HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-2006 Adopted CC Min Budget Study MINUTES OF THE Crn' COUNCIL OF THE Crn' OF DUBLIN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEE.TlNG - MARCH 22. 2006 An adjourned regular meetmg of the Dublin City Council was held on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, m the Council Chambers of the Dubhn CIVIC Center. The meetIng was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormIck, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart ABSENT: None .. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recIted by the Council, Staff and those present. .. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Public Comments No comments were made by any member of the publIc at thIS tIme. .. CONSENT CALENDAR - None Ill/OLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 100 (i) .. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None .. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None .. NEW BUSINESS 2006-2007 Buc&et Study Session 6:32 p.m. 8.1 (330-20) CIty Manager Richard Ambrose presented the Staff Report and advised that the purpose of the City's Annual Budget Study Session was to identIfy programs, services and projects Council would like Staff to analyze in developIng the 2006-2007 Operating Budget and rive Year CapItal Improvement Program. It was also an opportUnity to provide the Council with early informatIon regarding Items that positively or negatIvely impact the CIty'S Fiscal poSItIon In 2006-2007 and to minImIZe last minute budget Items for WhICh there would be Insufficient tIme to evaluate. This session also proVIded community groups the opportunity to make presentations and proVIde Council more information before determining If the request should be Included In the City's base level or hIgher serVIce level. A number of groups have submItted funding requests for 2006-2007. The City also receIved an additIonal funding request from The Bnarhill SWIm Group. Mayor Lockhart Introduced representatIves from various community groups requesting funding. Amy Blaschka, Tn-VaHey Convention and ViSItors Bureau, stated that the orgamzatIon's request had been reduced from $56,555 last year to $2,500 this year because of the recent creatIon of the Tn - Valley Tounsm BUSiness Improvement Distnct. Lawrence Kohl, PaCIfic Chamber Symphony, reviewed the organization's focus and advised that the Symphony's request remained the same as last year. DUBLIN C'ITV COUNCIL MINlITES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 101 (i) Donna McMillIon and Don BIddle, Dublin Partners in EducatIon (DPIE), reviewed the past year's accomplishments and thanked the Council for its continued support. Cm. Zika asked If the School DIstnct would fund DPIE. Mr. McMillIon advised that, although the School District would continue to prOVIde them with space, phones, etc., monetary contributions were not allowed per the School DistrICt's legal counsel. The Council and DPIE representatives engaged In a questIon and answer seSSIOn as to current DPIE fundraIsIng decIsions and actIVIties, fOCUSIng mainly on DPIE's decISion to take ItS two major fundraisers, the art auction and golf tournament, out of Dublin and away from DublIn businesses. Ms. McMillion and Mr. Biddle explained that that there were no Dublin event facilities that could currently accommodate the groWIng attendance the two events. The Council disagreed, reiteratIng ItS concern about not partnering WIth Dublin bUSinesses, the importance of keeping these events In DublIn and suggested that DPIE bnng back the events to Dublin In the future. Pamela Evans, Alameda County Green BUSiness Program, outlined the agency's program and asked the Council for continued support. The Council and Ms. Evans discussed the agencies outreach program, which included working WIth local agenCIes, such as County Chambers of Commerce. Busmess-to- busmess commumcatIon was another form of outreach. Mayor Lockhart expressed concern about not enough outreach happemng WIthin Dublin. Tamara Gatewood, Tn-VaHey One-Stop Career Center, reVIewed the Center's program and adVIsed that the Center helps many Dublin residents. MIChelle Leonard, Briarhill SWIm Team, proVIded an overview of the swim team and advised that membership was growing due to the long WaitIng lIst to join the Dublin Green Gators. Bnarhill was requesting $4,000 to support recreational actIVity, WhICh served so many Dublin youth. The Council and Ms. Leonard engaged m a question and answer session regarding the swim program, revenues and expenditures. The team hll.ed paid coaches and the pool DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P,\GE 102 (i) and eqUipment were in need of updating. Although they annual submit an applIcation for the