HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.04 Dublin Land PM 9512 CITY CLERK File # D[f][Q][Q]-[k]~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20, 2008 SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel Map 9512, Dublin Land Company Report Prepared by: Mark Lander, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) Resolution Approving Parcel Map 9512 Reduced copy of Parcel Map 9512 RECO~: ~ ~Pt the resolution approving Parcel Map 9512. FINANCIAL STATEMtI: There are no improvements or other costs associated with the parcel map. The future developer of the properties will be responsible for the installation of public and private improvements associated with development. The future owners of the parcels will be responsible for maintaining the on-site improvements. The City will incur the cost of maintaining future public improvements upon their completion and acceptance. DESCRIPTION: Parcel Map 9512 subdivides the existing Dublin Land Company property on Tassajara Road into five parcels. The property has been physically divided in the past due the acquisition of street right-of-way across the parcels for Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway and Gleason Drive by the City of Dublin and for Northside Drive by Caltrans. The five parcel boundaries are in conformance with the existing street rights-of-way. In addition, the map dedicates additional right-of-way on Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway, Gleason Drive, and a portion of Brannigan Street. Street and other public improvements will be completed in conjunction with future development of the property; the dedication of right-of-way at this time will allow these improvements to be constructed in an orderly manner. Parcel Map 9512 has been reviewed and found to be in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of Dublin Municipal Code. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving Parcel Map 9512. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy TO: Bill Speier, Miller-Starr-Regalia Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. Jf: '1-_ G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIV A TE\DiManto\Agst PM 9512.doc ( o;f P( RESOLUTION NO. - 08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING PARCEL MAP 9512 (DUBLIN LAND COMPANY) WHEREAS, Parcel Map 9512, in the incorporated territory of the City of Dublin, State of California, has been presented to this City Council for approval, all in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and the City of Dublin Municipal Code; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Parcel Map 9512 be and the same is hereby approved, and that rights to the areas marked as Roadway Easements (RE) on Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway, Gleason Drive, and Brannigan Street and Public Service Easement (PSE), offered for dedication to public use in conformity with the terms of dedication be, and they are hereby accepted, subject to improvement, and that the Clerk of this City Council is hereby directed to transmit said Map to the County Recorder for filing. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRIV A TE\DiManto\Reso PM 9512.doc r tCZo/v) #= 4 'if .5/ '2-0 I oe r~ ATTAaIIIT I. 0 ~ I; = I ~ DI lilj ~) ~l <( }-.:I 0) il: l~ l-> ? PARCEL MAP 8524 \ 285 M 3d' -~.=-t- - - - - - - -- N O/'I!'1D- _ * -l ~:. ~_ ~S~JARA _R:D_ _ ~---=-= = I I 1 I I ~!! I PAlICeL I I :s \ I I CROSS ARfA=20.906r AC .~ ! / I'"~ I l____m_m___J !: \ : IlJ4 _ ~'~:~"~c ~t'~~'~" ---~,i '" I ... PARCeL J ~ \ J~ GROSS ARfA=20,698r AC '" I ~~ I J:i: il _~_________ . i y---- TRAG NO, 1141 247 M a4 I L PARCEL 9 SHEET 4 ~ _ - - - - PROPfRrr UNE - Sl.J8Jfcr PARCEl _ - - CCNTfRUNf /IiONUUfNT lIE, AS HOr[o - - - - ~ - D05TINC lASElJENT ~ HEW fASfWENf AlMTfR's fffCHTS CF ACCESS RaNJIJISJCD AS NQ7tD @ RCCOI<<J C/7'f IIONUIIENf. OR AS NOflJ) H.f. P.U.E. RQ40WAY tASDlENT O.N. RfW PlI (1rJ-/J) OSRSIJ 1tST. 1KJ. PUBlIC unLITY fASEJlENT OFfICIAL RfCORDS OF Al.AU{LM COUNTY Rffi AND /MoWl; Al.AAIfl].t COONTY RECORDS PARCEL MAP, AW/iEl)( COUNTY RECORDS J.KJNWfNT TO UONlJJ.CNT O/ST>>a OOBUH SIll fW<<>>I S9MCfS OISm1CT RfCOROER's 1NSTRf.JMENT' NUJlBER, 0FF1CJAl RECCWDS PARcEL MAP 7589 262 M 42 PARCEL MAP a187 214 M 10 DUBL11'-J SERiES LA i'-.I D C CJ 1'v1 F ~\ J'-J Y 83-182775 .mffi.