ATTENDEES - ~ Kasie Hildenbrand, Councilmember; Erio Swalwell, Councilmember ; Jorii Pattillo, City Manager; Jeri Ram, Community Development Director; Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager ; John Lucero, Housing Specialist; Gaylene Burkett, Administrative Analyst; and, Taryn Bozzo, Recording Secretary. . . . ' PUBLIC MEETING ~ - ~ Cm. Hildenbrand stated that the meeting would end at 8:00 p.m. arid ~ if the meeting did not conclude by that time, it would continue to Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. = Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she is an employee of the Dublin Unified School Distr-ict in the Education Services Department and the Health Services Department. She stated ~hat two of the applications for grants this year are from Dublin Unified School District and~ that any grant £unding that might be approved with respect to those applications would be used by the District's Student Services Department. She ~further stated that she does not need to recuse herself from participating on those applications. ~She asked that the statement be included .in the meeting minutes. . Cm. Hildenbrand opened the floor for public comment. Hearing no comments, Cm. Hildenbrand closed the public comment. ~ ' Gaylene Burkett, Administrative Analyst, presented a.brief summary of the backgrourid and ~ analysis for both grant processes, as well as a brief summary of the Committee's involvement, as outlined in the Staff Report. ~ Ms. Burkett presented the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Attachment 1 and its Exhibits, as outlined in the Staff Report. ~ Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager, presented the Community Support Grants, Attachment 2 and its Exhibits, as outlined in the Staff Report. Ms. Cunningham stated that should the Committee recommend funding for Eden Council for- Hope and Opportunity (ECHO) & the Tri Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOC), these programs could be funded through the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance ("Housing In-Lieu") Fund instead of the General Fund. She stated that this option provides opportunity for more Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4 ,~ organizations to be awarded project funding and Housing Services are allowable experises in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. ~ ~~ 2~~~~31 Ms. Cunningham stated that the group presentation order is available on the reverse side of the Agenda and applicants are asked to present in alphabetical order, with CDBG applicants presenting first. She stated that Community Support Grant applicants.will follow in alphabetical order with the exception of Dublin Partners in Education, who will present last. She reiterated that a continuation may occur if presentations do not conclude by 8 p.m. ~ Cm. Hildenbrand thanked the organizations for attending and submitting applications, and briefly summarized the process of presentations. . Cm. Swalwell introduced himself and asked that applicants address other funding sources if they are an organization that uses Dublin funds as one of their primary sources. Sue Compton, representing Axis Community Health ("Axis"), briefly presented Axis' services and requested Fiscal Year (FI~ 2411-2012 CDBG funcling for an Enrollment Specialist to assist clients in getting access to .medical care. • ~ The Committee had no questions but stated that Axis' services are a great benefit to the community. ~ . - Lisa Gross, re.presenting Bay Area Community Services ("BACS"), ~briefly presented $ACS' services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for continued support o£ their Rehabilitation Program in the Tri-Valley. . ~ ~ ~ Cm. Swalwell stated that he appreciates BACS' work and efforts withiri the community. Cm. Hildenbrand and Ms. Gross clarified that in FY 2009-2010, 11 Dublin residents were: served and in FY 20~10-2011, 12 Dublin residents were served. , Sheri Burns, representing Community R'esources for Independent Living (`.`CRIL"), briefly presented CRIL's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for support of their Housing & Independent Living Services. Cm. Hildenbrand. asked if CRIL has experienced a rise in the number of residents seeking CRIL's services. Ms. Burns replied yes, CRIL has experienced an increase in the number of residents: She stated that in response to this increase, CRIL has increased their coverage in the Tri-Valley and have added additional Staff to assist in having a stronger presence in the area. Linda McKeever, representing Open Heart Kitchen, briefly presented Open Heart Kitchen's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for continued support of their Hot Meal and Weekend Boxed-Lunch Programs. . Cm. Swalwell asked how many meals would be lost should Open Heart Kitchen not receive the requested CDBG funding. Ms. McKeever replied that Open Heart Kitchen is persistent in seeking funding to support their program and aims to provide services regardless of the situation; therefoxe, she believes no rneals would be lost. She stated that the community and school district have been essential in continuing Open Heart Kitchen's services and the program is almost all- volunteer run. . Page 2 of 7 Cm. Hildenbrand stated that Open Heart Kitchen's services have been great for the schools and the comrriunity as a whole. Z~~~31 Marlene Petersen, representing Senior Support of the Tri-Valley ("Senior Support"), briefly presented Senior Support's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for continued support of their Case Management Program. