HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso 10-56 Grocery Outlet CUP RESOLUTION NO. 10-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNlNG COMM[SSfON OF THE C1TY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR "RETAIL - OUTDOOR STORAGE" FOR TNE GRQCERY OUTLET 759Q AMADOR VALLEY BOULEVARD (APN 94'{-0305-028) PLPA-2010-00049 WHEREAS, the Applicant, MCG Architecture, has submitteci an application on behaif of Grocery Outlet for a Conditional Use Permit for "Retail - Outdoor Storage" at 7590 Amador Valley Boulevard within a portion af the Qub{in Place Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, Grocery Outlet, a retail grocery store, is located in a PD (Planned Development) Zoning Distriet with underlying G1 (Neighborhood Gommercial) Zoning and is considered a`Retail - Generaf" Use Type which is a permitted use in the C-1 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, "Retail - Outdoor Storage" is the outdoor storage and sales of materials for "Retail - General" Use Types and is subject ta approval of a Gonditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission in the G1 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted a complete application for a Conditional Use Permit for "Retail - Outdoor Storage"; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA}, together with State Guidelines and City Environmental Regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmentaf documents be prepared; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CEQA, Staff is recommending that the Conditional Use Permit for "Retail - Outdoor Storage" for Grocery Outfet be found exempt from CEQA pursuant ta Section 15301 (Existing Facilities); and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted to the City of Dublin Planning Commission recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit request; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on said application on December 14, 2010; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in a{I respects as required by iaw; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and consider all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth and used its independent judgment to evaluate the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the Conditional Use Permit: A. The proposed use and refated structures is compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity in that: 1} the Project is compatible with the existing retail grocery store which is a permitted use in the C-1 Zoning District; 2} the merchandise stored outdoors consists of fresh produce which is also available inside the grocery store; and 3) existing transportation and services facilities are adequate to serve the grocery store and additional demand will not be pfaced on them with the establishment of outdoor display of inerchandise. B. It will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimentad to the public health, safety and weffare in that: 1) the Project has been conditioned to comply with aH State of California and Dublin Municipal Code requirements for accessibility to ensure that proper pedestrian access is maintained at all times around the outdoor merchandise; and 2) the Project has been conditioned to store all merchandise indoors after normal business hours to avoid theft or vandalism of merchandise. C. lt will not be injurious to properfy or improvements in the neighborhood in fhat: 1} the Project includes the placement af field bins outside an existing grocery store which wiU not be permanen#ly fixed ta the ground and as a result will not damage existing improvements in front of the stare. D. There are adequate provisions for pubtie access, water, sanitation, and public utilifies and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would nof be detrimental to the public hea/th, safety, and welfare in that: 1) the Project will be located on a fuily developed site that is served by existing utilities and services; and 2) the Project will not create a demand for additional utilities or services beyond that which already exists to serve the grocery store. E. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density and intensity of the use ana! related structures being proposed in that: 1) the site contains a 13,500 square foot freestanding building which is solely occupied by an existing grocery store and the Project compliments the grocery store through the outdoor display of the same type of merchandise that is available ins'rde the store; and 2} the main entrance to the grocery store is preceded by a plaza that is conducive for outdoor display of inerchandise while still providing adequate pedestrian access and circulation to the store. F. It wiN not be contrary to fhe specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located in fhat: 1) the Project supports an