HomeMy WebLinkAboutPCReso00-70 PA00-015 Commerce One SDR RESOLUTION NO. 00 - 70 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR PA 00-015 COMMERCE ONE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS FACILITY WHEREAS, Commerce One has requested approval of a Site Development Review consisting of four separate office buildings, a ancillary "commons" building, a parking garage, surface parking, landscaping and related improvements on approximately 30 acres of land in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area at the northwest comer of Hacienda Drive and Interstate 580; and WHEREAS, a completed application for each of the requested actions is available and on file in the Dublin Planning Department; and WHEREAS, a Program Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan (SCH 911036040 and certified by the City Council on May 10, 1993, by Resolution No. 51-93, and two Addenda dated May 4, 1993 and August 22, 1994 have been prepared and adopted by the City Council and are hereby incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and implementing Guidelines, an Initial Study has been prepared to assess the impacts of the proposed project. Based on the Initial Study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared and recommended for adoption to the City Council. The Initial Study is on file in the Dublin Planning Department. The project, with mitigation measures incorporated into the project, will not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, a Development Plan has been submitted to the City as required by section 8.32 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on said applications on December 12, 2000; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, a StaffReport was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending approval of the Site Development Review subject to conditions prepared by Staff; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Site Development Review: Ao The approval of this application (PA 00-015) is consistent with the intent and purpose of Section 8.104 (Site Development Review) of the Zoning Ordinance and design review requiremems of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. C. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in conformance with regional transportation growth management plans. The approval of this application, as conditioned, is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare, as the development is consistent with all laws and ordinances and implements the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan (as amended). The proposed physical site development, including the intensity of development, site layout, grading, utility connections, vehicular access circulation and parking, setbacks, height, public safety and similar elements, as conditioned, has been designed to provide a desirable environment for the development. Architectural considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and similar elements, have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of project approval to ensure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept and the character of surrounding development. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, inclusion of plazas, and provision for similar elements have been considered to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that: A. The Commerce One Site Development Review is consistent with the intent of applicable subdivision regulations and related ordinances. The design and improvements of the Commerce One Site Development Review is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/General Plan polices as they relate to the subject property in that it is a subdivision for implementation of an office project in an area designated for this type of development. The Commerce One Site Development Review is consistent with the Planned Development approved as PA 00-015 for this project and is therefore consistent with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The project site is located adjacent to major roads, including E-W Boulevard, Arnold Road and Hacienda Drive, on approximately 27.44 acres of land with relatively flat topography and is therefore physically suitable for the type and intensity of office development proposed. With the incorporation of environmental mitigation measures from the Eastern Dublin EIR and specific plan study prepared for the Commerce One project, the design of the parcel map will not cause environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife of their habitat or cause public health concerns. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, or access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City of Dublin Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves the Site Development Review Application for PA 00-015 to develop four office buildings on the Commerce One site as generally depicted by materials labeled Exhibit 1, stamped "approved" and on file in the City of Dublin Planning Department. This approval shall conform generally to: the Site Development Plan by Form 4 Amhitects, date stamp received November 30, 2000 by 2 the Department of Community Development, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained below. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless otherwise stated, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to final occupancy of any building and shall be subiect to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance with the Conditions of Approval: [PL] Planning, {PO] Police, {[PW] Public Works, [ADM] administration, [FIN] Finance, [PCS] Parks and Community Services. [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7. GENERAL CONDITIONS Parcel Map 7233 Conditions of Approval. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Parcel Map No. 7233 PA-98-008. In the event of conflict between the Tentative Parcel Map Conditions of Approval and these Conditions, these conditions shall prevail. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans through completion Standard Conditions of Approval. Applicant/Developer shall comply ~vith all applicable City of Dublin Standard Public Works Criteria (Attachment A). In the event of a conflict between the Public Works Criteria and these Conditions, these Conditions shall prevail. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans through completion Development Agreement/Expiration. The approval of this office complex shall be predicated upon and pursuant to the terms set forth in the Development Agreement to be approved by the City of Dublin. In the event of conflict between the terms of the Development Agreement and the Conditions of Approval contained herein, the terms of the Development Agreement shall prevail. The Development Agreement must be effective prior to issuance of building permits. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans through completion EIR. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable action programs and mitigation measures of the Eastern Dublin General Plan/Specific Plan, the Companion Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that have not been made specific conditions of approval for the Commerce One project. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Approval of improvement Plans through completion Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District Fees, Public Facilities Fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, City Traffic Impact fees, City Fire Impact fees; Noise Mitigation fees, Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Unissued building permits subsequent to new or revised fees shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised fees. Responsible Agency: When Required: Various Various times, but no later than Issuance of Building Permits Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and obtain all necessary permits required by other agencies (Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control 3 10. 11. 12. 13. Board, State Water Quality Control Board, Etc.) and shall submit copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. Responsible Agency: Various When Required: Various times, but no later than Issuance of Building Permits Building Codes and Ordinances. All project constraction shall conform to all applicable building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit. Responsible Agency: Bldg. When Required: Through Completion Ordinances/General Plan. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance, the City of Dublin General Plan and all applicable Specific Plans. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Issuance of Building Permits and On-going Action Programs/Mitigation Measures. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable action programs and mitigation measures of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and addendum's that have not been made specific Conditions of Approval, which are in effect at the time of issuance ora building permit. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans through completion Improvement Agreement/Plans. Applicant/Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for all subdivision improvements prior to issuance of improvement permit. Complete improvement plans, specifications, and calculations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement. Improvement plans shall show the existing on-site and off-site subdivision improvements and proposed improvements along the adjacent public street and property that relate to the proposed improvements. Responsible Agency: PW When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans Conditions of Approval. In submitting subsequent plans for review and approval, each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval and the Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval and Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Improvement plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions and standards attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies. Responsible Agency: PW, PL, Bldg. When Required: Building Permit Issuance Infrastructure. The location and siting of project specific wastewater, storm drain, recycled water, and potable water system infrastructure shall be consistent with the resoume management policies of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Responsible Agency: PL, PW When Required: Approval of Improvement Plans Solid Waste/Recycling. Applicant/Developer shall comply with the City's solid waste management and recycling requirements. Responsible Agency: ADM, When Required: On-going 4 14. Refuse Collection. The refuse collection service provider shall be consulted to ensure that adequate space is provided to accommodate collection and sorting of petrucible solid waste as well as source- separated recyclable materials generated by the residents within this project. Responsible Agency: PL When Required: Occupancy of Any Building 15. Waiver of Right to Protest. Applicant/Developer waives any right to protest the inclusion of the property or any portion of it in a Landscape and Lighting Assessment District or similar assessment district, and further waives any right to protest the annual assessment for that District. Responsible Agency: PL, ADM Required By: Occupancy of Any Building 16. Water Quality Requirements. All development shall meet the water quality requirements of the City of Dublin's NPDES permit and the Alameda County Urban Runoff Clean Water Program. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 17. NPDES Permit. Pursuant to requirements of federal law, a NPDES permit shall be obtained from the RWQCB, and any terms of the permit shall be implemented, if applicable. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Finaling Building Permits 18. Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Assessment Studies. Applicant/Developer shall supply the Director of Community Development and Public Works Department with a copy of the Developer's Phase 1 and Phase 2 (only as required by Phase 1) environmental assessment studies. All remediation required by those studies shall be implemented to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Public Works prior to Improvement Plan approval. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 19. Removal of Obstructions. The Applicant/Developer shall remove all trees, including major root systems, and other utility obstructions from building sites that are necessary for public improvements or for public safety as directed by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 20. Rodenticides and Herbicides. The use of rodenticides and herbicides within the project area shall be performed in cooperation with and under the supervision of the Alameda County Department of Agriculture and will be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, to reduce potential impacts to wildlife. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 21. Kit Foxes. Should any Kit Foxes be discovered on the site, either during the Preconstruction Survey or during project construction, the Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for complying with the Kit Fox Protection Plan. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 22. Dust Control/Cleanup. Applicant/Developer shall ensure that areas undergoing grading and all other construction activity are watered or other dust control measures are used to prevent dust problems as conditions warrant or as directed by the Director of Public Works. Furthermore, Applicant/Developer shall keep adjoining public streets and driveways free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials and debris, and clean-up shall be made during the construction period as determined by the Director of Public Works. In the event that the Applicant/Developer does not complete the clean-up within 48 23. 24. 25. 26. hours of City's direction, the City has the option of performing the clean-up and charging the costs of such clean-up to Applicant/Developer. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Ongoing Housing and Employment Monitoring System. Prior to opening for business, and within 15 business days following receipt of a written request from the City, each business shall provide a list to the City of the number, type and salary level of employees for the business in order for the City to implement the required housing and employment monitoring system required by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. OCC Responsible Agency: FIN Required By: OCC Preconstruction Survey. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Eastern Dublin Specific Plan EIR mitigation measures for mitigating potentially significant plant and animal species impacts. Within 60 days prior to any habitat modification, Applicant/Developer shall submit a preconstruction survey, prepared by a biologist (to be approved and hired by the City prior to commencement of the survey.) Said survey shall examine whether any sensitive species exist on or adjacent to the site and, if any exist, shall include recommended protection plans, including any modifications to site design, for those sensitive species that may be discovered as a result of the survey. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the cost of the survey and staff review of the survey. The significance of any discoveries and adequacy of recommended protection measures shall be subject to the discretion of the Director of Community Development. Said protection plans and measures shall occur at least 21 days prior to anticipated habitat modification. Any updated surveys and/or studies that may be completed subsequently shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit Public Street Lights. The Developer shall construct public streetlights and joint trench in accordance with Pacific Gas and Electric and City of Dublin Standard plans and specifications in the extension of E-W Boulevard, Hacienda Drive and Arnold Road. Applicant/Developer may propose an upgrade of all streetlights to match the approved streetlights of neighboring Transit Center before construction. All new streetlights shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. The construction documents shall be reviewed and approved prior to construction to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building Hold Harmless/Indemnification - Applicant/Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Director of Community Development, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City the Site Development Review to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Applicant/Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Applicant/Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. Responsible Agency: PL, ADM Required By: Through completion of Improvements and Occupancy of the Last Building 27. Public Art. Any public art placed in the project shall conform with the requirements of the City of Dublin Public Art Policy. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: On-going DEDICATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS 28. Storm Drain Easement, Water Easement, Sewer Easement, Common Area Easement, Ingress/Egress and Access Easement, Parking Easement, Emergency Vehicle Access Easement, Pedestrian Access Easement and Public Service Easement Dedications. In the event that this site is further subdivided Applicant/Developer shall dedicate Storm Drain Easements, Water Easements, Sewer Easements, Common Area Easements, Ingress/Egress and Access Easements, Parking Easements, Emergency Vehicle Access Easements, Pedestrian Access Easements and Public Service Easements over the site parcel in favor of the other parcels located within this project as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. The developer shall prepare CC&R's to reflect these easements and shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Recordation of Final Map 30. Public Utility Easements. Applicant/Developer shall provide Public Utility Easements per requirements of the Director of Public Works and/or public utility companies as necessary to serve this project with utility services and allow for vehicular and utility service access to those utilities. Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a minimum 10-foot wide Public Service Easement (PSE) over joint utility trench lines to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the appropriate utility. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 31. Abandonment of Easements and Right of Ways. Applicant/Developer or current landowner shall obtain an abandonment from all applicable public agencies of existing easements and right-of-ways not to be continued in use. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Recordation of Final Parcel Map 32. East West Boulevard. The Applicant / Developer shall prepare a parcel map dedicating to the City of Dublin a public street shown on the site plans as East-West Boulevard from Hacienda Drive to Arnold Road. The Right of way shall be a minimum of 110 feet wide to maximum 130 feet wide, shall contain a six lane road and shall be in the lane geometries and street configuration shown on the preliminary plans labeled "Santa Rita Properties Conceptual Geometric Roadway Alignment - The Boulevard West "drawing prepared by Brain Kangas Foulk Engineers, dated December 8, 2000 and in conformance with the project traffic report prepared by Omni Means Engineers and Planners dated December 8, 2000. Included in the dedication and improvements shall be a 12 foot wide by 350 foot long west bound left turn lane, a 14 foot wide by 300 foot long west bound right turn lane, an 11 foot wide by 100 foot long east bound left turn lane in the intersection of main entrance to the site. At the intersection of Arnold Road and this East West Boulevard in the west bound direction are two 10 feet wide by 300 foot long ',vest bound left turn lanes, two 12 foot through lanes and a 14 foot wide dedicated right turn lane. At the intersection of Hacienda Drive in the east bound direction shall be a 10 foot wide by 150 foot long left turn lane, two 11 foot wide and one 13 foot wide right turn lanes. The minimum median width shall be 4 feet and the curb to right of way on both sides of the street shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide. Included in the street dedication is a 10' public utility and sidewalk easements adjacent to and outside the right of way on both sides of the street. Prior to the approval of the final map, the developer shall submit for review and approval detailed improvement plans and stripping plans of the street for review and approval of the Director of Public Works. The street shall be built to the standard plans and specifications of the City of Dublin to the satisfaction of the Director of Pubic Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Recordation of Final Map 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Dedication of Arnold Road. The Applicant / Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin and improve the extention of Arnold Drive from Dublin Blvd. south to the northerly right of way of 1-580. The right of way shall provide for four lanes of through traffic from the project west entrance north to Dublin Boulevard and two lanes south to Altamirano Road and shall be in the street configuration and lane geometry shown on the preliminary plans labeled "Santa Rita Properties Conceptual Geometric Roadway Alignment - The Boulevard West" drawing prepared by Brain Kangas Foulk Engineers dated December 8, 2000 and consistent with the Commerce One Traffic Report prepared by Omni Means Engineers and Planners dated December 8, 2000. Prior approval of the final map the developer shall submit for review and approval detailed improvement plans and striping plans of the street for review and approval of the Director of Public Works. The street shall be built to the standards plans and specifications of the City of Dublin to the satisfaction of the Director of Pubic Works. The plan line shall demonstrate conformance with the above conditions, and shall include all pavement, sidewalk improvements and channelization for the entire street. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Recordation of Final Map Traffic Signal Easements: The Applicant / Developer shall grant to the City of Dublin traffic Signal easements at all driveway entrances with traffic signals on both sides of the street for the installation and maintenance of a traffic signal detectors, boxes, conduit for a traffic signal located at entrances to the site to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Recordation of Final Map Parcel Map. Applicant / Developer shall prepare a tentative and final parcel map subdividing existing Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 7233 into at least two parcels. Included in this parcel map shall be the dedication of Arnold Drive from Dublin Drive to the I-580 freeway northerly right of way, the East- West Boulevard from Hacienda Drive from Arnold Road and any needed easements as specified in these conditions of approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of site grading permit or street improvement plans Storm Drain Easements. Applicant / Developer shall dedicate to the City a public storm drain easements over the proposed 42" and 84" storm drain lines and structures draining through the project site as shown on the preliminary utility plans of the Commerce One Site shown on plans dated Sept. 25,2000 prepared by Kier and Wright Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors, Inc. Granted with the easement shall be access rights for City to enter the site to properly maintain and repair all needed storm drain lines and structures. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of site grading permit Drainage easement. Applicant / Developer shall dedicate to the City on the said parcel map a public drainage easement across the southern boundary of the project as defined by approved hydraulic calculations drainage easement for drainage of the 100 year storm water from the surrounding development through the site to the existing culvert under the freeway to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Site grading permit Temporary Easement. Applicant/Developer shall dedicate a temporary easement to DSRSD over the existing fluoridation/Chloradation facility and pipes on the said parcel map to the satisfaction of DSRSD and the Director of Public Works. The easement shall be temporary until such time that DSRSD builds a permanent facility or the existing facility is no longer needed. Responsible Agency: PW, DSRSD Required By: Approval of Site improvements 39. Public Utilities Easement. Applicant / Developer shall dedicate to the City a 10 foot wide Public Utilities easement along public right of way of Arnold Drive and the East West Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Site improvements 40. Emergency Access Easement. Applicant / Developer shall dedicate to the City of Dublin a Emergency Access Easement the width of the access driveway (24') surrounding the buildings and the width of the various driveway accesses to each of the surrounding streets to the site to the satisfaction of Alameda County Fire Department and the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW, ACFD Required By: Approval of Site improvements 41. Survey Monumentation. The boundary of existing Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 7233 or any newly created parcels within this existing parcel shall be survey monumented at the completion of construction of any and all new public streets as specified by these conditions in accordance with City specifications. In the event that neighboring development occurs before the adjacent street monument are established the Applicant / Developer engineer or surveyor shall set and record temporary survey control points along all new streets fronting the project to establish the boundary of new and surrounding previous recorded parcel lines needed by a neighboring developer or by the Director of Public Works. All new and temporary control lines shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works and established by a licensed Professional Land Surveyor in California and constructed in accordance with City guidelines to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Issuance of grading permit of any neighboring Building 42. Median and Parkway Improvements along E-W Boulevard, Hacienda Drive, and Arnold Road. If not previously constructed by another developer, Applicant/Developer shall construct street parkway improvements along project street frontage, including all curb, gutter, sidewalk, center landscaped median, parkway landscaping, and street lighting along Arnold Road, E-W Boulevard, Hacienda Drive and where the project development fronts these streets, in conformance with the plans approved for the Site Development Review and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The applicant / developer shall maintain and irrigate all landscaping and sidewalk in the public right way fronting the project. The City of Dublin will maintain and irrigate all landscaping in the street medians. The Developer shall install separate irrigation water meters for the landscaped medians and parkway landscaping along the project frontage. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building IMPROVEMENTS 43. Decorative Paving. Applicant/Developer shall not construct decorative pavement within City fight-of- way unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. The type of decorative pavers and pavement section shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Decorative pavement across entrances to all private drives shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building 9 44. Decorative Paving Plan. Where decorative paving is installed, a Decorative Paving Detail shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Pre-formed traffic signal loops shall be used under the decorative paving. Where possible, irrigation laterals shall not be placed under the decorative paving. Maintenance costs of the decorative paving shall be included in a landscape and lighting maintenance assessment district or other funding mechanism acceptable to the Director of Community Development. Responsible Agency: PW, ADM Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 45. Fire/Emergency Access. Applicant/Developer shall provide adequate access for fire and other emergency vehicles per Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) standard requirements. Drive aisles shall be designed for fire and other emergency vehicles to conveniently pass through (20-foot minimum lane width) and have access to all buildings. The Developer shall provide adequate access for fire and other emergency vehicles per Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) standard requirements. Driveways and drive aisles shall be designed for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles to conveniently pass through the site and have access to all buildings. Detailed final layout and design of site entrance, exits and internal drive aisles must be approved by the ACFD and City Director of Public Works prior to issuance of grading and building permit. Responsible Agency: PW, F Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit and Building Permit 46. Pedestrian Path. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the construction of an internal site pedestrian path system, a minimum of 5' in width, along the main driveway entrance from Arnold Road and E-W Boulevard to the closest building, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 47. Sidewalks. Applicant/Developer shall construct a minimum six-foot wide sidewalk along the project frontage along Hacienda Drive and Arnold Road to match Santa Rita streetscape plans standard sections of improved said streets and layout approved by the Director of Public Works. An 8-foot wide sidewalk shall be installed on E-W Boulevard along project frontage in accordance with City road street landscape standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building 48. Bus Stop. Applicant / Developer shall construct a bus stop and shelter if required for the project on the location designated and approved by the LAVTA and the Director of Public Works. Bus stop may require special designated turnout and loading area in accordance with LAVTA and City standard plans and be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The location of any temporary and permanent bus stops shall be shown on the detailed improvement plans of the street and site. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 49. Bicycle Parking. The applicant / Developer shall provide and construct Bicycle parking for each building relatively close to each entrance to each the office buildings. Type, number, size and location of bicycle parking shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development and the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW, PS Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 50. Parking. The Applicant / Developer shall construct all parking spaces with a double striped 4" wide stripes approximately 2 feet apart as shown on the "Typical Parking Striping Detail: available in the Planning Department. Handicapped, loading areas and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the pavement or curb. Visitor and employee parking shall be designed by appropriate signage by the Community Development Director. The developer shall also construct a minimum of 10 one-foot wide sidewalk from face of curb adjacent to parking stalls adjacent to landscaped areas where the doorway of care opens to landscaped areas. All parking lot striping, pedestrian access and drive aisles shall be shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Director of Public Works and Community Development Director. Responsible Agency: PW,PL Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 51. ADA Requirements/Handicap Ramps. Applicant / Developer shall install handicap ramps at all sidewalks surrounding the site and comply with all current State ADA requirements and City of Dublin Standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvements 53. Site Drainage and Erosion Control Plan. Applicant/Developer shall design and construct the project site shall drain in accordance with City of Dublin Grading Ordinance and State Regional Water Quality Control standards. A Site Drainage and Erosion Control Plan and "Best Management Practices" erosion control measures must be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to approval of improvement plans. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 54. Erosion Control. Applicant/Developer shall install erosion control devices in adjacent parcels of said parcel map in accordance with the Regional Water Quality Control Act. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: During site grading 55. Site Drainage. The Developer shall grade the project in accordance with the City of Dublin Grading Ordinance and State Regional Water Quality Control standards and details. Each lot shall drain in accordance with the City of Dublin Grading Ordinance and State Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements, and approved by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 56. Eastern Dublin Drainage Master Plan Study. If needed by this project, Applicant/Developer shall update the master storm drain analysis of the Santa Rita Property to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and as originally addressed in the Santa Rita Drainage Master Plan Study prepared by Brian Kangas Foulk, dated October 1998. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of site improvement plans. 57. Lot Drainage. Drainage shall be in accordance with the criteria established in the Standard Public Works Criteria attached hereto as Attachment "A". The Developer shall demonstrate to the Director of Public Works that the elevations of proposed building finished floors on this project are a minimum of one foot above the 100-year storm event. All grading improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to start of any grading. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Issuance of Grading Permit 58. Lot Drainage Study. The Applicant/Developer shall modify the drainage study for Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 7233 to conform to future development to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. In the event that the FEMA flood elevation is changed or the proposed improvement causes a change in the FEMA flood maps for the site, the Applicant / Developer shall prepare and file a letter of map revision with FEMA documenting the change in flood waters over the site. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Building 59. Storm Drainage. Applicant/Developer shall construct enclosed underground storm drainage structure at the southwesterly comer of the project site in the southwest entrance of Arnold Road/Altamarino Road. This structure will converge the drainage flows from the 42" storm drain line from E-W Boulevard, the 84 inch line from Arnold Road and 84" from Hacienda Drive storm drain systems to the existing CalTrans culvert. This structure shall be connected to the existing CalTrans outfall structure and if needed the applicant / developer may need to file an encroachment permit with CalTrans for working on the structure. The roof of the structure shall be designed pavement deadloads, a H-20 California vehicle load liveload and appropriate seismic loads per the uniform building codes and designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The roof of the structure shall be designed to be a grated drainage inlet for the 100 year overland release for the entire drainage area with in 6 hours. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Building 60. Mitigation Measures/Drainage Impacts. Applicant/Developer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works that all mitigation measures that need to be improved as a result of drainage impacts of this project and the surrounding drainage area will be constructed prior to occupancy of any building. All drainage improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of any Building 61. Retaining Walls. Where finish grade of this property is in excess of twenty-four (24) inches higher or lower than the abutting property or adjacent lots, concrete or masonry block retaining wall or other suitable solution acceptable to the Director of Public Works shall be required. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Issuance of Building Permit 62. Recycled Water/Laterals. The Applicant/Developer shall construct an onsite and offsite recycled water lines and contract with the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) to provide water wastewater, and/or recycled water service connection points to the project and surrounding parcels. The plans for these facilities shall be reviewed and approved by DSRSD. Recycled water lines shall be installed to served the adjacent Transit Center Development, adjacent northerly parcel and this project. All landscaped areas shall be subject to the City's Water Efficient Landscape Regulations. The landscaped area in the public right of way and the project areas shall have laterals installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works to enable future recycled water connection in addition to potable water connection. 63. Joint Utility Trenches/Undergrounding/Utility Plans. Applicant/Developer shall construct all joint utility trenches (such as electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas) in accordance with the appropriate utility jurisdiction. All communication vaults, electric transformers, and cable TV boxes shall be underground in designated landscape areas between the proposed sidewalk and back of curb. Utility plans showing the location of all proposed utilities (including electrical vaults and underground transformers) shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works and Director of Community Development. Location of surface or aboveground items shall be shown on the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan and screened from view. Screening of transformers shall be shown on the Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan and approved by the Community Development Director. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Occupancy of Affected Buildings 64. Utility Undergrounding. All utilities shall be installed in accordance with the criteria established in the Standard Public Works Criteria attached hereto as Attachment "A". All utilities within the project and to each lot shall be underground in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. All utilities shall be located and 12 provided within public utility easements and sized to meet utility company standards. The existing overhead electrical line along the south and east side of the property shall be placed underground. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Occupancy of first building 65. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). If determined necessary by the Director of Public Works Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be established for this development. The CC&Rs shall be approved by the Director of Public Works to assure that: a. An Association is established for this development complete with Bylaws. b. There is adequate provision for at least the maintenance, in good repair, of all commonly owned facilities, property and landscaping, including but not limited to open space areas, lighting, recreation facilities, landscape and irrigation facilities, fencing, and drainage and erosion control improvements. c. The parking of recreational vehicles and company owned vehicles with corporate identity (tracks with signs) between a building and a public street and along a public street shall not occur. Recreational Vehicles are defined as a motorhome, travel trailer, utility trailer, boat on a trailer, horse trailer, camper where the living ama overhangs the cab, camping trailer, or tent trailer, with or without motive power. d. The landscaping and irrigation on individual parcels shall be maintained and kept in good order by the owner of each parcel. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Occupancy of any building PHASED OCCUPANCYPLAN 66. Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy of each building will occur in phases, then all physical improvements within each phase for adequate parking, vehicle circulation, pedestrian access shall be completed prior to occupancy of each buildings within that phase in accordance ~vith an pre-approved Phased Occupancy Plan by the Director of Community Development and the Director of Public Works. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development, and Public Works for review and approval a minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any building covered by said Phased Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all parcels in each phase, and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the site development approval. No individual building shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, provided with all reasonably expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining construction activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated improvements. Responsible Agency: PL, B Required By: Prior to Occupancy for any affected building PARKS 67. Public Facilities Fee. Applicant/Developer shall pay a Public Facilities Fee in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution No. 195-99 for commercial development if applicable, or in the amounts and at the times set forth in any resolution revising the amount of the Public Facilities Fee. Responsible Agency: PCS Required By: As indicated in Condition of Approval LANDSCAPING 68. Landscaping. Applicant/Developer shall construct all landscaping within the site and along the project frontage from the face of curb to the site right-of-way to the design and specifications of the Eastern 13 Dublin Specific Plan, the "Santa Rita Streetscape Plans" and City of Dublin specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Street tree varieties shall be a minimum 15-gallon size from the approved street tree list and shall be planted along all street frontages and shall be shown on the Landscaping plans. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. All landscaping materials within the public right-of-way shall be maintained for 90 days and on-site landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the "City of Dublin Standards Plant Material, Irrigation System and Maintenance Agreement" by the Developer after City- approved installation. This maintenance shall include weeding, the application of pre-emergent chemical applications, and the replacement of materials that die. Landscaping at aisle intersections shall be such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Occupancy of any building 69. Landscaping at Intersections. Applicant/Developer shall construct landscaping at intersections ~vhere sight distance is not obstructed in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Occupancy of first building 70. Landscaping at Median Island. Applicant/Developer shall construct median landscaping on Arnold Road and E-W Boulevard and submit landscape and irrigation plans for review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 71. Landscape and Irrigation Plans. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare Landscaping and Irrigation Plans for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. The proposed design shall be in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Final onsite landscape plans, shall be subject City street landscape guidelines. All onsite landscape plans and improvements shall be reviewed and approval by the Director of Community Development and the offsite landscape improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 72. Lighting and Landscape Maintenance. Applicant/Developer is responsible for lighting and landscape maintenance in the public right-of-way until such time the City accepts maintenance through the Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance Assessment Districts or any other method of maintaining the lighting and landscaping approved as part of this project. Applicant / Developer shall assist the City and prepare revisions to the existing city landscape and lighting assessment district by providing the needed exhibits, cost estimates and other reports needed to update the existing Santa Rita landscape and lighting assessment district. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 73. Landscaping Along 1-580 frontage: Applicant / Developer shall prepare landscape improvement plans and obtain CalTrans approval to construct landscaping along the project frontage long the 1-580 freeway from the edge of freeway pavement to the northerly Caltrans right of way the satisfaction of Director of Public Works and CalTrans. Applicant / Developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for maintenance for the landscaping in CalTrans right of way for 20 years. Applicant / Developer shall process and obtain the necessary approvals from CalTrans to construct landscaping in CalTrans right of way. Responsible Agency: PW,PL Required By: Occupancy of third building. 14 TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 74. Developer shall comply with Section 7.5 (Circulation System) of the final "Eastern Dublin Specific Plan" dated January 7, 1994, and project site traffic studies, Title Supplemental traffic Circulation Analysis for the Proposed Commerce One Project prepared by Omni Means Engineers dated November, 2000 for the Commerce One Project. All mitigation measures recommendations and recommended street improvements and lane configurations specified by study shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works unless specified otherwise in these conditions of approval or the project's development agreement. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 75. Transitioning Existing Improvements. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for transitioning proposed street improvements to match existing improvements on Hacienda Drive and Dublin Blvd. to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 76. 1-580 Eastbound Off-ramp at Santa Rita/Tassajara Road Exit. The Director of Public Works shall determine when the eastbound off-ramp from 1-580 at the Santa RitaYTassajara Road exit shall be widened to provide one exclusive through lane and two left-turn lanes (with the existing free right-turn remaining). In conjunction with this improvement, the traffic signal shall be modified to provide protected left-turn phasing on the east and west legs (removing the existing split phasing). Within one year of notification by the Director of Public Works, and consent has been obtained from Caltrans and the City of Pleasanton, if necessary, Developer shall design and construct these improvements to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works with input from the City of Pleasanton, where applicable. To the extent practical, the notice shall be timed so that the work shall be completed immediately prior to the point where the Level of Service E occurs. The Director of Public Works may determine that these improvements are not needed in conjunction with this project. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: As specified by the Director of Public Works 77. Traffic Signals. Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for installation of traffic signals at the intersections of Arnold Road and E-W Boulevard, Arnold Road and West Site Entrance (if warranted), E-W Boulevard and North Site Entrance. If necessary, a future traffic signal is required. The Applicant/Developer shall install all conduits under the constructed finished pavement for the proposed future traffic signal located at the south~vest entrance off of Arnold Road and Altamarino Road. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 78. North Entrance Traffic Signal Reimbursement. Applicant/Developer may receive up to 50% reimbursement for the design and construction of traffic signal at entrance to the E-W Boulevard/North Site Entrance from the property owner located immediately north of the site. Applicant / Developer shall install all underground conduit needed for the ultimate signal installation prior to final paving of E-W Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 15 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. West Entrance Traffic Signal Reimbursement. If not currently warranted, Applicant/Developer shall pay up to 50% for the design and construction of a traffic signal at entrance of Arnold Road and the west entrance of the site. Applicant / Developer shall install all underground conduit needed for the ultimate signal installation prior to final paving of Arnold Road to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building Modify Signals Applicant/Developer shall modify the existing traffic signals at Dublin Boulevard/Arnold Road and Hacienda Drive/E-W Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The applicant / Developer shall prepare the plans and specifications making traffic signals from a three way intersection to a 4 way intersection. This work shall also include the design and construction of the traffic signal interconnection all future signals along Arnold Road and East West Boulevard. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of fist Building North Site Entrance. Applicant / Developer shall install on site, one northbound 12 foot wide northbound left turn lane and one 14 foot wide right turn lane to E-W Boulevard in accordance with the Site Plans prepared by Form 4 Architects and Kier & Wright Civil Engineers date stamped received November 30, 2000 by the City of Dublin Community Development Department. In addition, the Applicant/Developer shall install one 12 foot and one 14 foot southbound lane into site. All intersection shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building West Site Entrance. Applicant / Developer shall install on site, one westbound 12 foot wide left turn lane to Arnold Road and one westbound 14 foot wide dedicated right turn lane in accordance with the Site Plans prepared by Form 4 Architects and Kier & Wright Civil Engineers date stamped received November 30, 2000 by the City of Dublin Community Development Department. In addition the Applicant/Developer shall install a 12 foot and 14 foot wide eastbound lanes into the site from Arnold Road. All intersection improvements shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road Intersection Improvement. The Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for the project's fair share contribution towards the City Capital improvements project for the following improvements to the Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Road intersection: a. This is a category 2 TIF improvement. In the event that the City has a shortfall of category 2 funds available to complete the above list of improvements, the Developer shall contribute the remaining balance of the funds needed to complete the specified improvements to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. To the extent practical, the notice shall be timed so that the work shall be completed immediately prior to the point where the Level of Service E occurs. The Director of Public Works may determine that these improvements are not needed in conjunction with this project. b. Eastbound Dublin Boulevard, exclusive right-turn lane to Southbound Dougherty Road. c. Northbound Dougherty Road, exclusive right-turn lane to eastbound Dublin Boulevard. d. Westbound Dublin Boulevard, restriped to provide an additional left turn lane to southbound Dougherty Road. e. Modifications to the Traffic Signal. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: When determined by Director of PW 16 84. Site Plan. Applicant / Developer shall install all site improvements in the location and geometrics shown in the Sight Development Review Drawings prepared Form 4 Architects dated November 30, 2000. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 85. Easement Removal. Any easements now existing on Parcel Four, and not to be part of the proposed utility and street improvements, shall be abandoned and removed prior to or concurrently ~vith the approval of the Parcel Map or in the absence of map, a Site Development Review application. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Prior to Recordation of Final Map 86. Utility Installation. All water, gas, sewer, underground electric power, cable television or telephone lines, and storm drain facilities shall be installed before any paving, curb, gutter or sidewalk is installed, or as approved by the Director of Public Works. Utility stub connections to property boundaries shall be required unless waived by the Director of Public/City Engineer in writing. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building 87. Damage/Repairs. The Developer shall repair all damaged existing street, curb, gutter and sidewalk along Hacienda Drive and Arnold Road as a result of construction activities to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of first building EMERGENCY SERVICES 88. ACFD Rules, Regulations and Standards. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all Alameda County Fire Services (ACFD) rules, regulations and standards, including minimum standards for emergency access roads and payment of applicable fees, including City of Dublin Fire Impact Fees. Responsible Agency: F Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 89. Fire Hydrants. The Developer shall construct all new fire hydrants in streets to City and Alameda County Fire Department standards. The Developer shall comply with applicable Alameda County fire Department, Public Works Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7 and Dublin San Ramon Services District requirements. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of adjacent building 90. Fire Conditions. Developer shall comply with all conditions of the Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD), including: a. Final location of fire hydrants shall be approved by the Alameda County Fire Department in accordance with current standards. Minimum fire flow design shall be for 1500 gallons per minute with 20-psi residual flowing from a single hydrant. Raised blue reflectorized traffic markers shall be epoxied to the center of the paved street opposite each hydrant. A drawing of the approved locations shall be submitted for future reference. b. Fire lanes shall be identified in the plan and approved by the ACFD prior to installation. c. Emergency Vehicle Access roadways shall be designed and installed to support the imposed loads of fire equipment. The minimum standard shall be H20 design. Design shall be approved by ACFD prior to installation. d. Gates or barricades designed for emergency vehicle access shall meet the standards of the ACFD and the City of Dublin. e. Prior to the delivery of any combustible material storage on the site, fire hydrants, water supply, and roadways shall be installed and sufficient water storage and pressure shall be available to the site. Approved roadway shall be first lift of asphalt. f. Plans may be subject to revision following review. Responsible Agency: F Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 91. Projected Timeline. Applicant/Developer shall submit a projected timeline for project completion to the Dublin Police Services Department, to allow estimation of staffing requirements and assignments. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 92. Non-Residential Security. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non- Residential Security Requirements. a. Employee exit doors shall be equipped with 180-degree viewers if there is not a burglary-resistant window panel in the door from which to scan the exterior b. The developer and/or property owner and/or tenant shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis. Graffiti resistant paint for the structures and film for windows or glass should be used. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Occupancy of Any Building ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, ZONE 7 93. Wells. Any water wells, cathodic protection wells or exploratory borings shown on the map that are known to exist, are proposed or are located during field operations without a documented intent of future use, filed with Zone 7, are to be destroyed prior to any demolition or construction activity in accordance with a well destruction permit obtained from Zone 7 and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Services or are to be maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection ordinances. Other wells encountered prior to or during construction are to be treated similarly. Responsible Agency: Zone 7 Required By: Issuance of Grading Permits 94. Salt Mitigation. Recycled water projects must meet any applicable salt mitigation requirements of Zone 7. Responsible Agency: Zone 7, PW Required By: On-going 95. Requirements and Fees. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District-Zone 7 Flood Control requirements and pay all applicable fees. Responsible Agency: Zone 7, PW Required By: Issuance of Building Permits DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD) 96. Construction by Applicant/Developer. All onsite potable and recycled water and wastewater pipelines and facilities shall be constructed by the Applicant/Developer in accordance with all DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Completion of Improvements 97. DSRSD Water Facilities. Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD or other approved water system, and must be installed at the expense of Applicant/Developer in accordance with District 18 Standards and Specifications: All material and workmanship for water mains and appurtenances thereto must conform with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code of the District and shall be subject to field inspection by the District. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all conditions of the approved future Parcel Map including: Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Acceptance of Improvements a. Prior to issuance of any building permit, complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the DSRSD Code, the DSRSD "Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities." all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. b. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. c. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD's existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case-by-case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria and final plans and specification. DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20-year maintenance costs as well as other condition within a separate agreement with the applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. d. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for tracts or commercial developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRDS Standard Specifications and sound engineering practices. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans e. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Issuance of Building Permits f. Prior to the approval by the City of a grading permit or a site development permit, the locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Prior to issuance of grading permit/site development permit g. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Prior to approval of Final Tract Map h. Prior to approval by the City for Recordation, the Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD for easement locations, widths and restrictions. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Prior to Final Map recordation i. Prior to issuance by the City of any building permit, all utility connections fees, plan check fees, inspection fees, permit fees and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and scheduled established in the DSRSD Code. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Prior to issuance of building permit j. Prior to issuance by the City of any building permit, all improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to the approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pa all required DSRSD fees, provide an engineer's estimate of construction costs for water and sewer systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance 19 policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Prior to issuance of building permit k. No sewer or waterline construction shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Condition 861 have been satisfied. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Issuance of building permit and all DSRSD requirements 1. The applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, -or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the project. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: On-going m. The project is located within the District Recycled Water Use Zone (Ord. 280), which calls for installation of recycled water irrigation systems to allow for future use of recycled water for approved landscaped irrigation demands. Recycled water wilt be available in the future, as described in the DSRSD Eastern Dublin Facilities Plan Update, June 1997. Compliance with Ord. 280, as may be amended or superseded, is required, The District Engineer must approve any exemption thereto, in conformance with Ordinance 280. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans n. All irrigation facilities shall be subject to review by the District for compliance with District and Dept. of Health Services requirements for recycled water irrigation design. Irrigation plans shall not be approved by the City until review and approval thereof by the City is confirmed. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Approval of Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans o. The applicant shall coordinate with the District and Alameda County Fire Department on required fire flows. The present interim water system is capable if providing a maximum of 3,500 gallons per minute of fire flow to the site. A future reservoir will be constructed which will allow for a flow of 4,500 gallons per minute. The applicant shall hold the District harmless over the use of interim water system for fire protection. Responsible Agency: DSRSD Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW This Site Development Review approval for PA-00-015 establishes the design concepts and regulations for the project. Development pursuant to this Site Development Review generally shall conform to the approved plans and documents available on file in the Department of Community Development. (Some of the times require revisions as noted in other Conditions herein): GENERAL CONDITIONS Standard Conditions. The project shall comply with the City of Dublin Site Development Review (SDR) Standard Conditions. Responsible Agency: PL, B Required By: Through Completion Term. Approval of the Site Development Review shall be valid for one year from approval by the Planning Commission. If construction has not commenced by that time, this approval shall be null and void. The approval period for Site Development Review may be extended six (6) additional months by the Director of Community Development upon determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated findings of approval will continue to be met. 20 10. (ApplicantYDeveloper must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Site Development Review.) Responsible Agency: PL Required By: On-going Revocation. The SDR will be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8.96.020.I of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this approval shall be subject to citation. Responsible Agency: Required By: PL On-going Effective Date. SDR approvals shall not become effective until the accompanying Eastern Dublin Specific Plan/Gland Amendment and PD-Planned Development Rezone has become effective. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Issuance of Grading Permits Colors and Materials Board. Applicant shall submit a colors and materials board subject to approval of the Director of Community Development to reflect any changes made during project review. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Issuance of Building Permits Street Names. Street names shall not duplicate any names already being used in other segments of the City. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development and the Dublin Police Service. Responsible Agency: PL, PO Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit twelve (12) sets of construction plans to the Building Department for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans ~vill not be accepted without annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participating non-City agencies prior to issuance of building permits. Responsible Agency: B Required By: Issuance of Building Permits Mechanical Equipment. All ducts, meters, transformers, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical equipment that is on-site or roof mounted shall be screened from view of all public rights of way. A screen/ng plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director and Building Official prior to approval of Building Permit. Said screening plan shall show that all ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and other mechanical and utility equipment shall be effectively screened from view with materials architecturally compatible with the materials of the structure. Responsible Agency: PL, B Required By: lssuance of Building Permits Refuse Collection Areas. The refuse collection areas within the project shall be reviewed by the refuse collection service provider to ensure that adequate space is provided to accommodate collection of refuse from this facility. All trash enclosure areas shall be constructed with roof coverage or concrete pads. A ten-foot concrete pad shall be provided outside any trash enclosure area. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans Streetlights. Streetlights on streets adjacent to the project shall be the City Standard cobra head luminaries with galvanized poles. Standard City cobra head luminaims may be used in this 21 development unless a alternative street light is approved by the Director of Public Works. Lights shall be designed so as not to shine into adjacent windows. A street lighting plan demonstrating compliance with this condition shall be submitted prior to recordation of the Final Map and shall be subject to review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Approval of Improvement Plans 11. Parking. Applicant/Developer shall provide parking and all improvements as shown on the Site Plan and Preliminary Landscape Plan prepared by Form 4 Architects, and Smith and Smith Architects respectively, date stamp received November 30, 2000 by the Dublin Department of Community Development. All parking spaces shall be double-striped with 4-inch wide stripes set approximately 2 feet apart as shown on the "Typical Parking Striping Detail". Handicapped, visitor, employee, and compact parking spaces shall be appropriately identified on the pavement. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Completion of Improvements 12. Bicycle Parking. Bicycle parking shall be provided near the building entries in accordance with the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building LANDSCAPING 13. Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan. Applicant/Developer shall submit a Final Landscaping and Irrigation Plan, conforming to the requirements of Section 8.72.030 of the Zoning Ordinance (unless otherwise required by this Resolution), stamped and approved by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. The plan should generally conform to the landscaping plan and must reflect any revised project design shown on the Site Development Review with a later date Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 14. Street Trees. Street tree varieties of a minimum 15-gallon size shall be planted along all street frontages as shown on the Landscape Plan. Exact tree locations and varieties shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Trees planted within, or adjacent to, sidewalks or curbs shall be shown on the Landscape Plan and submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Plans Approved prior to Issuance of Building Permits/Installed prior to Occupancy of Any Building 16. Monument Signs. Design of monument signs shall be approved by the Director of Community Development to assure compatibility with design elements of the project and by the Director of Public Works to assure unobstructed traffic visibility. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Completion of Improvements 17. Backflow Devices. Backflow devices shall be screened from view by means of fencing, enclosures, landscaping and/or berms. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 22 18. Standard Plant Material, Irrigation System and Maintenance Agreement. Applicant/Developer shall sign and submit a signed copy of the City of Dublin Standard Plant Material, Irrigation System and Maintenance Agreement prior to the occupancy of any units. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Occupancy of Any Unit STANDARDS 19. Health, Design and Safety Standards. Prior to final approval allowing occupancy of any new building, the physical condition of the building shall meet minimum health, design, and safety standards including, but not limited to the following: Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Occupancy of Any Building a. The streets providing access to the site shall be complete to allow for safe traffic movements to and from the site. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Occupancy of Any Building b. All traffic striping and control signing on streets providing access to the site shall be in place. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building c. All street name signs on streets providing access to the homes shall be in place. Responsible Agency: PL Required By: Occupancy of Any Building d. Exterior lighting shall be provided for building entrances and shall be of a design and placement so as not to cause glare onto adjoining properties. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Affected Building e. All repairs to the street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk which may create a hazard shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and any non-hazardous repairs shall be complete and/or bonded for. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building f. All buildings shall have an illuminated address number that is clearly visible from the middle of the street. Responsible Agency: PL, PO Required By: Occupancy of Any Building g. Applicant/Developer shall submit a final lighting plan (including photometrics) to the Department of Community Development and the Dublin Police Services for review and approval. At a minimum, the plan shall include 0.50 candle lighting levels at all doors, 1.0 candle lights at ground level in parking lot areas, and lighting fixtures that are a vandal-resistant type. Responsible Agency: PL, PO, B, PW Required By: Plans Approved prior to Issuance of Building Permits/Lighting Installed prior to Occupancy of Any Building h. Ali sewer clean-outs, water meter boxes, and other utility boxes shall be set to grade to the approval of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Occupancy of Any Building i. The buildings shall have received all necessary inspections and have final approval by the Building Department to allow occupancy. Responsible Agency: B Required By: Occupancy of Any Building j. All fire hydrants in streets providing access to the site shall be operable to City and ACFD standards. Responsible Agency: F Required By: Occupancy of Any Building 23 All streets providing access to the site shall be improved to an adequate width and manner to allo~ for fire engine circulation to the approval of the Director of Public Works and ACFD. Responsible Agency: PW, F Required By: Occupancy of Any Building Exterior landscaping shall be kept at a minimal height and fullness giving patrol officers and the general public surveillance capabilities of the area. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: On-going Applicant/Developer shall provide each entrance of the complex with a graphic unit locator director, visible from within a vehicle as it enters the complex. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Occupancy of Any Building Applicant/Developer shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. Graffiti resistant materials should be used, including appropriate paints and film for windows and appropriate glass. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: On-going Applicant/Developer shall work with the Dublin Police on an ongoing basis to establish an effective theft prevention and security program. Applicant/Developer shall submit a security plan for the site for review and approval by the Dublin Police. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Plan submitted prior to Occupancy of Any Building Employee exit doors shall be equipped with 180-degree viewers if there is not a burglary resistant ~vindow panel in he front door from which to scan the exterior. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Plan submitted prior to Occupancy of Any Building The applicant/developer shall submit a security plan for the site. The plan shall include information regarding: alarm systems (type and location), inventory control measures, key control measures, employee safety and security training programs Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Prior to Issuance of Building Permit Building tenants shall complete a "Business Site Emergency Response Card" and deliver to the Police Department. Responsible Agency: PO Required By: Plan submitted prior to Occupancy of Any Building ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 20. Energy Conservation. Building plans shall demonstrate the incorporation of energy conservation measures into the design, construction, and operation of proposed development. Responsible Agency: PL, PW Required By: Issuance of Building Permits 21. Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's). Applicant/Developer shall update any project Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions documents (CC&R's) as necessary to reflect the further subdivision of the property. Applicant;Developer shall submit any revised project CC&Rs for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Community Development. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Approval of Final Map 22. Utilities Phasing. Construction of the utilities shall conform to the phasing of construction and access shown on the Master Utility Map and Phasing Plan or as directed by the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Occupancy of Any Building 24 23. Site Plan. Approval of the Tentative Parcel Map is not an approval of the specific proposed site plan and lot improvements, lot traffic circulation system or parking plan, street improvement fronting each proposed lot. Specific parking layout and site frontage improvements will be addressed and reviewed as part of the improvement plan review process for each lot. Responsible Agency: PL, PW, B Required By: Ongoing, 24. Utilities. All water, gas, sewer, undergrom~d electric power, cable television or telephone lines and storm drain facilities shall be installed before any paving, curb, gutter or sidewalk is installed or as approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Utility stub connections to property boundaries shall be required unless waived by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer in writing. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Grading Permit 25. Improvement Plans. The Developer shall prepare Improvement Plans in accordance with the latest City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Checklist prepared and filed with the City of Dublin Public Works Department. Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Grading Permit 26. Geotechnical Report. Prior to approval of the street improvement plans. Developer shall prepare a Geotechnical Report recommending necessary street pavement sections, grading recommendations and compaction requirements for the extension of E-W Boulevard, and Arnold Road for review as required by the City's Grading Ordinance (as a minimum). Responsible Agency: PW Required By: Grading Permit 27. Landscaping at street intersections shall be such that sight distance is not obstructed. Except for trees, landscaping shall not be higher than 30 inches above the curb in these areas. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Grading Permit 28. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare Landscaping and Irrigation site plans in accordance with the submitted preliminary plans for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Community Development Director. The proposed design shall be in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Responsible Agency: PW, PL Required By: Grading Permit PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of December 2000. AYES: Cm. Johnson, Jennings, and Musser NOES: ABSENT: Cm. Hughes ABSTAIN: Community Develop~nent Directdd ~irperson 25 ATTACHMENT "A" TYPICAL PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following Conditions of Approval (as referenced in the preceding resolution) are standard Conditions of Approval applicable as required by the Public Works Department for all development projects within the City of Dublin. Unless modified by referenced conditions in the preceding resolution, these conditions are assumed to be complied with prior to issuance of Grading Permit or approval of Improvement Plans. ARCHAEOLOGY: If, during construction, archaeological materials are encountered, construction within 100 feet of these materials, shall be halted until a professional Archaeologist who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures, if they are deemed necessary. BONDS: The developer shall provide either (a.) a Performance (100%), labor and material (50%) securities and a cash monumentation bond or (b.) a Letter of Credit to guarantee the installation of subdivision improvements, including streets, drainage, grading, utilities and landscaping subject to approval by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer prior to approval of the Final or Parcel Map. 3. Prior to acceptance of the project as complete and the release of securities by the City: a) All improvements shall be installed as per the approved Improvement Plans and Specifications. b) All required landscaping shall be installed. c) An as-built landscaping plan prepared by the project Landscape Architect and a declaration by the Project Landscape Architect that all work was done under his supervision and in accordance with the recommendations contained in the landscape and soil erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. d) Photo mylar and , if available, AutoCAD electronic copies, of the Improvement, Grading and Storm Drain plans along with the Final or Parcel and Annexation Maps, if any, which are tied to the City's existing mapping coordinates including all as-built plans prepared by a registered Civil Engineer. e) A complete record, including location and elevation of all field density tests, and a summary of all field and laboratory tests. f) A declaration by the Project Civil Engineer and Project Geologist that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soil and geologic investigation reports and the approved plans and specifications. Upon acceptance of the improvements and receipt of required submittals, the performance security may be replaced with a maintenance bond that is 25% of the value of the performance security. The maintenance bond is released one year after acceptance of the project and after the repair of deficiencies, if any, are completed. The labor and materials security is released upon acceptance of the improvements, provided no liens are filed against the developer on this project. CREEK: 26 Buildings shall be no closer than 20 feet from top of the bank along the Creek, where the top of bank is either the existing break in topography, or a point at the existing ground line which is the intersection of a line on a two-horizontal-to-one-vertical slope begun at the toe of the slope in the Creek, whichever is more restrictive. DRAINAGE: Each lot shall be so graded as not to drain on any other lot or adjoining property prior to being deposited to an approved drainage system. Where possible, roof drains shall empty onto an approved dissipating device and then over lawn or other planted areas to street or approved drainage facility. Concentrated flows will not be allowed to drain across sidewalk areas. An 18" minimum diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) shall be used for all public storm drain main lines and 12" minimum diameter RCP shall be used for laterals connecting inlets to main drain line. 10. Under-sidewalk drains (curb drains) shall be installed on both sides of driveway approaches. 11. Storm drainage detention facilities shall be designed to contain the 100- year storm occurrence including 1 foot of freeboard. 12. In case that the detention basin outlet fails and the basin cannot contain the 100-year storm, streets must be designed so that the overflow release shall directed to the subdivision streets and shall be contained in the road right-of-way. 13. Storm drainage facilities shall be designed to meet the following capacity: Drainage area Design Storm less that 1 sq. mile I to 5 sq. miles over 5 sq. miles 15 year 25 year 100 year All streets shall be designed so that the 15-year storm is contained within the gutter and shoulder area. In addition arterial streets shall have one lane of traffic in both directions of travel above the 100-year storm level. 14. No buildings or other structures shall be constructed within a storm drain easement. 15. Developer shall provide "trash racks" where storm drainage improvements intercept natural drainage channels. An all-weather maintenance road shall be constructed to the trash racks. 16. Concrete V-ditches shall be constructed on slopes 10 feet and higher in accordance with City Ord. 56- 86. These V-ditches shall have a 5% minimum slope. 17. All slopes 10 feet or higher will have a concrete V-ditch installed at the toe of the slope. These ditches shall discharge into natural drainage channels or an adequate storm drain system. 18. Drainage in all concrete ditches shall be picked up and directed to the bottom of an approved drainage channel. The slope on these ditches shall not be less than 5%. 19. A 6" minimum diameter subdrain shall be installed in all swales that are to be filled. 20. All subdrains shall tie into storm drain catch basins or manholes at the downstream end of the subdrain. There shall be a clean-out at the upper end of all subdrains. 27 21. Downhill cul-de-sacs are not allowed without prior written approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. If allowed they must provide a storm drain overflow corridor to an approved drainage facilities. This corridor shall be design to prevent flooding of building pads in case the street inlet is obstructed. 22. Streets designed with sump areas shall have a curb inlet at the low spot and two additional inlets within 50 feet of the low area. 23. No drainage shall be directed over slopes. 24. The storm drainage system shall be designed and constructed to the standards and policies of the City of Dublin. 25. All concentrated storm drain flow shall be carried in concrete curb and gutter, concrete valley gutters or storm drain pipe and shall discharged into an approved drainage facility, not onto slopes. 26. All public streets shall drain into stoim drain systems before being discharged into established drainage channels. 27. The developer shall comply with Alameda County Flood Control District requirements. If there is a conflict between City and County Flood Control requirements the Director of Public Works/City Engineer shall determine which requirements shall apply. DUST: 28. Areas undergoing grading, and all other construction activities, shall be watered, or other dust- palliative measures may be used, to control dust, as conditions warrant or as directed by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. NPDES: General Construction: 29. For projects disturbing five (5) acres or more the applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for review by the City prior to the issuance of any building or grading permits. The SWPPP shall be implemented by the general contractor and all subcontractors and suppliers of material and equipment. Construction site cleanup and control of construction debris shall also be addressed in the SWPPP . The developer is responsible for complying with the SWPPP. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations or a project stop work order. For projects disturbing less than five (5) acres an erosion control plan shall be submitted with the grading plan. 30. Prior to the commencement of any clearing, grading or excavation resulting in a land disturbance greater than five acres, the developer shall provide evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI) has been sent to the California State Water Resources Control Board. A copy of the SWPPP shall be kept at the construction site at all times. 31. Between October 1 and April 15 unvegetated graded slopes which drain to desilting basins shall be, at a minimum, protected by hydroseed mulch and silt fencing. Slopes not draining to a desilting basin, at a minimum, shall be seeded then covered with a 100% biodegradable straw fiber erosion control blanket. Silt fencing shall be installed at each bench and along the toe of slope. The developer shall be responsible for providing any addition slope protection which may be needed to prevent silting of natural water courses and storm drainage facilities. 32. Construction access routes shall be limited to those approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and shall be shown on the approved grading plan. 33. Gather all construction debris on daily and place them in a covered dumpster or other container which is emptied or removed on a weekly basis. A secondary containment berm shall be constructed around 28 the dumpster. When appropriate, use tarps on the ground to collect fallen debris or splatters that could contribute to storm water pollution. 34. Remove all debris from the sidewalk, street pavement and storm drain system adjoining the project site daily or as required by the City inspector. During wet weather, avoid driving vehicles off paved areas. 