HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.01(a) Draft CC 3/21 /06 Min M~OFTHECITYCOUNCa OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 21, 2006 .. A regular meeting of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, March 21,2006, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin CIVIC Center. The meetIng was called to order at 7:01 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. .. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormICk, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Staff and those present. .. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of New Emvlovee 7:02 p.m. 3.1 (700-10) Commumty Development Director Jeri Ram mtroduced Bryan Moore as the Commumty Development Department's new AsSistant Planner. The Council welcomed Mr. Moore to the City of Dublin Staff. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PACE 84 ~ L-f .\ u .. Rec02:nition of Particivants in the Dublin Leadershiv Academv 2005-2006 7:04 p.m. 3.2 (150-80) Assistant City Manager Joni Pattillo presented the Staff Report and advised that the Dublin Leadership Academy, an II-week pl'Ogram, was designed to inform partIcipants about the issues facing the commumty, and to encourage commumty involvement at all levels. The last class for the second Dublin leadership Academy was held on March 9, 2006, with 26 participants completIng the Academy. The following participants were awarded a certificate of completion: Kathy AvanzIno,Jeff Baker, Mona Lisa Ballesteros, Don Biddle, Uma Bird, Ron Boggs, Marilyn Briones, Hlroml Brown, Tyler Ctafton, Susette Clark-Walker, Steven T. Jones, Steven Jones, Christine Kaehuaea, Morgan Kmg, Lak MIng Lam, Raymond Lam, Lynn Locke, Steven Lockhart, Emmanuel Macalino, James Ottem, Ginger Ripplinger, Dana Santa Cruz, Grover Shetterly, Edward Terriquez. Ehas Torrez, and Jonathan Trinidad. The Council congratulated the graduating class of the 2005-2006 Dublin leadership Academy. .. Accetrtance of Grant form the Bilich Familv and Preferred Financial 7:12 p.m. 3.3 (150-70) Commander Gary Thuman presented the Staff Repott and adVised that Anthony and Angela Bilich family, who owned and operated Preferred FinanCial mortgage brokerage, donated $1,000 to the Dublin Pohce ServICes to be used for a commumty project involVing at-nsk youth. Once the commumty project was complete, the youth group would patticipate In a recreatIon actiVlty using some of the funds. Approximately three recreation actiVities could be funded with this grant. Mayor Lockhart commended the Bihch Family and Preferred FinanCial for theil' generous and much needed donatIon. r>lJBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGlJLAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PACE 85 ~ On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unammous vote, the Council accepted the $1,000 grant; approved the Budget Change; and directed Staff to formally acknowledge the Bihch Family and Preferred Financial and use the funds toward the Kids In ActIon pl'Ogram. .. Proclamation Declaring March 2006 as American Red Cross Month 7:15 p.m. 3.4 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamatIon declanng March 2006 as American Red Cross Month In the City of Dublin and urged all CItIzens to do their part to ensure that the Red Cross remainS vital, ready to help prevent, prepare for and respond to the unknown challenges that lay ahead. Barbara Wallis accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Amencan Red Cross, and encouraged people to volunteer. . Proclamation Rec02:nizin~ Ann Middleton as 2005-2006 Crossing: Guard of the Year 7:17 p.m. 3.5 (610.50) Mayor Lockhart read a pl'Oclamation recognizing Ann Middleton, who was named 2005- 2006 Cl'OSSIng Guard of the Year, by All City Management. Jack Ligon, All City Management CroSSing Guard Company, presented Ms. Middleton with a plaque commending her for her diligent work, and congratulated her for receiVing the All City Management Award of Crossing Guard of the Year. .. Councilmember Appointment to the Tn-Valley Housin~ Otloortunity Center Board of Directors 7:20 p.m. 3.6 (110-30) Housing Specialist Julia Abdala presented the Staff Report and advised that, as patt of the process of becoming a legal non-profit orgamzatIon, the Tn-Valley Housing Oppottumty Center must form a Board of Directors. This Board would take the governmg DUBLIN CITY COllNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PM;E 86 (D responsibihty for the Center fl'Om the current Advisory Board. A member of the Board would include one City Councilmember from one of the pattictpatIng Jurisdictions. It was proposed that the City Councilmember from the JunsdlctIon currently hosting the rotating Tn-Valley Affordable