HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.09 BuildPermitSystemRFP CITY CLERK File # D!3B1l(i]-12.lIZiJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 19,2005 SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Distribute a Request for Proposal for Building Permit System Replacement. Report Prepared by: Steve Pappa, Information Systems Manager ATTACHMENTS: () J~ Request for Proposal (RFP) RECOMMENDATION: ~ Y/V'I) Authorize Staff to Distribute RFP FINANCIAL STATEM~: Cost of the Building Pennit System replacement is estimated at $100,000-$250,000, depending on the system and components. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Permit System CIP budget and in the ISF Equipment Replacement account to fund this acquisition. DESCRIPTION: The Request for Proposal (RFP) will begin the process to award a contract for the selection and implementation of a new Building Permit System; replacing the existing system used by the Building and Safety Division. The City's existing Building Permit System was acquired in Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and does not offer sufficient functiouality to meet the existing needs. The new system will be expected to replace the current building pennit issuance and building inspection request modules and will also offer additional functionality not available now, such as the ability to: record field inspection results; complete State and local agency reports; inquire on-line for customer inspection requests and/or follow-up; and, to track code enforcement, grading and encroachment permits. The new system will enhance Building Division Staff productivity and improve customer service. With the existing system, Staff has been experiencing functional limitations and time loss. System breakdowns have required that Staff re-enter data and frequent software malfunctions have prevented Staff from loading inspection results while still in the field (a tremendous time-saving technique). The new system wil1 minimize lost time, lost data and will create a more reliable and efficient way of transferring information between City departments. With City Council authorization, the RFP will be distributed on July 20,2005. Proposals will be due back to the City no later that September I, 2005. Proposals will be evaluated by a Staff committee and will be ranked on functionality, compatibility and value. The highest ranked proposals will be more closely evaluated by Staff via demonstrations, site visits, and references checks. The system that best meets the City's needs will be selected and a contract will be negotiated at that time. Staffs goal is to return to the City Council in late fall 2005 to award the contract. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize Staff to distribute the RFP, which is included as Attachment I. ____________________________~___~_______________________w______ PermitRFPagendastmnt Page 1 of I COPIES TO: ITEM NO.A.4 1Gb I::> City of Dublin, California Building and Safety Division Request for Proposal for Building Permit System July 20, 2005 ì-l.:or _ 05 If¡~ ~VY\"i'\+ ~Db15 City of Dublin Building Penni! System Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, subject to the conditions named herein and in the specifications therefore. for the City of Dublin Building Permit System addressed to the City of Dublin will be received at the City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor, Dublin, CA 94568, up to September I, 2005 at 3 :OOpm, at which time they will be publicly opened and examined for complctencss. For further information on this bid contact Gregory Shreeve. Building Official, at 925-833-6620. If you want an electronic copy of this RFP then send an e-mail request to IITCIlOrv. shreeve@ci.dublin.ca.us It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded in late Fall, 2005. The City will work with the successful bidder to develop an implementation plan for the system to be in-place on, or soon after, December 2005. Gregory Shreeve, Building Official Pagc2ofl5 ~eol.s 1.0 General Information The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide interested vendors with sufficient information to prepare and submit proposals relative to the selection of a Building Permit System to replace the City's current Building Pennit System. In late Fall 2005, the City of Dublin will be awarding a contract for the acquisition and implementation of a Building Pennit System. The City's current building pennit system is the HDL Companies Pennit System from HDL Software, LLC of Diamond Bar, CA. The HDL system has been in place since 1999. The system runs on a dedicated Microsoft Windows 2003 server. The server hardware was procured in 2000 and has undergone an operating system upgrade. The system is a client/server application utilizing a centralized Microsoft Access database. Currently there are approximately 25 client workstations using the HDL system. The City does not use the HDL inspection module for entry of field inspection results. The system acts as a data repository for pennit application and issuance, calculation and collection of fees, reporting, and tracking of pennit status during the inspection process. The system does not support Internet-based permit applications or permit tracking. The system currently does not have links to the