35. Broom sweep the sidewalk and public street pavement adjoining the project site on a daily basis. Caked on mud or dirt shall be scraped from these areas before sweeping. 36. 37. Install filter materials (e.g. gravel filters, filter fabric, etc.) at all on-site storm drain inlets and existing inlets in the vicinity of the project site prior to: l) start of the rainy season (October 15) 2) site dewatering activities, 3) street washing activities, 4) saw cutting asphalt or concrete Filter materials shall be cleaned or replaced as necessary to maintain effectiveness and prevent street flooding. Dispose of filter particles in an appropriate manner. Create a contained and covered area on the site for the storage of bags of cement, paints, flammable, oils, fertilizers, pesticides or any other materials used on the project site that have the potential for being discharged to the storm drain system. Never clean machinery, tools, brushes, etc. or rinse containers into a street, gutter, storm drain or stream. See "Building Maintenance/Remodeling" flyer for more information. 38. Concrete/gunite supply trucks or concrete/plasters or similar finishing operations shall not discharge wash water into street gutters or drains. 39. 40. Minimize the removal of natural vegetation or ground cover from the site in order to reduce the potential for erosion and sedimentation problems. All cut and fill slopes shall be stabilized as soon as possible after completion of grading. No site grading shall occur between October 15 and April 15 unless detailed erosion control plan reviewed by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and implemented by the contractor. Fueling and maintenance of vehicles shall be done off-site unless an approved fueling and maintenance area has been approved as part of the SWPPP. Commercial/Industrial Developments: 41. The project plans shall include storm water pollution prevention measures for the operation and maintenance of the project for the review and approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. The project plan shall identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the uses conducted on-site to effectively prohibit the entry of pollutants into storm water runoff: 42. The project plan BMPs shall also include erosion control measures described in the latest version of the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management Practices Handbook, to prevent soil, dirt and debris from entering the storm drain system. 43. The developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of, and implement, all storm water pollution prevention measures. Failure to comply with the approved construction BMPs will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations and/or a project stop order. 44. All washing and/or steam cleaning must be done at an appropriately equipped facility which drains to the sanitary sewer. Any outdoor washing or pressure washing must be managed in such a way that there is no discharge of soaps or other pollutants to the storm drain system. Wash waters should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the Dublin-San Ramon Services District (DSRSD). 29 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. All loading dock areas must be designed to minimize "mn-on" to or runoff from the area. Accumulated waste water that may contribute to the pollution of storm water must be drained to the sanitary sewer, or filtered for ultimate discharge to the storm drain system. BMPs should be implemented to prevent potential storm water pollution. Implement appropriate BMPs such as, but not limited to, a regular program of sweeping, litter control and spill clean-up. All metal roofs and roof mounted equipment (including galvanized), shall be coated with a mst- inhibitive paint. Trash enclosures and/or recycling area(s) must be completely covered; no other area shall drain onto this area. Drains in any wash or process area shall not discharge to the storm drain system. Drains should connect to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the DSRSD. All paved outdoor storage areas must be designed to eliminate the potential for runoff to carry pollutants to the storm drain system. Bulk materials stored outdoors may need to be covered and contained as required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. All landscaping shall be properly maintained and shall be designed with efficient irrigation practices to reduce runoff, promote surface filtration, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides which contribute to runoff pollution. Sidewalks and parking lots must be swept weekly, at a minimum, to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. If pressure washed, debris must be trapped and collected to prevent entry to the storm drain system. No cleaning agent may be discharged to the storm drain. If any cleaning agent or degreaser is used, wash water shall not discharge to the storm drains; wash waters should be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Discharges to the sanitary sewer are subject to the review, approval and conditions of the DSRSD. A structural control, such as an oil/water separator, sand filter, or approved equal, may be required to be installed, on site, to intercept and pre-treat storm water prior to discharging to the storm drain system. The design, location, and a maintenance schedule must be submitted to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Restaurants must be designed with contained areas for cleaning mats, equipment and containers. This wash area must be covered or designed to prevent "run-on" to, or runoff from, the area. The area shall not discharge to the storm drains; wash waters should drain to the sanitary sewer, or collected for ultimate disposal to the sanitary sewer. Employees must be instructed and signs posted indicating that all washing activities be conducted in this area. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the DSRSD. Commercial Car Washes: No wash water shall discharge to the storm drains. Wash waters should discharge to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval, and conditions of the DSRSD. Vehicle/Equipment Washers: No vehicle or equipment washing activity associated with this facility shall discharge to the storm drain system. Wash areas should be limited to areas that drain to the sanitary sewer collection system, or the wash water collected for ultimate disposal to the sanitary sewer. This wash area must be covered and designed to prevent "mn-on" to, and runoff from, the area. A sign must be posted indicating the designated wash area. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval and conditions of the DSRSD. Fuel dispensing areas must be paved with concrete extending a minimum of 8'-0" from the face of the fuel dispenser and a minimum of 4'-0" from the nose of the pump island. Fuel dispensin.g areas must be degraded and constructed to prevent "mn-on" to, or runoff from, the area. Fuel dispensing facilities must have canopies; canopy roof down spouts must be routed to prevent drainage flow through the fuel dispensing area. The facility must have a spill cleanup plan. The fuel dispensing area must be dry swept routinely. Dispensing equipment must be inspected routinely for proper functioning and leak prevention. 30 56. All on-site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No Dumping-Drains to Bay" using an approved methods. 57. All on-site storm drains must be cleaned at least twice a year; once immediately prior to the rainy season (October 15) and once in January. Additional cleaning may be required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. Residential: 58. The project plans shall include storm water pollution prevention measures (SWPPP) for the operation and maintenance of the project subject to the review of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. The SWPPP shall identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to residential construction activities conducted on-site to effectively prohibit the entry of pollutants into storm water runoff. 59. The SWPPP shall include erosion control measures to prevent soil, dirt and debris from entering the storm drain system, in accordance with the regulations outlined in the most current version of the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management Practices Handbook. 60. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers are aware of, and implement, all storm water quality measures and implement such measures. Failure to comply with the approved construction BMPs will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations and/or a project stop order. 61. All on-site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No Dumping - Drains to Bay" using an approved methods. 62. All metal roofs and roof mounted equipment (including galvanized) shall be coated with a rust- inhibitive paint. 63. Trash enclosures and/or recycling area(s) must be completely covered; no other area shall drain onto this area. Drains in any wash or recycling area shall not discharge to the storm drain system. Drains should connect to the sanitary sewer. Sanitary connections are subject to the review, approval and conditions of the DSRSD. 64. When a common area car wash is provided, no wash water shall discharge to the storm drain system. The car wash area should drain to the sanitary sewer. The area must be covered and designed to prevent excess rainwater from entering the sanitary server. Contact the local permitting authority and POTW for specific connection and discharge requirements. If no common car wash area exists, means should be taken to discourage car washing, e.g., removing hose bibs and installing signs. 65. The applicant shall record CC&R's at the time of filing the final map which shall create a property owners association for the development. The CC&R's shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. Where not covered by a landscape and lighting district, the homeowner's association shall be responsible for implementing all storm ~vater measures and the maintenance of all private streets, private utilities, and other common areas and facilities on the site, including all landscaping. Landscaping shall be designed with efficient irrigation to reduce runoff and promote surface filtration and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides which can contribute to urban runoff pollution. GENERAL DESIGN 66. The developer is responsible for the construction site and construction safety. 67. The minimum width for the private roads with parking on one side shall be 33 feet or as otherwise approved by Director of Public Works. 31 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. A cul-de-sac or turnaround at or near the end of all dead-end private roads. All public sidewalks must be within City right-of-way or in a pedestrian easement except as specifically approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. Special paving or concrete paving a minimum of ten feet wide shall be installed across private streets where they intersect public streets. No special paving or concrete paving will be allowed in public streets. All of the plans, including Improvement and Grading Plans, and subdivision maps, must be designed to the City of Dublin's standards plans and specifications, policies and requirements using standard City title block and format. The grading plan design must based on the approved soil reports. In addition to the civil engineer, a soils engineer must sign the grading plans. The soils engineer or his technical representative must be present at all times during grading. All engineering plans must be designed and signed by a Registered Civil Engineer. Plans are subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works, and after his approval, original mylars or photo mylars with three sets of blue prints must be submitted to the City. The minimum uniform street gradient shall be 1%. The structure design of the road shall be subject to approval of the Director of Public Works. Parking lots shall have a minimum gradient of 1% and a maximum gradient of 5%. No cut and fill slopes shall exceed 2:1 unless recommended by the project soils engineer and approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. Slopes shall be graded so that there is both horizontal and vertical slope variation where visible from public areas and the top and bottom of slopes shall be rounded in order to create or maintain a natural appearance. All residential building pad elevations must be above the 100-year flood level/ In the 100-year Flood Hazard Zone, all residential units shall have their finished floor elevation a minimum of one foot (1') above the 100-year flood level. Commercial buildings shall either provide flood-proofing, or have their finished floor elevation above the 100-year flood level. A registered civil or structural engineer shall design all retaining walls over three feet in height (or over two feet in height with a surcharge) and a building permit shall be required for their construction. A maintenance and inspection program shall be implemented by the developer or homeowners' association for the periodic inspection and maintenance of all retaining walls that could possibly affect the public right-of-way. Minimum sight distance for public streets, including intersection sight distance, shall meet the CALTRANS Highway Design Manual. Prior to filing for building permits, precise plans for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type and location of drainage facilities both on and off-site) and erosion and sedimentation control shall be submitted and subject to the review and approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. The soils report for the project shall include recommendations 1) for foundations, decks, and other miscellaneous structures, 2) for design of swimming pools, and 3) for setbacks for structures from top and toes of slopes. Additionally, the soils report shall include a professional opinion as to safety of the site from the hazards of land slippage, erosion, settlement and seismic activity. The Contractor shall be responsible for acquiring permits required by other agencies. (Fish & Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Zone 7, Etc.) The Applicant/Developer and Applicant/Developer's representatives (engineer, contractor, etc.) must meet and follow all of the City's requirements and policies, including the Urban Runoff Program and Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. 32 EASEMENTS: 82. The Developer shall acquire easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for improvements required outside of the subdivision. The easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in writing and copies shall be furnished to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. EROSION: 83. Prior to any grading of the site and filing of the Final Map or Parcel Map, a detailed construction grading/erosion control plan (including phasing); and a drainage, water quality, and erosion and sedimentation control plan, for the post-construction period, both prepared by the Project Civil Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist; shall be approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. Said plans shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria, of all erosion and sediment control measures. The plans shall provide, to the maximum extent practicable, that no increase in sediment or pollutants from the site will occur. The post-construction plan shall provide for long-term maintenance of all permanent erosion and sediment control measures such as slope vegetation. The construction grading/erosion control plan shall be implemented in place by October 15th and shall be maintained in place until April 15th unless otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer. It shall be the developer's responsibility to maintain the erosion and sediment control measures for the year following acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City Council. FINAL MAP / PARCEL MAP: 84. Prior to filing the Final Map or Parcel Map, precise plans and specifications for street improvements, grading, drainage (including size, type, and location of drainage facilities both on- and off-site), and erosion and sedimentation control, shall be approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. 85. Submit three (3) sets of approved blueprints and approved original mylars or photo mylars of improvement plans, grading plans, and recorded Final/Parcel Map to the City of Dublin Public Works Department. Upon completion of construction, the City's mylar shall be modified to an "as-built" plan (mylar) prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. A declaration by a Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer that all work was done under his supervision and in accordance with recommendations contained in the soils report shall be submitted to the Public Works Department. 86. For storm drains outside the public right-of-way a "Storm Drain Easement" or "Private Storm Drain Easement" shall be dedicated on the final map. 87. Provide an access road and turn around and maintenance easement to storm drainage detention facilities and trash racks. 