HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-15-1988 - • ' • • Regular Meeting - August 15, 1988 A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on August 15, 1988, and called to order at the Dublin Library at 7:00 p.m. by Cm. Barnes, Chairman. The meeting was adjourned to the Shannon Community Center, East Room, 11600 Shannon Avenue. This meeting was called to order again at the Shannon Community Center. * ~ ~ ~ ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Barnes, Burnham, Tempel; Laurence L. Tong, Planning Director; Laura Hoffineister, Associate Planner; Trudi Ryan, Project Planner; and Gail Adams, Planning Secretary. ABSENT: Commissioners Mack and Zika. ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Cm. Barnes did not conduct the pledge of allegiance because there was no flag. ~ ~ ~ ~ ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE AGENDA None ~ ~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING I~ Approval of the minutes for the meeting of August 1, 19$8 was withheld because ~ a quorom of all Commissioners from that meeting were not present. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None ~ ~ ~ ~ WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Tong advised that the Commission had received 11 action letters. Regular Meeting PCM-7-138 August 15, 1988 ' • • ~~*~r PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: PA 87-159.2 First Western Development, Parcel Map and Variance, 7450 Amador Valley Boulevard Cm. Barnes opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. Mr. Tong indicated that the Applicant was requesting the Planning Commission to continue this item to the September 6, 1988 meeting to allow them to submit additional information for the Staff's consideration. Cm. Barnes asked if there were any questions from the Applicant and/or public. Hearing none, the Planning Commission continued this item to the September 6, 1988 Meeting. SUBJECT: PA 88-074 Fountainhead Montessori School Conditional Use Permit, Cronin School 6901 York Drive Cm. Barnes opened the public hearing and called for the Staff Report. . Laura Hoffineister indicated that the Applicant was requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the continued operation of the Fountainhead Montessori School located at the Cronin Elementary School Site, 6901 York Drive. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that the Planning Commission had approved the Fountainhead Montessori School site at Fallon School in April of 1984; approved a Conditional Use Permit to relocate the school to the Cronin School site in July 1986; and, approved a two-year Conditional Use Permit for Hobby Horse, a 80 child preschool/daycare facility occupying Pod B at the Cronin School. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that the Applicant's use involved six classrooms for the various age groups consisting of approximately 8,000 square feet of floor area. She indicated that the maximum enrollment would be 144; and the hours were from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with occasional parent meetings held in the evening. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that additional parking spaces have been added which brings the total to 33. She indicated that Montessori School and Hobby Horse are required to have a combined total of 29 spaces. She indicated that the parking lot west of the Montessori School will be used by the Valley Continuation School. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that the Staff had noticed poor maintenance in regards to landscaping and litter control. She indicated that the school has corrected these problems; however, Staff still recommends that the School District and the Montessori School get together to incorporate a maintenance program to insure that the landscaping and litter is kept under control. Regular Meeting PCM-7-139 August 15, 1988 , ~ ~ • Ms. Hoffineister indicated that Staff is recommending that the use permit be approved with a one-year time limit with the option of a two-year extension approved by the Planning Director provided that all conditions are being met. Cm. Burnham asked if there was adequate parking for the faculty of the school to be able to park out in front of school. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that there were a few extra parking spaces. Cm. Burnham indicated that he was concerned with the driveway being blocked. Ms. Hoffineister indicated that Hobby Horse and Montessori would be open until the evening whereas the continuation school would close down around 1:00 p.m. Sarah Zimmerman, Applicant, asked about the peak time period. She indicated that they had arranged with the Church, which used the Pod where Va11ey Continuation would now occurs, that there would be no parking at the circular drive. Cm. Barnes indicated that she was concerned about the amount of cars going and coming at the peak starting time (9:00 a.m.) and would like to have the Staff and the school district get together to solve the problem. Ms. Zimmerman indicated that most of her children arrive around 9:00 a.m. Cm. Barnes indicated that she would like to see this item continued until Staff has met with the school district and the parking problem has been solved. Mr. Tong indicated that Staff could get together with the AppTicant and the school district and the item could be continued until a future meeting. Ms. Zimmerman requested that the use permit be granted as school starts next week. Cm. Burnham indicated that he was in favor of granting the use permit and that the school district should solve this problem on their own. Cm. Tempel indicated that he agreed with Cm. Burnham; however, he believed the Staff should talk with the school district to re-arrange the hours at the school site. Cm. Barnes indicated that she did not agree. She indicated that the school district was the property owner and that it may not be appropriate