City's Geographic Infonnation System (GIS). The current population of Dublin is 39,931. Dublin is projected to grow to a population of57,000 by 2015. The growth of Dublin has produced annual building valuations in excess of $250,000,000 since 2000. The number of penn its issued and inspections perfonned over the past five fiscal years are: Fiscal Year 2000-200 I Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Estimate 1828 1,429 1,617 1,639 1,699 19,073 16,492 24,682 31,571 35,232 The City requires a Building Pennit System that win keep pace with the rapid residential and commercial dcvelopment in Dublin. Real-time posting of inspection results ftom the field, links to the City's GIS, and Internet-based appiication for permits and permit status are technologies the City wants to implement. 2.0 Proposal Instructions In order to receive consideration, all bid proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: 2.1.1 Proposals shall be made upon the fonns provided therefore, properly executed and with all items completed; the signature of all persons signing shall be in long hand. 2.1.2 Blank spaces in the fonns must be properly filled in, and the phraseology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to the items PagC30f15 ~I? mentioned therein. Any unauthorized conditions, limitations or provisions attached to a proposal may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasures Or interlineations must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the vendor. 2.1.3 Proposals submitted shall be treated as sealed bids. Clearly mark on the sealed envelope or package "SEALED BID - CITY OF DUBLIN BmLDlNG PERMIT SYSTEM - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" 2.1.4 Vendor may include in their proposal information related to the vendor and proposed solution additional to the bid form and other information specifically requested by this RFP. However, said additional information shall not substitute for the bid form and answers to specific information requests. 2. J.5 No faxed proposals will be considered. No proposal received after the time fixed for receiving them will be considered. Late proposals will be returned to the vendor unopened. 2.2 Proposal Format 2.2. J Signature: Proposal shall be signed by an authorized corporate officer. 2.2.2 Bid Forms. Each vendor shall fill out completely and accurately the proposal forms supplied with this invitation to respond to the bid. Failure to use the forms provided will invalidate the proposal. Failure to answer any of the questions or provide any of the information requested in the bid specifications may subject the entire proposal to rejection. The inability to meet a specific feature or item of equipment requested or any specific genera] condition wiH not invalidate the proposal, but will be weighed in the final selection of the successful vendor. It is the vendor's responsibility to point out those items or conditions that can not be met. 2.2.3 Submit a separate sealed bid packet for each different solution proposed. It is conceivable that a bidder may offer more than one product or type of solution that meets the system requirements. These must be submitted as separate sealed bids. Do not combine different solutions that meet the system requirements into a single proposal. A combination of different solutions submitted in the same proposal may result in disqualitlcation of the entire proposa1. 2.2.4 Valid Period. Include a statement that the terms ofthe proposal will remain valid for 180 days. 2.2.5 Qualifications. State the firm's relevant experience; responsiveness; ability to perform; anticipated manpower allocation. Provide three (3) references of agencies where similar work has been performed in the past. In each case briefly describe the project scope and indicate a contact person and phone number for the agency, and when the work occurred. Page 4 of 15 6rtf? 2.2.6 Identify the personncl to be involved in the project and their background. Include information relative to any subcontractor. IdentifY the means by which the firm's support services are activated in the event of an incident. 2.3 Deadlines. 2.3.1 Walkthrough. Contractor may attend the optional walkthrough on July 29, 200S at 10 a.m. at the Dublin Civic Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Duhlin, CA 94568 (location: Public Works Back Conference Room). 2_32 Due date for responses to this RFP: On or before September 1,2005 at 3:00 p.m. 2.3_3 One copy of the bid proposals must be submitted to City of Dublin City Clerks Office 100 Civic Plaza, 2nd floor Dublin, CA 94568 2.4 Bid clarification upon review of the proposal may be required. Your firm may be contacted for additional information and/or detailed discussion of the proposa1. An appropriate representative of the proposing firm with knowledge ofthe scope of work and the firm's proposal should be identified within the proposal. 2.5 Addenda or bulletins. Any addenda or bulletins issued by the City during the time of the bidding performing a part of the documents provided to the bidder for the preparation of his bid shall be covered in the bid and shaH be made a part of the contract. 