-2 GROSS ARfA=JO.264,j AC -=:RA:NlJGAN -S:::~ ?ARcEL 5 PARcEL 2 --- - SHEET 5 R~\C-r 71.<:J8 257 lVJ ;3 BASIS OF BCARINGS mE 8fARWG N 01'1)'15- [ OF THE UONUM[NT l.H or ~ ROA/J AS SHOWN ON TRACT NO. 1f47, rUD FOR R[CORf) ON AIlGUST 24, '999 IN BOOK IN BOOK 247 WPS AT PA,GlS 84 1HROUGH 91, At.4AIEl)4 COUHTY DFF1CJ.IJ. RCCORDS, lII'S TAKEN AS TIE SIoSIS OF BEARINGS. THE ()5nNCTIVE 80RDfR UNf IN()ICAT['S THE 8OUMJ,II(Y (T mE lAND BENe SU8DMDED BY THIS U4P, AJJI) CONTNNS 16.1;9 ACRfS, UORf OR LESS. OtST./INCfS AND DllJfNSIONS ARE CNfN IN Fill AND OfCIWLS rHfRfO(. I \>- i\ I ~ 1 ~ I ~ I I ~ :1: \1 I 1 PARCEL 5 TRACT 128' 277 M 82 ~ ~ o 200' 400' 800' ~_ I SCAlf: ,- -uxl PARCEL MAP 9512 CONSlsrlNG or SIX (6) SHcm 8CING THAT PARCeL OF LAND oescRIBeD 8Y OCCD RCCORDED SCPTDiBCR 10, 1!/8J AS SERIes NO. 8J-182n6, ALAMEDA COUNTY ReCORDS, excepnNC THCRCfRDW THOse PORTIONS COIIVfYfD TO TH( STATE or CAUFORNU BY O(CDS R(COROEO NOVEMBER !j, 1952 UNDeR S{RffS NO. AG9]1tO AND JUNC lB, 1965 UNDCR SCRICS NO. AXB4119, OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND ALSO CXCCPTlNC rHERCfR()JI THOSC PORTKJNS CONVCYCO TO THf CITY or 1Ji)8UN BY THAT AJ/CNOfD F1NAL OROfR or CONDO/lolAnOH ReCORDeD ff8!WARY 4, 2004 UNDER SERrES NO. 2oo4-50J48, OffiCIAL R[CORDS AND LYING CNTlRCLY WITHIN THC CITY OF 0U8L1N AlAJIfDA COUNTY, STATE or CALIFORNIA APRIL 2008 ]MH WEms. me. Civil Engi"~mng ..., Su",~ying ..., Land Planning 150 S"",Ih AJmo~n BOIJ~vard. Suil~ 700 Son Jo~~. CA 95113 p; (~08) 2B6-~555 f; (~08) 286-455B ~ ~ ~ SHEer 3 OF 6 Nf.olJ/m' ~ ~~ , f (~ ~-~ ~~~ CITY CLERK File #^0 ~^ 0 6 0 ~~~-~c AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20, 2008 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: FINANCIAL STATEM . Approval of Parcel Map 9512, Dublin Land Company Report PrepaYed by: Mark Lander, City Engineer 1) Resolution Approving Parcel Map 9512 2) Reduced copy of Parcel Map 9512 /~,,~Ado t the resolution a rovin Parcel Ma 9512. P pP g P There are no improvements or other costs associated with the parcel map. The future developer of the properties will be responsible for the installation of public and private improvements associated with development. The future owners of the parcels will be responsible for maintaining the on-site improvements. The City will incur the cost of maintaining future public improvements upon their completion and acceptance. DESCRIPTION: Parcel Map 9512 subdivides the existing Dublin Land Company property on Tassajara Road into five parcels. The property has been physically divided in the past due the acquisition of street right-of-way across the parcels for Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway and Gleason Drive by the City of Dublin and far Northside Drive by Caltrans. The five parcel boundaries are in conformance with the existing street rights-of-way. In addition, the map dedicates additional right-of-way on Tassajara Road, Dublin Boulevard, Central Parkway, Gleason Drive, and a portion of Brannigan Street. Street and other public improvements will be completed in conjunction with future development of the property; the dedication of right-of-way at this time will allow these improvements to be constructed in an orderly manner. Parcel Map 9512 has been reviewed and found to be in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of Dublin Municipal Code. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving Parcel Map 9512. COPY TO: Bill Speier, Miller-Starr-Regalia Page 1 of 1 ~,~, ITEM NO. - ! • ~ G:\DEVELOPMENT, PRNATE~DiManto~Agst PM 9512.doc ~ .~.