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she appreciates the program collaborating with other agencies to get seniors the support they need. Tara Marino, representing Spectrum .Community Services ("Spectrum"), briefly presented Spectrum's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for continued support of their Meals on Wheels Program. ~ ~ The Committee had no questions. Vicki Thompson, representing Tri-Valley Haven, briefly presented Tri-Valley Haven's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for .continued support of tkieir pomestic Violence Services. ~ . Cm. Swalwell stated that he has heard nothing but great things about the Tri-Valley Haven's Domestic Violence~ services. He asked the last time Tri-Valley Haven assisted a Dublin resident.~ . Ms. Thompson replied that she recalls receiving a Dublin resident last spring. She stated that Tri-Valley Haven usually receives a couple Dublin farnilies within the year; however, many individuals and/or families need to be relocated outside of their community for ensured safety.. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she feels that the Teen Program Tri-Valley Haven is creating is very important as it is crucial to educate teenagers about domestic violence. Ms. Thompson briefly presented Tri Valley Haven's Homeless Services Program and requested 2011-2012 CDBG funding for continued support of the Program. The Committee had no questions. Kelly O'Lague Dulka; representing Tri-Valley YMCA ("YMCA"), briefly presented Tri-Valley YMCA's services and requested FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for support of their Curb Cuts and Sidewalk Repair, as the American with Disabilities Act requires, to open their Dublin Center. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that the YMCA has a lot of support from the entire Tri-Valley and appreciates their services. ~ Cm. Swalwell asked if, knowing that CDBG requires certain income criteria, a recommendation could be made to fund CDBG projects with General Fund Community Support Grant funds. Joni Pattillo, City Manager, replied yes, should Community Support Grant funding requests not be. fully appropriated, the difference between what was requested and what was funded could be augmented to fund other Grant applicants. ` Page 3 of 7 Sue Compton, representing Axis, briefly presented ~is' services and requested FY L011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for support of their pre-development costs for a new facility. ~~~~-3I. Cm. Hildenbrand asked if AYis is planning ta have one large site or a headquartexs with satellite offices. Ms. Compton replied that it will depend on the location they can acquire. Jim Brune, representing Deaf Counseling Advocacy and Referral Agency (DCAR,A), briefly presented DCARA's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for support of their Tri-Valley Deaf Services Program. Cm. Hildenbrand asked i.f DCARA is seeking funding from other cities. Mr. Brune replied that DCAR.A is seeking fuxzding from the cities of Pleasanton and Livermore. He stated that one of their longstanding funders is the Califorriia State Department of Social Services. Cm. Swalwell stated that he appreciates the services DCARA offers to the deaf community. I~e asked how DCAR.A works with domestic violence or sexual assault victims who are cleaf. Mr. Brune replied that DCARA works closely with Deaf Hope and often refers clients to them for . their services. He stated that Deaf Hope and DCAR.A are currently looking for ways to further their partnership and provide educational opportunities, and cultural sensitivity and awareness for the deaf community. . • ~ ~ ~ 1: . . : . . , ~ Nicole Roman, representing .Child Care Links, briefly presented Child . Care Links' services and :~ >.. requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant fundirig for continued support of tlieir ~ Community Service Program: , ' Cm. Swalwell stated that he appreciates Child Care Links' ability to secure other funding and not using the City's grant funds as their primary source of funding. Theresa Young, representing Dublin High School (DHS), briefly presented DHS's Dry Grad Night program and requested F`Y 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for support of their program. ~ Cm. Swalwell stated that he appreciates this program as he is a 1999 DHS Alumni and understands the importance of a dry and sober Grad Night for graduating seniors. He asked what other sources of funding DHS attains for Dry Grad. Night. Ms. Young replied that the students and parents fundraise all four years of high school to obtain funds for their Grad night. Sally Oto, representing DHS Parent Faculty Student Organization ("DHS PFSO"), briefly presented DHS PFSO's Every 15 Minutes program and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for support of their program. The Committee had no questions. Tom Heinz, representing East Bay Innovations, briefly presented East Bay Innovations' services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding £or support of their Conriect University. Page 4 of 7 Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she was not aware that services assisting the mentally disabled to . successfully start and/or manage relationships were available in the community and she appreciates the services offered. - ~~~~3 I Barbara Bernstein, representing Eden Information & Referral ("Eden I~& R"), briefly presented Eden I& R's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for continued support of their 2-1-1 Alameda County program. Cm. Swalwell asked how many cli.ents assisted were