HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reso06-36 Amdn to San Ramon Rd Spec Pln 02-074 RESOLUTION NO. 06 - 36 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SAN RAMON ROAD SPECIFIC PLAN TO REMOVE TWO PARCELS FROM THE SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY THAT ARE CURRENTLY INCLUDED IN THE DUBLIN VILLAGE HISTORIC AREA SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA PA 02-074 WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is desirous of improving the appearance, functionality, economic vitality of Dublin's historic core in a manner consistent with the broad vision expressed in the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan, which has been prepared pursuant to Government Code Sec. 65450 et.seq.; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan includes permitted land uses, development standards, urban design guidelines, public improvements and implementation programs to achieve the goals of the Dublin General Plan; and WHEREAS, in June of 1983 the City of Dublin adopted the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, which contained two parcels which are now included in the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, when the boundary for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was defined and approved by the City Council, it was drawn in an attempt to include all properties containing known historical, archeological, or cultural resources. Because the property at 7100 San Ramon Road includes the re1llllants of the historic Alamilla Springs, this property (and the one immediately adjacent to it at 11865 Dublin Boulevard), was included in the boundary of the Historic Area Specific Plan, even though the two properties were already a part of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, one of the implementation actions of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan was to remove these two parcels from the San Ramon Road Specific Plan so it is clear that only the standards and regulations of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan apply; and WHEREAS, the underlying zoning of both parcels will not be amended by this action to remove two parcels from the San Ramon Road Specific Plan to the Dublin Village Historic Specific Plan. WHEREAS, the exact boundary modification to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan is shown in Exhibit A attached to this Resolution and there are no changes proposed to any other portion of the San Ramon Road Specific Plan, solely that the two properties referenced above are removed from the Plan's boundary; and WHEREAS, the project has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City Environmental Guidelines. An Initial Study was prepared for the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15071. Based on the Initial Study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the Specific I Plan with the finding that the implementation of the Plan would have no adverse environmental impacts as mitigation was agreed to by the project proponent. The Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the City Council on August I, 2006. This rezoning is an implementation measure of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan and an Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared to address the rezoning of parcels not originally included in the project description; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the proposed project on August 22,2006; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations and testimony herein above set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby find that the proposed amendment to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan and the removal of two parcels from said Plan is consistent with the land use designations, goals, policies and implementing programs set forth in the Dublin General Plan, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend City Council approval of an amendment to the San Ramon Road Specific Plan to remove two parcels from the Specific Plan boundary that are currently included in the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan project area. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of August 2006 by the following vote: AYES: Chair Schaub, Vice Chair Wehrenberg, Commissioners Biddle, Fasulkey, and King NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: w~ Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: pmn~;D~f O:\PA#\2002\02-074 Historical StudylSpecific PlanlFollow up actions\PC 8.22.06\PC_Reso_SSRSP _repeal.doc 2