88. A current title report and copies of the recorded deed of all parties having any recorded title interest in the property to be divided, copies of the deeds and the Final/Parcel Maps for adjoining properties and easements shall be submitted at the time of the submittal of the final subdivision maps. 89. Existing and proposed access and public utility easements shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer prior to approval of the Final/Parcel Map. These easements shall allow for vehicular and utility service access. 90. A 10-foot public service easement (6-foot on residential streets) shall be shown on the Final/Parcel Map along all street frontages, in addition to all other easements required by the utility companies or governmental agencies. 9 I. All street dedications shall include working easements for slope maintenance. 92. The boundary of all lots and the exterior boundary of the Subdivision, as well as the centerline of the streets, shall be survey monumented. At least three (3) permanent benchmarks shall be established. 33 Plats and elevation data shall be provided to the City in a form acceptable to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. FIRE: 93. Install fire hydrants at the locations approved by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority in accordance with the standards in effect at the time of development. A raised blue reflectorized traffic marker shall be epoxied to the center of the paved street opposite each hydrant. 94. All materials and workmanship for fire hydrants, gated connections, and appurtenances thereto, necessary to provide water supply for fire protection, must be installed by the developer and conform to all requirements of the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications of Dublin San Ramon Services District and Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. All such work will be subject to the joint field inspection of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and Dublin San Ramon Services District. 95. Fire access roads must be designed, constructed, and gated to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and to the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority. 96. The improvement plans must be approved by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, as indicated by their signature on the title sheet. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS: 97. Dedication of land shall be made to the City of Dublin such that it conveys land sufficient for the approved streets' right-of-way. Improvements shall be made, by the applicant, along all streets within the development and as required off-site including curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving, drainage, and work on the existing paving, if necessary, from a structural or grade continuity standpoint. FUTURE CONFORMANCE: 98. The design and improvements of the Subdivision shall be in conformance with the design and improvements indicated graphically, or as modified by the Conditions of Approval. The improvements and design shall include street locations, grades, alignments, and widths, the design of storm drainage facilities inside and outside the Subdivision, grading of lots, the boundaries of the Tract, and shall show compliance with City standards for roadways. GRADING: 99. Grading shall be designed in conformance with the approved tentative map. The grading plan shall incorporate the recommendations of the soil report. The grading plan shall conform with the City specifications and ordinances, City policies and the Uniform Building Code (UBC). In case of conflict between the soil engineer's recommendations and City ordinances the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply. 100. 101. Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of base materials, all underground utilities shall be installed and service connections stubbed out to property lines. Public utilities, CaNe TV, sanitary sewers, and water lines, shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk, when future service connections or extensions are made. All public and private utilities shall be undergrounded. Grading shall be done under the continuous inspection of the Project Soils Engineer. Grading shall be completed in compliance with the construction grading plans and recommendations of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, and the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan, and shall be done under the supervision of the Project Soils Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist, who shall, upon its completion, submit a declaration to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer that all work was done in accordance with the recommendations contained in the soils and geologic investigation reports and the approved plans and specifications. Inspections 34 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. that will satisfy final subdivision map requirements shall be arranged with the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. If grading is commenced prior to filing the Final Map or Parcel Map, a surety or guarantee shall be filed with the City of Dublin. The surety shall be equal to the amount approved by the City Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer as necessary to insure restoration of the site to a stable and erosion resistant state if the project is terminated prematurely. Any grading, stockpiling, storing of equipment or material on adjacent properties will require written approval of those property owners affected. Copies of the rights-of-entry shall be furnished to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer prior to the start of work. Street grades shall be designed and built in accordance with the General Plan, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. The developer shall keep adjoining public streets free and clean of project dirt, mud, materials, and debris. Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that anticipated in the soil and geologic investigation report, or where such conditions warrant changes to the recommendations contained in the original soil investigation, a revised soil or geologic report shall be submitted for approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. It shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from hazards of land slippage, erosion, settlement, and seismic activity. 107. Landslide and erosive areas outlined in the geotechnical investigation report shall be shown on the improvement/grading plans or plans which are part of improvement/grading plans. The plans shall show the method for repair of these areas as stated in the geotechnical investigation. 108. Grading plans shall indicate the quantity of soil that must }~e imported or off-hauled. If soil must be imported or off-hauled, the Applicant shall submit details as to how it will be done and routes of travel for the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer's approval. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. All unsuitable material found at the site shall be removed from the site or stockpiled for later use in landscape areas. Grading within a designated open space area shall be limited to that grading which is necessary for construction of the roadways traversing the open space and any approved development. All cut and fill slopes shall be revegetated with native shrubs, trees and grasses subject to review and approval of the Planning Director and Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. A revegetation plan for replanting graded slopes and replacing the amount of woodlands lost due to grading shall be prepared. Enhanced revegetation techniques shall be employed to ensure the success of the revegetation. Examples of enhancements to the revegetation plan include irrigating the young plants, placing top soil on fill slopes, using special planting techniques such as drilling into fill slopes to allow root penetration, and planting at a density similar to the native woodlands in the riparian corridors. All landslides which effect any structures or roads or other improvements shall be maintain by Geologic Hazards Abatement District (GHAD). The developer or homeowners' association are responsible for financing the GHAD. The administration of the GHAD is to be determined at the Final Map stage. A minimum 20 foot bench/maintenance road with concrete V-ditch shall be constructed at the bottom of slopes where open space abuts private property. The project civil engineer shall certify that the finished graded building pads are within -+ 0.1 feet in elevation of those shown on approved plans. 35 HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 115. Handicapped ramps and parking shall be provided as specified in the American Disability Act (ADA). IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AGREEMENTS, AND SECURITIES: 116. Obtain copies of and comply with conditions as noted on "City of Dublin General Notes on Improvement Plans" and "City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List." 117. All improvements within the public right-of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveways, paving, and utilities, must be constructed prior to occupancy and in accordance with approved City Standards and/or Plans. 118. The Applicant/Developer shall enter into an improvement agreement with the City for all improvements. 119. Complete improvement plans, specifications, and calculations shall be submitted to, and be approved by, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. Improvement plans shall show the existing and proposed improvements along adjacent public street(s) and property that relate to the proposed improvements. 120. The developer shall have their engineer provide the City AutoCAD electronic copies of the Improvement, Grading and Storm Drain plans along with the Final Map which is tied to the City's existing mapping coordinates if available. 121. The Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for all subdivision improvements prior to issuance of improvement permit. Complete improvement plans, specifications and calculations shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer and other affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements prior to execution of the Improvement Agreement. Improvement plans shall show the existing and proposed improvements along the adjacent public street and property that relate to the proposed improvements. 122. All required securities, in an amount equal to 100% of the approved estimates of construction costs of improvements, and a labor and material security, equal to 50% of the construction cost, shall be submitted to, and be approved by, the City and affected agencies having jurisdiction over public improvements, prior to execution of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. MAINTENANCE OF COMMON AREA: 123. Maintenance of common areas, including ornamental landscaping, graded slopes, erosion control plantings and drainage, erosion and sediment control improvements, shall be the responsibility of the developer during construction stages and until final improvements are accepted by the City Council and the securities are released (one year after improvements are accepted). Thereafter, maintenance shall be the responsibility of a homeowners' association or individual property owners, in accordance with the project CC&Rs. MISCELLANEOUS: 124. Copies of the Final Map and improvement plans, indicating all lots, streets, and drainage facilities within the subdivision shall be submitted at 1" = 400' scale, and 1" = 200' scale for City mapping purposes. 125. The developer shall be responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to construction activities. 126. All construction traffic and parking may be subject to specific requirements as determined by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. 36 127. The developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees, from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees, to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, or legislative body concerning a subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Section 66499.37 of the Government Code of the State of California. The City of Dublin shall promptly notify the developer of any claim, action, or proceedings. 128. In submitting subsequent plans for review and approval, each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of the project's conditions of approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated conditions attached to each set of plans. The Applicant will be responsible for obtaining the approval of all participating non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. PERMIT: 129. Applicant shaI1 obtain Caltrans' approval and permit for any work performed within their right-of-way or impacting their facilities. 130. An encroachment permit shall be secured from the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer for any work done within the public right-of-way where this work is not covered under the improvement plans. 131. The developer and/or their representatives shall secure all necessary permits for work including, but not limited to, grading, encroachment, Fish and Game Department, County Flood Control District, Corps. of Engineers and State water quality permits and show proof of it to the City of Dublin, Department of Public Works. 132. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, visually important trees shall be tagged in the field. After the staking of the daylight lines but prior to the start of grading, protective fencing shall be installed around the trees, subject to approval of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. NOISE: 133. 134. Construction and grading operations, including the maintenance and warming of equipment, shall be limited to weekdays, Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Director of Public Works may approve days and hours beyond the above mentioned days and hours. The developer is responsible for the additional cost of the Public Works inspectors' overtime. During the construction, noise control and construction traffic mitigation measures within residential neighborhoods or on public streets must be taken to reduce noise and use of public streets by construction traffic as directed by Public Works officials. PARKLAND DEDICATION: 135. Park land shall be dedicated or in-lieu fees shall be paid, or a combination of both shall be provided prior to issuance of building permits or prior to recordation of the Final Map or Parcel Map, whichever occurs first, in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. STREETS: 136. The street surfacing shall be asphalt concrete paving. The Director of Public Works/City Engineer shall review the project's Soils Engineer's structural pavement design. The developer shall, at his so. le expense, make tests of the soil over which the surfacing and base are to be constructed and furnish me test reports to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. The Developer's soils engineer shall determine a preliminary structural design of the road bed. After rough grading has been completed, 37 the developer shall have soil tests performed to determine the final design of the road bed. In lieu of these soil tests, the road may be designed and constructed based on an R-value of 5. STREET LIGHTS: 137. Street light standards and luminaries shall be designed and installed per approval of the Director of Public Works. The maximum voltage drop for street lights is 5%. 138. Properties shall be annexed to the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District. STREET SIGNS: 139. The developer shall furnish and install street name signs, bearing such names as are approved by the Planning Director, and traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin. Addresses shall be assigned by the City Building Official. 140. Street names shall be submitted and processed through the Planning Department and shall be indicated on the Final Map. 141. The Developer shall furnish and install street name signs, in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin, bearing such names as are approved by the City. The developer shall furnish and install traffic safety signs in accordance with the standards of the City of Dublin. STREET TREES: 142. Street trees, of at least a 15-gallon size, shall be planted along the street frontages. Trees shall be planted in accordance with a planting plan, including tree varieties and locations, approved by the Planning Director and Director of Public Works. Trees planted within, or adjacent to, sidewalks or curbs shall be provided with root shields. TRAFFIC: 143. The City of Dublin is currently studying the adoption and implementation of a regional traffic impact fee for roadway and street improvements in the Tri-Valley area. This fee will provide for Public Works projects to improve traffic circulation for accommodating new development within the City. If a regional traffic impact fee ordinance is approved and enacted prior to issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall pay its fair share of this regional traffic impact fee. 144. All new traffic signals shall be interconnected with other new signals within the development and to the existing City traffic signal system by hard wire. In addition, conduits with pull ropes shall be installed along the project frontage to accommodate future extension of the interconnect system. The extent of this work shall be determined by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. 