2.6 Withdrawal of bids. Any bidder may withdraw a bid by written request, at any time prior to the scheduled deadline for submission of bids. 2.7 Economy or preparation. The proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straight forward, concise description of the bidder's capabilities to satisfy the rcquirements of these specifications_ The bidder shall be responsible for costs incuITed in the proposal preparation and delivery. 2_8 City Right to Accept or Reject Proposals. The City of Dublin reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and all subsequent material, either verbal or written, exclusive of an executed written contract. This invitation to respond to the RFP in no way obligatcs the City of Dublin to any company, supplier, manufacturer, or respondent to the RFP. 2.9 Award and Execution of the Contract Page:: 5 of 15 f..p ttJ 15 2.9.1 The award of the contract, ifitbe awarded, will be to the responsible bidder whosc proposal complies with requirements prescribed and whose proposed solution the City deems appropriate for its needs. 2.10 Errors and Omissions. Proposal errors, omissions, and oversights, which alter or modifY the information which form the basis for evaluation of the submitted bid responsc, shall remain the responsibility of the vendor. Additiona11y, any errors, omissions, or oversights of a material nature. may constitute grounds for rejection of the submitted proposal. 3.0 General Background Information 3.1 The City of Dublin's Building Perntit System consists of a Microsotì Access database centrally located on a networked Windows 2003 server. The client/server application by HDL is utilized by approximately 25 client workstations. The Dublin Civic Center at 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin is the headquarters for the Building and Safety Division. Permits are issued over-the- counter from this location only. The City employs a Building Official, one Senior Building Inspector, approximately 12 contract Building Inspections, two Plan Examiners, and four permit technicians/clerical permit issuers. The City has one code enforcement officer and three fire inspectors. The City has a 3 Mbps connection to the Internet. However the City does not host its website www.ci.dublin.ca.us. The City uses a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 server network and Active Directory. Personal computers use either Microsoft 2000 Professional or Microsoft XP Professional. The Microsoft Office suite is used. The City's GIS is a mix of ESRl and Autodesk products. The main presentation layer uses Autodesk MapGuide but, besides AutoCAD, a11 manipulation of the basemap is done using ESRl tools. The City has a very limited number of ArcView (ArcGIS) licenses. The City houses users of its current building permit system at the Civic Center and at two inspection trailer locations: I) At the Civic Center campus connected by fiber optic cable 2) At an East Dublin location 3 miles from the Civic Center connected by a point-to-point T-11ine utilizing 16 64kbs channels for data. 4.0 Building Permit System Requirements 4.1 The City of Dublin expects the Civic Center campus and East Dublin Inspection Trailer users to be connected to the Building Permit System. The two facilities are connected via a point-to-point T -I line with 16 channels dedicated for data. 4.2 Contractor shall include a plan for maximum system up-time at all connected facilities. Page 6 of IS 1~IG 4.3 The City of Dublin requires the migration of data nom its current permit system into the new system. 4.4 Contractor shall act as project manager during the implementation ofthe system. Contractor shall work in conjunction with the Building Official, Infonnation Systems Manager, and City staffto ensure a successful transition to the new system. Contractor shall meet with City staff to gather departmental configuration needs. Contractor shall conduct end·user training for all City staff identified as users of the system. Contractor shall conduct system administration training for Information Systems Division staff. 4.5 Contractor shall ensure integration of the proposed Building Permit System with the City's computer network. 4.6 The City expects its new Building Permit System to support access to and entry of permit/inspection infonnation from the field in real time. 4.7 Contractor shall propose the method by which GIS infonnation is linked to the propose system. 4.8 Contractor shall address any costs associated with hosting, software licensing, database licensing, server hardware requirements, personal computer requirements, handheld field reporting devices, and maintenance. 4.9 Contractor shall propose how the permit application process and permit status infonnation will be made available via the Internet. 4_10 Contractor shall warranty the proposed system for a period oftime to be determined during contract negotiations. Contractor shall give a reasonable estimate of all maintenance, licensing, and support costs that may occur past the initial warranty period. 4.11 Contractor shall propose a Building Permit System that is characterized by dependability and ease of use by both City staff and the City's customers. Contractor shall propose a cost -effective solution. Contractor shall propose a system that can be obtained, maintained, and expanded at a reasonable cost. 4.12 Contractor shall propose a system which contains a set of standardized reports including those required by the State of California. 