HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.1 CORPUS Data Muni Code C~TV CLERK f~le # D~r ~~{ tfr ]~ AGENDA STATIEME~T C~TY COUNCIL MIEIET~NG DATIE January 15,2008 SUBJECT PUBLIC HEARJNG Ordmance Amending DublIn MUlllclpal Code Chapter 5 84 (Use of CORPUS Data) Report Prepared by Elzzabeth H Stiver CIty Attorney and Stephen JvfUZIO As.soClGte Attorney ATT ACHMENTS 1 Draft Ordmance Amendmg Chapter 584 of the Dublm MUlllcipal Code relatmg to the Use of CORPUS Data RECOMMENDATION _ rI ~ \lJJ' f 3 4 5 Receive Staff presentatIOn, Open publIc heanng, ReceIve publIc testImony, Close pubhc heanng and delIberate, WaIve reading and INTRODUCE the Ordmance AmendIng Chapter 5 84 of the DublIn MUnIcipal Code relatIng to Use of CORPUS Data (Attachment 1) FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRJPTION At Its March 22, 2006 Goals and Objectives meetmg, the City CouncIl reVIewed and approved wIth hIgh pnonty the comprehensive update to certam chapters of the Dubhn MUOlclpal Code (DMC) One chapter proposed for reVIew IS DMC Chapter 5 84, WhICh provIdes that 1) any unauthonzed person who WIllfully and malIcIously obtams personal data from the Cnmmal Onented Records ProductIOn Umfied System (CORPUS) IS gUIlty of a mIsdemeanor and 2) any person who WIllfully and malIcIously provides or has provided data from CORPUS to any unauthonzed person IS gUilty of a mIsdemeanor Staffhas reViewed the ord1Oance and determmed that no substantIve changes to thIS Chapter are needed Staff does recommend capItalIz10g the first letter of each word 10 the phrase "cnmmal onented records productIOn umfied system" In both sectIOn 5 84 010 and sectIOn 5 84 020, to more clearly mdIcate that a specific database IS referenced In the ordInancc DublIn Pollce Services has reViewed Chapter 5 84 and concurs WIth the recommended changes RECOMMENDA THJ>N Staffrecommends that the City CouncIl 1) receIve StaffpresentatlOn, 2) openpubhc hearmg, 3) receive publIc testImony, 4) close publIc heanng and delIberate, 5) waIVe readIng and INTRODUCE the OrdInance AmendIng Chapter 5 84 of the DublIn MUlllclpal Code relatmg to the Use of CORPUS Data (Attachment I) -------.--------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------~~ COpy 1'0 Page 1 of 1 ][1'EM NO 6 ~ # StfRpt Use of CORPUS DATA doc 114 1015 OJRl)INANCE NO AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLiN AMENDiNG CHAPTER 584 OF THE DUlB1UN MUNICiPAL CODE RELATING TO USE OF CORPUS DATA ************ The City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby ordam as follows SectIOn 1 Chapter 5 84 of the Dubhn MUOlclpal Code IS revIsed as follows, WIth deletIOns mdlcated In stnkethrough and addItIOns mdlcated In underlme 5 84 010 Obtammg data Any unauthonzed person who Willfully and malICIously obtaIns personal data from the Cnmlllal Onented Records ProductiOn Umfied System (CORPUS) IS gUIlty of a misdemeanor 5 84 020 Provldmg data Any person who WIllfully and maliCIOusly provides or has proVIded data from the Cnmmal Onented Records ProductIOn Umfied System (CORPUS) to any unauthonzed person IS gUilty of a mIsdemeanor SectIOn 2 SeverabilIty The provIsIOns of thIS Ordmance are severable and If any provlSlon, clause, sentence, word or part thereof IS held Illegal, InvalId, unconstltutIondl, or mapphcable to any person or cIrcumstances, such illegahty, mvahdlty, unconstItutIOnality, or lllapphcablhty shall not affect or Impair any of the remammg prOVISIons, clauses, sentences, sechons, words or parts thereof of the ordmance or their applIcabihty to other persons or Clrc urns tances SectIOn 3 Effective Date ThIS OrdInance shall take effect and be enforced thIrty (30) days followmg Its adoptIOn SectIOn 4 Postmg The City Clerk of the CIty of DublIn shall cause thIs Ordlllance to be posted 10 at least three (3) publIc places In the CIty of Dublm 10 accordance wIth SectIOn 36933 ofthc Government Code of the State ofCahfoffim lP ASSED, APPIROVED AND ADOPTED thIS _ day of ,2008 AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Janet Lockhart, Mayor ATTEST Carolyn Parkmson, Intenm CIty Clerk