145. Multi-family and non-residential facilities shall provide bike racks. In addition commercial and office centers shall provide car and van pool preferential parking spaces as required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. 146. Non-residential facilities shall provide pedestrian access from the pub!lc street to building entrances as required by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer/City Engineer. UTILITIES: 147. Electrical, gas, telephone, and Cable TV services, shall be provided underground to each lot in accordance with the City policies and existing ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements and sized to meet utility company standards. All utilities to and within the project shall be undergrounded. 38 148. Prior to the filing of the Final Map or Parcel Map, the developer shall furnish the Director of Public Works/City Engineer with a letter from Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) stating that the District has agreed to furnish water and sewer service to each of the dwelling units and/or lot included on the Final Map of the subdivision. 149. The Dublin San Ramon Services District shall revie~v and approve the improvement plans as evidenced by their representative's signature on the Title Sheet. 150. Any relocation of improvements or public facilities shall be accomplished by the developer and at no expense to the City. WATER: 151. Water facilities must be connected to the DSRSD system, and must be installed at the expense of the developer, in accordance with District standards and specifications. All material and workmanship for water mains, and appurtenances thereto, must conform with all of the requirements of the officially adopted Water Code of the District and will be subject to field inspection by the District. 152. Any water well, cathodic protection well, or exploratory boring shown on the map, that is know to exist, is proposed, or is located during the course of field operations, must be properly abandoned, backfilled, or maintained in accordance with applicable groundwater protection ordinances. For additional information contact Flood Control, Zone 7. 153. Developer shall design, incorporate, and institute water conservation measures for the entire project. Refer to "Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance # 18-92." 154. Developer shall design and provide infrastructure for recycled water use for landscaping in accordance with DSRSD and to the satisfaction of the Public Work Director. 155. Developer shall design and construct the water and sewer system in accordance with the DSRSD requirements. ZONING: 156. Comply with all zoning provisions, including Zoning Ordinance and rezoning Conditions of Approval. G:~FORMS~DEV~COA1-97.DOC 39 ~~~M'~~~~~~ ..~ ~ ~~ J~1.. ~ ~. 1 ~o -- ~. ~~.,~~~ ~n~z. I'' .R^`~' 111.4. . Pt)J~T CIEt 4 SE E FNE ~.. MF.. k X Gh CA Tat ~,T~. '~`- d t2c a~,sam~ amp ca +. Eik Tatd. 58 ~1ttR 7ta„ 475 PA ,Tat a msort~.,e+aa ~n Tac E6t A». xtA~1~ Ymt GYM: 1 ~N~ psY. ta15 pt xr_ Tr am fiEtITEG#iNIGAb _ a o ~, 8~. ~55a/T{. Td84 I: ~~ n',` x ;t. r ~~;; y y ~ -~ ti~x "a. day. -..~5.. N ~~ ~.,~, w. ,.~: ~~~.; H~ 1C xo.>3 TITLE A4.1 SITE A 4,2 SlTEF"rR}T6S AD3 STE kQ.4 SPTE EdRiC AQ.5 NE A1A -~.[~S t, 3,.4 Ai_S G 7 A.12 FtAp#TYfNfial. A4.3 S Rt7ESA1iS A20 Al -S€[E A22 A. t 1 A2k t I azs ELEVATitNi-eLIrR1E.aSi A2,® '.EtkV EAST A2T ~.EVA A7S ~ A A29 A - .. azla az.11 ~ GATE9 L2A 6 L3A ER;TrtS.S L&A ~ EAFT P11+3A L5.0 EAST-'A~,SF GO RE1.EVkTEWd L&A S S C 1.6 ! 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Qr 1 I 1~ _.. g: ...q WHITE PRECAST ~ 9Q'-Q' . ~m~ ~_ f s ~ ~ SEQO(JD FL~F~t Q4< ~, - -- - I lY { - R uN GF~ D R v. .~r y ~ ' ~ ( { x, ~' - e r E~ _ _ _ _ - - _ -. - . _ ~ ~ _ _ _ ~.~ I I' ril _ ~,;, _ ;,_ ~ CO M:M ERCE ~ TYPICAL ELEVATION BUILDING'ONE WEST ;- ~ '-- _ -, ~~ ~.~ , . y~ -~ ~~~._.~ ~ - -~ -~- ~~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~ 2114, _. . ~ _ ... _ - ..~:: 0°N ~ _ .~ . ~. - _ ~ :~ t - -- - ~ _~_ +asnu_c--~ _ _` L STUCCO MECHANICAL SCREEN - WHRE METAL CANOPY _ WHRE PRECAST ' CONCRETE ALUMINUM /GLASS - WINDOW WALL WHRPPRELAST CONCRETE METAL CLADDED ENTRY SURROVND ~. is. :~A ~L .,tl- (CHAMPNGN FlNL~i) =~ .ew ,Lim '. eta s ~. ~~Jh ~'S _ I ~ _ d ~ / i~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ o. .~ _ - . f _ ~~ ~ ' _ r a '1- ~.~~ - ~~ ~ ~. ~ ' ~ - - - _ ' _ ._ _. _ p~ - - .._ .. y R 4-' - - ~~ ......... -~ z.: ~ -. ~:..~._~ F ..:...-::. ._~ - _ -~.-~- Y -_.~ _.. __... _r._~~~1_.. O~N'Eo 105'-0' o - m ROOF _ 66'-0' 0 -- SIXTH FLOOR 72' 0' 0 v _ FIFTH FLOOR ~,_D. 0 v FOURTH FLOOR ~ -0 0 v - - THIRD FLOOR _ 30'-0' .~ Ael .M- __ 0 _ ~~TYPICAL ELEVATION --BUIL'DIN~G'ONE`EAS °~~ ~,~~- ,~ _ ___~ ., -ie`='.,_-.: .. = s,. pct-;.fit xn " ~, uk4~ STAIR ENCLOSURE WHITE - SILVER PAINTED STAIR GV55 w/WHITE:ALUMINUM MULLIONS PRECAST CONCRETE - ~METALAAICING EAST ELEVATION I - - - ~. ~ ` ". ~ "LIGHTWARM GRAY ,. - CAST-IN-PLACE ;INiERNAULLUMINATEO ~ " PARKING ENTRANCE'/E%IT _ _ t 1 ~ .. .. .- TRIM _-. ~ ~ -•, '.PRE-0AST CON_CREfE ^-' MEfAL$IGN - _ ~ ._ - .. ~ " -- ToroFENCLOSUae aT-0" NORTH ELEVATION .- - ~ ! ,, ', o - ~. ' - -- ~, - ~m~ _ ._. - _ F..: ~~ FIFrn FLOOR 36-0" _ i > -- .. sve _.... _ _._ _.. . _. ,,. STAR ENCLOSURE L~ y a -: _ -_ -- ~ ~~ L'•-.••~ _ - FOURiN FLOOR Z7-0~ _ ~.... _ .. - -.- - ' ... .. w .T• r~.. THIRD FLOOR 16-0 ~ - ... . ,_ _. - .. ' Y' ~ " O r.- ~ .." .. _ . _~ - " . _ .. ., SEODND FLGOR 9'-O° O. .: _ .. i - ~ ,..: ~.q ~ ~+`x Ae «. ~;. aA' 9 .. ..T k.M men :~4. .-.n ~e r _. x t i e, ~. .. - ` 'J.. .GROUND 0'-0" ~c°- _. !- ~' Y _ 1. ~. RCE `~ - ~ ELEVATION =-GAR°GE'NORTt - - - - . ~ ~ 7~ E i .~ ~r _ ~.-:A`. .. _.- ~-r ~ ~-~. r _, .,~ ... ~.: -~ _ ,~, -; LL . - -_ _ _- ., - .,.:~_- _ - .: - _ _ ., - ,_ , ~:J ~~ T WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION' ENCLOSURE INTERNALILWMINQED CAST-IN.PLACE METALSIGN ~ WHITE PRECAST CONCRETE E%R SILVER PAINTED METAL PALLING STAIR / LIGHT WARM GRAY - $TAIRENClOSURE r PRECAST CONCRETE ~GLISS w/WHITE ALUMINUM MULLIONS ti ~' ! _:: - . a `~1C . ,. --..~=- _ 'J i7.,; fry !` ~ -a `~~Y~-~~s~•i4,~ ~~~' ~ ~`v~t~--~, _ ., _ ... _. .. - - - ' ~~~ ` COM~M ~ F tl ~~~ ~ im4 CRAY METAL PANELS VMITE METAL CLADDING GRAY M PANELS WHITE AIUMININ /GLASS WINDOW WALL r WHRE METAL FINS ,---- ~~ ._____ k - -' --- - -- -- TOP OF SCREEN 7 OS'-0" 0 m ROOF 86'-0' 0 v SIXTH FLOOR 72'-0' 0 v ` FIFTH FLOOR 58'-0" 0 :r FOURTH FLOOR 44'-0" 0 THtflD FLOOR 30'-0' ~ +~. .,I~SAA 0 .e I {- ~~ f~ - ~ - I a a _ o r-.cc ° --~ ~ r~~ _ _ - - _ - ~. ~ - _-- - _ ~ " ~ ~ r __ OMMERC~E _ -?-~a-~:.,~~~ ~=~ °--~~"=~-~ ^~'~ : "~ -- = ~t E EVATION'= COMMONS~BUILDFNG WEST ~` - ,~ _ -, _ _..~ _ - _ ~_. ~,~` ----~'-~~"-~j~- _ ~+~t-...._-~~ -^~ - .- _ c-_ _ _ u~ ~-~ E O~ - ~a .M~..~,~ sc '~"?ry ~~{_ ~~L_ ~1~.1+ _ _.; FFTif~,, _'-'R`a ~~NN - ~ .- _ u_._t ~r~ Ci:~, 3 - - WHITE METAL - - WHITE METAL ^---. ~ r ~ r~~ rrr ~ 1 CLADDING ~~~~~p f 1 W - -- - - : - ~~~ , I , ~ .~. . -.~ ~`~~sC '~ i ~ ~ ~j ~( ~ i I ~'~~t ~ I u ~~ ~'~~t a YY e- ~ ~ ~ ; i' E _ ) ~~1 S~ '"~-~ ~} LL b 3 . I r ~ _ . J ~ .: .... F - ~ SILVER STANDING SEAM GMY MET/~L PANELS r t SECOND FLOOR ~ _ ~~~ - _ ~._-~-~ r - ~ COMMERCE.-~~ -, _ ,.~,~ ~,_,- x _,. ELEVATION COMMONS LD1NG".NORTH, SOUTH ;_ _ Q ,N°E~_: ,~,:~ - - ._b:..a,`•. - _.. .. -...-, -. _ ._~. O .. p ."' ~~,~ilkga ~t .. '~ -+w_ `: ~ ~ ;i '.. : i;:...:+ y~~ ,xL :~,.,~Jt-~..= 4. to •T ''-'.:`~ - ~. ~_,. ;.. _ -- _ :..r _ .. ..:L.~_~.. . , .: _.~ ~ : ~' «c~~~j~~~tti~ ' - ~L NOTE: FOR PLAN INFORMATION, 1L REFER TO SHEETS A0.I AND LI.O. . = EAST CORNER WALL AXON PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE AXON WEST CORNER WALL ~' -T ~: L r + -~ COMMERCE r~ ONE .~ -ENTRY GATE _ f,~..C STAINLESS STEEL GRILLEfLIGHT ti fj [ • TRANSLUSCENT GLASS W/LIGHT, S.S. MULLIONS ~. ~ti _... WHITE METAL PANEI3 ~~ON~ C ~ CONCRETE BASE „~ RAISEL PLANTER BASE , .. I,, __ 4 r ~ ay 4' _. .. ~~Form _ - --~ r,ot R?'+± {j ~~ - ~1-...~. ~ i ~ f CURVING CART CONCRETE WAIL C ° I AIEDIUN SANDBLAST YMITE CONCRETE ~ ~ ,~ \ iNS'"-"ENTRY GA ES,~, ~ ~,, CORNER WALLS~`A~~ ~R~! ~"~~ ~`~~-[i /161~~ ate- r _~ ~ ~*~Ry ,~ {Sidg. #3, vfsiial a~ pa{air~g} {PHASE PAR{4ENG CWMTS . t it4 CARE} __~ PHASE 2. -~ {9btB. iY3,:uljacent PatMn9. comrcxm B~g.j J {PHASE PARKNdCi C6UNFS : 5fi6 CARS] PHASE 3. ! PH~SE~PNGPCA~t1N'CS~: t~t~&°sG) HIGHWAY ROUTE 5g0 )t ~, PiAhN3NG SUHMI'ffAL 29 NOY, W. 4~W,r__.. ddCE -I ~J ,I,~l i ~~__------ __ - - - - - _ ~ - li=- - ~~~ Si 1. T ~- ~ 1' -1-. Y• 1- a _ I ---4-11=+- o ~ -->- ~ ~t = ~ - ~ - ~ , E [ =1 -~ ' _ _- z ~ ~ = a ~ lt ~ - = `_ t' -4- ; - _ ~~ s 1 -- ~ .. „ PMgNG CMAGE ~~r~ I I y III J~ I fr ~'; ~`i P ~~ 9IILNU ~f ------- . d ~~~~ - ~~.I fir., ,, ~(~, _ ~~ f 'r ?' eEaafV.TME ~\, ~ \ ., I C~CJ 6FAT~ALL \ ~ rl-I i' ~ ~ . 9~LMl M `~\ \' ~ `-=~_ ~ ~~ P N0 WL1ErnT~fP S ~ - ~ • ' fllflll PlAiA~ E _ - ~_ •~ r- - -_ '~ { _ -'- s~ ~ ~.' . ~J ~ I I i /` 1 CWMd® NDO afiiLE BLLID9 ~] ~ • ~- J _~ = `C ~ - -~--• ', Cam' _~ ~~ ~ /~/ ., 1 /y ~~ ~~ P~~ t ,~~ : '~' 1 ~TT ~_ -_. .. _. .. ._. _ _. -. . . _ ~ernresrxrorwT wr[avi cnanm _ _ _ nan av wAv •COwLIEtE PAVIq ~ ~ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ TN. HIGHW _ z_~ _ R. ~ S -_ ~--~ •. ........ . ... ~1.v_y6..k` r k: ~~ ~4 _ / ~~ /~ :, ~.,,_ ~. ` ~ •, k. Ilf~~" ~~~i ; I I~I~i III '.ilt III n ~ _l_L_L..\ I li _--- ~ I ,~ -~ \~~y ~ _ ~ ~~ I I ~ I P1Nrf luT I I~ tIt 1T~IIr ~ ,~,.,.~~,,.~,~ .~. F ~ r. .. ~~ o~anw..m Ww.4 n~a a~ ~...ar iwaanewP+1 rr® ~.+..r ~. ~ ..~.y.,a .....+ ~ ~~ ~~ ~...~ ~ ~.~~ ~~ ~ W .~- a O .~. ~,.,.... _ ~^~ .,.,,»r ~~,~»r ~ .~. ~- ~,....,a.n ~, P,,.m, .,d ~ w... w. rrn.A Pv,.,. mw www ^, Yw N V Irk ~a ~n = TM T~Yi ~~ n FW. rY• Y.44 ~~ Q IwR gVwn•! pEllf/l~ S! i1ppMNAYI.If tr•~ ~~ mOPWq vaY• W . _ _._ ~o~ P^4 W Dom. NOwV >n snl.wMri 9a11Y~lNX Ml®•MWiA sd e~~ - - .~w,m.~w~. ;~ ~,.... ~.. ~.~., ~.,. ~~ ,~; .,,~, I~ rwnswPnmwtmmamar ~~ m~o~au resw. w®ew ow. mvrraw.m wmPe aw nu..u,e.. n`w o... u~w area `w raver rwnr~ uM ~..wi wneru •uv~. P^Wb 0^tl M .Y/M PtNIHO 6inR • I KM I1pv R'^°"'1°'° m^~ 'LAIJN!HG SU BIA TTkL ~ SF.`". ~0 w.. ._. PLNNI-IIIIG SU 91dITT 4L 4B rM)V. oo Uescrip tion Date ~- ~j _ t~ i e_ r F.. ~, r ~~ ;~ ,PLAN ~`~~~ - ~`..x ` ' 1 ~ ~ ~ ~, ~j ~.~ [ 1 50-] I ~i:» ~L._. rti ~>1 -,i4~ ,_ .`Ji'g y°s > n~ '~ ~t~{', Q 0 ZI a dllfn i1,1~ il~'I,>;Il I 1-~ I _ _ ,- -_ ,- - ' ~ - I ~ ~ ~ d;lbl ',I I ;!~d Ile~ld I!d!Idll•.;I;III i- ,..e I - l I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I -~ ~0 i~~~~rFi~ I ~ Ij~'~ ~' I-) i~ ~~~ - \ I II' ((~ .~~I1nII II(~~I ~< ~ IrI }.}I I~T.~II IfI-II~LI jI ~~ >. \ ~. i. I i, ~ V - I. -~-E 6-- U I (I ~ I I I I I I I l=J i~ I.. 1\\\ ~ --- //~° ~' - ~ ° ^ _ ~~~ / ^ ;:l I _ _,_ ~ ~i, ~ ° i , ^~ I I. I . i I I I I I~I ~ I I i ~ I ~ i_ o -. ~I 1~ \ ~' I ~i: ~ / ~ o~ _ ' i ^ // ° /•V Q ~ ` I ~- - q _ -.-~_ ~ _ ~ ~ ° / ~~i i o ^ ///111 ((( ' _y- r1. __ _ / i ° / J- I~_ ~ _ ~$_ - - _ _`_= -~ ~- ~L. - ~ ~ III \\~I //~~~11 v ~, ~ I II III I I I.I~ Ii nI~III. t ,lam--~-' '~I ~~~ ~ - ~ - - -- - I ~~_I Il.f i1 ~~I.,jr~ I , ,,I.il~i 1_ i,il~l'_III 1-.111 I"ilyltlll -_r. ...fg- .... . - HIGHWAY ff .j1 ii r I Illi~ III ~~ T- ~ I T~ ~ ~ ~ ,I, \ ~ ~I~ ` 1 I ~ I' _ I Rµ! jai ~I ti~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~,~7•..~....~ ~ ..,,. a ~ w z ~ _w U ~ Q ~ ~~ ~~~ ~..,+.~ mn eer r+.nr ~mmm . eou e n.. w.+ ~ r. w.. ~~ ~. ~- ~ ~ ~,a, .,,,,..~..,.a~m ems, ~» nzowu a'as nr. w.r _.. ..w. vuen»u+e~m.r naenw v.rs. e..n ..~,w.. oen~.eger gicn ~caemv, m.u.m ees.a ne. rti gams ~~ mvn eueMmv ~""'° e+tietiaw.n ~~~ ev~an r.a r..e..r ~~..ae..e ros*.rg. ~ ..... ~"',."".p'.." '~ ^ ~ .nvaxne~ aearu W eV ~~» u......w ~~ ~ .w w - ms• r~ rune. un our naowa. ~..a.~,~.,,~A eoe ~. ~_ aiuv..+rw.mr over ea ree°c.ue-. aner vrueu..eu~rrar ~~ IpRIw.V YIRVI IF+.rY tam w wge .o. n.w. - rnm w.mr ea,~ i..r mraw.r ve,...®~ ww. m,..... o~,s w«e.eaw.m s..nne eoa we.a.ra ~o..r ~~~ ~>W ,~.,, ~. ~~ ,~~ _ _ + .~„~., .na. emam m.h s eaaar, eoe enw Q mega.. ele0 g. V VlIOe4 ~ PL PJJIlING SU EIdITTAI. 25 SEPT., GO I PL AUIdING SUBfdITTAL 29 e1OV. 00 Des<rip tioa Dcte - -- _ ROUTE 580 - _ _ - -- - F O 1 ttl 4 ~ '~`~ r~ ~s~~. -. _~~, ~_ ^- .. .. .~- . -. ~ ~ _ R:,C E~ . ®~ ~ .;~ - __ - -- ---- -- ~- --_ ----__-.r .~- f~:LIGHTING PLAN-}`~`--~`.; A~~, ~~~ ~ ~ : ~ ~~ ~ . f . x,.50., , taa - L~2e. 0~. - - ~ rat[ e.m..~.d.oed ~,vr~..,m .m.m.,..,..~...ra7. ~..~..na rn oe... .....w...+ e ~.m ..r ~a..a. .o. ,~,.-. .,.. ~e. ~a~ .~+.an..~ . . n map b ~~ s~.w ~.mw 9..~R/ :~ virN ~a ~nperfTw .,... ~ . ~ BEGntrmuctr. ' ' o,~- ~i; vata;e: Cobr. I~ I ~ ~VIiU$'. A1p011iatl: " ~ te :9 r... .. . »:..~,, _~ - ~:: a : . , ____ li+ ',vim : 3 .w!_~ r +.a~:.c .m f 19 Ip1 M. r: ~-~ _ "_ ~eE~rts .r~ a~fumr.:. .um ~~ v- .crY~~r; I^~'»r.ma l'Pn ~+.e~ I'rini.'J lur I.ai~ lei i..' lak u~nnlr:,i~im ~~' 'u ~~ .. PLP.i IFIII IG S,~BIAIt{q~ asE='~n PLAt1111t1C ~U~lAffM. E9 N_OV-00 Description Gate ~~ ~~ F o r ni 4 _~. f a ~. -., ~: -- - - .>y - ~ ~- ~~~ ' ~~ ~ ._~ 7 ~.- ryr 1. i, /1 '- -t c e: Sil.lrpMin9 cem EWINI. Shi++ ~`r ~. . ~.~r.~.KSn.o rn n.wea`p'M tip~n-r1_ tun Arr ..+llvr .~ar'a+9.rr+len ~ nY-rr ,.~1~ •,` rr. vly a4mrnp ~nrvuclmp'rwln /ml~er.y arr, r9 co'cea~n+n.ernY+eM. .~rm<o 15~ry G.r~<n l~pM~np _ _ ; r I~ .~ - r s _ . tiffs 3 s ~ {:r ~" ~~~~ ~. _- MM.E-RCE.w ~.-~ ~.,.. N Eat ._. ~__._ - ----_..._ ~.._ _~s: } li . i ~: - ~~ I~~x~e4 - ;` i ~~ s- ~~ ~; ~! , fi- LAND6CAPE DETAILS~~~'~~ ~ ~~` .~_~~ ~~ L ~I.O~r Jc:- .p: ^y 4~' ~r~ 'ten EAST-WEST CONNECTOR -- COLORED ~ - - - - - PLATANUS CONCRETE BAND ' ' - - LONDON PLANETREE IN SIDEWALK WM1i1CH _ GROUNDCOVER GQ O.C. TYPICAL IS CONTINUATION OF - ~ - ~ _ - TURF_ _ _ _ - - GRAVEL BAND ' GRAVEL BAND `~ WITH STEEL EGGING ' _' TURF.: ~ \ ~ \ ~ 6_'_ / f!?C .b37y? \~l ~_ - ~~ I tom. OO I GROUNDCOVER. L I G l~-~ .*,>: LAEGESTROMERIA CREPE MYRTLE 5 FORMAL SHRUB 7 DECORATVE COL QED SCREEN HEDGE CONCRETE -. SIDEWALK \~ S CONCRETE PAVING AT P i NGIAREA ~ /~ ENTRY-0RIVE O ~ ~~• I r + ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ I I I I ~~ ~ ~ ^ ~, k STREET ENLARGEMENT PLAN - A. f 1:20 ].. . COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PUBLIC ART FEATURE CONCRETE AND METAL GATEWAY WITH DECORATIVE LIGHTING COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK - - - EAST-WEST CONNECTOR - ~' - --- ~ pLATANUS LONDON PLANETREE COLORED CONCRETE BAND - ~d TURF _ - ' ~~~ 30' O.C. TYPICAL" - 8' X 6' TREE GRATE ~--' ~~- ~~ - - - - - IN SIDEWAIK WHICH . - - IS CONTINUATION OF GRAVI~L BAND -- __.__.- - Rio j .~ \ ~%: _ ~. \ - : ~ \ ~- ~. ` ~- .. : ~ _ ` -.fEE~+~ ?* T $iU~JYI b ~ ~*?1ifB~\ / /~ _ I ~? Nil ~ - ~ I~I I G i I O I i ~ I _ p O -~-~~ GRAVEL BAND " ~ WITH STEEL EDGING FORMAL SHRUB SCREEN HEDGE GROUNDCOVER AND SHRUBS PARKING AREA STREET ENLARGEMENT PLAN - B [ 1:20 ] ass - 1 - --- r~. - H O 1 Ill 4 ..~ _ _ ~ ~~ ~;~ r ,~~ ,_ ~ .s'~~ ,,~_ , #~'..C - __ ........---~... ~~ - T: - -'r ,,: acs. i DECORATIVE PAVERS ~ ~ -~\, ~`- 1 - -- CONCRETE AND _ METAL GATEWAYS _ - _ _ WRH DECORATNE LIGHi1NG - - - 4' / i ~ 1 S' `, ~ / \ /i ~. EAST-WEST CONNECTOR PLATANUS _ _LONDON PLANETREE COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK 30' O.C. TYPICAL - - ._ _ - - -COLORED - -. _- _ TURF CONCRETE BAND - --- - IN SIDEWALK WHICH ~ _ _ _ r 6' X B TREE GRATE IS CONTINUATION OF /Irk GRAVEL BAND r~ / •~\ .~ _ - - ~~ ~ ' - O I ~ G G I I - SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING - 1~ "(J PPRKING AREA . (.~ ~~ i / j ~ Fl T F IINOR PUBLIC ART AISED PUNTER WITH OLOR ACCENT PLANTING ECORATIVE COLORED DNCRETE PAVING AMP 'V~Cll f'~I /~I ~~ ~ `! STREET ENLARGEMENT PLAN - C [ 1:20 ] d' WIDE CONCRETE STRIP ADJACENT TP PARKING CURB ~~ GROUNDCOVER AND SHRUB PLANTING y I ® T i PARKING AREA TREES t I ! GRAVEL BAND I C WITH STEEL EDGING FORMAL SHRUB SCREEN HEDGE TYPICAL PAVING AT ISLANDS [ 1:10 ] JACIENDA 1RIVE CONCRETE AND METAL GATEWAY VYITH DECORATVE LIGHTING PLANNING SUBMITTAL 25 SEPT., np PLAIJilIflG SUBlJITTAL 26 NOV.W Description Date L ~ ~ _~ - 1 _ _ ~ -,-, f - is / _ /_ .I ~-\ ' T I ~ I -\ e DSC PE PL~AN~ J ~~~ ~ : -~ _ ,~ __ . ~g ~ ~ ~ ~•[ 1 501 T i , . Y ~ ~ T ,,. POPULUS POPLAR +b ` r' 1 I ',~ ~..~.+~, u t' ~ ~ '~ a ~6,5"~-InlEST COF1~/F ,T'u2 Er g,l~'T-i~F~ 1 ~~. I p. rlpJ, l o 2eoo I .T.iL •~i~o G~/~VMIi. ' [PfK~. MYf'R'~ ~t\V/ ~'\ I PLAhINIfIG SUBIAITTAL 25 SEP T_ 00 / PLANIIIflG SU BIAITiAL x9 aOV. ao [~~( Descnotion Dale y_. _ ~ . ~Vtl "e _ _,__S r_~"•_. ~~.' .,Qys ~ . :-~ .~_ _. - ~ - - ._ a ~e~ - ~ ~:..' .~~.-d':.~ s=:-~~ a JqF- - s. ci.:g - ~~. '~ ~~/~Cp FO i' tlt 4' - ---=__ - ? ;~~ f ~--;z ~.~ ~~-; • =: ~=~CU1~1_;1*tC,R~CE - ~ =~; EAST WES~-CONNECTOR ELEVATIONS--_ .~ ~:.et __--.._~_ Y_._ 4 S' ~-~~ ~ l - .Ft T4`i~ y ~ Y ..-rII ~.' Lt5 \ -Ott _ _„~~ _,~~~~ y '.y~~ _ ~ [.1.50 ) ,: :.: <. ..., .... .. ~-.. •` .~-Y~ r"s~?r"~ ~ _. __ O ~`F~ 3ri%.' .i~_+--. ,,f:3in-~~ ~ r.. ~~, „ ~.n (s __ •. ~_.. . _ ~~~ ._= .. - _ _ i ~ ._ _.. _y.- Vr. -~_ r z' f., ~-~.~ = ,-. l ti . , .-a= (4 1/1- ~ _ O' yE ~r o1J U-s 1/y• I. 0. .T LtMtlE/rF :M1F. 'uET ' ir~3' ,:aYi.i~T. _ .9Wrl~L"P ~, ~ _ r ~ ,Foy m t Z ,~ ~ `~. ~ =~' h s ~:.~ _ ,~- _ ~ ~ - ~.~~:~-. ,: .. I PIAI~II1111G~5U81AITTAL ~25 ~SEP[, 00 I PLAHgINC SUBIAITTAL s5 N0_V. ao Description Gaze .1 ~ F. e-` ~ ~ .- ,f `~ SECTIONS=., ~-~, ~ . ~..,~'~~ ~'.: ` r r ~ 1 ~° [.1:50 ], ' > r'1 1 , 1 ..1 ip~ ..~ ~' , a~ rsnw NU MYT. >IOawiK rhRRtN~ I rh.r~wa ---_~~ -_____ °._ _ /LA NTING• fI.1V'.INy I ID JhK1E5- 3-' F!~+J -- -- a~ ~' I,' ri' ~fHff INCI ~ R+~MYNh c n'nE:•rw+~ aiAnT -~- ----~--- .. iWNei- crWE TPRLEF vN+E -}--- --- IB " ~ ° ~ ' rg0.KINh I rLhIV TINO~ rA KKIN(n - 3 1 6 T e P ~l eo w .. . ,~_ f ,. _. _.. .,_. :_ i ~j~} 1'S .I a' I. 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