HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.03 Fallon Sport Park CITY CLERK File # D~~~-~[QJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 20,2005 SUBJECT; Amendment to Agreement for Geotechnical Testing, Fallon Sports Park Report Prepared by: Herma Lichtenstein, Parks & Facilities Development Manager ATTACHMENTS; Change Order #1 to the Agreement with Kleinfeldcr Associates, Geotechnical Engineers. RECOMMENDATION; ~ Approve Change Order #1 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder Associates in the amount of$5,000. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The original proposed fee for services under the Agreement is based on a not to exceed amount of $45,990. The Change Order req\lest is in the amount of $5,000. There are sufficient funds within the Fallon Sports Park proj ect budget to execute the Change Order to the Agreement. DESCRIPTION: At the April 5, 2005 meeting the City Counci1 awarded the geotechnical review services contract to Kleinfelder Associates which authorized them to perform Geotechnical inspections for the mass grading and drainage for the Fallon Sports Park site. As part o£'the planning process a preliminary mass grading plan to allow for excess fill ITom surrounding developments was prepared and the geotechnical recommendations for drainage and compaction were incorporated into the plan. The developer has nOW completed the maSs grading and has placed the excess soil in accordance with the prepared plans and geotechnical requirements. The grading review and observation encountered some unforeseen issues regarding potential contaminated soils which were not part of the original scope of services. The consultant is requesting an additional $5,000 to cover this work. Staff recommends that the City Council approve Change Order #1 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder Associates in the amount of $5,000. ----------------------------------------------------------------~----------~--------------------------------- COPIES TO: I C5b' Kleinfeldcr Geotechnical Engineers ITEM NO. 4.3 '!JbL.. CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.1 PROJECT: Falloo Sports Park TO: Kleinfelder Geotechnical Consultants PAGE 1 OF 1 AGREEMENT DATED April 5,2005 between Kleiofelder Geotechnical Consultants aod the City of Dublin Y Oil are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the scope of services or do the following described work not included in the scope of services on this contract. NOTE: This chane:c order is not effective until aonroved bv the Cîtv Manae:cr pescriptìon of work to be donc, estimate of quantíties; and prices, to be paìd. Segregate betweefl additional work at contract price, agreed price and force account. Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental ofequipmcnt cover only such timc as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for idle time. Chan2t reouested bv: Berlo!!ar Geotechnical Consultants The 1M! nercentat!e shown is the net açcumulated ìncreasc or dC¢rôMe from the ori2inal fce in the Aareement. 1. KJeiofelder Geotechnical Consultants for a total not to exceed $5,000 based on their scope of work dated ApriJ 5, 2004, for Geoteclmical review oftbe Fal10n Sports Park Mass Grading Project. The scope ofthe extra service includes additional time for site review for unforeseen conditions. ESTIMATED COST INCRE.ASE $5.000 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY APPROVED BY "';;;."' ,,'- , ./<- ··L'-", Date Manager Rich Ambrose City Manager Date Janet Lockhart Mayor Pate We, the undersìgncd contractor, have given careful consideration to th(: change proposed and hereby agree, ìfthis proposal is approved, that we will provide all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise bl: noted above, and perform all service~ necessary for the work ubove specified, and will accept as full payment therefor the pricc!:' shown above. Accepted, Date Consultant By Titie ::..1-1 E.. ('(\ 1.\, ~ ~ - "'2.0 ~ oS: DATE: PROJECT NAME: CIP#; CONTRACT NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. PERCENT COMPLETED CONTRACTOR: CoNTRAcT AMOUNT; CITY OF DUBLIN EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER FORM 8/31/2005 Fallon Sport!;: Park 95851 By Develoþ!!!!r 1 100% Kleinfelder GElothechnicElI $45,990 CONTRAcT CHANGE ORDERS: CHANGE oR.DER. #01, Additional Qbservation TOTAL OF ALL CURRENT AND PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS: ADJUSrED CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT #01 PAYMENT~02 PAYMENT #03 PAYMENT #04 PAYMENT #05 PAYMENT #06 PAYMENT ~07 P A YM ENT #06 PAYMENT #09 PAYMENT#10 PAYMENT #11 PAYMENT #12 PAYMENT#1'J PAYMENT #14 TOTAL ACTUAL PAYMENTS; ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT: REMAINING BALANCE ON CONTRAcT: RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED DENIED , v' SIGNATURE; ~~t~ SUþil!!lfvlsln!; Dept Head AMOU Nr $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ $ 29,034 9,523 9,942 $ 48.499 CONTRACr CHANGE ORDERS: PAYMENT #15 PAYMENT #16 PAYMENT #17 PAYMENT #18 PAYMENT #19 PAYMENT #20 PAYMENT #21 PAYMENT #22 PAYMENT #23 PAYMENT #24 PAYMENT #25 PAYMENT #26 PAYMENT #27 PAYMENT #26 APPROVED DENIED , City Manager $6,000.00 $50.990.00 $ 48,499.00 $50.990.00 $2,491.00 APPROVED DENIED 2... 0b '- AMOUNT Mayor