HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.3 Heritage&Cultural ArtsGoals&Objectives G~~~ OF DU~~2 ~ 19~ d-~-il• `82 AGENDA STATEMENT `J HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 10, 2008 SUBJECT: Heritage and Cultural Arts Goals and Objectives Prepared by John Hartnett, Heritage & Cultural Arts Supervisor ATTACHMGNTS: 1. Adopted 2007-2008 Goals and Objectives, Bi-monthly Report as of 12-31-07 2. Ten Year Strategic Plan, Status Update as of 12/31 /07 (Heritage and Cultural Arts) 3. Preliminary Goals and Objectives 2008-2009 4. Ten Year Strategic Plan, Preliminary 2008-2009 Update (Heritage and Cultural Arts) RECOMMENllATION: 1. Receive Staff Report 2. Receive Public Comment 3. Deliberate and Rate the Preliminary Goals and Objectives for 2008-2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRII'TION: The City Council has scheduled the Annual Goals and Objectives Study Session for Monday, March 31, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. This Study Session provides the City Council with an opportunity to reach consensus on the primary direction and allocation of City resources for the upcoming year. As has been done in past years, the Ileritage and Cultural Arts Commission has been asked to provide input on the preliminary Goals and Objectives for Heritage and Cultural Arts. ADOPTED 2007-2008 GOALS ANll OI3JECTIVES: Uuring Piscal Year 2004-2005 the City Council adopted a Ten Year Strategic Plan, which identified six strategies that the City should pursue during the next ten years. The Strategic Plan included strategic goals for each of the six strategies. "Che adopted 2007-2008 Goals and Objectives included 14 objectives that were assigned to Heritage and Cultural Arts. Seven of the objectives accomplish one or more of the strategic goals. The remaining objectives accomplish Departmental or operational goals. Of the 14 objectives, 11 objectives were given a high priority and three objectives were given a medium priority. COPIES 1'O: [TEM NO: 8.3 G'\HERITAGF COMMISSION\ACGNDA STMTS\2008\I-10-08 G&O.doc Staff has prepared two status reports for the Commission. The first report (Attachment 1) outlines the level of accomplishment for the 14 objectives assigned to Heritage and Cultural Arts. Of the 14 objectives, four are complete, four are underway and will be complete by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2008), five are underway and will be carried over to next fiscal year and one has had no progress and will be carried over to next fiscal year. The second report (Attachment 2) is the Ten Year Strategic Plan, Status Update as of 12/31/07 as it relates to Heritage and Cultural Arts. This report cross-references the objectives by Strategic Goal. I'RELIMINARY 2008-2009 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Staff has prepared a preliminary list of 2008-2009 objectives for Heritage and Cultural Arts (Attachment 3). Staff has identified five new objectives for 2008-2009 and one new objective from the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission has also been included. The remaining six objectives have been carried over from the previous year. Of the 11 objectives identified by Staff, five relate back to the Strategic Goals as shown in Attachment 4 and will be instrumental in accomplishing them. Included on the 2008-2009 Preliminary Goals and Objectives form is a column identified "Benefit/Need" to assist the Commission in assessing the importance of each objective. Also included on the form is a column identified "Additional Resources Required". This column identifies whether additional staffing or funding resources over and above the City's current service capability are required to accomplish the objective within the next year. The priority assigned by Staff to each objective is also shown on the form. The Commission should take note that the objective added by the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission to "Develop a Black History Month Celebration in February 2009" has been given a low priority by Staff. Although Black History Month is traditionally recognized in February of each year, Staff s availability to assist with this project during this time period is hampered by other high priority work assignments such as preparations for the St. Patrick's Day Festival and the Annual Fiscal Budgets. If the Commission chooses, they can give this objective a higher rating or recommend accomplishing the objective during another time of year. In advance of the meeting, Staff recommends that the Commission individually prioritize the objectives by giving a rating of high, medium, low, or no priority (delete) and come prepared to the meeting to collectively establish priorities. The Commission priorities will be provided to the City Council for consideration as they deliberate the priorities of the overall City Goals and Objectives Program. Staff has also provided additional space at the end to identify and prioritize any other objectives that individual Commissioners wish to have considered as part of the 2008-2009 Goals and Objectives Program. Staff defines a"high" priority objective as an objective which significantly improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life in the community, provides basic services or is required by Law. Objectives should receive a"medium" or "low" priority if the degree that thcy aflect the abovc criteria is not as great. COUNCIL/COMMISSION GOALS AND 013JECTIVES WORKSHOP: In preparation for the City Council Goals and Objecrives Study Session and in order to have a dialogue with the City Commissions, the City Council has scheduled a Council/Commission Workshop for Saturday, Pebruary 2, 2008. The purpose of the workshop is to provide the Commission with an opportunity to the discuss Goals and Objectives under its purview and the reason for its respective Goals and Objectives rankings with the Council. The Council will take no action until the City Council Uoals and Objectives Study Session. 2 of 3 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission take the following action: 1) receive Staff report; 2) receive public comments; and 3) deliberate and rate the Preliminary Goals and Objectives for 2008-2009. 3 of 3