HOUSing Committee (Dublin) be appointed. Bill Boomerad, Chair of the Tn-Valley HOUSing Opportutllty Center, thanked the City of Dublin for ItS support and cooperation. The Center looked forward to forging thiS partnership With all five CIties. The Center's goal was to educate potential homebuyers and make their homeowner dreams a reality. On motion of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Zika and by unammous vote, the Council confirmed the appointment of Mayor Lockhart as the government representative from the City of Dubhn to the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center Board of Directors. .. Public Comments 7:24 p.m. 3.7 No comments were made by any member of the public at this time. .. CONSENT CALENDAR 7:24 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.7 On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by em. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council took the follOWing actions: Approved (4.1) Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 7,2006; Adopted (4.2 600-35); RESOLUTION NO 27 - 06 AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 05-13 CIVIC CENTER fUEL TANK REMOVAL TO AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. DlJllLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 2S REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 P;\GE 87 ~ Adopted (4.3 350-40) RESOLUTION NO. 28 - 06 [)ECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS AS UNCLAIMED AND SURPLUS PROPERTY and authorized Staff to proceed With transfer of property to Nationwide Auction Systems; Adopted (4.4 520-10) RESOLUTION NO 29 - 06 Df$IGNATION OF CITY OF DUBLIN'S AGENT FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, 2005-2006 WINTER STORMS DISASTER Received (4.5 330-50) FinanCial Reports for the Month of January 2006; Accepted (4.6 150-70) donation from Garre Vineyard, and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to Donor; Approved (4.7 300-40) the Warrant Register In the amount of $3,772,788.79. .. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None . PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing Emerald Place - Reauest for Site Develovment Review and Conditional Use Permit 7.25 p.m. 6.1 (410-30) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearing. Planning Consultant Rick Tooker presented the Staff Repott and adVised that the City Council will consider a Site Development Review and ConditIonal Use Permit for the Emerald Place Retail Center, a 140,155 square foot pedestrian-oriented, open-air lifestyle center on an eXisting 13.08-acre parcel located at the southwest corner of Hacienda DllBLIN CITY COllNCIL MINUTES VOI"UME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 P,\(;E 88 ~ DrIve and Martinelli Way The pl'Oposed project Included nine buildings and would Include specialty retail shops, eating places and associated uses. Dana Santa Cruz, Dublin resident, asked If the building was constructed to the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED standards. Staff advised no. Cm. McCormick commended the Developer for their use of many trees on the project. The name "Emerald" was overused In Dublin and suggested that the Developer change it. The proposed architecture did not engender enthusiasm and public art would make It more interesting. Cm. Hildenbrand asked about the proposed reductIon In square footage for food uses. James WrIght, Blake-Hunt Ventures, adVIsed that It would work best for thiS model. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she looked forward to some nice shops and good retail in the lifestyle center. A few pieces of pubhc att would help give the plaza more pizzazz. Vm. Oravetz stated that he supported the project and looked forward to It being built. Mayor Lockhart expressed concern about the lighting around the pl'Operty and asked about the need to light the clock tower. Hans Baldauf, BCV Architects, advised that the clock tower was designed to serve as a sIgmficant civic monument. The majorIty of shoppIng occurred at night and vibrant, visual displays were Impottant to retail success. The clock tower would have an ambient glow; however, they would be happy to work With Staff to work to make It acceptable to the commumty. The plan grew out of critique from the Planning CommiSSion. Mayor Lockhart stated that the City already had a clock tower to represent Dublin, and reiterated her concern for more lightIng In the night sky. The proposed architecture, which Included cement tilt-ups, was not esthetIcally pleasing The Council, Staff and the Apphcant dISCUSSed the green building elements to be used In thiS project. The City had no LEED certIficatIon requirements for prIvate development other than the