existing grocery store and is compatible with the C-1 Zoning District in which it is located; and 2) adequate parking exists to serve the Project in accordance with Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations}. G. It is consistenf with the Dublin General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans in that: 1) the Project is an e~ctension of an existing retail use which is consistent with the Retail/Office General Plan Land Use for the site; and 2) the Project is consistent with the Downtown Core Specific Plan which designates the site as C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) and allows "Retail - Outdoor Storage" as a conditional{y permitted use. 2 of 6 BE fT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Dublin Planning Commission daes hereby approve a Conditional Use Permit for `Retaii - Outdoar Storage" far Grocery Outlet as shown on the project plans date stampeci received by Dublin Pfanning on November 24, 2010 subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shalf be complied with prior to establishment of use and shal{ be subject to Planning Division review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approvaL- [PL] Planning; [B] Building; [PO] Police; [PW] Public Works; [ADM] Administration/City Attorney; [FIN] Finance; [PGS] Parks and Community Serviees; [F] Dublin Fire Prevention; [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District; [LDD) Livermore Dublin Disposal; [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health; [Zone 7) Afameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7; [LAVTA] ~ivermore Amador Valley Transit Authority; and [CHS] California Department of Health Services. When NO. CONDITfONS OF APPROVAL Agency Req'uired, Source Prior to: GENERAL 1. Approval. This Conditional Use Permit approval PL On-going Planning for PLPA-2010-00049 Grocery Outlet Outdoor Display is for the permanent placement of up to 18 field bins in the locations shown on the project plans prepared by MCG Architecture, dated received by Dublin Planning on September 24, 2010 and attached as Exhibit A, as modified by the conditions of approval contained herein. The design of the field bins shall be as depicted in the photograph labeled "Miiwaukie field bins 001" and attached as Exhibit B, dated received by Dub{in Plannin on September 24, 2010. 2. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall PL 2 years of DMC commence within finro (2) years of Permit Permit 8.96.020. approval, or the Permit shaH lapse and become approval D nufl and void. Commencement of construction or use means the actual construction or use pursuant to the permit approval, or demonstrating substantial progress toward commencing such construction or use. 3. Time Extension. The original approving decision- PL 2 years of DMC maker may, upon the Applicant's written request Permit 8.96.020. for an extension of approval prior to expiration, approval E and upon the determination that any Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approvai for a period not to exceed 6 months. All time extension 3 of 6 requests shall be noticed and a public hearing or public meeting shalf be held as required by the particular Permit. 4. Approval Period. This Conditional Use Permit PL On-going Planning approval sha{f be null and void in the event the approved use anc!/or structures cease to operate for a continuous one-year period. 5. Annual Review. On an annuaf basis, this PL ~n-going Planning Conditional Use Permit approval may be subject to review by the Communtty Deve[opment Department to determine compliance with the Conditions of A proval. 6. Revocation. This Permit shalf be revocable for PL On-going DMC cause in accordance with Dublin Zoning 8.96.~20.1 Ordinance Section (Revoeation). Any violation of the terms of the terms and conditions of this Permit may be subject to the issuance of a citation. 7. Minor Amendments. Modifications or changes PL On-going DMC to this approval may be considered and approved 8.100.080 by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.10Q.080 (Amendments) of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. PL C)n-going Planning In the event that there needs to be clarification ta these Conditions of Approval, the Community Development Director has the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval. Any clarification to these Conditions of Approval shall be documented in writing, signed by the Community Development Director and placed in the project file. The Community Development Director also has the authority to make minor modifications to these Conditions of Approva! without going to a Public Hearing in order for the Applicant to fulfill the requirements of the Permit approvaL 9. Hold Harmless/lndemnification. The Applicant ADM On-going Admin./ shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City City of Dublin and its agents, offieers, and Attorney employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or a enc of the Cit to the extent 4of6 such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; pro~ided, however, that the Applicant's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shaN be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Applicant of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedin s. PL,ANNING 10. Outdoor Display. Ail field bins shall be PL On-going Pfanning consistent in design, colors, materials and size. The use of pallets, cardboard boxes, or wire racks is strictl rohibited. 