from Dublin. Ms. Bernstein replied 500 callers were from Dublin. ' The Committee had no questions. Marjorie Rocha, representing Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity ("ECHO Housing'), briefly presented ECHO Housing's services, and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding in continued support of their Rental Assistance Program. ~ Cm_ Swalwell asked for clarification regarding ECHO Housing securing only $7,500 of funding this year. Ms. Rocha replied that ECHO Housing received $74,000. from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which was not shown on the application. Slie further stated that a percentage of the funds received ,from HUD will go toward the Rental Assistance - Program. , , . . Dan McKegney, representing The .First Tee of the Tri-Valley ("The ~First Tee"), briefly presented The First Tee's services and requested FY 2011-2012 . Community Support Grant funding for support of their First Tee Life Skills Experience Program: , Cm. Hildenbrand asked if The First Tee is requesting funding from other cities. . Mr. McKegney replied yes, The First Tee is seeking funding from the City: of Pleasanton: : ~ Donna McMillion, representing Hope Hospice, briefly presented Hope Hospice's services and requested FY •2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for continued support of their Grief Support Center. ~ - ~ . Cm. Hildenbrand stated that the Grief Support Center is a great benefit to the community and that it is important to have Grief Support for children and teenagers. ~ The Committee had no questions. Gloria Arellano, representing Las Positas College (LPC), briefly presented LPC's services and requeated FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for continued support of their Tri- Valley One Stop Ceriter. ~ The Committee had no questions. ~ Sarah Nealy, representing Livermore Valley Opera, briefly presented Livermore Valley Opera's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community. Support Grant funding for support of their OperaLIVE! Access to the Arts Program, Page 5 of 7 Cm. Hildenbrand asked if the organization would conside "r bringing their services to an intere'sted school if funding was not adailable but the school offered to pay from their. own funding. Ms. Nealy replied that-the idea is to start the program in Dublin. She stated that the curriculum is currently being developed and the organization would work very closely with the school districts to make their services available to schools that were interested. Z,l,o p~'3~ Lawrence Kohl, representing Pacific Chamber Symphony, briefly presented Pacific Chamber Symphony's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for support of their "Music is Fun!" Elementary School Assembly Program. The Committee had no questions. Milly Seibel, representing the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center (TVHOG), briefly presented the TVHOC's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for continued support of their Community Stabilization Program. . - Cm. Hildenbrand stated that the TVHOC's services are invaluable to the Tri-Valley and appreciates that the services offereci continue: to keep up with the need of residents. Kelly O' Lague Dulka, representing the Tri-Valley YMCA {"YMCA"), briefly presented the YMCA's services and r.equested FY 2011=2012 Community Support Grant. funding for support of their Eamilies in Transition Program. ~. ,. .. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she was not aware that the YMCA offered services for families in transition and stated that ~it is important because there is a definite need, especially for children. Kristine Farro, representing the YMCA, briefly presented the YMCA's College & Career Planning services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Suppor.t Grant funding for support of that service. . Cm. Hildenbrand asked what schools the College & Career Planning service has toured with students. Ms. Farro replied that they have taken trips to southern California and visited schools like UCLA and Santa Barbara. She stated that they are planning to tour Oregon and Washington in the near future. . ~ Cm. Hildenbrand asked if both private and public schools are toured. Ms. Farro replied yes. Cm. Hildenbrand asked if students are advised of out-of-state residency. Ms. Farro replied that an independent College Counselor attends the tour and gives mini-workshops while traveling, educating students about attending college outside of their home state. Janet Lockhart, representing Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE), briefly presented DPI.E's services and requested FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for continued support of the BowI-O-Rama and OperationaI services. The Committee had no questions. Cm. Swalwell stated that the meeting would be continued to Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the City of Dublin City Council Chambers. ~ Page Ei of 7 Cm. Hildenbrand stated that the applicants have fulfilled their obligations and are noi requirea to~ attend the continuation meeting on January 13, 2011. ~ Z,~ ~ 3 I Ms. Pattillo clari~ed that the Committee makes funding recommendations which will then go to City Council for deliberatiori. She stated that there is no guarantee for funding. ~ ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m.