4.13 In addition to included standard reports the Contractor shall support a third-party softwarc for crcation of custom reports. The cost associated with the third-party software shall be identified by Contractor. 4.14 If a third-party report writing software is not supported then Contractor shall indicate the cost associated with Contractor's creation of custom reports. P.age7ofl5 ~OOIG 5.0 Bid Form 5.1 Specif'y whether the proposed solution is to be ] (a) Hosted by the City of Dublin at the Dublin Civic Center ] (b) Hosted at the Contractor's or a 3'" party's location Check only one option. Submit a separate sealed bid for eaeh option if necessary. 5.2 Provide an itemized quotation for the proposed system. The quotation must not expire prior to March I, 2006. Price the system based on 25 concurrent users and migration of all records from the City's current system. 5.3 Is your company willing to provide liquidated damages for inability or unwillingness to deliver the proposed solution? Yes No 5.4 If yes, what are the maximum liquidated damages available? 5.5 What is the database brand and version proposed? 5.6 Approximately how long before a migration to another database or version is required? 5.7 Does your proposal include a licensed database? Yes No 5.8 lithe answer to 5.7 is 'No' then what is the cost associated with the database licensing? 5.9 Will you supply data dictionary and entity relationship diagrams for the database? 5.10 What is the warranty period of the proposed system? The City assumes that the system will be covered by a warranty period during which defects will be remedied free-of --charge, shipping included. 5.11 What are the terms and costs of system maintenance after the initial warranty pcriod has expired? 5.12 What, if any, are the recurring licensing costs of the proposed system? 5.13 Will Contractor provide the licensed Server computer tor the Civic Center? Png~ 8 of 15 qao'G Yes No N/A (Hosted) 5.14 Does the proposed Server computer include a tape back-up device? Yes No N/A (Hosted) 5.15 What are the models and costs of the following types of proposed equipment? 5.15.1 Server computer? Model Unit price 5.15.2 Field reporting handheld device? Model Unit price 5.16 What is the cost associated with data migration? Thc size of the current database is: r:-r:1 5.17 What is the implementation cost associated with Internet-enabling the permit application and result inquiry process? 5.18 Is the Internet based permit application and result inquiry process hosted at the Dublin Civic Center or at Consultant (or 3'" party) location? 5. I 9 What is the maximum number of users for the proposed initial system configuration? 5.20 What is the cost to add users beyond the initial level? 5.21 What security is in place as users attempt to access the system? 5.22 Describe the user account and password policy. 5.23 Is user access through a client program or a web browser? 5.24 Explain how different levels of security for different application layers are provided. What prevents the compromise of data security within the application? ,Page 9 of 15 l'D~ \~ 5.25 What "admin" type access to the database is available to City staff for building custom reports and data extracts? 5 .26 What data change auditing is in place? 5.27 What is the maximum number of records that can be stored in the initial database configuration? 5.28 What is the cost associated with enlarging the capacity of the initial database configuration? 5.29 What is the expected life of the proposed system? 5.30 How often are updates offered for thc system? 5.31 lue system updates included in the annual maintenance agreement? Yes No 5.32 How is support offered by Contractor under the standard maintenance proposed? Phone only Phone and On-site 5.33 Are there charges for on-site support in addition to the maintenance agreement? 5.34 How are unresolved support issues elevated within Contractor's organization? 5.35 Does your company have User Groups and user conferences? 5.36 How are product enhancements requested, evaluated, and added to the product? 5.37 What system administration is required by City staff? 5.38 How does GIS integration work with the City's GIS server? 5.39 Will the City's data be sold or used by other's outside the City organization without the City's consent? 5.40 What end-user training and system administration training is offered as part of the proposal? 5.41 What support is offered during the agreed-upon warranty period? 5.42 In addition to Building Permits what other permit/inspection types are offered? Fire Inspections: [ ] Included ] Option $ [ No Grading Permits: [ ] Included Option $ [ ] No Encroachment Permits: [ ] Included [ ] Option $ No Page 10 of15 \I ObIG''' Code Enforcement: [ ] Included [ Option $ [ No Business License: ] Included [ ] Option $ [ No 5.43 For the Internet-based permit application what form of customer payment is accepted? How is customer payment information (e.g. credit card info) secured? 5.44 If box 5.1 (b) is checked ("Hosted at thc Contractor's or a 3" party's location") then answer these additional questions: 5.44.1 How and where will the City's data be stored, managed and backed-up? 5.44.2 Who will have access to it? 5.44.3 How will the City's GIS interface with the provider-hosted solution? 