to ask the school to change their policies. Ms. Hoffineister suggested granting a temporary use permit for 60 days during which Staff could meet with the Applicant and the school district. She indicated this would give the Staff time to consult with the school district and work out the problem. Regular Meeting PCM-7-140 August 15, 1988 , . ~ Cm. Barnes closed the public hearing. On motion from Cm. Burnham (amending Condition #11 to aprpove a temporary 60- day use permit and with this item to be reviewed at a public hearing by that time, with Staff to provide additional information from its meeting with the school district regarding the circulation/parking) and with a vote of 3-0, (Cm. Mack and Zika were absent), the Planning Cornmission approved PA 88-074 FOUNTAINHEAD MONTESSORI SCHOOL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO OPERATE PRESCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND ELEMENTARY CLASSES (GRADES K-3) AT THE CRONIN SCHOOL. SUBJECT: PA 88-025.1 and .2 Standard Pacific - Northern California (Applicants/Rafanelli and Nahas Rea1 Estate Development (Owners) - Village IV - Villages at Willow Creek - Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review requests. Cm. Barnes opened the public hearing and asked for the Staff Report. Ms. Ryan indicated that this was a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review for a 135-unit condominium project occupying 8.3+ acres which is identified as Village IV. She stated that this project was noticed as a 3.3+ acre project and that this was an error. Ms. Ryan indicated that this site was rezoned as part of the 135+ acre Villages at Willow Creek and anticipated development on the Village IV site was for a 152 apartment/condominium project. She indicated that a change has been requested so that this project would be a 135-unit condominium project and this is what triggers the Conditional Us e Permit process. She indicated that the Applicant is requesting the Site Development Review for a proposed site plan and architectural design. Ms. Ryan indicated that this project will consist of 19 buildings; 8 of which are to have 9 dwelling units, 10 to have 6 units and 1 with 3 units. She indicated that the height ranges from 26 and 29 feet for the two-story and 34 feet for the three-story buildings. Ms. Ryan stated that Staff has been working closely with the Applicant and this has resulted in a complete application package as well as a complete site plan layout and various other features of the project. Ms. Ryan indicated that the Applicant was proposing 135 condominium units ranging from 817 square feet to 1,275 square feet, with floor plans of one and two level units. She indicated the lofts in Plan #5 would make the buildings three stories high for that portion. Ms. Ryan indicated that each unit would have a direct access garage and a formal entry area outside of the garage. Regular Meeting PCM-7-141 August 15, 1988 ~ • • Ms. Ryan stated that the Staff supported the Conditional Use Permit request because of the following: the density being proposed is consistent with the Planned Development; the change from apartment/condominiwn to condominium will not reduce the supply of available apartments specified in the Planned Development Conditions of Approval; and the parking ratio is consistent with the conditions in the Planned Development. Ms. Ryan indicated that the Applicant is proposing stucco exterior and concrete tile roofs with varied roof lines and facades. She indicated that the site plan on the wall shows the main circular road. Ms. Ryan indicated that the proposed site plan is consistent with the conditions of the Planned Development except for the following: a 5-foot setback from the street is proposed where 15 feet is required and a 10-foot setback between patio fences is proposed when 15 feet is required. Ms. Ryan indicated that Staff believes the setback between the patios is adequate as the 20 foot separation between bulidings is still being met and that 10 feet is adequate room to assure that the area can be properly maintained. She indicated that the 5 foot setback from the street is acceptable as the building placement will not create a driving hazard by affecting visibility. Ms. Ryan indicated that there was some concern about the driveway lengths. She indicated that the driveways should be large enough to accomodate a parked vehicle or small enough to discourage anyone from parking there. She indicated that the original submittal included about 42~ of the driveways with this inappropriate length; however, the Applicant has modified the site plan so that only about 30~ of the driveways fell into this category. Ms. Ryan indicated that Condition #17 was added to the Conditions of Approval and Attachment #11 of the Staff Report illustrates the driveway concept. She indicated that these measures would discourage people from parking in the driveways. She indicated Condition #24 has been added stating that parking is permitted only in garages and approved parking areas. Ms. Ryan stated that the landscaping is appropriate for the Dublin area and that Village IV and V should provide a uniform landscape treatment between their respective portions of the swale. She indicated that a maintenance program should be put in place. Ms. Ryan indicated that the Site Development Review request can be approved, with conditions, for the following reasons: the architectural style provides diversity and a distinct identity for Village IV as required by Condition #85 of the Planned Development conditions; and the site plan, with minor deviations, meets the development criteria established for the Villages. Ms. Ryan indicated that the Applicant is requesting Condition #20 to be reworded substituting "two entry roads" with "main entry road". She stated that there was a typographical error in Condition #29 whereas the spelling of Buzzardo should read Guzzardo. Regular Meeting PCM-7-142 