Construction and DemohtIon Ordmance. Although there were no specific elements Included In thiS project, the ConditIons of Approval mcluded a reqUirement that DUBLIN CITY COlJNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 89 ~ the Applicant Incorporate green building elements to the extent practical and a green building plan must be submitted to the Buildmg Official for review. Mr. Baldauf adVised that they would incorporate as much green building practices as practical, m that they would be buildmg only the shell building and the tenants would complete the buildings. The landscape treatment was very well thought through related to green building practices. Building OffiCial Gregory Shreeve adVised that Staff would work with the tenants as they pulled permits for tenant improvements to try to incorporate green building practices. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that there were already many hght tower elements in eastern Dublin and suggested USing the ambient hshting offered In Option #1 for the clock towers. Cm. McCormICk agreed, and stated that it would be a mce element to the Center and would soften the other elements In the Center. Cm. Zika agreed regarding the clock tower. Mayor Lockhart closed the public hearing. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 30 - 06 APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE EMERALD PLACE RETAIL CENTER PA 05-043 including Option #1 Clock Tower. .. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Establishment of Housin~ Commission/Committee 7:57 p.m. 7.1 (110-10) DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 90 ~ Commumty Development Director Jeri Ram presented the Staff Repott and advised the City Council would discuss the need, purpose and make-up of a Housing CommissIOn/ Committee. Staff recommended that the Council proVIde directIon on whether the City Council would like Staff to proceed with the Implementation of the establishment of a HOUSing Commission/Committee by: a) mdICatIng the purpose of the Housing Commission/Committee; and b) indicating whether a CommissIOn or Committee should be formed. And, if a Committee IS selected, Indicate: 1) type of Committee; and 2) make- up and size of Committee. The Council discussed whether a Commission or Committee should be formed and, by consensus, agreed that a Committee should be formed With a pilot program of two years, at which time it would be decided If the Committee should be continued and possibly expanded to Include reViewing funding requests from different agenCies and make funding recommendatIons to the Council. Planning Commission Chair Bill Schaub stated that an Advisory Committee would be helpful to the Planning Commission in explOrIng alternatives to different Issues before it went before the Planning Commission for conSideratIon. The Council, Staff and P1anmng Chair Schaub diSCUSsed the potential purpose and focus of the HOUSing Committee. The Council discussed the purpose and focus of the work a HOUSing Committee and, by consensus, agreed that a Housing Committee should be made up of seven (7) members, which included: two (2) members from the housing/development commumty (one developer and one non-profit housmg advocate); two (2) members from the Dubhn bUSiness commumty, and three (3) members from the Dublin residential community, as well as one non-voting halson member from the Planning CommiSSIOn. The diversity of the makeup of the Committee would ensure that many aspects would be conSidered. The purpose and scope of the Committee would be to: 1) provide recommendations on new hOUSing poliCies and programs; and 2) provide recommendatIons on any amendments to the IncluslOnary Ordmance; 3) and other matters that may be assigned by the City Council. The Committee would report findings and recommendatIons related to land use to the Planning Commission, and other Items that did not normally go to the Planning Commission would go directly to the Council. The Council discussed the frequency of meetIngs and, by consensus, agreed that the Committee would meet as needed. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIl, MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 91 ~ Community Development Director Ram advised that Staff would advertise for Applicants, and a Staff Report would be brought back to the Council to confirm that Mayor's appointments to the HOUSing Committee, as well as a Resolution to estabhsh the Committee with the parameters set by the Council. .. Prooosed First Time Homebuyer Loan Program 8:30 p.m. 7.2 (430-60) Housing Specialist Julia Abdala presented the Staff Repott and adVised that the City Council would provide clarification on a key component of the proposed First Time Homebuyer Program that was discussed at the December 13, 2005, City Council and Planning CommiSSIOn JOint Study SeSSIOn, and appl'Ove the draft First Time Homebuyer Pl'Ogram. Before approving the First Time Homebuyer Program, Staff needed the Council to clarify Decision Point 6: Does the City Council want to restrIct applicants to be those who live and work m Dublin. Staff recommended allOWing applicants fl'Om outSide the City, as Dublin was a small City and too narrow application CrIterIa might make the program fail. Staff, however, felt that there would still be enough assurance that those who live and work In Dublin would have priority, per the previously established preferences of those of hve and work In Dublin. The Council and Staff engaged in a question and answer session regarding the population of the business community and whether non-residents who worked In Dublin should be able to apply. The preference point system would still put those who live and work in Dubhn at the top of the hst. The Council discussed the ophons, leaning toward trying the "must live or work in Dublin" reqUirement for one year to see If there would be enough Apphcants. If that did not work, the program could be opened up for anyone to apply. Ms. Abdala recommended the reverse because Staff would try to entice private lenders and realtors to work With Staff. If a program was slow to get gOing, some of the pattners might be lost. If It was determmed that there were too many applicants and not enough money, the program could be restrIcted In the future. The Council concurred with the recommendation. City Manager Ambrose clarIfied that non-residents could apply, but the preferences would still apply. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PACE lJ2 ~ The Council agreed and directed Staff to repott back after the first $500,000 was spent with an analysis of how many apphcants could not be satIsfied and their demographics. City Manager Ambrose advised that it would likely functIon on a budget year basIs, and Staff would repott on that budget annually. On motIon of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. McCormick and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 31 - 06 APPROVING THE FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER LOAN PROGRAM Includmg the clarIfication to POint 6 of the First Time Homebuyer Loan Program whICh would allow those who did not ltve or work m Dublin to apply, With the preference pomt system applymg. .. RECESS 8:44 p.m. Mayor Lockhart called for a bl'lef recess. The Council reconvened with at 8:51 p.m. With all members present. .. 25 Years of Cityhood Community Celebration 8:51 p.m. 7.3 (150-50/110-30) Assistant to the City Manager Julte Carter presented the Staff Report and adVised that the City Council would appoint two members to an Ad Hoc Council Sub-Committee to begin working With City Staff to develop and make recommendatIOns for the City'S 25th anniversary of Cltyhood. Cms. Hildenbrand and McCormICk expressed an Interest in serving on thiS Committee. DlJBLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 93 (i) On motIon of Mayor Lockhatt, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the City Council appointed em. McCormick and Cm. Hildenbrand to serve on the City's 25th AnnIversary Ad Hoc Council Sub-Committee. . NEW BUSINESS Moller Ranch Request to Initiate an Eastern Dublin Srecific PIan Amendment and General Plan Amendment Study. FA 03-060 8:53 p.m. 8.1 (420-30) Senior Planner Erica Fraser presented the Staff Repott and adVised that the City Council would conSider the initiation of a Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment Study to review an AlternatIve Site Plan for the Moller Ranch Pl'Oject located at 6861 Tassajara Road (APN 985-0001-001). Staff recommended that the Council adopted a Resolution either approVing or denymg the request. Denial of the request to study the proposed alternatIve would uphold the previous approval for the Single-family detached dwelhng umts. Mayor Lockhatt asked If the proposed changes would increase the denSity outside the apPl'Oved parameters. Ms. Fraser advised no, the General Plan Amendment would only be necessary because the Developer was proposing to change from detached to attached hOUSing umts. Jay Egy, representing the Casamira Valley/Moller Ranch project, showed an aerIal view of the ranch and explained the topography and eXistIng landscape of the area. The alternate town home plan was within the same developable area as before, and also kept all of the open space and landscaping as before. Cm. McCormick asked the locatIon of the nearest market. Mr. Egy advised that the Safeway In the Waterford Shopping Center was approXimately 2 miles from the project. The Council and Developer engaged in a questIon and answer session regarding the proposed study. It was proposed to be a town home project With one homeowners' aSSOCiatIOn. The proposed trails would be open to the public. The Parks and Community Services Depattment would improve and maintain the pubhc park within the proJect, but not the pl'Oposed cabana and pool. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 94 (f) Cm. Zika expressed concern about the children not having enough room to play. Mr. Egy adVised that the one-acre park was flat usable property, and was In addition to the cabana club. Cm. Hildenbrand expressed concern that the proposed change would cause an imbalance In the housing as thiS plan was not addressing a broad cross-section In Dublin. There might be innovative ways to make thiS project work Without providing yet another townhome project in Dubhn. It could be a combination of different products. She would appl'Ove It as a study, but would like to see somethmg else. Mr. Egy asked If the resolutIon would need to be modified to cover the opportunity suggested by Cm. Hildenbrand. City Attorney Silver clarIfied that the resolutIon before the Council would change the denSity from low to medIUm density, which would be 6.1 to 14 Units per acre, which allowed attached units. If the study was approved, the study would allow greater density on the property that was currently allowed, but there were other issues that would dictate whether there could practIcally be more units than were bemg proposed because of physlcalrestramts and regulatory agency reqUirements. Mayor LockhaIt commented that the ResolutIon would provide the Developer with the ability to only study that mcrease with Staff, but that did say they would get that extra density. They would also have to meet conditions that the Council would like to see m the project. Cm. Zika expressed the same concerns as Cm. Hildenbrand about rapidly losing single- family detached homes and straYing away from the housing element balance. He was opposed to another development of this sort, unless there was something mnovative Involved; however, would approve the study as long as the Developer understood that It was not approval of the final project. Vm. Oravetz expressed the need for single story hOUSing and would support the study. McCormick asked If affordable Units would be interspersed wlthm the project. Mr. Egy adVised yes. DUBLIN on COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 95 ~ On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 32 - 06 APPROVING THE INITIATION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT STUDY OF THE ALTERNATIVE SITE PLAN .. Resolution AtltllUVi~ Parkin~ Re~ulations on Arnold Road 9;34 p.m. 8.2 (570-20) Traffic Engineer Ray Kuzbart presented the Staff Repot1: and advised that thiS Item would establish parkmg regulations on Arnold Road In order to maintain traffic safety on thiS street while also providing on-street parking to supplement near-term parking needs for the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station wlthm the foreseeable future. Mayor Lockhart asked if traffic aCCIdents had happened on Arnold Road as a result of the current parking SituatIOn. Mr. Kuzbart adVised no, not to-date, but It was possible with the cars parking so close to the intersection. The Council and Staff engaged In a questIon and answer session regarding the current parking configurations. A total of 54 on-street spaces would still be available, even with the ehminatIon of 16 spaces. Mayor Lockhart asked Staff if the plan to move those people parkins on the street to a nearby park-n-rtde lot. City Manager Ambrose advised yes, and BART had recently completed Its survey and LA VTA was WaitIng for the results. Mayor Lockhart adVised that she and the City Manager had met With LAVTA and BART to figure out who was parkmg on the street there. If they were from the east, perhaps they could be directed to the park-and-rtde With bus service. If from Within Dublin, more shuttle buses from the neighborhoods could be proVided. LAVTA and BART were almost complete With their survey for this information, and a flyer campaign would follow the survey. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEF,TlNG March 21, 2006 PAG E 96 ~ On motIon of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Zika and by unammous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 33 - 06 APPROVING PARKING REGULATIONS ON ARNOLD ROAD .. Reoort on 2006 Dublin Pride Week Activities and Accevtance of Donation to City 9:44 p.m. 8.3 (150-80/150-70) Heritage & Cultural Atts Supel'Vlsor John Hattnett presented the Staff Repott and advised the City Council would receive a report on planned actlVlttes for the 2006 Dublin Pnde Week, scheduled to commence April 29th - May 6th, and accept donatIons from the various organIzattons for the event. Mayor Lockhatt commented that spreading the event over two weekends was a great Idea. The CounCil concurred. On motIon of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council accepted donations from Amador Valley Industries, ANG Newspapers, Dublin/San Ramon Women's Club, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin Lions Club, and Citilinks; and directed Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to Donors. . Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Mid&Year Budstet Reoort and December 2005 Monthlv Reoort of Financial Activities 9:49 p.m. 8.4 (330-50) Administrative ServICes Director Paul Rankin presented the Staff Report and advised that Staff prepared a Mid-Year Budget Review to Identify any material deViatIons from the adopted Fiscal Year 2005-06 Budget. The prImary focus of the report was on the General Fund, which accounted for the majorIty of City operations. Staff IdentIfied proposed adjustments to Revenues and Expenditures. ThiS Item also provided the report of the finanCial statements for the month of December 2005. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 PAGE 97 ~ The Council and Staff engaged in a bnef questIon and answer sessIOn regarding the estimates Included In the repott. On motIon of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick and by unammous vote, the City Council received the report; and approved Budget Changes designated In the Mid-Year Repott for Fiscal Year 2005-06. .. Revisions to the Personnel System - Intern Pf02:ram 10:00 p.m. 8.5 (710-30) City Manager R.1chard Ambrose presented the Staff Repott and adVised that the City Council would conSider amending the City's ClassificatIon Plan to adopt reVISIOns to the Intern classificatIon. In additIon, the City Council would consider approVIng a Budget Change to transfer salalY saVings between operating budgets. The Council commended Staff on an outstanding, Innovative plan. On motIon of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormick and by unammous vote, the City Council and appl'Oved Budget Change In the amount of $7,164; and On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 34 - 06 AMENDING THE CLASSlFICATION PLAN .. OTIiER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY report8 from Council and/or Staff, Including Committee Rep0l18 and Report8 by Council related to meetiug. attended at City expeUllC (AD 1234) 10:05 p.m. Cm. McCormick advised that she had attended, with Mayor Lockhatt and Cm. Hildenbrand, a recent East Bay DiviSion of the League of Califorma CItIes meeting. The topic was the management of water and the water cnsls In Califorma. Staff was to be commended for a wonderful St. Patrick's Day festIval. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 P\GE 98 ~ The Council concurred With a well-done festival, and the location was a wonderful Cm. Hildenbrand advised that she had received an informatIonal brochure regarding tobacco in the commumty. It included mformatlOn on second hand smoke as a nUisance and suggested that the Council look a possible future Ordinance. She asked Staff to review the mformation and brIng It back to the Council for consideratton. She attended the LAVTA meeting as Alternate recently and appreciated the oppottumty, as well as attended the Sister City Assoclatton's Green & White Gala, which was very enjoyable. On March 19111, she attended the Cali forma Park & Recreation Society Conference In OntarIo, California, at which time Dublin received an award for new Senior Center's design and park planmng. Vm. Oravetz echoed commendations regarding the St. PatrIck's Day festival, and commented that he enjoyed vlslttng with representattves from our Sister City, Bray, Ireland. Mayor Lockhart acknowledged that Cm. McCormick was currently serving as the President of the Alameda County Recycle Board. She complimented Staff on the St. Patrick's Day festival, and thanked the Girls Senior High School Marching Band and Flag Troop from Hiroshima, Japan. They pattlclpated in the parade and spent tIme In local homes. ReSident Monica Lenway and the Dublin High Band Boosters were to be commended for coordinating the visit. Mayor Lockhart read a letter she received from a Dubhn reSident commending Parks & Commumty Services Depattment Staff, especially Rich Jochner, on a well-run Basketball league and excellent customer service. .. ADJOURNMENT . 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. to a Regular AdJourned Meeting (Goals & ObJectives/ Budget Study SessIOn) at 6;30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2006 r,\GE 99 ~