5.44.4 Describe the physical security, disaster prevention, and disaster recovery featurcs of the data centerlhosting center. 5.44.5 Who (including data center staff, other employees and vendors) has physical access to the hosting server(s)? 5.44.6 Are industry-standard firewalls deployed? 5.44.7 Where are they deployed? 5.44.8 How do you keep the software for the firewalls current? 5.44.9 Is administrative access to firewalls and other perimeter devices allowed through IP methods or direct serial port access? 5.44.10 What protocols and ports are allowed to traverse the hosted server network and ítrewa1I'! 5.44.11 Do you use intrusion detection systems (IDSs)? How long are IDS logs kept? 5.44.12 How do you handle operating system patches and software updates? 5.44.13 What are your plans for the pending new Database release? 5.44.14 Are formal incident-response procedures in place? Are they tested regularly? 5.44.15 Do you engagc third-party security services providers to perform ongoing vulnerability assessments? Who audits and tests your security intTastructure, and how often? 5.44.16 How are attacks and breaches tracked, and are incidents disclosed to customers? Page 11 ofl5 It. 'bIG 5.44.17 Do you monitor the network 24 hours a day? 5.44.18 Me ongoing vulnerability assessments performed against the application? 5.44.19 Are file permissions set on a need-to-access basis only? 5.44.20 How do you keep abreast of software vulnerabilities? 5.44.21 Are audit logs imp1emented on an systems that store or process critical infonnation? 5.44.22 Me operating system administrative level commands logged? 5.44.23 What change management procedures are in place? 5.44.24 What are the credentials ofthe systems administration stam 5.44.25 Have the systems administration staff and anyone who has access to client data undergone complete background and criminal checks? 5.44.26 How do you screen your employees, and how experienced are they? 5.44.27 Me hosting staff onsite or on-call 24 hours per day and 7 days per week? 5.44.28 If it is determined by City staff that the hosted application is inaccessible to City staff and/or the public then what is the process for reporting the "down" system.. 5.44.29 How our unresolved system access and application ftmctionality issues elevated within your organization? 5.44.30 Are screen~blanking mechanisms deployed on all employee workstations that have access to client data'll 5.44.31 Do sessions automatically time out after an idle period? 5.44.32 MC user accounts for contract personnel created with expiration dates? 5.44.33 How are user accounts closed after user separation from the customer's organization? 5.44.34 Do you have any third party accreditation for security or software development, e.g. ISO, etc? 5.44.35 What software operating system and database is your system based upon? 5.44.36 Do you use any XML, ActiveX, Java, etc.? Page 12 ofl5 1?Vf.)lb 5.44.37 How does an authorized user access the application via the Internet i,e. software client, standard web browser, https, web browscr plug-in, etc? 5.44.38 Do you develop 100% of your own software or to what extent is it outsourced? 5.44.39 How often is the software upgraded? 5.44.40 Is there a set schedule? 5.44.41 How are fixes and improvements managed? 5.44.42 Is hardware, network, software etc. owned or leased? 5.44.43 If software is held in escrow, how will customer have access? 5.44.44 Are web/application access statistics provided? 5.44.45 To what detail are statistics provided: page views, time browsing, unique users? 5.44.46 Are each customer's instances ofthe application nmning on a dcdicated server? If not then how many other clients are on the host system? 5.44.47 Please provide your standard Service Level Agreement (SLA)? 5.44.48 Do you offer a service level guarantee? 5.44.49 What happens when you or your hosting site goes down? How often has this happened? 5.44.50 Is downtime compensated? 5.44.51 If the contract is tenninated then does customer still have access to data'! 5.44.52 What happens at the end ofthe contract? 5.44.53 Who owns the data? 5.44.54 At contract termination, how is data provided to customer? Which data and in what format? 5.44.55 How much of your core capacity (and your ISP's) is currently used and how do you add to it? 5.44.56 Will you supply data dictionary and entity relationship diagrams for the database along with the data? 5.44.57 Supply a minimum oftbree (3) government entity references using the «Hosted at the Contractoes or a 3rd party's location" solution. Page lJ QfI, 5.44.58 Specific to the data: How does a client remotely create custom reports? 5.44.59 Provide a copy of your standard client escrow agreement, i.e. the tenns of data hand off to customer at time of agreement termination, or how customer is to use system if provider goes out of business. Page]4of15 l~'bI6> I?~JÇ 6.0 Proposal Form 6.1 Company name: 6.2 Bid for proposed system (bid honored up to contract signing or March 1, 2006) in US dollars including any applicable sales tax (8.75%), shipping charges, maintenance, and licensing fees: This signature certifies that the prices listed in the response to the RFP document represent the "best price" offered by our company for the system(s) offered to the City of Dublin. Company Name Address Signature of Authorized Person Date Title Page': 15 of 1S