August 15, 1988 , ' • • Ms. Ryan indicated that the Applicant is proposing to conform to the approved Alamo Creek sign program and has indicated sign location on the site plans. She indicated that final approval of the proposed signs would be through a separate sign review application. Ms. Ryan indicated that Staff recommends approval of the draft Resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review with the corrections in Condition #20 and #29. Mike Cortney, Standard Pacific, indicated that they have been working closely with the Staff. He asked for clarification that the specific conditions shown in the Conditions of Approval would take precedence over all others. He asked about the landscape plans for the models (referencing Village VII) and if they were exempt from the building permit application process. Mr. Tong indicated that the specific conditians would take precedence and that the models would be processed through a separate Administrative Conditional Use Permit. Cm. Barnes asked how many parking spaces there were. Mr. Courtney and Ms. Ryan indicated that there were a total of 290 parking spaces. Cm. Barnes asked if 50~ of the parking spaces were for compact cars. Ms. Ryan indicated that it showed "up to° 50~ could be compact and that this was consistent with the Planned Development. Cm. Barnes asked what the plans were for pougherty Road. Mr. Tong indicated that there were timing changes requested by Ron Nahas for the additional lane on Dougherty Road. He indicated that this'request was being reviewed. Mr. Nahas, Rafanelli & Nahas Real Estate Development, indicated that the plans for pougherty Road were completed, the signal lights were under construction, underground work is done, and the poles were on order. He indicated that the design was completed. He indicated, however, the transformer needed to be removed from Camp Parks and that he had to wait for the utility problems to be fixed before moving forward. Cm. Burnham asked who was responsible for removing the transformer. Mr. Tong indicated that Ron Nahas was working with Camp Parks. He indicated that the Army has a contractor to remove the transformer; however there was some difficulty in getting the parts to remove the transformer. He indicated that there was a condition stipulating that the road work had to be completed by the time 650 dwelling units were occupied. ' Mr. Nahas indicated that 650 dwelling units would not be completed until next summer. He was concerned with the timing and weather conditions and would like some direction from the Planning Commission. Regular Meeting PCM-7-143 August 15, 1988 , , - ' ~ ~ Mr. Tong indicated that the Conditions of Approval tied in with the original Planned Development and Mr. Nahas might be requesting revisions on those conditions. Cm. Barnes closed the public hearing. On motion from Cm. Burnham, modifying Condition #20 and #29, as suggested by Staff, seconded by Cm. Tempel, with a vote of 3-0 (Cm. Mack and Zika were absent) the Planning Commission approved CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REQUESTS FOR PA 88-025.1 AND PA 88-025.2 STANDARD PACIFIC-NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - VILLAGE IV OF THE VILLAGES AT WILLOW CREEK PROJECT FOR A PROPOSED MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 135 CONDOMINIUM UNITS PROPOSED OVER A 8.3+ ACRE PROPERTY FRONTING AT THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION OF DOUGHERTY ROAD AND ALAMO CREEK DRIVE (WILLOW CREEK DRIVE) ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW BUSINESS OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS None ~ * ~ ~ OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Tong advised that the August 22, 1988 City Council meeting had the Sign Ordinance issue on its agenda. He indicated that the August 8, 1988 City Council meeting had continued the Parallel Road issue to September 12th; approved the amendment to the Waste Management Plan, acted on the East Dublin General Plan studies, and acted on the contingency fund to pay for the Dublin Boulevard Extension General Plan Amendment project. ~ ~ ~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSIONERS` CONCERNS Cm. Tempel indicated that he was very pleased with the packet layout of the Village IV project and how the builder was cooperative with the Staff. Cm. Barnes indicated her concern in regards to Dougherty Road at Amador Valley Boulevard. She was concerned about the traffic situation at this location. She asked how soon the signal lights would be operating. Regular Meeting PCM-7-144 August 15, 1988 . ' , ~ ~ Mr. Tong indicated that Mr. Nahas was working on the application. Cm. Tempel indicated his concern over the Hansen Hill project; especially on the traffic level of service issues. He indicated that the same problems could occur on Dougherty Road. Cm. Burnham indicated his concern on the overgrown shrubery and trees on the sidewalk strips; especially in the Amador office complex next to the church. Mr. Tong indicated that he would bring this matter to the attention of the maintenance crews. Cm. Tempel indicated that there were dead trees in the Taco Bell parking lot area and was concerned over this being a potential fire hazard. He indicated that the drainage ditch needed to be cleaned out also. Mr. Tong indicated that he would look into the matter. He indicated that the maintenance on the drainage ditch was the responsibility of the property owner and this could fall under the Property Maintenance Ordinance. Cm. Barnes asked what was the name of the tree on Amador Valley Boulevard/ Village Parkway and stated that she had heard positive comments about them and this made her very proud. Staff indicated these trees were called "Crape Myrtle". ~ ~ ~ ~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ Res tfully sub itted, Planning Commissi 'rp rson Laurence L. Tong Planning Director ~ ~ ~ ~ Regular Meeting PCM-7-145 August 15, 1988