11. All Uses Conducted Indoors. Except as PL 4n-going Planning otherwise approved as part of this Gonditional & Use Permit, or otherwise allowed under Chapter DMG 8.108 (Temporary Use Permit}, all activities 8.108 associated with the business shall be eonducted indoors at all times. 12. Sales Transactions. All sales transactions shalf PL On-going Planning be conducted inside the building. 13. Loudspeakers and/or Amplified Music. No PL On-going Pianning loudspea[cers or amplified music shall be placed or pro'ect outside of the buildin at an time. 14. Property Maintenance. The ApplicantfTenant PL 4n-going DMC shall keep the property maintained in a safe, 5.64 clean, and litter-free condition at all times. 15. Nuisance. The Applicant/Tenant shali contro! aA PL On-going Planning activities on the project site so as not to create a nuisance to surrounding businesses and residents. 16. Temporary Promotional Banners and PL On-going DMC Balloons. The use of Temporary Promotional 8.84.050. Banners and/or Balloons shall be subjeet to S approval of a Zoning Clearance and compliance with 8.84.050.S (Temporary Promotional Signs) of the Dublin Zonin Ordinance. 17. Prohibited Signage. 7he use of any A-Frame, PL On-going DMC Portable Sign, or Sandwich Board Sign, or any 8.84.150 other sign contained in Section 8.84.150 (Prohibited Signs) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, is strictl prohibited. BU1LC11NG 18. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project B Through Buifding construction shafl conform to all building codes Completion and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. 5 of 6 19. Accessibility. The outdoor storage bins shall not B On-going Building impede and/or violate any accessible code requirements as mandated by the State of California or the Dublin Municipal Gode. POLICE 20. Merchandise Storage. The Applicant/Tenant PO On-going Police shall empty outdoor merchandise bins and store all products indoors during the hours that the store is closed for business in order to avoid theft and vandalism of inerchandise. 21. Graffiti. The App{icant/Tenant shall keep the site PQ On-going Police clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. 22. Theft Prevention and Security Program. The PO On-going Police Applicant/Tenant shal! work with Dublin Police on an on-going basis to establish an effective theft prevention and securit ro ram. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14~' day of December 201 Q by the folfowing vote: AYES: King, Schaub, Wehrenberg NOES: ABSENT: Brown ABSTAIN: , G Planning Commission Chair ATTEST• Plan ing nager G: IPA#120101PLPA-2010-00049 Grocery Outlet CUPIPC 12.14101PC Reso 1214.IO.doc 6 of 6 r.q oZ ~x N ° a m N 899176 VO Nnano $ a o x a° 'OA19 A311VA HOOVWV 069L o ~2 V J W 9 = w~ ¢ ° Z T q g o g SNIBAVldSIGHOOdlf10HOd o L~;Fa I W W a O lIWH3d 3Sfl IVNOIlIONOO w o v U) Q o 1311no A83o080 maw r a Cc: 6 8N aC7 ez.~$ : Fuf <Q` WU ' ~gy °z $ a a . %az =ot wd m a F T = a4 ~ ~ s PHA m 2 5 e Ii ~<i 7 < g g' W= o eHo ~ga~ eK o ~wW ~~io Y; i as S°°w Gz 3 a g =W W €H 3m s~ g 31w € s Fa fao H e D z~ a 8~~ a w~ h>t B0 4~ W3 s °r ~ 00 p. 2, T o~ a gE e g O ~ I H _~Q¢ a aege a g~ w~ ® o rJ o g fag gig WE yw o w ° E3W $ '"$~W `4a °N Fg~ ys?g ~S gg~6o U z s33 44° gfQ 3.~' ~F5~ H g~ gig ~i oi'oP•mq Y 3 L s aoc x q m s w F ~a Eo W i N Q ~ 5~}"i E8°€` "1 qa ' s F'.'~ ffo' °o f w=~u'9om = ra' s ~z ° - ~a 4¢ z4a$ 84 o g Ba qqa ° a Ww ydH° 8 z $°s S 5g LS w"< O Z Hw€~d' ~i ~0 4 z'°~g ¢o~ w w~ k'g ~S o 8LL$ €ABQ ~~gl ov ~gi ~.2 w€ s w wg oOeM ~zz$» s~ r`t °g <W ~~t~~ ~ 8 ~ ~ y e~ a o <$OZ3 i w wgw < owzFw yzyz°°z- $a °°o~ ° €O5°u13° CC wS w'. a~ s -.-.8~v-- Y w yo ~w`w'w'-ova gB ~'~C _ ° t WY Qi u ss $o p~ O iy cc] Ow ogo °3 0 Ss T 5F~ ~+1gB 8€ Qi'4° boa m= 80 ~u<s~5 `moo= y,°o~o L'°O~ Wo ° g~Ho W € o z~ W NJ Z W a3~ w 3° z G ~24 wz a ~'a~ w § zo z <~`o g < as a°° ay oz °a i ° » co ^ h w o ion ak' NzI? aJxO Fa 3 yoH o ~~zd oQ Y"'i o= <°s5 z .m$ $ (?'a z3 tY qSa€ ^~os4°zw z Y ~H oG°i_g~' o §'M z~ ~G'l~q,` pOCzQs a Go Sa ~((H~~ u~ u` s"µµµµIIII oS p z~ a~ sa ax F J w ZQ ~ZZ ~U U' =ul 2 0fl O a66 W=H¢ °H ~9$ < y OW O a, =Zi Gl $ O~I? 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