- K• I Contbining CDBG & Comnaunity Grants I City Councel Comniittees 1#X - Slandin.g Conamittee 12011-20121 Minules 1 CDBG-CSG Comntiittee Minutes 1.12.Il.doc Page 7 of 7 ~~ ~, ~~ CO/l~1/~IUN/TY SUPPOR T AND COA9A9UN/TY ~i, ~e, ~~ ~~ s~ DEVELOPA9ENT BLOCK GRANTS. ~ ~~ l~ COMM/TTEE M/NUTES ~~LIFpR~1~ JANUARY 13, 201 l CALL TO ORDER A continuation of the adjourned January 12, 2011 meeting of the Community Support and Community Development Block Grants Committee ("Committee") was held on January 13, 2011 in the Dublin City Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. Councilmember Kasie Hildenbrand called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. • ~ ATTENDEES Kasie Hildenbrand, Councilmember; Eric Swalwell, Councilmember; Joni Pattillo, City Manager; Jeri Ram, Community Development Director; Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager; John Lucero, Housing Specialist; Gaylene Burkett, Administrative Analyst; and, Taryn Bozzo, Recording Secretary. PUBLIC MEETING . ~ Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she is an employee of the Dublin Unified School District in the Education Services Department and the Health Services Department. She stated that two of the ~ applications for grants tfiis year are from Dublin Unified School District and that any grant funding that might be approved with respect to those applications would be used by the District's Student Services Department. She further stated that she does not need to recuse herself from participating on those applications. She asked that the statement be included in the meeting minutes. ~ Gaylene $urkett, Administrative. Analyst, presented a brief summary of the process regarding deliberation -and discussion of Staff Recommendations. ~ Joni Pattillo, City Manager, stated that based on the previous night's discussion, Staff was proactive _in developing revised recommen.dations which may vary from what was recommended the previous night. The Committee stated that they would like to see Staff's revised recommendations. Ms. Burkett stated that maximum amounts funded have not changed in Staf~s revised recomxnendations. She stated that based on the previous night's discussion, Staff heard that the Subcommittee may want to fund more Community Development` Block Grant (CDBG) applicants fully. The Committee agreed that in these economic ~times it is important to consider the basics of food, shelter and medical services.. They further agreed that taking the Governor's recently released budget into consideration is important as it seems more pressure will be put on local governments to address needs such as food, shelters, medical services and education. Page 1 of 4 - ATTACHMENT 5 ' . . ' ~~. / . . The Committee agreed on the recommended $10,000 Fiscal Year (F~ 2011-2012 CDBG`fuiiu~ng for Axis Community Health's Enrollment Specialist to assist clients in getting access to medical ~care. ~ ZQ o~" ~ ~ , The Committee agreed on the recommended $10,000 FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for Bay Area Community Services' Valley Creative Living Center. - The Committee agreed on the recommended $6,300 FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for Community Resource for Independent Living's Housing & Independent Living Services. ~ The Committee agreed on the recoznmended $10,000 FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding £or Open Heart Kitclien's Weekend Box Lunch and Hot Meals Programs. The Committee agreed on the recommended $7,800 FY 2011-2012 . CDBG funding for Senior Support's Case Management: The Committee agreed on the recommended $6,165 FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for Spectrum Community Service's Meals on Wheels Program. . ~ The Committee agreed on the recommended $10,135 FY 2011-2012 CDBG funding for Tri-Valley YMCA's Curb Cuts & Sidewalk Repair. ~ ~ ~ Ms. Burkett stated that with those recommendations, CDBG funding is at its maximum funding . amount. She stated . that .Staff is . recommending funding the Tri-Valley Haven's Domestic Violence and Homeless Services through the Community Support Grant. She further stated that as discussed the previous night, the possibility of using the Community Support Grant.to fund some CDBG applicants could be considered. Ms. Burkett clarified that funding an organization's programs from two different Grant Funds could create challenges in regards to reporting requirements, as CDBG applicants are required to collect income data from clients served. ~ Ms. Burkett stated that Staff chose to fund Tri-Valley Haven's Services through the Community Support Grant because the Domestic Violence Shelter includes the Crisis Hotline which does not collect income data for reporting. She clarified that income data is only collected once a person enters the Shelter and they are not always a Dublin resident. Ms. Burkett stated that, in addition, the Tri-Valley Haven's Homeless Services serve a population where income data is not collected from each individual or family. ' The Committee agreed to recommend funding $8,000 from FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funds for .Tri-Valley Haven's Domestic Violence Services, and $6,000 from FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funds for the Homeless Services.. Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager, clarified that funding the Tri-Valley Haven's Services at the recommended amounts allocates $14,000 from the Community Support Grant funding amount which is funded from the General Fund. Moving on, the Committee agreed on the recommended $6,18Q FY 2011-2012 Housing In-Lieu funding for Eden Council for Hope & Opportunity's Rental Assistance Program. • Page 2 of 4 . 3D o-~ ~ - The Committee agreed on the recommended .