fireworks lottery, they could not count of those funds. The Council thanked BrIarhill Swim Team for providing such an exceHent program to the youth of DublIn, but expressed concern about fundIng a non-City sponsored athletic program. If the Council funded one sports program, inevitably other youth sports orgamzations would begin to request funding. Lynn Baer, DublIn Fine Arts Foundation (DrAF), described the proposed "Art Takes Place" program, whICh would be a regional art project hopefully be funded by the three CIties involved. Tim Sbranti, Dublin Substance Abuse Council (DSAC), outlined the program and adVised that they were requesting $3,500 for Red Ribbon Week and $3,500 for Dry Grad Night for a total of $7,000. AdministratIve Services Director Paul Rankm gave an analysis of antIcIpated future revenue and expenditure impacts on the FY 2006-2007 Budget, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the Staff Report. Vm. Oravetz asked If property taxes In Dublin would decrease. Admimstratlve Services Director Rankm replIed no. Cm. Hildenbrand asked if these figures included proJected revenues from Emerald Place shoppmg center. AdministratIve Services Director Rankin relIed no, not this fiscal year. The Council prOVided Staff with the following direction regarding the Operating Expenditures, Capital Expenditures and Contract Services: OPERATING EXPENDITURES l.A. Should the service levels adopted In the 2005-2006 Budget be used as the starting Point (i.e. base level of servIce)? Yes - by consensus. DLJBLlN CITY COLJNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAC;E 103 ~ Added Services - By consensus, additional Library hours, perhaps on Fnday. 1.B. To the extent the City Council's 2006-2007 Goals & Objectives require additional resources not included in the current budget, should the 2006-2007 Budget fund only High Prionty Objectives? Yes - by consensus. COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING REQUESTS 1.c. During Fiscal year 2005-2006, the City funded a number of community groups. Several community groups either reduced or increased their requests for riscal Year 2006-2007 or are considered a new funding request. Council IS to determine whether the community groups should be primarily mcluded in the Base Level or II1 a Higher Service Level. The City Council determmed that the followlI1g commumty group requests should be included m the Base Level: Dublin Substance Abuse Council, Bay Area Recycling Outreach Coalition, Dublin Fine Arts Foundation, DublIn Partners m Education, PaCific Chamber Symphony, Tn-Valley Community Television (With any additional amount Included m HSL) , Tri-Valley ConventIOn & ViSitors Bureau, and Tri-Valley One-Stop Career Center. OTHER GROUPS The City Council determmed that the followIng commumty group requests should placed at a lhgher Service Level: Alameda County Green Busmess Program, Child Care Links, Tn-Valley Busmess Council, and any additional requests above base level made by Tn-Valley Commumty Television. Not funded: Brmrhill Swim Team. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) 2.A. Of those projects currently Identified in the Five- Year CIP, are there any projects the Council would like to see funded m Fiscal Year 2006-2007? DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P,\GE 104 ~ By consensus, the Council dIscussed and agreed to the following: City Manager Ambrose advised that the Council had raised prevIous concerns about the funding timing of Area G Neighborhood Park, as well as the Dougherty Hills Dog Park. It would be appropnate to address those concerns at this time. Cm. Hildenbrand stated she would like to see Area G and the Dog Park developed before the Area F neighborhood park. CIty Manager Ambrose stated that the Dog Park was a General rund Park and the Area G Park was a Public Facility Park. The Area F park developer, Tol1 Brothers, had planned a pnvate center and was proceeding ahead with its development, so It was in the City's best Interest to have the City's deSign done so that the City could request the developer's help with some of the grading needed for Area F. City Manager Ambrose also stated, regardmg Area G, that the City had 15 Staff members working out of trailers at area G and it would cost about $357,000 and take six months to move them to rallon Sports Park on Central Parkway. Temporary moves could not be funded from Capital funds. ThIS would come out of General funds. Takmg into account two months for consultant services selection, It would take a total of 18 months for the move. Jim Kern, Toll Brothers, advised that they were willmg to work With the City on the Area r park, financlal1y or with other services. CIty Manager Ambrose stated the City could accommodate work on both parks simultaneously, and inqmred if the City Council had a particular schedule in mind. Mayor Lockhart concurred that working on both projects at the same time would be beneficial. City Manager Ambrose clarified that Council was dlrecting Staff to brmg to back before the Council the Area r Consultant SerVIces Agreement, smce the Consultant selection process had already taken place. Additionally, It was his understanding that the Council would like Staff to mclude Area G as part of the FY 2006-07 budget. The Council concurred. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 105 ~ City Manager Ambrose advised that the neighborhood dog park was currently scheduled for construction m FY 2006-07. Mayor Lockhart stated that she was willing to give up the money for the bus shelters If there were more pressing items that needed funding. Other Cities had showcased student art In theIl' bus shelters. CIty Manager Ambrose stated that If Council was giving dIrection that they would be amenable to delaying that proJect, it would be helpful direction m order to better utilIze funds. The Council concurred. City Manager Ambrose noted that Staff anticipated beginning deSign of the Area r neighborhood park in FY 2006-07, and asked If It could be delayed for a year If there was a cash flow Issue. The Council concurred. 2.B. Are there any new Capital ProJects that are not In the current Five-Year CIP that the Council would like to see Included II1 the new Five-Year CIP? None - by consensus. em. McCormick asked If wildflowers could be planted With the funds saved from the bus shelters. Public Works Director Morton stated that wildflowers were planted in the Iron Horse Trail area last year, and only needed to be planted every other yeaI'. The City Council directed Staff to plant wildflowers along the Iron Horse Trail every other year. 2.C. If funding IS necessary for Operating Expenditures m 2006-2007, whIch alternative would Council prefer funding in 2006-20077 By consensus - Proceed With Alternatives #1,2,3, and 4, in that order. DUBLIN on COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 106 (i) CONTRACT SERVICES 3. Is Councilmterested m Staff evaluatmg any aspect of contract services other than the cost of proViding the service for riscal Year 2006-2007 (Building & Safety, Crossmg Guard Services, Maintenance SerVices, Pohce SerVICes)? None - by consensus. RESERVES 4. Should use of Reserves be limited to Capital or one-time expenditures? Yes - by consensus. BUDGET CALENDAR The City Council chose Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 6:00 p.m. for the Annual Budget and five-Year Capital Improvement Program public hearing. The Final Strategic Plan, Goals & Objectives Program, and Mission and ViSIOn Statements would be adopted as part of that process. + RECESS 8'42 p.m. Mayor Lockhart called for a ShOlt recess. At 8:53 p.m. the meetmg reconvened With all Council Members present. .. Status Report on 2005-2006 Goals & Objectives and Consideration Of 2006-2007 Goals & Obiectives And Strate~c Plan 8:53 p.m. 8.2 000-80) City Manager Ambrose presented the Staff Report and adVised that the City Council would conduct its annual review of the City's Goals & Objectives, Strategic Plan and CapItal Improvement Project Updates for fiscal Year 2005-06, and establish Goals & ObJectives for the City for Fiscal Year 2006-07. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 1(17 (i) Mayor Lockhart stated that the City frequently had goals that were dependent on other agencies and, many times, did not move forward because of lack of action by those agenCies. Perhaps those particular goals should be marked in some manner to reflect that, so Staff could more accurately reflect the goals that Staff had been able to complete without delay due to other agency inaction. City Manager Ambrose advised that the obJective could be removed from the lIst or could not be counted. The Council discussed the issue and directed Staff to leave all of the goals on the lIst, but not count those that were dependent on other entities for movement when proViding a percentage of goals completed. The City Council dIscussed those Goals & ObJectives that had been ranked with differing priontles: ADMINISTRATION OBJECTIVE #5: "Conduct Study of Labor Guidelines on City projects (i.e., prequalification, project, labor, apprentice programs)." The collective City Council changed the ranking to DELETE. PUBLIC RELATIONS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #3: "Evaluate the need to improve and expand the Citizen and Organization of the Year Program. The collective CIty Council added thiS objective as a HIGH pnority. PUBLIC RELATIONS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #4: "Include City calendar in 25th Year Celebration." Mayor Lockhart asked If It was too late m the year to include thiS objective. City Manager Ambrose stated It would take about five months to complete the calendar. The collectIve City Council added this objective as a HIGH prIonty. PLANNING OBJECTIVE #10: "Coordinate General Plan Workshop with City Council/Planning Commission." The collective City Council mnkmg was changed from LOW to DELETE. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 AD.JOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 108 (i) PLANNING OBJECTIVE #12: "Study impacts of developing City Ordinance banning any future driveNthrough element on restaurants or establishing an additional fee to fund clean air programs in the City." The collective City Council changed the ranking from MEDIUM to DELETE. PLANNING OBJECTIVE # 13: "Investigate parking and access alternatives for Village Parkway Specific Plan Area." The collective City Council changed the ranking from LOW to DELETE. PLANNING OBJECTIVE #14: "Develop City Comprehensive Telecommunications Policy." City Manager Ambrose dIscussed the upcoming ProJect Lightspeed meetmg, which was an element of thiS goaL The Planmng Commission vIewed it as a much broader issue. Mayor Lockhart stated she believed the City needed to develop a polIcy on the telecommunicatIOns Issue. The Planning CommiSSion had ranked it High, and perhaps it was a good time to work on a policy for this item. Cm. Zika stated that, until the federal government made a deCISIOn on this Issue, the CIty could not do anything. City Manager Ambrose stated that AT&T, in regards to telecommunications, was an Issue right now. Mayor Lockhart stated she felt the City was a target if It did not have a TelecommUnications Policy. Vm. Oravetz indicated that he would like to see the agreement that San Ramon had recently Signed with AT&T. City Manager Ambrose explained that the original scope of thiS goal was to hire a consultant to take a look at telecommumcatlon Issues; not to deal Just with one Issue. The col1echve City Council changed the ranking of thiS obJective from LOW to MEDIUM. DllBLIN CITY COlJNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 109 ~ PLANNING OBJECTIVE #15: "Prepare Dougherty Road Specific Plan from 1-580 to Arroyo Vista." The collective City Council changed the ranking of this obJective from LOW to DELETE. PLANNING ADDmONAL OBJECTIVE #18: "Hold study session with City Council to discuss how Dublin Blvd. will look and feel from Schaefer Road to Fallon Road." Planning Commissioner Biddle stated the CommissIon felt there was a lot of actiVity on Dublin Boulevard, and It would be beneficial to see what it would look like m the future. Community Development Director JerI Ram stated that it would be Impossible to accurately depIct what Dublin Boulevard would look like in the future, and It would be very difficult and expensive to model Dubhn Boulevard. Mayor Lockhart asked If there could be basic gUldelmes for Dublin Boulevard, and indicated that It could probably take place at a Planmng CommISSIon level. The City Council agreed to replace "City Council" WIth "Planmng CommiSSIOn" m the wordmg of thiS goal. Cm. McCormick ranked it DELETE. The collective Council rankmg of this obJective remamed HIGH, WIth the new wordmg. PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #12: Secure funding and pursue construction of the Dougherty Hills Dog Park." CIty Manager Ambrose adVised that this was goals was already funded and recommended deletion. The col1ective CIty Council ranked this additional obJective as DELETE. PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #13: "Pursue development of Area G Neighborhood Square." Mayor Lockhart advised that thiS item had been discussed and resolved earlier m the meetmg and recommended deletion. The collective City Council ranked thiS additional objective as DELETE. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE lllJ ~ HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS OBJECTIVE #9: "Determine the future location and use of the Antone School (Wallis property)." The Council dIscussed this goal and agreed that, because the Developer had determined a location on the property to move the school, and the City Council would consider the proposed location dUl'lng the SIte Development Review process, the goal could be deleted. The collective City Council changed the ranking of thiS objective to DELETE. HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS OBJECTIVE #12: Coordinate one new visual arts exhibit at the Civic Plaza, Senior Center or the Library." Cm. Hildenbrand advised that she meant to rank this at High, and asked that the record reflect that modificatIon. The collective City Council ranking remamed High. HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #13: "Commission an artist to design an art piece to commemorate the City's 25th Anniversary. Design could be replicated on stationary, lapel pins, street banners, etc." The Council discussed thiS additional objective and the maJol'lty expressed concern about the unknown costs of the goal, as well as time constraints. Logos and giveaways could be incorporated mto the event budget. The collective City Council ranked this additional obJective as DELETE. HERITAGE AND CULTURAL ARTS ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #14: "Expand program activities and hours of Heritage Center." The col1ective City Council added this objective as a HIGH prIOrIty. nRE SERVICES ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #4: "Revise Fireworks Ordinance to increase the number of fireworks sales booths." City Manager Ambrose explamed that the City went through an annual review of the number of permIts issued versus the City's population so, if that were the mtent of thiS goal, It was already completed automatlcal1y by Staff on an annual basis. DlIBLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOIJRNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 111 (i) The collective City Council ranked this additional objective as DELETE. MAINTENANCE ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVE #2: "Adopt Bay Friendly landscaping practices for all projects. Develop plan to change current landscaping (i.e., Civic Center, parks, medians) into a bay friendly, drought-resistant, low maintenance environment. " Public Works Director Melissa Morton estimated that It would cost over $1,000,000 to change medians at Village Parkway and Amador Valley Boulevard to Bay Friendly landscaping. The irrigation at the Civic Center could be changed to recycled water for approximately $10,000 to $15,000. The collective City Council agreed to change the goal to read "Install recycled water at CIVIC Center" and ranked this additional objective as HIGH. City Manager Ambrose discussed the City's Ten Year Strategic Plan, as shown II1 Attachment 5 of the Staff Report. On Motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unammous vote, the Council preliminarily adopted the FY 2006-2007 Goals & ObJectives program. CITY OF DUBLIN PRELIMINARY ADOPTED GOALS & OBJECTIVES 2006-2007 COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR High 1. 2006 High 2. 2006 High 3. 2006 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Prepare and Implement mandatory ethiCS tralI1Ing for legislative bodies Conduct comprehensive update to City'S MUI1lclpal Code. Develop Technology Master Plan for City of Dublin orgaI1lzatIon DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P<\GE 112 ~ High 4 2006 Develop comprehensive commumty-wide diversIty plan. Delete 5. 2004 Conduct Study of Labor Guidelines on CIty projects (i.e., prequalIficatlons, project, labor, apprentice programs). FINANCE COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1- 2006 Evaluate the need to replace the CIty'S accounting system. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2003 Work with cIties in the TrI Valley Area to develop and mamtain affordable housing opportumties, and publIcize and coord mate the region's housing needs. High 2. 2004 Participate in TrI Val1ey Vision ProJect. PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1- 2006 Produce a Citywide newsletter. High 2. 2005 Plan and Implement 25th Year of Cltyhood Celebration. High 3. 2006 Evaluate the need to improve and expand the CItIzen and OrgamZatlon of the Year Program. High 4 2006 Include City calendar In 25th Year Celebration. Dl.IBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 AD.JOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 113 (i) CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Crossmg Guards Contract Evaluation. High 2. 2006 Buildlng and Safety Contract Evaluation. High 3. 2006 rire Service Contract Evaluation. COMMUNITY DEVEWPMENT PLANNING COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Implement residential planned development and investlSate opportunities to create a new village m Eastern Dublin Transit Center. High 2. 2003 Complete General Plan Amendment on Dlmanto Property . High 3. 2003 Complete GPA Study on the Transportation COrrIdor Right-of-way. High 4. 2003 Complete review of Moller annexation and General Plan and Specific Plan Amendments. High 5. 2001 Complete Parks Reserve Forces TraiI1lng Area (Camp Parks) General Plan and Specific plan Amendments. High 6. 2006 Prepare Commumty DeslSn Element of General Plan. High 7. 2006 Update Downtown, West Dublm BART and San Ramon Specific Plans into one comprehensive Plan that addresses the entire Downtown Area, High 8, 2002 Complete Scarlett Court Specific Plan. High 9. 2006 Complete review of Redgewick Annexation of General Plan & Specific Plan Amendments High 10. 2006 Hold study session with Planmng CommiSSIOn to discuss how Dublin Blvd. will look and feel from Schaefer Road to Fallon Road. MedIUm 11. 1996 Update City's General Plan. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOllRNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE Il4 ~ MedIUm 12. 1996 Develop City Comprehensive TelecommuI1lcatlons Policy Delete 13. 2004 Coordinate General Plan Workshop wIth CIty CouncillPlanmng CommiSSIon. Delete 14. 2004 Study Impacts of developing CIty OrdInance banning any future drIve-through element on restaurants or establishing an additional fee to fund clean air programs in the City. Delete 15. 2001 Investigate parkIng and access alternatives for Village Parkway Specific Plan Area. Delete 16. 2005 Prepare Dougherty Road Specific Plan from I -580 to Arroyo Vista. Delete 17. 2005 Prepare Dublin Blvd., Specific Plan from Dougherty Road to Hacienda Drive. Delete 18. 2004 Evaluate the potential of developing Main Street retail on Amador Plaza Road. HOUSING COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Complete evaluation of the potential renovation! redevelopment of the Arroyo Vista HOUSing site. High 2. 2006 Work With ABAG to ensure that the Regional Housing Needs AllocatIOn process addresses City of Dublin housing needs m an eqUItable manner. High 3 2006 Process Five First Time Homebuyer Loans and make progress report to City Council. BUILDING &; SAFETY COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Prepare UI1lversal Design OrdInances for adoption as an amendment to BuildIng Code reqUIrements. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE J 15 ~ High 2. 2006 Conduct study to determme amount of constfl1ction taking place without building permits to determine If an enhanced building permit compliance program IS needed. High 3. 2006 Implement real-time electl'OI1lc field mspection system, ENGINEERING COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Develop GeologiC Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) standards for the formation of the Schaefer Ranch and Fallon Village GHADs. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Work With Dublin Honda on development options for Amador Plaza site. High 2. 2003 Work with Dublin Place Shoppmg Center to facilitate contlI1ued Improvement of the center. HIgh 3. 2006 Work with Dublin Chamber of Commerce to create a program to recogI1Ize Dublin businesses through events mlocal papers, CIty newsletters, websltes, etc, CULTIJRE I: LEISURE PARKS I: COMMUNITY SERVICES COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2005 Undertake development of design and construction documents for new Commumty Center at Shannon Park. High 2. 2005 Undertake development of design and construction documents for new Recreation Center! Aquatic Center Complex at Emerald Glen Park. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 (i) ADJOliRNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P,\GE 116 High 3. 2006 Conduct in -depth community needs assessment and opmlon survey of Department programs and services, and develop a Strategic Plan for Department programs and services. High 4. 2006 Prepare an update to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. HIgh 5. 2006 Develop and implement four family-onented programs/events. Medium 6. 2004 Work with EBRPD to complete negotiations for land acquisition II1 the western hills for an Open Space Area. MedIUm 7. 2004 Identify and secure sources of funding for land acqUisition m the western hills for an Open Space Area. MedIUm 8. 2004 Upon completion of land acquisition In the western hills, prepare an Open Space Master Plan and approprIate CEQA documents. MedIUm 9. 2004 Closely mom tor development proJects Citywide to Identify potential sites for a unique passive park/recreation facilIty. Medium to. 2006 Explore the feasibilIty of establishmg a Police Activities League (PAL) program II1 partnership With Dublin Police Services. If feasible, establIsh PAL non- profit organization and Board of Directors, Medium 11. 2004 Assess potential for joint proJect/ facility Improvements at DublIn High School. Delete 12. 2006 Secure funding and pursue construction of the Dougherty Hills Dog Park. Delete 13. 2006 Pursue development of Area "G" Neighborhood Square. HERITAGE & CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2002 Work With Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to complete Art in the Parks projects for Bray Commons Neighborhood Park. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 AD.IOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P-\CE 117 (f) High 2. 