$25,000 FY 2011-2012 Housing In-Lieu funding for the Tri Valley Housing Opportunity Center's Community Stabilization Program. The Committee agreed on the recommended $18,500 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Child Care Links' Community Services. The Committee agreed on the recommended $4,000 FY 201~1-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Dublin High School's Dry Grad Night. The Committee agreed on the recommended $5,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Dublin High School Parent Faculty Student Organization's Every 15 Mxnutes Program. ~ The Committee agreed on the recommended $5,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Dublin Partners in Education's Bowl-O-Rama, and the recommended $20,000 for the Operational Grant.' ~ The Committee agreed on the recommended .$10,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Eden Information & Referral's 2-1-1 Service. The Committee agreed on the recommended $15,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant. ~~ funding "for Las Positas. College's Tri-Valley One Stop. . , ~ ~. The Committee agreed on the recommended $15,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Hope Hospice's Grief Support Center. : The Committee agreed to not recommend funding East Bay Innovations, Livermore Valley Opera, The First Tee of the Tri-Valley, arid the Tri-Valley YMCA's College 8i Career Planning. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that although having the arts in schools is very important and the Pacific Chamber Symphony offers a great program, she feels the recommended $6,000 could be used to fund the Tri-Valley YMCA's Families in Transition services. She stated that she feels the community's need for Families in Transition services is great and could be very valuable: She further stated that the school district works very hard to provide arts and music in scliools. Cm. Hildenbrand suggested that the recommended $6,000 for Pacific Chamber Symphony be split, allocating $3,000 for ~is' Pre-Development Project and $3,000 for YMCA's Families in Transition Services. She further suggested that the recommended $2,000 for Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency (DCARA) be split, allocating $1,000 for ~is' Pre-Development Project and $1,000 for YMCA's Families in Transition Services. Cm. Hildenbrand asked how many residents DCARA anticipates serving. Ms. Burkett replied that their application states that they anticipate assisting 225 Dublin residents. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she doesn't feel $2,000 would be enough funding for DCARA to establish themselves in Dublin. She stated that clients would still have to drive to San Leandro, San Jose or Fremont to receive services. She further stated that if the program aimed to be viable in the community, they would need to be funded more money to make a presence. ~ Page 3 of 4 Cm. Swalwell asked if Staff feels that DCARA is sufficiently serving residents of llublin 'or is ~ what is stated in their application just projections: Ms. Cunningham replied.that the application states, theoretically, 1,423 Dublin residents would be eligible to receive their services. ~( q~.~ 3( Ms. Pattillo clarified that the Committee can recommend funding the ~ programs they feel our current population demands right now. She stated that the idea is that organizations can come back and apply next year and possibly articulate a little further: She further stated that it seems the Committee feels there is a greater need for a program like YMCA's Families in Transition and that need may change based on what happens with our economy. ~ Ms. Pattillo clarified that there is a reporting requirement for Grant funding and that is something that all applicants have to consider when applying for funding. Cm. Swalwell stated that he is very interested in DCAR,A's services but would like anecdotal evidence of them helping residents of Dublin. ~ The Committee agreed on $4,000 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Axis' Pre- Development Project. ~ , The Committee agreed on_$9,500 FY 2011-2012 Community Support Grant funding for Tri-Valley YMCA's Families in Transition Program. ~ ~ The Committee agreed to. not ~recommend funding the Pacific Chamber Symphony and Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency. . The Committee agreed that they feel the current needs of the community are being addressed and they understand the organizations' needs. They~ reiterated that in these economic times it is important to consider the basics of food, shelter and medical services, and taking the Governor's recently released budget into consideration is important as it seems more pressure will be put on local governments to address needs such as food, shelters, medical services and edu:cation: Ms. Burkett stated that Staff will take the Committee's CDBG recommendations to City Council for consideration on February 1, 2011, and Community Support Grant recommendations will be taken to . City Council Budget Study Session on March 7, 2011. She stated that the final consideration for funding will occur at the final Budget Hearing in June, 2011: Cm. Hildenbrand opened the floor for public comment:. Sue Compton, representing .Axis, thanked the Committee for their recommendations_ She stated that it is very valuable because 1~is wants to have community partners as they seek out more funding sources. , Hearing no further comments, Cm. Hildenbrand closed public comment. 1~DJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.. K.• 1 Conz6i~eing CDBC & Communily Grants 1 City Coicncil Committees 1#1 - Standing Comnailtee 12011-20121Mine~tes 4 CDBG-CSG Comnaittee Minutes 1.13.Il.doc Page 4 of 4