2004 Work wIth the developer to locate significant works of art In two key places of the Dublin Transit Center, the Village Green Center and the "Iron Horse" Plaza. High 3. 2006 Facilitate the selechon of public art as a condihon of approval for five private development projects which currently have land use enhtlements. High 4. 2006 Research and submit new applicahon for Murray Schoolhouse to be placed on the Nahonal Register of Histonc Places. High 5. 2006 Pursue accreditation for the Hentage Center through the American Assoclahon of Museums. High 6. 2006 Develop a Teen Apprenhce Camp for youth at the Heritage Center High 7. 2006 Develop a year-round Children's Theatre program. High 8. 2006 Submit applicahon for CalIfornia Cultural HistOrIC Endowment grant for Dublin HistOriC Park proJect. High 9. 2006 Coordmate one new visual arts exhibit at the CiVIC Center, Senior Center, or Library. High 10. 2006 Expand program activities and hours of Heritage Center, MedIUm 11. 2004 Work with BART to mcorporate high quality mtwork as part of the West Dublm BART Station ProJect. Medium 12. 2004 Implement Phase II of the Downtown Public Art/Bus Shelter ProJect. Delete 13. 2005 Determine the future locahon and use of the Antone School (Wallis propelty) Delete 14. 2006 CommiSSion and artIst to design an art piece to commemorate the City's 25th AnI1lversary. Design could be replIcated on stationary, lapel pms, street banners, etc. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE lIS (f) PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Formalize volunteer program to enhance community/polIce II1terachon and to support police operahons. High 2. 2006 Explore the feasibilIty of a multi-Jurisdictional enforcement team to help reduce commercial burglaries in the Tri-Valley with a focus on constructIon related theft. High 3. 2006 Partner with the DublIn Unified School District to provide a safe school environment by conducting classroom safety training for teachers. High 4. 2006 Increase DUI awareness and education through the performance of three DUI CheckpolI1ts, pending the award of OTS grant funding. ANIMAL CONTROL COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE NO NEW OBJECTIVES PROPOSED FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR HJ.Sh 1. 2006 High 2. 2006 High 3. 2005 FIRE SERVICES PROPOSED OBJECTIVE Conduct open houses at each fire station with emphasis on self preparedness for disasters. Conduct fire safety outreach for buslI1esses relahve to emergency preparedness. Implement the Auto-Pulse Resuscitation System and present data and recommendahons on the effechveness of the system. DUBLIN ern COUNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 119 ~ Delete 4. 2006 Revise Fireworks Ordinance to mcrease the number of fireworks sales booths. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Identify and secure locatIon for more adequate Emergency Operations Center. High 2 2006 Conduct Clty Council Disaster Training. High 3. 2006 Conduct Cltywlde disaster exerCise. High 4. 2004 Provlde "Train the Trainer" course and materials to Dublin Unified School Dlstnct for school dIsaster training. WASTE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2006 Conduct audit of exclusive and non-exclusive solId waste franchlsees to ensure accurate diversIOn reporting and remittance of franchise fees. High 2. 2006 Install recycled water at CIVIC Center. TRANSPORTATION MAlNI'ENANCE COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2004 Examme potential funding sources for deslSn and construction of a maintenance yard and secure a site If funding becomes available. High 2. 2006 Complete Building Management Study. High 3. 2006 Implement 5 new commumty volunteer projects. DUBLIN CITY COlINC'IL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 P,\GE 120 (i) TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL PRIORITY # YEAR PROPOSED OBJECTIVE High 1. 2002 Work with Pleasanton and Livermore to develop a cost sharmg agreement for the ultimate Improvement of the 1-580/fallon Road Interchange. High 2. 2006 Work With LAVTA and BART to improve connectiVIty between the City Park-and-Rlde Lot and the BART Station. High 3. 200 As part of the GPA for Parks RITA, evaluate alternatives for a Central Parkway extension to Dougherty Road and mterface options to the planned Scarlett Drive Extension. High 4. 2004 Develop a City-wide BICycle Master Plan mcluding bICycle access to parks and open space areas. High 5. 2005 Prepare global transportation plan for City (multl- modal) . . ADJOURNMENT 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meetmg was adJourned at 10:18 p.m. Minutes taken and prepared by Carolme Soto, Deputy City Clerk. ATI'EST, A,l.\.- t\,Pr.. City Clerk """""' ..I ~ DlJBLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING March 22, 2006 PAGE 121 (i)